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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dépression et Stimulation Magnétique Transcrânienne : à la Recherche de biomarqueurs (Oculométrie et Excitabilité Corticale) / Depression and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation : looking for biomarkers (Eye-Tracking and Cortical Excitability)

Beynel, Lysianne 08 December 2015 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse était la recherche de biomarqueurs des troubles de l'humeur (dépression unipolaire et troubles bipolaires). Compte tenu de l'étiologie de ces troubles (hypométabolisme du cortex préfrontal dorso-latéral et déficit de la neurotransmission GABA/glutamatergique), nous avons choisi d'étudier deux biomarqueurs : la performance saccadique et l'excitabilité corticale. Nos résultats montrent que les performances saccadiques (antisaccades) permettent (i) de discriminer les patients présentant des troubles de l'humeur de sujets sains, (ii) d'objectiver l'amélioration thymique des patients suite à un traitement, et (iii) d'évaluer l'effet neuromodulateur à court-terme d'une séance de stimulation magnétique transcrânienne répétée. Concernant les mesures d'excitabilité corticale, aucune différence liée à l'amélioration thymique des patients, ni de différences entre patients et contrôles ne ressortent significativement. Nous avons suggéré que le non-contrôle du « State-Dependency » (i.e., de l'« état neurocognitif » des sujets pendant les stimulations) puisse être l'une des causes de l'absence de résultats, et validé cette hypothèse en manipulant les registres cognitifs et émotionnels des sujets.Le second aspect de notre travail de thèse avait trait à l'étude de l'efficacité de la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne répétée (rTMS) comme alternative thérapeutique non médicamenteuse des troubles de l'humeur. Si la littérature s'accorde sur une efficacité significative mais modérée de la rTMS comme traitement, nos données n'ont pas mis en évidence de supériorité du traitement actif par rapport au traitement placebo dans le cas de la neurostimulation iTBS. Une des raisons de ce manque d'efficacité du traitement actif pourrait être liée à des questions d'ordre méthodologique, comme le choix des paramètres de stimulation. Plus généralement, cette absence de résultats incite à questionner le postulat théorique basant l'étude de la réactivité du CPFDL ou sa neuromodulation sur les propriétés du cortex moteur. Notre expérience, étudiant la réactivité de différentes zones corticales par couplage TMS-EEG, va dans ce sens en montrant que la réactivité du cortex moteur diffère de celle des autres cortex. Le couplage TMS-EEG devrait permettre de mieux comprendre l'impact de la neuromodulation rTMS sur la cible corticale visée, et donc d'adapter les paramètres de stimulations aux aires cérébrales stimulées, permettant à terme de traiter plus efficacement les troubles de l'humeur. / The aim of this doctoral thesis was to develop biomarkers for mood disorders (unipolar major depression and bipolar disorders). Considering mood disorders' etiology (Dorso lateral prefrontal cortex hypometabolism and GABA/glutamate neurotransmission deficits), we decided to study two biomarkers: saccadic performance and cortical excitability. Our results showed that saccadic performance (notably Antisaccades) allows (i) discriminating bipolar patients from healthy subjects, (ii) ascertaining patients' mood improvement, and (iii) evaluating the short-term neuromodulation induced by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.Regarding cortical excitability measurements, our results did not reveal any differences neither between patients and healthy subjects, nor between Responders and non Responders to a treatment (Ketamine injection or rTMS). We suggested that the null results could be explained by the lack of control of State-Dependency. This assumption was tested and validated through the manipulation of the subjects' cognitive and emotional states.A second aim of this doctoral thesis was to study the efficacy of rTMS, a non pharmacological therapeutic alternative, as a treatment for mood disorders. Meta-analyses showed that anti depressant effect of rTMS seems to be significant but still moderate. In our experiment, mood improvement did not differ between active and sham rTMS. Basic methodological reasons such as stimulation parameters could explain this lack of efficacy. Overall, one could wonder about the validity of the theoretical postulate of rTMS, drawn upon motor cortex reactivity. This postulate inferred that both cortical reactivity of motor cortex and DLPFC are similar. Using TMS-EEG coupling, we studied the reactivity of these cortices, to TMS pulses, which revealed that motor cortex and DLPFC reactivities should not be assimilated. This result calls into question the relevance of the rTMS theoretical postulate. Coupling TMS and EEG should allow a better understanding of the impact of rTMS neuromodulatory effect over the targeted area, and thus to a better adaption of the stimulation parameters, which could lead to an improvement of rTMS efficacy as a treatment for mood disorders.

