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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti rozšírenia počtu zamestnancov zdravotne postihnutých vo finančnej sfére / Possibilities of increasing the number of employees with disabilities in the financial sector

Poszmiková, Silvia January 2012 (has links)
The thesis discusses the issue of employment of people with disabilities and also how to extend their number in the financial sector. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The introduction of the theoretical part describes the evolution of the term disabled person within Czechoslovak legal system and its transformation into nowadays used form - person with disabilities. Thesis also lists the most important international documents governing the concept and the rights of persons with disabilities and finally, defines the issue of the employment of people with disabilities in accordance with current legislation. The analytical part of thesis compares the data aquired by Czech bank and assesses the impact of the low number of employees with disabilities of all employees. Main objective of the survey carried out among selected employees of the Bank and using the questionnaire, is to determine the subjective point of view of employees on the issue of employment people with disabilities. The main objective of this thesis is to design possibilities and increas the number of employees with disabilities in the financial sector.

La transformación digital y su influencia en la transformación cultural en las empresas del sector financiero en Lima Metropolitana en el 2019 / Digital transformation and its influence on cultural transformation in companies in the financial sector in Metropolitan Lima in 2019

Rosales Alarcon, Brayan Oscar, Ruiz Quiroz, Grecia Carolina 11 September 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación académica busca explicar la influencia entre la transformación digital en la transformación cultural en las empresas del sector financiero en Lima Metropolitana en el 2019. El diseño de la investigación es de tipo no experimental, transeccional, con un enfoque cuantitativo y de correlación. La herramienta utilizada para recabar los datos fue a través de una encuesta de tipo Likert, siendo determinada mediante la confiabilidad del Coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach, siendo validada por juicio de expertos. La técnica de muestreo aleatorio simple, fue mediante 381 encuestados que laboren el sector financiero de los cuatro bancos más reconocidos a nivel Lima Metropolitana (BCP, BBVA, Interbank y Scotiabank) de una población de 36,033 colaboradores a nivel nacional. En relación a las pruebas estadísticas no paramétricas del Coeficiente de correlación Thau de Kendall (Valor = 0.598) y de Spearman (Valor = 0.747), indica que se tiene una correlación positiva entre ambas variables del presente estudio, la transformación digital y la transformación cultural. / This academic research seeks to explain the influence between digital transformation on cultural transformation in companies in the financial sector in Metropolitan Lima in 2019. The research design is non-experimental, transectional, with a quantitative and correlational approach. The tool identified to collect the data was through a Likert-type survey, being determined by the reliability of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, being validated by expert judgment. The simple random sampling technique was through 381 surveys that worked in the financial sector of the four most recognized banks at the Metropolitan Lima level (BCP, BBVA, Interbank and Scotiabank) of a population of 36,033 collaborators nationwide. In relation to the nonparametric statistical tests of the Kendall Thau Correlation Coefficient (Value = 0.598) and Spearman's Correlation Coefficient (Value = 0.747), it indicates that there is a positive correlation between the variables of the present study, digital transformation and cultural transformation. / Tesis

A qualitative exploration of the experiences of female executives in the financial sector of South Africa

Kirsten, Nasrin January 2014 (has links)
This study is a qualitative exploration of the experiences of female executives in the financial sector of South Africa. It aims to explore the perceptions of the possible challenges which have been experienced by executive women within the financial sector while attempting to break the glass ceiling. In many countries including South Africa there lies a contradiction between our governmental policies of equality and equal representation for men and women in the employment sectors and the actual practice. Despite the fact that our employment laws have changed in order to give equal opportunities to both males and females there is still such a small percentage of women holding executive positions in corporate South Africa and this could be a consequence of the challenges faced by them. Using interpretive phenomenological analysis based on a feminist standpoint as a method, this study explores the hidden gender inequalities that exist within the boardrooms of the financial sector. It starts by exploring how available literature constructs the problem as related to the internal organisational and institutional structures of the financial sectors and individual matters and societal perceptions. Interview data from semi-structured interviews with females in executive positions were analysed using interpretive phenomenological analysis. Similar views emerged from the participants in this study, which confirm previous literature and studies. The barriers highlighted in this research were the different roles which men and women perform, compensation, networking and mentoring disadvantages, re-entry into the corporate world after maternity leave and the ability to be a mother and career woman at the same time. The study agrees that women tend to experience the glass ceiling or factors contributing to what has been termed the glass ceiling. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Psychology / MA / Unrestricted

