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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Buities ir kultūros dvasia / The spirit of everyday life and culture

Švobaitė, Vika 02 February 2011 (has links)
Vikos Švobaitės aliejinės tapybos darbų kolekciją “Buities ir kultūros dvasia“ sudaro septyni, atskiri paveikslai, kuriuos jungia bendra tema bei idėja. Modernusis žmogus šiandien į daug ką žvelgia kritiškai. Tai, kas dar prieš pusšimtį metų jo seneliams ir tėvams buvo šventa, neleistina, dabar dažnai laikoma jau nevertu dėmesio, atgyvenusiu dalyku, nors, giedodami Vinco Kudirkos mums paliktą Tautišką giesmę – Lietuvos himną, tebekartojame :“Iš praeities tavo sūnūs te stiprybę semia“. Tiktai labiau įsigilinus, susimąsčius atsiskleidžia tos tariamos archaikos giluminė prasmė, reikalinga ir šiandienos egzistencijai. Mūsų protėviams gyvenamoji namų aplinka buvo sava, rodos gerai pažįstama, bet kartu ir paslaptinga. Taigi, savo darbų kolekcija norėčiau atkreipti dėmesį į Lietuvio namus, į tuos paprastus dalykus, kurių dažnai nepastebime. Žvilgterėti į paprasto Lietuvos žemdirbio dar taip neseniai, gal tik XX a. Pirmaisiais dešimtmečiais, gal vienu kitu dešimtmečiu anksčiau buvusią aplinką, pagrindinį dėmesį sutelkiant į gyvenamojo namo, seniau vadinto troba, pirkia, gryčia, vidų, į tai, kas buvo tiesiogiai susiję su žmogumi, šeima, jos buitimi ir siekiais. Taigi, noriu pasidairyti po lietuvio namus senovėje, žvilgterėti į juos ano meto žmonių tikėjimų akimis ir vizualizuoti tai aliejinės tapybos darbų kolekcijoje. Teorinėje magstrinio darbo dalyje naudojau literatūros informacinių šaltinių analizavimo, interpratavimo metodiką. Kūrybiniame darbe naudota aliejinės tapybos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Vika Švobaitės oil paintings collection the spirit of everyday life and culture of seven, separate images connected by a common theme and idea. The modern man today in a lot of things to look at critically. This is what fifty years before his grandparents and parents had been saints, is excluded, is now often regarded as not worth attention, the subject of an obsolete, though, Vinco Kudirka singing National Song left us - the Lithuanian national anthem, repeat; In the past your sons draw strength. Only closer inspection, I became aware of the alleged archaic reveal deep meaning and need of today existence. Our ancestors have been resident in their own home environment seems familiar, but also mysterious. Thus, his collection of works I pay attention to the house to the simple things that are often missing. To see the average Lithuanian farmers more so recently, perhaps only in the twentieth century In the first decades of the decade, maybe one other previously existing environment, focusing on residential building, formerly known as farmhouse, cottage, inside of which was directly related to human , family, household and its goals. So, I want a look at the Lithuanian Hall in ancient times, to see to them at that time peoples beliefs through the eyes and visualize a collection of oil paintings. The theoretical part master used a literary analysis of information sources, interpretation methodology. Creative work used in oil painting techniques. I chose this technique because... [to full text]

Entre tension et engagement : la réception de la télé-réalité au sein d'un public de jeunes Québécoises

Sironi, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Folk tittar på mig som om jag är dum i huvudet när jag säger att mitt barn inte pratar : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars hantering av svårigheter i vardagslivet med barn som har autism / People look at me like I'm stupid when I say that my child does not speak : A qualitative study of parents' dealing with difficulties in everyday life with children who have autism

Olsson, Emma, Andjic, Tina January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand how parents to children with autism handle difficulties in their daily lives. Previous research defines autism and shows how it can affect families but it doesn’t show how families handle autism. We have done eight qualitative interviews with parents to children with autism. The result shows similar forms of difficulties in families which children with autism, even though the degree of difficulties varies. The result furthermore shows that the parent handles these similar difficulties in similar ways. The parents may use a variety of forms of coping. Through coping as a problem-focused strategy the parents deal with the situation by actively prohibiting the child with autisms acting out. In other cases parents might have to deal mentally with a situation which signifies an emotional-focused coping where they passively manage the difficulties everyday life presents. For example, the parents may seek support by a family member who gives the parents alleviation of the burden the parents experiences. In this study the results are finally discussed in relation to the implications for further research and practical social work.