Méthodologie de traitement conjoint des signaux EEG et oculométriques : applications aux tâches d'exploration visuelle libre / Methodology for EEG signal and eye tracking joint processing : applications on free visual exploration tasks

Kristensen, Emmanuelle 12 June 2017 (has links)
Nos travaux se sont articulés autour du problème de recouvrement temporel rencontré lors de l'estimation des potentiels évoqués. Il constitue, plus particulièrement, une limitation majeure pour l'estimation des potentiels évoqués par les fixations ou saccades oculaires lors d'une expérience en enregistrement conjoint EEG et oculométrie. En effet, la méthode habituellement utilisée pour estimer ces potentiels évoqués, la méthode par simple moyennage du signal synchronisé sur l'évènement d'intérêt, suppose qu'il y a un seul potentiel évoqué par essai. Or selon les intervalles inter-stimuli, cette hypothèse n'est pas toujours vérifiée. Ceci est d'autant plus vrai dans le contexte des potentiels évoqués par fixations ou saccades oculaires, les intervalles entre ceux-ci n'étant pas contrôlés par l'expérimentateur et pouvant être plus courts que les latences des potentiels d'intérêt. Le fait que cette hypothèse ne soit pas vérifiée donne une estimation biaisée du potentiel évoqué du fait des recouvrements entre les potentiels évoqués.Nous avons donc utilisé le Modèle Linéaire Général (GLM), méthode de régression linéaire bien connue, pour estimer les potentiels évoqués par les mouvements oculaires afin de répondre à ce problème de recouvrement. Tout d'abord, nous avons introduit, dans ce modèle, un terme de régularisation au sens de Tikhonov dans l'optique d'améliorer le rapport signal sur bruit de l'estimation pour un faible nombre d'essais. Nous avons ensuite comparé le GLM à l'algorithme ADJAR dans un contexte d'enregistrement conjoint EEG et oculométrie lors d'une tâche d'exploration visuelle de scènes naturelles. L'algorithme ADJAR ("ADJAcent Response") est un algorithme classique d'estimation itérative des recouvrements temporels développé en 1993 par M. Woldorff. Les résultats ont montré que le GLM était un modèle plus flexible et robuste que l'algorithme ADJAR pour l'estimation des potentiels évoqués par les fixations oculaires. Puis, deux configurations du GLM ont été comparées pour l'estimation du potentiel évoqué à l'apparition du stimulus et du potentiel évoqué par les fixations au début de l'exploration. Toutes deux prenaient en compte les recouvrements entre potentiels évoqués mais l'une distinguait également le potentiel évoqué par la première fixation de l'exploration du potentiel évoqué par les fixations suivantes. Il est apparu que le choix de la configuration du GLM était un compromis entre la qualité de l'estimation des potentiels et les hypothèses émises sur les processus cognitifs sous-jacents.Enfin, nous avons conduit de bout en bout une expérience d'envergure en enregistrement conjoint EEG et oculométrie portant sur l'exploration des expressions faciales émotionnelles naturelles statiques et dynamiques. Nous avons présenté les premiers résultats pour la modalité statique. Après avoir discuté de la méthode d'estimation des potentiels évoqués selon l'impact des mouvements oculaires sur leur fenêtre de latence, nous avons étudié l'effet du type d'émotion. Nous avons trouvé des modulations du potentiel différentiel EPN (Early Posterior Negativity), entre 230 et 350 ms après l'apparition du stimulus et du potentiel LPP (Late Positivity Potential), entre 400 et 600 ms après l'apparition du stimulus. Nous avons également observé des variations du potentiel évoqué par les fixations oculaires. Pour le potentiel LPP, qui est un marqueur de la reconnaissance consciente de l'émotion, nous avons montré qu'il était important de dissocier l'information qui est immédiatement encodée à l'apparition du stimulus émotionnel, de celle qui