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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O ensino de química na perspectiva do modelo CTS nas escolas centros de excelência da cidade de Aracaju/SE

Santos, Aldirene Pinheiro 28 March 2017 (has links)
Traditionally the teaching of Chemistry is worked in a decontextualized way, requiring students to memorize excessive formulas and concepts that contribute little so that they can live in a techno-scientific society. In this sense, the CTS (Science, Technology and Society) model emerges as a viable alternative to promote a scientific education that allows the student the chemical knowledge in a contextualized way and the development of values that provide the formation of citizens aware of their rights and duties Social, helping them to make responsible decisions from the perspective of science, technology and society. The present work had as objective to verify to what extent the innovations in the teaching of Chemistry are present in the pedagogical political project of the schools Experimental Centers of the State of Sergipe (Colégio Estadual Marco Maciel, Colégio Estadual Vitória de Santa Maria and State College Atheneu Sergipense) and What the teachers of Chemistry of these schools have of the CTS model. The choice of schools was based on the fact that they are part of the "ProEMI" program of public policies and present a differentiated teaching proposal, which aims at solving the common problems of secondary education (avoidance, repetition, distortion Age and series), training and improvement of young people, including ethical and citizen training, intellectual and critical thinking development, as well as an understanding of the scientific-technological foundations, relating theory and practice, thus favoring the interdisciplinary nature of Education. The methodology used was a qualitative approach. The instruments of data collection used were the semi-structured interview and the VOSTS questionnaire (Viewson Science-Technology-Society). The analysis of the results was done using content analysis according to Bardin. Five teachers were interviewed, of whom three said they used the CTS model as teaching strategies, one knows the model, but does not make use of it, while another does not know it. This research work was carried out with the three teachers who affirmed knowing and using the CTS model in their classes. / Tradicionalmente o ensino de Química é trabalhado de forma descontextualizada, exigindo dos alunos a memorização excessiva de fórmulas e conceitos que pouco contribui para que estes possam viver em uma sociedade tecnocientífica. Neste sentido, o modelo CTS (Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade) surge como uma alternativa viável por promover uma educação científica que permite ao aluno o conhecimento químico de forma contextualizada e o desenvolvimento de valores que proporcionam a formação de cidadãos cientes de seus direitos e deveres sociais, auxiliando-os nas tomadas de decisões responsáveis sob a ótica da ciência, da tecnologia e da sociedade. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar em que medida as inovações no ensino de Química estão presentes no projeto político pedagógicos das escolas Centros Experimentais do Estado de Sergipe (Colégio Estadual Marco Maciel, Colégio Estadual Vitória de Santa Maria e o Colégio Estadual Atheneu Sergipense) e quais as percepções que os professores de Química dessas escolas têm do modelo CTS. A escolha das escolas foi baseada no fato destas fazerem parte do programa de políticas públicas “Programa Ensino Médio Inovador (ProEMI)” e apresentarem uma proposta diferenciada de ensino, que visa além de resolver os problemas comuns do ensino médio (evasão, repetência, distorção idade/série), a formação e o aprimoramento dos jovens, incluindo a formação ética e cidadã, o desenvolvimento intelectual e do pensamento crítico bem como a compreensão dos fundamentos científico-tecnológicos, relacionando a teoria com a prática, privilegiando assim o caráter interdisciplinar da Educação. A metodologia utilizada foi uma abordagem qualitativa. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizados foram a entrevista semiestruturada e o questionário VOSTS (Viewson Science-Tecnology-Society). A análise dos resultados foi feita utilizando-se a análise de conteúdos de acordo com Bardin. Foram entrevistados cinco professores dos quais três afirmou utilizar o modelo CTS como estratégias de ensino, um conhece o modelo, mas não faz uso, enquanto que outro o desconhece. Este trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado com os três professores que afirmaram conhecer e utilizar o modelo CTS em suas aulas.

