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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O uso de cobogós como segunda pele em edifícios de escritórios: análise do desempenho lumínico de diferentes geometrias / The use of cobogos as second skin in office buildings: analysis of light performance of different geometries

Ana Carolina Aquareli Cordeiro 27 February 2018 (has links)
Uma das principais características do território brasileiro é a abundância de luz natural, recurso este que deve ser melhor aproveitado no interior das edificações. É fundamental que haja qualidade de iluminação natural incidindo nestes ambientes, principalmente se atividades visuais são desenvolvidas nestes locais. Por outro lado, a radiação solar direta também possui efeitos negativos, e o controle de sua incidência de forma direta nos ambientes internos se faz necessário. Dentro deste contexto, é relevante o uso de estratégias projetuais que, ao mesmo tempo que possibilitem o uso da luz natural, também protejam estes espaços internos da insolação direta, como os cobogós, elementos que permitem a passagem de luz natural e dos ventos, mas controla a incidência da radiação solar direta. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar o desempenho lumínico em salas hipotéticas de escritórios, por meio da utilização de diferentes geometrias de cobogós, levando em consideração as diferentes latitudes, as orientações geográficas e as profundidades das salas. A metodologia consiste na análise do nível de iluminância e da uniformidade da luz nos ambientes estudados. Para este trabalho foram utilizados dois métodos: o método computacional, por meio do programa DIAlux e o método experimental, no qual foram avaliados modelos de escala. Primeiramente, foram apresentadas as análises obtidas por meio do programa computacional, que simulou quatro salas hipotéticas; duas delas tinham sua abertura composta somente com vidro, e as outras duas, a abertura continha, além do vidro, o cobogó como segunda pele. Para realizar as simulações foi empregada uma diversificada faixa de latitudes do território brasileiro (5ºN à 34ºS). Os resultados demostraram que os parâmetros projetuais como a utilização da sala sem cobogós (somente vidro), a geometria dos elementos vazados e a sua área de abertura, a orientação solar e os períodos analisados (verão e inverno) exerceram uma influência significativa na distribuição e no redirecionamento da luz no ambiente interno das salas estudadas. Com relação ao desempenho de luz no ambiente, o caso 1, entre todos os outros estudados, foi o que mostrou ser mais eficiente e atendeu melhor o requisito de iluminância interna, apesar de se verificar pontos com luminosidade acima de 2000 lux, principalmente na fachada Oeste e no final da tarde. Posteriormente, foram avaliados e comparados os dados 8 simulados com os dados medidos em um modelo de escala, averiguando duas situações definidas: o caso de referência e um dos casos de cobogós para a cidade de São Carlos. Os resultados obtidos por meio do programa DIAlux garantiram valores mais próximos do ideal, já que neste software foram inseridos a latitude, a hora, a orientação, e demais dados que não irão sofrer influências externas. Em contrapartida, o método experimental revelou-se uma ferramenta útil na visualização da distribuição espacial da luz no ambiente estudado. Como conclusão do trabalho, comprovou-se que os cobogós são eficazes dispositivos de sombreamento, pois controlam altos níveis de iluminância em comparação aos ambientes que não apresentaram esses elementos de proteção. / One of the main characteristics of the Brazilian territory is the abundance of natural light, a resource that should be better utilized inside the buildings. It is fundamental that there is quality of natural lighting focusing on these environments, especially if visual activities are developed in these places. On the other hand, the direct solar radiation also has negative effects, and the control of its incidence directly in the internal environments becomes necessary. Within this context, it is important to use design strategies that, while allowing the use of natural light, also protect these indoor spaces from direct sunlight, such as cobogos, elements that allow the passage of natural light and winds, but controls the incidence of direct solar radiation. The objective of this research is to evaluate light performance in hypothetical office rooms through the use of different pavement geometries, taking into account the different latitudes, geographic orientations and depths of the rooms. The methodology consists in the analysis of the level of illuminance and the uniformity of light in the studied environments. For this work two methods were used: the computational method, through the DIAlux program and the experimental method, in which scale models were evaluated. Firstly, the analyzes obtained through the computational program, which simulated four hypothetical rooms, were presented; two of them had their opening composed only of glass, and the other two, the opening contained, besides the glass, the cobogó as second skin. In order to carry out the simulations a wide range of latitudes of the Brazilian territory (5ºN to 34ºS) was employed. The results showed that the design parameters such as the use of the room without cobogos (glass only), the geometry of the leaked elements and their opening area, the solar orientation and the analyzed periods (summer and winter) exerted a significant influence on the distribution and in the redirection of the light in the internal environment of the rooms studied. Regarding the performance of light in the environment, case 1, among all others studied, was shown to be more efficient and better met the requirement of internal illuminance, although points with brightness above 2000 lux, especially in the facade West and late afternoon. Subsequently, the simulated data were compared with the data measured in a scale model, checking two defined situations: the case of reference and one of the cases of cobogos for the city of São Carlos. The results obtained through the DIAlux program 10 guaranteed values closer to the ideal, since in this software were inserted latitude, time, orientation, and other data that will not suffer external influences. In contrast, the experimental method proved to be a useful tool in visualizing the spatial distribution of light in the studied environment. As a conclusion of the work, it was verified that the cobogos are effective shading devices, because they control high levels of illuminance in comparison to environments that did not present these elements of protection.