Out and about in the welfare state : the right to transport in everyday life for people with disabilities in Swedish, Danish and Norwegian law

Pettersson, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to identify how a social citizenship for people with disabilities is shaped bythe normative structures in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian law governing their right to transportin everyday life. The thesis deals with three types of transport provided by the public to private individuals: transport services, car allowances, and cash benefits for reimbursing transport costs forpeople with disabilities. For each provision, the focus of the study is directed by the followingquestions: – Is there a rights/duties relationship between the public and the individual? Who is eligible forprovision? How does public funding impact entitlement? Who is obliged to provide? What are thelegal guarantees for entitlement? Despite objectives within Nordic law and policy that people with disabilities should be compensated for their impairments, and allowed to lead independent and autonomous lives, the results from the thesis show that the various transport provisions do not fully realize this. The legal relations between the public and those with needs for transport in their everyday lives are characterized by control, scrutiny and questioning. In order to protect the public budgets from costs, the eligibility criteria in the law are so constructed as to ensure that only certain needs for transport, and only some impairments, can meet them. The national, regional and municipal governments, and the administrative courts, subject people with disabilities to intrusive inquiries regarding personal details and other circumstances in their lives, in order to be able to judge which needs for transport are to be considered legitimate and which are not. The thesis shows that the individual rights to, especially, Swedish and Norwegian transport provisions are poorly protected against political decisions to cut funding. Local and regional self-governance isan interest that always competes with individual legal rights and make them weaker, irrespective of whether these rights can be appealed in administrative courts. The conclusion in the thesis highlights how a social citizenship is shaped in the law governing the right to transport for people with disabilities, and that this social citizenship does not reinforce independence and individual autonomy for those who are dependent on the various provisions tomeet their needs for transport in their everyday lives.

Tak över huvudet före klockan 12 på natten : de hemlösas liv och vardag i en storstad

Lång, Jenny, Thunman, Josefin January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Från internationell forskning finns det i dagsläget kunskap om synen på hemlösa, deras egna upplevelser av sina villkor, sitt identitetsskapande, sin livssituation, och om de hemlösas brist på hälsa och vård. Forskning på samma område saknas dock i svensk kontext. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att i svensk kontext beskriva hemlösas upplevelser av sin vardag och erfarenheter från vård och omvårdnad - från de hemlösas perspektiv och omvårdnadens perspektiv. Metod: En empirisk studie med kvalitativ ansats som baserades på samtal och dialoger med hemlösa, och på en interaktiv intervju med en sjuksköterska som arbetade med hemlösa. Deduktiv innehållsanalys, modifierad efter Malterud (2009), som baserades på omvårdnadens metabegrepp. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i 14 subkategorier som i diskussionen sattes i syntes med omvårdnadens fyra metabegrepp. Slutsats: Analysen resulterade i ny kunskap som visar att den hemlöse lever i en miljö som innebär en stor risk för att vara i lidandets grepp och ha ohälsan som ständig följeslagare, även om den enskildes mål är hälsa. Den nya kunskapen har också visat att de hemlösa sitter inne med en paradoxal styrka och en vilja att skapa god relation med omvårdnaden. För att denna relation verkligen ska stödja den hemlöse mot hälsa, krävs av omvårdnaden att låta den hemlöse bli sedd, att bejaka den hemlöses människovärde och värdighet, samt från sin sida bygga relationen på etik, moral och ansvar; genom det hjälps den hemlöse till ett gott livssammanhang. / Background: From international research, there is knowledge about the perception of homeless people, their own experiences of their condition, their identity formation, their life situation, and about their lack of health care. Research in this field is deficient in the Swedish context. Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe homeless experiences of their everyday lives and experiences of care and attention - from the perspective of homeless and nursing perspectives, in a Swedish context. Method: An empirical study with a qualitative approach, based on conversations and dialogues with the homeless, and an interactive interview with a nurse who worked with homeless people. Deductive content analysis, modified by Malterud (2009), which was based on nursing meta-concepts. Results: The analysis resulted in 14 subcategories, and in the discussion the subcategories was put in relation to the four meta-concepts of nursing. Conclusion: The analysis resulted in new information showing that the homeless are living in an environment that poses a major risk to be in the grip of suffering and have poor health as a constant companion, even if the individual goal was health. These new findings have also shown that the homeless have a paradoxical strength and a willingness to create good relationship with nursing care. It is required of nursing, for this relationship to really support the homeless to health, to allow the homeless to be seen, to affirm the homeless human worth and dignity, and to build the relationship of ethics, morality and responsibility; and by this help the homeless to a good life.

