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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of applying participatory design methods in an industry 4.0 environment

Rosenlew, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) productions are complex environments driven by production data to make informed decisions affecting the events and items on the production line. This complexity can have a negative effect on the factory workers’ adoption rate of the new technology. More specifically, it can lead to the factory workers feeling passive and lacking influence over the tools used. Therefore, new UX methods and increased UX maturity are called for, to better suit the ever changing environments of I4.0 organizations. To ensure adoption, positive attitudes and intentions regarding user ownership, expertise and knowledge sharing are required. In this thesis project, participatory design (PD) methods are used to evaluate, whether PD has a positive effect on such attitudes and intentions toward new tools introduced on the production line. Five participants, employees from the I4.0 company Northvolt, were recruited to take part in a PD workshop to design a human-machine interface (HMI). The participants attitudes and intentions towards the tool were measured and explored through the PD workshop, surveys and user interviews. The outcome was also compared to the survey results on the tools already in use on the production line. The study resulted in increased positive attitudes and intentions towards user ownership, knowledge sharing and expertise concerning the HMI. Thus, the application of PD in I4.0 environments had an overall positive impact. Researchers are called to assess these effects in the long term, by allowing the participants to use the tool in a practical context overtime. / Industry 4.0 (4.0) produktioner är komplexa miljöer drivna av produktionsdata för att kunna göra informerade beslut som påverkar händelserna och produkterna på produktionslinjen. Denna komplexitet kan ha en negativ effekt på fabriksarbetarnas adoptionsfrekvens av den nya teknologin. Mer specifikt, kan det leda till att fabriksarbetarna känner passivitet och att de saknar inflytande över de digitala verktygen som används. För att bättre passa de föränderliga miljöerna i I4.0 organisationer, behövs nya User Experience (UX) metoder och ökad UX mognad. För att säkerställa adoption, positiva attityder och avsikter angående ”user ownership”, behövs expertis och kunskapsdelning. I detta examensprojekt, används ”participatory design” (PD) metoder för att evaluera om PD har en positiv effekt på sådana attityder och avsikter gentemot nya digitala verktyg introducerade på produktionslinjen. Fem deltagare, anställda från I4.0 företaget Northvolt, rekryterades för att ta del av en PD workshop för att designa ett ”human-machine interface” (HMI). Deltagarnas attityder och avsikter gentemot verktyget mättes och utforskades genom PD workshopen, enkäter och användarintervjuer. Utfallet blev jämfört med enkätresultat gällande digitala verktyg som redan används på produktionslinjen. Projektet resulterade i ökade positiva attityder och avsikter rörande user ownership, kunskapsdelning och expertis gentemot HMIt. Således, appliceringen av PD i I4.0 miljöer hade en övergripande positiv påverkan. Forskare uppmanas att bedöma dessa effekter långsiktigt, genom att tillåta deltagarna att använda det digitala verktyget i en praktiken över tid.

Konceptutveckling av stommar för framtida bordtennisracketar : Undersökning av nya material- och designlösningar för STIGA Sports bordtennissortiment / Concept Development of Blades for Future Table Tennis Rackets : A Study of New Material and Design Solutions for STIGA Sports Table Tennis Range

Rapp, Jacob, Thorsson Mendoza, Cristoffer January 2022 (has links)
Historically, table tennis blades have been subject to few changes. Apart from the introduction of a few new materials, such as carbon fibre, resulting from rule changes in the sport, the pace of change has been slow. This project is based on three cases containing potential rule changes to the regulations of the sport regarding the construction of blades. Furthermore, the sport, its user’s needs, and potential new materials to implement have been investigated, resulting in the development of a series of prototypes. A total of 21 prototypes have been used with the aim of improving the control properties of the blade, which along with speed and spin are considered the most important playing characteristics in a table tennis stroke. The overall result from user tests indicates that three of the prototypes possess interesting properties which should be investigated further, out of which two are presented in this report. These prototypes consist of a prototype where a layer of the fibrous material Vectran is included, and a prototype where a layer consists of a honeycomb structure made of the material Nomex, and a third prototype that upon request from the company has been decided to be excluded from the report. Finally, recommendations for further development of these prototypes are described. / Stommar för bordtennisracketar är en produktkategori som historiskt sett genomgått små förändringar. Bortsett från att ett antal nya material, såsom kolfiber, introducerats till följd av olika regeländringar har förändringstakten varit långsam. Detta projekt har utgått från tre projektcase innehållande potentiella regelförändringar av bordtennisens regelverk avseende bordtennisstommens tillåtna konstruktion. Här har sporten, dess användarbehov samt potentiella nya material undersökts vilka prototyper tillverkats utefter. Sammanlagt har 21 prototyper tagits fram vilka främst avser förbättra racketstommens kontrollegenskaper, vilket tillsammans med fart och skruv anses vara de viktigaste spelegenskaperna hos racketen i slagmomentet. Det sammantagna resultatet från användartesterna visar att ett antal av prototyperna besitter intressanta spelegenskaper. Av dessa har tre valts ut vilka rekommenderas att undersökas vidare, varav två presenteras i denna rapport. Detta handlar om en stomme där ett lager av fibermaterialet Vectran används, en stomme där ett lager utgörs av en honeycombstruktur av Nomex, samt en tredje stomme som på företagets önskemål beslutats att ej inkluderas i rapporten. Till sist beskrivs rekommendationer för vidare arbete med dessa koncept.

