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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entering the Japanese Market : Similarities and Differences between two Swedish firms

Moritz, Robin, Jirges, Zaid January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis we investigated the differences and similarities between a big and a small Swedish firms’ market entry process into Japan. This was done by studying the two chosen companies, IKEA and Haglöfs respectively. We conducted our research using a case study collecting data from primary and secondary sources. The primary data was collected by using a semi-structured interview approach while the secondary data has been collected through searching for relevant sources. We concluded that the main similarities between IKEA and Haglöfs were the firms’ extensive use of network relationships in the Japanese market, were both utilized employees with Japanese market knowledge. The main differences, on the other hand, were mainly the enthusiasm shown from actors, such as governors, consumers and municipalities, that actively encouraged IKEA’s market entry. The scope of the entries was also different, with the size of the IKEA product catalogue and the construction of stores requiring more governmental approvals and lengthy processes. IKEA’s extensive international experience gained from earlier market entries were also something which set the two entries apart.

Mezní ohřev kulového kloubu při akcelerovaném testu / Ball-Joint Limited Heating during Accelerated Testing

Kříž, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
The object of this work is design model of ball joint and define boundary conditions for real condition representation as most exact as possible. Then set parameters of test in TRW-DAS, a.s. for prevention of reacceleration with change of failure mode. Summary of ball joints, their testing and accelerated tests is in the beginning of the work. Next part describes ball joint creation in Pro/Engineer, transfer to Ansys, preparing to solution, fatigue test evaluation and comparing with create model.

Jämförelse av olika kvalitetsmått vid kartering av hustak med hjälp av LiDAR-data : Metod för utvärdering av kartering med ArcGIS Pro, QGIS och FME / Comparison of different quality measures when mapping roofs using LiDAR data : Method for evaluation mapping with ArcGIS Pro, QGIS and FME

