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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Volume Phase Transitions in Surface-Tethered, Photo-Cross-Linked Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Networks

Vidyasagar, Ajay Kumar 30 June 2010 (has links)
The overall thrust of this dissertation is to gain a comprehensive understanding over the factors that govern the performance and behavior of ultra-thin, cross-linked polymer films. Poly(NIPAAm) was used as a model polymer to study volume phase transition in surface tethered networks. Poly(NIPAAm) undergoes a reversible phase transition at approximately 32°C between a swollen hydrophilic random coil to a collapsed hydrophobic globule state, thought to be caused by increased hydrophobic attractions between the isopropyl groups at elevated temperatures. We present a simple photochemical technique for fabricating structured polymer networks, enabling the construction of responsive surfaces with unique properties. The approach is based on the photo-cross-linking of copolymers synthesized from N-isopropylacrylamide and methacroyloxybenzophenone (MaBP). In order correlate layer swelling to the MaBP content, we have studied the swelling behavior of such layers in contact with aqueous solutions with neutron reflection. The cross-linked networks provide a three-dimensional scaffold to host a variety of functionalities. These networks serve as a platform which can be used to amplify small local perturbations induced by various stimuli like temperature, pH, solvent, ionic strength and peptide modified hydrogels to bring about a macroscopic change. Neutron reflection experiments have shown that the volume-phase transition of a surface-tethered, cross-linked poly(NIPAAm) network coincided with the two-phase region of uncross-linked poly(NIPAAm) in solution. Parallel measurements with ATR-FTIR investigating the effect of temperature, pH and salts suggest that the discontinuous transition is the result of cooperative dehydration of the isopropyl groups, with water remaining confined between amide groups in the collapsed state as weakly hydrogen bonded bridges. Hybrid polymers with specific peptide sequences have shown specific response to external cues such as pH and metal ions exhibiting unique phase behavior.

Atomic Layer Deposition of Boron Oxide and Boron Nitride for Ultrashallow Doping and Capping Applications

Pilli, Aparna 12 1900 (has links)
The deposition of boron oxide (B₂O₃) films on silicon substrates is of significant interest in microelectronics for ultrashallow doping applications. However, thickness control and conformality of such films has been an issue in high aspect ratio 3D structures which have long replaced traditional planar transistor architectures. B₂O₃ films are also unstable in atmosphere, requiring a suitable capping barrier for passivation. The growth of continuous, stoichiometric B₂O₃ and boron nitride (BN) films has been demonstrated in this dissertation using Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and enhanced ALD methods for doping and capping applications. Low temperature ALD of B₂O₃ was achieved using BCl₃/H₂O precursors at 300 K. In situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to assess the purity and stoichiometry of deposited films with a high reported growth rate of ~2.5 Å/cycle. Free-radical assisted ALD of B₂O₃ was also demonstrated using non-corrosive trimethyl borate (TMB) precursor, in conjunction with mixed O₂/O-radical effluent, at 300 K. The influence of O₂/O flux on TMB-saturated Si surface was investigated using in situ XPS, residual gas analysis mass spectrometer (RGA-MS) and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations (AIMD). Both low and high flux regimes were studied in order to understand the trade-off between ligand removal and B₂O₃ growth rate. Optimization of precursor flux was discovered to be imperative in plasma and radical-assisted ALD processes. BN was investigated as a novel capping barrier for B₂O₃ and B-Si-oxide films. A BN capping layer, deposited using BCl₃/NH₃ ALD at 600 K, demonstrated excellent stoichiometry and consistent growth rate (1.4 Å/cycle) on both films. Approximately 13 Å of BN was sufficient to protect ~13 Å of B₂O₃ and ~5 Å of B-Si-oxide from atmospheric moisture and prevent volatile boric acid formation. BN/B₂O₃/Si heterostructures are also stable at high temperatures (>1000 K) commonly used for dopant drive-in and activation. BN shows great promise in preventing upward boron diffusion which causes a loss in the dopant dose concentration in Si. The capping effects of BN were extended to electrochemical battery applications. ALD of BN was achieved on solid Li-garnet electrolytes using halide-free tris(dimethylamino)borane precursor, in conjunction with NH₃ at 723 K. Approximately 3 nm of BN cap successfully inhibited Li₂CO₃ formation, which is detrimental to Li-based electrolytes. BN capped Li-garnets demonstrated ambient stability for at least 2 months of storage in air as determined by XPS. BN also played a crucial role in stabilizing Li anode/electrolyte interface, which drastically reduced interfacial resistance to 18 Ω.cm², improved critical current density and demonstrated excellent capacitance retention of 98% over 100 cycles. This work established that ALD is key to achieving conformal growth of BN as a requirement for Li dendrite suppression, which in turn influences battery life and performance.

