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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Los factores de la experiencia online en relación a la decisión de compra de marcas de ropa casual por parte de hombres del NSE A/B de 20 a 30 años en Lima Metropolitana en el 2018 / The factors involved with the online experience in relation to the final purchase decision of casual clothing by men, between the ages of 20 a 30, that belong to the socioeconomic level A/B in Lima in 2018

Beyer Péndola, Valerie 05 July 2019 (has links)
En los últimos 10 años, se ha notado un crecimiento exponencial en las ventas generadas a través del canal online. Al contar con consumidores que buscan constantemente excelente calidad de servicio y que procesos sean simplificados para ellos, las marcas de ropa casual ven la importancia de invertir en este canal. Sin embargo, al contar con beneficios tanto para el consumidor como para la marca, aún existen barreras que afectan la preferencia por este canal por parte de los consumidores. En la sociedad peruana, el hombre es percibido como practico en relación a las decisiones de compra. Se busca en la siguiente investigación comprobar dicho estereotipo, relacionando el concepto de la masculinidad con el proceso de compra online. Es por ello que se descubrió la importancia de investigar acerca de los factores de la experiencia online en relación a la decisión de compra de marcas de ropa casual por parte de hombres del NSE A/B de 20 a 30 años en Lima Metropolitana en el 2018. El presente estudio posee una investigación de campo cualitativo y cuantitativo gracias a la realización de 2 focus groups, entrevistas a expertos y 224 encuestas realizadas al público objetivo en diferentes ubicaciones de Lima Metropolitana. Se profundizará en conceptos como la intangibilidad, el valor de marca, la masculinidad, E-commerce entre otros, con el fin de hallar la importancia de los factores que afectan la decisión de compra online. / In the last 10 years there has been a considerable increase in online sales. Now that customers are constantly expecting and demanding excellent service and simple purchase processes, clothing brands have identified the importance to invest in this platform. Even though this platform provides advantages for both the brand and the consumer, there are still barriers that affect the decision of the consumers to prefer the online store. In the Peruvian society, men are perceived to be practical in relation to purchase decisions. The investigation attempts to analyze this stereotype and connect and compare the concept of masculinity to the online shopping process. Therefore, it was deemed interesting to investigate the factors involved with the online experience in relation to the final purchase decision of casual clothing by men, between the ages of 20 a 30, that belong to the socioeconomic level A/B in Lima in 2018. The investigation is composed of a qualitative and a quantitative analysis. These analyses were made up of two focus groups, interviewing two experts related to the topic and 224 surveys completed by the primary target throughout different locations in Lima. Finally, in the investigation, concepts such as intangibility, brand value, masculinity and E-commerce will be analyzed profoundly, with the objective of discovering the importance assigned to the factors that affect the online purchase decision. / Trabajo de investigación

Factores asociados a la compra de pasajes low cost en hombres y mujeres de 20 a 50 años de Lima Metropolitana / Factors associated with the purchase of low cost tickets for men and women between the ages of 20 and 50 in Metropolitan Lima

Arciniega Giurcovich, Fadia 09 July 2020 (has links)
El formato de pasajes low cost es una tendencia que ha ido estableciéndose en el mercado peruano. No obstante, no han logrado tener la acogida esperada por parte de los consumidores peruanos, debido a diferentes aspectos. Por ello, en la presente investigación se analizarán factores asociados a la compra de pasajes low cost en hombres y mujeres de 20 a 50 años. De esta manera, se han seleccionado las variables valor hedónico, valor utilitario, influencia social, precio, promociones, página web, experiencia de compra y riesgo percibido. Con la finalidad de poder comprobar las hipótesis se ha desarrollado una investigación mixta. Por un lado, en el estudio cualitativo se realizaron dos focus groups al público objetivo y tres encuestas a profundidad a expertos en el sector. Por otro lado, para el estudio cuantitativo se aplicó un cuestionario a 355 personas. Cabe mencionar que se hizo un estudio de regresión lineal múltiple. De esta manera, se obtuvo que las variables valor hedónico, página web y experiencia de compra fueron que las que presentaron una relación con la intención de compra. Finalmente, es importante mencionar que la presente investigación es una de las pocas investigaciones realizadas sobre los factores que pueden presentar una relación sobre compra de pasajes low cost en el mercado peruano. / The low-cost ticket format is a trend that has been establishing itself in the Peruvian market. However, due to different aspects the low-cost airlines have not managed to achieve the expected reception by Peruvian consumers. For this reason, this research will analyze factors associated with the purchase of low-cost tickets for men and women between 20 and 50 years of age in Lima. In this way, we select the variables hedonic value, utility value, social influence, price, promotions, website, purchase experience and perceived risk. In order to be able to evaluate the hypotheses, a mixed investigation has been developed. On the one hand, the qualitative study will analyze two focus groups on the target audience and three in-depth surveys of experts in the sector. On the other hand, for the quantitative study, a questionnaire was applied to 355 people. It should be noted that a multiple linear regression study was done. In this way, it was obtained the variables hedonic value, website and purchase experience had a relationship with the purchase intention. Finally, it is important that this investigation be one of the few investigations carried out on the factors that may present a relationship on the purchase of low-cost tickets in the Peruvian market. / Trabajo de investigación