Jaber Noaaemi, Fadi January 2020 (has links)
Teknisk utveckling och ökad användning av GIS har ökat behovet av data som snabbt kan insamlas över stora geografiska områden. Behovet är internationellt samtidigt som det också kräver samarbete mellan alla berörda parter då systemet har förmågan att presentera geografisk information med ett brett användningsområde. Höjdförhållanden i terräng erhålls genom flygburen laserskanning och presenteras i 3D med olika klassningar för att bemöta variation i signalens reflektion. Behovet av sådan information har använts för produkter baserat på data erhållen från laserskanning. I examensarbetet användes laserdata från två skanningsomgångar beställda av Lantmäteriet. Den första laserskanningen (2011) utfördes i syfte att skapa en noggrann nationell höjdmodell innehållande klassificering av de laserpunkter som representerar mark och vatten. Den senare (2019) i syfte att uppnå en punkttäthet >1 punkt/m2 utan kriterier för vad som skall klassificeras. Syftet med examensarbetet är att testa och utvärdera olika metoder i ArcGIS Pro, QGIS samt FME för att kvalitetssäkra kartering av hustak. Målet är att visa om extraheringen kan utföras med en tillräcklig kvalitet för att metoden ska rekommenderas. Tidigare studier har fokuserat på att skapa tre olika typer höjdmodeller DEM/DTM, DSM och nDSM, samt hur man kan skapa en markyta med objekten över marken. Examensarbetet fokuserade på att klassificera oklassificerade punkter som byggnader finns inom. Detta utfördes med olika metoder i de program som användes med samma parametrar. Klassificering, extrahering och skapande av polygoner var de tre steg som användes för att extrahera hustak. Extrahering av hustak gav ett bättre resultat med ArcGIS Pro med 97 % från båda skanningsomgångarna. Detta värde berodde på cellstorlek som användes och hur buffertzoner omkring varje punkt påverkas på polygoner som i sin tur påverkades av hustakens areal. En enkät utfördes för att svara på en fråga och resultatet gav att ArcGIS Pro är bäst med 93,5 %. De problem som uppstod berodde främst på att vegetation inte kunde tas bort. Extrahering av byggnader från laserdata rekommenderas för ett punktmoln med den senare laserskanningen som har mer än 1 punkt/m². Vidare rekommenderas att använda ArcGIS Pro för att extrahera hustak från laserpunktmoln. ESRI’s ArcGIS Pro är ett komplett program som har alla verktyg som behövs. / The development of technology within GIS has increased the need for the data that being quickly added while covering large geographical areas. Such need is at the international level, while requiring a willingness to cooperate for all parties involved, as the system can present geographical information with a wide range of applications. The need for such information has been used for products based on data obtained from laser scanning. In this thesis, laser data from two scanning sessions ordered by the Swedish Land Survey were used. The first laser scan (2011) was carried out with the aim of creating an accurate national elevation model (RH 2000) containing a classification of the laser points representing soil and water. The latter (2019) was done to achieve a spot density >1 point/m2 without criteria for classification. The purpose of the current thesis is to test and evaluate the available methods in ArcGIS Pro, QGIS and FME to ensure quality mapping of roofs. The aim was to investigate whether the extraction of roofs? can be carried out with an adequate quality so that the method can be recommended for the future works. Previous studies have focused on creating three types of elevation models DEM / DTM, DSM and nDSM. So, one can create an earth surface with the objects above the ground. In this thesis, the focus was on classifying point clouds for unassigned points (unassigned == 1) in which the buildings are located. This was done by testing different methods on different programs while keeping the parameters same. Classification, extraction and creation of polygons are the three steps used to extract roofs. Extraction of rooftops showed better results using ArcGIS Pro with 97 % from both scanning sessions. This was due to the cell size used in the study and that the buffer zones around each point were affected by polygons, which in turn were affected by the rooftop area. A survey was conducted to answer a question and the result showed that ArcGIS Pro is the best with 93,5 %. Problems that arose the study were mainly caused by the vegetation cover that could not be removed. As a conclusion, extraction of buildings from LiDAR-data is recommended for a point cloud with the latter laser scan with more than 1 point/m². Furthermore, it is recommended to use ArcGIS Pro to extract rooftops from laser scanning which is a comprehensive program i.e. that all the tools used in this thesis were freely downloaded from ESRI's ArcGIS Pro.

Using photogrammetric Digital Surface Model in LiDAR software for creating Three Dimensional Buildings

Macay Moreira, José Miguel January 2013 (has links)
The way of representing Earth has changed; two dimensional (2D) maps have turned into three Dimensional (3D) representations. There are many studies in order to create 3D city maps as well as areas where these are applied such as 3D cadastral, 3D visualization and flood simulation, etc. These can be created with the aid of different data sources using photogrammetric Digital Surface Model (DSM) derived from image matching and from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) point clouds or both of them combining orthophotos and building footprints. Several software has been developed to ease and speed up this process. In this study, a current state-of-the art in the 3D city modeling with particular interest to commercial software was analyzed. DSMs from image matching (Satellite and Airborne) were used in order to create a 3D city model of Trento, Italy. The objectivewas to examine the degree of automation and the computation time of two available software: Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) and Building Reconstruction (BREC). Other problem such as the quality of the DSM needed would be discussed for each software and the results would be compared to those achieved using LiDAR data. Recommendations and possible problems would also be addressed. In order to create a 3D city model, the ALDPAT software (Airborne LiDAR Data Processing and Analysis Tool) has been used to separate the ground regions (Digital Terrain Model, DTM) from the man-made objects and trees (Normal Digital Surface Model, nDSM). FME and BREC software have been used to reconstruct the 3D city model. The output results from FME and BREC have been analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The comparison between the models generated from photogrammetric and LiDAR DSMs have been performed. The results show that buildings generated by satellite images have poorest quality compared with buildings from LiDAR and airborne data. In particular, the performed tests will be shown that among the Level of Details (LoD), a LoD1 and LoD2 3D city models can be generated using a DSM by image matching. A deeper study should be done in order to analyze the level of detail qualitatively.

