Spelling suggestions: "subject:"everyday life"" "subject:"everyday wife""
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Každodenní život matek s dětmi v suburbánní zóně a ve vnitřním městě / Everyday Life of Mothers with Children in Suburbs and in the Inner CityTinková, Marie January 2012 (has links)
EVERYDAY LIFE OF MOTHERS WITH CHILDREN IN SUBURBS AND IN THE INNER CITY Abstract The aim of this thesis is to investigate the everyday life of mothers with children in the suburban zone and in the inner city, capture differences in the time-space mobility of mothers, depending on their place of residence and find out how these activities and habits differ in different types of residential enviroments. This monitoring and evaluation was based on the method of semi-structured interviews. For the research there were chosen localities Jesenice as a representative of new housing in the suburban area and Nova Harfa as a representative of new residential areas in the inner city.
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K společenskému postavení židovské menšiny v Německu v letech 1871-1890 / On the Social Position of the Jewish Minority in Germany, 1871-1890Plíčková, Helena January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the social position of the Jewish minority in Germany during the first decades of the Second Reich; it is intended as a contribution to the social history with an emphasis on the history of everyday life. It attemps to answer a question, why despite (what seemed to be) a highly successful assimilation, or more precisely acculturation, the Jews became a target of hateful attacks again in the late 1870's and 1880's. Various methods have been applied to determine, firstly, how the German-Jewish family life looked, whether and how its education approach and job structure differed from those of the majority; secondly, in which way the social-economic situation affected the minority position, its participation in public life and its attitude to the recently estabilished state; and last but not least, the way the German-Jews understood and perceived themselves, as well as the East European immigrants (so called Ostjuden) and the public's anti-Semitism. The result of the study shows that the German-Jewish values and customs were mainly identical to those of the bourgeoisie, probably with an endogamy being the only specific feature. At the time of rising Conservatism and in spite of experiencing bitter disappointment at the again appearing anti-Semitism, their optimism and trust in...
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Arabští studenti v Praze v padesátých a šedesátých letech 20. století / The Arab Students in Prague in 1950s and 1960sHannová, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of students from the so-called less developed countries in communist Czechoslovakia, specifically Arab students in the 50s and 60s of the twentieth century. In the first part the issue is put into a broader context of political and cultural connections. Apart from the situation inside the Arab region after the Second World War, the work offers insight into the mutual Czechoslovak-Arab contacts followed by a recap of Czechoslovak tertiary education after the year 1948. The text also presents the general situation of international students in the Czech environment in the observed era. Because it was the first wave of Arab scholarship holders supported by the Czechoslovak government to arrive at the end of the 50s, it is crucial to describe the shape of negotiation between the Czechoslovak and Arab sides. At the beginning of the second thematic part dealing with Arab students in Prague the attention is shifted towards cultural agreements and forms of studies in Czechoslovakia. The aspects of arriving abroad, preparatory language courses, accommodation in Prague, studying, everyday life of Arab students in Czechoslovakia and the conflicts they had faced are analyzed in the following subchapters. The problem of Arab student adaptation to the new environment and...
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Hospodářský život Hořovic do roku 1945 / Economic life of Hořovice town until 1945Kroupová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
Podbrdsko is characteristic area of iron processing. The local production of iron goes along human lives for centuries. Komárov ironworks, which had a unique effect for the whole region, were very important in iron processing evolution. Domestic production was the second type of iron processing. Hořovice were well-known for domestic production of nails. Around 1850, domestic production began to gradually disappear. The reason was the move to the factory production. Many large iron processing factories was founded in Hořovice. Harmonicas manufacturing, match industry or hospitality services were other important economic sectors in Hořovice.
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Vojenské tábory v prostoru střední Evropy v letech 1550-1650 / Middle European Military Camps in 1550-1650Andresová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the problematics of the military camps of Christian armies in the Central Europe between 1550-1650. We focus on the camps of the Habsburg Monarchy and German lands, yet some space is given to the situation in Poland and Hungary. The introductory chapters consist of a characterization of the source material and an overview of the present state of research. Furthermore, excursuses into several topics related to the military camps of the early modern period are made. Thus, characterizations of the crucial war conflicts of the period, contemporary strategies and tactics, principals, composition and equipment of the armies, of the ranks, and of the life of soldiers are provided. The core of this work is an interpretation and comparison of treatises written by military theorists, who dealt with the problematics of camps, namely of the works by Jan Tarnowski, Guillaume du Bellay, Leonhardt Fronsperger, Lazarus von Schwendi, Giorgio Basta, Johann Jacobi von Wallhausen, and Raimondo Montecuccoli. Additionally, an analysis of the military orders of the Roman emperor Maximilian II and of the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf is supplied, followed by memoirs and diaries of soldiers of that era, and contemporary literary fiction. Although the thesis includes brief characterizations of...