La fortune des entreprises minières : histoire et archéologie de l'essai des minerais par voie sèche en Europe, du Haut Moyen Age au XVIIIe siècle / The fortune of mining exploitations : the history and archaeology of fire assay in Europe, from the early Middle Ages to the 18th century

Gauthier, Joseph 11 December 2012 (has links)
L’analyse qualitative et quantitative des minerais est une composante essentielle de l’entreprise minière. Elle permet à la fois d’anticiper et de contrôler la production, et ce à différents moments de la chaîne opératoire d’extraction et de transformation du minerai en métal : prospections, transactions, préparation des opérations de fonte. L’essai des minerais s’offre donc à une étude des techniques, et à celle de la structure des entreprises minières et de leurs stratégies d’exploitation. Cette thèse se consacre ainsi à la compréhension d’un savoir-faire, de son évolution et de son utilité économique. D’abord cantonné à un objectif de prospection, l’essai est opéré à moyenne ou grande échelle, selon un mode opératoire similaire aux opérations de production, et souvent pratiqué par des artisans de la métallurgie de transformation. La technique se rationalise au cours des deux derniers siècles du Moyen Âge en Europe centrale et dans les mines de la couronne d’Aragon. Elle aboutit à un travail de laboratoire dont la justesse et la rapidité font de l’essayeur l’un des pivots de l’entreprise minière moderne. Si la rareté des données médiévales a imposé une large diversité des fonds et des sites étudiés, la technique à petite échelle a fait l’objet d’une codification exhaustive au cours du XVIe siècle. Son étude se base sur des données textuelles et matérielles issues en grande partie de la province minière germanique, ainsi que sur une approche expérimentale. Elle donne lieu à un premier référentiel historique et archéologique en matière d’équipement d’essai (four à moufle et scorificatoire). / The qualitative and quantitative analysis of ores is a major component of mining exploitation. It allows metal production to be both anticipated and controlled at all stages of the chaîne opératoire, from the extraction of the ore to its transformation into metal: prospection, transactions and preparations for smelting. Therefore ore assaying may be used to study a wide range of aspects such as technical methods, mining society structure and exploitation strategies. This thesis seeks to understand the development and economic impact of a specific form of expertise. Assaying, which was initially linked only to prospection, was performed at medium or large scale, with a method similar to that used in the production process, and was often the work of craftsmen specialised in the manufacture of metal objects. The technique was improved and rationalised during the last two centuries of the Middle Ages in Central Europe and in the Crown of Aragon mines. The final result of this development was laboratory work where accuracy and promptness make the assayer one of the keystones of modern mining exploitation. A wide-ranging investigation of many archive collections and sites was necessary because of the scarcity of medieval data. The small-scale technique used during the 16th century, in contrast, has been the object of a thorough codification. The study of this laboratory process and its economic and social implications is based on textual and material data, mainly originating from the German mining area, but also from an experimental approach, thus producing a preliminary historical and archaeological reference work concerning assay facilities (muffle furnaces and scorifiers).