Hantering och modellering av laserskanningsdata i FME : Automatisering av modellering av tunnlar / : Automation of modelling of tunnels

Lindqvist, Linus, Pantesjö, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Bygg- och anläggningsbranschens implementering av BIM har resulterat i ett ökat behov att digitaliserat relationsunderlag. Äldre relationshandlingar, som mestadels utgörs av pappersritningar, saknar digitala motsvarigheter vilket gör att insamlingar av ny information, från pappersritningar, kan bli aktuell. Terrester laserskanning (TLS) är en teknik som tillämpas för insamling av data i punktmolnsform och är en allt mer förekommande insamlingsmetod vid införskaffning av relationsunderlag. Modellering från tredimensionella punktmolnsdata är ofta komplicerad och på så vis införstått med manuellt arbete för att producera ett godtyckligt resultat. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka möjligheten att skapa en CAD-modell av en tunnels ytskikt från ett punktmoln med hjälp av programvaran FME. Studieområdet är ett mindre tunnelsegment och den insamlade datamängden utgörs av tidigare framarbetat punktmoln. Punktmolnet är obearbetat och innehåller brus i form av avvikande punkter samt installations- och konstruktionsobjekt. Tidigare producerat relationsunderlag, i form av CAD-modell, tilldelades också för att möjliggöra en jämförelse mot de modeller som skapats i arbetet. FME tillhandahåller ett flertal verktyg för bearbetning av punktmoln och arbetet har omfattats av tester där de olika verktygen utvärderats. Det huvudsakliga fokuset har legat på verktyget PointCloudSurfaceBuilder, vars funktion är att rekonstruera punktmoln till en mesh. En metod för filtrering av punktmolnet utformades och utreddes också under arbetet. Flertalet försök utfördes för att testa vad som fungerade bäst och ett antal modeller av varierande kvalitet kunde skapas. Metoden Poisson i verktyget PointCloudSurfaceBuilder visade bäst resultat då den skapar en “vattentät” modell som följer punktmolnets rumsliga förhållande bättre än det tilldelade relationsunderlaget. För metoden Poisson var Maximum Depth den parameter som hade störst inverkan på resultatets kvalitet. För varje höjning med 1 i parametern Maximum Depth så ökade upplösningen kvadratiskt i varje dimension för x, y och z. De totala värdena för tidsåtgång, filstorlek och antal trianglar ökade även potentiellt med upplösningen. Värden över 9 blir svåra, om inte omöjliga, att hantera i CAD-miljöer på grund av för detaljerade data i förhållande studieområdets storlek. Därav rekommenderas 7 och 8 som parametervärden vid modellering i miljöer likartade med tunnelsegmentet. / The building and construction industries implementation of BIM has resulted in an increased need to digitalise as-built basis. Older as-built documents, which is mostly made of paper plans, are missing their digital counterparts, which makes it that collection of new information, from the paper plans, can be vital. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is a technique that is applied for collection of data in the form of data point clouds and is a more frequent collection method for obtaining supplies of as-built. Modelling from three-dimensional point cloud data is usually a complicated matter and therefore connected with manual labour to produce an arbitrary result. The purpose with the bachelor thesis was to research the possibility to create a CAD-model of the layer of a tunnel from a point cloud with the use of a software called FME. The study area is a smaller tunnel segment and the collected data set is based from an earlier created point cloud. The point cloud is unprocessed and contains noise from deviant points and object of installations and construction. The earlier produced as-built, in form of a CAD-model, was applied as well to enable a comparison parallel to the newly created models in this thesis. FME contains several tools for handling point clouds and the work have included several tests where the different tools have been evaluated. The primary focus of the work has been to evaluate the possibilities of the tool PointCloudSurfaceBuilder, which function is to reconstruct point clouds to a mesh. A method was also created and examined to clean the point cloud from noise. Several tests were executed to see what kind of method works the best and models of different qualities were rendered. The construction method Poisson in the transformer PointCloudSurfaceBuilder produced the best results whereas it creates a “water tight” model that follows the point clouds spatial conditions in a better way than the as-built model. In the method of Poisson there is a parameter called Maximum Depth which showed the greatest impact for the quality of the result. For every increase of 1 in the parameter Maximum Depth was the resolution increased by a factor of two in every direction of x, y and z. The total values for amount of time, file size and number of triangles increased as well in a way parallel to the potential increase of the resolution. It is hard, if not impossible, to handle the models in CAD-environments above the value 9. That is because of too high detail in the data in relation to the size of the study area. Therefore, are the recommended values of the parameter 7 and 8 in case of modelling of similar environments in tunnel complexes.

