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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PRIV - en möjlig studieväg för motiverade elever

Gustafsson, Carina January 2006 (has links)
Gustafsson, Carina. (2005). PRIV – en möjlig studieväg för motiverade elever. (Program aiming individual choice – a manageable way of learning for motivated pupils). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Lärarutbildningen 60 poäng, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka om det är möjligt för elever med studiemisslyckanden i grundskolans kärnämnen att genomföra en gymnasial omvårdnadsutbildning med godkända betyg som resultat. Intervjuer med fem före detta elever från Omvårdnadsprogrammets PRIV-klass genomförs och kompletteras med intervjuer av fyra lärare vilka ansvarar för undervisning i den aktuella klassen. Resultatet visar att eleverna inte alltid är medvetna om vilka undervisningsinsatser som är speciellt anpassade för deras behov. Dessutom visar resultatet att de aktuella lärarna lyckas arbeta med elevgruppen utan specialpedagog i arbetslaget under en stor del av utbildningstiden. Studieresultaten visar att studiemotivation underlättar för eleverna i den undersökta PRIV-klassen att klara sin utbildning väl, med hjälp av genomtänkta lärarinsatser. De intervjuade eleverna är sysselsatta inom vårdyrken sex månader efter avslutad utbildning.Nyckelord: anpassad undervisning, godkänt betyg, motivation, PRIV, sysselsättningCarinaGustafsson AllansroÖsterleden 1301-45270 21 GlemmingebroHandledare: Elna JohanssonExaminator: Lotta Anderson / Gustafsson, Carina. (2005). PRIV – en möjlig studieväg för motiverade elever. (Program aiming individual choice – a manageable way of learning for motivated pupils). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Lärarutbildningen 60 poäng, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola.The aim of this essay is to investigate if it is possible for pupils, who failed in essential subjects in nine-year compulsory school, to pass examination in nursing education. Five ex-pupils from nursing education’s PRIV-class (program aiming individual choice) were interviewed. So were four teachers who had been responsible for the teaching in the class spoken of. The result of the investigation shows that the pupils not always are aware of how teaching methods are specially composed to cover their needs. In addition the result shows that the teachers in question are successful in working with this group of pupils, although a pedagogue specialist not is part of the teaching team during a big part of the time of education. The result of the investigation shows that motivation for studying makes it easier for pupils in the PRIV-class spoken of to end their education with fine grades, if helped with carefully prepared teaching methods. Six months after graduation the ex-pupils are working in nursing or social service.Keywords: adjusted teaching, motivation, occupation, passing examination, PRIV.Carina GustafssonAllansroÖsterleden 1301-45270 21 Glemmingebro Supervisor: Elna JohanssonExaminer: Lotta Anderson

Dyslexia:Assessment and Examination of Dyslexic Students, Dyslexi: Bedömning och Examination av dyslektiska elever

Johansson, Helena January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this degree project is to address the issue of dyslexia in the language classroom. It explores how teachers understand, address and work with dyslexia in relation to assessment and examination. The research has been based on qualitative interviews conducted with three working teachers: two English teachers and one Swedish teacher who is specialized in special aid teaching. Along with a theoretical background regarding useful research, relevant terms and definitions used in the discussion concerning dyslexia, the research establishes that interviewed teachers understand what working with dyslexic learners entails. However, there is lack of insight into Skolverket (The National Agency for Education) and the actual recommended procedures when assessing and examining dyslexic learners. This research highlights the importance of giving educators the tools and strategies needed to support dyslexic students in the examination situation and how to fairly assess these students.Keywords: Dyslexia, assessment, examination, reading and writing difficulties.

