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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure et croissance de nanophases supportées d'oxyde de tungstène

Bruyere, Stéphanie 04 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Des nanobâtonnets de trioxyde de tungstène peuvent être élaborés sur un substrat de mica de type muscovite à l'aide d'une méthode simple de dépôt en phase vapeur. La croissance de ces objets semble obéir à un mode de croissance de type Stranski-Krastanov. Les nanobâtonnets sont majoritairement constitués d'une phase hexagonale métastable qui a été mise en évidence par MET. Cette structure se forme à partir d'un bronze de tungstène interfacial de structure hexagonale, qui croît en épitaxie sur le mica. Ce bronze contient du potassium provenant du substrat. Pour les bâtonnets les plus épais, la phase hexagonale est surmontée d'une structure monoclinique. La stabilité thermique de la structure hexagonale est importante puisqu'après un recuit à 600°C cette phase subsiste alors que la morphologie en bâtonnets est détruite. Les processus stabilisants la structure hexagonale sont apparemment à dissocier de ceux conduisant à la morphologie en bâtonnets. Le potassium joue un rôle majeur lors de la croissance des nanobâtonnets de WO3. Des élaborations de nanophases d'oxyde de tungstène suivies in situ par photoémission ainsi que par EXAFS de surface sur des substrats volontairement dopés avec du potassium mettent en évidence la forte affinité de cet élément avec le tungstène. Celle-ci peut même entraîner la décomposition partielle d'une molécule telle que du carbonyle de tungstène juste physisorbée à température cryogénique. En outre, la présence du potassium conduit à des phases plus oxydées qu'en son absence.

Characterization of Aqueous Peroxomolybdates with Catalytic Applicability

Taube, Fabian January 2003 (has links)
Abstract This thesis is a summary of five papers, containing equilibrium and structure studies of aqueous molybdate and peroxomolybdate species. Some of the peroxomolybdate species have also been studied in terms of their dynamic and catalytic properties. The primary objective was to characterize species with potential catalytic activity, with emphasis on thebleach process of kraft pulp. For this, potentiometry, EXAFS and 17O, 31P, 1H and 95 Mo NMR have been used. The molybdate speciation in 0.300 M Na2(SO4) medium was found to differ from that in 0.600 M Na(Cl) medium, in that the uncharged monomeric molybdate species H2MoO4 was stronger in the sulphate medium, while highly charged species, such as Mo7O24 6-, became somewhat less pronounced. Diperoxomolybdate species, (MoX2)n (X = peroxo ligand, n = 1-2), dominated the peroxomolybdate systems when sufficient peroxide was available. Both sulphate and chloride coordinated to molybdenum in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and these species were more inert than diperoxomolybdate species without coordinated medium anions. Chemical exchange rates increased upon protonation. A dimeric triperoxomolydate species was the only species found that contained more than two peroxo groups per molybdenum atom. At low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, monoperoxoheptamolybdate species, Mo7X, were found. Phosphate was found to coordinate relatively weakly to molybdate in the presence of peroxide. Species with four different nuclearities, i.e. (MoX2)nP (n = 1-4), were found. At excess of peroxide, no molybdophosphates were present. Chemical exchange rates were found to be substantially lower than in the peroxomolybdate system. The aqueous monomeric diperoxomolybdate species retain the pentagonal bipyramidal seven-coordination found in the solid state, although with increased bond lengths. Sulphate seems to coordinate to molybdenum in a monodentate fashion by replacing an oxygen atom. Chloride probably coordinates by replacing an oxygen atom as well. For the dimeric diperoxomolybdate species, a single oxygen-bridge was proposed. Conjugated carbon double bonds in the side chains of lignin model compounds were found to be hydroxylated or epoxidised by peroxomolybdate species. The addition of phosphate did not affect the type or yield of oxidation products noticeably. It was also shown that hydrogen peroxide, in the absence of molybdate, did not react to any noticeable extent with the lignin model compounds under these conditions.

