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[pt] Métodos analíticos foram desenvolvidos para a determinação seletiva de
alcalóides de interesse farmacológico. Com o objetivo de permitir a determinação
seletiva de camptotecina (CPT) em formulações farmacêuticas de irinotecana
(CPT-11) ou de topotecana (TPT), dois métodos espectrofluorimétricos e um
eletroforético, com detecção por fotometria de absorção, foram propostos. Os
métodos espectrofluorimétricos permitiram a determinação seletiva de CPT
usando um ajuste de alcalinidade do meio associado ao uso de varredura
sincronizada ou de derivada de 2ª ordem. Alternativamente, o procedimento de
derivação fotoquímica (com otimização com planejamento composto central)
eliminou completamente as interferências no sinal do CPT. Nas condições
otimizadas, a espectrofluorimetria permitiu a determinação de CPT em misturas
contendo até 50 vezes mais TPT ou contendo até 10 vezes mais CPT-11. A
resposta analítica indicou faixas lineares de trabalho e homoscedasticidade. O
limite de detecção (LD) foi da ordem de 10(-10) mol L(-1) para o método baseado na
derivação fotoquímica e uma ordem de grandeza a menos para os métodos sem
derivatização fotoquímica. Testes foram feitos em medicamentos a base de TPT
e de CPT-11 e as recuperações ficaram em torno de 100%. Esses resultados
foram comparáveis aos obtidos com método de referência (HPLC). O estudo de
incerteza de medição por fluorimetria indicou que a maior contribuição do
processo era a preparação de solução por avolumação. A contribuição dessa
fonte foi minimizada pela preparação de solução por meio de ajuste de massa,
causando um grande impacto na redução da incerteza expandida. O método
baseado na eletroforese eletrocinética capilar micelar (MEKC) permitiu a
quantificação simultânea de TPT, CPT e CPT-11. Para conseguir o ajuste final
das melhores condições, foi feito um estudo univariado seguido de um
planejamento composto central. Para se melhorar a sensibilidade da detecção
em até 76 vezes, foi utilizado um processo de pré-concentração no capilar por
modo de empilhamento e uma cela de caminho óptico alongado. A escolha do
tampão borato (pH 8,5) contendo SDS e acetonitrila permitiu condições robustas 7
de sinal de tempo de migração. A resposta analítica mostrou faixa linear e
homoscedatidade, além de repetitividade em torno de 3,5%. O LD foi da ordem
de 10(-7) mol L(-1) (TPT) e 10(-8) mol L(-1) (CPT-11 e CPT). Testes de recuperação em
amostras de saliva fortificadas foram feitos e comparados com os obtidos por um
método de referência (HPLC) de forma a mostrar a exatidão adequada para o
método proposto. Para a determinação seletiva de B-carbolinas, a fosforimetria
em substrato sólido (SSRTP) foi utilizada. O ajuste do átomo pesado seletivo e a
aplicação de técnica de varredura sincronizada e de 2ª derivada aumentaram o
grau de seletividade, pois induziu fosforescência dos analitos de interesse na
amostra e melhorou a resolução espectral em relação aos interferentes. O ajuste
da quantidade de HgCl2 (0,81 mg) permitiu a determinação seletiva de harmol na
presença de quantidades até 10 vezes maiores de harmine, harmane,
norharmane e harmaline. O método SSRTP seletivo proposto para determinação
de harmol foi comparado com o resultado obtido por um método de referência
adaptado baseado em MEKC, o qual também mostrou sua capacidade para a
determinação seletiva de harmol na presença dos interferentes. LD absoluto na
ordem de ng e comportamento linear da resposta analítica foram obtidos. No
caso do método analítico desenvolvido para a determinação de harmane na
presença de harmine em chás, estudos de otimização mostraram o AgNO3 como
sal de átomo pesado no substrato, solução de amostra em pH 11 e medições
feitas em 322 nm do espectro de 2ª derivada da varredura sincronizada
((delta)(lambda) = 109 nm). Testes de interferência mostraram que a matriz do chá não tem
influência no sinal do harmane e que nas / [en] Analytical methods were developed for the selective determination of
alkaloids of pharmacological interest. Aiming the selective determination of
camptothecin (CPT) in irinotecan (CPT-11) or topotecan (TPT) based
pharmaceutical formulations, two spectrofluorimetric methods and one
electrophoretic method with absorciometic detection were proposed. The
spectrofluorimetric method allowed the determination of CPT using the