Novel Dynamic Materials Tailored by Macromolecular Engineering

Zhang, Borui 26 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Simulation Monte-Carlo de la radiolyse du dosimètre de Fricke par des neutrons rapides / Monte-Carlo simulation of fast neutron radiolysis in the Fricke dosimeter

Tippayamontri, Thititip January 2009 (has links)
Monte-Carlo calculations are used to simulate the stochastic effects of fast neutron-induced chemical changes in the radiolysis of the ferrous sulfate (Fricke) dosimeter. To study the dependence of the yield of ferric ions, G(Fe[superscript 3+]), on fast neutron energy, we have simulated, at 25 [degree centigrade], the oxidation of ferrous ions in aerated aqueous 0.4 M H[subscript 2]SO[subscript 4] (pH 0.46) solutions when subjected to ~0.5-10 MeV incident neutrons, as a function of time up to ~50 s. The radiation effects due to fast neutrons are estimated on the basis of track segment (or"escape") yields calculated for the first four recoil protons with appropriate weighting according to the energy deposited by each of these protons. For example, a 0.8-MeV neutron generates recoil protons of 0.505, 0.186, 0.069, and 0.025 MeV, with linear energy transfer (LET) values of ~41, 69, 82, and 62 keV/[micro]m, respectively. In doing so, we consider that further recoils make only a negligible contribution to radiation processes. Our results show that the radiolysis of dilute aqueous solutions by fast neutrons produces smaller radical yields and larger molecular yields (relative to the corresponding yields for the radiolysis of water by [superscript 60]Co [gamma]-rays or fast electrons) due to the high LET associated to fast neutrons. The effect of recoil ions of oxygen, which is also taken into account in the calculations, is shown to decrease G(Fe[superscript 3+]) by about 10%. Our calculated values of G(Fe[superscript 3+]) are found to increase slightly with increasing neutron energy over the energy range covered in this study, in good agreement with available experimental data. We have also simulated the effect of temperature on the G(Fe[superscript 3+]) values in the fast neutron radiolysis of the Fricke dosimeter from 25 to 300 [degree centigrade]. Our results show an increase of G(Fe[superscript 3+]) with increasing temperature, which is readily explained by an increase in the yields of free radicals and a decrease in those of molecular products. For 0.8-MeV incident neutrons (the only case for which experimental data are available in the literature), there is a ~23% increase in G(Fe[superscript 3+]) on going from 25 to 300 [degree centigrade]. Although these results are in reasonable agreement with experiment, more experimental data, in particular for different incident neutron energies, would be needed to test more rigorously our Fe[superscript 3+] ion yield results at elevated temperatures.

Biološko dejstvo vodenog ekstrakta ploda štavelja (Rumex crispus L., Polygonaceae) / Biological activity of aqueous extract of yellow dock fruit (Rumex crispus L., Polygonaceae)

