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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"jag hör och jag glömmer, jag ser och jag kommer ihåg, jag upplever och jag förstår" : Varför använda sig av Event Marketing?

Alvarsson, Carin, Ilkhechoie, Hana January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för användning och tillämpning av Event Marketing. Varför företag använder sig av det samt vad eventbyråer tror är företagens motiv. Event Marketing innebär helt enkel att marknadsföra en produkt eller en tjänst genom ett evenemang. Eventet samlar en viss målgrupp i både tid och rum men är på så sätt även begränsad i antalet kontakter som den skapar. Metoden som har använts för denna uppsats är av kvalitativ karaktär. Under arbetets gång har vi genomfört fyra intervjuer som flerfallsstudier. Två av intervjuerna har utförts på eventyråerna PS Communication och Minnesota Communication samt två intervjuer med eventansvariga på företagen Lugna Favoriter och Swedbank. Resultaten har relaterats till befintliga teorier för att bättre förstå motiven bakom användandet av Event Marketing. De teorier som behandlas i uppsatsen är transaktionsmarknadsföring, relationsmarknadsföring, värdestjärnan, värdekejdan, word-of-mouth, involveringsteorin och Event Marketing. Teorierna redovisas ingående och varför de är viktiga för denna uppsats. Analysen visar att Event Marketing anses vara ett utmärkt verktyg för att stärka relationer men även lämpligt att användas i syfte att öka försäljningen av ett företags produkt.

Big Four Branding : Revisionsbolagens användande av evenemang och frontpersoner i sitt employer branding-arbete

Johansson, Emmie, Augustsson, David January 2008 (has links)
Inom kunskapsbaserade yrken är det viktigt att rekrytera kompetent personal. Med hjälp av employer branding ökar möjligheten för företag att stärka sin attraktionskraft mot framtida potentiell arbetskraft. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka samt att jämföra hur Deloitte, KPMG, Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers samt Ernst & Young marknadsför sig som arbetsgivare mot Uppsalas ekonomistudenter. Fokus ligger på hur företagens frontpersoner, samt de evenemang företagen genomför, påverkar företagens attraktionskraft. Utifrån employer branding-teorier och med hjälp av intervjuer med studentkoordinatorerna på de undersökta företagen samt en undersökning av företagens evenemang har slutsatser dragits kring hur dessa faktorer påverkar hur attraktivt ett företag, enligt Universums Företagsbarometer, är hos ekonomistudenter på Uppsala universitet. Undersökningen visar att en stark studentkoordinator kan hjälpa företaget att klättra på rankingen, men också skada det långsiktiga employer branding-arbetet. Evenemangen i sig visar sig vara av mindre betydelse än de frontpersoner som representerar företagen i mötet med studenterna.

Destination and Event Marketing: a Case Study in the 2007 C&D Xiamen International Marathon, Xiamen, China

Sun, Hong 18 September 2007 (has links)
Events have been recognized as one of three contributors to destinations. Event tourism has become a new tourism alternative in recent years. This research examines the relationships between the marketing and organizing of a recurring hallmark sport event and the marketing of a tourism destination hosting the event in terms of how their marketing strategies can be coordinated for multiple benefits. The specific purposes of this paper are: (1) to look at the destination marketing and the event marketing strategies during and after a recurring hallmark sport event by the destination marketers and the event organizing committee, (2) to examine the stakeholders relationships in destination marketing and sport event marketing for multiple benefits, and (3) to develop an incorporated destination marketing model in sport events that is relevant to China. The results of the research reveal both applicability and incongruence between the two contexts in terms of the organization structure, stakeholders and their relationships, and strategic integrated planning procedures. In addition, the finding of this research supports the view that coordination of event marketing and destination marketing could generate more benefits for both event and destination organizations. However, there currently is no significant integration, especially in the planning procedures in the case of Xiamen. The researcher - by referring to the literature and the situations in Xiamen - thus proposes three strategies for considerations in future integration, and formulates a tentative integrated planning model in the context of China.