adjustment of the alkalinity of the sample solution associated with the use of
synchronous scanning or 2nd order spectral derivation. Alternativelly, the
photochemical derivatization (optimized by central composite design) completely
eliminated interferences on the CPT signal. The optimized conditions allowed the
spectrofluorimetric determination of CPT in mixtures containing up to 50 times
more TPT or up to 10 times more CPT-11. The analytical response presented
linear working ranges and homocedasticity. The limit of detection (LD) was in the
order of 10(-10) mol L(-1) for the method based on photochemical derivatization and
one order of magnitude higher for the methods without photochemical
derivatization. Tests were made using TPT and CPT-11 based comercial drugs
and recoveries were around 100%. Such results were comparable to those
obtained with the reference method (HPLC). A study of fluorimetric measurement
uncertainty indicated that the greatest contribution in the process was the
preparation of solution by volume. The contribution from this source was
minimized by the preparation of solutions by weight measurement which caused
a major impact in reducing the expanded uncertainty. The method based on
micellar electrokinetic capillary electrophoresis (MEKC) allowed the simultaneous
quantification of TPT, CPT and CPT-11. To achieve final adjustment of
conditions, an univariated study was made followed by a central composite
design. To improve the sensitivity of detection up to 76 times, a pre-concentration
in the capillary by the normal stacking mode was used along with an extended
optical path cell. The choice of borate buffer (pH 8.5) containing SDS and
acetonitrile implicated in robust conditions of signal and migration times. The
response showed analytical linear working range and homocedasticity, and
9 repeatability of around 3.5%. The LD was in the order of 10(-7) mol L(-1) (TPT) and
10(-8) mol L(-1) (CPT-11 and CPT). Recovery tests using spiked saliva samples were
made and compared with those obtained by a reference method (HPLC) to show
the appropriated accuracy for the proposed method. For the selective
determination of B-carbolines, solid surface room temperature phosphorimetry
(SSRTP) was used. The adjustment of the selective heavy atom and the
application of synchronized scanning technique and 2nd order spectral derivation,
increased the degree of selectivity, because induced phosphorescence of the
analytes of interest in the sample and improved spectral resolution. The
adjustment of the amount of HgCl2 (0.81 mg) allowed the selective determination
of harmol in the presence of up to 10 times higher amounts of harmine, harman,
harmaline and norharman. The method proposed for selective SSRTP
determination of harmol was compared with the results obtained by an adapted
method based on MEKC, which also showed its ability to determine harmol in the
presence of interferences. The absolute limit of detection in the ng order and
linear behavior of the analytical response was obtained. For the analytical
method developed for the determination of harman in the presence of harmine in
teas, optimization studies indicated the following conditions: AgNO3 as the heavy
atom salt deposited on the substrate, sample solution at pH 11 and
measurements made at 322 nm of the 2nd order derivated synchronous scanning
spectrum ((delta)(lambda) = 109 nm). Tests showed that, in optimized conditions, the tea
matrix had no influence on the harman signal and and that harman could be
determined in samples containing harmine in concentrations up to two times
higher. The
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Testes fluorimétricos na sorologia da toxoplasmose humana: detecção simultânea de anticorpos de IgG e IgM específicos / Fluorimetric immunoassay in human toxoplasmosis: simultaneous detection of specific IgG and IgM antibodiesJaqueline Polizeli Rodrigues 14 February 2014 (has links)