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Všední život nižšího šlechtice: Jan Jeníšek z Újezda a na Svrčovci podle jeho register / Everyday Life of Gentry: Jan Jeníšek of Újezd and Svrčovec Based on His RegisterBehenská, Radka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to examine a unique source so called The White Registers by Jan Jeníšek of Újezd and to Svrčovec (†1565) dating between 1539-1561. The lower nobleman Jan Jeníšek lived in the Svrčovec fortress close to the town of Klatovy. He recorded his private notes for his memory. He wrote about his economical acitivies including trade and legal matters and disputes which he led with neighbouring noblemen, burghers and subject people. Thanks to regular, frequent and detailed records the White Registers allow to introduce everyday life of a member of the lower nobility of the 16th century.
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"Je to cyklotron!" Podoba a strategie vzájemného střetávání opozice a Státní bezpečnosti v 70. a 80. letech 20. století / "It Is a Cyclotron!" Forms and Strategies of the Confrontation Between Opposition and Secret Police in the 70's and 80's.Hošek, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with forms and strategies of interference of Secret police and opposition during 1970s and 1980s. Strategies are monitored both from the side of dissent and Secret police. In the first chapter the opposite manuals for contact with Secret police are introduced. These form basic relationship delimitation of dissent and Secret police from the view of opposition. In the second part of the first chapter the manuals are embedded into wider context of legal consciousness, which represented basic element of mutual interference of these two groups. In the second chapter the strategies and methods of Secret police, which were used in the battle against "the enemy within", are introduced. Besides specific precautions used against dissidents the material and technical superiority of Secret police, which was used in the conflict against opposition, is noticeable. The final chapter represents categorization of strategies and approaches, which were chose by dissidents in contact with Secret police. The categorization originated on the basis of several factors - the character of dissidents, their experience with security authorities but also the activity, which was practised in the framework of opposite environment, belonged among them. Resulting text shows how much the worlds of dissent...
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La perception des environnements quotidiens par les enfants japonais : la (re)définition du concept de la « child-friendliness » environnementale / Perception of the everyday life environments by japanese children : (re) definition of the environmental “child-friendliness” conceptNeisch, Paulina 06 June 2013 (has links)
Les enfants ont leur propre point de vue sur les environnements architecturaux et urbains dans lesquels ils vivent. Leur point de vue est intéressant et important à connaitre car différent de celui des adultes. Néanmoins, l’enfant et son environnement sont rarement au centre des théories influençant ou développant la notion de « child-friendliness » environnementale, développée par M. Kyttä (Kyttä, 2002, 2003, 2004) dans la continuité de la théorie des affordances (Gibson, 1966, 1979/1986). Cependant, ce n’est qu’en partant de cette position-là qu’une proposition scientifiquement et empiriquement approuvée, mettant à l’épreuve cette notion est possible. En nous intéressant aux environnements quotidiens d’un territoire rural et agricole japonais, prédéfini, sur une base théorique, comme « child-friendly » par excellence, nous testons la façon dont il est vécu par ses petits habitants, et comment il reflète leurs expériences environnementales. Ainsi, à l’école élémentaire d’Ishigure, nous avons enquêté 115 élèves âgés de 7 à 12 ans, qui, sous forme de dessin et en suivant un questionnement précis, nous ont décrit leurs trajets de la maison à l’école, leurs façons de vivre et d’expérimenter les lieux d’activités parascolaires, ainsi que les bâtiments de la maison et de l’école. En engageant la perception (tant la nôtre, au cours de la phase de l’étude du terrain existant, que celle des enfants) et la représentation, à travers les interprétations et les analyses de dessins (environ 700 dessins récoltés), nous arrivons premièrement à comprendre le rapport des élèves aux espaces en question, pour ensuite intervenir sur notre notion de départ. Les résultats directs mettent alors en évidence le rapport entre la « child-friendliness » environnementale et la perception des environnements quotidiens. Ainsi, la thèse approfondit les connaissances sur la construction enfantine de la représentation spatiale dans une zone rurale japonaise, explore les expériences environnementales des enfants y habitant et redéfinit le cadre factoriel du concept de la « child-friendliness » environnementale. / Children see the architectural and urban environments in which they live from their own unique perspectives. It is interesting and important to know their point of view, with respect to how it differs from the perspectives of the adults. A child and its environment is rarely focused upon within the theories influencing the concept of the environmental “child-friendliness”, which was developed by M. Kyttä (Kyttä, 2002, 2003, 2004), and in line with