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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Exceptionalist Spectacle: Federal Architecture After the 1898 Spanish-American War

Achurra, Maria E. 07 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Intersection of American Exceptionalism and Protestant Christianity: Distinction, Special Status, and Mission in the Early Republic

Graham, Ty J. 05 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The Making of Ras Beirut: A Landscape of Memory for Narratives of Exceptionalism

Abunnasr, Maria B. 01 September 2013 (has links)
This dissertation examines the memory of Ras Beirut and the various claims to its exceptionalism. I frame its history as a landscape of memory born of the convergence of narratives of exceptionalism. On the one hand, Ras Beirut's landscape inspired Anglo-American missionary future providence such that they chose it as the site of their college on a hill, the Syrian Protestant College (SPC, later renamed the American University of Beirut [AUB]). On the other hand, the memory of Ras Beirut's "golden age" before the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975 inspired longings for a vanished past to Ras Beirut's oldest inhabitants. Shaped by the push of prospect and the pull of recollection, Ras Beirut emerges as a place formed out of the contest of these overlapping articulations of exceptionalism. Moreover, Ras Beirut's narratives have a wider significance and application in their transnational and interconfessional relevance. The missionary New England microcosm of the SPC represented the transnational transposition of memory onto Ras Beirut in an architectural narrative of exceptionalism. The monumental size and scale of their buildings oriented Ras Beirut and realized a "city upon a hill." Drawing from letters written to and from the US, I examine their ambiguous relationship to Ras Beirut that made them both part of the place and apart from the people. At the same time, the local Muslim-Christian community of Ras Beirut argued that Ras Beirut's distinct character rested on their own history of harmonious coexistence. In the early twentieth century, Arab Protestant converts settled in Ras Beirut and became known as the Protestants of Ras Beirut in their affixed identity and collective rootedness to place. This dissertation draws upon archival research and tangible sources in the changing architectural and urban environment. It also relies on oral history and memory to capture the multi-disciplinary making of place that best relates the textured history of Ras Beirut while giving meaning to everyday lived lives. In the process, the connections between the Middle East and the US unfold in transnational terms while the idea of Ras Beirut as a paradigm of coexistence unfolds interconfessional terms.

My peace i give unto you christianity's critique of roman and american exceptionalism

Tindall, Ryan 01 December 2012 (has links)
Throughout the history of the United States, its inhabitants have looked upon their nation as a special place. In some cases, this has exceeded the natural and simple love of home and country and taken a more extreme form. Important to this bent is the tendency to see the nation, its beliefs, and its actions around the world as divinely sanctioned and inspired in some regard. This is a generally necessary component to the idea of American Exceptionalism, which views the United States as a nation with a divinely imposed mission to spread civilization, freedom, and democracy to the ends of the earth. In many ways, the Roman Empire shared these pretentions of being the bearers of civilization to the rest of the world and of being a divinely chosen nation with that vocation. Voices within Christianity, as it developed, provided a potent antithesis to this aspect of Roman imperial ideology, critiquing Roman ideas of their own exceptionalism. By comparing the ideological basis of Roman and American concepts of exceptionalism, this thesis will attempt to apply the critique made by people like Jesus, Paul and Augustine to the United States today.

Swedish Exceptionalism in Foreign Policy Discourse : An Analysis of the Swedish Government's Statements of Foreign Policy 2002-2018

Lager, Elin January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to determine if there is a discourse of Swedish exceptionalism in the Swedish Government’s Statements of Foreign Policy between 2002 and 2018. Discourse analysis have been used to analyze eight statements, based on a constructivist framework and the theoretical concept of Swedish exceptionalism. Swedish exceptionalism is the idea of Sweden having a self-image of being superior to others, mainly based on the country’s understanding of itself as being a “moral superpower”.   The research question formulated was: Are the Swedish Government’s Statements of Foreign Policy, between 2002 and 2018, articulated through a discourse of Swedish exceptionalism?   To determine if there was a discourse of Swedish exceptionalism in the Statements of Foreign Policy, seven key representations of the concept were established. Those were   Sweden:   1.     being military non-aligned 2.     having an active foreign policy 3.     being pioneering or “leading the way” 4.     bringing security, stability, and peace 5.     being a champion of human rights and democracy 6.     acting as mediator and/or a bridge builder 7.     showing solidarity with “less fortune states” (developing, vulnerable and/or small)   The results of the empirical study were that all key representations were present in all of the statements analyzed, which lead to the conclusion is that the Statements of Foreign Policy between 2002 and 2018 were articulated through a discourse of Swedish exceptionalism.