A toxoplasmose, protozoose disseminada de baixa morbidade, apresenta número significativo de doença ocular, congênita ou do sistema nervoso central. O diagnóstico é sorológico por diferentes testes, mas limiares baixos e variação individual levam a frequentes problemas. Novos imunoensaios fluorescentes de fase sólida (FLISA) usam a quantificação direta de anticorpos. Aqui, desenvolvemos um FLISA multiplex (FLISAm) para a detecção simultânea de anticorpos IgG e IgM contra Toxoplasma gondii. Após padronização, a eficiência do FLISAm com conjugados comerciais foi feita inicialmente de forma isolada para cada imunoglobulina em 140 amostras de soro de universitários previamente analisadas pelo ELISA IgG/IgM. FLISA IgG mostrou boa concordância (Kappa=0,7088), com sensibilidade de 83,3% e especificidade de 94,2%, enquanto FLISA IgM apresentou boa concordância (K=0,6026), menor sensibilidade de 55,5% e igual especificidade de 98,4%. Foram produzidos novos conjugados fluorescentes de maior especificidade e seu desempenho no FLISAm foi validado em 24 amostras e sua eficiência foi avaliada em 120 amostras conhecidas de soro de gestantes. FLISAm mostrou excelente concordância, tanto para a detecção de anticorpos IgG (K=0.8837, sensibilidade=100,0%, especificidade=87,5%), quanto para a detecção de anticorpos IgM (K=0,9187, sensibilidade=100%, especificidade=99,1%) com excelente reprodutibilidade. O teste desenvolvido é rápido, econômico, de fácil execução, alto rendimento e que pode ser utilizado como método de triagem de soroconversão em mulheres grávidas, útil em aplicações de grande número de amostras como o cuidado pré-natal. / Toxoplasmosis, a disseminated low morbidity protozoan disease, presented significant numbers of affected people, mainly ocular disease, fetal infections or encephalitis in immune deficient patients. Serology is the main diagnosis with commercial antibody assays, but individual variation or low thresholds cause many inconsistencies. New solid phase immunofluorescence assays (FLISA) allows direct antibody quantification in microplates. Here, we developed a multiplex FLISA (FLISAm) for simultaneous detection of IgG and IgM anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies. After standardization, the efficiency of this method was initially analyzed in isolated FLISA for each immunoglobulin with commercial conjugates in 140 serum samples of the students previously screened by IgG/IgM ELISA. IgG FLISA showed good concordance (Kappa=0.7088), 83,3% sensitivity and 94,2% specificity, while IgM FLISA also showed good concordance (Kappa=0,6026), lower 55,5% sensitivity and similar 98,4% specificity. New higher efficiency conjugated were prepared and tested in 120 serum samples of the pregnant woman in a same well conjunct IgG/IgM FLISAm. We also validate the FLISAm in 24 serum samples. Compared to isolated ELISA IgG/IgM, FLISAm demonstrated excellent concordance for IgG (Kappa=0.8837; sensitivity=100%; specificity=87,5%,) and IgM (Kappa=0,9187; sensitivity=100%; specificity=99,1%), with excellent reproducibility. The standardized FLISAm is quick, inexpensive, easily performed and high throughput and the assay can be used for screening serum conversion in pregnant women, useful in large numbers applications as antenatal care.
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Measuring Viability of the Red-Tide Dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedra Following Treatment with Ultraviolet (UV) LightRiley, Scott 05 April 2014 (has links)
Harmful algae blooms (HABs) have caused millions dollars in annual losses to the aquaculture industry, inhibited beach recreation, and have threatened marine and human health. HABs and red tides can develop suddenly and their frequency, geographic range, and intensity have increased over the past decade. A possible source for spreading and seeding new areas expanding the geographic range of HABs is ballast water. The process of ballast water discharge has been identified as a primary vector for the translocation of non-indigenous species (NIS) and invasive species. National and international efforts are currently underway to address the impact of NIS and invasive species. Policy is being developed detailing stringent rules to kill, remove, or otherwise inactive organisms in ballast water prior to or upon discharge. Currently, vendors are developing technologies to treat ballast water and U.S. and international facilities are testing these technologies to verify their efficacy. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is commonly employed in ballast water treatment technologies. Previous studies have shown that UV light is effective for disinfecting drinking water, but the response of non-pathogenic and marine organisms is largely unknown.
