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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Political Consumerism: Possibilities for International Norm Change

Theron, Jean Monique 03 1900 (has links)
MA / Thesis (MA (Political Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Consumers are gradually becoming influential actors in the international arena. The 21st century consumer has taken on a new identity, namely that of a citizen-consumer. A rising awareness of the importance of ethical purchasing behaviour has made political citizen-consumers a vehicle through which change in normative behaviour in the capitalist world economy could be attained. Activists have realised the support that political consumers could give to campaigns that strive to achieve norm change. Consumers have the power to hold multinational corporations (MNCs) accountable for unjust practices, and through their purchasing decisions, pressure MNCs to change the manner in which they operate. In order to determine to what extent political consumerism could contribute to international norm change, one has to understand how norms emerge, when norms are accepted and at which point norms become internalised. The theoretical framework of the life-cycle of norms is ideal to test the possibilities that political consumerism holds in the quest for norm change. The application of norm life-cycle framework to case studies provides evidence that political consumerism has already announced itself as a vehicle for change. Campaigns such as the conflict diamonds campaign and the Fair Trade movement have already successfully co-opted consumers to support the goals of these campaigns and have achieved some results in changing the behaviour and policies of MNCs. Political consumers have therefore already embarked on the journey towards norm change, but have not yet been able to bring the norm to internalisation. The study determines which stage in the norm life-cycle political consumerism has managed to reach. Related to this, it asks whether it is in fact possible for activists and political consumers to complete the norm life-cycle and thereby effect norm change to enhance capacity for social justice in capitalism. The study also concerns itself with the persuasion strategies that have been used and could still be used by activists to pursue change in the normative behaviour of consumers and MNCs. Persuasion is central to convincing actors to accept and internalise a new norm. The study situates these persuasion strategies within the norm life-cycle, in order to identify the challenges facing the consumer movement and possible solutions to assist political consumerism to reach its full potential. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die internasionale arena het verbruikers gaandeweg die rol van invloedryke akteurs begin aanneem, naamlik dié van burgerlike-verbruikers. ‘n Toenemende bewustheid van die belangrikheid van etiese aankope het gedurende die 21ste eeu die politieke burgerlike-verbruiker in ‘n akteur omskep, wat normatiewe verandering in die kapitalistiese globale ekonomie te weeg kan bring. Aktiviste het besef dat politieke verbruikers steun aan veldtogte kan verleen wat na norm verandering streef. Omdat verbruikers oor die vermoë beskik om multi-nasionale korporasies (MNKs) vir onregverdige gebruike aanspreeklik te hou deur aankoop besluite, kan hul sodoende MNKs dwing on hul gebruike te verander. ‘n Begrip van die ontstaan en aanvaarding van norme, kan ook help om vas te stel tot watter mate politieke verbruiking tot internasionale norm verandering bydra. Die teoretiese raamwerk van die lewens-siklus van norme is ideaal om die potensiaal van politieke verbruiking te toets. Die toepassing van die norm lewens-siklus op gevallestudies bewys dat politieke verbruiking alreeds as ‘n middel vir verandering uitgekristaliseer het. Veldtogte, soos die konflik diamante veldtog en die “Fair Trade” beweging, het alreeds daarin geslaag om verbruikers te werf om die doelwitte van hierdie veldtogte te steun. Hierdie veldtogte het sodoende daarin geslaag om die verandering van MNKs se gedrag en beleid te bewerkstellig. Politieke verbruikers het hul reeds met die veldtog geassosieer om norm-verandering te laat plaasvind. Die studie het bepaal watter stadium in die norm lewens-siklus politieke verbruiking reeds bereik het, asook of dit moontlik vir aktiviste en verbruikers is om die siklus te voltooi en norm-verandering te laat plaasvind. Hierdie norm-verandering sal ook die vermoë vir die sosiale regverdiging van die kapitalistiese stelsel verbeter. Die studie het ook die aktiviste se oorredingstrategië uiteengesit, asook watter strategië in die toekoms kan gebruik word om die normatiewe gedrag van verbruikers en MNKs te verander. In die aanvaarding van nuwe norme speel oorreding ‘n belangrike rol. Die studie plaas daarom hierdie oorredingstrategië binne die norm lewens-siklus, sodat dit die uitdagings kan identifiseer wat die verbruikers-beweging in die gesig staar. Dit sal daarom vir die studie moontlik maak om werkbare opplossings voor te stel, wat politieke verbruiking tot sy volle potensiaal kan voer.

