Spelling suggestions: "subject:"euroscepticisme"" "subject:"euroscepticism""
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Les résistances à l’intégration européenne en France et en Allemagne : Une analyse des idéologies sous-tendant les critiques de gauche contre le Traité constitutionnel européen. Resistances to the European Integration in France and Germany: an Analysis of the Ideologies underlying the left-wing Critiques against the European Constitutional Treaty.Heine, Sophie 05 March 2008 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue une analyse de contenu des critiques contre l'Union européenne exprimées par plusieurs acteurs politiques et sociaux de gauche en France et en Allemagne, au cours des débats sur le projet de Constitution européenne. Elle s'intéresse plus particulièrement aux idéologies sous-jacentes à ces critiques. Pour comprendre le sens de ces arguments, les comparer entre eux et les classer, certains idéaux-types ont été élaborés sur quatre dimensions (politique, socio-économique, identitaire et stratégique). Cette recherche a permis de combler une lacune importante dans l'analyse des acteurs dits "eurosceptiques", à savoir, l'étude des idéologies animant ces courants. L'essentiel de la littérature se concentre en effet surtout sur l'explication de l'euroscepticisme et, lorsqu'elle aborde leur idéologie, c'est pour construire des taxinomies excessivement globales. La thèse explore aussi en conclusion certaines pistes d'explications de ces résistances à l'UE en essayant d'aller au-delà des visions stratégiques, culturalistes et institutionnalistes, dominantes dans ce domaine, et en insistant davantage sur les dimensions idéelles et structurelles.
This doctoral dissertation analyses the content of the critiques made by some left-wing social and political actors in France and Germany against the current EU. The study focuses on the debates that surrounded the project of European Constitution and more specifically on the more general ideologies underlying these arguments. In order to understand, compare and classify these critiques, idealtypes have been elaborated on four dimensions (socio-economic, political, identity-related and strategic). This research fills a gap in the literature analysing so-called "eurosceptic" actors by concentrating on the ideas conveyed by these currents. Indeed, most of this literature mostly tries to explain this phenomenon. And when it addresses the issue of ideology, it is only to build too far-reaching categories. The conclusion also aims at exploring possible explanations of theses resistances to the EU beyond the traditional theories, based on strategic agency, culturalism and institutionalism, and insisting more on the role of ideas and material structures.
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Les résistances à l'Europe néolibérale: interactions, institutions et idées dans le conflit sur la Directive Bolkestein. Resisting neoliberal Europe: interactions, institutions and ideas in the conflict over the Bolkestein DirectiveCrespy, Amandine 17 March 2010 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the conflict over the EU Services Directive which is also known as the Bolkestein Directive. The general liberalisation and deregulation of the services markets in the EU has known the greatest politicisation of an EU issue ever seen in the history of European politics. It mobilised a wide range of political actors, including unions, diverse associations and citizen groups in several member states of the EU as well as in Brussels. The Commissioner for the internal market Frits Bolkestein and the directive proposal adopted in January 2004 have come to epitomize the neoliberal face of European integration. Due to its connection with the Eastern enlargement in May 2004 and with the ratification of the European constitutional treaty in France and The Netherlands in 2005, the directive proposal on services liberalization triggered a general debate over the economic and social nature of the EU polity far beyond a mere matter of public policy. After three years of debate and mobilization, the directive proposal was substantially amended in the European Parliament and clear limitations were put to liberalization of the services of general interest and to market deregulation.
The puzzle at the core of this conflict is that of political and social resistances to some aspects of EU integration, and more specifically, to integration my means of market liberalization. The “Bolkestein debate” constitutes a major moment of political crisis where, for the first time, protest and public mobilization could have a significant impact on the EU decision-making process. The design of this research is original in three respects. Firstly, it provides a new analytical perspective while refuting the relevance of theorization in terms of Euroscepticism. It puts forward the notion of resistances which acknowledges the intrinsically multi-faceted and contentious nature of the integration process and anchors hostility towards the EU into the wider historical context of resistance to the transformation of economic spaces and political systems. Thus, it aims at making research on the issues at stake much less normative. Secondly, it combines three strands of literature which are both relevant with respect to the study of resistances but nevertheless remain two compartmentalized research fields: namely social movement and contentious politics studies, literature about public policies and European studies. For so doing, thirdly, the dissertation is grounded on a comprehensive theoretical model which amends the famous model of the “three Is”: instead of explaining political processes in terms of interests, institutions and ideas, the concept of interests is substituted by that of interactions. Hence, the emphasis is put on the relationships between the various actors involved and the role of ideas conveyed in discursive interactions. This meso-level theoretical and empirical perspective allows to bridge the gap between, on the one hand, a sociological approach which is very present in the French-speaking political science and, on the other hand, the neo-institutional perspective throwing light on broader dynamics in the European political system and which prevails in the American and international realm.