The purpose of this research was to measure the viability of the durable red-tide forming dinoflagellate, Lingulodinium polyedra following UV treatment. Two methods were used to measure the viability signal; manual epifluorescence microscopy with correlated viability stains and Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometry to measure the physiological state of the organism following UV treatment. The number of cysts was also enumerated. The results showed that there was a significant decrease in the number of living L. polyedra cells following a UV treatment of more than 100 mWs cm-2. The results also have showed a significant increase in the number of L. polyedra cysts following UV treatment as low as 50 mWs cm-2.
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[pt] A clorofila a é um composto-chave no processo de absorção e
aproveitamento da energia luminosa na fotossíntese.
Monitorar a fluorescência da clorofila a para obter
informações do aparato fotossintético de produção de
energia é uma abordagem atraente porque a fluorescência á
percebida externamente às células, podendo ser detectada sem
destruir sua fonte. Estudos anteriores realizados pelo
Laboratório de Hidrobiologia (UFRJ) e pelo Laboratório de
Monitoramento Ambiental Remoto (LabMAR) (PUC-Rio) em águas
marinhas indicaram a existência de uma relação linear entre
os valores absolutos obtidos pelo Laboratório de
Hidrobiologia para a concentração da clorofila a e os
valores relativos obtidos pelo LabMAR para a sua
fluorescência. Este resultado motivou os dois laboratórios
a obter valores absolutos para a concentração da clorofila
a em águas marinhas, a partir da medida de sua
fluorescência, com a maior confiabilidade possível para,
então, relacioná-los aos valores relativos fornecidos pelo
LIDAR-PUC. Neste sentido, a implantação de um programa de
controle de qualidade no Laboratório de Hidrobiologia
indicou que este laboratório encontra-se em condições de
obter valores confiáveis para a concentração da clorofila a
em amostras de águas marinhas através da fluorimetria. No
entanto, uma avaliação rigorosa da relação entre a
intensidade da fluorescência da clorofila a (normalizada
pela intensidade da emissão do espalhamento Raman da água)
e o respectivo valor confiável para a concentração da
clorofila a se faz necessária. / [en] Chlorophyll a is a key-compound in the process of light
absorption in the photosynthesis. Monitor the chlorophyll a
fluorescence to obtain information about the photosynthetic
apparatus of energy production is attractive because the
chlorophyll a fluorescence could be detected without
destruction of the source. Studies performed by the
Laboratório de Hidrobiologia (UFRJ) and by the Laboratório
de Monitoramento Ambiental Remoto (LabMAR) (PUC-Rio) in
marine water samples indicated a linear relation between
the absolute values obtained by the former for the
chlorophyll a concentration and the relative values
obtained by the latter for the chlorophyll a fluorescence.
This result motivated both laboratories to obtain absolute
values for the chlorophyll a concentration, in marine water
samples, as confident as possible and, then, relate these
values to the relative values generated by the LIDAR-PUC.
In this way, the introduction of a quality control program
in the Laboratório de Hidrobiologia indicated that this
laboratory is able to analyse marine water samples and to
obtain confident values for the chlorophyll a concentration
by fluorimetry. However, a more rigorous evaluation of the
relation between the chlorophyll a fluorescence and the
respective confident value for the chlorophyll a
concentration is still necessary.
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Photic Stress in Symbiont-Bearing Reef Organisms: Analyses of Photosynthetic PerformanceMendez-Ferrer, Natasha 01 July 2016 (has links)
Photo-oxidative stress is one of the key factors that can induce bleaching in reef organisms. With the decline of coral reefs and recurrent bleaching events, many studies have focused on understanding the mechanism behind this phenomenon. Two of the hypotheses that explain how the photosynthetic performance of the symbiont is affected and influences bleaching are: (1) disruption of the photosynthetic pathway by direct damage to the photosystem II (PSII), and (2) by inhibition of the Calvin-Benson cycle. In this dissertation I examine different aspects of photosynthetic performance in symbiont-bearing reef organisms and how this is influenced by symbiont loss and changes in photic stress as a result of different levels of irradiance modulated by time of the year (e.g., season) and depth; and take a closer look into primary productivity by symbionts with controlled laboratory experiments.