Jakovljević Dunja 05 July 2019 (has links)
<p>&Scaron;tavelj (Rumex crispus, Polygonaceae) je vi&scaron;egodi&scaron;nja zeljasta biljka, koja predstavlja bogat izvor fenolnih komponenti. Iako se smatra invazivnim korovom, mlado li&scaron;će &scaron;tavelja je jestivo i često se koristi kao salata. Dalje, upotreba plodova &scaron;tavelja opisana je u srpskoj i turskoj narodnoj medicini u lečenju gastrointestinalnih tegoba. Cilj ovog rada bio je procena in vitro i in vivo antioksidantne/prooksidantne i citotoksične aktivnosti, i određivanje eventualnog in vitro antiinflamatornog efekta vodenog ekstrakta ploda Rumex crispus. Ukupan sadržaj flavonoida određen je spektrofotometrijskom metodom. Kvalifikacija i kvantifikacija flavonoida potvrđena je visokoefikasnom tečnom hromatografijom (HPLC). Antioksidantna aktivnost vodenog ekstrakta ploda &scaron;tavelja procenjena je na osnovu in vitro testova: Ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), sposobnosti ekstrakta da neutrali&scaron;e slobodne radikale NO&bull;, OH&bull; i DPPH&bull; i uticaja na lipidnu peroksidaciju u lipozomima. Citotoksičnost ispitivanog ekstrakta je određena in vitro na tumorskim ćelijskim linijama: humani karcinom cerviksa (HeLa), adenokarcinom (HT-29) i adenokarcinom dojke (MCF7). Takođe, moguća in vivo hepatoprotektivna i antioksidantna svojstva ekstrakta određena su kod oksidativnog stresa izazvanog CCl4 kod eksperimentalnih životinja. Pored toga, proverena je hipoteza u kojoj testiran ekstrakt pokazuje in vivo antiproliferativnu aktivnost kod Ehrlich-ovih (EAC) i Hepatoma AS30D ćelija, merenjem zapremine ascitesa, procenta vijabilnih ćelija i nivoa nekoliko antioksidantnih enzima. Optimizovan in vitro test za određivanje potencijala inhibicije ciklooksigenaze-1 (COX-1) i 12-lipooksigenaze (12-LOX) preduzet je u svrhu procene antiinflamatornog efekta vodenog ekstrakta ploda R. crispus. HPLC analiza otkrila je da je mikvelianin najdominantniji flavonoidni konstituent ekstrakta. Testirani ekstrakt pokazao je potencijalnu antioksidantnu aktivnost rezultujući velikom moći u neutralizaciji slobodnih radikala, i sposobno&scaron;ću da smanji lipidnu peroksidaciju u lipozomima. Rezultati su ukazali na tkivno-selektivnu citotoksičnost ekstrakta ploda R. crispus in vitro. Najizraženija antitumorska aktivnost primećena je prema HeLa i MCF7 ćelijskim linijama. Podaci sugeri&scaron;u da bi se ispitivani ekstrakt mogao smatrati potencijalnim in vivo hepatoprotektivnim i antioksidantnim agensom, sprečavajući oksidativna o&scaron;tećenja jetre. S druge strane, pomenuti ekstrakt može pokazati in vivo prooksidantna svojstva, uzrokujući oksidativni stres u maligno transformisanim EAC i AS30D ćelijama i smanjujući zapreminu ascitesa i udeo vijabilnih ćelija, u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom. Promene u aktivnosti antioksidantnih enzima su verovatno posledica indukovanog oksidativnog stresa u EAC i AS30D ćelijama, naročito kod pretretiranih životinja. Vodeni ekstrakt ploda &scaron;tavelja pokazao je COX-1, kao i 12-LOX inhibitornu aktivnost, navodeći da bi ispitivani ekstrakt mogao biti antiinflamatorni agens. Vodeni ekstrakt ploda R. crispus ima potencijalnu antioksidantnu, citotoksičnu i antiinflamatornu aktivnost. Ispoljavanje prooksidantnih svojstava predstavlja mogući mehanizam antiproliferativnog efekta ekstrakta.