Modelo de madurez de analítica de datos para el sector financiero / Data Analytics Maturity Model for Financial Sector Companies

Perales Manrique, Jonathan Hernán, Molina Chirinos, Jorge Alonso 02 March 2020 (has links)
La analítica de datos permite a las organizaciones del sector financiero obtener una ventaja competitiva a través de procesos destinados a obtener datos, procesarlos y mostrarlos como información valiosa para comprender el comportamiento de sus clientes y estar preparados contra riesgos como el lavado de dinero, el fraude crediticio, entre otros. Sin embargo, las organizaciones no pueden identificar fácilmente las brechas relacionadas con el personal, los sistemas de información y los procesos comerciales que obstaculizan la mejora de su entorno de analítica de datos. En este contexto, los modelos de madurez evalúan, con base en criterios definidos, el estado actual de una organización e identifican su nivel de madurez para mejorar en función de los hallazgos. En este documento, se propone un modelo de madurez para identificar brechas en el entorno analítico de las compañías financieras que conducen a la reducción de estas. Este modelo incluye artefactos y criterios de evaluación centrados en tecnología, gobernanza, gestión de datos, cultura y analítica en sí, lo que proporciona un proceso de diagnóstico más amplio y estructurado con respecto al entorno analítico. El modelo propuesto se probó en tres empresas del sector financiero peruano y los resultados sugieren que los especialistas obtuvieron una perspectiva más clara que sus pensamientos iniciales sobre la situación del entorno analítico de sus empresas. / Data analytics allows organizations in the financial sector to gain a competitive advantage through processes aimed at obtaining data, processing them and displaying them as valuable information to understand the behavior of their clients and to be prepared against risks as money laundering, credit fraud, among others. However, organizations cannot easily identify gaps related to personnel, information systems and business processes that hinder the improvement of their data analytics environment. In this context, maturity models evaluate, based on defined criteria, the current state of an organization and identify its maturity level in order to improve based on the findings. In this paper, a maturity model is proposed to identify gaps in analytics environment of financial companies that lead to the reduction of these. This model includes artifacts and evaluation criteria focused on technology, governance, data management, culture and analytics itself, which gives a broader and structured diagnosis process with respect to the analytics environment. The proposed model was tested in three companies of Peruvian financial sector and the results suggest that the specialists obtained a clearer perspective than their initial thoughts on the situation of the analytics environment of their companies. / Tesis

Propuesta de mejora para el proceso Administrar Asesorías de una Entidad Financiera / Improvement Proposal for the process of managing consultancies of a Financial Institution

Jurupe Huamán, Erick Manuel, Ramos Gómez, Roberto 01 August 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad presentar una propuesta de mejora al proceso Administrar asesorías de una Entidad Financiera, mediante el diseño de una Arquitectura de software para un sistema web, la cual permita optimizar la planificación, solicitud y ejecución de las asesorías. El capítulo 1, presenta la información de la organización objeto de estudio, así como la definición del problema, objetivos del proyecto e indicadores de éxito. El capítulo 2, describe los logros de los student outcomes planteados por la universidad como objetivos que deben alcanzarse en el presente trabajo. El capítulo 3, presenta el desarrollo del marco teórico en donde se describe los conceptos fundamentales de frameworks y métodos utilizados para el desarrollo del trabajo. El capítulo 4, presenta la propuesta de mejora al proceso Administrar asesorías, para lo cual se realiza un análisis del negocio y del proceso involucrado a través de los frameworks de Zachman y TOGAF, lo que decanta en los modelos AS-IS y TO-BE del proceso haciendo uso de la notación BPMN. Luego se identifican los requerimientos funcionales y no funcionales que permiten definir los conceptos, estilos y tácticas de arquitectura que se emplearán en el Modelo C4. El capítulo 5, presenta todas las herramientas utilizadas en la gestión del proyecto, que permitan cumplir con las restricciones de alcance, costo y tiempo. / The purpose of this work is to present an improvement proposal for managing consultancies of a Financial Institution, by designing a Software Architecture for a web system, which allows optimizing the planning, request and execution of consultancies. Chapter 1 presents the information of the organization under study as well as the definition of the problem, project objectives and indicators of success. Chapter 2 describes the achievements of the student outcomes set by the university as objectives to be achieved in this assignment. Chapter 3 presents the development of the theoretical framework where the fundamental concepts of frameworks and methods used for the development of the assignment are described. Chapter 4 presents the improvement proposal for the process of managing consultancies, for which an analysis of the business and process involved is carried out through the Zachman frameworks and TOGAF, choosing the AS-IS and TO-BE models of the process using the BPMN notation. Then, the functional and non-functional requirements are identified that allow defining the concepts, styles and tactics of architecture that will be used in the C4 Model. Chapter 5 presents all the tools used in the project management, which allow compliance with the scope, cost and time restrictions. / Tesis

