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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The use of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived atrial cardiomyocytes for studying arrhythmia mechanisms

Casini, Marilù 13 May 2024 (has links)
[ES] Cada año, cientos de miles de nuevos casos en todo el mundo son diagnosticados anualmente con fibrilación auricular, estimándose que aproximadamente 33.5 millones de personas viven con esta compleja enfermedad. Sin embargo, se hizo evidente que la fibrilación auricular es una enfermedad multifacética y progresiva. Por lo tanto, se requiere el desarrollo de nuevos modelos experimentales que recapitulen este complejo mecanismo. Por esta razón, esta tesis ha navegado a través del intrincado panorama del remodelado de la fibrilación auricular desde un punto de vista electrofisiológico, estructural e inmunológico, utilizando un modelo in vitro de cardiomiocitos atriales derivados de células madre pluripotentes inducidas humanas (hiPSC-aCM). El modelo demostró ser capaz de recapitular mecanismos de reentrada, así como remodelados genéticos correlacionados con cambios electrofisiológicos, estructurales e inmunológicos similares a los observados en pacientes con fibrilación auricular, demostrando su valor como modelo para estudiar los mecanismos de iniciación de la arritmia. Además, la tesis exploró enfoques optogenéticos innovadores para la perturbación del potencial de acción en hiPSC-aCM, demostrando su posible uso para la terminación de la arritmia. En conclusión, esta tesis de doctorado realiza una contribución significativa al desarrollo y prueba de un nuevo modelo in vitro de fibrilación auricular en atrios humanos, proporcionando una base sólida para futuras mejoras en los objetivos terapéuticos y medicamentos. / [CA] Cada any, centenars de milers de nous casos a tot el món són diagnosticats anualment amb fibrilació auricular, estimantse que aproximadament 33.5 milions de persones viuen amb aquesta complexa malaltia. No obstant això, es va fer evident que la fibril·lació auricular és una malaltia multifacètica i progressiva. Per tant, es requereix el desenvolupament de nous models experimentals que recapitulen aquest complex mecanisme. Per aquesta raó, aquesta tesi ha navegat a través del intrincat panorama del remodelat de la fibrilació auricular des d'un punt de vista electrofisiològic, estructural i immunològic, utilitzant un model in vitro de cardiomiòcits atrials derivats de cèlules mare pluripotents induïdes humanes (hiPSC-aCM). El model va demostrar ser capaç de recapitular mecanismes de reentrada, així com remodelats genètics correlacionats amb canvis electrofisiològics, estructurals i immunològics similars als observats en pacients amb fibril·lació auricular, demostrant el seu valor com a model per estudiar els mecanismes d'iniciació de l'arítmia. A més, la tesi va explorar enfocs optogenètics innovadors per a la pertorbació del potencial d'acció en hiPSC-aCM, demostrant el seu possible ús per a la terminació de l'arítmia. En conclusió, aquesta tesi de doctorat realitza una contribució significativa al desenvolupament i prova d'un nou model in vitro de fibril·lació auricular en atris humans, proporcionant una base sòlida per a futures millores en els objectius terapèutics i medicaments. / [EN] Each year hundreds of thousands of new cases worldwide are annually diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AF), estimating that approximately 33.5 million of people worldwide live with this complex disease. However, it became clear that AF is not only a prevalent cardiac arrhythmia but also a multifaceted and progressive one. Thus, the development of new experimental models that recapitulate this complex mechanism is required. For this reason, this thesis has navigated through the intricate landscape of AF remodeling under an electrophysiological, structural and immunological point of view using an in vitro model of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived atrial cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-aCM). The model showed to be able to recapitulate re-entry mechanisms as well as genetic remodeling correlated to electrophysiological, structural and immunological changes similar to those observed in AF patients, demonstrating its value as model for studying initiation arrhythmia mechanisms. Furthermore, the thesis explored innovative optogenetic approaches for action potential perturbation in hiPSC-aCM, demonstrating their possible use for arrhythmia termination. In conclusion, this PhD thesis makes a significant contribution to the development and testing of a new human atrial in vitro model of AF, providing a strong basis for future improvements of therapeutic target and drugs. / Casini, M. (2024). The use of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived atrial cardiomyocytes for studying arrhythmia mechanisms [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/204142