Samband mellan viskositet på färg och kassation från tryckmaskin / The relationship between ink viscosity and rejects from the printing machine

Hellberg, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
AstraZeneca är en av världens främsta tillverkare av läkemedel. Agenda 2030 ställer höga krav på läkemedelsföretagen vad gäller att höja den globala folkhälsan och samtidigt bidra till en hållbar produktion. På PET Respules i Södertälje tillverkas flytande astmamedicin i plastampuller med steril BFS-teknik. Dessa plastampuller ges tilltryck genom tampontryckteknik. Tilltrycket innehåller batchunik information som utgångsdatum, produkt och dos och är en viktig process för patientsäkerhet och spårbarhet. För att säkra denna process är tryckmaskinerna utrustade med kalibrerad visionteknik som ställer krav på tryckprocessen. Tryckfärgen som används blandas med lösningsmedel för att sänka viskositeten och påverka färgens egenskaper. Viskositet har inte tidigare använts som parameter vid felsökning av färgblandningen vilket har resulterat i att bedömningen av huruvida färgblandningen varit lös (låg viskositet) eller tjock (hög viskositet) varit subjektiv. Genom experimentella försök och stickprov undersöktes sambandet mellan färgens viskositet och kassation från tryckmaskin. Detta genom att testa flera olika förhållanden mellan tryckfärg och lösningsmedel samtidigt och övervaka hur viskositeten betedde sig över tid. Testerna visade att det finns ett spann på viskositet mellan 350-622,4 mPa·s där ingen kassation kopplat till tryckfärgen förekommer. Det gick även konstatera att färgblandning med för lös viskositet genererar problem med övriga komponenter och att resultaten möjliggör standardisering av arbetssätt kopplat till hantering av tryckfärg. / AstraZeneca is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical manufacturers. Agenda 2030 places high demands on pharmaceutical companies regarding improving global public health while contributing to sustainable production. At PET Respules in Södertälje, liquid asthma medication is manufactured and packed in plastic ampoules using sterile BFS technology. These plastic ampoules are printed using pad printing technology. The print contains batch-specific information such as expiration date, product, dose, and is an important process for patient safety and traceability. To ensure this process, the printing machines are equipped with calibrated vision control system that sets requirements for the printing process. The printing ink used is mixed with a solvent to reduce viscosity and affect the properties of the color. Viscosity has not previously been used as a parameter in troubleshooting the color mixture, resulting in the assessment of whether the color mixture has been loose (low viscosity) or thick (high viscosity) being subjective. Through experimental trials and random sampling, the correlation between color viscosity and rejection from the printing machine was examined. This was done by testing several different ratios between printing ink and solvent simultaneously and monitoring how viscosity behaved over time. The tests showed that there is a range of viscosity between 350-622,4 mPa·s where no rejection related to the printing ink occurs. It was also found that a color mixture with excessively low viscosity generates problems with other components, and the results enable the standardization of work processes related to handling the printing ink.