the theory of affordances (Gibson, 1966, 1979/1986). However, it is only from this position that can be made possible the scientifically and empirically approved proposition testing this concept. In our studies, we focused on the lives and lifestyles found within agricultural, Japanese areas. Basing upon existing theories, we predefined it as a “child-friendly” environment and we analyzed the lives of the young inhabitants and how this was reflected in their environmental experiences. To this end, we investigated 115 children in the age between 7 and 12 years in the Ishigure elementary school. Using a form of drawing, which was followed by a detailed questionnaire, we described their journey from home to school, their way of living, and their experiences with extracurricular activities, as well as home and school buildings. Using perception (ours, in the phase of studying existing areas, as well as the one of children) and representation, through the interpretation and analyzes of drawings (approximately 700 drawings collected), we defined the relation of students to the areas we studied and we redefined the concept of the environmental “child-friendliness”. Our results highlight the relationship between the environmental “child-friendliness” and the perception of everyday life environments. This thesis also applies itself to areas of knowledge in the field of children’s construction of spatial representation within the Japanese agricultural areas, and which explores environmental experience of children living there, while redefining the factorial framework of the environmental “child-friendliness” concept.
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Quando o trabalho invade a vida: um estudo sobre a relação trabalho, vida pessoal cotidiana e saúde de professores do ensino regular e integral de São Paulo / When work invades life: a study of the relationship between work, everyday life and health of teachers of the regular and integral education in São PauloSilva, Jefferson Peixoto da 22 June 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A revolução tecnológica e as mudanças no mundo do trabalho têm levado cada vez mais trabalhadores a realizarem parte das suas atividades em contextos que vão além dos seus domínios laborais tradicionais, chamando a atenção para os possíveis efeitos desta dinâmica sobre a saúde. Diversos estudos apontam para um cenário de precarização e recorrentes casos de adoecimento entre os professores, mas o modo como o trabalho repercute sobre sua vida pessoal cotidiana não tem recebido significativa atenção enquanto fator potencialmente patogênico, mesmo considerando que levar trabalho para casa seja algo comum entre eles e que isso se reflita de alguma forma na complexa relação entre trabalho e vida pessoal cotidiana. Objetivo: Investigar a repercussão do trabalho dos professores sobre sua vida pessoal cotidiana e a implicação dessa dinâmica sobre seu processo saúde-doença. Métodos: Pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório que partiu de revisão sistemática de literatura e se realizou predominantemente por meio de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas. De modo complementar, aplicou-se formulário para caracterização sociodemográfica dos participantes, além do protocolo de atividades diárias e escalas analógicas. O público entrevistado consistiu em 29 professores de educação básica atuantes em quatro escolas públicas, além dos quatro diretores dessas referidas escolas. Duas delas se dedicavam ao ensino regular (uma municipal e outra estadual), enquanto as outras duas, ao ensino integral (ambas estaduais). Os dados foram analisados por meio de codificação temática com auxílio do software MAXQDA, versão 12. Referencial teórico: Na perspectiva da Saúde do Trabalhador, a pesquisa ancorou-se principalmente na psicodinâmica do trabalho, recorrendo também a pressupostos da clínica da atividade, da ergonomia da atividade e da antropologia da saúde. Resultados: A idade dos participantes variou entre 29 e 61 anos e o tempo de experiência na docência entre 1 a 37 anos, sendo o público predominantemente do sexo feminino. A revisão de literatura revelou um conjunto de 155 estudos sobre trabalho e saúde dos professores publicados nos últimos 20 anos, com aumento dessas obras nos últimos 10 anos, e configuração do seguinte perfil: 1) Transtornos e problemas de saúde típicos; 2) Condições de trabalho e saúde; 3) Qualidade de vida; 4) Trabalho, carreira e fundamentos da ação docente. A codificação das entrevistas, por sua vez, conduziu-nos a cinco categorias temáticas: 1) Tipologias da vida cotidiana; 2) Prazer e sofrimento no trabalho; 3) Estratégias de conciliação entre vida, trabalho e saúde; 4) Percepção, concepção e experiências de saúde e doença relatadas; 5) Invasão multiforme da vida pelo trabalho. Naquilo que lhes coube, os protocolos de atividades diárias e escalas analógicas refletiram o conteúdo que emergiu das entrevistas. Os depoimentos revelaram diversas fontes de sofrimento na vida e no trabalho dos professores, além de numerosos casos/experiências de presenteísmo, bem como o emprego de estratégias visando a conciliar tais dimensões com a manutenção da saúde. Como resultado principal, a maioria dos entrevistados demonstrou que sente sua vida ser invadida pelo trabalho de modo nocivo e que essa invasão não acontece de forma única e linear. Basicamente, ela se manifesta por meio de um estado