Le commerce équitable pour un développement durable en Francophonie / The fair trade for sustainable development in Francophonie

Belazreg, Elhaouari 30 September 2013 (has links)
Dans les pays du Sud des millions de petits producteurs, artisans et salariés occasionnels sont en situation de grande précarité. Seuls et non organisés, ils se trouvent impuissants et dépendants des pouvoirs locaux dominants, des intermédiaires et des fluctuations des cours des matières premières fixés à New York ou à Londres. La concurrence mondiale exacerbée et la mondialisation des échanges telle qu’elle est mise en œuvre ne laissent aucune marge de manœuvre à ces petites structures. Ces phénomènes, conjugués aux difficultés internes, aggravent davantage les inégalités et accentuent la précarité et la pauvreté dans laquelle s‘enfoncent de plus en plus ces petits producteurs, artisans et salariés. En effet, ces derniers ne disposent pas de moyens et de structures leur permettant d’élaborer des stratégies de développement à moyen et long termes, notamment par la diversification de la production, l’investissement et l’amélioration des techniques de production. Dans ce travail de recherche nous essayons de montrer que la contribution du commerce équitable au développement durable en Francophonie est considérable. Une problématique centrale peut être définie de la manière suivante : Quels sont les moyens de développement du commerce équitable et comment permet-il un développement durable en Francophonie ?Cette recherche peut également aider à mieux appréhender certaines logiques de décideurs et d’acteurs en Francophonie s’intéressant au commerce équitable et au développement durable. En effet l’environnement du commerce international devient de plus en plus complexe avec la libéralisation acharnée et la concurrence exacerbée par la mondialisation. / In developing countries millions of small producers, artisans and casual employees are in precarious situations. Alone and unorganized, they are helpless and dependent on prevailing local authorities, intermediate and fluctuations in commodity prices set in New York or London. The heightened global competition and the globalization of trade as it is implemented leave no leeway for these small structures. These developments, combined with internal difficulties further exacerbate inequalities and highlight insecurity and poverty in which s' sink more these small producers craftsman and employees because they do not have the means and their structures to develop strategies for medium and long term, including the diversification of production, investment and improved production techniques.In this research we try to show that the contribution of fair trade to sustainable development Francophonie is considerable. A central problem can be defined as follows: What are the ways of development of fair trade and how it enables sustainable development Francophonie?This research may also help to better understand some logical decision-makers and actors in Francophonie interested in fair trade and sustainable development. Indeed the international trading environment is becoming increasingly complex with the fierce competition and liberalization exacerbated by globalization.

La valorisation de l'entreprise citoyenne / Promoting responsible actions of companies

Bonnafos, Vincent de 13 November 2018 (has links)
Qu’est-ce qu’une entreprise citoyenne ? Comment se distingue-t-elle d’une entreprise classique ? Le droit as-t-il un rôle à jouer dans ce processus de distinction ? Qu’en est-il de l’éthique et de la RSE ? Une entreprise peut-elle prendre un engagement citoyen ? Est-il légitime qu’une entreprise citoyenne valorise ses engagements citoyens ? Par quels leviers ? Voici quelques-unes des questions abordées dans notre thèse. L’entreprise citoyenne est celle qui effectue des engagements citoyens. En dehors de toute règle obligatoire, elle agit de manière volontaire, non centrée sur son intérêt restreint et de court terme en direction de ses cocontractants ou de tiers (ses salariés, des organismes sans but lucratif), afin de les placer dans une meilleure situation que si elle n’était pas intervenue. Une telle entreprise doit pouvoir valoriser ses engagements citoyens avec l’aide du droit, auprès du public, de ses clients et investisseurs. Les possibilités de l’entreprise citoyenne sont vastes ! / What is a responsible company? How do such companies differ from standard companies? What role does law play in ascertaining whether a company is responsible or not? What about ethics and CSR? Can a company engage in responsible actions? Should a company seek to enhance and promote such responsible actions? How should such enhancement and promotion take place? These questions will be answered in our thesis which is a study under French law. A responsible company is one that engages in responsible actions. In the absence of any legal requirement, the responsible company will voluntarily act beyond its strict short-term interest to reach out to contracting parties as well as third parties (e.g. employees, suppliers and non-profit organisations) and place them in a better situation, had the company not taken any action. Law should enable such companies to promote their responsible actions and enhance their attractiveness with stakeholders

La construction d'un modèle alternatif de commerce équitable impulsée par les producteurs des pays du Sud : quelles logiques et quel travail institutionnels à l'oeuvre? / The construction of an alternative fair trade model initiated by Southern producers : what institutional logics and practices at work?