Biophysical Characterization of Three SCN5A Mutations Linked to Long QT Syndrome Type 3, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and Atrial Fibrillation

Huang, Hai 17 April 2018 (has links)
Le gène SCN5A encode la sous-unité principale du canal sodique cardiaque (Nav1.5). Ce canal est responsable de l'initiation et de la propagation du potentiel d'action cardiaque. Un dysfonctionnement de ce canal peut causer le syndrome du QT long de type 3 (LQT3) et la fibrillation auriculaire (AF). Les patients atteints du LQT3 sont à risques de développer des arythmies létales, particulièrement des torsades de pointes qui peuvent causer le syndrome de mort subite du nourrisson (SIDS). Objectifs : Le but de cette étude est de caractériser les propriétés biophysiques de trois mutations sur le gène SCN5A : Y1767C, S1333Y et K1493R. Ces trois mutations ont respectivement été retrouvées chez un patient souffrant du LQT3, chez un patient mort du SIDS et la dernière mutation chez un patient souffrant d'AF. Méthodes : Des cellules tsA 201 ont été transfectées avec le gène codant pour le canal sauvage et les gènes codant pour les canaux mutés. Par la suite, leurs caractéristiques biophysiques ont été étudiées par la méthode du patch-clamp en configuration cellule entière. Résultats : La mutation Y1767C est située dans le segment 6 du domaine IV (DIVS6). Cette mutation sur le canal produit un courant persistant et un courant de fenêtre augmenté, ces résultats expliquent les phénotypes cliniques des patients affectés de cette mutation. La ranolazine, un nouveau bloqueur des canaux Na+, peut bloquer efficacement le courant Na+ persistant et réduire le courant de fenêtre. Ces canaux mutés montrent aussi une augmentation de l'inhibition fréquence-dépendante ainsi qu'une réactivation lente. La mutation S1333Y est situé sur la boucle S4 et S5 du domaine III. L'étude fonctionnelle de ce canal montre un gain de fonction : un courant Na+ persistant et une augmentation du courant de fenêtre provoquée par un déplacement de -8 mV de l'activation et de +7mV de l'inactivation. La mutation K1493R est située sur la boucle entre les domaines III-IV. Cette mutation provoque un déplacement vers des potentiels plus dépolarisés de l'inactivation est entraîne une augmentation du courant de fenêtre. Conclusion : Les manifestations cliniques observées chez les patients sont probablement dues aux changements des propriétés biophysiques provoqués par les trois mutations sur Nav1.5 rapportées dans cette étude. Nous concluons donc que (1) Y1767C est une mutation provoquant le LQT3. L'effet observé par la ranolazine sur cette mutation (la ranolazine agit probablement comme un bloqueur des canaux ouverts) nous donne de nouveaux indices pour le traitement des patients porteurs de cette mutation. (2) La mort subite du nourrisson observé est probablement lié à un syndrome LQT3 associé à la mutation S1333Y. (3) La mutation K1493R provoque de la fibrillation auriculaire causée par une hyperexcitabilité des cardiomyocytes.

The new oral anti-coagulants and the phase 3 clinical trials - a systematic review of the literature

