Spelling suggestions: "subject:"exercising"" "subject:"excercising""
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Fisioterapia no pré-natal: proposta de condicionamento e auto-educação do assoalho pélvicoRos, Silvia January 1997 (has links)
Este estudo avaliou o efeito de um programa fisioterápico no pré-natal, como uma proposta pedagógica através do exercício do assoalho pélvico, que facilitaria a fase de expulsão do parto, em dois grupos constituídos de gestantes adolescentes e adultas - primíparas e multíparas. O tempo de expulsão no segundo estágio do parto variou de 1 a 18 mínutos, no grupo de gestantes que realizou o exercício (experimental) e, de 1 a 20 minutos, no grupo controle. Esta diferença não foi significativa e, em ambos os grupos, foi menor que o valor mínímo de 20 mínutos, descrito na literatura. O grupo experimental evidenciou, embora fracamente, as seguintes correlações: o tempo expulsivo dimínuiu com o aumento dos exercícios nas gestantes acima de 18 anos e aumentou, nas gestantes com menos de 18 anos. O Apgar dos bebês, no primeiro e no quinto minuto, não mostrou diferença signíficativa entre os grupos. Ficou demonstrado o valor pedagógico do programa fisioterápico de preparação para o parto pelo incremento do nível de informação das gestantes e pela aquisição da consciência e controle motor da musculatura do assoalho pélvico, assim como o nível de satisfação das gestantes. / This study evaluated the effect of a prenatal physiotherapy program, as a pedagogical proposal, by means of pelvic floor exercising which would improve delivery, in two groups of pregnants including adolescent and adult women - primiparae and multiparae. The second stage delivery time ranged from 1 to 18 minutes within the experimental group of pregnant women performing the exercises and from 1 to 20 minutes, within a control group. This difference was not significant and both groups showed delivery times under the 20 minutes reported in the literature. Although weakly, the experimental group evidenced the following correlations: delivery time was reduced as exercising increased, for pregnant women over 18 years old, and increased, for those below 18 years old. Babies bom from both groups showed no significant differences concerning Apgar scores, at the first and fifth minutes. The prenatal physiotherapy program showed to be pedagogically valuable because it increased the pregnants' information levei, pelvic floor musculature awareness and motor control, as well as women's satisfaction degree. Read more
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Vliv zdravotního cvičení a plavání na ženy po rakovině prsu / Effect of health exercises and swimming for women after breast cancerKinštová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
Effect of health exercises and swimming for women after breast cancer Abstract Defining the problem: The theoretical part of the thesis will be devoted to course of illness and subsequent convalescence of women with breast cancer. We will give a list of suitable health exercises that are applicable in the gym and at home. The next part will be devoted to the benefits of the movement program in the water. We will focus on swimming stroke breaststroke and backstroke. The practical part will contain the data from the input diagnosis before the application motion program, the program and the output diagnosis after four months of movement intervention. Objective: The aim of this work is to create movement program for improvement of locomotive system women after breast ablation, which is composed of the health exercises applicable in the gym and in the water. Method of solution: Probands undergo the entry diagnostic, which is comprised from anthropometry, goniometry and interview about their day's physical activities. Output diagnosis is ensues after four months of movement intervention and it is same as the input diagnosis. The resulting values will be compared. Results: We found that motion intervention we have chosen is after breast ablation akcepted by women and is friendly for them. The application of the... Read more
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Relationships Among Body Image Dissatisfaction, Body-Enhancing Behaviors, and Self-Esteem in Adult MalesDamon, Shimeka 01 January 2017 (has links)
Body image dissatisfaction (BID) is increasing among U.S. men and is associated with body-enhancing behaviors that threaten physical health, such as excessive dieting and exercising. A research gap was identified about the relationships between men's body image dissatisfaction, body-enhancing behaviors, and the possible mediating effect of self-esteem. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among body image dissatisfaction, body-enhancing behaviors, and self-esteem in adult males. Sociocultural and social comparison theory served as the theoretical frameworks for this study, which included 103 participants recruited through a university participant pool and gyms. Participants completed questionnaires including the Body-Esteem Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Exercise Dependence Scale-21, Revised Restraint Scale, and a demographic questionnaire. Correlational and regression analyses were conducted to determine the relationships between all constructs and to test self-esteem as the mediating variable. A mediation model showed a relationship between dieting and self-esteem and BID in that high BID was related to low self-esteem. However, self-esteem did not mediate the relationship between diet and exercise. Findings indicated a significant relationship between higher BID and lower self-esteem. Results also indicated a significant relationship between BID and dieting. Results may be used to improve the lives of men affected by BID by informing them about factors that may affect BID and/or self-esteem. Enhancing the understanding of males' low self-esteem and body image may help researchers and practitioners develop more effective interventions. Read more