Efficiency by design : A way to meet expert users' needs

Vejbrink Starbrink, Nike January 2024 (has links)
The administration software is a crucial component of any successful company. It is often overlooked, but it plays an essential role in ensuring the smooth operation of the business. It is the backbone of the company's operations, and it must be able to meet the evolving needs of its users. Although many people may not notice the admin systems, their impact on the overall performance of the company should not be underestimated. The system's ability to reduce the cognitive load on users helps them to work more efficiently and effectively. A well-designed user interface (UI) can also shorten the learning curve and reduce errors, resulting in cost and time savings for the company. This project delves into the design of Once Upon's administration system, aiming to enhance efficiency for expert users, those intimately familiar with the system. The study includes an analysis of the current software, identification of areas for improvement, and proposals for design modifications. The overarching goal is to reduce the workload and improve efficiency for the customer care team. The study employs the human-centred design thinking process, encompassing phases such as empathising, defining, ideating, prototyping, testing, and implementing. Methods include literature studies, heuristic evaluations, semi-structured interviews, affinity diagramming, brainstorming, and prototyping.  Key issues found in the study included intricate workflows, necessitating excessive steps for routine tasks, resulting in heightened cognitive load and slower task execution. The non-intuitive information architecture posed difficulties for users in navigating and locating essential data. Inconsistencies in language and icon usage introduced confusion, impacting the overall coherence of the system. Moreover, the absence of a clear visual hierarchy hindered users' ability to identify and retrieve crucial information swiftly. Addressing these issues was imperative for enhancing the overall usability and effectiveness of the administration software at Once Upon. The new design, addressing identified challenges, received positive feedback, showcasing improved clarity and aesthetics. Using the System Usability Scale, the current interface scored 68, while the prototype scored 94, indicating a substantial improvement in usability. Despite the promising results, the study acknowledges limitations, including a small sample size. Further testing and refinement of the proposed design changes are essential. The broader field requires additional research on defining efficiency in user systems, ensuring optimal design for work tools used predominantly by expert users.

Identifying reputation collectors in community question answering (CQA) sites: Exploring the dark side of social media

Roy, P.K., Singh, J.P., Baabdullah, A.M., Kizgin, Hatice, Rana, Nripendra P. 08 August 2019 (has links)
Yes / This research aims to identify users who are posting as well as encouraging others to post low-quality and duplicate contents on community question answering sites. The good guys called Caretakers and the bad guys called Reputation Collectors are characterised by their behaviour, answering pattern and reputation points. The proposed system is developed and analysed over publicly available Stack Exchange data dump. A graph based methodology is employed to derive the characteristic of Reputation Collectors and Caretakers. Results reveal that Reputation Collectors are primary sources of low-quality answers as well as answers to duplicate questions posted on the site. The Caretakers answer limited questions of challenging nature and fetches maximum reputation against those questions whereas Reputation Collectors answers have so many low-quality and duplicate questions to gain the reputation point. We have developed algorithms to identify the Caretakers and Reputation Collectors of the site. Our analysis finds that 1.05% of Reputation Collectors post 18.88% of low quality answers. This study extends previous research by identifying the Reputation Collectors and 2 how they collect their reputation points.

