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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lutte contre les mouches tsé-tsé en Afrique de l’Ouest : optimisation de l’utilisation de la technique de l’insecte stérile / Control of tsetse flies in West Africa : optimizing the use of the sterile insect technique

Pagabeleguem, Soumaïla 15 December 2015 (has links)
En Afrique sub-saharienne, près de 10 millions de km2 de terres, les plus fertiles en productions fourragères et agricoles, sont infestées de mouches tsé-tsé limitant ainsi les initiatives de développement d’une agriculture durable. Les tsé-tsé transmettent des trypanosomes qui sont responsables des trypanosomoses animales et humaines africaines. En 2000, les Chefs d’Etats et de Gouvernements africains ont décidé de redoubler d’efforts pour lutter contre les mouches tsé-tsé et les trypanosomoses en créant la Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC). Dans ce contexte, le gouvernement sénégalais a initié un programme d’éradication des glossines dans la zone des Niayes en utilisant une souche de Glossina palpalis gambiensis originaire du Burkina Faso. La présente thèse visait à optimiser l’utilisation de la technique de l’insecte stérile (TIS) en Afrique de l’Ouest pour lutter contre les glossines. Un dispositif de transport sur de longues distances de pupes matures a été développé et validé à partir de pupes mâles de G. p. gambiensis produites et irradiées à Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso et à Bratislava, Slovaquie (irradiation faite à Seibersdorf, Autriche) et transportées par voie aérienne jusqu’à Dakar, Sénégal. Le dispositif constitué d’une boîte isotherme et des packs S8 a permis de maintenir les pupes à une température de 10 ± 3°C et de les transporter pendant 2-3 jours jusqu’au centre d’émergence de l’ISRA, pour produire des mâles stériles utilisables pour la technique de l’insecte stérile. Un contrôle qualité a été réalisé sur un échantillon de 50 pupes prélevé dans chaque lot de pupes (minimum 2 lots par envoi) pour déterminer l’aptitude d’envol des mâles stériles et leur survie sous stress (à jeun). Le reste des pupes utilisé pour les lâchers sur le terrain a été considéré comme témoin. Le protocole qualité décrit permettra un suivi précis de la qualité des mâles stériles utilisés dans les programmes opérationnels d’éradication dans le cadre de la PATTEC. Un outil moléculaire de discrimination de mâles stériles lâchés et sauvages a également été développé à partir du gène mitochondrial COI (cytochrome oxydase) et a montré que les séquences COI des mouches lâchées (produites en insectarium) sont 100% identiques entre elles et différentes de celles des mouches sauvages. Par ailleurs, afin de déterminer les conditions optimales d’élevage de souches de G. p. gambiensis et de déterminer la souche qui sera la plus adaptée à tel ou tel environnement ou pays dans le cadre d’une lutte avec une composante lâcher de mâles stériles, les traits de vie (survie et fécondité) de trois souches de G. p. gambiensis (souches originaires du Burkina Faso (BKF), Sénégal (SEN) et souche introgressée (SENbkf) ont été évalués dans différentes conditions de températures et d’humidités relatives. La température optimale d’élevage en masse a été de 25 ± 1°C, 24,6 ± 1°C et 23,9 ± 1°C pour BKF, SENbkf et SEN respectivement. La variation de l’humidité relative (entre 40 et 75%) a eu très peu d’influence sur la survie et la fécondité. La souche BKF a mieux résisté à de fortes températures que les souches SEN et SENbkf, mais la température limite de survie a été de 32°C pour les trois souches. / In sub-Saharan Africa, nearly 10 million km² of land, the most fertile for animal and agricultural productions, are infested with tsetse flies limiting all development initiatives for sustainable agriculture. Tsetse flies transmit trypanosomes that cause human and animal african trypanosomosis, a debilitating disease of humans (sleeping sickness) and livestock (nagana). In 2000, the African Heads of State and Government decided to increase efforts to address the tsetse and trypanosomosis problem on the African continent and created the Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC). In this context, the Government of Senegal initiated a tsetse eradication program in the Niayes area using a Glossina palpalis gambiensis strain originating from Burkina Faso. The objective of this thesis was to optimize the use of the sterile insect technique (SIT) in West Africa in order to control the tsetse flies. A system to transport mature pupae over long distances has been developed and validated for male G. p. gambiensis pupae produced and irradiated either in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso or in Bratislava, Slovakia (irradiation done in Seibersdorf, Austria) and then transported by air to Dakar, Senegal. The system, constituted of an insulated box and S8 packs, allowed the maintenance of pupae at a temperature of 10 ± 3°C and their transport during 2-3 days to the emergence center of ISRA, where they molted into sterile males which were used for the sterile insect technique.A quality control was carried out on a sample of 50 pupae from each batch (at least 2 batches per shipment) to determine the flight ability of sterile males and their survival under stress conditions (without feeding). The remaining emerging pupae were released in the target area of the eradication programme and were considered as control group. The described protocol for quality control will allow accurate monitoring of the quality of sterile males used in operational eradication programs organized in the context of PATTEC.A molecular tool to distinguish between sterile and wild males was also developed using the mitochondrial gene COI (cytochrome oxidase). We showed that COI sequences of released flies (reared in insectary) are 100% identical and different from those of wild flies.Furthermore, in order to determine the optimal rearing conditions for G. p. gambiensis strains and to identify the strain that would be the best adapted to a particular environment or country in the context of a control with an SIT component, life history (survival and fecundity) of three G. p. gambiensis strains (strains originating from Burkina Faso (BKF), Senegal (SEN), and an introgressed strain (SENbkf)) were investigated at different temperatures and relative humidity conditions. The optimal temperature for the mass-rearing was 25 ± 1°C, 24.6 ± 1°C and 23.9 ± 1°C for BKF, SENbkf and SEN respectively. The relative humidity ranging from 40 to 75% had very little influence on the survival and fecundity. The BKF strain resisted better at higher temperatures than the SENbkf and SEN strains but the temperature limit for survival was about 32°C for all three strains.