Destination and Event Marketing: a Case Study in the 2007 C&D Xiamen International Marathon, Xiamen, China

Sun, Hong 18 September 2007 (has links)
Events have been recognized as one of three contributors to destinations. Event tourism has become a new tourism alternative in recent years. This research examines the relationships between the marketing and organizing of a recurring hallmark sport event and the marketing of a tourism destination hosting the event in terms of how their marketing strategies can be coordinated for multiple benefits. The specific purposes of this paper are: (1) to look at the destination marketing and the event marketing strategies during and after a recurring hallmark sport event by the destination marketers and the event organizing committee, (2) to examine the stakeholders relationships in destination marketing and sport event marketing for multiple benefits, and (3) to develop an incorporated destination marketing model in sport events that is relevant to China. The results of the research reveal both applicability and incongruence between the two contexts in terms of the organization structure, stakeholders and their relationships, and strategic integrated planning procedures. In addition, the finding of this research supports the view that coordination of event marketing and destination marketing could generate more benefits for both event and destination organizations. However, there currently is no significant integration, especially in the planning procedures in the case of Xiamen. The researcher - by referring to the literature and the situations in Xiamen - thus proposes three strategies for considerations in future integration, and formulates a tentative integrated planning model in the context of China.

Sail or not to sail? : How to use a ship as an event marketing tool to promote a country

Svedberg, Jenny, Gustafson, Johanna January 2008 (has links)
Today’s globalization has led to a much higher degree of competition between countries to obtain attention, trust and respect from investors, tourists and consumers as well as media. A powerful and positive brand is therefore an important advantage in the competition. Countries need to make themselves heard in order to stand out from the competition, and by using event marketing a country can be able to meet the public in a different way. One unique way is by using a ship as an event marketing tool to promote a country. The main problem of this study is therefore how a ship as an event can work as a marketing tool in terms of branding/promoting a country. Methodologically, a qualitative, single case study approach was used and interviews have been undertaken with professionals in the field of nation branding or/and that have a relation to The Swedish Ship Götheborg and its expedition to China, which has been our case of focus. The findings indicate that there is a need for clear and realistic objectives which are congruent in every part of the event marketing organization in order to promote a country. Using a ship is also a unique way of performing event marketing and therefore it is a good way of differentiate and expose a country, as well as it has an extended possibility to place market a country abroad and not just at home. This is due to that a ship has the ability to move all around the world. Our conclusions of how a ship as an event can work as a marketing tool in terms of branding/promoting a country resulted in a model which we created for nation branding organizations to consider in order for the event marketing to turn out successful. Due to the increasing competition among countries to obtain attention, the need for an extraordinary way of standing out is crucial. We believe that not only a ship, but all means of transport can be used as a form of event marketing with the purpose of promoting a country, since it is an unusual approach and has the mobile ability to reach a bigger audience all around the world. Consequently, we felt the need for a new term to be coined, namely Mobile Event Marketing. Our recommendations are therefore aimed at nation branding organizations that want to use a mobile event to market their country.

Svart bälte i ryktesspridning och events : [en studie i PR-strategierna Buzz och Event marketing]

Karlsson, Emelie January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att reda ut vilken roll strategierna Buzz och Event marketing har i PR-branschen idag samt hur de strategiska kommunikatörerna och målgruppen förhåller sig till dem. Studien undersöker också de behov och möjligheter strategierna i kombination har och ska på så sätt generera ny kunskap till grund för strategiernas fortsatta utveckling.

