Spelling suggestions: "subject:"families with children"" "subject:"amilies with children""
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Analýza nabídky služeb cestovního ruchu ve vybrané destinaci ve vztahu k vybraným segmentům / Analysis of tourist services in a selected tourist region for selected segmentsKytlicová, Pavlína January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on social tourism in Brno. The aim of the thesis is to analyse in what measure the tourist services are adapted to young people, families with children, physically handicapped people and seniors in Brno. The thesis is divided in theoretical and analytical part. The analytical part can be divided into four groups such as attractions offer, analysis of accommodation services, gastronomic services and transport services. These services are evaluated in demand of each segment. The selected destination is analysed in attractiveness for each segment.
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I tidens väntrum : En kvalitativ studie om hur personer som sökt asyl tillsammans med sina familjer har upplevt tiden i väntan på uppehållstillstånd / Time as a waiting room : A qualitative study of how people who applied for asylum together with their families experienced the time in waiting for a residence permitNurmalinova, Dilnaz, Karungi, Darlene January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur personer som sökt asyl tillsammans med sina familjer har upplevt sin livssituation i väntan på uppehållstillstånd, där fokuset läggs på barnfamiljer. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och resultatet analyseras med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Empirin är framtagen genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med män och kvinnor som sökte asyl i Sverige under den så kallade flyktingkrisen. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av teorin om känsla av sammanhang samt utgår från teoretiska begreppen liminalitet och resiliens. Resultatet visar att personer som söker asyl tillsammans med barn i familjen kan stå inför en rad olika påfrestningar under vänteperioden; nämligen ekonomiska svårigheter, otrygga boendeförhållanden, ovisshet inför framtiden och en dubbel orosbörda. Den ovissa framtiden gör det svårare att uppleva nuet som begripligt och hanterbart när man inte vet om man kommer få stanna i landet eller inte. Oron om barnets framtid och tankar om hur ett avslag kan påverka barnets liv präglar tillvaron i väntan. Men samtidigt är det barnen och familjen som ökar motivationen att fortsätta hålla ut. Studien lyfter också på vilket sätt det var möjligt för asylsökande att hantera sin situation. Resultatet visar att intervjupersoner har använt sig av olika resiliensstrategier och resurser för att känna sammanhang i sin tillvaro. Studien kommer slutligen fram till att en lång asylprocess påverkar asylsökande barnfamiljer på flera olika plan och för att individer i dessa familjer ska känna sig kunna hantera sin situation bör man satsa på att förstärka deras känsla av sammanhang.
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Vícečetné rodiny s dětmi v ČR / Large families with children in the Czech RepublicVlčková, Kamila January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis wants to find out main needs of large families in the Czech Republic. Families with three and more children are minority group for which social and family policy don't have specific measures. These families face to many problems, especially to the lack of financial resources and complicated reconciling of work and care. Situation of families and adjustment of social and family policy in the Czech Republic are compared with large families in France and with French family policy which is aim at reconciling of work and care in last years. Although adjustment of French welfare state is different, the inspiration for Czech system will be defined. Major benefit of this thesis is focusing on large families in the Czech Republic which don't receive social benefits and at least one parent is economically active.