</p> / <p>Curly dock (Rumex crispus, Polygonaceae) is a wild perennial herbaceous plant, which products are described as a rich source of phenolic compounds. Apart from being considered a seriously invasive weed, young leaves of curly dock are edible and often used as salad. Furthermore, the use of its fruits has been described in Serbian and Turkish traditional medicine against stomach complaints. The objectives of this study were to evaluate in vitro and in vivo antioxidant/prooxidant and cytotoxic activities, and to determine an eventual in vitro anti-inflammatory effect of the aqueous extract of Rumex crispus fruits. Total flavonoid content was determined by spectrophotometric method. Qualification and quantification of flavonoids were confirmed using High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The aqueous extract of curly dock fruits was evaluated for its antioxidant activity by in vitro assays for Ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), NO&bull;, OH&bull; and DPPH&bull;-free radical scavenging activities and the influence on lipid peroxidation in liposomes. The cytotoxicity of tested extract was examined in vitro in human cervix carcinoma (HeLa), colon adenocarcinoma (HT-29) and breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7). Also, the potential in vivo hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of investigated extract were determined on CCl4-induced oxidative stress in experimental animals. Furthermore, the hypothesis that the examined extract might show in vivo antiproliferative activity in Ehrlich carcinoma (EAC) and Hepatoma AS30D cells was tested by measuring volume of ascites, percentage of viable cells and level of several antioxidant enzymes. The optimized in vitro test for determination of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and 12-lipoxygenase (12-LOX) inhibition potency was undertaken in order to estimate an anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous extract of R. crispus fruits. HPLC analysis revealed miquelianin as the most abundant flavonoid constituent of the extract. The tested extract might have an antioxidant activity resulting in scavenging of free radicals and ability to decrease lipid peroxidation in liposomes. The results could indicate tissue-selective cytotoxicity of R. crispus fruit extract in vitro. The most prominent antitumor activity was observed towards HeLa and MCF7 cell lines. The data suggested that investigated extract may be considered as potential in vivo hepatoprotective and antioxidant agent due to prevention of the liver injuries induced by oxidative damage. On the other hand, mentioned extract could exhibit in vivo prooxidant property, causing the oxidative stress in malignant transformed EAC and AS30D cells and reducing volume of ascites and percentage of viable cells, in comparison with control group. Changes in activities of antioxidant enzymes might be the results of induced oxidative stress in EAC and AS30D cells, especially in the pretreated animals. The aqueous extract of curly dock fruits showed COX-1, as well as 12-LOX inhibitory activity, suggesting that tested extract might be an anti-inflammatory agent. It could be concluded that aqueous fruit extract of R. crispus might have antioxidant, cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory activities. The prooxidant properties of examined extract could be the mechanism of potential antiproliferative effect of extract.</p>

