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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Kiernicki, Kristen M. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Although direct-to-consumer (DTC) prescription drug advertising is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, content analyses (Baird-Harris, 2009; Frosch, Krueger, Hornik, Cronbolm, & Berg, 2007; Kaphingst, DeJong, Rudd, & Daltroy, 2004; Wilkes, Bell, & Kravitz, 2000) and other studies (Davis, 2000, 2007) have suggested that advertisers may not disclose drug risks to the same extent that they describe drug benefits. This study builds on previous studies by Baird-Harris and Smith and Shaffer (2000) and aims to test the relationship between image congruency in televised DTC advertisements, recall of risks and benefits, and perceived ad persuasiveness. Advertisements for Nexium, Advair, and Lunesta were shown to college students in either their original (i.e., image incongruent) or modified (i.e., image neutral) form. In general, risks were easier to recall with image neutral advertisements (which were considered to be less persuasive), although results were not statistically significant. Gender had a significant interaction effect, suggesting that males and females process risks differently depending on images in a DTC advertisement. Despite its lack of significant findings, this study explores an underdeveloped area of research and provides a model for future studies.

Principle of Proportionality in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights / Proporcingumo principas Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismo jurisprudencijoje

Leonaitė, Erika 25 September 2013 (has links)
The dissertation explores the principle of proportionality as an instrument deriving from the notion of "democratic society" and applied by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in order to establish whether national institutions succeeded in striking a fair balance between the conflicting Convention rights or between competing individual and public interests. In the first chapter, after presenting the origins of the principle, the development of a three-tiered proportionality test and its dissemination, the main parameters relevant for the analysis of this principle are identified and the main issues of academic discussion concerning the application of proportionality by the ECtHR are revealed. The second chapter explores the evolution of the application of the proportionality principle in the case law of ECtHR and reveals the main features of proportionality test as applied in the early practice of Convention institutions. The third chapter deals with the interaction of the principles of proportionality and subsidiarity, in particular examining the impact of margin of appreciation doctrine upon the proportionality assessment conducted by the ECtHR and analysing the contents and interplay of the factors determining the width of the margin of appreciation. The forth chapter explores both commonalities and peculiarities of the application of proportionality principle in the context of different Convention rights and exposes the main criteria relevant to the balancing... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjama proporcingumo principo, kaip iš demokratinės visuomenės idėjos kylančio instrumento, Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismo (EŽTT) pasitelkiamo siekiant nustatyti, ar nacionalinės institucijos išlaikė teisingą pusiausvyrą tarp konkuruojančių Žmogaus teisių ir pagrindinių laisvių apsaugos konvencijos (Konvencijos) ginamų teisių ar tarp Konvencijos teisių ir viešų interesų, sampratos ir taikymo praktikos problematika. Pirmoje disertacijos dalyje, aptarus proporcingumo principo kilmę, trinario proporcingumo tyrimo modelio susiformavimą ir sklaidą, apsibrėžiami svarbiausi proporcingumo tyrimui reikšmingi parametrai ir atskleidžiama EŽTT taikomo proporcingumo principo sampratos problematika mokslinėje literatūroje. Antroje dalyje nagrinėjama proporcingumo principo taikymo EŽTT praktikoje raida ir plėtra, identifikuojami pagrindiniai ankstyvojoje Komisijos ir Teismo praktikoje taikyto proporcingumo testo bruožai. Trečioje dalyje tiriama proporcingumo principo sąveika su subsidiarumo principu, atskleidžiamas vertinimo laisvės doktrinos poveikis EŽTT atliekamam proporcingumo vertinimui, tiriami vertinimo laisvės apimtį lemiantys kriterijai ir jų sąveika. Ketvirtoje dalyje analizuojama proporcingumo principo taikymo praktika skirtingų Konvencijos ginamų teisių kontekste, atskleidžiant tiek bendruosius principo taikymo bruožus, tiek ir Teismo taikomos priežiūros intensyvumo nulemtus proporcingumo testo ypatumus. Paskutinėje dalyje EŽTT taikomas balansavimu grindžiamas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Asmens neturtinių teisių apsaugos plėtimąsi lemiantys veiksniai ir problematika / Factors which determine the widening of the protection of personality rights and problematic