Field experiments during 2012–2013 at Tennessee Reef, FL, assessed the photosynthetic performance of PSII in the diatom-bearing foraminifer, Amphistegina gibbosa, and the anthozoans: Palythoa cariabeorum, Siderastrea siderea, and Montastraea cavernosa. Data collected for the bleaching trends of A. gibbosa revealed that bleaching rates are higher in the summer months than in winter. Photochemical efficiencies of PSII in A. gibbosa, as measured with PAM fluorometry on the day of collection, were more variable in the shallow site (6 m) than in the deeper site (18 m). Also, photochemical efficiencies at the shallow site were lower during the summer months than during winter months. At the 18 m site, photochemical efficiencies did not exhibit a clear seasonal trend. Depth also had an effect on the measured photochemical efficiencies of the anthozoans. Photochemical efficiencies were lower and more variable in colonies at 6 m compared to colonies from 18 m. Although previous studies have reported seasonal effects on the photochemical efficiency of some coral colonies, that trend was not apparent in this study.
Photoacclimation and productivity were assessed for A. gibbosa using rapid light curves (RLC) and photosynthesis vs. irradiance curves (P-E). Maximum relative electron transport rate (rETRmax) as described by RLCs was significantly different between A. gibbosa without visual signs of bleaching and those with severe bleaching. Individuals with partial bleaching had a rETRmax that was intermediate between the other two categories. The P-E curves showed a similar trend. In this case individuals that were non- or partly bleached had significantly higher photosynthesis maxima than those with severe bleaching. The onsets of photosynthesis and saturation irradiance were not significantly different among the categories of bleaching analyzed. Results from this dissertation suggest that A. gibbosa has the capability to detect and digest damaged symbionts, that the symbionts even in the deeper chambers react in a similar way to irradiance, but that in severe cases of bleaching the symbionts may not produce enough energy to sustain the requirements of the host, even in non-stressful conditions.
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The Ecology Of Drift Algae In The Indian River Lagoon, FloridaLiss, Julie Lynnae 01 January 2004 (has links)
To gain an understanding of the ecology of drift algae in the Indian River Lagoon system along the east coast of central Florida, four questions were addressed: 1) What is the composition and rate of accumulation of drift? 2) How much movement and turnover occurs within drift accumulations? 3) Do growth rates differ for drift versus attached algae? 4) Is there a difference in photosynthetic performance in drift versus attached algal species? Manipulative field and laboratory experiments were conducted to address these questions with the green macroalga Codium decorticatum and the red macroalga Gracilaria tikvahiae. Changes in pigment concentration and biomass were used as indicators of acclimation from an attached to drift state in Gracilaria tikvahiae and Codium decorticatum. Short-term physiological changes as demonstrated by electron transport rate (ETR) were also used as indications of acclimation from an attached to drift state in C. decorticatum. Composition and rate of accumulation of drift varied by season. While both transport and turnover of drift occurred, turnover within drift accumulations occurred at low rates and was significantly lower in the spring during decreased flow rates. There were no significant differences in growth or pigment concentrations in drift versus attached G. tikvahiae or C. decorticatum. In addition, there were no apparent physiological acclimations to a drift state in C. decorticatum.
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Use of Escherichia coli for Microbial Source Tracking in a Mixed Use Watershed in Northern VirginiaWade, Timothy Rion 16 October 2007 (has links)
Prince William County, located in the rapidly developing Northern Virginia region, contains watersheds of mixed rural and urban/suburban uses. The project goal was to monitor and evaluate 21 stream locations, over 13 months, in the Occoquan Basin identified as impaired due to high E. coli densities. One site on each of eight streams, two sites on each of five streams, and three sites on the remaining stream were chosen for E. coli monitoring and microbial source tracking (MST). MST was performed using antibiotic resistance analysis (ARA) and fluorometric analysis. Escherichia coli was chosen as the indicator bacterium for purposes of comparison with previous project data and because a large body of evidence supports its use in freshwater systems.