Gautrey, Garance 20 November 2018 (has links)
Notre thèse appréhende la manière dont les producteurs du Sud s’approprient le commerce équitable et parviennent à en proposer un nouveau modèle. Elle est une étude de cas : celle d’un label créé au début des années 2000 à l’initiative d’un réseau d’organisations de producteurs latino-américaines du commerce équitable. Mobilisant les cadres d'analyse des logiques et du travail institutionnel, nos résultats montrent qu’une logique sociopolitique est appelée en premier lieu par les producteurs, visant le développement économique au Sud, l’établissement de relations commerciales avant tout locales et fondées sur la confiance, et la possibilité pour les producteurs d’imposer leurs critères de qualité. Celle-ci se heurte très vite à une logique marchande. Liée au recours à un label, cette logique implique standardisation, anonymisation des relations commerciales, et octroie aux acheteurs le pouvoir d’influer sur le contenu des standards. Tout l’enjeu est alors de parvenir à créer un nouveau modèle fondé sur le compromis entre ces logiques. Le travail des acteurs prend alors forme, dans une première période, dans la création d’une multitude de dispositions règlementaires, et dans un second temps, dans des pratiques cognitives et normatives visant à justifier et à promouvoir l’initiative. Des pratiques de résistances sont également observées. Notre thèse contribue à enrichir la théorie néo-institutionnaliste en montrant principalement que la création institutionnelle s’émancipe difficilement des logiques institutionnelles dominantes ; dans notre cas, celle du marché. / Our work aims to understand how Southern producers appropriate fair trade and build a new fair trade model. We study a single case: a fair trade label created in the early 2000s by a Latino American producers’ organizations network committed in fair trade that has a long-standing commitment to fair trade. We build on the institutional logics framework to characterize the macro forces at work in the construction of this new model, and on the institutional work framework to identify the practices implemented by producers and other stakeholders to deal with those logics and configure them. Our results show that producers firstly call for a socio-political logic, which aims an economic development in the South, the establishment of commercial relationships mainly based on trust, and the possibility for producers to impose their quality criteria. However, the use of a label brings producers quickly face market logic. It implies standardization, anonymisation of relationships and gives to the buyers the power to influence the content of the standards. The challenge is to create a new model based on a compromise between both logics. At first, actors create a multitude of regulatory measures and as a second step, cognitive and normative practices aim at justifying and promoting the initiative. Resistance practices are also observed. Our thesis contributes to neo institutionalist theory mainly by showing the difficulty to emancipate from dominant institutional logics – in our case market logic – during institutional creation process.

RESIST, OCCUPY, and PRODUCE: The Evolution of Autonomous Struggle in Argentina

Blair, James January 2007 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Deborah Levenson / The emergence of the concept of Fair Trade has inspired a new form of supply-determination by socially conscious consumers. Since it began official certification, Fair Trade has served as a tool to curb the exploitation of labor. It has also promoted direct connections between vendors and producers, organized participatory democracy, continuity in trade relations, respect for the environment, movement toward equal status of gender, and living wages for workers. Small family farmers now produce over 51 percent of coffee in the world, and 90 percent of the world's cocoa. With a History Honors Thesis, I seek to examine the use of worker-owned recuperated factories of Argentina for the production of Fair Trade footwear and apparel. Such factories require more complicated chains of supply (primary materials, numerous factories for production, contractors, transportation, warehouses, and retail) than primary materials such as coffee. Started in the 1980s, the recuperated factories in Argentina may provide the complex links to a sweatshop-free market, which have been lacking. The experiment has exploded to about 180 businesses since an economic crisis in 2001 forced owners to flee and workers to gain expropriation, half through legislation and half through occupation, according to journalist Andrés Ruggeri. My project seeks to investigate whether chains of production and distribution of complex Fair Trade certified or sweatshop-free products, using recuperated factories in Argentina, could serve as an economic alternative for manufactured Fair Trade products. By pursuing in-depth research on this project and understanding porteño culture and labor struggles, I have built a strong foundation for a thesis. My independent study project for the School for International Training during my Fall 2005 semester abroad in the Southern Cone (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Brazil) became my passion and provides preliminary background information. Basing the project on interviews I had conducted with workers from ceramics, textile, and shoe recuperated factories all over, I found evidence of new supply chains with words from key leaders like Raul Godoy, Vasco Abelli, and Luis Caro (Control Obrero, El Movimiento Nacional de Empresas Recuperadas, and El Movimiento Nacional de Fábricas Recuperadas por los Trabajadores). I also became personally involved in the network of founders of current trade groups based in Argentina, with whom I will consult for my work on the History Honors Thesis. Building directly on research interests, and especially the interviews that I conducted in my semester in Argentina, I will address the complexities of the philosophical foundations, key figures, and actions that have comprised the vast history of labor in Argentina from its pre-capitalist mutuales artisan communities up to the contemporary situation with close academic mentorship from Professor Levenson. With plentiful sources of information, I will document each prospective or current deal to produce for Fair Trade distributors, develop an understanding of which products are feasible for ethical supply chains, analyze the success of such collaborations with new distributors, and compare and contrast them with business for former or other clients. Portions of the movement vary in ideology and vision, but all seek to maintain relations with former distributors. The primary concern is surviving and gaining expropriation, but the movement is witnessing a series of new strong inter-relations and projects for Fair Trade. There is a hopeful outlook for the recuperated factories, and integration into a Fair Trade market is a feasible goal for the next era (2006-2011) of the movement. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2007. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: History. / Discipline: History Honors Program.