Mieželytė, Renata 22 January 2009 (has links)
Šiandien Europos valstybių teismų praktikoje pastebima tendencija plėsti asmens neturtinių teisių apsaugos lygį. Kai kuriose Europos valstybėse – Vokietijoje, Austrijoje, Nyderlanduose – atsisakoma tradicinių teisinio reguliavimo modelių, ribojančių galimybes taikyti tam tikrus civilinių teisių gynimo būdus asmens neturtinių teisių pažeidimo atveju. Plečiasi neturtinės žalos atlyginimo, kaip civilinių teisių gynimo būdo, taikymo sritis. Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismo, nacionalinių teismų praktikos ir įstatymų leidžiamosios valdžios pagalba Europos valstybėse plečiamas teisės saugomų neturtinių vertybių sąrašas. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas asmens neturtinėms teisėms, susijusioms ne su fiziniais, o su vidiniais, psichologiniais individo parametrais. Plečiantis asmens neturtinių teisių spektrui kyla asmens neturtinių teisių tarpusavio konkuravimo problema: kaip turi būti derinamos lygiavertės, tarptautiniu ir konstituciniu lygmeniu įtvirtintos asmens neturtinės teisės, kad būtų garantuota veiksminga šių teisių apsauga? Tyrimo tikslas – išskirti ir plačiau aptarti pagrindinius veiksnius, lemiančius asmens neturtinių teisių apsaugos plėtimosi dinamiką ir mastą bei akcentuoti aktualiausias asmens neturtinių teisių apsaugos problemas. Pirmoje magistro baigiamojo darbo dalyje nagrinėjama asmens neturtinių teisių apsaugos samprata, aptariamos valstybės saugomos neturtinės vertybės, jų gynimo ir teisės pažeidimų prevencijos galimybės. Antroji dalis skirta išskirti ir aptarti veiksnius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays, it is a tendency in European countries to widen the scope of protection of personality rights. In some countries, such as Germany, Austria, Netherlands, the traditional models of legal regulations, which restrict a possibility to invoke certain means of civil protection regarding the cases of infringement of personality rights are repudiated. The scope of application of non-pecuniary damage as a means of civil defense is being developed. European Court of Human Rights case-law, national court case-law and legislative authority – all have a great influence on developing a list of personality rights which is closely related not to physical, but to interior and psychological parameters of individual. The widening scope of protection of personality rights the main problem rise in competing in between with the rights themselves – how to find a fair balance between the equivalent rights which are ordained on the constitutional and international level in order to guarantee the effective protection of the personality rights. The aim of the analysis is to characterize and analyze the main factors in more detail, which determine the scope and dynamics in the protection of personality rights, and to emphasize the problems of the protection of personality rights. In the first part of the master thesis the author analyses the conception of personality rights, discusses the main state protected values, and the means of how to defense them as well as the possibility to prevent... [to full text]

Trade Mark Law and the Concept of Bad Faith : A fair balance between the protection of exclusive rights conferred on the proprietor and free access to the European market?

Shipilina, Mariia January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the research is the analysis of the concept of bad faith in the sphere of trade marks from the perspective of a fair balance of different interests of the trade mark proprietor and other undertakings in the European market. On the one hand, the starting point of European trade mark law is the protection of exclusive rights conferred on the owner of a registered mark. On the other hand, Article 16 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union guarantees the right to free access to the market. The research work analyses the scope of these conflicting rights and comes to the conclusion that the interests of trade mark law and market competition may have common ground despite different starting points between them. Bad faith behaviour in the market should also be assessed as an acute common issue. In that connection, the objective of the thesis is to examine how the balance of the interests is achieved in European trade mark legislation and in practice, whether this balance is fair when dealing with bad faith. Additionally, the thesis considers the issues of the definition of bad faith in European legislation and possible changes in the European trade mark system related to the concept of bad faith.

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