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Användning av aktivitetsbaserat kontor : Chefers upplevda möjligheter att utöva ledarskapFrances, Carolina, Westergren, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Tidigare forskning kring aktivitetsbaserade kontor har fokuserat på underordnade medarbetare och de effekter det har på deras arbete. Användningen av konceptet påverkar dock även medarbetare i en chefsposition. Syftet med denna studie är därför att belysa hur chefer upplever att deras möjligheter att utöva ledarskap påverkas av användningen av aktivitetsbaserat kontor. Metod: Studiens vetenskapliga synsätt är hermeneutisk fenomenologi och vi har använt en abduktiv forskningsansats. Den teoretiska referensramen är uppbyggd på tidigare forskning, och har uppdaterats kontinuerligt under studiens gång. Studiens forskningsdesign är en fallstudie, och datainsamling sker i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Empiri analyseras med den teoretiska referensramen som bas och resultaten diskuteras i analysen. Resultat & slutsats: Studien visar att aktivitetsbaserat kontor påverkar ledares möjligheter att utöva ledarskap på samtliga delområden vi har undersökt, om än i olika stor utsträckning. Likt tidigare forskning i ämnet visar vår studie att den ökade interaktionen ett aktivitetsbaserat kontor medför är starkt bidragande till de olika effekter som uppmärksammas. Dock upplevs effekterna inte alltid på samma sätt ur ett chefsperspektiv. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Vår studie inkluderade endast företag som nyligen implementerat aktivitetsbaserat kontor. Vi föreslår en studie där företag som haft aktivitetsbaserat kontor en längre tid studeras för att upptäcka nya utmaningar, problem och möjligheter för chefer. Vi anser även att framtida studier bör titta på andra aspekter av ledarskapet än de vi fokuserat på och hur dessa påverkas av aktivitetsbaserat kontor. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien visar att aktivitetsbaserat kontor påverkar ledares möjligheter att utöva ledarskap. Ledarskapet överlag har blivit mer ledande och uppmuntrande snarare än styrande. Vi har dock även uppmärksammat ett antal utmaningar som konceptet för med sig vilka påverkar ledarens arbete. / Aim: Previous research on activity-based offices has focused on subordinates and the effects it has on their work. The use of the concept also affects employees in a management position. The purpose of this study therefore is to illustrate how managers percieve that their opportunities to exercise leadership are affected by the use of an activity-based office. Method: The study's scientific approach is hermeneutic phenomenology and we have used an abductive research approach. The theoretical framework is based on previous research, and was updated continuously during the study. The study's research design is a case study, and data collection was made in the form of semi-structured interviews. Empirical material was analysed with the theoretical framework as a base and the results are discussed in the analysis. Result & conclusion: The study shows that activity-based offices affect the leader's opportunities to exercise leadership in all areas we have investigated, although to varying degree. As in previous research on the subject our study shows that the increased interaction an activity-based office brings, is a strong contributor to the various effects that have been noted. The effects however are not always percieved in the same way from a manager’s perspective. Suggestions for future research: Our study only included companies that have recently implemented an activity-based office. We propose a study including companies that have been using an activity-based office for a longer time to discover new challenges, problems and opportunities for managers. We also believe that future studies should look at other aspects of leadership than those we focused on and how these are affected by the activity-based office. Contribution of the thesis: The study shows that the activity-based office affects the leader's opportunities to exercise leadership. The leadership has generally become more conductive and supportive rather than controlling. However, we have also noted a number of challenges that the concept entails that affect the manager's job. Read more