Eventually, the dissertation demonstrates the powerful role of ideas conveyed by actors in specific institutional settings. At the institutional level, it confirms the existence of networks and mobilisation dynamics for the politicization of EU political issues beyond national borders, as well as the central role of the European Parliament with respect the impact of mobilisation on decision-making. At the ideational level, it reveals that the idea of Social Europe, on the one hand, and the shared culture of democracy and parliamentarism, on the other, can efficiently legitimize protest against integration.
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Résistances à l'Europe: la représentation sociale de l'Union européenne et les compétences politiques étudiées dans le milieu des entreprises tchèquesNovotny, Ondrej 05 September 2011 (has links)
« Résistances à l’Europe. La représentation sociale de l’Union européenne et les compétences politiques étudiées dans le milieu des entreprises tchèques » analyses political attitudes, social representations of Europe and European Union as well as a level of political competency among persons working in Czech entreprises (from workers to the top management). The first volume emphasizes a theoretical discussion about a concept of « Resistances to European Union » as it has been discussed since the late nineties of the twentieth century up to the 2010. We set a link between individual perceptions of political and social change as well as the importance of cultural differences to apparition of phenomena of resistance. A political competency plays a major role in an individual capacity to deal with cultural difference in changing political environment.<p>The second volume describes principal results of analysis of interviews issued from qualitative research between 90 individuals. We focus on explication of cultural and individual context that contributes to the formulation of Czech political attitudes toward Europe. A very detailed individual analysis helps to understand the reason of Czech reticences toward a process of the European integration at the beginning of the twenty-first century. We show four groups of tensions (antinomies) in social representations that actually constitute dynamic elements for political attitudes. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Euroscepticisme au Parlement européen : une analyse comparative du discours eurosceptique chez la droite traditionnelle et radicaleBenoit, Léandre 07 1900 (has links)
En Europe, les partis traditionnels deviennent-ils plus eurosceptiques et cette évolution peut-elle être attribuée au succès des partis de droite radicale ? En explorant l’interaction stratégique entre les partis politiques au sein du Parlement européen, ce mémoire cherche à comprendre si les partis traditionnels de droite adoptent un discours plus eurosceptique en réponse à leurs rivaux radicaux. Si la littérature sur la compétition entre les partis souligne que les partis traditionnels adaptent leur position en se rapprochant de la droite radicale sur certains enjeux, peu d’études se sont penchées directement sur l’évolution du discours des partis politiques à l'égard de l'intégration européenne et la façon dont ces derniers utilisent l’enjeu européen dans la compétition électorale. Pour combler cette lacune, l'étude effectue une analyse textuelle quantitative sur 146 090 discours prononcés en sessions plénières durant les 7e (2009-2014) et 8e (2014-2019) législatures du Parlement européen à l'aide d'un dictionnaire original construit autour de six cadres eurosceptiques distincts. Le score obtenu par l'analyse fréquentielle est ensuite intégré dans une analyse de régression par panel afin d'estimer quantitativement l'influence des succès électoraux de la droite radicale sur le discours des partis traditionnels. Les résultats indiquent que les partis traditionnels ajustent leur discours, adoptant de plus en plus d'arguments eurosceptiques. Toutefois, cette évolution reste limitée à des périodes spécifiques et plutôt courtes. De plus, l'augmentation du succès électoral des partis de la droite radicale a un effet positif et significatif sur le discours des partis traditionnels, et cet effet n'est significatif que lorsqu'il s'agit des résultats électoraux au niveau national. / Are mainstream European parties becoming more Eurosceptic over time, and can this shift
be attributed to the success of radical right Eurosceptic parties? This master’s thesis
explores the strategic interactions between mainstream and radical right parties within the
European parliament, focusing on whether mainstream right-wing parties have adopted
more Eurosceptic stances as a strategic response to their radical rivals. While the literature
on party competition points out that mainstream parties are responding to the rise of radical
right-wing parties by adapting their positions and moving closer to their radical rivals on
certain issues, few studies have looked directly at the evolution of political parties'
discourse on European integration. To fill this gap, the study conducted a quantitative text
analysis on 146,090 speeches from plenary sessions during the 7th (2009-2014) and 8th
(2014-2019) terms of the European Parliament using an original dictionary built around six
distinct Eurosceptic frames. The scores obtained through the frequency analysis are then
included into a panel regression analysis to quantitatively estimate the influence of the
radical right's electoral successes on mainstream party discourse. The findings indicate that
mainstream parties have indeed adjusted their rhetoric, increasingly adopting Eurosceptic
arguments. However, increases remain limited to specific, rather short periods. The
hypothesis of Eurosceptic diffusion also finds nuanced evidence: increased electoral
success of radical right parties positively and significantly mainstream parties’ discourse,
but this effect is only significant when it comes to election results at national level.