Perceptions and experiences of people in Gambella region of Ethiopia on Guinea worm disease eradication interventions

Getachew Temeche Sisay 09 July 2013 (has links)
Introduction: Guinea worm disease (GWD) is a painful, disabling disease caused by the parasite dracunculus medinensis. The implementation of the global GWD eradication campaign resulted in a decrease of global burden of disease and several countries have been proclaimed free of the disease. Though, Ethiopia has implemented the GWD eradication programme since 1992 the disease remains endemic in the Gambella region. Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions and experiences of the community of Gambella region on Guinea worm disease (GWD) eradication interventions. Methodology: A qualitative study paradigm with a phenomenological research design was employed to collect data using focus group discussions, in-depth individual interviews, document reviews, and observations. The study participants were determined by purposive sampling. Qualitative data analysis involved transcription, data entry, and management of verbal information followed by coding, categorizing into themes. Interpretation of the data was done using triangulation methodology with appropriate mechanisms for validity and trustworthiness. Result: The study found that there are gaps in the perceptions and understanding of the community and programme implementers about the achievement and application of the various interventions on the eradication of Guinea worm disease. Health education programme was not fine-tuned to the eradication of GWD by community participation. Community perception was not at the required level for the eradication of GWD due to the low success of the educational intervention. Conclusion: continuous health education targeting the community with clear objectives of helping to eradicate GWD was found to be limited in its coverage. In addition, provision of water filters necessary for GWD eradication was inadequate. Moreover, the community did not have clear understanding of the causes of GWD and its eradication strategy. It is hoped that the findings of this study would contribute significantly to the GWEP in Gambella region, as well as elsewhere where GWD may be endemic / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Disseminação primária e influência de fontes de inóculo sobre o progresso temporal do Huanglongbing em pomares com manejo da doença e seu vetor (Diaphorina citri) / Primary spread and influence of sources of inoculum on Huanglongbing temporal progress in groves with management of disease and vector (Diaphorina citri)