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The influence of exercise on depression and psychological well-being amongst students at the University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus)Tshikovhele, Khodani Lucky January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Clinical Psychology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2015 / Research using a cross-sectional survey design was conducted to determine the influence of exercise on the psychological well-being and reported rates of depression on a sample of regular exercisers and non-regular exercisers registered at the University of Limpopo (Turfloop campus). Two standardized questionnaires were used to collect data from a non-proportional quota sample of 60 (30 regular exercisers and 30 non-regular exercisers), male and female (30 females and 30 males) undergraduate students. Data were analyzed using the following statistical measures, descriptive statistics, using frequency tables and figures. The chi square test was used to find out if there were any significant relationships between the regular exercisers and non-regular exercisers and male and female participants in terms of depression and psychological well-being. Students who exercised regularly showed a positive psychological well-being while non-regular exercisers showed a more negative psychological well-being. There were no significant differences in reported feelings of depression across the male and female sample of regular and non-regular exercisers. Female regular and non-regular exercisers however, showed a more positive psychological well-being than males, this was a significant result (p=0.001). Read more
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Hlavní trendy zdravého životního stylu a jejich odraz v médiích / The main trends of healthy life style and their presentation in the mediaDOLÉNKOVÁ, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The objective of my diploma work is to point out the main trends of the healthy lifestyle as well as to stress the factors having a negative impact on health. In particular, the work deals with well-balanced nutrition, exercising, sleep, lifestyle health risks, stress, civilisation disorders and the media which promote this healthy lifestyle. The research has been carried out under the use of the questionnaire method analysing the lifestyle of two separate groups of adolescents.
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Zásada poctivého obchodního styku / The principle of fair business transactionsGajdíková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
- The Principle of Fair Business Transactions The submitted thesis called The Principle of Fair Business Transactions deals with assessment of impacts of private law's recodification on this principle and the issue of its application. The thesis consists of two main parts - theoretical and analytical. The theoretical part is divided into general and specific. The general theoretical part focuses on the specification of the business principle and its emplacement among other similar private law's principles such as principle of good faith and fair dealing and good manners. The aim of this part was to define divergences of each of the principles and the aftermaths of breaking these principles. It is impossible to go through the topic of the principle of fair business transactions globally, especially due to the extensiveness and variety of usage of the principle in business law relationships. Therefore, special attention has been paid to the principle of fair business transactions in the field of contractual penalty in the next theoretical part. In the analytical part, I endeavour to deal with the issue of the exercising of the right of a contractual penalty. In the first part, there is a short discourse on the contractual penalty itself, definition of an inadequate amount of the contractual penalty... Read more
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Vliv zvoleného pohybového programu na úroveň držení těla předškolních dětí v Mateřské škole v Praze - Kolovratech / Influence of selected healthgymnastic program at a level body posture of pre-school children in the Kindergarten Prague - Kolovraty.Konečná, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
Thetheoretical part ofthisDiploma Thesis dealswithmotoricsystem and body posture and looksintomatteroffaultyposture. Itisfocused on causesoffaultypostureofpre-schoolagechildren and on importanceofphysicalactivity to children'sorganism. TheResearch part monitors incidence ofpoorposture in twoclassesofKindergarten Praha Kolovraty and examinestheimpactofregularphysicalactivity on the body postureofpre-schoolagechildren. Keywords Motoricsystem Body posture Faultyposture Pre-schoolage Preventivemedicalequalizeexercising
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Ryšys tarp mankštinimosi motyvacijos, nerimo dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo ir kūno masę keičiančių maisto papildų vartojimo besimankštinančių asmenų imtyje / Relation between exercise motivation, social physique anxiety and the use of muscle gain and weight loss supplements in exercisersSakalauskaitė, Lina 26 May 2010 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Ryšys tarp laisvalaikiu besimankštinančių asmenų kūno masę keičiančių maisto papildų vartojimo, mankštinimosi motyvacijos ir nerimo dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo.
Tyrimo problema:
Yra atlikta daug tyrimų, kurie analizuoja maisto papildų paplitimą tarp paauglių ir studentų, tačiau trūksta tyrimų su laisvalaikiu besimankštinančiais sporto ar sveikatingumo centruose suaugusiais. Nėra atlikta tyrimų, kurie ieškotų ryšių tarp laisvalaikiu besimankštinančių suaugusiųjų maisto papildų vartojimo, motyvacinių mechanizmų ir nerimo dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo lyties ir amžiaus aspektu.