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S'opposer à l'Europe: quels rôles pour les eurosceptiques au Parlement européen? /cNathalie brack / Opposing Europe: what roles for Eurosceptics in the European Parliament?Brack, Nathalie 11 January 2013 (has links)
Alors qu’une riche littérature se concentre sur l’euroscepticisme au sein des arènes politiques nationales, les oppositions à l’Europe au niveau supranational restent largement négligées. Afin de contribuer à combler cette lacune, cette recherche s’interroge sur la façon dont les députés eurosceptiques conçoivent et exercent leur mandat représentatif au sein du PE. Fondée sur l’approche motivationnelle des rôles, il s’agit, d’une part, d’appréhender les rôles joués par les eurosceptiques au sein de l’assemblée et, d’autre part, d’expliquer l’hétérogénéité des rôles endossés par ces élus. Mobilisant une pluralité de données, cette recherche repose sur une méthodologie mixte, combinant méthodes qualitative et quantitative ainsi qu’approches inductive et déductive. L’analyse s’articule autour de deux séquences. La première propose une typologie d’idéaux-types de rôles permettant de rendre compte des pratiques et conceptions du mandat développées par les parlementaires eurosceptiques. La seconde explique la variation des rôles au sein de cette typologie et teste l’hypothèse selon laquelle le rôle dépend d’une combinaison de facteurs institutionnels et individuels. L’étude démontre que les eurosceptiques peuvent endosser quatre rôles, correspondant à une stratégie de défection ou de prise de parole, et que le rôle qu’ils jouent dépend à la fois des règles régissant le fonctionnement du PE et de leurs préférences relatives à l’intégration et à l’architecture institutionnelle de l’UE. Ce faisant, la recherche constitue une réflexion sur deux enjeux très distincts. Premièrement, alors que l’on assiste, dans de nombreux pays européens, à l’émergence de revendications d’acteurs contestant les structures institutionnelles en place, cette thèse permet de contribuer à l’étude, encore restreinte, de l’opposition antisystème au sein d’institutions parlementaires, le PE servant ici de laboratoire privilégié pour l’étude des stratégies de ces acteurs antisystème. Deuxièmement, à l’instar des travaux de sociologie de l’intégration européenne, cette recherche repose sur le postulat qu’analyser de façon microscopique un groupe restreint d’acteurs permet de s’interroger, de façon différente, sur le déficit démocratique et de légitimité du régime européen, en déplaçant la focale du niveau institutionnel au niveau individuel. Il s’agit alors d’appréhender les défis de légitimation de l’UE en se concentrant sur les acteurs hostiles à la construction européenne. Une analyse de leurs pratiques concrètes au sein de l’assemblée représentative permet de dégager des pistes de réflexion quant à leur capacité de légitimation du régime politique. <p><p>While an abundant literature focuses on Euroscepticism in the national political arenas, oppositions to Europe at the supranational level remain largely under-studied. In order to contribute to fill this gap, this research examines how Eurosceptic Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) conceive and carry out their representative mandate in the European Parliament (EP). Inspired by the motivational approach of role theory, the study aims first at understanding the roles played by Eurosceptics within the assembly and second at explaining the heterogeneity of the roles played by these actors. Using a plurality of data, this research is based on mix-methods, combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies as well as inductive and deductive approaches. The analysis proceeds in two steps. The first proposes a typology of ideal-types of roles that allows understanding the ways Eurosceptics conceive and carry out their parliamentary mandate. The second explains the variation between the roles and tests the hypothesis that the role played by an actor depend on the combination of institutional and individual factors. The study demonstrates that Eurosceptics may assume four roles, corresponding to an exit or voice strategy, and that the role they play depends both on the EP’s rules and MEP’s preferences concerning European integration and the EU’s institutional design. The research contributes to on-going debates on two very different issues. First, while we witness in many European countries, the emergence of anti-system actors, this thesis can contribute to the study of the anti-systemic opposition within parliamentary institutions, the EP being here a special laboratory for the study of the strategies of anti-system actors. Second, like recent studies focusing on the sociology of European integration, this research is based on the premise that analysing a small group of actors allows to question in a different way, the democratic and legitimacy deficit of the EU, moving the focal from the institutional to the individual level. The aim is then to understand the challenges of legitimacy of the EU by focusing on actors hostile to the European project. An analysis of their actual practices in the EP allows us to reflect on their ability to legitimize the political system.