Iron and aluminium speciation in Swedish freshwaters : Implications for geochemical modelling

Sjöstedt, Carin January 2012 (has links)
Speciation governs transport and toxicity of trace metals and is important to monitor in natural waters. Geochemical models that predict speciation are valuable tools for monitoring. They can be used for risk assessments and future scenarios such as termination of liming. However, there are often large uncertainties concerning the speciation of iron and aluminium in the models, due to the complicated chemistry of these metals. Both are important in governing the speciation of other metals, due to (i) their capacity to form minerals onto which metals can adsorb and (ii) their ability to compete for binding sites to natural organic matter (NOM). Aluminium is also potentially toxic and is therefore closely monitored in acidified freshwaters. In this study different phases of iron in Swedish lakes were characterised. This required a good method for preconcentrating the iron colloids. A new method was developed in this thesis that uses an anion-exchange column to isolate the iron colloids prior to characterisation with extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. Iron was present as ferrihydrite in particles but was also strongly monomerically complexed to NOM in two Swedish lakes. Based on the results an internally consistent process-based geochemical equilibrium model was presented for Swedish freshwaters. The model was validated for pH (n = 9 400) and inorganic monomeric aluminium (Ali) (n = 3 400). The model could simulate pH and Ali simultaneously, and be used for scenario modelling. In this thesis, modelling scenarios for decreases and complete termination of liming are presented for the 3 000 limed Swedish lakes. The results suggest that liming can be terminated in 30 % of the Swedish lakes and decreased in many other lakes. / <p>QC 20120919</p>

Spéciation de l'uranium dans l'environnement : application aux opales de Nopal I (Mexique et aux résidus miniers de Gunnar (Canada)

Othmane, Guillaume 29 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La compréhension des processus de migration et de piégeage des radionucléides est importante pour prédire leur comportement à proximité des sites de résidus miniers ou pour estimer la sûreté de sites potentiels de stockage de déchets nucléaires à haute activité. La spéciation de l'uranium, influencée par de nombreux facteurs biotiques ou abiotiques, est un paramètre clé pour le contrôle de son transfert dans l'environnement. La spéciation de l'uranium a tout d'abord été étudiée dans les opales du gisement d'uranium de Nopal I (Mexique). Des observations par microscopie électronique en transmission ont révélé la présence de nanocristaux de vorlanite, un rare uranate de calcium cubique de formule CaUO4. Pour la première fois, la vorlanite a été trouvée avec une morphologie cubique en accord avec sa structure. Ces opales ont ensuite été analysées par spectroscopie de luminescence résolue en temps. La comparaison des spectres des opales avec ceux de références synthétisées au laboratoire a indiqué la présence de complexes uranyles monomériques ou polymériques (associés ou non à du calcium ou des phosphates) adsorbés sur la surface interne de l'opale à pH 7-8. Enfin, les pièges naturels de l'uranium ont été déterminés dans les résidus miniers de Gunnar (Canada). L'uranium est majoritairement présent sous forme de complexes uranyles adsorbés sur les octaèdres Fe(O,OH)6 d'(oxyhydr)oxydes de fer ou de chlorite, dans un premier site de stockage. Dans le second, nos résultats suggèrent la présence de coprécipités d'U(VI) avec des (oxyhydr)oxydes de fer. La mobilité de l'uranium à Gunnar est donc contrôlée par des processus d'adsorption/désorption et de dissolution/(co)précipitation

Biogéochimie structurale du zinc et du plomb par spectroscopie EXAFS : interactions avec des acides humiques, des parois cellulaires de champignon, et des lichens