Arruda, Josicléa Hüffner 08 November 2017 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor e exportador de suco de laranja do mundo e a produção é concentrada em pomares no Estado de São Paulo. Embora a cultura tenha se adaptado bem ao clima tropical predominante no país, essa cultura sofre perdas na produção ocasionadas por doenças, principalmente pelo Huanglongbing dos citros (HLB). O HLB dos citros é associado aos procariotos \'Candidatus Liberibacter africanus\', \'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus\' e \'Candidatus Liberibacter americanus\' restritos aos vasos do floema. No Brasil há predominância da bactéria \'Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus\' que é disseminada pelo inseto psilídeo vetor Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae). Não há controle curativo viável para essa doença, com isso o manejo é realizado de maneira preventiva com a utilização de mudas sadias, roguing de plantas sintomáticas e controle químico do vetor. O HLB é considerado uma doença policíclica, contudo, em pomares com manejo intensivo da doença e do vetor acredita-se que as disseminações secundárias praticamente não ocorrem, ou não são predominantes, e a epidemia seria governada pelas disseminações primárias contínuas como sugerido por Bergamin Filho et al. (2016). Com isso, esse estudo teve por objetivo demonstrar por meio de análises epidemiológicas o progresso temporal do HLB em quatro propriedades comerciais de citros as quais realizam o manejo da doença e do vetor. Além disso, outro objetivo foi demonstrar, com ajustes do modelo monomolecular, a importância da disseminação primária nessas propriedades. E ainda, verificar a influência de áreas vizinhas, comerciais e não comerciais, na distribuição espacial da doença e do vetor e assim estabelecer hipóteses acerca da localização das fontes de inóculo primário para as epidemias estudadas. O modelo monomolecular foi ajustado adequadamente aos dados de plantas erradicadas das propriedades A, B, C e D, com ajustes significativos (p<0,05) em 88,3%, 81,6%, 64,5% e 69,8% das tentativas (combinações de anos e talhões). A taxa média de progresso da doença pelo modelo monomolecular (rM) foi de 7,9; 6,9; 7,2 e 4,5 para as propriedades A, B, C e D, respectivamente. Contudo, de modo geral, as taxas (rM) não apresentaram-se correlacionadas com as incidências acumuladas da doença. Lotes de perímetro apresentaram incidências de HLB mais elevadas, assim como maior número de psilídeos, em relação aos lotes internos das propriedades, indicando maior influência de fontes de inóculo externas. Plantas não comerciais de citros sem o manejo da doença e do vetor foram as fontes de inóculo primário responsáveis pelas epidemias de HLB observadas nessas quatro propriedades. / Brazil is the world\'s largest orange juice producer and exporter, and São Paulo State is the major producing region. Although the citrus crop is well adapted to the tropical climate in Brazil, the crop has been suffering many losses due to diseases, mainly by citrus Huanglongbing (HLB). The disease is associated with prokaryots \'Candidatus Liberibacter africanus\', \'Candidatus Liberibacter americanus\' and \'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus\' which are spread by the psyllid vector Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae). There is no feasible curative control to this disease. Therefore, the management is carried out to prevent the disease based on eradication of symptomatic trees, chemical sprays against the psyllid, and using HLB-free nursery citrus plants. The HLB is considered a polycyclic disease, however, in orchards with rigorous disease and vector management it is suggested that secondary spread does not occur or are not prevalent, and the epidemic would be ruled by the continuous primary spread as suggested by Bergamin Filho et al. (2016). Therefore, the aim of this study was demonstrate by epidemiological analysis the HLB temporal progress in four commercial citrus areas with management of disease and vector. Furthermore, another aim was demonstrate the importance of primary spread in these areas by monomolecular model adjustment. In addition, verify the influence of neighbouring areas , commercial or non-commercial, in the spatial distribution of the disease and vector. Afterwards, generate hypotheses about the location of primary sources of inoculum to the studied epidemics. The monomolecular model was properly adjusted to data of plant eradication in the areas A, B, C and D, with significant adjustments (p<0,05) in 88.3%, 81.6%, 64.5% and 69.8% of the attempts (combining years and plots). The average rate of disease progress by monomolecular model (rM) was 7.9; 6.9; 7.2 and 4.5 to the areas A, B, C e D, respectively. However, in general, there is no correlation between the disease rates (rM) and HLB incidence. Plots located in the perimeter presented higher HLB incidences and higher number of psyllids than internal plots in the studied areas. This suggested the major influence of external sources of inoculum. Non-commercial citrus trees without disease and vector management were the primary sources of inoculum responsible for causing the HLB epidemics in the studied areas.