Clinical Reliability and Diagnostic Accuracy of Visual Scapulohumeral Movement Evaluation in Detecting Patients With Shoulder Impairment

Wassinger, Craig A., Williams, Duane A., Milosavljevic, Stephan, Hegedus, Eric J. 01 August 2015 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Clinical investigation of shoulder injuries commonly utilizes visual evaluation of scapular movement to determine if abnormal or asymmetrical movements are related to the injury. To date, the intrarater reliability and diagnostic accuracy of visual evaluation of scapular movement among physical therapists are not known. PURPOSE: The aims of this study were to determine the clinical reliability and diagnostic accuracy of physical therapists visual evaluation of scapulohumeral movements when used to diagnose shoulder impairment. STUDY DESIGN: University based laboratory and an internet based survey. METHODS: Thirty-three physical therapists and 12 patient participants participated in this study. Reliability was measured as percent agreement and using the free marginal kappa statistic (κ) and Cronbach's alpha (α) for interrater and intrarater reliability respectively. Diagnostic accuracy variables such as sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios were calculated from contingency table analysis. RESULTS: Visual evaluation yielded the following (95% CI): diagnostic accuracy 49.5%, specificity 60% (56 - 64), and sensitivity 35% (29 - 41), positive and negative likelihood ratios were 0.87 (0.66 - 1.14) and 1.09 (0.92 - 1.27) respectively. Percent agreements of evaluation findings between sessions for static and dynamic symmetry were 69% and 68%, respectively. The alpha statistics for static and dynamic symmetry were both 0.51. Percentage agreement in determining the injured shoulder was 59%, with an alpha statistic of 0.35. CONCLUSION: Visual evaluation of scapular movements, without additional clinical information, demonstrated a poor to fair reliability and poor to fair diagnostic accuracy. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The clinical utility of the use of isolated visual scapular evaluation is cautioned. More reliable and valid objective measures are needed for diagnosing shoulder impairment. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 2b, Exploratory cohort study.

An Investigation Of Master's Level Counseling Students' Clinical Efficacy: The Relationship Between Graduate Record Examination Scores And Demonstration Of Clinical Skills In Practicum

Ray, Shannon Lounge 01 January 2004 (has links)
The admission of students into Counselor Education programs aims to select those applicants with the best potential to successfully complete the graduate program as well as acquire effective clinical skills. The primary method of measuring achievement potential for graduate students in Counselor Education programs represents Graduate Record Examination Scores (GRE); minimal scores on the examination are required for program admission. This study examined the relationship between student achievement of clinical skills and incoming GRE scores. The study participants were 47 master's level Counselor Education students who were enrolled in Practicum in Counselor Education (MHS 6800) in the spring, summer, and fall semesters of 2002 as well as the spring, summer, and fall semesters of 2003. All students were required to submit videotapes of live counseling sessions conducted in the Community Counseling Clinic at the University of Central Florida. The videotapes were rated using the Global Scale for Rating Helper Responses, developed by George Gazda. An independent samples t-test was utilized to assess between group differences for the sample participants. The study results showed no significant differences between the demonstration of clinical skills in Counselor Education students with a GRE score over 1000 and those students with a GRE score below 1000. The study results suggested that other factors outside of those skills measured by the GRE might attribute to successful acquirement and demonstration of clinical counseling skills.