est apportée à l'issue de la première fixation. Cela met en évidence un motif d'activation différencié pour les stimuli émotionnels à valence négative ou à valence positive. Cette différenciation est en accord avec l'hypothèse d'un traitement plus rapide des stimuli émotionnels à valence négative que des stimuli émotionnels à valence positive. / Our research focuses on the issue of overlapping for evoked potential estimation. More specifically, this issue is a significant limitation for Eye-Fixation Related Potentials and Eye-Saccade Related Potentials estimations during a joint EEG and eye-tracking recording. Indeed, the usual estimation, by averaging the signal time-locked to the event of interest, is based on the assumption that a single evoked potential occurs during a trial. However, depending on the inter-stimulus intervals, this assumption is not always verified. This is especially the case in the context of Eye-Fixation Related Potentials and Eye-Saccade Related Potentials, given the fact that the intervals between fixations (or saccades) are not controlled by the experimenter and can be shorter than the latencies of the potentials of interest.The fact that this assumption is not verified gives a distorted estimate of the evoked potential due to overlaps between the evoked potentials.We have therefore used the Linear Model (GLM), a well-known linear regression method, to estimate the potentials evoked by ocular movements in order to take into account overlaps. First, we decided to introduce a term of Tikhonov regularization into this model in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the estimate for a small number of trials. Then, we compared the GLM to the ADJAR algorithm in a context of joint EEG and eye-tracking recording during a task of visual exploration of natural scenes. The ADJAR ("ADJAcent Response") algorithm is an algorithm for iterative estimation of temporal overlaps developed in 1993 by M. Woldorff. The results showed that the GLM model was more flexible and robust than the ADJAR algorithm in estimating Eye-Fixation Related Potentials. Further, two GLM configurations were compared in their estimation of evoked potential at the onset of the stimulus and the eye-fixation related potential at the beginning of the testing. Both configurations took into account the overlaps between evoked potentials, but one additionally distinguished the potential evoked by the first fixation of the exploration from the potential evoked by the following fixations. It became clear that the choice of the GLM configuration was a compromise between the estimation quality of the potentials and the assumptions about the underlying cognitive processes.Finally, we conducted an extensive joint EEG and eye-tracking experiment on the exploration of static and dynamic natural emotional facial expressions. We presented the first results for the static modality. After discussing the estimation method of the evoked potentials according to the impact of the ocular movements on their latency window, we studied the influence of the type of emotion. We found modulations of the differential EPN (Early Posterior Negativity) potential, between 230 and 350 ms after the stimulus onset and the Late Positivity Potential (LPP) , between 400 and 600 ms after the stimulus onset. We also observed variations for the Eye-Fixation Related Potentials. Regarding the LPP component, a marker of conscious recognition of emotion, we have shown that it is important to dissociate information that is immediately encoded at the onset of the emotional stimulus from information encoded at the first fixations. This shows a differentiated pattern of activation according to the emotional stimulus valence. This differentiation is in agreement with the hypothesis of a faster treatment of negative emotional stimuli than of positive emotional stimuli.