This study involved the only known MST project to incorporate data from five or more consecutive years. A total of 2854 environmental isolates were collected for analysis with ARA. These isolates were classified using a known source library (KSL) that consisted of 1003 unique resistance patterns. The resistance patterns of the KSL came from known fecal sources (human, pets, livestock, wildlife) in Prince William County. The KSL included isolates from previous years but was also updated with fresh isolates. The accuracy of the KSL was assessed through the use of a challenge set. The challenge set was classified against the KSL using discriminant analysis, verified by logistic regression. The average rate of correct classification was 93% for discriminant analysis and 96% for logistic regression.
Results indicated that multiple sources of contamination were present at all sampling locations and that the major source(s) (human, pets, livestock, wildlife) of contamination were generally related to the land-use patterns and human activities at each location. Although no major or minor human signatures were found, all but two locations had either pet or livestock as the major signature, suggesting that human-related activities are playing a key role in contamination of the streams. Pets were the single most frequent major signature and wildlife was the most common minor signature.
Fluorometric analysis was used to corroborate human-derived contamination. Fluorometric analysis has the ability to detect the presence of optical brighteners, synthetic compounds added to such household items as laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent and other washing agents. Despite having an undesirably high rate of false negatives (negative fluorometry readings not supported by ARA), fluorometric analysis maintained a low rate of false positives (positive fluorometry readings not supported by ARA) and continued to demonstrate its potential for source tracking.
This project represented one of the first attempts at applying a full suite of performance criteria now recommended by the source tracking community for all MST projects. Such concepts as experimental design, toolbox approach, minimum detectable percentage, quantification, accuracy, specificity, robustness, range of applicability, and practicality were successfully incorporated. These performance criteria have in effect set a new standard to which all subsequent MST projects should adhere. / Master of Science
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Evaluation, Development and Improvement of Genotypic, Phenotypic and Chemical Microbial Source Tracking Methods and Application to Fecal Pollution at Virginia's Public BeachesDickerson, Jerold W. Jr. 26 September 2008 (has links)
The microbial source tracking (MST) methods of antibiotic resistance analysis (ARA) and fluorometry (to detect optical brighteners in detergents) were used in the summers of 2004 and 2005 to determine the origins of fecal pollution at beaches with a past history of, or the potential for, high enterococci counts and posted advisories. At Hilton and Anderson beaches, ARA and fluorometry in the summer of 2004 detected substantial human-origin pollution in locations producing consistently high counts of Enterococcus spp. Investigations by municipal officials led to the fluorometric detection and subsequent repair of sewage infrastructure problems at both beaches. The success of these mitigation efforts was confirmed during the summer of 2005 using ARA and fluorometry, with the results cross-validated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Results at other beaches indicated that birds and/or wildlife were largely responsible for elevated enterococci levels during 2004 and 2005. The application of fluorometry proved difficult in opens waters due to high levels of dilution, but showed potential for use in storm drains.
An additional study developed and tested a new library-based MST approach based on the pattern of DNA band lengths produced by the amplification of the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region, and subsequent digestion using the restriction endonuclease MboI. Initial results from small known-source libraries yielded high average rates of correct classification (ARCC). However, an increase in the library size was accompanied by a reduction in the ARCC of the library and the method was deemed unsuccessful, and unsuitable for field application.
A final study focused on the potential for classification bias with disproportionate source category sizes using discriminant analysis (DA), logistic regression (LR), and k-nearest neighbor (K-NN) statistical classification algorithms. Findings indicated that DA was the most robust algorithm for use with source category imbalance when measuring both correct and incorrect classification rates. Conversely k-NN was identified as the most sensitive algorithm to imbalances with the greatest levels of distortion obtained from the highest k values.
Conclusions of this project include: 1) application of a validation set, as well as a minimum detectable percentage to known-source libraries aids in accurately assessing the classification power of the library and reducing the false positive identification of contributing fecal sources; 2) the validation of MST results using multiple methods is recommended for field applications; 3) fluorometry displayed potential for detecting optical brighteners as indicators of sewage leaks in storm drains; 4) the digestion of the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region of Enterococcus spp. using MboI does not provided suitable discriminatory power for use as an MST method; and 5) DA was the least, and k-NN the most, sensitive algorithm to imbalances in the size of source categories in a known-source library. / Ph. D.