Erradicação da Pseudomonas aeruginosa na colonização inicial em pacientes com fibrose cística: avaliação do protocolo de um centro de referência / Eradication of new onset of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis patients: evaluation of a reference center protocol

Pimentel, Barbara Riquena 15 February 2019 (has links)
Objetivo: Diversas estratégias de erradicação da Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) em pacientes com fibrose cística (FC) têm sido propostas, mas poucas realizaram o tratamento em fases e incluíram crianças na primeira colonização por Pa na vida. O objetivo desse estudo é descrever a efetividade do protocolo de erradicação em fases, em crianças brasileiras com FC no primeiro aparecimento de Pa. Métodos: Estudo de vida real, retrospectivo, que avaliou os prontuários dos pacientes pediátricos submetidos ao protocolo de erradicação em um período de 8,5 anos. O protocolo de 3 fases era guiado pela cultura de via aérea, e utilizou colistimetato nebulizado e ciprofloxacino oral. Foram avaliadas as taxas de sucesso após cada fase e a acumulada. Resultados: 47 episódios de colonização por Pa foram elegíveis à erradicação. A fase 1 do protocolo foi aplicada em 29 pacientes (mediana 2,7 anos, 59% masculino, 65% com no mínimo um alelo F508del), a fase 2 em 12 e a fase 3 em 6 pacientes. A taxa de sucesso foi de 58,6% (IC 95%: 40,7 a 74,5), 50,0% (IC 95%: 25,4 a 74,6) e 66,7% (IC 95%:30,0 a 90,3), após as fases 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente. A taxa de sucesso acumulado foi de 93,1% (IC: 78,0 a 98,1). Apenas 2 pacientes tiveram falha do tratamento de erradicação. Conclusão: O primeiro aparecimento da Pa ocorreu em crianças de baixa idade. O protocolo de erradicação em fases foi efetivo com alta taxa de sucesso / Background: Although several Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) eradication strategies have been proposed for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients, only a few have used a stepwise treatment and enrolled children in their first-onset Pa colonization. The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of a multistep eradication protocol in CF Brazilian children in their first-onset Pa. Methods: This was a real life retrospective study that evaluated medical records of pediatric patients who underwent the eradication protocol in a timeframe of 8.5 years. The 3-step protocol was guided by airway culture, using inhaled colistimethate and oral ciprofloxacin. The success rate after each step, and also the cumulative success rate were evaluated. Results: During the study period, 47 Pa colonization episodes were eligible to eradication. All the 29 patients underwent protocol\'s step 1 (median 2.7 years old, 59% male, 65% with at least one F508del allele), twelve patients step 2, and six patients step 3. Success rate was 58.6% (CI 95%: 40.7 to 74.5), 50.0% (CI 95%: 25.4 to 74.6) and 66.7% (CI 95%:30.0 to 90.3), after step 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Cumulative success rate was 93.1% (CI: 78.0 to 98.1). Failure of the eradication protocol occurred in only 2 patients. Conclusion: First-onset Pa colonization occurred in very young children. The stepwise eradication protocol was effective with a high success rate