Folkhemsnostalgi och gängvåldsdystopi : Ett genus- och kritiskt vithetsperspektiv på SVT:s framställning av gängvåldet som en nationell kris

Wall Scherer, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
In 2021, Sweden was ranked as the European country with the highest number of fatal shootings per million inhabitants. As a result, gang violence is described as a national crisis and has turned in to one of the main debate themes among political parties ahead of the parliamentary election in 2022. In the debates on gang violence, it is often linked to migration politics. Swedish Television (SVT) has broadcasted numerous programs on gang violence, and these programs are the main material used in this study.  Drawing on feminist- and critical whiteness theory I examine how ideas of gender, whiteness and Swedishness interplay in the construction of gang violence as a national crisis. By using a retrotopic, a security politic and an affective theoretical perspective it is possible to analyze who is portrayed as vulnerable or problematic in relation to the gang violence. A further ambition of this study is to investigate the connection between folkhem nostalgia and the construction of gang violence as a national crisis. I argue that the Swedish exceptionalism is being used to establish collective feelings of folkhem nostalgia, which contributes to the understanding of gang violence as a national crisis. Based on a thematic analysis (Braun & Clark 2006) I show how feelings of folkhem nostalgia are used to establish narratives of a threatening and problematic Other; a male non-white threat within the nation. Further, the debates and documentaries broadcasted on SVT can be seen as part of political and national interests, where a (hi)story of folkhemmetas a part of the Swedish exceptionalism is being used to establish certain feelings and perceptions related to gender and race. This enables a placement of gang violence in another place, in another culture and in another body.

FARLIGA BARN, ELLER BARN I FARA? : En diskursanalys av politiska förslag om lämpligt huvudmannaskap vid frihetsberövande påföljd för unga lagöverträdare. / DANGEROUS KIDS, OR KIDS IN DANGER?

Roxendal, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Intresset för föreliggande uppsatsarbete har varit att analysera synen på unga lagöverträdare som döms till frihetsberövande påföljder. Avstamp har gjorts i propositionen som 1998 föreslog att sluten ungdomsvård skulle införas i påföljdssystemet i en ambition att undvika fängelsestraff för unga (Prop. 1997/98:96) samt i betänkandet som 2023 föreslår att unga lagöverträdare återigen ska verkställa fängelsestraff (SOU 2023:44). Utifrån en diskursanalytisk ansats var syftet att synliggöra hur påföljdssystemet för unga framställs som ett ’problem’, hur dessa problemrepresentationer motiverar respektive förslag om frihetsberövande påföljd samt hur det kan förstås i ljuset av en ’straffande vändning’. Resultatet visar att påföljdssystemet i propositionen framställs som ett rättssäkerhetsproblem där en framträdande juridisk diskurs har ökat såväl samhällets rättsmedvetande som det enskilda barnets rättsstatus. I betänkandet framställs påföljdssystemet i stället som ett trygghetsproblem, baserat på en alarmistisk bild av ökad och grövre brottslighet bland unga vilka samhället behöver skyddas från. En utveckling har skett från att unga lagöverträdare betraktas vara i fara, offer för en social utsatthet, till att de betraktas som farliga barn som skapar otrygghet i samhället. Det är den senaste kategorin av ‘farliga barn’ som betänkandets förslag vilar på. Ett förslag som förväntas bidra till ökade samhällsklyftor och ökad stigmatisering av en redan utsatt grupp unga lagöverträdare. Ett förslag som också får direkta konsekvenser, i huvudsak för de barn som underrepresenteras i betänkandet: De barn som är flickor, och de barn som är i särskilt behov av stöd, vård och behandling. / The interest in the present study has been to analyze the way juvenile offenders, who are sentenced to a custodial sanction, are portrayed. The study draws from the proposition that 1998 suggested the new sanction of youth custody in an aspiration to replace prison for juvenile offenders (Prop. 1997/98:96) and in the deliberation that 2023 suggested that juvenile offenders once again should be sentenced to prison (SOU 2023:44). Drawing from a discourse analysis, this study aims to uncover the way the youth penal system is produced as a ‘problem’, how this problem representation justifies the different suggestions about custodial sanctions and how it could be understood in the light of a ‘punitive turn’. The results show that the penal system in the first document is produced as a problem regarding penal certainty, whereas a prominent juridical discourse has raised a general legal awareness as well as the legal status for the individual child. In the second document the penal policy is produced as a problem regarding public safety, based on the view of an increased and rougher crime scene among youngsters whom society needs to be protected from. A development can be identified from where juvenile offenders are portrayed as being in danger, victims of social circumstances, to that they are portrayed as dangerous kids that constitutes a threat to the society. It is the latter category of ‘dangerous kids’ that the suggestions in the second document lays upon. Suggestions that are expected to contribute to increased stigmatization of an already exposed group of juvenile offenders. Suggestions that also have direct consequences, especially for those who are underrepresented in the second document: Kids who are girls, and kids who need care, treatment, and protection.