State Violence, Mobility and Everyday Life in Cairo, Egypt

Smith, Christine E 01 January 2015 (has links)
State violence in Egypt is an embedded part of daily life and popular culture, and well documented in social and news media. The uprisings of January 11, which took place in Egypt were organized in large part against violence and torture regularly delivered by police forces. In this dissertation I examine the implications of chronic state violence on everyday life for low-income Egyptians. In doing so, this dissertation provides analysis of how violence shapes forms of intimacy within social life, how it shapes urban landscapes and the politics therein and how it informs individual piety and banal practices of security. This work contributes to studies within feminist geopolitics, memory and emotion within geography by understanding the lives of Cairenes through their experience of the landscape and places they inhabit, maneuver through, and create with the memory and threat of state violence. The project focuses on four selected sites in Greater Cairo: Kholousy Street in Shoubra, Musky Market in Old Cairo, Cairo University in Giza, and Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo. These sites have been chosen because they represent different nodes of daily life (shopping, leisure, education, and political participation) for low-income Cairenes. Research methods include participant observation at the four sites, eleven focus groups and thirty-one interviews with low-income Cairo residents in two age cohorts: one group of participants between the ages of 18 and 26, and a second cohort between the ages of 49 and 57. For each of these questions, this project provides a gender sensitive comparison of the two age cohorts in order to gain insight into the role of youth and memory and gender in Cairenes’ interpretations and representations of the Mubarak era and the recent revolution.

”Jag kommer aldrig att bli frisk igen” : Barns upplevelser av att leva med diabetes mellitus / ”I will never be well again” : Childrens´ experiences of living with type I diabetes

Svensson, Anton, Case, Matilda January 2015 (has links)
Diabetes typ 1 (DM typ 1) är en av de mest förekommande kroniska sjukdomarna och drabbar främst barn och tonårningar. DM typ 1 kräver en livslång övervakning och behandling med insulininjektioner vilket ställer höga ansvarskrav på den drabbade. Barn- och tonåren karaktäriseras av olika stadium. För att främja utvecklandet av en god patientdelaktighet under hela mognadsprocessen är det viktigt att sjuksköterskan besitter fördjupad kunskap om barns upplevelser av att leva med DM typ 1. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva barn i åldrarna 10-18 års upplevelser av att leva med DM typ 1. Metoddelen var en litteraturstudie som bestod av tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet framfördes genom tre huvudteman och tre underkategorier: Upplevelsen av egenvård, upplevelsen av stöd med underkategorierna; stöd genom föräldrar, stöd genom vänner och stöd genom sjukvårdsteamet och skolan. Det sista temat beskrev upplevelsen av sjukdomens påverkan på vardagen. Över tid upplevdes förståelsen och kunskapen av sjukdomen öka vilket genererade i förbättrad egenvård. Barn upplevde att en god problemlösningsförmåga var nyckeln till en välfungerande vardag. Varje patientmöte måste på en djupare nivå anpassas efter individen för att optimera vardagsupplevelsen för en person med DM typ 1. Sjuksköterskans roll i förbättringen av den unge individens vardagsupplevelser bör därför diskuteras mer. / Diabetes type 1 (DM type 1) is one ofe the most common chronical diseases and affects mainly children and adolescents. DM type 1 requires a lifelong monitoring and treatment with insulin injections, which sets high standards of responsibility on the affected person. Childhood and adolescence is characterized by different phases. To foster the development of a good patient participation thoughout the maturation process, it is important that nurses possess indepth knowledge about youth´s experiences. The aim of this study was to describe children´s, in the age of 10-18, experiences of livning with DM type 1. The method was a literature study which consisted of ten scientific articles. The findings was performed by three main themes and three sub-categories: the experience of self-care, the experience of support with the sub-categories: support from parents, support from friends and support through the healtcare team and the school. The last theme described the experience of the diseases impact on everyday life. Over time the experienced understanding and knowledge of the disease increased, which generated in improved self-care. Children experienced that good problem solvning skills were the key to a functioning everyday life. Each meeting with a patient must in a deeper way be adapted to the individual to optimize the experience of everyday life for a young person with DM type 1. The nurses role in improvning young people´s experiences of everyday life should therefore be discussed further.