N-acetilcisteína melhora os fenótipos renal e cardíaco e reduz o peso corpóreo em camundongos císticos deficientes em Pkd1 / N-acetylcysteine improves renal and cardiac phenotypes and reduces body weight in Pkd1-deficient cystic mice

Moyses, Zenaide Providello 13 December 2013 (has links)
Estudos experimentais e clínicos amparam a participação do estresse oxidativo na progressão da doença renal na doença renal policística autossômica dominante (DRPAD). A administração do agente antioxidante N-acetilcisteína (NAC), por sua vez, apresenta efeitos benéficos em vários modelos animais de injúria renal. Neste estudo, utilizamos um camundongo cístico gerado por meio do cruzamento de uma linhagem portadora de um alelo floxed Pkd1 com outra que expressa nestin-Cre para avaliar os efeitos da NAC sobre um modelo ortólogo à DRPAD humana. O tratamento de longo prazo com NAC foi iniciado na concepção, nascimento, desmame ou oito semanas de idade, de modo a permitir a avaliação de seus efeitos em diferentes fases da vida. Nossas análises revelaram que a administração de NAC reduziu o nível de substâncias reativas com ácido tiobarbitúrico e aumentou o de glutationa nos rins de camundongos císticos tratados com NAC desde a concepção (Ci-NAC-Conc) comparados a animais císticos não tratados (Ci-Co). A excreção urinária de óxido nítrico também foi maior em camundongos císticos tratados com NAC. Animais Ci-NAC-Conc apresentaram ureia sérica, número de cistos renais, índice cístico e fibrose intersticial renal mais baixos que os camundongos Ci-Co. Animais Ci-NAC-Conc apresentaram, além disso, fração de ejeção e fração de encurtamento de ventrículo esquerdo maiores que camundongos Ci-Co, assim como menor fibrose cardíaca. O tratamento com NAC iniciado na concepção aumentou a sobrevida dos animais císticos. Notavelmente, o peso corpóreo mostrou-se significantemente menor em camundongos Ci-NAC-Conc que nos animais Ci-Co em todas as idades avaliadas, uma diferença não observada entre animais não císticos tratados e não tratados com NAC. Ainda é incerto se todas as ações observadas da NAC são causadas por suas propriedades antioxidantes. Esses resultados apóiam efeitos benéficos de tratamento precoce com NAC em camundongos císticos deficientes em Pkd1, determinados pela melhora de seus fenótipos renal, cardíaco e sistêmico. Nossos achados também revelam uma redução não deletéria no crescimento corpóreo, induzida pela administração de longo prazo de NAC no background deficiente em Pkd1 avaliado. Nossos dados abrem uma linha de pesquisa significativa e provavelmente robusta para se intervir nos fenótipos renal, cardíaco e sistêmico da DRPAD / Oxidative stress has been postulated to participate in the progression of renal disease in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC), in turn, has been shown to determined beneficial effects on several animal models of renal injury. In the current study, a cystic mouse generated by breeding a Pkd1 floxed allele with a nestin Cre expressing line was used to evaluate the potential therapeutic effects of NAC on a model orthologous to human ADPKD. Long-term NAC treatment was initiated at conception, birth, weaning or 8 weeks of life, to allow the evaluation of its effects on different phases of life. Our analyses revealed that NAC decreased thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and increased glutathione levels in the kidneys of mice treated with NAC since conception (CY-NAC-Con) compared with non-treated cystic animals (CY-Ctl). Nitric oxide urinary excretion was also higher in NAC-treated cystic mice. These animals showed lower serum urea nitrogen (SUN), number of renal cysts, cystic index and renal interstitial fibrosis than CY-Ctl mice. CY-NAC-Con animals displayed, in addition, higher left ventricle ejection fraction and fractional shortening compared with CY-Ctl mice, as well as decreased cardiac fibrosis. NAC treatment started at conception increased the survival of cystic mice, demonstrating beneficial systemic effects. Interestingly, body weight was significantly lower in CY-NAC-Con than CY-Ctl mice at all evaluated times, a difference not observed between non-cystic animals treated and not treated with NAC Whether all observed NAC actions are caused by its antioxidant properties is yet not clear. These results support beneficial effects of early treatment with NAC on Pkd1-deficient cystic mice, by determining improvement in their renal, heart and systemic phenotypes. Our findings also reveal a non-deleterious reduction in body growth induced by long-term NAC administration in the evaluated Pkd1-deficient background. Our data open a likely significant and robust research track to intervene in renal, extra-renal and systemic ADPKD phenotypes

A influência das características dos solos na remediação de solos contaminados através de processos oxidativos avançados com persulfato e reagente de fenton / The influence of soil characteristics in remediation of contaminated soils through advanced oxidation process with Sodium Persulfate and Fenton Reagent.