Factores relevantes para lograr la lealtad de los clientes en las comunidades de marca / Relevant factors to achieve customer loyalty in brand communities

Ayala Gavidia, Ricardo Pablo, Cabezas Gibaja, César Augusto 09 April 2020 (has links)
Consolidar la lealtad del cliente es importante para las marcas. En los mercados modernos donde la competencia es feroz y los clientes sucumben fácilmente a la tentación de cambiar de una marca a otra, la consolidación de la lealtad del cliente es un objetivo clave de marketing. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar los factores relevantes para lograr la lealtad de los clientes en las comunidades de marca, a través del método de investigación documental. Se aplicó como técnica de recolección de datos, la observación bibliográfica, con dos instrumentos de apoyo: registro de artículo científico y matriz general de la información. Una vez revisado y analizado cada uno de los artículos, se constató que las organizaciones empresariales tienen a su alcance diversos factores que le permiten logar la lealtad de sus clientes como: calidad de servicio, valor de marca, experiencia de compra, fidelización y precio. Concluyendo que, todos estos factores generan confianza en los clientes, de donde surge también su satisfacción, elevando el valor de la marca, sus atributos y por ende su imagen corporativa. Un cliente feliz es un cliente satisfecho, y por lo tanto será un cliente fiel y leal, impactando directa y positivamente sobre la rentabilidad de las organizaciones empresariales. / Strengthening customer loyalty is important for brands. In modern markets where competition is fierce and customers easily succumb to the temptation to switch from one brand to another, consolidating customer loyalty is a key marketing objective. The objective of this paper is to study the relevant factors to achieve customer loyalty in brand communities, through the method of documentary research. The bibliographic observation was applied as a data collection technique, with two supporting instruments: scientific article registration and general information matrix. Once each of the articles was reviewed and analyzed, it was found that business organizations have at their disposal various factors that allow them to achieve customer loyalty such as: quality of service, brand value, shopping experience, loyalty and price. Concluding that, all these factors generate trust in customers, where their satisfaction also arises, raising the value of the brand, its attributes and therefore its corporate image. A happy customer is a satisfied customer, and therefore will be a loyal and loyal customer, directly and positively impacting the profitability of business organizations. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Influencia del merchandising utilizado en las tiendas de conveniencia de la zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana en la satisfacción del cliente, el ticket de compra y la recompra según 4 tipos de clientes / Influence of merchandising used in convenience stores in zone 7 of Metropolitan Lima in customer satisfaction, purchase ticket and repurchase according to 4 types of customers