de vinculação contínua com o trabalho (ou com algum abalo sofrido durante sua realização) - do qual o indivíduo não consegue se desligar, por mais que ele tente. Isso gera um estado de sofrimento e indisponibilidade prolongada para si e para o outro que prejudica a convivência familiar e social, além da própria recuperação para o trabalho. Conclusão: As agressões à saúde vivenciadas pelos professores no trabalho têm se projetado sobre a sua própria vida pessoal e se combinado a fatores de agressão advindos do contexto social. Neste, o desprestígio dos professores é crescente e retorna à escola na forma de perda de autoridade e até rejeição, produzindo frustrações repetitivas que contribuem para instituir um cenário de sofrimento social que se associa à invasão da vida pelo trabalho. Dado o sofrimento de amplitude social e de tipo patogênico que essa invasão multiforme produz, tal fenômeno pode ser considerado como mais um dos elementos que podem ajudar a explicar os recorrentes quadros de adoecimento desses profissionais. / Introduction: The technological revolution and changes in the world of work have led an ever increasing number of workers to carry out part of their activities in contexts that go beyond their traditional work domains, thus drawing attention to the possible effects of this dynamic on health. Several studies have indicated a context of precariousness and recurrent illness among teachers, but the way in which work affects their everyday lives has not received significant attention as a potentially pathogenic factor, even though taking work home is something common among them and it is known that this reflects in some way on the complex relationship between their work and everyday life. Objectives: To investigate the repercussion of teachers\' work on their everyday lives and the implication of this dynamic on their health-disease process. Methods: Qualitative research of an exploratory nature based initially on a systematic literature review and undertaken principally by means of individual semi-structured interviews. Complementarily, a formula was applied for the socio-demographic characterization of the participants, as well as a protocol of their daily activities and analogical scales. The public interviewed consisted of 29 basic education teachers, active in four separate public schools, as well as the four principals of those same schools. Two of these schools (one municipal and one state) followed the regular course and the other two (both state schools) adopted the integral system. The data were analyzed by means of thematic codification with the support of MAXQDA software, version 12. Theoretical framework: In terms of the Worker\'s Health perspective, this study was mainly based on the psychodynamics of work, but also used the assumptions of the activity clinic, ergonomics of activity and health anthropology. Results: The participants\' ages ranged from 29 to 61 years and their experience in teaching from 1 to 37 years, the public being predominantly female. The literature review revealed a set of 155 studies on the work and health of teachers published over the last 20 years, an increase in these studies having occurred over the last 10 years and configuration of the following profile: 1) Typical disorders and health problems; 2) Working conditions and health; 3) Quality of Life; 4) Work, career and fundamentals of teaching activity. The codification of the interviews, in turn, led us to five thematic categories: 1) Typologies of everyday life; 2) Pleasure and suffering at work; 3) Strategies for the reconciliation of life, work and health; 4) Perception, conception and experiences of health and illness reported; 5) Multiform invasion of life by work. As far as they were concerned, the daily activity protocols and analogue scales reflected the same content as emerged from the interviews. The narratives revealed several sources of suffering in the life and work of teachers, as well as numerous cases/experiences of presenteeism, as well as the use of strategies to reconcile such dimensions with the maintenance of health. As a main result, the vast majority of respondents demonstrated that they felt that their lives were being harmfully invaded by their work and that this invasion did not occur in a single, linear way. Basically, it manifested itself through a state of continuous attachment to the work (or with some suffering felt during its realization), from which the individuals could not detach themselves, no matter how much they tried. This generated a state of suffering and prolonged lack of availability for oneself and for the other, that damaged one\'s family and social coexistence, as well as one\'s own recovery for the work. Conclusion: The attacks on their health experienced by teachers at work are reflected in their personal lives and combine with aggressive factors arising within the social context. Within this latter context, the teacher\'s discredit grows and this reflects in school life as a loss of authority and even rejection, producing repeated frustrations that contribute to the installation of a scenario of social suffering associated with the invasion of daily life by work. Given the suffering of such social amplitude and pathogenic type that this multiform invasion produces, this phenomenon may be considered one of the elements that helps to explain the picture of recurrent illness which these professionals present.