Raison et empirisme chez David Hume / Reason and empirism in Hume

Bergont, Sophie 15 September 2018 (has links)
Il est courant de reconnaître en Hume un philosophe empiriste et un critique de la raison. Cette étude s’attache à examiner le lien unissant ces deux caractérisations, et à mettre en évidence le geste d’extension de l’empirisme par lequel, sous la plume de Hume, l’entendement en vient à être pensé selon un modèle empirico-sceptique. Contrairement à l’idée reçue qui voudrait que la théorie humienne de la raison s’énonce à l’encontre de conceptions «métaphysiques» ou «rationalistes» de cette dernière, il s’agit de montrer que c’est à des auteurs couramment désignés comme empiristes que Hume se confronte lorsqu’il prend la raison pour objet, en tant que ces auteurs seraient restés prisonniers d’une compréhension superficielle de l’expérience. En explorant différents champs (connaissance, passions, morale, histoire, sciences constituées, telle la mécanique), cette étude souligne que la critique humienne de la raison naît d’un approfondissement de l’empirisme, approfondissement qui vient interroger l’idée traditionnelle d’une continuité vis-à-vis des philosophes «empiristes» (notamment Locke et Hutcheson) et d’une mise à distance des auteurs «rationalistes» (notamment Leibniz et Malebranche). Ces positionnements à première vue surprenants s’enracinent dans une exigence d’analyse de l’expérience : c’est seulement en analysant l’expérience immédiate et ordinaire que nous faisons de notre raison qu’il est possible de parvenir à une juste idée de ses pouvoirs, et de poser à nouveaux frais la question de sa légitimité à gouverner notre croyance. / Hume is commonly seen as an empiricist philosopher and as a critic of reason. The project of this thesis is to examine the relation between these two characterizations, and to highlight the way that Hume expands empiricism into the faculty of reason, resulting in a new conception of the understanding, which is both empirical and skeptical. In opposition to the generally accepted idea, which states that Hume's theory of reason is set against "metaphysical" or "rationalist" conceptions of this faculty, the thesis argues that, in his account of reason, Hume mainly critiques "empiricist" philosophers. These thinkers are critiqued for being confined to a superficial view of experience. Through an exploration of several fields (theory of experience, theory of the passions, theory of morals, history, contemporary sciences, such as mechanics), it is shown that Hume's critique of reason stems from an extension and intensification of empiricism. This demonstration challenges the traditional view of Hume, as the heir to the "empiricist" tradition (particularly Locke and Hutcheson) and as a mere critic of the "rationalist" philosophers (particularly Leibniz and Malebranche). These positions, which seem at first sight surprising, are rooted in the demand that experience be analysed : it is only through analysing the immediate and ordinary experience we have of our reasoning that we can arrive at a true account of the powers of reason, and give new ground to the question of the legitimacy of reason to govern our beliefs.

體驗行銷對不同程度消費幻想者的影響 / The effects of experiential marketing on consumers with fantasy

周昕緯, Chou, Hsin Wei Unknown Date (has links)
Schmitt (1999) 提出體驗行銷的五種類型分別為感官、情感、思考、行動與關聯,並分別定義出這些行銷方法的意義與影響。李德儀 (2005) 以深度訪談法提出消費幻想的基本概念與構面,謝易儒 (2009) 重新定義幻想的四大構面:取得距離、過去經驗、細膩程度與持續程度,並發表消費幻想的量表。本研究認為體驗行銷能夠滿足Holbrook與Hirschman (1982) 提出於消費體驗中的幻想,因此本研究探討Schmitt (1999) 的五種體驗行銷是否能滿足不同幻想程度的消費者。   本研究採實驗法,共有五個子實驗。經過前測後,設計出五組模擬彩色廣告,每一組各包含兩張廣告,一張為含有體驗行銷訴求的廣告,一張為不含體驗行銷的廣告,共十張受測者觀看廣告後,藉由問卷衡量出對廣告的看法以及幻想程度。本研究採用五種體驗之2(體驗行銷的有無)x 2(消費幻想程度高低) MANOVA,分析測試受測者面對有無體驗的廣告對廣告內容的偏好度與認知程度是否有所影響,並且衡量體驗與幻想的交互作用是否顯著。   研究結果顯示:一、面對情感體驗行銷,相對於幻想持續程度低者,幻想持續程度高者對行銷內容的偏好度與認知程度較高。二、面對關聯體驗行銷,相對於幻想細膩程度低者,幻想細膩程度高者對行銷內容的偏好度與認知程度較高。   整體而言,本研究發現情感體驗能夠影響幻想持續程度高的消費者,關聯體驗能夠影響幻想細膩程度高的消費者,廠商若針對不同幻想程度的消費者進行特定的體驗行銷,能夠增加消費者對產品或服務的偏好度與認知程度,達到更好的體驗行銷效果。 / Schmitt (1999) pointed out five modules to interpret “Experiential Marketing,” “Sense,” “Feel,” “Think,” “Act” and “Relate,” and defined the meaning and effectiveness of these marketing methods. Lee (2005) defined “Consumption Fantasy,” and Hsieh (2009) identified the four dimensions: “Accessibility,” ”Pass Experience Relatedness,” “Fineness,” and “Continuity,” and then developed the fantasy inventory. In addition, Holbrook and Hirschman (1982) suggested that fantasy is a part of consumption experience, which can be satisfied during the consumption. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the effects of various kinds of experiential marketing on consumers with different levels of consumption fantasy. Experiments are used for this study. Five sets of fictitious colored advertisements were designed; each set had two advertisements of experiential marketing and non-experiential marketing. A 2 (experiential marketing: yes versus no) x 2 (consumption fantasy: high versus low) experimental design collected data from student samples via traditional paper-and-pen or the website on the Internet. The results of the research are as the followings. (1) The advertisement contained with the “Feel” experiential marketing affected consumers with strong "continuity" fantasy more than others. (2) The advertisement contained with the “Relate” experiential marketing affected the consumers with strong "Fineness" fantasy more than others. To sum up, the key finding of this study is that different “Experiential Marketings” can affect consumers on specific fantasies more than others. Thus, marketers can employ specific experiential marketing for the right target to enhance their preference to the products and services advertised.