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Mellan organisation och barnfamilj : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevda handlingsutrymme i det vräkningsförebyggande arbetet. / Between organization and children’s family : A qualitative study of social secretaries’ perceivedHermelin Fjordmark, Anna, Borg, Alina January 2022 (has links)
Studien har undersökt hur socialsekreteraren upplever sitt handlingsutrymme i det vräkningsförebyggande arbetet med barnfamiljer. Studien belyser faktorer som både begränsar och möjliggör handlingsutrymmet för socialsekreteraren i arbetet med barnfamiljerna samt hur detta i sig påverkar barnfamiljerna. Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om socialsekreterares upplevelser av sitt handlingsutrymme kopplat till det vräkningsförebyggande arbetet när det kommer till barnfamiljer. För att göra detta har vi utgått från en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer där vi mött socialsekreterare som arbetar vräkningsförebyggande med barnfamiljer inom Socialtjänsten på enheten för ekonomiskt bistånd. Vårt empiriska material består av sju stycken intervjuer med socialsekreterare som arbetar inom olika stadsdelsförvaltningar i Stockholm stad. Vi har utgått från Michael Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater i analyserandet av den empiriska data, en teori som berör det handlingsutrymme som gräsrotsbyråkrater besitter i sin position mellan organisation och klient. Studiens resultat visar att socialsekreteraren upplever ett splittrat handlingsutrymme i deras vräkningsförebyggande arbete med barnfamiljer som innebär en balansgång mellan känslan av ett stort handlingsutrymme och påverkan, samtidigt som det är starkt bundet till organisation och chef samt yttre och inre faktorer i organisationen. Här lyfts att arbetserfarenhet är starkt kopplat till upplevelsen av ett större handlingsutrymme och därmed möjlighet till påverkan för barnfamiljerna. Studien belyser även frågor från socialsekreteraren om handlingsutrymmets eventuella personbundenhet samt svårigheter i att navigera huruvida handlingsutrymmet ska användas gentemot barnfamiljen eller gentemot Socialtjänsten. / The aim of this study is to examine how social workers understand and experience their discretion in the daily work with eviction prevention when it comes to children’s families. The study was conducted through qualitative semi-structured interviews with social secretaries. Our empirical data is based on seven interviews with social secretaries from different district administrations in Stockholm stad. Drawing on Michael Lipsky’s theory on street level bureaucracy, we have analysed their reflections and examined how social workers view their position and level of discretion. Lipsky’s theory is based on the role that street level bureaucrats possesses and how the position of being in between the organization and the clients affect their daily work. The outcome of the study shows experiences of a partly fragmented discretion in daily work with eviction prevention for families with children. The experienced discretion is dual: there is both a feeling of a rather big discretion with the possibility to affect, but also a strong experience of discretion being bound to organization and their closest boss, including inner and outer factors. Among other things, work experience was highlighted as a direct connection to the experience of a bigger discretion and a possibility to effect. The study also highlights a question raised by the social secretaries concerning what direction their discretion should be used in, pointing to the different loyalties concerning if discretion is used with either the families or the organization itself in mind.
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Взаимодействие органов государственной власти и некоммерческих организаций в сфере поддержки семей с детьми: анализ проблем и инструменты совершенствования : магистерская диссертация / Interaction of public authorities and non-profit organizations in the field of supporting families with children: analysis of problems and tools for improvementКовязина, И. В., Kovyazina, I. V. January 2020 (has links)
The object of the research is state authorities and non-profit organizations supporting families with children. Subject of the research - the mechanism of interaction between public authorities and non-profit organizations in the field of supporting families with children in the Sverdlovsk region. The goal is to analyze the specifics of interaction between public authorities and non-profit organizations in the field of supporting families with children and develop recommendations for improving this interaction. The solution of the tasks set in the work was carried out on the basis of the application of such research methods as the analysis of theoretical and regulatory documents, the analysis of statistical data. A sociological study was carried out using the method of secondary data analysis and expert survey. The study examined theoretical and regulatory issues of interaction between government bodies and non-profit organizations in the field of supporting families with children; the analysis of the state of this interaction in the Sverdlovsk region is carried out, the main problems are identified. The result of the work was the development of recommendations to improve the forms of interaction between government bodies and non-profit organizations in the field of supporting families with children. / The object of the research is state authorities and non-profit organizations supporting families with children. Subject of the research - the mechanism of interaction between public authorities and non-profit organizations in the field of supporting families with children in the Sverdlovsk region. The goal is to analyze the specifics of interaction between public authorities and non-profit organizations in the field of supporting families with children and develop recommendations for improving this interaction. The solution of the tasks set in the work was carried out on the basis of the application of such research methods as the analysis of theoretical and regulatory documents, the analysis of statistical data. A sociological study was carried out using the method of secondary data analysis and expert survey. The study examined theoretical and regulatory issues of interaction between government bodies and non-profit organizations in the field of supporting families with children; the analysis of the state of this interaction in the Sverdlovsk region is carried out, the main problems are identified. The result of the work was the development of recommendations to improve the forms of interaction between government bodies and non-profit organizations in the field of supporting families with children.