Höjdmodellering med laserdata : Studie av Kärsön, Ekerö med fokus på upplösning, datalagring samt programvara

Löfquist, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
The New National Elevation Model (NNH) is a new high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of Sweden from airborne laser scanning. It creates many new opportunities, particularly in the area of flood mapping. NNH is provided by Lantmäteriet in two formats, both in raw LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data and in grid format with two meter resolution. These alternatives have advantages and disadvantages and the aim of this thesis research is to identify these. One of the focuses of the study is data storage and thus data structure analysis, resolution and storage facilities. The research questions are: Why and in what context the different NNH-products from the National Land Survey are used (DEM 2+ or point cloud)? What constraints and opportunities are created by the different options, mainly in terms of different software, resolution, and data storage? The study area is Kärsön in Ekerö municipality located in Stockholms län and has an approximate area of 25 square kilometers. The study is divided into two parts. The first objective is to identify the consequences of using different software to create DEM from pointcloud compared to the DEM2+ model. Height models with a two meter resolution are created in FME and ArcGIS. The models are then compared with the grid from Lantmäteriet, created in TerraScan. The second objective is to examine the impact of the change in resolution, both the storage aspect and both the accuracy aspect. Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) is an interpolation method which in previous studies proved to have the best results on high resolution LIDAR data. This model was tested and compared with a model from FMEs built-in function and the model from Lantmäteriet wich are based on triangulation (also proved a good method in previous studies).  The grid created in TerraScan has good properties such as accuracy. The results show that the built-in ArcGIS model is not sufficient for the purposes of the model. Flood mapping requires continuous surfaces and the model lacks large areas of data. However, there are other aspects such as the break lines, these cannot be added to the TerraScan model or in the IDW but in the FME-modeler it is possible. In addition, it is not possible to edit the model that is delivered from Lantmäteriet. If there are outliers in the data, they will have much impact on the result. With a model created from the point cloud it is easy to remove these outliers. Increased resolution gives a quadratic increase in storage space so it is considered important not to use a resolution that is not really necessary.  If the purpose of the analysis requires higher resolution than two meters it is possible to achieve higher accuracy for areas with high point density. The raw data format also provides opportunities to create additional models with other uses, building models or forest inventory application can for example be extracted from the data. If the purpose is that the finished grid model is adequate, there is no direct reason to spend time creating a new model. But for a user with knowledge of laser data structure and processing, creating elevation models from raw LIDAR data could give advantages.