Quixotic exceptionalism : British and US co-narratives, 1713-1823

Hanlon, Aaron Raymond January 2013 (has links)
Scholars have long since identified a quixotic mode in fiction, acknowledging the widespread influence of Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote (1605-15) on subsequent texts. In most cases, “quixotic” signifies a preponderance of allusions to Don Quixote in a given text, such that most studies of “quixotic fictions” or “quixotic influence” are primarily taxonomic in purpose and in outcome: they name and catalogue a text or group of texts as “quixotic,” then argue that, by virtue of the vast and protean influence of Don Quixote, the quixotic mode in fiction is always divided, lacking any semblance of ideological consistency. I argue, however, that the very characteristics of Don Quixote that make him such an attractive literary model for such a broad range of narratives—his bookish idealism, his fixation on the upper-classed grandiosity of the lives of noble knights—also form the consistent, ideological groundwork of quixotism: the exceptionalist substitution of fictive idealism for material reality. By tracing the ways in which quixotes become mouthpieces for various exceptionalist arguments in eighteenth-century British and American texts, like Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews (1742), Tobias Smollett's Launcelot Greaves (1760), Charlotte Lennox's The Female Quixote (1752), Hugh Henry Brackenridge's Modern Chivalry (1792-1815), and Royall Tyler's The Algerine Captive (1797), among others, I demonstrate the link between quixotism and exceptionalism, or between fictive idealism and the belief that one (or one's worldview) is an exception to the scrutiny of the surrounding world.

Right-of-Way: Equal Employment Opportunity on the Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline, 1968-1977

Welch, Georgia P. January 2015 (has links)
<p>This dissertation compares four programs to create equal employment opportunity on the trans Alaska oil pipeline construction project in order to demonstrate the ruptures and continuities between manpower programs to end poverty and affirmative action to eradicate race and sex discrimination. These four programs posited different subjects and strategies for equal employment opportunity, including a statewide affirmative action plan supporting minority men in the construction industry, federal hiring goals for Alaska Natives, a state "Local Hire" law establishing hiring preference for residents of Alaska, and corporate affirmative action plans for women and minorities. I use archival records and original oral histories with pipeline employees to examine the methods government officials and agencies, corporations, trade unions, social movements, and nongovernmental organizations used to fulfill their visions of equality in employment on the 800-mile long, $8 billion pipeline project. I bridge the gender history of welfare with the history of civil rights in order to show how liberal ideals of economic citizenship in the late 1960s that prioritized creating male workers and breadwinners served as the foundational impetus for equal employment opportunity. I challenge the standard historical narrative of equal employment opportunity in the US, which has attributed affirmative action for women to a logical, if hard won, expansion of positive liberal rights first demanded by the black civil rights struggle, then legislated by the state and implemented by state bureaucrats and corporate personnel. What this narrative does not account for is how the gendered dimensions of liberalism underlying affirmative action for male minorities were able to so abruptly accommodate women as workers and economic citizens by the mid-1970s. I find that, over the course of construction of the pipeline, women in nontraditional jobs on the "Last Frontier" emerged as symbols of the success of equal employment opportunity and the legitimacy of American exceptionalism.</p> / Dissertation

Objects of Desire: Feminist Inquiry, Transnational Feminism, and Global Fashion

Verklan, Elizabeth, Verklan, Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation examines the conventions used to frame and represent sweatshops in and to the U.S. Employing qualitative research methods this dissertation examines U.S. anti-sweatshop discourse, analyzing how the sweatshop and the sweatshop worker are made into exceptional objects of inquiry, and considers what kinds of truths and subjects are garnered from them. This dissertation argues that U.S. anti-sweatshop discourse frames sweatshops as an inherently foreign problem, and that this framing contributes to U.S. exceptionalism and savior ideology. This framing positions U.S. subjects as the primary agents of change whose relation to sweatshops is crucial to their eradication, and renders causal blame upon the racialized poor within the U.S. I argue that this framing undergirds the proliferation of new ethical markets that reproduce dislocation, dispossession, and displacement within U.S. borders via retail gentrification. Ultimately, this dissertation asks what truths are made possible through a mobilizing discourse whose foundational premise is contingent on the imagery of the sweatshop and the sweatshop worker.

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