Exploring Trends, Patterns and Characteristics of Quality Management Through Text Mining

Carnerud, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
At frequent intervals, new reports and papers are published stressing the importance of high quality and quality improvement measures in the public and private sector if Sweden is to survive as a welfare state and industrial nation. The situation seems not to be unique for Sweden: similar opinions can be heard in other parts of the world as well. In the 21st century, consumers and citizens should be provided with continuously improved quality at a lower cost, otherwise businesses are likely to go bankrupt and politicians may lose the trust of the people. Quality is, thus, a word that is used persistently by people in power and the social commentators of today. From this perspective, it might seem fitting that quality, quality management (QM), total quality management (TQM) and other closely related terminologies are well defined, to make possible constructive dialogue that will culminate in effective action. This is often not the case, which is why vision statements, campaigns and other quality improvement measures risk falling short before they are even launched. With this background, the purpose of this thesis is to facilitate fruitful dialogue by examining QM-research and how trends, terminologies and research focus have shifted over time. By increasing the understanding of how QM-research has evolved it is also possible to create a coherent overview which hopefully can help to reduce confusion and polarisation amongst scholars and practitioners. In this way, it might be possible to increase the number of successful quality improvement measures as well as to lay the foundations for sustainable and system-wide quality improvement actions in society at large. The thesis is based on three studies, of which the first is looking into conference proceedings from one of the globally most prominent scientific conferences on quality – the QMOD-ICQSS conference. The two subsequent studies use abstracts from three of the top ranked scientific journals dealing with quality - International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Total Quality Management Journal and Total Quality Management &amp; Business Excellence. All studies have been conducted according to text mining methodology, which entails usage of statistical tools in the form of hard- and software for data collection, modelling and analysis. The approach is exploratory and previously not verified with this purpose, which is why the three studies offer unique perspectives on the research field, at the same time as new methodological tools and approaches are investigated and tested. Through the studies it is possible to show occurrence of trends in research alignment as well as in publication design and popularity. The studies also identify central, perpetual, topics around which the research has been concentrated. These topics indicate that the research field, in spite of momentary trends and fashions, rests on a firm foundation regarding problem definition and approaches to solve them. Finally, a model is presented which summarizes the perspectives and outsets which distinguish QM and make it a research field in its own right. / Regelbundet publiceras det nya rapporter och artiklar där vikten av hög kvalitet liksom kvalitetsförbättrande åtgärder inom offentlig och privat sektor lyfts fram som oumbärliga för att Sverige ska överleva som välfärds- och näringslivsnation. Situationen tycks inte vara unik för Sverige, likande tongångar hörs även i andra delar av världen. På 2000-talet ska konsumenter och medborgare tillhandahållas ständigt förbättrad kvalitet till lägre kostnad, annars går företag i konkurs och politiska företrädare förlorar folkets förtroende. Kvalitet är alltså ett ord som används flitigt av dagens makthavare och samhällsdebattörer. Utifrån detta perspektiv kan det anses angeläget att kvalitet, kvalitetsutveckling, kvalitetsarbete och andra närbesläktade ord är väl definierade för att möjliggöra konstruktiv dialog som mynnar ut i verkningsfulla insatser. Så är dock ofta inte fallet - varför visioner, kampanjer och andra kvalitetsförbättrande initiativ riskerar att faller till korta innan de ens hunnit lanseras. Med denna bakgrund, är syftet med avhandlingen att underlätta givande diskussioner genom att närmare belysa forskningsfältet kvalitetsteknik, eller Quality Management (QM), och hur trender, termer och forskningsfokus har växlat över tid. Genom att öka förståelsen för forskningens utveckling över tid kan även en sammanhängande översikt skapas, vilka tillsammans förhoppningsvis kan bidra till att minska den förvirring och polarisering som råder både inom akademi liksom praktik. Därigenom kanske det är möjligt att öka mängden lyckade kvalitetssatsningar liksom att lägga grunden för ett långsiktigt hållbart och systemövergripande kvalitetsarbete i samhället i överlag. Avhandlingen baseras på tre studier, varav den första har tittat närmare på konferensbidrag från en av världens idag ledande forskningskonferenser om kvalitet – QMOD-ICQSS konferensen. De två senare studierna behandlar sammanfattningar från tre av de högst rankade forskningstidskrifterna med fokus på kvalitet – International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Total Quality Management Journal och Total Quality Management &amp; Business Excellence. Samtliga studier har utformats enligt text-mining metodik, vilket medför att statistiska hjälpmedel i form av hård och mjukvara har använts för datainsamling, modellering och analys. Angreppssättet är explorativt och tidigare ej beprövat i ovanstående syfte varför de tre studierna erbjuder unika perspektiv på forskningsområdet samtidigt som nya metodologiska verktyg och arbetssätt utforskats och utvärderats. Genom studierna går det att påvisa förekomsten av trender i forskningsinriktningar liksom i publikationernas utformning och popularitet. Studierna identifierar även centrala, återkommande teman kring vilka forskningen koncentrerats. Dessa teman indikerar att forskningsområdet, trots tillfälliga trender och moden, vilar på en stadigvarande grund gällande problemformuleringar och ansatser att lösa dessa. Slutligen presenteras en modell som sammanfattar de perspektiv och utgångspunkter som utmärker kvalitetstekniken (QM) och som gör det till ett forskningsområde i sin egen rätt. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för framläggandet av avhandlingen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete B accepterat för publicering och delarbete C inskickat.</p><p>At the time of the licentiate defence the following papers were unpublished: paper B accepted for publication and paper C submitted.</p>