Sarret, Géraldine 09 January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Le risque écotoxicologique des métaux présents dans le milieu naturel dépend beaucoup plus de leur statut physico-chimique que de leur concentration totale. Afin de déterminer ce statut, nous avons étudié par spectroscopie EXAFS les interactions au niveau moléculaire du zinc et du plomb avec différents systèmes naturels organiques: des acides humiques (AH), constituants de la matière organique des sols; des parois cellulaires de champignons filamenteux , utilisés comme biosorbants pour le traitement d'eaux chargées en métaux; et des lichens, utilisés comme bioindicateurs de pollution. * Pour les deux métaux étudiés, les AH possèdent une distribution de sites d'affinités différentes. Les ligands majoritaires sont des groupements carboxyles monodentates et des molécules d'eau, la proportion de molécules d'eau augmentant quand l'affinité du site diminue. Pour le zinc, les sites de plus faible affinité forment des complexes de sphère externe, où le métal est solvaté par 6 molécules d'eau, et lié aux groupements fonctionnels des AH par des liaisons faibles. * Les parois cellulaires du champignon Penicillium chrysogenum possèdent deux sites de complexation pour Zn et Pb: environ 90% sont des groupements phosphate, constituant les sites de plus haute affinité pour Zn, et 10% sont des groupements carboxyle, constituant les sites de plus haute affinité pour Pb. * Dans le lichen hyperaccumulateur Diploschisles muscorum, Zn et Pb sont immobilisés sous forme de sels d'oxalate. Il s'agit d'un mécanisme physiologique adaptatif, qui n'existe pas chez les espèces tolérantes: dans Cladonia subulala, le zinc est complexé par un acide organique moins fort complexant que l'oxalate, probablement le malate; dans Xanthoria parietina, le plomb est piégé de façon passive par complexation sur les macromolécules de la paroi cellulaire des filaments fongiques. L'étude de ces trois systèmes a permis d'évaluer le potentiel et les limites de la spectroscopie d'absorption X pour l'étude des systèmes organiques naturels. Elle ouvre des perspectives intéressantes dans le domaine du traitement biologique des pollutions métalliques, comme la phytoremédiation ou la bioremédiation.

Magnetism and Structure of Thin 3d Transition Metal Films : XMCD and EXAFS using Polarized Soft X-Rays

Hahlin, Anders January 2003 (has links)
In this Thesis the magnetic and structural properties of thin epitaxial Fe, Co, and Ni films are discussed. Some of the in-situ prepared samples were used to characterize the degree of circular polarization of the newly installed beamline D1011 at MAX-lab. By means of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and utilizing the associated magneto optic sum rules, the orbital (ml) and spin (ms) moments are determined directly in mB/atom with elemental specificity. The extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements yield site specific information on the local crystallographic structure. These measurements were performed using the circular x-rays of several beamlines. The influence of the degree of spatial source coherence lspat of the x-rays was characterized by means of Fresnel diffractometry. A correlation between enhanced XAS white line intensities and higher values of lspat was established for 20 ML Fe, Co, and Ni films on Cu(100). The degree of circularly polarized x-rays (Pc) at beamline D1011 at MAX-lab was characterized by studying Fe films on Cu(100) by means of XMCD. The maximum value of Pc is experimentally determined to Pc =0.85. The Au/Co/Au trilayer system was studied as a function of Co thickness, temperature, and Au cap thickness. A 10 mono-layer (ML) Co film, with an Au cap of 20 Å, shows a spin reorientation transition (SRT) from an in-plane to an out-of-plane easy direction as the temperature is lowered from 300 K to 200 K. The magnetic properities of these Co films are very different to what is found for bulk samples due to, in particular, the broken symmetry at the interfaces. The thickness dependent spin reorientation transition in the Fe/Ag(100) system was characterized by means of XMCD and EXAFS measurements. 3 ML Fe films show an out-of-plane easy direction with an 125% enhanced orbital moment as compared to the 25 ML Fe in-plane film. Simulations of the Fe L-edge EXAFS indicate the bulk Fe bcc structure for film thicknesses of 6-25 ML Fe. For 3 ML Fe strong deviations from this bcc phase is observed. Ultrathin Co films deposited on flat and vicinal Cu(111) in the thickness region 1-25 ML were studied by means of XMCD and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The vicinal Cu(111) Co deposition leads to the formation of elongated islands preferentially oriented along the step edges. In connection to this particular Co growth mode we observe an increase of both the orbital and the spin moment on the vicinal Cu(111) of about 25% relative to what was observed for Co on flat Cu(111).