A Comparative Study between Price and Non-Price Sales Promotional Strategy in the Introduction Stage of Consumer Products

Sabbir, S. M., Birmeji, Tadele Worku January 2010 (has links)
<p>Either it is because of some significant active trends in the business world, or the attractive cut of cost and increase in profit, companies now days are focusing on sales promotion activities. But in reality, most of companies that are introducing new products are not getting what they intend to get. They are facing loses. One of the reasons is lack of understanding which specific sales promotion is preferable at that stage.</p><p>As the authors described on the background of the study, a lot of studies have been done to indicate preferable sales promotional tools for consumer’s goods. Even though those studies have found significant results, there is still a gap which needs further investigation. According to those studies, the result that indicates the more preferable sales promotional tool have to be tested under different discount magnitude range and variety of products.</p><p>Based on the above gap the study has been undertaken with the purpose of comparing two dominant sales promotional tools: price and non-price sales promotion. This comparison has been done on three new different consumer goods that have different characteristics. The authors believe that this will contribute to fill the gap on the findings of previous researches on the area of sales promotion.</p><p>To fulfill the purpose of the study, descriptive and comparative type of study has been conducted by using controlled field experiment. Data has been collected by using structured questionnaire from three undergraduate classes of Umea University, Umea, which are (i.e., classes) selected using judgmental sampling. Collected data has been analyzed using SPSS-descriptive statistics.</p><p>The result reveals that, consumers of newly introduced consumer good will use the price of the product as a cue for a quality and prefer to have cash discount rather than gift offers. More ever, marketing stimuli (i.e. sales promotion) can have impact on the occurrence of the impulse buying behavior. Therefore, companies that are introducing a new consumer product and using price sales promotion as a strategy are more likely to attract new consumers and create impulse buying behavior, which result in an increase in sales.</p>

Investigations of Reaction Cross Sections for Protons and <sup>3</sup>He / Undersökningar av reaktionstvärsnitt för protoner och <sup>3</sup>He

Lantz, Mattias January 2005 (has links)
<p>The reaction cross section gives the probability that a particle will undergo a nonelastic process when passing through a nuclear medium. Therefore reaction cross section data are of importance both for theoretical studies and for applications in such diverse fields as medicine, biology, astrophysics and accelerator-driven transmutation of nuclear waste.</p><p>There exist many data sets with angular distributions of elastic scattering, but very few measurements of the complementary reaction cross section have been performed. The measurement is in principle simple but has in practice proved to be very difficult to perform, and the relatively limited amount of experimental data displays some serious inconsistencies.</p><p>Results from measurements of reaction cross sections are presented for:</p><p>• <sup>3</sup>He on <sup>9</sup>Be, <sup>12</sup>C, <sup>16</sup>O, <sup>28</sup>Si, <sup>40</sup>Ca, <sup>58,60</sup>Ni, <sup>112,116,118,120,124</sup>Sn and <sup>208</sup>Pb at 96, 138 and 167 MeV</p><p>• protons on <sup>12</sup>C, <sup>40</sup>Ca, <sup>90</sup>Zr and <sup>208</sup>Pb at six energies in the energy range 80-180 MeV, and on </p><p><sup>58</sup>Ni at 81 MeV. </p><p>Experimental uncertainties were 3-9% for <sup>3</sup>He and 1.5-8% for protons.</p><p>The apparatus and the experimental method used for the measurements of reaction cross sections, using a modified attenuation technique, is described. The detection method enables simultaneous measurements of reaction cross sections for five different sizes of the solid angles in steps from 99.0 to 99.8% of the total solid angle. The final results are obtained by extrapolation to the full solid angle.</p><p>Experimental results are compared with predictions from optical model calculations using phenomenological global optical potentials.</p><p>Phenomenological parametrizations of reaction cross sections for scattering of projectiles on targets are presented. The parametrizations show that reaction cross sections are very sensitive to matter distributions at very large radii of both the projectile and the target. For protons the derived relations makes it possible to predict the reaction cross sections on targets for which no experimental data exist.</p>