A Prevalence Study of Southeast Origin Sale Barn Beef Cattle, Comingled in Warren County, Kentucky, Persistently Infected with Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus, including the Effects of Season and Body Weight

Thomas, Sarah Elizabeth 01 May 2011 (has links)
Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) is an economically important disease of cattle. Calves persistently infected (PI) with the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) are a powerful agent for spread of the virus. A total of 24,423 southeast origin beef cattle comingled at three Warren County, Kentucky locations were tested from November 2007 to June 2010 for PI BVDV. A total of 97 head tested positive for PI BVDV, giving an average overall prevalence of 0.397%. Calves tested were subdivided into categories for additional calculations of dependence. A total of 8,910 were categorized by weight range upon testing (300-399 lbs, 400-499 lbs, 500-599 lbs, and 600-699 lbs). Prevalence does show a dependence on weight, with a higher prevalence found in lower weight classes, especially 300-399 lb calves (P<0.001). A total of 24,423 were categorized by season at time of testing (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer). Prevalence does not show a dependence on season (P>0.05). Although eradication programs are not likely to be organized in the United States, several control programs have been developed. These findings can be used as additional support for PI testing of calves, especially those in lighter weight classes, as part of a BVD control program.

Corporate Povery Reduction : Perspectives on collaboration between CSR and Development Assistance

Bengtsson, Sophia, Hansson, Kajsa January 2010 (has links)
<p>Traditionally, governments are the main providers of development assistance and re-sponsible for stimulating social development in the third world. In recent years, Corpo-rate Social Responsibility has gained considerable ground and it is now common for corporations to get involved in activities resembling those carried out in the name of development assistance. A deconstruction of these two activities shows that they could be described as two definitions of the same concept. Through a set of research ques-tions, this thesis explores the relationship between CSR and development assistance and seeks to identify possibilities for future cooperation between them.</p><p>The purpose of the thesis is to investigate (1) if there is a future possibility for a com-mon strategy where CSR and Development Assistance collaborate; (2) if developing countries would benefit from corporate involvement in development assistance; and (3) who else could benefit from such a strategy.</p><p>The main conclusion is that there are substantial possibilities for future co-operation be-tween them. It seems clear from the research that neither governmental development as-sistance organizations nor corporations stand a chance to eradicate poverty alone. It is, however, crucial that poverty eradication has to be the common goal for all actors in-volved. For cooperation to succeed the public must realize that a collaborative strategy is a way of including more actors in pursuing the goal of poverty eradication and not a way of trasferring money from development assistance to corporations.</p><p>Further, distribution of responsibility becomes useless if legal or official guidelines are unable to decide who has the ultimate responsibility. It is importance that responsibility is also followed by accountability.</p><p>Corporations would benefit by gaining access to emerging markets and the possibilities for innovative business strategies. Development assistance agencies would by introduc-ing new strategies improve the results and get more resources to achieve effective po-verty reduction. If corporations and development assistance agencies collaborate and focus on long-term projects real effectiveness will be the result. The general opinion seems to be that with a clearly set goal, several coordinated actors have a better chance of achieving it than one.</p><p><em> </em></p>

Pikas, Grasslands, and Pastoralists: Understanding the Roles of Plateau Pikas in a Coupled Social-Ecological System