Autonomia e participação no comércio justo: a experiência da Cooperativa dos Pequenos Produtores Agroextrativistas de Lago do Junco COPPALJ / Empowerment and participation in fair trade: the case of Cooperativa dos Pequenos Produtores Agroextrativistas de Lago do Junco COPPALJ

Falco, Tania Carla Bendazoli de 10 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:20:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tania Carla Bendazoli de Falco.pdf: 14758045 bytes, checksum: 3fad119a9775c531ace5be378e99e2cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present dissertation aims to verify fair trade s reach towards its producers, beyond its impacts on life quality improvements. Particularly, it focus on its impacts on producers empowerment and in their effective participation in local development, in the definitions of commercial terms and in the fair trade movement itself. As fair trade proposes an alternative for international trade that aims to distribute commercial outcomes in a more equitable fashion among the players involved in the supply chain, particularly marginalized producers, it is also presented as a concrete strategy for a fairer development. However, it was not originally designed by these producers and one of the main present challenges for fair trade consolidation is a low participation of producers in developing fair trade practices. This research focused in the experience of produces associated to Cooperativa dos Pequenos Produtores Agroextrativistas de Lago do Junco (Cooperative of Small Agroextractive Producers of Lago do Junco) COPPALJ, particularly in two villages of the municipality of Lago do Junco Ludovico e São Manuel located in the micro region of Médio Mearin Valley, in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. These producers, through COPPALJ, participate in a international fair trade chain, exporting babassu oil to three clients The Body Shop, Aveda e Mondo Solidale. The study concludes that participation in an international fair trade has improved material conditions in these producer s lives, as well as it has helped the strengthening of COPPALJ and the social movement to what the cooperatives belongs to. Fair trade has also contributed to COPPALJ s political actions in the region. Fair trade has given an effective contribution to these producers empowerment, especially at local level. However, these outcomes are not result of fair trade alone, instead they are result of fair trade association to other important processes that occurred in these communities from the 1970s. Even if fair trade has contributed to producers empowerment, this outcome is not followed by a actual participation of producers in the fair trade movement. Producers have little knowledge on fair trade concepts, its main players and its mechanisms, especially at the international level. Considering its present importance to these producers, this fact points to an unbalance of power in established relationships in which producers have a much higher dependency on the contracts than the clients and are excluded from processes that define fair trade relations. Thus, fair trade keeps mechanisms of symbolic domination at the same time that it creates more space for questioning and overcoming this domination than conventional trade / O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar o alcance do comércio justo junto aos produtores, para além dos impactos de melhoria das condições de vida, em especial com relação aos impactos na ampliação de sua autonomia e participação efetiva no desenvolvimento local, nas definições das relações comerciais e no próprio movimento do comércio justo. Ao propor uma forma de comércio internacional que busca justamente distribuir de forma mais equitativa os resultados entre os diferentes atores envolvidos na cadeia produtiva, com prioridade para os produtores mais marginalizados, o comércio justo se apresenta como uma estratégia concreta para um desenvolvimento mais justo. Entretanto, sua proposta não foi inicialmente criada pelas comunidades de produtores potencialmente beneficiados e um dos desafios apresentados pelo próprio movimento para a sua consolidação é o fato de que a participação efetiva destes produtores no desenvolvimento das práticas do comércio justo ainda é baixa. A análise centrou-se na experiência dos produtores vinculados à Cooperativa dos Pequenos Produtores Agroextrativistas de Lago do Junco - COPPALJ, especialmente de dois povoados do município de Lago do Junco, Ludovico e São Manual, situado na microrregião do Vale do Médio Mearim no interior do Maranhão. Esses produtores, através da COPPALJ, participam de uma cadeia internacional de comércio justo, exportando óleo de coco babaçu para três clientes, The Body Shop, Aveda e Mondo Solidale. A pesquisa conclui que a inserção em uma cadeia internacional de comércio justo contribuiu para as melhorias das condições materiais dos produtores, para o fortalecimento da COPPALJ e do movimento social em que a cooperativa está inserida assim como para viabilizar financeiramente sua atuação política na região. Ou seja, o comércio justo tem contribuído de forma efetiva para a ampliação da autonomia desses produtores, especialmente em nível local. Entretanto, esses resultados não decorrem do comércio justo de forma isolada, mas sim da sua articulação com os demais processos que se deram nessas comunidades a partir da década de 1970. Ainda que o comércio justo venha contribuindo para a ampliação da autonomia dos produtores, esta não é acompanhada de uma participação efetiva dos produtores no movimento internacional do comércio justo. Os produtores tem um baixo conhecimento sobre o conceito, seus atores e mecanismos, especialmente no nível internacional. Dada sua importância atual para os produtores, este aspecto aponta para um desequilíbro de forças nas relações estabelecidas, no qual o nível de dependência do produtor é muito superior ao das empresas clientes e, principalmente, no qual os produtores não participam dos processos de definição das categorias que definem a relação de comércio justo, ainda que participem das definições comerciais em si. Assim, o comércio justo mantém mecanismos de dominação simbólica ao mesmo tempo em que cria mais espaços para seu questionamento e superação do que o comércio convencional