Tahir, Faryal, Riaz, Haris, Riaz, Talha, Badshah, Maaz, Riaz, Irbaz, Hamza, Ameer, Mohiuddin, Hafsa January 2013 (has links)
BACKGROUND:Anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists such as warfarin has historically been used for the long term management of patients with thromboembolic disease. However, these agents have a slow onset of action which requires bridging therapy with heparin and its analogues, which are available only in parenteral route. To overcome these limitations, new oral anticoagulants such as factor Xa inhibitors and direct thrombin inhibitors have been developed. The aim of this article is to systematically review the phase 3 clinical trials of new oral anticoagulants in common medical conditions.METHODS:We searched PubMed (Medline) from January 2007 to February 2013 using "Oral anticoagulants", "New oral anticoagulants", "Randomized controlled trial", "Novel anticoagulants", "Apixaban", "Rivaroxaban", "Edoxaban", "Dabigatran etexilate", "Dabigatran" and a combination of the above terms. The available evidence from the phase 3 RCTs was summarized on the basis of individual drug and the medical conditions categorized into "atrial fibrillation", "acute coronary syndrome", "orthopedic surgery", "venous thromboembolism" and "medically ill patients".RESULTS:Apixaban, rivaroxaban and dabigatran have been found to be either non-inferior or superior to enoxaparin in prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in knee and hip replacement with similar bleeding risk, superior to warfarin for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation with significant reduction in the risk of major bleeding, non-inferior to aspirin for reducing cardiovascular death and stroke in acute coronary syndrome with significant increase in the risk of major bleed. Rivaroxaban and dabigatran are also superior to the conventional agents in the management of symptomatic venous thromboembolism. However, compared to enoxaparin, apixaban and rivaroxaban use lead to significantly increased bleeding risk in medically ill patients. Additional studies evaluating the specific reversal agents of these new drugs for the management of life-threatening bleeding or other adverse effects are necessary.CONCLUSION:Considering their pharmacological properties, their efficacy and bleeding complications, the new oral agents offer a net favourable clinical profile in orthopedic surgery, atrial fibrillation, acute coronary syndrome and increase the risk of bleeding in critically ill patients. Further studies are necessary to determine the long term safety and to identify the specific reversal agents of these new drugs.

Sicherheit und Effizienz der Pulmonalvenenablation nach Start eines neuen Ablationsprogramms zur Behandlung von Patienten mit symptomatischem Vorhofflimmern / Safety and efficiency of pulmonary vein ablation after starting a new ablation program for treatment in patients with atrial fibrillation

Könemann, Michel 27 April 2016 (has links)
Einleitung: Die zirkumferentielle Pulmonalvenenablation (CPVA) hat sich in den letzten Jahren als effektive Therapie bei Vorhofflimmern etabliert. Die Initiierung eines CPVA-Programms bleibt jedoch aufgrund der Komplexität der Prozedur und des Risikos lebensgefährlicher Komplikationen eine Herausforderung. Das Ziel dieser prospektiven Studie war es, die Effizienz und Sicherheit eines neuetablierten CPVA-Programms an einem medizinischen Zentrum mit zuvor wenig erfahrenen Untersuchern zu evaluieren.  Methoden und Ergebnisse: Zwischen 2006 und 2011 wurden 331 Patienten mit paroxysmalem und persistierendem Vorhofflimmern konsekutiv der zirkumferentiellen Pulmonalvenenablation zugeführt und unterzogen sich insgesamt 500 Prozeduren. Das mittlere Follow-Up betrug 648 ± 315 Tage. Die zunehmende Ablationspraxis führte neben der Prozessoptimierung zu einer deutlichen Reduzierung schwerwiegender Komplikationen. Prozedurdauer und Komplikationsrate erreichten nach 100 Ablationen ein stabiles und im Lichte der internationalen Literatur adäquates Niveau. Die Inzidenz schwerwiegender Komplikationen verringerte sich auf 1,3 - 1,9%. Insgesamt betrug der Anteil schwerwiegender Komplikationen 4%. Der Tod trat nicht auf. Keine der aufgetretenen Komplikationen führte zu einer permanenten Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung der Patienten. Die Erfolgsraten waren seit Beginn des Programms auf einem konstanten Niveau und vergleichbar mit in der Literatur beschriebenen Werten.  Schlussfolgerung: Die vorliegende Studie zeigt, dass es gelingt, ein CPVA-Programm mit zuvor wenig erfahrenen Untersuchern effizient zu etablieren. Die Daten zeigen jedoch auch, dass mit einer erhöhten Komplikationsrate in der frühen Etablierungsphase zu rechnen ist. Nach 1,6 ± 0,7 Ablationen und einer Nachbeobachtung von einem Jahr waren 81,3% (266 / 327) der Patienten frei von symptomatischem Vorhofflimmern. Die Reablation ist eine wichtige Maßnahme, um die Erfolgsrate nachhaltig zu verbessern. Die Studie identifizierte Frührezidive innerhalb der Blanking-Periode und einen vergrößerten linken Vorhof als unabhängige Prädiktoren für die Rekurrenz von symptomatischem Vorhofflimmern.  Vor dem Hintergrund des steigenden Bedarfs an effektiven Therapien zur Behandlung von Vorhofflimmern sind die Ergebnisse dieser Studie hilfreich, um weitere CPVA-Programme zu planen und zu etablieren.