Financial Development and Economic Growth in China

Gerile, Naren January 2014 (has links)
OF MASTER THESIS The master thesis called Comparative analysis of George Bush Junior second term and Barack Obama second term foreign policy towards Iranian nuclear program till 2015 submits broader understanding of George W. Bush and Barack Obama presidency in terms of their Middle Eastern policy, concretely the issue of Iranian nuclear policy. The main interest lies in an intention to conclude which particular circumstances led American governments to rethink its position towards Iranian nuclear program, bearing in mind changes which took place in security, economic and foreign policy interests of the United States. Closer analysis of the economic sanctions, wars in Syria and Iraq, changes of the Iranian political elites, menace of Israelian air strikes against key iranian nuclear, industrial targets and main infrastructure capacities will create supporting arguments to answer the examined question: Which aspects in particular, and why led to the significant changes in the American foreign policy towards Iranian nuclear pogram during the last decade. Anotace diplomové práce Diplomová práce Komparativní analýza druhého prezidentského období George Bushe mladšího a druhého prezidentského období Baracka Obamy se zaměřením na problematiku Íránského jaderného programu do roku 2015 se zabývá širším...

Factores asociados a la compra de accesorios y fragancias de lujo accesibles de hombres y mujeres en Lima Metropolitana / Factors associated with the purchase of affordable luxury accessories and fragrances for men and women in Lima Metropolitana

Drago Baracco, Bianca 10 July 2020 (has links)
El lujo es una tendencia de crecimiento en el Perú (Nielsen 2018) , existen cambios mercado y prácticas del consumidor de lujo peruano. Sin embargo, existe información escaza sobre la adaptabilidad de los factores del lujo al mercado peruano. Las percepciones de valor de lujo se adaptan de manera diferente a cada uno de los mercados, por lo que, en la presente investigación se estudiará las percepciones de valor de lujo de hombre y mujeres de 18 a más al momento de comprar productos de lujo accesible. Las variables que se han elegido son valor financiera, funcional, social, individual y experiencial. Para lograr comprobar las hipótesis que se plantean en el presente estudio se ha realizado una investigación mixta. En el estudio cualitativo se realizó focus y entrevistas a personas que habían consumido lujo en los últimos 6 meses. Al mismo tiempo, se realizaron cuatro entrevistas a expertos. En el estudio cuantitativo, se realizó una encuesta online, la cual se aplicó a 290 consumidores de lujo.  El análisis que se realizó fue de tipo correlacional entre la intención de compra y los cinco valores de percepción de lujo que se analizaron. Finalmente, luego de procesar la información, se obtuvo que sí existe una relación estadísticamente significativa (positiva) entre la atmósfera de tienda, valor funcional e individual con la intención de compra. Mientras que, no existe una relación estadísticamente significativa (positiva) entre el valor financiero y valor social con la intención de compra. / In order to verify the hypotheses raised in this study, a mixed investigation has been carried out. In the qualitative study, focus and interviews with accessible luxury consumers were carried out. Also, four interviews with luxury experts were applied. In the quantitative study, a survey was conducted, which was applied to 290 luxury consumers. In addition, the performed analysis was correlational between the purchase intention and the five-luxury value perception that were analyzed. After processing the information, the results show us there is a statistically significant (positive) relationship between the store atmosphere, functional and individual value with purchase intention. While, there is no statistically significant (positive) relationship between financial value and social value with purchase intention. / Trabajo de investigación

Blockchain Technology for Data Sharing in the Banking Sector

Norvill, Robert E. January 2020 (has links)
Know Your Customer compliance costs have never been higher for banks in Europe. This thesis looks at the application of blockchain technology to reduce Know Your Customer compliance costs. The work within aims to utilise the strengths of blockchain technology in order to reduce the costs of compliance for banks. This is done through collaboration with industry partners, resulting in a system designed to meet banks’ needs. The contributions of this work are: 1) A system which enables data sharing between banks, enabling 2) reduc tion of costs by at least 45%, and 3) reducing or eliminating over reliance on third parties, 4) an exploration of how to price data within the system is made in order to help banks further reduce their costs, 5) reduction of chain size by reducing the size of contract creation transactions in Ethereum by 90% for standard users, lastly, 6) to better understand the functionality and purpose of smart contracts. The system is the first of its kind to remove the requirement of third party storage solutions, and is the first to explore pricing aspects in detail.