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Problematika služeb sociální prevence pro ohrožené rodiny s dětmi ve vybrané lokalitě / The issue of social prevention services for at risk families in the chosen regionNeubauerová, Natália January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with problems of social prevention services for at-risk families with children in the selected location. The main objective for the author is whether the current institutional conditions for provision of social prevention for vulnerable families it possible to avoid placing children in institutional care. The second main objective is to identify problems related to the provision of these services within the institutional settings. The author, using several theoretical and factual resources, describes given issue and translates it to the enviroment of the village with extended powers Ústí nad Labem. Through expert research with selected involved we identified the main barriers which prevent the satisfactory provision of social prevention in the selected location. In Ústí nad Labem there is the highest number of at-risk families with children in the Czech Republic and social prevention services at the location in question are not sufficiently supported neither financially nor in terms off staff.
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Saggi sulle Dinamiche di Povertà dei Bambini e delle loro Famiglie / Essays on the Poverty Dynamics of Children and their FamiliesDAMIOLI, GIACOMO 30 March 2009 (has links)
Studi recenti hanno evidenziato come la comprensione del fenomeno della povertà si arricchisca integrando il concetto più tradizionale di povertà cross-sectional con un concetto longitudinale. La crescente letteratura sulle dinamiche di povertà si occupa del tempo in cui individui diversi rimangono poveri e le transizioni dentro e fuori la condizione di povertà. Chapter 1 è una review delle strategie econometriche che sono state suggerite nella letteratura. L’attenzione è posta sulla derivazione econometrica di ogni modello, ma l’obiettivo è anche di chiarire le domande specifiche a cui ogni modello vuole dare risposta e le relative implicazioni di politica. Poiché è una regolarità empirica ben documentata che le famiglie con figli sono sovra-rappresentate al fondo della distribuzione dei redditi di molti paesi così come che i bambini che crescono in situazione di svantaggio sono associati a basse capacità cognitive e relazionali, il resto della tesi si incentra su diversi aspetti dinamici del fenomeno della povertà. In particolare, Chapter 2 studia la presenza di dipendenza dallo stato nella povertà infantile in Italia tra il 1993 e il 2006, mentre il Capitolo 3 è una valutazione dell’effetto di particolari politiche di sostegno alle famiglie che sono state introdotte in Gran Bretagna alla fine degli anni ’90 sulla durata delle esperienze di povertà. / Recent studies gave evidence on how a better understanding of the phenomenon of poverty is achieved by integrating the more traditional concept of cross-sectional poverty with a longitudinal concept. The increasing literature on poverty dynamics deals with the time different individuals spend in poverty and the transitions in and out of poverty. Chapter 1 is a review of the econometrical strategies that have been employed in the literature. The focus is on the econometrical derivation of each model, but I aim also at clarifying the specific research questions each model wants to answer and the related policy implications. As it is a well-established finding that families with children are over-represented at the bottom of the income distribution in many countries as well as that children who grow up in disadvantaged environments are associated with diminished cognitive and social skills, the remaining of the thesis focuses on different dynamics facets of the poverty phenomenon. In particular, Chapter 2 investigates the presence of state dependence in Italian child poverty between 1993 and 2006, while Chapter 3 is an assessment of the effect of particular families oriented policies introduced in Britain in the late 1990s on the duration of poverty experiences.