Hodnocení personální práce v multinacionální IT společnosti / Evaluation of Personnel Work in a Multinational IT Company

Zlámalíková, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
The work is focused on 3-Box model and its usage in a selected international IT company. The first part describes the pillars of 3-Box model: HR Business Partners, HR Shared Service Centers and HR Centers of Excellence. The second part introduces the HR organization in the company and describes HR Direct, which represents HR Shared Service Centre in the 3-Box model. Based on findings, the improvement is designed.

Les « repris de justesse » des belles écoles : Etude ethnographique de la structuration et de la construction sociale de l’échec scolaire et des situations de rattrapage dans les classes dominantes / The failure of children in elite schools : an ethnographic study of the structure and social construct of school failure and remedial situations in the ruling classes

Chapon, Vincent 09 December 2011 (has links)
L’étude des élèves en situation scolaire difficile dans les classes dominantes nous permet un autre éclairage quant à la construction de l’idée d’échec. Les enfants issus de milieux très favorisés bénéficient d’un cumul de capitaux leur assurant théoriquement la reproduction de leur posture et de leur niveau social. Cependant on observe au sein même de ces classes des situations d’échec non négligeables. À travers une recherche ethnographique dans des établissements scolaires privés sous contrat très favorisés de Bordeaux et d’une immersion ethnographique dans les classes dominantes, ce travail décrit les modes de construction sociale de l’idée même d’échec dans ces classes ainsi que des formes de rattrapage des « repris de justesse ».La thèse montre à quel point les établissements scolaires d’excellence créent eux-mêmes de l’échec dans ces classes sociales. L’étude des normes d’excellence et des distances à celles-ci, montre à quel point une culture d’établissement trop forte et tournée exclusivement vers les codes des classes favorisées est créatrice d’échec pour les plus éloignés de ces normes et des règles théoriquement inhérentes aux classes supérieures. L’étude montre également comment par la quotidienneté, des établissements se mettent au service d’une classe entière afin de récupérer ces « repris de justesse » et leur assurer la perpétuation attendue. Loin d’une attitude rationnelle de rupture volontaire avec les codes de leur classe, ces élèves en situation d’échec sont les produits des structures même des classes dominantes et des établissements scolaires qui les accueillent. / The study of students from the upper classes in difficulty at school offers a different perspective on the idea of failure. Children from very advantaged backgrounds benefit from a variety of assets, which, in theory, guarantee their position and social status. Within these classes, however, significant situations of failure can be observed.Through ethnographic research in Bordeaux's private schools under contract, and ethnographic immersion in the dominant classes, this work describes the types of social constructions of the idea of failure in these classes and forms of remedial for children of ruling classes in failure.This thesis shows how elite schools themselves create a kind of failure in their social classes. The study of the gap between actual performance and the expected standards of excellence in highly respected institutions shows how a strong school culture which exclusively adheres to the codes of the privileged classes could lead to school failure even in children far removed from the rules and values of the upper classes. The study also shows how institutions are at the service of an entire class to retrieve their own children from failure and ensure the perpetuation expected. Far from a rational attitude of deliberately breaking away from the codes of their class, these failing students are the product of the same structures of the dominant classes and schools that host them