Pupil Tracking and Control of a Laser Based Power System for a Vision Restoring Retinal Implant

Mailhot, Nathaniel 17 January 2019 (has links)
For elderly Canadians, the prevalence of vision impairment caused by degenerative retinal pathologies, such as age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa, is at an occurrence rate of 14 percent, and on the rise. It has been shown that visual function can be restored by electrically stimulating intact retinal tissue with an array of micro-electrodes with suitable signals. Commercial retinal implants carrying such a micro-electrode array achieve this, but to date must receive power and data over copper wire cable passing through a permanent surgical incision in the eye wall (sclera). This project is defined by a collaboration with iBIONICS, who are developing retinal implants for treatment of such conditions. iBIONICS has developed the Diamond Eye retinal implant, along with several technology sub-systems to form a comprehensive and viable medical solution. Notably, the Diamond Eye system can be powered wirelessly, with no need for a permanent surgical incision. The thesis work is focused on the formulation, simulation and hardware demonstration of a powering system, mounted on glasses frame, for a retinal implant. The system includes a Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) mirror that directs a laser beam to the implant through the pupil opening. The work presented here is built on two main components: an iterative predictor-corrector algorithm (Kalman filter) that estimates pupil coordinates from measurements provided by an image-based eye tracking algorithm; and an misalignment compensation algorithm that maps eye pupil coordinates into mirror coordinates, and compensates for misalignment caused by rigid body motions of the glasses lens mirror and the MEMS mirror with respect to the eye. Pupil tracker and misalignment compensation control performance are illustrated through simulated scenarios. The project also involves the development of a hardware prototype that is used to test algorithms and related software.