Poder de mercado y morosidad en el mercado financiero peruano para los años 2010 al 2019 / Impact of competition on the quality of the financial sector's loan portfolio for the years 2010 – 2019

Soto Zorrilla, Alicia Carolina 20 July 2021 (has links)
Teniendo en cuenta que el sector financiero puede ser un medio para promover el desarrollo económico de un país, influyendo en la inversión de capital hacía actividades productivas y expansión de mercados, analizar posibles determinantes que afecten su desarrollo es importante. El propósito de este trabajo de investigación es determinar si la competencia tiene un efecto en la calidad de la cartera crediticia de las instituciones otorgadoras de crédito, y, de ser así, analizar si el efecto es positivo o negativo. Se toma para el periodo de análisis los años 2010 al 2019 y para tres grupos de instituciones financieras que son banca y, en representación del sector micro financiero, tenemos a las cajas municipales y cajas rurales en el Perú. Estudios previos demostraron una relación en su mayoría positiva entre la tasa de morosidad y el incremento de competencia, sin embargo, no es un resultado concluyente para todos los países y periodos, por lo que determinar la relación para el caso peruano y en los años dados resulta innovador. Para contrastar de forma empírica que la competencia afecta la cartera crediticia, se tomó a la variable de tasa de morosidad para medir el impacto de calidad de cartera. Asimismo, se planteó estimar el índice de Lerner como indicador de poder de mercado en representación de la variable de competencia. Se realizaron las estimaciones con datos de panel, a través del cual, a raíz de las diferentes pruebas econométricas realizadas, se decidió utilizar el método GLS para las regresiones. Los resultados obtenidos permiten validar la hipótesis en que la relación de la competencia entre las instituciones financieras otorgadoras de crédito con la tasa de morosidad es positiva. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos podrían justificar investigaciones relacionadas a la regulación en el sector financiero con respecto a la competencia bancaria y sus determinantes. / Considering that the financial sector can be a means to promote the economic development of a country, influencing capital investment in productive activities and expansion of markets, analyzing possible determinants that affect its development is important. The purpose of this research work is to determine whether competition influences the quality of the credit portfolio of credit granting institutions, and, if so, to analyze whether the effect is positive or negative. The years 2010 to 2019 are taken for the period of analysis and for three groups of financial institutions that are banks and, representing the microfinance sector, we have the municipal savings banks and rural savings banks. Previous studies have shown a mostly positive relationship between the delinquency rate and the increase in competition; however, it is not a conclusive result for all countries and periods, therefore determining the relationship for the Peruvian case and in the given years it is innovative. To empirically test that competition affects the loan portfolio, the default rate variable was used to measure the impact of portfolio quality. Likewise, it was proposed to estimate the Lerner index as an indicator of market power in representation of the competition variable. The data panel estimates were made, through which, because of the different econometric tests carried out, it was decided to use the GLS method for the regressions. The results obtained allow us to validate the hypothesis that the relationship between the competition between financial institutions granting credit and the delinquency rate is positive. Finally, the results obtained could justify research related to regulation in the financial sector with respect to banking competition and its determinants. / Trabajo de investigación

The influence of the banking sector on central bank independence and inflation control : the case of Lebanon between 1985 and 1991

Nasser, Yassar January 2008 (has links)
A substantial amount of prior research has focused on the relation between Central Bank Independence (CBI) and inflation control. However, this research is mainly theoretical or conducted using cross-country statistical regressions and correlations in the developed world. Little attention has been given to understanding this relation in emerging nations or the influence of interest groups on CBI and inflation in a specific context. This thesis addresses both gaps by conducting an in-depth observation and analysis of this relation in a single country (Lebanon) and the influence of the banking sector on both CBI and inflation during a period of high inflation. This empirical evidence in the case of Lebanon shows that Central Bank Independence from the government – even though abundant and complete – was not enough to control inflation. The influence of the banking sector on both CBI and inflation was more important. This work makes a contribution to knowledge through highlighting the importance of national contexts when evaluating the CBI-inflation relation. Furthermore, this research extends our understanding of the literature and its gaps, and presents a new way to conduct in-depth studies in the field. Finally, it provides practical insights that are of importance to central bankers, especially in emerging nations.

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