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: The plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae), a small burrowing lagomorph that occupies the high alpine grassland ecosystems of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in western China, remains a controversial subject among policymakers and researchers. One line of evidence points to pikas being a pest, which has led to massive attempts to eradicate pika populations. Another point of view is that pikas are a keystone species and an ecosystem engineer in the grassland ecosystem of the QTP. The pika eradication program raises a difficult ethical and religious dilemma for local pastoralists, and is criticized for not being supported by scientific evidence. Complex interactions between pikas, livestock, and habitat condition are poorly understood. My dissertation research examines underpinning justifications of the pika poisoning program leading to these controversies. I investigated responses of pikas to habitat conditions with field experimental manipulations, and mechanisms of pika population recovery following pika removal. I present policy recommendations based on an environmental ethics framework and findings from the field experiments. After five years of a livestock grazing exclusion experiment and four years of pika monitoring, I found that grazing exclusion resulted in a decline of pika habitat use, which suggests that habitat conditions determine pika population density. I also found that pikas recolonized vacant burrow systems following removal of residents, but that distances travelled by dispersing pikas were extremely short (~50 m). Thus, current pika eradication programs, if allowed to continue, could potentially compromise local populations as well as biodiversity conservation on the QTP. Lethal management of pikas is a narrowly anthropocentric-based form of ecosystem management that has excluded value-pluralism, such as consideration of the intrinsic value of species and the important ecological role played by pikas. These conflicting approaches have led to controversies and policy gridlock. In response, I suggest that the on-going large-scale pika eradication program needs reconsideration. Moderation of stocking rates is required in degraded pika habitats, and Integrated Pest Management may be required when high stocking rate and high pika density coexist. A moderate level of livestock and pika density can be consistent with maintaining the integrity and sustainability of the QTP alpine steppe ecosystem. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Biology 2016

Qualidade da cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp) submetida à aplicação de maturadores químicos em final de safra /

Galdiano, Lívia Cordaro. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Miguel Angelo Mutton / Banca: Ailton Antonio Casagrande / Banca: Maria das Graças Drumsta Prado Lavanholi / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter informações sobre o uso de diferentes produtos químicos, aplicados isolados ou em misturas, na maturação do canavial, no final da safra, na cultivar SP81-3250, em cana soca, no 5º corte do canavial. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, parcelas subdivididas, sendo os tratamentos principais constituídos pela: Testemunha, Glifosato (192 g ha-1), Trinexapaque etílico (200 g ha-1), Sulfometuron-metil (15 g ha-1), Trinexapaque etílico + Glifosato (100 g ha-1 + 96 g ha-1, respectivamente), Trinexapaque etílico + Sulfometuron-metil (100 g ha-1 + 7,5 g ha-1, respectivamente); Sulfometuronmetil + Glifosato (7,5 g ha-1 + 96 g ha-1, respectivamente), óleo fusel nas dosagens de 0,2 L ha-1; 0,4 L ha-1 e 0,8 L ha-1 e os tratamentos secundários constituíram-se das diferentes épocas de amostragens aos 30 e 15 dias pré aplicação (dpa), 0, 15, 30, 45 dias após a aplicação (daa) ocorrida em 12/10/07. Foram avaliados em cada amostragem, do caldo (Brix %, Pol %, Pureza % e Açúcar Redutor) e da cana (Fibra %, Pol %, Açúcar Teórico Recuperável (ATR)) e as Margens de Contribuição Agrícola e Industrial. Concluiu-se que a partir de 12/10/2007 (0 daa) ocorreram condições ambientais que culminaram com a redução da qualidade da matéria-prima, principalmente aos 45 daa (25/11/2007), assim, os maturadores utilizados não afetaram as variáveis tecnológicas da matéria-prima, sendo que aos 45 daa a aplicação dos produtos em mistura resultaram em melhores qualidades que a Testemunha. / Abstract: This study evaluated to get information on the use of different chemical, applied products isolated or in mixtures, in the maturation of the canavial, the end of the harvest, in the variety SP81-3250 in sugarcane beats 5º cut. The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks with split split-plots, being the main treatments consisting of: Control, Gliphosate (192 g ha-1), Trinexapaque etílico (200 g ha-1), Sulfometuron-metil (15 g ha-1), Trinexapaque etílico + Gliphosate (100 g ha-1 + 96 g ha-1, respectively), Trinexapaque etílico + Sulfometuron-metil (100 g ha-1 + 7,5 g ha-1, respectively); Sulfometuron-metil + Gliphosate (7,5 g ha-1 + 96 g ha-1, respectively), fusel oil (0,2 L ha-1); fusel oil (0,4 L ha-1) and fusel oil (0,8 L ha-1) and the secondary treatments consisted of the following sample times: -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45 days after the application (daa) made at 2007, 10, 12. The Brix, Pol % broth and Pol % were evaluated in each sampling time. It was concluded that from 12/10/2007 (0 daa) ambient conditions had occurred resulting in raw material quality reduction, mainly at 45 daa. The chemical ripeners use had not affected the sugarcane agroindustrial parameters, 45 daa after the application of the products in mixture, the tested treatments were better than Control treatment in relation to raw matter quality. / Mestre