Intramural Visualization of Scroll Waves in the Heart

Christoph, Jan 13 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Mechanistic Basis for Atrial and Ventricular Arrhythmias Caused by KCNQ1 Mutations

Bartos, Daniel C. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Cardiac arrhythmias are caused by a disruption of the normal initiation or propagation of electrical impulses in the heart. Hundreds of mutations in genes encoding ion channels or ion channel regulatory proteins are linked to congenital arrhythmia syndromes that increase the risk for sudden cardiac death. This dissertation focuses on how mutations in a gene (KCNQ1) that encodes a voltage-gated K+ ion channel (Kv7.1) can disrupt proper channel function and lead to abnormal repolarization of atrial and ventricular cardiomyocytes. In the heart, Kv7.1 coassembles with a regulatory protein to conduct the slowly activating delayed rectifier K+ current (IKs). Loss-of-function KCNQ1 mutations are linked to type 1 long QT syndrome (LQT1), and typically decrease IKs, which can lead to ventricular action potential (AP) prolongation. In patients, LQT1 is often characterized by an abnormally long corrected QT (QTc) interval on an electrocardiogram (ECG), and increases the risk for polymorphic ventricular tachycardias. KCNQ1 mutations are also linked to atrial fibrillation (AF), but cause a gain-of-function phenotype that increases IKs. Surprisingly, patients diagnosed with both LQT1 and AF are increasingly identified as genotype positive for a KCNQ1 mutation. The first aim of this dissertation was to determine a unique functional phenotype of KCNQ1 mutations linked to both arrhythmia syndromes by functional analyses via the whole-cell patch clamp technique in HEK293 cells. A proportion of patients with LQT1-linked KCNQ1 mutations do not have abnormal QTc prolongation known as latent LQT1. Interestingly, exercise can reveal abnormal QTc prolongation in these patients. During exercise, beta-adrenergic activation stimulates PKA to phosphorylate Kv7.1, causing an increase in IKs to prevent ventricular AP prolongation. Therefore, the second aim of this dissertation was to determine a molecular mechanism of latent LQT1 through functional analyses in HEK293 cells while incorporating pharmacological and phosphomimetic approaches to study PKA regulation of mutant Kv7.1 channels. The findings in this dissertation provide new insight into how KCNQ1 mutations disrupt the function of Kv7.1 in a basal condition or during beta-adrenergic activation. Also, this dissertation suggests these approaches will improve patient management by identifying mutation specific risk factors for patients with KCNQ1 mutations.

Atrial fibrillation in cardiac surgery

Ahlsson, Anders January 2008 (has links)
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia seen in clinical practice. In cardiac surgery, one-third of the patients experience episodes of AF during the first postoperative days (postoperative AF), and patients with preoperative AF (concomitant AF) can be offered ablation procedures in conjunction with surgery, in order to restore ordinary sinus rhythm (SR). The aim of this work was to study the relation between postoperative AF and inflammation; the long-term consequences of postoperative AF on mortality and late arrhythmia; and atrial function after concomitant surgical ablation for AF. In 524 open-heart surgery patients, C-reactive protein (CRP) serum concentrations were measured before and on the third day after surgery. There was no correlation between levels of CRP and the development of postoperative AF. All 1,419 patients with no history of AF, undergoing primary aortocoronary bypass surgery (CABG) in the years 1997–2000 were followed up after 8.0 years. The mortality rate was 191 deaths/1,000 patients (19.1%) in patients with no AF and 140 deaths/419 patients (33.4%) in patients with postoperative AF. Postoperative AF was an age-independent risk factor for late mortality, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.56 (95% CI 1.23–1.98). Postoperative AF patients had a more than doubled risk of death due to cerebral ischaemia, myocardial infarction, sudden death, and heart failure compared with patients without AF. All 571 consecutive patients undergoing primary CABG during the years 1999–2000 were followed-up after 6 years. Questionnaires were obtained from 91.6% of surviving patients and an electrocardiogram (ECG) from 88.3% of all patients. In postoperative AF patients, 14.1% had AF at follow-up, compared with 2.8% of patients with no AF at surgery (p<.001). An episode of postoperative AF was found to be an independent risk factor for development of late AF, with an adjusted risk ratio (RR) of 3.11 (95% CI 1.41–6.87). Epicardial microwave ablation was performed in 20 open-heart surgery patients with concomitant AF. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed preoperatively and at 6 months postoperatively. At 12 months postoperatively 14/19 patients (74%) were in SR with no anti-arrhythmic drugs. All patients in SR had preserved left and right atrial filling waves (A-waves) and Tissue velocity echocardiography (TVE) showed preserved atrial wall velocities and atrial strain. In conclusion, postoperative AF is an independent risk factor for late mortality and later development of AF. There is no correlation between the inflammatory marker CRP and postoperative AF. Epicardial microwave ablation of concomitant AF results in SR in the majority of patients and seems to preserve atrial mechanical function.