Äldre personers dagliga liv och betydelsen av dagrehabilitering

Tollén, Anita January 2013 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to study elderly persons’ everyday life and the benefits of community-based day care rehabilitation (DCR). Further aims were to describe everyday life as experienced by elderly persons eligible for DCR and what they expected to gain from attending DCR. Participants in  study I and II were 22 prospective elderly day-care patients with physical disabilities. Interviews about their experiences of everyday life (study I) and their expectations of DCR (study II) were conducted and analysed according to a qualitative research approach called phenomenography. In study III 15 elderly persons were interviewed about changes in everyday life after having been discharged from DCR. A narrative approach was used for analysing the interviews. In Study IV occupational therapy patients’ records from 59 patients that had been discharged from DCR were analysed using deductive content analysis for describing individual treatment goals and level of goal attainment. The findings in study I, showed that cessation of activities and social contacts resulted in feelings of resignation and dejection for some participants. Participants also described how activities and social contacts continued, albeit in a different way, and that being active resulted in feelings of pleasure. In study II the findings described expectations of participating in physical training and socialisation with others at the DCR. The findings in study III, in the form of four case-stories, described positive changes in the participants’ everyday life such as improved occupational performance and heightened sense of wellbeing. The findings indicate that it was a combination of several events that together contributed to the changes. The findings in study IV showed that “Walking” was the category that contained the highest proportion of treatment goals. A majority of the treatment goals were either completely achieved or partially achieved. DCR could have a significant impact on elderly persons’ everyday life.

Soviet People with Female Bodies : Performing Beauty and Maternity in Soviet Russia in the mid 1930-1960s

Gradskova, Yulia January 2007 (has links)
The everyday practices of maternity and beauty are important for the enactment of femininity. This dissertation deals with femininities created in the context of changing ideas about “normality” in Soviet Russia during the mid 1930s-1960s and explores a diversity of norms, discourses and rituals. The main sources are women’s magazines, advice books, and interviews with women living now in three different cities of the Russian Federation – Moscow, Saratov (Volga region) and Ufa (capital of Bashkortostan Republic). The results of the research suggest that some parts of the Soviet discourses on maternity and beauty turn out to be similar to those that were characteristic for other European countries of the same historical period. At the same time the interviews show that the modern practices of medical and welfare institutions, the consumption of clothes as well as advice about appearance and childcare were situated in the context of shortages of goods, women’s work outside of home, rhetorics of the “naturalness” of maternity for every woman as well as that of a woman’s particular need to care about looking nice. Together with the home reproduction of many rural/patriarchal rituals of maternity and beauty it led to a contradictory everyday performance of femininity. Fluctuating categories of social status, ethnical belonging, geographical location and generation also contributed to a diversity of femininity constructions. Common sense normativities concerning practices of becoming a mother, caring for a baby and making oneself beautiful suggest that Soviet discourses on maternity and beauty were only partly accepted and reproduced by women. They were also partly rejected and subverted in everyday practices. The analysis of maternity and beauty practices shows that performative femininities were utterly complex. / <p>Boken innehåller en sammanfattning på ryska.</p>

Tillhör vi Sveriges framtid? : En etnologisk studie av vardag och hållbarhet i norrländsk glesbygd / Do we belong to the future of Sweden? : An Ethnological study of everyday life and sustainability in the northern sparsely populated area

Wollin Elhouar, Elisabeth January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation concerns everyday life and sustainability in sparsely populated parts of Northern Sweden. The aim is to study how sustainability is constructed, experienced, practised and perceived in a field of tension between local everyday life and political discourses. Apart from written material, the study is based on interviews and observations performed in the municipalities Strömsund and Örnsköldsvik. Empirical themes include everyday life movements and means of transport, work and spare time practices, and experiences of time. The central theoretical concepts used are everyday life, provinces of meanings, typifications, community, place and policy. These concepts shape the analysis of processes pertaining to space and movement, work and leisure, time and tempo. The study shows gaps between sustainability policies and local experiences of sustainability. In order to highlight complications like the ones between the center and the periphery, polices and lived experiences, I have stressed the importance of the social dimension of sustainability. It is nevertheless important to nuance the concept of social sustainability since it carries an ambiguity, for example in terms of collisions with other dimensions of sustainability. Socially good life styles have a tendency to collide with the ecological definitions of sustainability. The emphasis on the social dimensions has been done in order to draw attention to unfair effects from a time-space perspective, and to point at the problem with urban norms in policies on sustainability.

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