Change And Version Management Of Transport Network Data Between Different Database Models : A Case Study On The Swedish National Road Database / Förändrings Och Versionshantering Av Transport Nätverksmodeller : En Studie Av Den Nationella Vägdatabasen

Jonsson, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
The Swedish Road Administration wants to compile all the national road database data from The Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority using a Geographical Information System compiler in order to increase the efficiency of data flow between their respective databases. The objective of this master’s thesis has been to build a software solution containing changed private road data input from The Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority and processing it into the OpenTNF standard format. This would enable automatic processing and of private road data to the national road database at the Swedish Road Administration. The work is divided into four parts; 1. Researching standards for databases and version control. 2. Plan the methodology using different resources. 3. Development of a software solution. 4. Analysis. The chosen software is FME by Safe Software. A number of shortcomings such as lack of information on the practical input for the future ANDA system were discovered, therefor some assumptions and simplifications had to be made. Using the assumptions and examples, a functioning solution was created according to the OpenTNF and INSPIRE standards. The examples to fills that gap in knowledge and provide a greater understanding of the usage of the INSPIRE and OpenTNF standards for transport networks. An analysis and a discussion about the existing solution, bottlenecks, faults with the existing database and version management between the databases related to found research is presented. Workflows on different examples for the software solution can be seen in the results. The national road database suffers from low implementation rate and creates issues for making new applications and the ability to adapt to ever-changing nature of planning. Creating a software for automatic update on network data is crucial for the Swedish Road Administration for implementing technologies that are dependent on frequent updates, such as self-driving vehicles.

Optická charakterizace tenkých vrstev s využitím evolučních technik / Optical Characterization of Thin Films Using Evolutionary Techniques

Horáček, Miloslav Unknown Date (has links)
My master's thesis deals with creating of a suitable evaluation technique that optimizes the optical parameters of the thin films according to the specified requirements of the proposer. This technique will be used at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and it should facilitate the evaluation of measurement results of the The Institute of Physical Engineering workers. Research workers use a digital imaging spectrophotometer for some measurements of optical properties of thin films at the institute. My most important task is to process the output data of the spectrophotometer concerning selected thin film. Construed master's thesis describes all the tools and techniques that have been used for the implementation of the program including evolutionary techniques and basics of the thin films optics (within the framework of the electromagnetic optics). As an enclosure, an electronic medium with the source codes of the whole application is provided.

Emerging Markets : a Case Study on Foreign Market Entry in Laos; MBA-thesis in marketing

Lindh, Petter January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Background</strong></p><p>This thesis is conducted for Husqvarna AB with the aim to map the Laotian market for them in terms of market potential for forestry power equipment. In order to provide decision material for further action I was asked to give a description of the Laotian forestry sector; research potential harvesting volumes; analyze the competitive situation; describe the general business conditions in Laos; and provide some insight as to how Husqvarna can enter the Laotian market.</p><p><strong></strong></p><p><strong>Method</strong></p><p>The method I have used for collection of information is two-fold. The empirical data has mostly been derived via interviews with forestry officials and companies involved in forestry. The theoretical review and collection of secondary data has been performed by research of books, journals, reports, newspapers and online sources. The research methodology can accordingly be labelled "the actor approach" which methodology is based on understanding social entireties. An important element in this approach is a process referred to as the hermeneutic circle - a process in which new knowledge is continuously incorporated into the understanding and used as base for further research. An important part of the method is my personal experience of Laos, from which I consider myself being able to base some conclusions.</p><p><strong></strong></p><p><strong>Theoretical Review</strong></p><p>Foreign market entry can generally be made in four modes: Exporting, licensing, joint ventures, or sole ventures. Foreign market entry strategies may involve adapting the marketing strategy. It may also necessitate product adaption.</p><p> </p><p>Market entry in developing countries will most likely mean being exposed to unfamiliar environments. The general business conditions might be very different from the home market and constitute higher levels of trade barriers and sociocultural distance may be difficult to deal with.</p><p><strong></strong></p><p><strong>Case Study, Conclusions and Reflections</strong></p><p>The highlights from these two chapters include:</p><ul type="disc"><li>Laos offers foreign investors to use any of the four market entry modes.</li><li>Doing business in Laos receives a low international rating, especially in terms of labor restrictions. It also has rather high trade barriers.</li><li>Laos is developing its commercial tree plantation sector and estimates suggest that the harvesting volumes will be increasing rapidly in the coming 10-15 years.</li><li>Importing and selling forestry power equipment is restricted. Laos does not yet have any authorized dealer for chainsaws. This provides for interesting opportunities.</li><li>The market is flooded with cheap, illegally imported, Chinese chainsaws, but it is questionable whether this actually constitutes any competition to Husqvarna, being a high quality brand. The Chinese chainsaws might however soon increase in terms of quality and be more competitive.</li><li>Obtaining an import and sales license for outdoor power products may be a rather lengthy procedure but once in place would mean being the first authorized dealer - which might be advantageous.</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Recommendation</strong></p><p>Due to Laos making efforts to increase the commercial tree plantation area, the harvesting volumes will increase rapidly the coming years. The sales potential for forestry equipment will hence increase in the years to come.</p><p> </p><p>My recommendation to Husqvarna, if they have resources, is therefore to locate a dealer and enter the Laotian market. Plantations are however still mostly in the development phase. It is therefore doubtful that early entry is profitable enough to be motivated if there are other markets with higher potential that Husqvarna wants to enter.</p><p> </p>