Computational Methods for Perceptual Training in Radiology

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Medical images constitute a special class of images that are captured to allow diagnosis of disease, and their "correct" interpretation is vitally important. Because they are not "natural" images, radiologists must be trained to visually interpret them. This training process includes implicit perceptual learning that is gradually acquired over an extended period of exposure to medical images. This dissertation proposes novel computational methods for evaluating and facilitating perceptual training in radiologists. Part 1 of this dissertation proposes an eye-tracking-based metric for measuring the training progress of individual radiologists. Six metrics were identified as potentially useful: time to complete task, fixation count, fixation duration, consciously viewed regions, subconsciously viewed regions, and saccadic length. Part 2 of this dissertation proposes an eye-tracking-based entropy metric for tracking the rise and fall in the interest level of radiologists, as they scan chest radiographs. The results showed that entropy was significantly lower when radiologists were fixating on abnormal regions. Part 3 of this dissertation develops a method that allows extraction of Gabor-based feature vectors from corresponding anatomical regions of "normal" chest radiographs, despite anatomical variations across populations. These feature vectors are then used to develop and compare transductive and inductive computational methods for generating overlay maps that show atypical regions within test radiographs. The results show that the transductive methods produced much better maps than the inductive methods for 20 ground-truthed test radiographs. Part 4 of this dissertation uses an Extended Fuzzy C-Means (EFCM) based instance selection method to reduce the computational cost of transductive methods. The results showed that EFCM substantially reduced the computational cost without a substantial drop in performance. The dissertation then proposes a novel Variance Based Instance Selection (VBIS) method that also reduces the computational cost, but allows for incremental incorporation of new informative radiographs, as they are encountered. Part 5 of this dissertation develops and demonstrates a novel semi-transductive framework that combines the superior performance of transductive methods with the reduced computational cost of inductive methods. The results showed that the semi-transductive approach provided both an effective and efficient framework for detection of atypical regions in chest radiographs. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Computer Science 2012

Comparing the meaning of the learnibility principle for children and adults

Chimbo, Bester 06 1900 (has links)
The learnability principle relates to improving usability of software, performance and productivity. It was formulated mainly for the adult user group. Children represent an important user group, but fewer guidelines exist for their educational and entertainment applications. This study compares these groups, addressing the question: “Does learnability of software interfaces have a different meaning for children and adults?”. A literature survey conducted on learnability and learning processes considered the meaning of learnability across generations. Users learning software systems were observed in a usability laboratory where eye tracking data could also be recorded. Insights emerged, from data analysis, showing different tactics when children and adults approached unfamiliar software and revealing aspects of interfaces they approached differently. The findings will help designers distinguish varying needs of users and improve learnability. An additional subprinciple of learnability, „engageability‟, is proposed. Factors that make products engaging for children are different from those engaging adults. / Computing / M. Sc. (Information Systems)

Etude des processus attentionnels mis en jeu lors de l'exploration de scènes naturelles : enregistrement conjoint des mouvements oculaires et de l'activité EEG / The study of attentional processes involved during the exploration of natural scenes : joint registration of eye movements and EEG activity