Faculty Senate Minutes September 12, 2016

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 04 October 2016 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

A excelência nos programas de pós-graduação em educação : visão de coordenadores / The excellence in graduate programs in education : coordinators' view

Wassem, Joyce, 1982- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Newton Cesar Balzan, Elisabete Monteiro de Aguiar Pereira / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T08:06:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wassem_Joyce_D.pdf: 2817012 bytes, checksum: 978a103d03bd921ec6995381d18de72a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A criação de Programas de Pós-Graduação (PPG) stricto sensu no Brasil há aproximadamente 50 anos tem sido fundamental para o crescimento, desenvolvimento e consolidação da pesquisa e qualificação de mestres e doutores no país. A preocupação com a qualidade desses programas, sua expansão e produção tem sido enfatizada na comunidade acadêmica e a principal referência quanto a isso é a avaliação empreendida pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal em Nível Superior (CAPES), que avalia os programas classificando-os em uma escala de 3 a 7. Nesta escala os conceitos 6 e 7 são exclusivos para programas que ofereçam doutorado com nível de excelência. Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo 8 (oito) Programas de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE) que tiveram conceitos 6 e 7 no triênio 2007-2009. Como objetivo geral procurou conhecer a visão dos coordenadores desses programas sobre o processo desenvolvido para o alcance do nível de excelência, isto é, para ser alcançado os conceitos 6 e 7. Buscou levantar junto aos coordenadores os elementos que contribuíram para a construção da excelência de seus programas. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa se deu por meio de entrevistas realizadas com os coordenadores dos programas pesquisados e pela análise das fichas de avaliação disponibilizadas pela CAPES de cada um deles. Como resultados observou que cada programa possui características e condições de produção distintas, mesmo sendo classificados com conceitos semelhantes. Neste sentido, nem todos os coordenadores demonstram ter em seus PPGE condições adequadas para a realização de atividades acadêmicas (recursos acadêmicos, estruturais e financeiros). A respeito dos elementos que contribuem para a construção da excelência de seus programas destacam aspectos como: Padrões de qualidade da própria Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES); Grupos de pesquisa; Linhas de pesquisa bem definidas; Liderança acadêmica nas áreas de especialidades; Gestão do programa; e, Participação ativa do corpo discente. Quanto ao processo avaliativo da CAPES, analisam importante que se avalie a qualidade dos programas, porém, apontam sugestões e contribuições para seu aperfeiçoamento e melhoria, o que envolve o respeito às especifidades da área e dos programas de pós-graduação, particularmente, em educação / Resumo: WASSEM, J. A Excelência nos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Educação: visão de coordenadores. 2014. Tese (Doutorado) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2014. A criação de Programas de Pós-Graduação (PPG) stricto sensu no Brasil, há aproximadamente 50 anos, tem sido fundamental para o crescimento, desenvolvimento e consolidação da pesquisa e qualificação de mestres e doutores no país. A preocupação com a qualidade desses programas, sua expansão e produção têm sido enfatizada na comunidade acadêmica e a principal referência quanto a isso é a avaliação empreendida pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal em Nível Superior (CAPES), que avalia os programas classificando-os em uma escala de 3 a 7. Nesta escala os conceitos 6 e 7 são exclusivos para programas que ofereçam doutorado com nível de excelência. Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo 8 (oito) Programas de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE) que tiveram conceitos 6 e 7 no triênio 2007-2009. Como objetivo geral procurou conhecer a visão dos coordenadores desses programas sobre o processo desenvolvido para o alcance do nível de excelência, isto é, para ser alcançado os conceitos 6 e 7. Buscou levantar junto aos coordenadores os elementos que determinaram a construção da excelência de seus programas. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa se deu por meio de entrevistas realizadas com os coordenadores dos programas pesquisados e pela análise das fichas de avaliação disponibilizadas pela CAPES de cada um deles. Como resultados observou que cada programa possui características e condições de produção distintas, mesmo sendo classificados com conceitos semelhantes. Neste sentido, nem todos os coordenadores demonstram ter em seus PPGE condições adequadas para a realização de atividades acadêmicas (recursos acadêmicos, estruturais e financeiros). A respeito dos elementos que corroboram para a construção da excelência de seus programas destacam aspectos como: Padrões de qualidade da própria Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES); Grupos de pesquisa; Linhas de pesquisa bem definidas; Liderança acadêmica nas áreas de especialidades; Gestão do programa; e, Participação ativa do corpo discente. Quanto ao processo avaliativo da CAPES, analisam importante que se avalie a qualidade dos programas, porém, apontam sugestões e subsídios para seu aperfeiçoamento e melhoria, o que envolve o respeito às especifidades da área e dos programas de pós-graduação, particularmente, em educação. / Abstract: The creation of stricto sensu Graduate Programs (PPG) in Brazil approximately 50 years ago was critical to the growth, development and consolidation of research and qualification of masters and doctors in the country. Concern about the quality of these programs, their expansion and production has been emphasized in the academic community and the main reference in this regard is the evaluation undertaken by the Coordination of Improvement of Personnel in Higher Education (CAPES), which evaluates the programs classifying them in a scale ranging from 3 to 7. In this scale the grades 6 and 7 are exclusive to programs that offer excellence level doctoral programs. This research aims to study eight (8) Graduate Programs in Education (PPGE) whose grades were 6 and 7 in the 2007-2009 triennium. As a general objective it sought to meet the vision of the coordinators of these programs on the process developed to achieve the level of excellence, i.e., to reach grades 6 and 7. It sought to raise with the coordinators of the elements that contributed to building the excellence of their programs. The development of the research was done through interviews with coordinators of the surveyed programs and the analysis of evaluation sheets of each program provided by CAPES. The results revealed that each program has different characteristics and conditions of production, even though they are equally ranked. In this sense, not all coordinators say their programs (PPGE) have adequate conditions to perform academic activities (academic, structural and financial resources). Regarding the elements which contribute to the construction of excellence in their programs they highlight aspects such as: Quality patterns of their High Education Institution (IES); Research groups; Well defined research lines; Academic leadership in specialty areas; Program management; and student¿s engagement. As for the CAPES evaluation process, they consider it is important to evaluate the quality of the programs, however, they point out suggestions and contributions to its improvement, which involve respect for the specificities of the area and graduate programs, particularly in education / Abstract: WASSEM, J. The Excellence in Graduate Programs in Education: coordinators' view. 2014. Thesis (Ph.D.) - Faculty of Education, State University of Campinas, Campinas, 2014. The creation of stricto sensu Graduate Programs (PPG) in Brazil, approximately 50 years, ago was critical to the growth, development and consolidation of research and qualification of masters and doctors in the country. Concern about the quality of these programs, their expansion and production has been emphasized in the academic community and the main reference in this regard is the evaluation undertaken by the Coordination of Improvement of Personnel in Higher Education (CAPES), which evaluates the programs classifying them in a scale ranging from 3 to 7. In this scale the grades 6 and 7 are exclusive to programs that offer excellence level doctoral programs. This research aims to study eight (8) Graduate Programs in Education (PPGE) whose grades were 6 and 7 in the 2007-2009 triennium. As a general objective it sought to meet the vision of the coordinators of these programs on the process developed to achieve the level of excellence, i.e., to reach grades 6 and 7. It sought to raise with the coordinators of the elements that determined to building the excellence of their programs. The development of the research was done through interviews with coordinators of the surveyed programs and the analysis of evaluation sheets of each program provided by CAPES. The results revealed that each program has different characteristics and conditions of production, even though they are equally ranked. In this sense, not all coordinators say their programs (PPGE) have adequate conditions to perform academic activities (academic, structural and financial resources). Regarding the elements which corroborate to the construction of excellence in their programs they highlight aspects such as: Quality patterns of their High Education Institution (IES); Research groups; Well defined research lines; Academic leadership in specialty areas; Program management; and student's engagement. As for the CAPES evaluation process, they consider it is important to evaluate the quality of the programs, however, they point out suggestions and subsidies to its improvement, which involve respect for the specificities of the area and graduate programs, particularly in education. / Doutorado / Ensino e Práticas Culturais / Doutora em Educação