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Les résistances à l'Europe néolibérale: interactions, institutions et idées dans le conflit sur la Directive Bolkestein / Resisting neoliberal Europe :interactions, institutions and ideas in the conflict over the Bolkestein DirectiveCrespy, Amandine 17 March 2010 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the conflict over the EU Services Directive which is also known as the Bolkestein Directive. The general liberalisation and deregulation of the services markets in the EU has known the greatest politicisation of an EU issue ever seen in the history of European politics. It mobilised a wide range of political actors, including unions, diverse associations and citizen groups in several member states of the EU as well as in Brussels. The Commissioner for the internal market Frits Bolkestein and the directive proposal adopted in January 2004 have come to epitomize the neoliberal face of European integration. Due to its connection with the Eastern enlargement in May 2004 and with the ratification of the European constitutional treaty in France and The Netherlands in 2005, the directive proposal on services liberalization triggered a general debate over the economic and social nature of the EU polity far beyond a mere matter of public policy. After three years of debate and mobilization, the directive proposal was substantially amended in the European Parliament and clear limitations were put to liberalization of the services of general interest and to market deregulation.<p>\ / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Les résistances à l'intégration européenne en France et en Allemagne: une analyse des idéologies sous-tendant les critiques de gauche contre le Traité constitutionnel européen / Resistances to the European integration in France and Germany: an analysis of the ideologies underlying the left-wing critiques against the European Constitutional TreatyHeine, Sophie 05 March 2008 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue une analyse de contenu des critiques contre l'Union européenne exprimées par plusieurs acteurs politiques et sociaux de gauche en France et en Allemagne, au cours des débats sur le projet de Constitution européenne. Elle s'intéresse plus particulièrement aux idéologies sous-jacentes à ces critiques. Pour comprendre le sens de ces arguments, les comparer entre eux et les classer, certains idéaux-types ont été élaborés sur quatre dimensions (politique, socio-économique, identitaire et stratégique). Cette recherche a permis de combler une lacune importante dans l'analyse des acteurs dits "eurosceptiques", à savoir, l'étude des idéologies animant ces courants. L'essentiel de la littérature se concentre en effet surtout sur l'explication de l'euroscepticisme et, lorsqu'elle aborde leur idéologie, c'est pour construire des taxinomies excessivement globales. La thèse explore aussi en conclusion certaines pistes d'explications de ces résistances à l'UE en essayant d'aller au-delà des visions stratégiques, culturalistes et institutionnalistes, dominantes dans ce domaine, et en insistant davantage sur les dimensions idéelles et structurelles.<p><p>//<p>This doctoral dissertation analyses the content of the critiques made by some left-wing social and political actors in France and Germany against the current EU. The study focuses on the debates that surrounded the project of European Constitution and more specifically on the more general ideologies underlying these arguments. In order to understand, compare and classify these critiques, idealtypes have been elaborated on four dimensions (socio-economic, political, identity-related and strategic). This research fills a gap in the literature analysing so-called "eurosceptic" actors by concentrating on the ideas conveyed by these currents. Indeed, most of this literature mostly tries to explain this phenomenon. And when it addresses the issue of ideology, it is only to build too far-reaching categories. The conclusion also aims at exploring possible explanations of theses resistances to the EU beyond the traditional theories, based on strategic agency, culturalism and institutionalism, and insisting more on the role of ideas and material structures.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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