Carlos Paulino Mendez Rodriguez 14 August 2006 (has links)
As técnicas de remediação para solos contaminados como os processos de oxidação avançados \"in situ\" visam essencialmente a mineralização dos contaminantes, reduzindo-os, em última instância, a CO2 e H2O. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar os resultados de experimentos conduzidos para investigar como as características do solo, tais como a granulação, o teor e a natureza dos minerais argilosos, e o teor da matéria orgânica influem no desempenho da mineralização do contaminante linar alquilbenzeno no solo. Em várias partes da cidade de São Paulo há locais contaminados por esse e outros tipos de vazamentos e os responsáveis e as autoridades estão interessadas em possíveis soluções. Uma possível solução seria o tratamento in situ através dos processos de oxidação avançada. Porém, não há como decidir a priori sobre a melhor técnica, pois ela dependerá tanto do reagente empregado como do tipo de solo contaminado. Essa resposta poderá ser cientificamente fundamentada a partir de ensaios no laboratório desenhados para investigar os fatores que controlam a eficácia do processo. Os experimentos em laboratório foram conduzidos com dois tipos de solo da região metropolitana de São Paulo contaminados com linear alquilbenzeno, composto utilizado como óleo térmico em revestimentos de cabos subterrâneos de alta voltagem. Os desempenhos da mineralização com o Reagente de Fenton e Persulfato de Sódio foram avaliados na oxidação do composto linear alquilbenzeno com uma concentração inicial de 10 mg/grama de solo contaminado. Os resultados mostram uma redução considerável em massa de 82% a 85% do contaminante nos dois solos com a utilização de Persulfato de Sódio ativado termicamente e através de metal de transição \'Fe POT.2+\' disponível naturalmente no solo . O reagente de Fenton nas mesmas condições do experimento mostrou um desempenho mais limitado entre 10 % a 30% de redução em massa do contaminante. O conhecimento prévio das características do solo como o teor de argila , teor de carbono orgânico que influem fortemente os fenômenos de sorção e desorção e a composição mineralógica são variáveis importantes na definição dos reagentes e nas condições de reação de oxidação dos poluentes e contribuem na escolha mais acertada da tecnologia de remediação \'in situ\". / The remediation techniques used in contaminated soils such as \"in situ\" chemical oxidation aim essentially the mineralization of contaminants, reducing it to CO2 and H2O. The objective of this study is pointing out the results of experiments conducted to investigate how the soil characteristics such as granulometry, assay and nature of clay minerals as well as organic matter can influence in the mineralization performance of linear alkylbenzene in the soil. In some areas of São Paulo city there are contaminated sites by leakage of linear alkylbenzene and many other chemical leakages and site\'s responsible and local authorities are interested in possible technical solutions to clean it. One possible solution would be in situ treatment through advanced oxidation process; however there is no way how to decide about the best technique because it depends on contaminant substance, reagents used as well as the contaminated soil characteristics. The answer could be scientifically based on bench laboratory experiments properly designed to investigate the factors that control the process performance. The bench lab experiments were conducted with two soils sampled from metropolitan region of São Paulo and contaminated with linear alkyl benzene, used in high and medium voltage underground electrical cables. The mineralization performance was evaluated in soils contaminated with an initial concentration of 10 mg / gr of contaminated soil by oxidation of linear alkyl benzene with Fenton reagent and sodium persulfate. The final results pointed out a considerable mass reduction from 82% to 85% in both soils tested with sodium persulfate thermally activated and by naturally available transition metal \'Fe pot.2+\' in the soil. The Fenton reagent in the same experiment conditions pointed out a more limited mass reduction performance between 10% and 30%. The previous knowledge of soil characteristics such as clay assay , natural carbon content in the soil which influence the sorption / desorption phenomenon as well as the mineral composition of the soil are the key variables to define reagents and the oxidation reaction conditions which contribute to select a proper in situ chemical oxidation technology.

A influência das características dos solos na remediação de solos contaminados através de processos oxidativos avançados com persulfato e reagente de fenton / The influence of soil characteristics in remediation of contaminated soils through advanced oxidation process with Sodium Persulfate and Fenton Reagent.