Emerging Markets : a Case Study on Foreign Market Entry in Laos; MBA-thesis in marketing

Lindh, Petter January 2009 (has links)
Background This thesis is conducted for Husqvarna AB with the aim to map the Laotian market for them in terms of market potential for forestry power equipment. In order to provide decision material for further action I was asked to give a description of the Laotian forestry sector; research potential harvesting volumes; analyze the competitive situation; describe the general business conditions in Laos; and provide some insight as to how Husqvarna can enter the Laotian market. Method The method I have used for collection of information is two-fold. The empirical data has mostly been derived via interviews with forestry officials and companies involved in forestry. The theoretical review and collection of secondary data has been performed by research of books, journals, reports, newspapers and online sources. The research methodology can accordingly be labelled "the actor approach" which methodology is based on understanding social entireties. An important element in this approach is a process referred to as the hermeneutic circle - a process in which new knowledge is continuously incorporated into the understanding and used as base for further research. An important part of the method is my personal experience of Laos, from which I consider myself being able to base some conclusions. Theoretical Review Foreign market entry can generally be made in four modes: Exporting, licensing, joint ventures, or sole ventures. Foreign market entry strategies may involve adapting the marketing strategy. It may also necessitate product adaption.   Market entry in developing countries will most likely mean being exposed to unfamiliar environments. The general business conditions might be very different from the home market and constitute higher levels of trade barriers and sociocultural distance may be difficult to deal with. Case Study, Conclusions and Reflections The highlights from these two chapters include: <ul type="disc">Laos offers foreign investors to use any of the four market entry modes. Doing business in Laos receives a low international rating, especially in terms of labor restrictions. It also has rather high trade barriers. Laos is developing its commercial tree plantation sector and estimates suggest that the harvesting volumes will be increasing rapidly in the coming 10-15 years. Importing and selling forestry power equipment is restricted. Laos does not yet have any authorized dealer for chainsaws. This provides for interesting opportunities. The market is flooded with cheap, illegally imported, Chinese chainsaws, but it is questionable whether this actually constitutes any competition to Husqvarna, being a high quality brand. The Chinese chainsaws might however soon increase in terms of quality and be more competitive. Obtaining an import and sales license for outdoor power products may be a rather lengthy procedure but once in place would mean being the first authorized dealer - which might be advantageous.   Recommendation Due to Laos making efforts to increase the commercial tree plantation area, the harvesting volumes will increase rapidly the coming years. The sales potential for forestry equipment will hence increase in the years to come.   My recommendation to Husqvarna, if they have resources, is therefore to locate a dealer and enter the Laotian market. Plantations are however still mostly in the development phase. It is therefore doubtful that early entry is profitable enough to be motivated if there are other markets with higher potential that Husqvarna wants to enter.

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