The transformation of South African Correctional Centres of Excellence through equitable unit management

Masina, Joseph 29 April 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the Unit Management into the South African Correctional Centres of Excellence. The focal point is based on the case management, multi-disciplinary approach, monitoring, and human rights of offenders. Unit Management was adopted into South African correctional system in 1995 under the leadership of the former Minister of Correctional Services Dr Sipho Mzimela. Unit Management was firstly practiced at Goodwood Correctional Centre of Excellence in the Western Cape. The concept of Unit Management was viewed as a strategic change by the Department in ensuring the core business of the Department and the rehabilitation of offenders. In an effort to examine the application of Unit Management into the Correctional Centres of Excellence and how Unit Management influences the rehabilitation of sentenced offenders, a study was conducted to acquire knowledge and perspective from the available literature. In ensuring good and proper work, the researcher employed a qualitative methodology. The researcher collected data by means of structured questionnaires. Data were analysed using SPSS system for statistical reasons. Frequency tables were used to simplify the analysis per section and category. The findings from this study revealed that there is no monitoring of Unit Management taking place into the Correctional Centres of Excellence from management, there is no management involvement. It also revealed that the human rights of offenders are not respected during the implementation of Unit Management. The findings revealed that multi-disciplinary approach is dysfunctional owing to lack of professional staff. The findings also indicate that efforts to implement Unit Management into the Correctional Centres of Excellence are a failure owing to the abovementioned factors. / Corrections Management / M.A. (Penology)

Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků a návrhy opatření na zvýšení její úrovně / Customer Satisfaction Analysis and Recomentadions for its Improvement

Barouš, Vít January 2009 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to analyze the customer satisfaction with services and products the company Agrotec a.s - agricultural division and propose the processes and instructions for its improvement, including financial, organizational and conductive aspects. The theoretical part is focused on costumer, his development from the first purchase, fulfilling his needs, his satisfaction and the methods for its evaluation. The practical part is describing company; where, in which way and with what results was the costumer satisfaction survey made. These indicators are shown in tables and graphs. Further the thesis continues by final evaluation of the costumer satisfaction survey and finishes by improvement proposals chapter.

Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku / Company Performance Measurement

Divoká, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with Invia.cz, a.s. performance analysis. First part of the thesis contains basic theoretical knowledge, regarding methods of company performance measurement. Next part is focused on description of the studied company and then performance assessment of the chosen company using START Model based on EFQM Excellence Model is elaborated. Proposals for improvement of the current situation are suggested in the last chapter.

Hodnocení finanční výkonnosti podniku prostřednictvím benchmarkingu / Evaluation of the Company´s Financial Performance Using Benchmarking Approach

Veber, Michael January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis is concerned with financial and business performance evaluation of the company RENATEX CZ a.s. Theoretical part deals with strategic analysis, company performance measuring methods, and financial analysis indicators. The practical part first evaluates RENATEX’s business environment and then, it provides a comparison of the company with selected competitors. While still using benchmarking methods, next phase of the thesis compares operational and financial indicators, services and products in offer, their quality, and implemented business strategies. Finally, the thesis suggests various measures to improve financial and business performance of the company.

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