Rodriguez, Carlos Paulino Mendez 14 August 2006 (has links)
As técnicas de remediação para solos contaminados como os processos de oxidação avançados \"in situ\" visam essencialmente a mineralização dos contaminantes, reduzindo-os, em última instância, a CO2 e H2O. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar os resultados de experimentos conduzidos para investigar como as características do solo, tais como a granulação, o teor e a natureza dos minerais argilosos, e o teor da matéria orgânica influem no desempenho da mineralização do contaminante linar alquilbenzeno no solo. Em várias partes da cidade de São Paulo há locais contaminados por esse e outros tipos de vazamentos e os responsáveis e as autoridades estão interessadas em possíveis soluções. Uma possível solução seria o tratamento in situ através dos processos de oxidação avançada. Porém, não há como decidir a priori sobre a melhor técnica, pois ela dependerá tanto do reagente empregado como do tipo de solo contaminado. Essa resposta poderá ser cientificamente fundamentada a partir de ensaios no laboratório desenhados para investigar os fatores que controlam a eficácia do processo. Os experimentos em laboratório foram conduzidos com dois tipos de solo da região metropolitana de São Paulo contaminados com linear alquilbenzeno, composto utilizado como óleo térmico em revestimentos de cabos subterrâneos de alta voltagem. Os desempenhos da mineralização com o Reagente de Fenton e Persulfato de Sódio foram avaliados na oxidação do composto linear alquilbenzeno com uma concentração inicial de 10 mg/grama de solo contaminado. Os resultados mostram uma redução considerável em massa de 82% a 85% do contaminante nos dois solos com a utilização de Persulfato de Sódio ativado termicamente e através de metal de transição \'Fe POT.2+\' disponível naturalmente no solo . O reagente de Fenton nas mesmas condições do experimento mostrou um desempenho mais limitado entre 10 % a 30% de redução em massa do contaminante. O conhecimento prévio das características do solo como o teor de argila , teor de carbono orgânico que influem fortemente os fenômenos de sorção e desorção e a composição mineralógica são variáveis importantes na definição dos reagentes e nas condições de reação de oxidação dos poluentes e contribuem na escolha mais acertada da tecnologia de remediação \'in situ\". / The remediation techniques used in contaminated soils such as \"in situ\" chemical oxidation aim essentially the mineralization of contaminants, reducing it to CO2 and H2O. The objective of this study is pointing out the results of experiments conducted to investigate how the soil characteristics such as granulometry, assay and nature of clay minerals as well as organic matter can influence in the mineralization performance of linear alkylbenzene in the soil. In some areas of São Paulo city there are contaminated sites by leakage of linear alkylbenzene and many other chemical leakages and site\'s responsible and local authorities are interested in possible technical solutions to clean it. One possible solution would be in situ treatment through advanced oxidation process; however there is no way how to decide about the best technique because it depends on contaminant substance, reagents used as well as the contaminated soil characteristics. The answer could be scientifically based on bench laboratory experiments properly designed to investigate the factors that control the process performance. The bench lab experiments were conducted with two soils sampled from metropolitan region of São Paulo and contaminated with linear alkyl benzene, used in high and medium voltage underground electrical cables. The mineralization performance was evaluated in soils contaminated with an initial concentration of 10 mg / gr of contaminated soil by oxidation of linear alkyl benzene with Fenton reagent and sodium persulfate. The final results pointed out a considerable mass reduction from 82% to 85% in both soils tested with sodium persulfate thermally activated and by naturally available transition metal \'Fe pot.2+\' in the soil. The Fenton reagent in the same experiment conditions pointed out a more limited mass reduction performance between 10% and 30%. The previous knowledge of soil characteristics such as clay assay , natural carbon content in the soil which influence the sorption / desorption phenomenon as well as the mineral composition of the soil are the key variables to define reagents and the oxidation reaction conditions which contribute to select a proper in situ chemical oxidation technology.

Molecular Mechanisms and Determinants of Species Sensitivity in Thalidomide Teratogenesis