Autonomia e participação no comércio justo: a experiência da Cooperativa dos Pequenos Produtores Agroextrativistas de Lago do Junco COPPALJ / Empowerment and participation in fair trade: the case of Cooperativa dos Pequenos Produtores Agroextrativistas de Lago do Junco COPPALJ

Falco, Tania Carla Bendazoli de 10 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:53:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tania Carla Bendazoli de Falco.pdf: 14758045 bytes, checksum: 3fad119a9775c531ace5be378e99e2cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present dissertation aims to verify fair trade s reach towards its producers, beyond its impacts on life quality improvements. Particularly, it focus on its impacts on producers empowerment and in their effective participation in local development, in the definitions of commercial terms and in the fair trade movement itself. As fair trade proposes an alternative for international trade that aims to distribute commercial outcomes in a more equitable fashion among the players involved in the supply chain, particularly marginalized producers, it is also presented as a concrete strategy for a fairer development. However, it was not originally designed by these producers and one of the main present challenges for fair trade consolidation is a low participation of producers in developing fair trade practices. This research focused in the experience of produces associated to Cooperativa dos Pequenos Produtores Agroextrativistas de Lago do Junco (Cooperative of Small Agroextractive Producers of Lago do Junco) COPPALJ, particularly in two villages of the municipality of Lago do Junco Ludovico e São Manuel located in the micro region of Médio Mearin Valley, in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. These producers, through COPPALJ, participate in a international fair trade chain, exporting babassu oil to three clients The Body Shop, Aveda e Mondo Solidale. The study concludes that participation in an international fair trade has improved material conditions in these producer s lives, as well as it has helped the strengthening of COPPALJ and the social movement to what the cooperatives belongs to. Fair trade has also contributed to COPPALJ s political actions in the region. Fair trade has given an effective contribution to these producers empowerment, especially at local level. However, these outcomes are not result of fair trade alone, instead they are result of fair trade association to other important processes that occurred in these communities from the 1970s. Even if fair trade has contributed to producers empowerment, this outcome is not followed by a actual participation of producers in the fair trade movement. Producers have little knowledge on fair trade concepts, its main players and its mechanisms, especially at the international level. Considering its present importance to these producers, this fact points to an unbalance of power in established relationships in which producers have a much higher dependency on the contracts than the clients and are excluded from processes that define fair trade relations. Thus, fair trade keeps mechanisms of symbolic domination at the same time that it creates more space for questioning and overcoming this domination than conventional trade / O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar o alcance do comércio justo junto aos produtores, para além dos impactos de melhoria das condições de vida, em especial com relação aos impactos na ampliação de sua autonomia e participação efetiva no desenvolvimento local, nas definições das relações comerciais e no próprio movimento do comércio justo. Ao propor uma forma de comércio internacional que busca justamente distribuir de forma mais equitativa os resultados entre os diferentes atores envolvidos na cadeia produtiva, com prioridade para os produtores mais marginalizados, o comércio justo se apresenta como uma estratégia concreta para um desenvolvimento mais justo. Entretanto, sua proposta não foi inicialmente criada pelas comunidades de produtores potencialmente beneficiados e um dos desafios apresentados pelo próprio movimento para a sua consolidação é o fato de que a participação efetiva destes produtores no desenvolvimento das práticas do comércio justo ainda é baixa. A análise centrou-se na experiência dos produtores vinculados à Cooperativa dos Pequenos Produtores Agroextrativistas de Lago do Junco - COPPALJ, especialmente de dois povoados do município de Lago do Junco, Ludovico e São Manual, situado na microrregião do Vale do Médio Mearim no interior do Maranhão. Esses produtores, através da COPPALJ, participam de uma cadeia internacional de comércio justo, exportando óleo de coco babaçu para três clientes, The Body Shop, Aveda e Mondo Solidale. A pesquisa conclui que a inserção em uma cadeia internacional de comércio justo contribuiu para as melhorias das condições materiais dos produtores, para o fortalecimento da COPPALJ e do movimento social em que a cooperativa está inserida assim como para viabilizar financeiramente sua atuação política na região. Ou seja, o comércio justo tem contribuído de forma efetiva para a ampliação da autonomia desses produtores, especialmente em nível local. Entretanto, esses resultados não decorrem do comércio justo de forma isolada, mas sim da sua articulação com os demais processos que se deram nessas comunidades a partir da década de 1970. Ainda que o comércio justo venha contribuindo para a ampliação da autonomia dos produtores, esta não é acompanhada de uma participação efetiva dos produtores no movimento internacional do comércio justo. Os produtores tem um baixo conhecimento sobre o conceito, seus atores e mecanismos, especialmente no nível internacional. Dada sua importância atual para os produtores, este aspecto aponta para um desequilíbro de forças nas relações estabelecidas, no qual o nível de dependência do produtor é muito superior ao das empresas clientes e, principalmente, no qual os produtores não participam dos processos de definição das categorias que definem a relação de comércio justo, ainda que participem das definições comerciais em si. Assim, o comércio justo mantém mecanismos de dominação simbólica ao mesmo tempo em que cria mais espaços para seu questionamento e superação do que o comércio convencional