Queste, Hélène 27 February 2014 (has links)
Dans la vie de tous les jours, lorsque nous regardons le monde qui nous entoure, nous bougeons constamment nos yeux. Notre regard se porte successivement sur différents endroits du champ visuel afin de capter l'information visuelle. Ainsi, nos yeux se stabilisent sur deux à trois régions différentes par seconde pendant des périodes appelées fixations. Entre deux fixations, nous réalisons des mouvements rapides des yeux pour déplacer notre regard vers une autre région ; on parle de saccades oculaires. Ces mouvements oculaires sont étroitement liés à l'attention. Quels sont les processus attentionnels mis en jeu lors de l'exploration de scènes ? Comment les facteurs liés à la scène ou à la consigne donnée pour l'exploration modifient-ils les paramètres des mouvements oculaires ? Comment ces modifications évoluent-elles au cours de l'exploration ? Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d'analyser conjointement les données oculométriques et électroencéphalographiques (EEG) pour mieux comprendre les processus attentionnels impliqués dans le traitement de l'information visuelle acquise pendant l'exploration de scènes. Nous étudions à la fois l'influence de facteurs de bas niveau, c'est-à-dire l'information visuelle contenue dans la scène et de haut niveau, c'est-à-dire la consigne donnée aux observateurs. Dans une première étude, nous avons considéré les facteurs de haut niveau à travers la modulation de la tâche à réaliser pour l'exploration des scènes. Nous avons choisi quatre tâches : l'exploration libre, la catégorisation, la recherche visuelle et l'organisation spatiale. Ces tâches ont été choisies car elles impliquent des traitements de l'information visuelle de nature différente et peuvent être classées en fonction de leur niveau de difficulté ou de demande attentionnelle. Dans une seconde étude, nous nous sommes focalisées plus particulièrement sur la recherche visuelle et l'influence de la contrainte temporelle. Enfin, dans une troisième étude, nous considérons les facteurs de bas niveau à travers l'influence d'un distracteur visuel perturbant l'exploration libre. Pour les deux premières études, nous avons enregistré conjointement les mouvements oculaires et les signaux EEG d'un grand nombre de sujets. L'analyse conjointe des signaux EEG et oculométriques permet de tirer profit des deux méthodes. L'oculométrie permet d'accéder aux mouvements oculaires et donc au déploiement de l'attention visuelle sur la scène. Elle permet de connaitre à quel moment et quels endroits de la scène sont regardés. L'EEG permet, avec une grande résolution temporelle, de mettre en avant des différences dans les processus attentionnels selon la condition expérimentale. Ainsi, nous avons montré des différences entre les tâches au niveau des potentiels évoqués par l'apparition de la scène et pour les fixations au cours de l'exploration. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence un lien fort entre le niveau global de l'activité EEG observée sur les régions frontales et les durées de fixation mais aussi des marqueurs de résolution de la tâche au niveau des potentiels évoqués liés à des fixations d'intérêt. L'analyse conjointe des données EEG et oculométriques permet donc de rendre compte des différences de traitement liées à différentes demandes attentionnelles. / In everyday life, when we explored the word, we moved continually our eyes. We focus your gaze successively on different location of the visual field, in order to get the visual information. In this way, our eyes became stable on two or three different regions per second, during period called fixation. Between two fixations, we make fast movements of the eyes to move our gaze to another position; it was called saccade. Eye movements are closely linked to attention. What are the attentional processes involved during scene exploration? How factors related to the scene or the task modify the parameters of eye movements? How these changes evolve during the exploration? In the thesis, we proposed to jointly analyze eye movements and electroencephalographic (EEG) data to better understand attentional processes involved during the processing of the visual information acquired during the exploration of scenes. We focused on low and high level factors. Low level factors corresponded to the visual information included in the scene and high level factors corresponded to the instruction give to observers. In a first study, we considered high level factors by manipulating the instructions for observers. We chose four tasks: free-exploration, categorization, visual search and spatial organization. These tasks were chosen because they involved different visual information processing and can be classified by level of difficulty or attentional demands. In a second study, we focused on the visual search task and on the influence of a time constraint. Finally, in a third study, we considered low level factors by analyzing the influence of a distractor disturbing the free-exploration of scenes. For the two first experiments, we jointly recorded eye movements and EEG signals of a large number of observers. The joint analysis of EEG and eye movement data takes advantage of the two methods. Eye tracking allowed to access to eye movements parameters and therefore to the visual attention deployment. It allowed knowing when and where the regions of the scene were gazed at. EEG allowed to access to differences on attentional processes depending on the experimental condition, with a high temporal resolution. We found differences between tasks for evoked potentials elicited by the scene onset and by fixations along the exploration. Furthermore, we demonstrated a strong link between the global EEG activity observed over frontal regions and fixation durations but also markers of the solving of the task on evoked potentials elicited by fixations of interest. Therefore, joint analysis of EEG and eye movement data allowed to report different processes related to attentional demanding.