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Projekt neziskové organizace zajišťující sociálně aktivizační služby pro rodiny s dětmi / Project of a non-profit organisation providing social-active service for families with childrenGARAIOVÁ, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
I described topics related to the title of the thesis in its theoretical part and in that way I made a comprehensive survey focused on the social fieldwork in families. The first target of the thesis was - to learn the experience of some chosen non-profit-making organizations which deliver socially activating services to families with children. The qualitative research, the method of questioning and the technique of semi-standardized interview were used for achieving my objective. The same kinds of research, method and technique were used for achieving my second objective, i.e. - to map the status of delivering socially activating services to families with children in the South Bohemia region which realize saving of families. I carried out two kinds of interviews; the first one - in non-profit-making organizations; the second one - with some OSPOD{\crq}s women-workers in České Budějovice. The set aims were fulfilled. Then, on the base of the detected data, I formulated my findings. My findings confirmed that the experience of organizations which deliver socially activating services to families with children is consistent. Employees of non-governmental non-profit-making organizations indicated that the functioning of their organizations is successful and that they cope with their purposes and aims. The women-workers of OSPOD concurred in their statements that the kind of work with families seemed beneficial and the women-workers were open for cooperation with organizations in that field, which is an important aspect for those organizations. The current situation in delivering socially activating services to families with children in the South Bohemia region is not unsatisfactory, but it is not fully cowered yet. There is no organization fully focused on the saving of families, especially in some border areas of the region. My interviews contributed to the creation of my project design of a non-governmental, non-profit-making organization. On the base of the project design socially activating services (fieldwork form) for families with children in the South Bohemia region could be realized (under the law No. 108/2008 of Collection of Law {--} Social Services Act). In this way the project is the practical output of my thesis and it can be used for the creating of an organization focused on the saving of families in the South Bohemia region. The project and its implementation expect cooperation with experts qualified in that field. If the project is realized, the number of socially activating services in the South Bohemia region will increase and the only organization focused wholly on the saving of families will be created.
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Sociální služby a jejich dostupnost ve Středočeském kraji, případová studie okresu Rakovník / Sociální služby a jejich dostupnost ve Středočeském kraji, případová studie okresu RakovníkRapčan, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this master thesis is to analyze and evaluate the accessibility of social services in Central Bohemia. Special attention is given to the area around the city of Rakovnik with the goal of evaluating itsbreadth and availability of social services in this peripheral area of Central Bohemia. The introduction of the theoretical part begins with the definition of social politics, including its models and principals. A description of the social politics of the Czech Republic, along with related laws, structure of social services and their providers follows. The theoretical part of the thesis includes a comparison of social systems in the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia. The conclusion is dedicated to issues of community planning, its creation and benefits associated with it. The practical part of the thesis deals with social services in Central Bohemia. Attention is focused on community planning throughout Central Bohemia and the structure, typology and availability of social services for its residents. The practical part offers a more detailed analysis of social services in Rakovnik, presenting its community plan and the structure of services offered in the district. The methods used in developing the topic of this thesis is a literary review, descriptions, analysis, interviews, results of emprirical investigations and an imperical synthesis of learned facts.
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Sociálně aktivizační služby pro rodiny s dětmi ve městě Rakovník / Social Activation Services for Families with Children in Rakovník TownTučková, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
TUČKOVÁ, Tereza. Social activation services for families with children in the town of Rakovník. Prague 2021. The diploma thesis. Charles University, Prague. Hussite Theological Faculty. Department of Psychosocial Sciences and Ethics. Thesis supervisor Mgr. Barbora Racková. This diploma thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part and is realized through qualitative research, in the form of interviews with clients. Initially, the theoretical part deals with and explains the general facts that will help to more easily understand the whole issue. Here we find the concept of social work, social worker, prejudices against social workers and it also marginally deals with the ethics of social work. Subsequently, the concept of family is explained, I try to point out the importance of family for each of us. Furthermore, social work with the family, family rehabilitation. We will also find an explanation of the term of social activation service for families with children here. It is described first in general and then specifically in the town of Rakovník. The practical part consists, as it has already been mentioned, of qualitative research which is developed in the form of semi-structured interviews with clients. It contains research and partial questions, which have been answered by in total of...
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