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O espaço da participação e a cidade no cotidiano de famílias de pessoas com autismo / The space of participation and the city in the everyday life of families of people with autism.Machado, Márcia Francisca Lombo 31 October 2014 (has links)
A participação da sociedade no planejamento da cidade e de suas políticas públicas com vistas à qualificação e democratização dos espaços e serviços é uma questão até agora não debatida quando se trata das necessidades de pessoas com autismo. O presente trabalho abre essa discussão tendo como objeto de estudo o cotidiano das famílias de pessoas com autismo e, com uma abordagem interdisciplinar, se propõe a compreender os impactos do cotidiano e da cidade sobre essas famílias e suas formas de organização participativa para criar e consolidar as políticas públicas de que necessitam. As escolhas metodológicas foram baseadas em pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa de campo realizado a partir de entrevistas em profundidade com atores envolvidos com o tema do estudo e de um grupo focal com mães de pessoas com autismo. A análise dos dados foi fundamentada em referenciais teóricos multidisciplinares como participação e poder, direito à cidade, cotidianidade e identidade social. A investigação mostrou haver uma forte identidade entre as famílias, gerada no estigma e nas lutas comuns, que tem sustentado ações coletivas e iniciativas de associativismo. A urgência em prover os itens básicos ao desenvolvimento dos filhos esbarra nas discrepâncias do espaço urbano fazendo da cidade um obstáculo na vida cotidiana, e concorre contra a organização coletiva e o engajamento das famílias na participação política. Pela força de sua identidade as famílias fazem das dificuldades motivação para atuar e fazer da luta uma razão de vida, o que aponta nesse grupo social potencialidades para alavancar conquistas. A noção de planejamento e gestão coletiva da cidade e o anseio à participação, no controle das políticas sociais e urbanas como solução consistente para as demandas das famílias de pessoas com autismo, existem, mas não estão disseminadas no grupo pesquisado, indicando um processo em construção. Os dados e reflexões decorrentes do presente estudo permitem extrapolações para outros grupos sociais, quanto a demandas não atendidas no cotidiano da cidade e desafios à mudança social e participação de grupos estigmatizados na redistribuição de poder. / The participation of society in the planning of the city and its public policies aiming the qualification and democratization of spaces and services is an issue not addressed so far when it comes to the needs of people with autism. This work opens such discussion having as object of study the everyday life of the families of people with autism and, with interdisciplinary approach, aims to understand the impacts of everyday life and the city over these families and their participatory forms of organization to create and consolidate the public policies they need. The methodological choices were based on literature and field research conducted from in-depth interviews with key actors in the subject of study and a focus group with mothers of people with autism. Data analysis was based on multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks such as participation and power, the right to the city, everyday life and social identity. The investigation results showed that there is a strong identity among families, generated by the stigma and the common struggles, which has sustained collective actions and associative initiatives. The urgency of providing the basic items for the development of the children bumps into the discrepancies of urban space turning the city into an obstacle in everyday life, and competing against the collective organization and the involvement of families in political participation. By the force of their identity the families transform the difficulties in motivation to act and engage the fight as a reason to living, which indicates the group potential to leverage social achievements. The notion of collective planning and management of the city and the will to participate in the control of social and urban policies as a consistent solution for the demands of families of people with autism exist, but are not widespread in the surveyed group, indicating an ongoing process. The data and reflections resulting from the present study allow extrapolation to other social groups regarding the unmet needs in everyday life of the city and challenges of social change and participation of stigmatized groups in the redistribution of power.
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