Efeito de contraste na resposta ocular: avaliação de um procedimento / Not informed by the author

Adriana Saavedra Moreno 19 July 2017 (has links)
O Contraste Sucessivo é um dos paradigmas experimentais que modelam a experiencia de perda. Nele, os organismos deixam de estarem expostos à eventos reforçadores, apetitivos e/ou preferidos para entrarem em contato com outros de menor qualidade ou valor. Isto resulta numa série de estratégias comportamentais caracterizadas por um importante componente emocional, uma diminuição na execução da resposta (consumatória ou operante) que não está mais correlacionada com a consequência, um aumento na execução de respostas que eram menos prováveis, e uma conservação da estrutura do comportamento exibido antes da perda ou deterioro. A função dos estímulos antecedentes e/ou discriminativos envolvidos, que constituem a parte vigente da contingência que foi quebrada, também tem se mostrado comprometida. Contudo, a interação entre essas características tem sido estudada de modo separado, seja por complicações técnicas ou por isolamento teórico entre os paradigmas. Neste experimento se apresenta uma proposta que tenta obter uma caracterização mais abrangente das estratégias comportamentais que emergem numa situação de perda, aproveitando a versatilidade topológica e funcional da resposta ocular, e a disponibilidade de recursos técnicos que permitem obter medidas precisas dela. Para isso, no procedimento utilizado foram disponibilizadas alternativas de resposta com diferentes valores de reforçamento em cada. 192 fotografias do IAPS foram categorizadas segundo seu valor emotivo e seu conteúdo em seis categorias: Eróticas, Filhotes (Agradáveis), Paisagens naturais, Paisagens artificiais (Neutrais), Doenças e Violência (Desagradáveis). Pares dessas fotografias foram apresentadas num arranjo de quatro quadrantes na tela do computador, antecedidas de forma consistente por Figuras geométricas específicas para cada categoria, enquanto os tempos de fixação eram registrados com um rastreador ocular. Uma sétima figura geométrica foi pareada aleatoriamente com fotografias de todas as categorias. Após atingir um critério de estabilidade baseado no ranqueamento e correspondência entre os tempos de fixação das Figuras geométricas e das Fotografias, as Fotografias da categoria mais observada foram substituídas por Fotografias daquela correspondente ao terceiro lugar, mas continuaram sendo antecedidas pela mesma Figura geométrica. Os resultados mostraram que o procedimento foi sensível às condições e a manipulação experimental. Foi possível estabelecer um ranqueamento entre as categorias a partir das respostas oculares e caracterizar um padrão de observação após a incongruência introduzida. No caso, as preferências exibidas pela participante foram reorganizadas, com um aumento nos tempos de fixação das categorias agradáveis, evitação das fotografias da categoria Doença enquanto a Figura geométrica que à antecedia começou a ser mais observada, e um aumento no tempo de fixação da categoria de imagens aleatórias. No caso das Categorias alteradas, as fotografias de Filhotes (terceira categoria no ranqueamento) que começaram a ser antecedidas pela Figura geométrica correspondente à categoria Violência (a mais observada), foram menos observadas do que àquelas antecedidas pela figura geométrica treinada na fase anterior. São discutidas as melhoras que o procedimento poderia ter assim como o uso das medidas mais apropriadas na exploração de diversos fenômenos comportamentais. Se analisa se os resultados podem ser entendidos dentro do paradigma de contraste e por último se apresentam comentários sobre a necessidade de aproveitar os desenvolvimentos técnicos que permitem executar experimentos mais complexos / Successive Contrast is one of the experimental paradigms that models the experience of loss. On it, organisms are no longer exposed to reinforcing, appetitive and/or preferred events, but to some others with less quality or value. This results in different behavioral strategies characterized by an important emotional component, a decrement in the response not any longer associated with the consequence (consummatory or operant), an increment in less likely responses, and a preservation of behavioral structure from before the impairment. The role of the antecedent and / or discriminative stimuli involved, which constitute the current part of the contingency that has been broken, has also shown to be compromised. However, the interaction between these characteristics has been studied separately, either by technical complications or by theoretical isolation between paradigms. In this study, we propose a procedure to obtain a more comprehensive characterization of the behavioral strategies that emerge in a situation of loss, taking advantage of the topological and functional versatility of the ocular response, and the availability of technical resources that allow to obtain precise measurements of it. To solve this, alternatives for responding with different values of reinforcement were available. 192 photographs from the IAPS were categorized into six categories according to their emotional value and their content: Erotic, Puppies (Pleasant), Natural Landscapes, Artificial Landscapes (Neutral), Diseases and Violence (Unpleasant). Pairs of these photographs were presented in a four-quadrant arrangement on the computer screen, consistently preceded by specific geometric figures for each category, while fixation times were recorded with an eye tracker. A seventh geometric figure was randomly paired with photographs of all categories. After reaching a stability criterion based on the ranking and correspondence between the fixation times of the Geometric Figures and the Photographs, the Photographs of the most observed category were replaced by Photographs of the one corresponding to the third place, but continued to be preceded by the same Geometric Figure. The results showed that the procedure worked well within our experimental conditions and manipulation. It was possible to establish a ranking from the ocular responses among the categories and to characterize a pattern of observation after the introduced incongruity. The preferences exhibited by the participant were reorganized, with an increase in the fixation time of the pleasant categories, avoidance of photographs of the category Disease while its geometric Figure became more observed, and an increase in the fixation time of the category of random images. On the changed Categories, the photographs of Pups (third category in the ranking) that began to be preceded by the geometric Figure corresponding to the category Violence (the most observed category), were less observed than those preceded by the geometric figure trained in the previous phase. The improvements that the procedure could have as well as the use of the most appropriate measures in the exploration of several behavioral phenomena are discussed. It is analyzed if the results can be understood within the contrast paradigm and finally comments are made on the need to take advantage of the technical developments that allow to execute more complex experiments