Lee, Crystal J. J. 14 August 2013 (has links)
The expanding therapeutic use of thalidomide (TD) remains limited by its species-specific teratogenicity in humans and rabbits, but not rodents. The R and S isomers of TD may be selectively responsible for its respective therapeutic and teratogenic effects, but rapid in vivo racemization makes this impossible to confirm. Fluorothalidomide (FTD), a fluorinated TD analogue with stable, non-racemizing isomers, may serve as a model compound for determining stereoselective effects. In vivo, FTD was undetectable in plasma, suggesting rapid breakdown, as confirmed in vitro, where FTD hydrolyzed up to 22-fold faster than TD. Unlike TD, FTD in pregnant rabbits and mice was highly toxic and lethal to both dams and fetuses. In rabbit embryo culture, FTD initiated optic (eye) vesicle and hindbrain but not classic limb bud embryopathies. Chemical instability, potent general toxicity and absence of limb bud embryopathies make FTD an unsuitable stereoselective model for TD teratogenesis. TD teratogenesis may involve its bioactivation by embryonic prostaglandin H synthases (PHSs) to a free radical intermediate that increases embryopathic reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation. However, the teratogenic potential of rapidly formed TD hydrolysis products and the determinants of species-specific teratogenesis are unclear. For some teratogens, mouse strains that are resistant in vivo are susceptible in embryo culture, suggesting maternal and/or placental determinants of risk. However, TD and two hydrolysis products, 2-phthalimidoglutaramic acid (PGMA) and 2-phthalimidoglutaraic acid (PGA), were non-embryopathic in CD-1 mouse embryo culture. Also, mice deficient in oxoguanine glycosylase 1 (OGG1), which repairs oxidatively damaged DNA, were resistant to TD embryopathies in culture and in vivo. Therefore, murine resistance to TD teratogenesis is dependent on embryonic factors, rather than maternal/placental determinants or increased DNA repair. In contrast, rabbit embryos exposed in culture to TD, PGMA and PGA exhibited head/brain, otic (ear) vesicle and classic limb bud embryopathies, validating the first mammalian embryo culture model for TD teratogenesis and providing the first evidence of a teratogenic role for TD hydrolysis products. Pretreatment with eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), a dual PHS/lipoxygenase inhibitor, or phenylbutylnitrone (PBN), a free radical spin trapping agent, completely blocked TD, PGMA and PGA-initiated embryopathies, implicating a PHS-dependent, ROS-mediated embryopathic mechanism.

Molecular Mechanisms and Determinants of Species Sensitivity in Thalidomide Teratogenesis

Lee, Crystal J. J. 14 August 2013 (has links)
The expanding therapeutic use of thalidomide (TD) remains limited by its species-specific teratogenicity in humans and rabbits, but not rodents. The R and S isomers of TD may be selectively responsible for its respective therapeutic and teratogenic effects, but rapid in vivo racemization makes this impossible to confirm. Fluorothalidomide (FTD), a fluorinated TD analogue with stable, non-racemizing isomers, may serve as a model compound for determining stereoselective effects. In vivo, FTD was undetectable in plasma, suggesting rapid breakdown, as confirmed in vitro, where FTD hydrolyzed up to 22-fold faster than TD. Unlike TD, FTD in pregnant rabbits and mice was highly toxic and lethal to both dams and fetuses. In rabbit embryo culture, FTD initiated optic (eye) vesicle and hindbrain but not classic limb bud embryopathies. Chemical instability, potent general toxicity and absence of limb bud embryopathies make FTD an unsuitable stereoselective model for TD teratogenesis. TD teratogenesis may involve its bioactivation by embryonic prostaglandin H synthases (PHSs) to a free radical intermediate that increases embryopathic reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation. However, the teratogenic potential of rapidly formed TD hydrolysis products and the determinants of species-specific teratogenesis are unclear. For some teratogens, mouse strains that are resistant in vivo are susceptible in embryo culture, suggesting maternal and/or placental determinants of risk. However, TD and two hydrolysis products, 2-phthalimidoglutaramic acid (PGMA) and 2-phthalimidoglutaraic acid (PGA), were non-embryopathic in CD-1 mouse embryo culture. Also, mice deficient in oxoguanine glycosylase 1 (OGG1), which repairs oxidatively damaged DNA, were resistant to TD embryopathies in culture and in vivo. Therefore, murine resistance to TD teratogenesis is dependent on embryonic factors, rather than maternal/placental determinants or increased DNA repair. In contrast, rabbit embryos exposed in culture to TD, PGMA and PGA exhibited head/brain, otic (ear) vesicle and classic limb bud embryopathies, validating the first mammalian embryo culture model for TD teratogenesis and providing the first evidence of a teratogenic role for TD hydrolysis products. Pretreatment with eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), a dual PHS/lipoxygenase inhibitor, or phenylbutylnitrone (PBN), a free radical spin trapping agent, completely blocked TD, PGMA and PGA-initiated embryopathies, implicating a PHS-dependent, ROS-mediated embryopathic mechanism.

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