Chávarry García, Karol Nohely, Pereyra Villanueva, Jenny Patricia 16 May 2019 (has links)
La presente tesis plantea que el merchandising utilizado en las tiendas de conveniencia de la zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana contribuye positivamente en la satisfacción de los clientes, el ticket de compra y la probabilidad de recompra según 4 tipos de clientes, lo cual se ha comprobado mediante la validación de 4 hipótesis específicas. Luego de haber realizado el análisis se obtuvo que, dichas hipótesis fueron aceptadas. En cuanto a la primera fue aprobada mediante un análisis factorial y se encontraron cuatro tipos de clientes: Premium, visuales, buscadores de ofertas y oportunistas. De la segunda hipótesis se obtuvo que de los shoppers que habían tenido una opinión positiva en cuanto al merchandising, el 90% de ellos estaba de acuerdo con que tuvieron una experiencia de compra agradable. En la tercera hipótesis, mediante un análisis descriptivo de la valoración de las técnicas de merchandising; es decir, que los shoppers hayan notado la presencia de dichas técnicas al momento de su ingreso y recorrido por la tienda, se obtuvo que: el incremento promedio del ticket de compra fue de 52% en clientes Premium, 65% en clientes Visuales, 46% en clientes Buscadores de ofertas y 51% en clientes Oportunistas. Por último, en la cuarta hipótesis se pudo comprobar que los shoppers que habían adquirido alguna oferta en la tienda de conveniencia, regresaban en mayor número de veces en comparación con los shoppers que no adquirían ofertas. / This thesis states that the merchandising used in convenience stores in zone 7 of Metropolitan Lima contributes positively in customer satisfaction, the purchase ticket and the likelihood of repurchase according to 4 types of customers, which has been proven through the validation of 4 specific hypotheses. After having made the analysis, it was found that these hypotheses were accepted. As for the first one, it was approved through a factorial analysis and four types of clients were found: Premium, visuals, offer finders and opportunists. From the second hypothesis, it was found that of the shoppers who had a positive opinion regarding merchandising, 90% of them agreed that they had a pleasant shopping experience. In the third hypothesis, through a descriptive analysis of the valuation of merchandising techniques; that is, that the shoppers had noticed the presence of such techniques at the time of their entry and tour of the store, it was found that: the average increase in the purchase ticket was 52% in Premium clients, 65% in Visual clients, 46 % in customers Search engines and 51% in Opportunistic customers. Finally, in the fourth hypothesis it was found that the shoppers who had purchased some offer in the convenience store, returned in greater number of times compared to the shoppers who did not acquire offers. / Tesis

Efectos en la experiencia de compra frente a la no entrega de bolsas de plásticos, a causa de la Ley Nº 30884: Una exploración cualitativa desde el estudio de las actitudes

Quino Martínez, Fiorella Victoria 12 April 2020 (has links)
A causa del excesivo uso de plásticos, específicamente bolsas de plástico, han aumentado los niveles de contaminación ambiental, agotando la capacidad para procesarlos, ya que eliminarlos por completo no es una opción debido a sus componentes. Para tratar de mitigar sus efectos, el Gobierno Peruano, promulgó en diciembre 2018 la Ley Nº 30884 Ley de Plásticos de un solo uso, la cual afecta directamente a los consumidores, quienes hacen uso de las bolsas y a los comercios que incluyen bolsas de plástico como parte de la venta final. Entre estas empresas se encuentran supermercados y tiendas por departamento, las cuales han sido seleccionadas para la presente investigación. A raíz de la nula información de los efectos de la ley, nace el interés por resolver cuáles son los efectos en las actitudes de mujeres y hombres entre 25 a 40 años del NSE A y B de Lima metropolitana en su experiencia de compra en supermercados y tiendas por departamento frente a la no entrega de bolsas plásticas debido a la Ley de Plásticos de un solo uso. La metodología será una investigación interpretativa naturalista con enfoque cualitativo. De esa manera, se aplicarán entrevistas individuales a los especialistas y entrevistas grupales semi estructuradas. Es decir, focus group siguiendo la estructura académica de la guía de indagación. / Due to the excessive use of plastics, specifically plastic bags, they have increased the levels of environmental contamination, exhausting the capacity to process them, since eliminating them completely is not an option due to their components. To try to mitigate its effects, the Peruvian Government enacted in December 2018 Law No. 30884 Single-use Plastics Law, which directly affects consumers, who use the bags and businesses that include plastic bags such as part of the final sale. These companies include supermarkets and department stores, which have been selected for this research. As a result of the lack of information on the effects of the law, the interest in solving the effects on the attitudes of women and men between 25 and 40 years of the NSE A and B of metropolitan Lima in their shopping experience in supermarkets and department stores versus non-delivery of plastic bags due to the Single Use Plastics Act. The methodology will be a naturalistic interpretive research with a qualitative approach. In this way, individual interviews with specialists and semi-structured group interviews will be applied. That is, focus group following the academic structure of the inquiry guide. / Trabajo de investigación

Acciones de experiencia de compra dentro de las plataformas digitales de los retailers en relación a la compra online de ropa en Lima Metropolitana