Stroke and depression in very old age / Stroke och depression i mycket hög ålder

Hörnsten, Carl January 2016 (has links)
Background The prevalence and incidence of stroke are known to increase with age, which, combined with demographic change, means that very old patients with stroke are a growing patient group. Risk factors for incident stroke among very old people have not been widely investigated. The impact of depression on mortality in very old people who have had a stroke also remains unclear.  The aim of this thesis was to investigate the risk factors for incident stroke, the epidemiology of stroke and depression, and the consequences of having had a stroke regarding the risk of depression and mortality among very old people. Methods A randomly selected half of 85-, all 90-, and all ≥95-year-olds in certain municipalities in Västerbotten County, Sweden, and Pohjanmaa County, Finland were targeted in a population-based cohort study from 2000-2012. The 65-, 70-, 75-, and 80-year-olds in all the rural and random samples from the urban municipalities in the same counties were furthermore targeted in a survey in 2010. In the cohort study patients were assessed in their homes, by means of the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) and other assessment scales, as well as blood pressure measurements, several physical tests, and a review of medical diagnoses appearing in the medical charts. Incident stroke data were collected from medical charts guided by hospital registry records, cause of death records, and reassessments after 5 years. Depression was defined as a GDS-15 score ≥5. A clinical definition of all depressive disorders, based on assessment scale scores and review of medical charts was also used. A specialist in geriatric medicine evaluated the diagnoses. The survey included yes/no questions about stroke and depression status, and the 4-item Geriatric Depression Scale. Associations with mortality and incident stroke were tested using Cox proportional-hazard models.  Results In the ≥85-year-olds examined in 2005-2007 (n=601), the stroke prevalence was 21.5%, the prevalence of all depressive disorders was 37.8% and stroke was independently associated with depressive disorders (odds ratio 1.644, p=0.038). The prevalence of depression according to GDS-15 scores was 43.2% in people with stroke compared with 25.0% in people without stroke (p=0.001). However, in ≥85-year-olds examined in Sweden from 2000-2012 (n=955), from all past data collections in the study, depression was not independently associated with incident stroke.  In ≥65-year-olds who responded to a survey in 2010 (n=6098), the stroke prevalence rose with age from 4.7% among the 65- to 11.6% among the 80-year-olds (p<0.001). The prevalence of depression rose from 11.0% among the 65- to 18.1% among the 80-year-olds (p<0.001). In the group with stroke, depression was independently associated with dependence in personal activities of daily living and having a life crisis the preceding year, while in the non-stroke group, depression was independently associated with several additional demographic, social and health factors. In ≥85-year-olds examined in 2005-2007 with valid GDS-15 tests (n=452), having had a stroke was associated with increased 5-year mortality [hazard ratio (HR) 1.53, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.15-2.03]. Having had a stroke and depression was associated with increased 5-year mortality compared with having only stroke (HR 1.90, 95% CI 1.15-3.13), having only depression (HR 1.59, 95% CI 1.03-2.45), and compared with having neither stroke nor depression (HR 2.50, 95% CI 1.69-3.69). Having only stroke without a depression did not increase mortality compared with having neither stroke nor depression. In ≥85-year-olds examined in Sweden from 2000-2012 (n=955), from all past data collections in the study, the stroke incidence was 33.8/1000 person-years during a mean follow-up period of about three years. In a comprehensive multivariate model, atrial fibrillation (HR 1.85, 95% CI 1.07–3.19) and higher systolic blood pressure (SBP; HR 1.19, 95% CI 1.08–1.30 per 10-mmHg increase) were associated with incident stroke overall. In additional multivariate models, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥90 mmHg (HR 2.45, 95% CI 1.47–4.08) and SBP ≥160 mmHg (v. <140 mmHg; HR 2.80, 95% CI 1.53–5.14) were associated with incident stroke. Conclusion The prevalence of both stroke and depression increased with age, and rates were especially high among very old people. Having had a stroke was independently associated with a higher prevalence of depression among very old people, however, depression was not independently associated with a higher incidence of stroke. Having had a stroke was associated with increased all-cause mortality among very old people, but only among those who were also depressed. High SBP (≥160 mmHg), DBP (≥90 mmHg) and atrial fibrillation were the only consistent independent risk factors for incident stroke among very old people. / I västvärlden inklusive Sverige så ökar gruppen av människor som uppnår åldern 80 år eller äldre. Människorna som uppnår denna mycket