Designing an electricity order creation workflow for novice and expert users

Wikar, Martin January 2023 (has links)
Electricity procurement is a complex task for most companies. Knowing how much electricity to buy and when, in an attempt to get a low price can be stressful. There are tools to simplify this task, and one of these is a web based tool, here referred to as SystemX. SystemX simplifies electricity procurement through a set of different functions. One function in SystemX is the electricity order creation workflow, in which users can create orders for electricity to be delivered at a chosen time in the future. The workflow was thought to be complex and heavily geared towards expert users, and even expert users needed help and consultation at times. This master thesis focuses on creating a new design for the order creation workflow in SystemX and to make it more usable for novice and expert users. The methodology in the thesis is based on the double diamond model, which is a model based on user-centered design. This model ensured that the user was kept in focus throughout the process, from the initial interviews to the final testing of Hi-Fi prototype. The model consists of four stages; discover, define, develop, and deliver. The process began with the discover stage, in which information about the current system was collected. This was done through interviewing two current users of SystemX, finding out their needs, and what they think could be improved in the order creation workflow. The current workflow was also evaluated through a heuristics evaluation and a usability test with both novice and expert users. The main problems and areas of improvement were compiled during the define stage, by analyzing the gathered information from the previous stage. A Lo-Fi prototype was created and iterated on during the develop stage. The final Lo-Fi prototype was tested during usability tests with both novice and expert users. Based on feedback from the Lo-Fi prototype usability tests, a final Hi-Fi prototype was created during the deliver stage. The Hi-Fi prototype was also tested using usability tests with novice and expert users. In order to compare the usability between the current version of SystemX and the Hi-Fi prototype, a system usability score was collected from the test users. The result indicates a great improvement in usability for the novice users, and a slight increase in usability for the expert users. A clear next step is to implement the design in SystemX, and evaluate which problems come up when developing a real web application using the proposed design as a foundation. / Elupphandling är en komplex uppgift för de flesta företag, då det kan vara stressigt att veta hur mycket el som ska köpas och när, i ett försök att få ett lågt pris. Det finns verktyg som kan förenkla denna process, och ett av dessa verktyg är det webbaserade verktyget som här benämns SystemX. SystemX förenklar elupphandlingen genom att erbjuda olika funktioner, varav ett är arbetsflödet för att skapa ordrar på el. Användare kan skapa beställningar på el som ska levereras vid en vald tidpunkt i framtiden. Tidigare ansågs detta arbetsflöde vara komplext och inriktat mot expertanvändare, och även expertanvändarna behövde ibland hjälp och konsultation. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att skapa en ny design för arbetsflödet för orderskapande i SystemX, för att göra det mer användbart för både nybörjar- och expertanvändare. Metoden i examensarbetet baseras på dubbeldiamantmodellen, som är en modell för användarcentrerad design. Denna modell säkerställde att användaren hölls i fokus under hela processen, från de inledande intervjuerna till den slutliga testningen av Hi-Fi-prototypen. Modellen består av fyra steg; upptäck, definiera, utveckla och leverera. Processen började med upptäck-steget, där information om det nuvarande systemet samlades in genom att intervjua två nuvarande användare av SystemX för att ta reda på deras behov och vad de tror kan förbättras i arbetsflödet för orderskapande. Det nuvarande arbetsflödet utvärderades också genom en heuristisk utvärdering och användbarhetstester med både nybörjar- och expertanvändare. De största problemen och förbättringsområdena sammanställdes under definiera-steget genom att analysera den insamlade informationen från föregående steg. En Lo-Fi-prototyp skapades och förfinades under utveckla-steget. Den slutliga Lo-Fi-prototypen testades under användbarhetstester med både nybörjar- och expertanvändare. Baserat på feedback från Lo-Fi-prototypens användbarhetstester skapades en slutlig Hi-Fi-prototyp under leverera-steget. Hi-Fi-prototypen testades också med användbarhetstester med både nybörjar- och expertanvändare. För att jämföra användbarheten mellan den nuvarande versionen av SystemX och Hi-Fi-prototypen samlades systemanvändbarhetspoäng in från testanvändarna. Resultatet tyder på en stor förbättring av användbarheten för nybörjare och en liten ökning av användbarheten för expertanvändarna.  Ett tydligt nästa steg är att implementera designen i SystemX och utvärdera vilka problem som dyker upp när man utvecklar en riktig webbapplikation med den föreslagna designen som grund.

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