A Comparative Study between Price and Non-Price Sales Promotional Strategy in the Introduction Stage of Consumer Products

Sabbir, S. M., Birmeji, Tadele Worku January 2010 (has links)
Either it is because of some significant active trends in the business world, or the attractive cut of cost and increase in profit, companies now days are focusing on sales promotion activities. But in reality, most of companies that are introducing new products are not getting what they intend to get. They are facing loses. One of the reasons is lack of understanding which specific sales promotion is preferable at that stage. As the authors described on the background of the study, a lot of studies have been done to indicate preferable sales promotional tools for consumer’s goods. Even though those studies have found significant results, there is still a gap which needs further investigation. According to those studies, the result that indicates the more preferable sales promotional tool have to be tested under different discount magnitude range and variety of products. Based on the above gap the study has been undertaken with the purpose of comparing two dominant sales promotional tools: price and non-price sales promotion. This comparison has been done on three new different consumer goods that have different characteristics. The authors believe that this will contribute to fill the gap on the findings of previous researches on the area of sales promotion. To fulfill the purpose of the study, descriptive and comparative type of study has been conducted by using controlled field experiment. Data has been collected by using structured questionnaire from three undergraduate classes of Umea University, Umea, which are (i.e., classes) selected using judgmental sampling. Collected data has been analyzed using SPSS-descriptive statistics. The result reveals that, consumers of newly introduced consumer good will use the price of the product as a cue for a quality and prefer to have cash discount rather than gift offers. More ever, marketing stimuli (i.e. sales promotion) can have impact on the occurrence of the impulse buying behavior. Therefore, companies that are introducing a new consumer product and using price sales promotion as a strategy are more likely to attract new consumers and create impulse buying behavior, which result in an increase in sales.

Investigations of Reaction Cross Sections for Protons and 3He / Undersökningar av reaktionstvärsnitt för protoner och 3He

Lantz, Mattias January 2005 (has links)
The reaction cross section gives the probability that a particle will undergo a nonelastic process when passing through a nuclear medium. Therefore reaction cross section data are of importance both for theoretical studies and for applications in such diverse fields as medicine, biology, astrophysics and accelerator-driven transmutation of nuclear waste. There exist many data sets with angular distributions of elastic scattering, but very few measurements of the complementary reaction cross section have been performed. The measurement is in principle simple but has in practice proved to be very difficult to perform, and the relatively limited amount of experimental data displays some serious inconsistencies. Results from measurements of reaction cross sections are presented for: • 3He on 9Be, 12C, 16O, 28Si, 40Ca, 58,60Ni, 112,116,118,120,124Sn and 208Pb at 96, 138 and 167 MeV • protons on 12C, 40Ca, 90Zr and 208Pb at six energies in the energy range 80-180 MeV, and on 58Ni at 81 MeV. Experimental uncertainties were 3-9% for 3He and 1.5-8% for protons. The apparatus and the experimental method used for the measurements of reaction cross sections, using a modified attenuation technique, is described. The detection method enables simultaneous measurements of reaction cross sections for five different sizes of the solid angles in steps from 99.0 to 99.8% of the total solid angle. The final results are obtained by extrapolation to the full solid angle. Experimental results are compared with predictions from optical model calculations using phenomenological global optical potentials. Phenomenological parametrizations of reaction cross sections for scattering of projectiles on targets are presented. The parametrizations show that reaction cross sections are very sensitive to matter distributions at very large radii of both the projectile and the target. For protons the derived relations makes it possible to predict the reaction cross sections on targets for which no experimental data exist.