Disseminação primária e influência de fontes de inóculo sobre o progresso temporal do Huanglongbing em pomares com manejo da doença e seu vetor (Diaphorina citri) / Primary spread and influence of sources of inoculum on Huanglongbing temporal progress in groves with management of disease and vector (Diaphorina citri)

Josicléa Hüffner Arruda 08 November 2017 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor e exportador de suco de laranja do mundo e a produção é concentrada em pomares no Estado de São Paulo. Embora a cultura tenha se adaptado bem ao clima tropical predominante no país, essa cultura sofre perdas na produção ocasionadas por doenças, principalmente pelo Huanglongbing dos citros (HLB). O HLB dos citros é associado aos procariotos \'Candidatus Liberibacter africanus\', \'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus\' e \'Candidatus Liberibacter americanus\' restritos aos vasos do floema. No Brasil há predominância da bactéria \'Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus\' que é disseminada pelo inseto psilídeo vetor Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae). Não há controle curativo viável para essa doença, com isso o manejo é realizado de maneira preventiva com a utilização de mudas sadias, roguing de plantas sintomáticas e controle químico do vetor. O HLB é considerado uma doença policíclica, contudo, em pomares com manejo intensivo da doença e do vetor acredita-se que as disseminações secundárias praticamente não ocorrem, ou não são predominantes, e a epidemia seria governada pelas disseminações primárias contínuas como sugerido por Bergamin Filho et al. (2016). Com isso, esse estudo teve por objetivo demonstrar por meio de análises epidemiológicas o progresso temporal do HLB em quatro propriedades comerciais de citros as quais realizam o manejo da doença e do vetor. Além disso, outro objetivo foi demonstrar, com ajustes do modelo monomolecular, a importância da disseminação primária nessas propriedades. E ainda, verificar a influência de áreas vizinhas, comerciais e não comerciais, na distribuição espacial da doença e do vetor e assim estabelecer hipóteses acerca da localização das fontes de inóculo primário para as epidemias estudadas. O modelo monomolecular foi ajustado adequadamente aos dados de plantas erradicadas das propriedades A, B, C e D, com ajustes significativos (p<0,05) em 88,3%, 81,6%, 64,5% e 69,8% das tentativas (combinações de anos e talhões). A taxa média de progresso da doença pelo modelo monomolecular (rM) foi de 7,9; 6,9; 7,2 e 4,5 para as propriedades A, B, C e D, respectivamente. Contudo, de modo geral, as taxas (rM) não apresentaram-se correlacionadas com as incidências acumuladas da doença. Lotes de perímetro apresentaram incidências de HLB mais elevadas, assim como maior número de psilídeos, em relação aos lotes internos das propriedades, indicando maior influência de fontes de inóculo externas. Plantas não comerciais de citros sem o manejo da doença e do vetor foram as fontes de inóculo primário responsáveis pelas epidemias de HLB observadas nessas quatro propriedades. / Brazil is the world\'s largest orange juice producer and exporter, and São Paulo State is the major producing region. Although the citrus crop is well adapted to the tropical climate in Brazil, the crop has been suffering many losses due to diseases, mainly by citrus Huanglongbing (HLB). The disease is associated with prokaryots \'Candidatus Liberibacter africanus\', \'Candidatus Liberibacter americanus\' and \'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus\' which are spread by the psyllid vector Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae). There is no feasible curative control to this disease. Therefore, the management is carried out to prevent the disease based on eradication of symptomatic trees, chemical sprays against the psyllid, and using HLB-free nursery citrus plants. The HLB is considered a polycyclic disease, however, in orchards with rigorous disease and vector management it is suggested that secondary spread does not occur or are not prevalent, and the epidemic would be ruled by the continuous primary spread as suggested by Bergamin Filho et al. (2016). Therefore, the aim of this study was demonstrate by epidemiological analysis the HLB temporal progress in four commercial citrus areas with management of disease and vector. Furthermore, another aim was demonstrate the importance of primary spread in these areas by monomolecular model adjustment. In addition, verify the influence of neighbouring areas , commercial or non-commercial, in the spatial distribution of the disease and vector. Afterwards, generate hypotheses about the location of primary sources of inoculum to the studied epidemics. The monomolecular model was properly adjusted to data of plant eradication in the areas A, B, C and D, with significant adjustments (p<0,05) in 88.3%, 81.6%, 64.5% and 69.8% of the attempts (combining years and plots). The average rate of disease progress by monomolecular model (rM) was 7.9; 6.9; 7.2 and 4.5 to the areas A, B, C e D, respectively. However, in general, there is no correlation between the disease rates (rM) and HLB incidence. Plots located in the perimeter presented higher HLB incidences and higher number of psyllids than internal plots in the studied areas. This suggested the major influence of external sources of inoculum. Non-commercial citrus trees without disease and vector management were the primary sources of inoculum responsible for causing the HLB epidemics in the studied areas.