Etude des effets des labels du commerce équitable sur le consentement à payer des consommateurs : application au cas du chocolat / The effects of fair trade labels on consumer willingness to pay : application to case of chocolate

Michrafy, Mohammed 11 December 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif d’étudier le consentement à payer (CAP) accordé au label ducommerce équitable. Elle se structure en deux volets : le premier vise à identifier le prix maximum quele consommateur est prêt à consentir pour l'achat de produits labellisés « équitable » et à situerl'importance du label « équitable » par rapport à d'autres attributs tels que la qualité intrinsèque et leprix du produit. Le deuxième volet s'attache à déterminer l'influence de quatre catégories de variables(sociodémographiques, de personnalité, de valeurs personnelles et attitudinales) sur le consentement àpayer les produits équitables.Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons mené deux enquêtes sur le chocolat dans le cadre de deuxapproches méthodologiques différentes : l’expérimentation économique et l’analyse conjointe. Lesrésultats montrent que le label « équitable » accroît significativement le CAP moyen desconsommateurs. De même, la qualité intrinsèque du chocolat influe sur le CAP équitable.L’importance du label « équitable » dans la préférence du consommateur moyen est comparable àcelle de la qualité intrinsèque du produit et est inférieure à celle du prix. Enfin, les déterminants duCAP équitable diffèrent selon la qualité intrinsèque du produit. Il s’agit, dans le cas d’un chocolat debonne qualité, de variables sociodémographiques (sexe, CSP et niveau d’études), de personnalité(matérialisme, générosité, convictions de contrôle interne, libéralisme et évaluation morale del'argent), de valeurs personnelles (d'ordre individuel et social) et des variables attitudinales(connaissances des produits équitables, attitudes envers les produits labellisés « commerce équitable »,confiance dans la labellisation « équitable » et implication vis-à-vis des produits labellisés« équitable»). / The objective of this research is to examine the willingness-to-pay (WTP) granted to the fair tradelabel. The study consists of the two parts: the focus of the first one is to identify the maximum pricethe consumer is willing to accept to buy products labeled "fair" and to define the importance of thelabel "fair" compared with other attributes such as the intrinsic quality and price. The second part aimsto determine the influence of the four categories of variables (socio -demographic, personality,personal values and attitudinal) on the consumer willingness-to-pay for fair trade products.To answer these questions, we have conducted two surveys on chocolate products using two differentmethodological approaches: economic experimental study and conjoint analysis. The results show thatthe label "fair" significantly increases the average WTP of consumers. Similarly, the intrinsic qualityof the chocolate affects the equitable consent of the WTP. The importance of "fair" label of theaverage consumer' preference is comparable to the intrinsic quality of the product and is lowercompared to the price. Finally, the determinants of the equitable consent of WTP vary depending onthe intrinsic quality of the product. It relates, in the case of a good quality chocolate, to the sociodemographicvariables (gender, educational level and WTP), variables related to personality(materialism, generosity, internal control beliefs, liberalism and moral evaluation of money), personalvalues (individual and social) and attitudinal variables (knowledge of fair trade products, attitudestoward products labeled "fair trade", confidence in the fair labeling and involvement with respect toproducts labeled "fair").