Board of Certification Examination Success and Clinical Education

Hickman, Katherine Marie 05 January 2011 (has links)
Athletic training education has evolved from a model with a strong experiential component and a weak educational curricular component to a standards based framework program. Throughout the development of Athletic Training Education Programs (ATEPs), starting in 1950's through today when the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) has tightened restrictions and standards for athletic training curriculum. Athletic training education is broken into two components. The first component includes a didactic education or classroom curriculum and the second component involves clinical experience, where hands on experience supplements classroom understanding and allows students to becomes competent with the concepts taught during classroom curriculum. In comparing allied health professions, entry-level athletic trainers perceive approximately 53% of their professional development comes from clinical experiences, while physical therapy clinical experience have been reported to be 23% - 30% of the professional development (Weidner & Henning, 2002). The purpose of the study was to examine if relationships exist between characteristics within ATEPs and athletic training students (ATSs) success on the Board of Certification (BOC) examination. Twenty-four graduates from six selected CAATE accredited NCAA Division I participating Institutions completed a 20 question survey regarding characteristics of clinical experiences within the ATEP as well as other demographic information that may identify relationships between those characteristics and success on the certification examination. BOC EXAMINATION SUCCESS AND CLINICAL EDUCATION Results of this study identified no significant relationships between characteristics within ATEPs, football experience, or student demographics and success on the BOC examination. The number of subjects was limited and, if a larger population were surveyed, results may differ. Although not statistically significant, GPA as a predictor of and first attempt success on the BOC examination approached a significant value. These findings show consistency with previous research. In conclusion, this study did not identify relationships that were significant but relationships that approached a level significance. No significant relationships were identified between ATEP characteristics, football experience, or student demographics and BOC examination success. Although fall football experience is not related to success on the BOC examination results show significant relationship between football experience and students' perception of observational role as well as hands on injury evaluation experience. Students who are placed within Division I football tend to hold roles strictly as observers versus those students who are placed within the high school football settings. Future research in the area of clinical experience and success on the BOC examination should continue. A larger sample size, from a variety of athletic conference's should be included in the survey population. / Ph. D.

Public Examination / Public Examination (private)

Säll, Gabriel January 2017 (has links)
The public examination of Gabriel Säll became his graduation project. Since the examination couldn´t be an artwork the examinators proposed Gabriel to make a second examination to discuss the first one. A new work was created. This MFA thesis include the transcription of Gabriels first examination, written by Frederick Oscarsson, administrator at the Royal Institute of Art, as well as a list feauturing all the contributors to Pubic Examination. To hear a story from one of the contributors in Public Examination, just call the switchboard number during our opening hours, Monday - Friday from 09:30 - 16:00. / <p>Pubic Examination #2 2016-11-16 16:30Board Room, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm </p><p>Public Examination (private) #3 2017-05-24 10:00Office Petra Bauer, Lisa Tan, Nina Möntmann, Royal Institute of Art, Flaggmansvägen 1, Stockholm</p> / Public Examination

The effect of text messaging alerts upon testicular self-examination (tse) adherence

Soler, Lisa 01 December 2012 (has links)
Based on Kim Witte's proven Extended Parallel Process Model, a mobile communication system was developed in which men were sent reminders about their health. This study focused on reminding men about testicular self-examination (TSE), a proactive behavior used to detect testicular cancer, through the use of text messaging. A cohort of 75 men were recruited for this study and placed into one of four groups. All participants were provided with information concerning TSE and told to perform the exam monthly; two of the four groups were sent reminders via text message while the other two groups were told once about the behavior. An original 30-item survey was used to measure intention. Proper data analysis could not be performed due to an attrition rate of 71%. Nonetheless, a significant relationship was observed between pre- and post-test adherence as reported by the participants. In addition, the measurement tool was assessed and determined to be useful in measuring intention to perform TSE. Internal consistency measures were reported as 0.672 and 0.626, both of which would have been higher with a larger sample size. While further research and analysis is recommended, this study has laid a foundation for a way to communicate with young men about their health.

The Relationship Between Food Security Status and Overweight Amongst Women Age 16-85 Years Old

Giddens, Janice Carol 05 May 2007 (has links)
Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001-2002 were used to examine demographic factors and BMI as it related to household food security status of women 16-85 years of age. Four designations were used to classify households: fully food secure, marginally food secure, food insecure without hunger, and food insecure with hunger. Significant relationships exist between food security and age, education, ethnicity, poverty income ratio and BMI. Women from food insecure households with hunger were at greater risk of becoming overweight. Households of compromised food security status most likely had an income between 0-130% of the poverty level. Women in households at 100-130% of the poverty level had a higher risk of obesity/morbid obesity. The more years of education women completed, the less risk they had for overweight and food insecurity. Women under 40 had a higher risk of marginal food security and food insecurity without hunger.

The dynamic relationship between culture and accounting: An empirical examination of the Indonesian setting

Sudarwan, Sudarwan January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Volume CT Data Inspection and Deep Learning Based Anomaly Detection for Turbine Blade

Wang, Kan January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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