Ambushers or Sponsors? An Examination of Sponsorship Linked Advertising.

Sarah Kelly Unknown Date (has links)
This research proposes that a construct called Sponsorship Linked Advertising (SLA) is valuable in understanding how brand and corporate advertising link to sponsorship and event marketing. SLA includes both ads that communicate a link to a sponsored event (tiedness) and those that demonstrate, through their overall design, an event’s motif or theme (themedness). In its themed form, SLA differs from creative advertising by virtue of the fact that creative advertising can exist independent of any sponsorship link, whereas sponsorship linked advertisements intentionally unite a sponsorship and an event either implicitly and/or explicitly. With sponsorship investment estimated to be $45.2 billion worldwide (International Events Group 2009) and leverage advertising (i.e., advertising that is employed to heighten awareness of sponsorships or better articulate sponsor-event links) reflecting a similar amount, empirical examination, validation and implementation guidance of SLA as a leveraging strategy is critical. The unique marketing opportunities associated with popular sporting, charitable and arts events also attract non-sponsoring companies which also seek to affiliate with the event, an activity known as ambushing (McKelvey and Grady 2008). Examination of SLA is therefore important in an increasingly competitive and cluttered global sponsorship arena, in which ambushing is becoming a pervasive practice, attracting considerable attention from event organisers, sponsors and policy makers alike, while also detracting from or diluting intended sponsorship communications. Despite widespread use of SLA, no empirical validation of this strategy has been undertaken to date. The present research addresses this gap. Initially, the SLA construct is defined, categorised, and measured through content analysis, then a series of experimental studies are used to achieve empirical validation of the SLA construct. Streams of sponsorship and advertising effectiveness research, along with theories of associative learning, attribution and persuasion, are used to guide examination of SLA effectiveness in new empirical work. Specifically, a series of experiments are used to examine consumers’ cognitive, affective and behavioural responses to SLA. The first experimental study tests a main effect of ad type as well as interactive effects of tiedness and themedness with sponsorship availability (i.e., knowledge of true sponsor) on outcomes including nature and type of thoughts elicited, ad scepticism and sponsor motive attributions. Findings from this study suggest that SLA exposure induces more positive thoughts, less ad scepticism and more favourable attributions than exposure to Non SLA. These results provide initial evidence that consumers process SLA differently to other ad types and interestingly, may derive enjoyment from, or at least exhibit less ad scepticism towards viewing SLA. Finally, the influence of competitive context on sponsor recall is tested by simulating exposure to ambush and/or SLA ad types following a sponsorship announcement. Findings provide evidence to support a memory interference hypothesis and imply that accuracy of sponsor recall is diminished by presence of an ambush ad, but that this effect is moderated by presence of SLA leveraging a previously announced sponsorship. Taken together, the results of this series of studies provide an empirical measurement of SLA strategy and demonstrate construct validity. Further, interpretation of the results gives rise to specific creative strategies for practical implementation. Ecological validity is built into the design by using real events within ad stimuli and investigating SLA in the competitive context in which it occurs. Hence, the results are said to be generalisable to real-world situations, and the resultant creative strategies are arguably contextually valid. This research contributes to existing marketing and sponsorship literature by proposing and empirically validating a new construct. Theoretically, it examines consumer response to SLA by combining information processing and resistance based perspectives. It extends traditional views of ambushing by offering empirical evidence of the practice being widespread and extending to low level sponsors and event “free riders”. Practical implications of this research extend to advertisers and sponsors faced with the challenge of effectively leveraging huge sponsorship investments and assessing return on such investment. Empirical testing of ambushing effects has important implications for the debate on increased regulatory intervention of such practices, a debate centred upon tension between balancing fair marketing practice with the rights of sponsors and event organisers.

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