非營利組織事件行銷實務研究-以法鼓山活動為例 / Event Marketing for the Non-profit Organization :A Case Study on Dharma Drum Mountain

藍家正, Lan, chia-cheng Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來隨著台灣的經濟、政治、社會的激烈變化,非營利組織為因應不同動機與需求,如雨後春筍呈現蓬勃發展。但是在資源極度競爭下,非營利組織要能因應環境的變化,獲取有利資源,發揮有效的服務,建立良性的發展運作,才能使組織永續經營;所以在非營利組織的管理知識與技術中,以事件行銷方法,為達成使命與目標或是提昇服務品質的有效工具,最為非營利組織所採用。 本研究以法鼓山舉辦活動中一些較成功的事件行銷個案作為研究對象,選擇這些活動雖然是含有主觀因素,但考慮各種活動的差異及特色,故選出的活動案例也有特定的原因。「2005年法鼓山世界佛教教育園區落成開山大典活動」是在計劃永遠趕不上變化的情況下,運用大量專業執行人力,獲得社會大眾及全球媒體關注,成功地達成廣宣目的;「2004年WYPS世界青年和平高峰會台北論壇活動」是跳脫兩岸政治籓籬,獲得聯合國教科文組織授權於台北舉辦的國際性論壇活動;「2002年隋代古石雕阿閦佛頭像復歸活動」是聯合國將2002年定為文化遺產年後,法鼓山適時透過具體行動,成功地推動古蹟文物保存工作,也開啟與連結兩岸宗教、學術與歷史文化交流的善門與契機;「2002年暑期心靈環保體驗營活動」是法鼓山知名度高的營隊,每年報名相當踴躍,活動深獲青少年朋友的歡迎,相關軟硬體規劃也獲得政府公部門認證與肯定。 針對法鼓山四個事件行銷個案,本研究依其企業組織構面、目標族群構面、傳遞訊息構面、傳遞媒介構面進行歸納分析探討,研究發現法鼓山這四個事件行銷個案都具有相當成效。這些成效主要是有良好的活動策劃,再加上有效的執行所致,除此之外,整體社會環境亦是很重要因素。而且法鼓山實證個案的行銷活動由於掌握Kotler社會行銷概念中「企業、消費者、媒體」的三構面,並擁有充分的成功要素,而能實際達成甚至超越組織初始設定的活動目標。茲提出以下九點研究發現,(一)顧問群的強力支援(二)彈性的活動專案組織設計.(三)功能完善、專業分工的義工支援系統(四)健全的管理風格與專業幕僚團隊(五)領導者的個人魅力及企圖心 (六)社會大眾(信眾)需求導向應用(七)淡化宗教色彩是吸引傳播媒體報導、民眾參與的主要因素(八)基本捐贈者維繫(九)專業化媒體策略運用。以作為其他非營利組織日後舉辦活動之參考建議。 / In recent years, Taiwan has witnessed drastic economic, political and social changes. In response to these changes, numerous nonprofit organizations (NPO) addressing different causes and needs have emerged. But in an extremely competitive environment, NPOs must seek out beneficial resources, offer efficient services and establish healthy development and operations to adapt to the environment and achieve continuity. In the management knowledge and techniques of NPO operation, the approach of marketing events and activities have been proven to be effective tools in achieving goals or enhancing service qualities. And this is why it has been used most extensively by NPOs. This research has chosen specific successful marketing cases of Dharma Drum Mountain Organization (DDM)as research subjects. Though the selection of these events would imply a certain degree of subjectivity, given the characteristics and differences between these cases, the choice for these case studies has been deemed to be justifiable. Regarding the four case studies of marketing from DDM, this paper has provided conclusive analyses on these cases on the aspects of corporate structure, targeted groups, information relay and its mediums. The research has discovered that all four case studies of marketing efforts by DDM produced desirable results due to well-thought-out activity planning and effective implementations. The entire social environment has been a critical factor in DDM’s successes. In addition, from these case studies, it is evident that DDM has a good grasp of Kotler’s social marketing concepts and the three sides of the concept: “enterprises, consumers and media”. With adequate elements for success, the DDM not only achieved the goals it had set for these events, but also received results beyond its expectations. The paper offers nine points of research findings as suggestions and references for other NPOs planning to organize events in the future: (1) powerful support and back-up of an advisory group, (2) flexible designs of activity project organization, (3) a full-functional and dedicated volunteer support system, (4) a sound management style and a crew of professional advisors (5) highly motivated leaders with charisma, (6) the orientation application of demands from the general population (followers), (7) mitigating religious touches to attract media courage and people’s participation, (8) keeping in touch with rudimentary donors and (9) deployment of professional media strategies