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A Comparative Study of Three Bacterial Source Tracking Methods and the Fate of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Marine Waters and SedimentsIrvin, Renee Danielle 21 December 2010 (has links)
E. coli and Enterococcus were used to determine the fate and survival of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) in sand and sediments. The microbial source tracking (MST) methods antibiotic resistance analysis (ARA), Bacteroides human-specific primer test, and fluorometry were compared against the FIBs to determine how reliable each method was in detecting the presence of human fecal contamination. Two phases (Summer 2009 and 2010) were evaluated based on the type of contamination event. A combined sewage overflow (CSO) event was simulated in Phase I, where large amounts of influent were added to sand and bay water columns over 1 to 4 days. In 2010, a low volume sewage leak was simulated in which smaller doses of influent were added to sand and bay water columns over a period of 5 to 15 days. Within each of the phases, both non- and re-circulated columns were also evaluated. Evaluation of FIB survival indicated that Enterococcus was able to stabilize and re-grow in the water and at the sediment/water interface within the Phase I non-circulated columns. E. coli was unable to re-grow and/or stabilize within any environment. Comparisons between the ARA and the FIBs revealed a large majority of isolates identified as coming from either bird or wildlife sources. Human sources were identified but at much lower concentrations than expected. Bacteroides results indicated strong relationships between the increase of FIB concentrations and the presence of the human-specific Bacteroides. Fluorometry results did not indicate any relationship with the FIBs. Unexpectedly, fluorometry readings increased as time progressed indicating that another compound was present that fluoresced at the same wavelength as optical brighteners (OBs). This project was one of the first to study the differences related to two different pollution events (CSO vs. sewage leak) while also evaluating what happens to pollution as it settles into the sediment. It was also unique because it compared bacterial (ARA), molecular (Bacteroides), and chemical (fluorometry) MST methods. / Master of Science
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Testes fluorimétricos na sorologia da toxoplasmose humana: detecção conjunta de anticorpos IgG, IgM e IgA anti-Toxoplasma gondii para a triagem de gestantes / Fluorimetric tests in human toxoplasmosis: simultaneous detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii for pregnant women screeningRodrigues, Jaqueline Polizeli 04 February 2019 (has links)
A toxoplasmose é uma infecção que pode causar graves lesões fetais quando adquirida durante a gestação. O diagnóstico é sobretudo sorológico e deve ser feito por acompanhamento mensal em gestantes soronegativas, que tem aumentado nos últimos anos. A triagem sorológica para estas gestantes demanda metodologias de alto desempenho e eficiência, que permitam a introdução rápida do tratamento evitando a doença. Para este fim, desenvolvemos um ensaio sorológico fluorescente de fase sólida para a detecção conjunta de IgG, IgM e IgA contra Toxoplasma gondii (FISAt). Nosso grupo tem desenvolvido novos testes fluorimétricos de fase sólida com conjugados fluorescentes refinados sensíveis e específicos com possibilidade de detecções simultâneas numa mesma reação. Para a construção do FISAt, foram selecionados e produzidos conjugados marcados com fluorocromos de emissão não interferente, com alta eficiência e similares à reatividade de conjugados comerciais enzimáticos. Esta seleção de conjugados fluorescentes detectados com filtros de excitação e emissão adequados permitiram um aumento da intensidade do sinal de fluorescência e maior discriminação entre soros positivos e negativos. A reação foi realizada com extrato total de T. gondii adsorvido em fase sólida e para o controle positivo das reações, utilizamos a adsorção de classes de imunoglobulinas purificadas, evitando o uso de raros soros positivos controles. A validação do FISAt foi feita com 500 amostras de soro em sua maioria gestantes do HCFMUSP previamente analisadas por