höga ålder har en hög förekomst av kardiovaskulära riskfaktorer, har ofta flera samtidiga sjukdomar och ofta funktionsnedsättningar. Medicinska behandlingsåtgärder är ofta mindre effektiva och förknippade med biverkningar i åldersgruppen. Stroke är en sjukdom som beror på skada av hjärnvävnad till följd av minskad blodtillhörsel till delar av hjärnan. Det är känt att såväl förekomsten av och insjuknandet i stroke ökar med stigande ålder. Den som drabbas av stroke löper risk att få en bestående funktionsnedsättning och att dö i förtid. En vanlig komplikation efter att ha drabbats av stroke är nedstämdhet eller depression. Vetenskapliga studier om stroke har tidigare negligerat mycket gamla människor, vilket i takt med den pågående demografiska utvecklingen framstått som allt mer orimligt. Det är ej helt klarlagt vilka riskfaktorer som leder till att insjukna med stroke i mycket hög ålder. Överdödligheten förknippad med att drabbas av depression efter stroke är också oklar i åldersgruppen. Det är också oklart vad som skiljer depression efter stroke från depression bland den övriga befolkningen av åldrade människor. Den populations-baserade kohortstudien GErontologisk Regional DAtabas (GERDA) inleddes år 2000 för att kartlägga faktorer förknippade med gott åldrande bland mycket gamla människor. Hälften av 85-åringarna, alla 90-åringar och alla ≥95-åringar i utvalda kommuner i Västerbotten erbjöds att delta i studien. Därefter har återbesök hos tidigare deltagare i sina nya åldersgrupper och rekrytering av nya deltagare genomförts vart femte år. Studien utvidgades med utvalda kommuner i Österbotten, Finland vid den första femårsuppföljningen. Datainsamlingen i studien bestod av demografiska frågor, skattningsskalor, blodtrycksmätning och kognitiva test genomförda vid ett hembesök i deltagarens hem, samt genomgång av journalhandlingar. År 2010 skickades även en enkät ut till 65-, 70-, 75- och 80-åringar i alla kommuner i Västerbotten och Österbotten. Enkäten innehöll frågor om demografi, hälsa, sjukdomar och intressen. Bland deltagarna i kohortstudien bestämdes förekomsten av tidigare stroke baserat på genomgång av journaluppgifter och uppgifter från hembesöken. Förekomsten av depression bestämdes baserat på poängsättning från en validerad skattningsskala för depression, samt baserat på en sammanvägning av journaluppgifter och skattningsskalor. En specialist i geriatrik fattade det slutliga beslutet om diagnoser. Insjuknande i stroke bestämdes baserat på journalgenomgång av individer med stroke-relaterade diagnoskoder i sjukhusregistret, i dödsorsaksregistret eller uppgift om stroke vid femårsuppföljningen i studien. Bland deltagarna i enkätstudien bestämdes förekomsten av tidigare stroke baserat på självrapportering, och förekomsten av depression bestämdes baserat på en sammanvägning av självrapportering och en skattningsskala för depression.  Förekomsten av stroke i enkätstudien steg med ålder, från 4.7% bland 65-åringar till 11.6% bland 80-åringar. Förekomsten av stroke var omkring 20% bland ≥85-åringar, med minimal variation mellan 85-, 90- och ≥95-åringar. Förekomsten av depression var högre bland dem med stroke jämfört med de övriga deltagarna, både gällande den sammavägda diagnosen och baserat endast på poängsättning. Stroke och sömnproblem var oberoende associerade med depression. Bland ≥65-åringar i enkätstudien var funktionsnedsättning och genomgången livskris associerade med depression hos dem med en tidigare stroke. Bland deltagare utan stroke var ett antal ytterligare externa faktorer, inklusive subjektiv upplevelse av dålig ekonomi och att inte ha någon att anförtro sig till, associerade med depression. Både stroke och depression var associerade med ökad dödlighet bland ≥85-åringar. De med stroke utan depression hade en dödlighet i linje med normalbefolkningen utan stroke eller depression. Förekomsten av samtidig stroke och depression var associerad med högre dödlighet än normalbefolkningen, jämfört med dem med enbart stroke eller enbart depression. Högt systoliskt blodtryck (≥160 mmHg), högt diastoliskt blodtryck (≥90 mmHg) och förmaksflimmer var oberoende riskfaktorer för att insjukna i stroke bland ≥85-åringarna. Sambandet mellan blodtryck och strokerisk försvagades ej hos människor med kognitiv eller funktionell nedsättning. Tidigare stroke, hjärtsvikt, kognitiv nedsättning, näringsbrist, depressiva symtom och låg gånghastighet var också associerade med att insjukna i stroke, men ej oberoende av varandra. Sammanfattningsvis så stiger förekomsten av stroke med åldern och är särskilt hög bland mycket gamla människor. Depression är betydligt vanligare hos mycket gamla människor med stroke, även justerat för störningsfaktorer. Depression är främst associerat med funktions-nedsättning hos människor med stroke, men med ett större antal externa faktorer hos människor utan stroke. Mycket gamla människor med stroke har särskilt hög dödlighet om de samtidigt är deprimerade, men en dödlighet i linje med normalbefolkningen om de inte är deprimerade. Högt systoliskt och diastoliskt blodtryck samt förmaksflimmer är viktiga och behandlingsbara orsaker till att drabbas av stroke i mycket hög ålder.