Exploring the Magnetism of Ultra Thin 3d Transition Metal Films

Andersson, Cecilia January 2006 (has links)
In this thesis the magnetic and structural properties of ultra-thin 3d transition metals films have been investigated, in particular Fe, Ni and Co films. X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) has provided element specific spin (ms ) and orbital (ml ) moments per atom by utilizing the magneto optic sum-rules. Element specific hysteresis curves have been measured by means of X-ray Resonant Magnetic Scattering (XRMS), and the local crystallographic structure has been investigated using Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS). By performing XMCD on Fe/Ag(100) we observe a spin reorientation from in-plane to out-of-plane as the Fe thickness is lowered. At temperatures below 300K it occurs around 5-7 mono layers (ML) of Fe. While reorienting the magnetization out-of-plane the orbital moment increases with 125% but only a minor increase (5%) of the spin moment is observed. Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) measurements indicate that films 6 ML and thicker have a bulk-like bcc structure. For the thin out-of-plane films, the local crystallographic structure is more complicated. The spin reorientation of the Au/Co/Au tri-layer system has been studied as a function of temperature, Co layer and Au cap thickness. An unexpected behavior of the orbital moment upon spin reorientation is found in these systems. An ex-situ prepared sample shows a smooth spin reorientation from an in-plane to an out-of-plane easy magnetization direction as the temperature is lowered from 300K to 200K. In-situ prepared samples have also been investigated and a novel phase diagram has been identified. The Au/Co interface has been explored during the Au capping by means of photoemission measurements. In the bi- and tri-layer system of Fe and Ni we have been able to manipulate the spin reorientation by varying the Fe and Ni thickness. A novel non-collinear interlayer exchange interaction for 3d ferro magnets in direct contact has been discovered for a set of samples. This exchange interaction is found to be strongly dependant on the preparation conditions.

Structural Properties and Two Photon Luminescence Study of Yb:YAG Single Crystal

Peng, Chih-Hao 09 July 2012 (has links)
High quality YbxY1-xAG (0≤x≤1) single crystals were grown by using the Czochralski method. The structural properties of YbxY1-xAG (0≤x≤1) single crystals were also investigated using the EXAFS method. Additionally, for the first time, EXAFS results were compared with XRD results. Moreover, without essential lattice structure transformation, YbxY1-xAG crystals can be found due to the varying of doping concentration in XRD measurements. However, EXAFS measurements indicated that the local fine structural variation around the Yb3+ ion depends on the Yb3+ concentration. This work also studies the two-photon luminescence spectra of a Yb3+ doped YAG crystals. To study the spectral performance of Yb:YAG crystal, intense green light (centered at about 544nm) was generated by the crystal upon excitation using a 973nm InGaAs LD pump source. The luminescence spectra were obtained for various Yb concentrations and the emission intensity were plotted versus Yb3+ concentration. The green emission light attributed to Yb3+ two-photon transition.

Glass Forming Ability and Relaxation Behavior of Zr Based Metallic Glasses

Kamath, Aravind Miyar 2011 May 1900 (has links)
Metallic glasses can be considered for many commercial applications because of the higher mechanical strength, corrosion and wear resistance when compared to crystalline materials. To consider them for novel applications, the challenge of preparing metallic glasses from the liquid melt phase and how the properties of metallic glasses change due to relaxation need to be understood better. The glass forming ability (GFA) with variation in composition and inclusion of different alloying elements was studied by using thermal techniques to determine important GFA indicators for Zr-based bulk metallic glasses (BMG). The effect of alloying elements, annealing temperature and annealing time on the thermal and structural relaxation of the BMGs was studied by using an annealing induced relaxation approach. The thermal relaxation was studied by measuring specific heat of the samples using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and calculating the enthalpy recovery on reheating in the BMG samples. The structural relaxation was also studied by using extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) technique on the as-obtained and relaxed samples. The effects of alloying elements and annealing on electrical resistance were studied by using a two point probe. From the study, it was found that the currently used GFA indicators are inadequate to fully capture and identify the best GFA BMGs. The fragility (beta) of the melt is a new criterion that has been proposed to measure and analyze GFA. The enthalpy relaxation of Zrbased BMGs was found to follow a stretched exponential function, and the parameters obtained showed the BMGs used in the current study are strong glass formers. EXAFS studies showed variations in the structure of BMGs with changes in alloying elements. Furthermore, alloying elements were found to have an effect on the structure of the relaxed BMGs. The resistance of BMGs was found to decrease with relaxation which can be attributed to short range order on annealing.

Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF: Biannual Report 2003/2004

Schell, N., Scheinost, A. C. 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

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