Gender violence in conflict situations : the case of abduction of women and children in Sudan

Abdelgadir, Ehsan Mohamed Elriah January 2001 (has links)
"The research primarily investigated the causes of abduction of women and children in conflict areas in Sudan. In doing this, it addressed the effects of abduction on women and children and considered some solutions to the problems identified. The study is significant because it examines an area hitherto not addressed that is, the abduction of women and children as a result of conflict between Sudanese tribes. It differs from earlier studies, which limit their examination to the abduction of children as soldiers. An additional aim of this research is to raise the awareness of the international community's efforts at stopping the practice of abduction, with a view of ensuring that the Government of Sudan (GOS) and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) are educated about the problem. Though the main focus of my research is abduction that arises from clashes among tribes, a portion of it has been dedicated to the issue of abduction of children by the SPLA for the purpose of engaging them as soldiers. Some International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) described the abduction of women and children as slavery, this allegation arose from the fact that the abductees were subjected to forced labour such as cutting trees for fuel and herding cattle under harsh conditions. However, the Sudanese Government and other INGOs such as the Sudan Foundation in United Kingdom have challenged this claim. Sudan, which is the largest country in Africa, is approximately 2,505,810 sg Km. Its large size constitutes the main obstacle that sets back serious efforts in the area of resolving human rights violations. The illiteracy of the poeole, especially in rural areas, plays an important role in the perpetuation of some repugnant traditions and customs that decrease the chances of interaction among the different tribes and groups in some parts of the Sudan. Disputes of socio-economic nature occasionlly arise between tribes in the war zone areas due to scarcity of water and pasture for the people and the animals. These tribal disputes, which lead to the abduction of women and children of one tribe by another, caused the Ministry of Justice in Sudan to issue an order which led to the establishment of the Committee for the Eradication of Abduction of Women and Children (CEAWC). The Committee of which I am a member, is mandated to investigate and trace abducted women and children for the purpose of retrieval." -- Introduction. / Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Sylvia Tamale at the Faculty of Law, Makerere University, Uganda / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa))--University of Pretoria, 2001. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

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