Ayllòn Espinoza, Nicole Alejandra, Ojeda Vera, Arturo 01 October 2019 (has links)
Los factores funcionales de la experiencia de compra se caracterizan por ser parte importante de la usabilidad de los e-commerce que según diversos autores estos podrían influir en la satisfacción de los clientes al momento de realizar la compra. Es por esta razón que se han empleado diferentes estrategias para poder medir diferentes variables. Muchos de los retailers que realizan sus transacciones en Lima están tomando en cuenta las diversas herramientas que ayudan a mejorar la experiencia de compra en las páginas; sin embargo, podría faltarles implementar otras o no estarían utilizando las adecuadas. Las hipótesis serán validadas mediante dos focus group y 242 encuestas basadas en la investigación a personas entre 18 y 45 años que vivan en Lima Metropolitana y que hayan realizado una compra mediante el e-commerce de un retail. / The functional factors of the shopping experience are characterized by being an important part of the usability of e-commerce, which according to various authors could influence customer satisfaction at the time of purchase. It is for this reason that different strategies have been used to measure different variables. Many of the retailers that carry out their transactions in Lima are taking into account the various tools that help improve the shopping experience on the pages; however, they may not be able to implement others or they may not be using the correct ones. The hypotheses will be validated through two focus groups and 242 surveys based on research among people between 18 and 45 years old who live in Metropolitan Lima and who have made a purchase through the e-commerce of a retail outlet. / Trabajo de investigación


LOUISE HAMOND REGUA MANGIA 03 February 2025 (has links)
[pt] O uso de tecnologias digitais na COVID-19 impactou a vida de consumidores e de negócios, especialmente, no nicho de itens de supermercado. Com a retomada do comércio presencial, os consumidores se tornaram mais exigentes na sua jornada de compra, incorporando novos canais e pontos de contato. Esse cenário tem sido abordado mundialmente, contudo, no Brasil, essa discussão é limitada. Mapear e compreender os usuários e suas interações com os diferentes canais de compra de itens de mercado é fundamental para compreender jornadas e propor melhorias nosserviços. Neste estudo foi aplicado um questionário com uma amostra de participantes brasileiros adultos, e uma entrevista semiestruturada online para 17 participantes. Os resultados do questionário identificaram três grupos de consumidores: exclusivamente presenciais (59 por cento), híbridos (39 por cento) e exclusivamente online (2 por cento). A entrevista com os representantes do grupo híbrido, permitiu identificar quatro perfis de compradores desse nicho, caracterizando as personas: comprador conveniente, caçador de oportunidade, seletivo e explorador de experiência. Mapas de jornadas identificaram os fluxos de compras das personas. Os resultados mostraram que os usuários ainda preferem o formato de compra presencial apesar de ter sido observada adesão aos canais digitais. A experiência de compra digital revelou a existência de lacunas quanto a usabilidade, otimização de canais de atendimento, e quanto ao processo de seleção e transporte de perecíveis. Esses resultados revelam que esses pontos ainda são críticos na jornada dos usuários para a aquisição de itens de mercado, requerendo soluções no campo do design para a eficiência dos serviços, satisfação e fidelização dos consumidores brasileiros. / [en] The use of digital technologies during COVID-19 has impacted the lives of consumers and businesses, especially in the grocery items niche. With the resumption of in-person commerce, consumers have become more demanding in their purchasing journey, incorporating new channels and touchpoints. This scenario has been addressed worldwide, however, in Brazil, this discussion is limited. Mapping and understanding users and their interactions with the different purchasing channels for grocery items is essential to understand journeys and propose improvements to these services. In this study, an online questionnaire was applied to a sample of adult Brazilian participants, and a semi-structured interview were applied to 17 participants. The questionnaire results identified three groups of consumers: exclusively in-person (59 percent), hybrid (39 percent) and exclusively online (2 percent). The interview with the representatives of the hybrid group allowed us to identify four profiles of consumers in this niche, characterizing the following personas: convenient buyer, opportunity hunter, selective and experience explorer. Journey maps identified the personas’ purchasing flows. The results showed that users still prefer the in-person purchasing format despite the adoption of digital channels. The digital purchasing experience revealed the existence of gaps regarding usability, optimization of service channels, and the process of selecting and transporting perishables. These results reveal that these points are still critical in the users journey to acquire grocery items, requiring solutions in the field of design for the efficiency of services, satisfaction, and loyalty of Brazilian consumers.

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