Com?rcio Justo e o Caso do Algod?o: A Cadeia Produtiva T?xtil Brasileira. / Fair Trade and Cotton: The Case of the Brazilian Textile Supply Chain.

Asti, Ana Larronda 23 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:12:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007- Ana Larronda Asti.pdf: 1286919 bytes, checksum: 02932341c41f29fa4f9db57ff4e80ad5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-23 / This dissertation approaches fair trade conceptually and in its practices. As a social movement that is assuming also a commercial role, fair trade presents dynamics that correlate politics and markets. The first chapter consists of a debate around those dynamics, presenting the movement in its general aspect. The following chapter states the actors and concepts that institutionalize fair trade. The third chapter explores the context of cotton in the movement, as much in relation to the politics aspects of international trade and the parallel social movements, as the commercial ones, where it develops as a fashion market niche. With the cotton subject introduced, the last chapter demonstrates in practical the development of a fair trade textile supply chain in Brazil through the case study of the French mark "Tudo Bom?". / Esta disserta??o aborda o com?rcio justo tanto do ponto de vista conceitual quanto em sua pr?tica. Como um movimento social que vem assumindo cada vez mais uma face comercial, o com?rcio justo apresenta din?micas que correlacionam pol?ticas e mercados. O primeiro cap?tulo consiste em um debate em torno destas din?micas, apresentando o movimento sob um aspecto geral. O cap?tulo seguinte posiciona os atores e conceitos que institucionalizam o com?rcio justo. O terceiro cap?tulo explora o contexto do algod?o no movimento, tanto em rela??o aos aspectos pol?ticos do com?rcio internacional e de movimentos sociais paralelos quanto aos aspectos comerciais, onde o com?rcio justo se desenvolve como um nicho de mercado na moda. Com o tema do algod?o introduzido, o ?ltimo cap?tulo demonstra na pr?tica o funcionamento de uma cadeia produtiva t?xtil de com?rcio justo no Brasil, atrav?s do estudo de caso da marca francesa Tudo Bom? .

O movimento do Com?rcio Justo e Solid?rio no Brasil: entre a solidariedade e o mercado. / The Fair and Solidarity Trade Movement in Brazil: between solidarity and the market.