Modulação da atenção visuoespacial com estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua em córtex parietal

Hara, Ana Clara Portela 06 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:40:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Clara Portela Hara.pdf: 1185473 bytes, checksum: 98af56b10b63f07c120ba7122a299358 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-06 / The human visual attention and cognitive processes involved still arouse interest in investigations and have gaps. Perform a reading task or look for a parking spot are common actions of our day-to-day life that require the recruitment of our visual attentional system. The present study aimed to investigate the influence of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) over Posterior Parietal Cortex (PPC) in the performance of visuospatial attention tasks, such as Bisection of Lines test and Visual Search test in young healthy volunteers. In order to analyze differences and similarities between different types of stimulation (anodic and cathodic simulation) as well as the pseudoneglect phenomenon, participated 21 young adults of which 90.47% female, 95.23% with incomplete higher education; right handed and with a mean age of 22.66 ± 3.04 (mean ± standard deviation). The results showed that participants were faster in the second assessment compared to baseline for both tasks. In addition, volunteers were faster in the Line Bisection test when the large lines was at left. Another important finding of the study was the longer fixation time in the left visual hemifield when faced with larger lines on the left in the Line Bisection Task. Furthermore, similar results when there are target to the left or right was find in the Visual Search test. Was also observe an increase in fixation time on right hemifield after cathodal stimulation in the Visual Search test compared to baseline. Therefore, these findings come against pseudoneglect phenomenon, as well as inhibition of the right posterior parietal cortex with the Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation can have induced a decrease in this phenomenon. The present study brought important contributions to the understanding of pseudoneglect phenomenon, and showed that tDCS can be an important tool for research and future intervention possibilities. / A atenção visual humana e os processos cognitivos nela envolvidos ainda despertam interesse em investigações e apresentam lacunas. Realizar uma tarefa de leitura ou procurar uma vaga no estacionamentosão ações comuns do nosso dia-a-dia que exigem o recrutamento do nosso sistema atencional visual. O presente trabalhoteve como objetivo investigar a influência da Estimulação Transcraniana por Corrente Contínua em Córtex Parietal Posterior (CPP) no desempenho de tarefas de atenção visuoespacial, tais como Bissecção de Linhas e Busca Visual, em jovens saudáveis; a fim de analisar diferenças e semelhanças entre os diferentes tipos de estimulação (anódica, catódica e placebo), bem como o fenômeno pseudonegligência. Participaram do estudo 21 adultos jovens, sendo 90,47% do sexo feminino; 95,23% com ensino superior incompleto; destros e com idade média de 22,66 ±3,04 (média±desvio-padrão). Os resultados mostraram que na Tarefa de Bissecção de Linhas os participantes foram mais rápidos na segunda avaliação em comparação com a linha de base. Além disso, os voluntários foram mais rápidos quando diante das linhas Maiores à Esquerda. Outro achado importante do estudo foi o maior tempo de fixação visual em hemicampo esquerdo quando diante de linhas maiores à esquerda. Quanto aos resultados encontrados na Tarefa de Busca Visual, os participantes apresentaram maior número de acertos quando os alvos apareceram em hemicampo esquerdo. Além disso, independentemente da localização do alvo, seja em hemicampo esquerdo ou hemicampo direito, o tempo de fixação foi maior à esquerda. Outro achado significativo foi o aumento no tempo de fixação em hemicampo direito após estimulação catódica na tarefa Busca Visual em comparação com a linha de base. Tais achados apontam para o fenômeno pseudonegligência, assim como a inibição do CPP direito por meio da ETCC pode ter induzido a diminuição de tal fenômeno. O presente estudo trouxe importantes contribuições no entendimento da pseudonegligência, assim como demonstrou ser uma importante ferramenta de investigação sobre o fenômeno e com possibilidades futuras de intervenção.

Model-Based Eye Detection and Animation

Trejo Guerrero, Sandra January 2006 (has links)
In this thesis we present a system to extract the eye motion from a video stream containing a human face and applying this eye motion into a virtual character. By the notation eye motion estimation, we mean the information which describes the location of the eyes in each frame of the video stream. Applying this eye motion estimation into a virtual character, we achieve that the virtual face moves the eyes in the same way than the human face, synthesizing eye motion into a virtual character. In this study, a system capable of face tracking, eye detection and extraction, and finally iris position extraction using video stream containing a human face has been developed. Once an image containing a human face is extracted from the current frame of the video stream, the detection and extraction of the eyes is applied. The detection and extraction of the eyes is based on edge detection. Then the iris center is determined applying different image preprocessing and region segmentation using edge features on the eye picture extracted. Once, we have extracted the eye motion, using MPEG-4 Facial Animation, this motion is translated into the Facial Animation arameters (FAPs). Thus we can improve the quality and quantity of Facial Animation expressions that we can synthesize into a virtual character.

Analysis of Eye-Tracking Data in Visualization and Data Space

Alam, Sayeed Safayet 12 May 2017 (has links)
Eye-tracking devices can tell us where on the screen a person is looking. Researchers frequently analyze eye-tracking data manually, by examining every frame of a visual stimulus used in an eye-tracking experiment so as to match 2D screen-coordinates provided by the eye-tracker to related objects and content within the stimulus. Such task requires significant manual effort and is not feasible for analyzing data collected from many users, long experimental sessions, and heavily interactive and dynamic visual stimuli. In this dissertation, we present a novel analysis method. We would instrument visualizations that have open source code, and leverage real-time information about the layout of the rendered visual content, to automatically relate gaze-samples to visual objects drawn on the screen. Since such visual objects are shown in a visualization stand for data, the method would allow us to necessarily detect data that users focus on or Data of Interest (DOI). This dissertation has two contributions. First, we demonstrated the feasibility of collecting DOI data for real life visualization in a reliable way which is not self-evident. Second, we formalized the process of collecting and interpreting DOI data and test whether the automated DOI detection can lead to research workflows, and insights not possible with traditional, manual approaches.

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