Tikslas: Nustatyti ryšį tarp mankštinimosi motyvacijos, nerimo dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo bei kūno masę keičiančių maisto papildų vartojimo dažnio sveikatingumo centruose besimankštinančių imtyje.
1. Nustatyti mankštinimosi motyvaciją, nerimą dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo bei maisto papildų vartojimo dažnį lyties ir amžiaus grupėse tarp sveikatingumo centruose besimankštinančių asmenų.
2. Nustatyti ryšį tarp mankštinimosi motyvacijos, nerimo dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo bei maisto papildų vartojimo lyties ir amžiaus grupėse tarp sveikatingumo centruose besimankštinančių asmenų.
3. Nustatyti, kurie kintamieji reikšmingai prognozuoja kūno masę keičiančių maisto papildų vartojimą lyties ir amžiaus aspektais.
1. Išorinė motyvacija yra susijusi su dažnesniu kūno masę keičiančių papildų vartojimu.
2. Didesnis nerimas dėl socialinio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the study: relation between exercise motivation of people who exercise in the wellness centers, social physic anxiety and the use of supplements that change body.
Research problem: There are many researches on the use of dietary supplement in the teenagers and students groups; however, few of them are carried out in the adults groups, which exercising in their free time in sports or health centres. Also, there are no researches on analysis of relation between the use of supplements of the adults who exercise at their leisure, exercise motivation and social physique anxiety.
Aim: To assess relationship between exercise motivations, social physique anxiety and frequency use of supplements that change body weight of people who exercise in the wellness centers.
1. To assess exercise motivation, social physique anxiety and frequency use of supplements in the gender and age groups of people who exercise at their leisure.
2. To assess relation between exercise motivations, social physique anxiety and frequency use of supplements in the gender and age groups of people who exercise at their leisure.
3. To assess factors that most significantly forecast the use of dietary supplements from the age and gender aspects.
1. External motivation increases use of dietary supplements that change body weight.
2. High social physique anxiety level is related to higher use of dietary supplements.
1. Most evident was intrinsic and... [to full text] Read more
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Implementing effective school practices for secondary English language learners : implications for leadersHester, Debra Cantu 24 September 2013 (has links)
In 1999, Texas Legislature mandated the Student Success Initiative to ensure all eighth grade students are on grade level in reading and mathematics. Although progress is evident, the achievement gap for English language learners remains. The purpose of this case study was to explore effective school practices that lead to closing the achievement gap. This qualitative study applies the two core functions of leadership for exercising influence and providing direction to answer the research question: How do the core functions of school leadership practices for implementing the Student Success Initiative requirements vary between English language learners and non-English language learners in high and low-performing middle schools? The comparison between the high-performing school and low-performing school brought forth key findings and identifies school practices for supporting secondary English language learners.
The key findings for exercising influence on teachers were: 1) Effective school practices that influence teacher knowledge on how to identify students and their needs include: a) conducts a needs assessment.; b) analyze data; c) create differentiated ESL programs, d) place diverse groups of ELLs in differentiated ESL programs. 2) Effective school practices to influence teachers how to intervene include: a) accept teacher input and follow through on requests when planning interventions, b) target intervention needs; c) create differentiated interventions. 3) Effective school practices to influence teachers how to monitor include: a) analyze multiple types of data, b) measure student reading growth; c) measure student language proficiency, d) conduct walkthroughs to observe students. The key findings for providing direction to teachers established the following practices: 4) Effective school practices to provide direction to identify students and their needs include, a) develop and implement a school wide intervention plan, b) create a master schedule to implement differentiated ESL programs; c) model how to disaggregate data, d) develop and implement an individual plan for ELLs. 5) Effective school practices to provide direction to intervene include: a) assign ESL teacher to intervention groups, b) use data to drive intervention planning, c) measure growth in language and literacy, d) provide daily interventions, e) integrate language and literacy interventions in lessons. 6) Effective school practices to provide direction to teachers for monitoring include: a) measure growth of literacy and language development, b) triangulate multiple types of data, c) review intervention lessons during walkthroughs, e) provide daily interventions specific to student needs. / text Read more
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