ensaios comerciais realizados em outro laboratório (Elecsys Toxo IgG/IgM, e IFAT IgM) ou ELISA IgG/IgM/IgA. Comparado com o Elecsys Toxo IgG/IgM, o FISAt IgG mostrou boa concordância (Kappa=0.77), com sensibilidade de 76.2% e especificidade de 96.8%, enquanto que o FISAt IgM mostrou boa concordância (Kappa=0.63), menor sensibilidade de 62.1% e especificidade de 97.6%. O FISAt foi mais concordante com o ELISA tanto na detecção de IgG, quanto de IgM anti-T. gondii (Kappa>70%), com maior sensibilidade de 82% e similar especificidade. E o FISAt IgA obteve excelente concordância com o ELISA (Kappa=0.77), com sensibilidade de 92.0% e especificidade de 98.3%. Em comparação com o método confirmatório IFAT IgM, o FISAt IgM mostrou sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 94.6%. Das 420 gestantes, 0.7% obtiveram resultado de baixa avidez de anticorpos IgG anti-T. gondii e foram identificadas na triagem como IgG, IgM e/ou IgA positivas em todos os testes avaliados, mostrando a eficiência discriminante do FISAt. O FISAt mostrou excelente reprodutibilidade (r2>0.82) e alto rendimento na triagem de grande número de amostras. Este novo teste múltiplo rápido e de detecção quantitativa pode ser usado em sistemas robóticos e tem uma aplicabilidade essencial para a triagem e tratamento de gestantes em risco de toxoplasmose congênita, ou para outras abordagens diagnosticas de alto volume de amostras. / Toxoplasmosis is an infection that can cause serious fetal damage when obtained during pregnancy. The diagnosis is mainly serological and should be done monthly monitoring seronegative pregnant women, which has increased in recent years. The serological screening for these pregnant women demands high performance and efficiency methodologies which allow the rapid introduction of the treatment avoiding the disease manifestation. With this in mind, our goal was to develop a solid phase fluorescent serological assay for IgG, IgM and IgA detection against Toxoplasma gondii (FISAt). Our group has been develop new solid phase fluorimetric assays with sensitive and specific refined fluorescent conjugates with the possibility of simultaneous detection in the same reaction. For the construction of the FISAt, conjugates labeled with non-interfering emission fluorochromes were designed and produced with high efficiency and similar reactivity of enzymatic commercial conjugates. This design of conjugates with suitable filters generated an increase in fluorescence intensity with a higher signal between positives and negatives sera. The reaction was made with total extract of T. gondii adsorbed solid phase. Also, for the positive control of the reactions, we have used the adsorption of purified classes of immunoglobulins, avoiding the use of rare positive control sera. FISAt validation was performed with 500 serum samples, mostly from HCFMUSP pregnant women previously analyzed by commercial tests (Elecsys Toxo IgG/IgM, and IFAT IgM) or ELISA IgG/IgM/IgA. In comparation to Elecsys Toxo IgG/IgM, FISAt IgG has shown excellent agreement (Kappa=0.77), with a sensitivity of 76.2% and specificity of 96.8%, whereas IgM FISAt has shown a good agreement (Kappa=0.63), with a lower sensitivity (62.1%) and similar specificity (97.6%). FISAt was more consistent with ELISA in both anti-T. gondii IgG and IgM detection (Kappa> 70%), with greater sensitivity (82%) and similar specificity. FISAt IgA obtained excellent agreement with the ELISA (Kappa = 0.77), showing 92.0% of sensitivity and 98.3% of specificity. In comparison with the IFAT IgM confirmatory method, FISAt IgM showed excellent sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 94.6%. Amongst 420 pregnant women, 0.7% had a low avidity anti-T. gondii IgG antibody result and were identified in the screening as IgG, IgM and/or IgA positive in all the evaluated tests, showing the discriminant efficiency of the FISAt. FISAt showed excellent reproducibility (r2>0.82) and a great income for high throughput screening. This new rapid and quantitative multiple detection assay can be used in robotic systems and has an essential applicability for screening and treatment of pregnant women at congenital toxoplasmosis risk, as well as for others diagnostic approaches of high volume samples.
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