Mascarenhas, Gilberto Carlos Cerqueira 28 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007- Gilberto Carlos Cerqueira Mascarenhas.pdf: 9225036 bytes, checksum: 337f1e0134743beb1e3509cf31a6ed64 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The Fair Trade movement emerged as an initiative of organizations and consumers in the North aimed at improving the living conditions of disadvantaged producers and workers in Southern countries. To achieve these objectives the movement is active on three fronts: a) the creation of markets in the North where consumers pay a differentiated price for products from the South; b) campaigns among consumers in the North to increase the market for these products; and c) lobbying activities to change the rules of world trade, which are considered prejudicial to Southern countries. Demand limitations in the North, the demonstration effect of the movement s proposals in the South, and the need to adapt to local conditions, have stimulated Fair Trade initiatives in the South. In this sense, alternative production and consumption systems directed at national and South-South markets, have been discussed and implemented in various Latin American countries, based on the principles of Fair Trade. In Brazil, North-South Fair Trade initiatives have occurred since the 80s, although a national-wide movement only began in the middle of 2001, on the initiative of a group of public and private actors who made up the Faces do Brasil platform. From 2004-6 other actors participated in the movement, defending proposals linked to the creation of a just national market or to the defense of the interests of producers who were already active in North-South Fair Trade. This thesis is dedicated to the study of this movement, from a Southern perspective aiming to analyze to what extent the Brazilian proposal is distinguished from other Southern initiatives and the proposals of the global movement. To achieve these objectives a specific analytical framework was elaborated, involving theoretical approaches to social movements, convention theory and social network analysis. Empirically, the adoption of qualitative, participatory analysis associated with quantitative methods was essential for understanding the Brazilian movement, contextualizing it within the broader horizon of the complex features of the contemporary world. Among the principal results, the specificity of the Brazilian proposals were seen to depend on the participatory character of the construction of a national system of Fair and Solidarity Trade, involving a variety of actors and movements. This resulted in the incorporation of the principles of the Solidarity Economy and Agroecology movements, participatory certification schemes and the exclusive orientation to small farmers as the beneficiaries of the movement. The public-private character of the movement was crystallized in the creation of a specific space within the governmental sphere for the discussion of proposals and the formulation of public policies oriented to the movement aimed at creating a Brazilian System of Fair and Solidarity Trade. In relation to the producers, a low level of communication and transparency on the part of Northern actors was observed, which has reduced the extent of positive influences of North-South Fair Trade among the organizations visited in the eight case studies undertaken. As for convergences between the Brazilian movement s proposals and the aspirations of the producer groups, only the platforms more directly linked to the world of production incorporated their demands. / O movimento do Com?rcio Justo surgiu da iniciativa de organiza??es e consumidores do Hemisf?rio Norte visando ? melhoria das condi??es de vida de produtores e trabalhadores em desvantagem nos pa?ses do Sul. Para atingir esse objetivo o movimento vem atuando em tr?s frentes: a) na cria??o de mercados no Norte onde consumidores pagam um pre?o diferenciado por produtos do Sul; b) campanhas junto aos consumidores para elevar a parcela de mercado para esses produtos; e c) atrav?s de lobying visando mudan?a das regras do com?rcio internacional, considerado desvantajoso para os pa?ses do Sul. As limita??es da demanda no Norte, o efeito demonstra??o do movimento, e a necessidade de adapta??o aos contextos locais, t?m estimulado o desenvolvimento propostas s de Com?rcio Justo em pa?ses do Sul. No Brasil, iniciativas de Com?rcio Justo Norte-Sul t?m ocorrido desde os anos 80, entretanto, um movimento de abrang?ncia nacional s? foi iniciado em meados de 2001, por iniciativa de um grupo de atores p?blicos e privados, que compuseram a plataforma do Faces do Brasil. No per?odo 2004 a 2006, outros atores participaram do movimento, defendendo propostas ligadas ? cria??o de um mercado justo nacional e ? defesa dos interesses dos produtores que j? atuam no Com?rcio Justo Norte-Sul. Essa tese voltou-se para o estudo desse movimento, mas sob uma perspectiva do Sul, buscando analisar em que medida a proposta brasileira se distingue de outras iniciativas do Sul e das propostas do movimento global. Para atingir esse objetivo, um referencial anal?tico espec?fico foi adotado, envolvendo as abordagens te?ricas dos movimentos sociais, a teoria das conven??es e a an?lise de redes sociais. No campo emp?rico, a an?lise qualitativa associada a m?todos quantitativos foi essencial para a compreens?o do movimento brasileiro a partir do seu enquadramento num horizonte mais amplo de complexidade do mundo contempor?neo. Dentre os principais resultados, verificou-se que a especificidade da proposta brasileira se deve ao seu car?ter participativo na constru??o de um sistema nacional de Com?rcio Justo e Solid?rio, envolvendo atores p?blicos e privados e ? negocia??o com movimentos sociais convergentes. Isso teve como resultante a incorpora??o de princ?pios da Economia Solid?ria, da agroecologia, sistemas mais participativos de garantia e a op??o por produtores familiares como p?blico-alvo do movimento. O car?ter p?blico-privado do movimento brasileiro foi cristalizado na cria??o de um espa?o pr?prio na esfera governamental para a discuss?o das propostas e a defini??o de pol?ticas p?blicas voltadas para a implanta??o de um Sistema Brasileiro de Com?rcio Justo e Solid?rio. No ?mbito dos produtores que j? atuam no Com?rcio Justo Norte-Sul, verificou-se que h? um baixo grau de comunica??o e transpar?ncia por parte dos atores do Norte, o que tem reduzido o alcance dos objetivos do movimento junto a esses atores. Em termos da converg?ncia das propostas do movimento brasileiro com as aspira??es dos produtores, verificou-se que as plataformas mais diretamente ligadas ao mundo da produ??o s?o as que incorporam as principais necessidades desses atores.

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