Zur Bedeutung von Affinität beim Imagetransfer in der Praxis sportbezogener Marketing-Events

Schlesinger, Torsten, Prager, Tom 26 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Bei einer wissenschaftlichen Betrachtung des Eventmarketing wird deutlich, dass es sich um eine recht junge Form der Marktkommunikation handelt, die sich inhaltlich noch nicht voll und ganz etabliert hat. Im Gegensatz dazu ist das große Interesse der Marketingpraxis unverkennbar. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird deutlich, dass ein umfassender wissenschaftlicher Handlungsbedarf besteht. Denn ein erfolgsversprechender Einsatz dieses Instrumentes wird langfristig nur durch wissenschaftlich fundierte Kenntnisse möglich sein. Zu vertiefen sind die Bemühungen der Wissenschaft, Wirkungspotenziale und die damit verbundenen Wirkungsvoraussetzungen für das Eventmarketing aufzuzeigen, um somit zweckdienliche Entscheidungen im Rahmen des Event-Managementprozesses treffen zu können. In diesem Kontext ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass sowohl Wissenschaft als auch Praxis zu der Erkenntnis gelangt sind, dass eine Imagebeeinflussung die zentrale Wirkungsgröße im Eventmarketing darstellt. Denn auf der Basis geeigneter Eventinhalte gilt es das Marken- bzw. Unternehmensimage dahingehend zu modifizieren, dass eine unverwechselbare und sich im Wettbewerb differenzierende Positionierung möglich erscheint. Folgt man den vorliegenden wissenschaftlichen Überlegungen zum Imagetransfer so fällt auf, dass dabei die Affinität (Passfähigkeit) zwischen den Eventinhalten und der Marke/Unternehmen von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Bei einer praxisorientierten Betrachtung von inszenierten Marketing-Events liegt allerdings die Vermutung nahe, dass der strategische Planungsprozess im Allgemeinen und eine Affinitätsprüfung im Besonderen unterschätzt wird. So ist oftmals zu beobachten, dass Unternehmen Marketing-Events veranstalten, die zwar unterhaltsam sind aber einen Zusammenhang auf Grundlage gleicher sachlicher und/oder emotionaler Merkmale vermissen lassen. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage nach möglichen Gründen und Einflussfaktoren. Es ist also zu prüfen, welchen Stellenwert die Affinität in der Eventpraxis einnimmt und wie eine solche Affinität durch strategische Eventplanung, exemplarisch im Rahmen sportbezogener Marketing-Events, hergestellt werden kann. Zur relevanten Thematik wurden Experten aus verschieden Eventagenturen mittels qualitativer Interviews befragt. Zunächst konnte empirisch bestätigt werden, dass die Affinität zwischen Eventinhalten und Marke/Unternehmen eine notwendige Bedingung darstellt, um den angestrebten Imagetransfer durch Marketing-Events zu realisieren. Weiterhin wurden eine Vielzahl möglicher Einflussfaktoren auf den strategischen Eventplanungsprozess generiert, welche die Herstellung von Affinität zwischen Eventinhalt und Marke/Unternehmen durchaus negativ beeinträchtigen können. Die gewonnen Ergebnisse ergänzen somit nicht nur die vorliegenden Imagetransfermodelle für das Eventmarketing, sondern stellen zugleich eine wichtige Grundlage zur Optimierung der praxisnahen Arbeit von Eventagenturen bzw. eventveranstaltenden Unternehmen bei der Realisierung eines Imagetransfers dar.

Die Imagewirkung von Kunst- und Kulturevents : Wirkungsweisen und Erfolgsfaktoren im Event-Marketing kunstbrachenfremder Unternehmen /

Steinlechner-Marschner, Christiane. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss.--Linz, 2005.

Die Relevanz der Gastronomie als Instrument der Markenkommunikation

Zeller, Markus January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Bremen, Univ., Diss., 2009

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