Magnetresonanztomographische Detektion von Fibrose im linken Vorhof bei Patienten nach Schlaganfall / Detection of left atrial fibrosis in patients after ischemic stroke using cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging

Wandelt, Laura Kristin 11 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Fluorescent fusion proteins as probes to characterize tau fibril polymorphism

Lindberg, Max January 2019 (has links)
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a large and growing problem and while we today lack a full understanding of this disease, we know that the protein tau and the amyloid fibrils it forms play a central role in its development. We also know that these fibrils can have different morphologies in different diseases and that fibrils produced in vitro not necessarily adopt any of the morphologies found in patients. This means there is a need for more pathologically relevant fibrils in vitro to be able to understand this disease better. One approach to satisfy this need is to use fibrils found in patients as seeds and thus transfer their morphology to recombinantly purified protein. To facilitate this process this study has attempted to develop a way to differentiate between different fibril morphologies using a FRET based system. This involves fluorescent fusion proteins (tau-EXFPs) and fluorescent amyloid probes as well as seeding experiments with pseudo wild type tau (PWT) and tau with the P301L mutation. Greater differences in terms of fibrillation rates and ThT fluorescence between PWT and P301L was shown than previously reported between WT and P301L. They were also shown to differ in fibril morphology in TEM. The ThT fluorescence intensity was to a certain degree transferable from PWT to P301L by seeding. Furthermore, this study confirms that the tau-EXFP fusion protein can be incorporated into amyloid fibrils and strongly suggests that a FRET effect between EXFP and BTD14 (as well as X34 and ThT) can be achieved. It also demonstrates differences in FRET efficiency between PWT and P301L fibrils using FLIM. These results indicate that a FRET based approach could be a useful method to discern different fibril morphologies from each other, but further measurements and optimization are needed before this method could be reliably applied. The fusion proteins could also be used to investigate tau spreading in vivo, e.g. in D. melanogaster. To find suitable FRET partners to the fusion proteins, a ligand screen was conducted. This could be used as an alternative to the FRET method. With the right selection of fluorescent amyloid probes, a unique fingerprint for each fibril morphology could maybe be generated and fulfill the same intended function as the FRET method.

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