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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do I Date My Dance Partner: An Examination of Marital Satisfaction Among Serious Leisure Participants in Partner Dancing

Hyde, Sara Alexandra 09 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to compare marital satisfaction among serious leisure participants in partner dancing and their spouses based on their participation patterns in dance (both dancers or only one dancer), with covariates of spousal support, satisfaction with leisure, and leisure-family conflict. This study not only found a significant relationship between marital satisfaction and participation patterns for dancers (participating together β =.2125), but the averages for joint and individual participation patterns fell on either side of the non-distressed versus distressed cut-off score for marital satisfaction, suggesting that participation in a serious leisure activity, like partner dancing, without your spouse was associated with marital distress, and participating with your spouse can help reduce or avoid that stress. Results also suggest that it is role support felt for a specific leisure activity (in this case, dance) that was related to marital satisfaction (β =.4925), but not support felt for general leisure activities or levels of support given. Finally, retiring to bed at the same time was confirmed as an important couple ritual that positively relates to marital satisfaction (β =.1548).


PRISCILA PINHEIRO MONZATO 19 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo central compreender a influência da adoção do home office na relação conflito trabalho-família para mulheres, com idades entre 25 e 60 anos, que passaram a trabalhar de forma remota ou híbrida a partir do advento da pandemia da Covid-19. A base conceitual considerada para análise desse fenômeno se concentrou nos temas conflito trabalho-família, teletrabalho e gênero. Diante do fato de a ampliação do trabalho remoto, modalidade de trabalho adotada pelas empresas durante a pandemia, ter impactado significativamente a vida das trabalhadoras, buscou-se compreender como tal mudança vem afetando a conciliação das esferas do trabalho e da vida familiar dessas mulheres. A metodologia adotada para este estudo foi de natureza qualitativa, com base nos relatos de quinze mulheres entrevistadas que atuam em diversos segmentos da economia. Dentre elas, sete tem filhos ou filhas. Os resultados obtidos indicam que onze se sentem sobrecarregadas, tanto as que são mães como as que não são. Destaca-se, ainda, que a maioria das entrevistadas prefere a modalidade de teletrabalho parcial, o denominado modelo híbrido, por conta da flexibilidade proporcionada. Observou-se, também, que grande parte continua assumindo a maior carga do trabalho doméstico e de cuidados, reforçando a visão estereotipada das mulheres como multitarefa e de que o trabalho remunerado exercido pelo marido é mais desgastante do que o exercido por elas. / [en] The main objective of this research was to understand the influence of the adoption of the home office on the work-family conflict relationship for women, aged between 25 and 60, who started to work remotely or in a hybrid way after the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic. The conceptual basis considered for the analysis of this phenomenon focused on the themes work-family conflict, telework and gender. Given the fact that the expansion of remote work, the work modality adopted by companies during the pandemic, has significantly impacted the lives of workers, we sought to understand how this change has affected the reconciliation of the spheres of work and family life of these women. The methodology adopted for this study was qualitative in nature, based on the reports of fifteen women interviewed who work in different segments of the economy. Among them, seven have sons or daughters. The results obtained indicate that eleven feel overwhelmed, both those who are mothers and those who are not. It is also noteworthy that most of the interviewees prefer the partial telework modality, the so-called hybrid model, due to the flexibility provided. It was also observed that a large part continues to assume the greatest burden of housework and care, reinforcing the stereotyped view of women as multitasking and that the paid work performed by the husband is more exhausting than the one performed by them.

När oro för jobbförlust påverkar upplevd work-life conflict : En kvantitativ studie om hur oro för jobbförlust kan leda till svårigheter att släppa arbetets krav, vilket i sin tur kan öka upplevd work-life conflict.

Eriksson, Josefin, Orén, Ellinor January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan oro för jobbförlust och upplevd work-life conflict. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt grundar sig i forskning om rollkonflikt och anställningsotrygghet. Work-life conflict (WLC) definieras som en rollkonflikt där arbetslivet och privatlivet konkurrerar om en individs begränsade resurser. Oro för jobbförlust syftar i huvudsak till en subjektiv oro över att bli av med sin anställning, snarare än faktiskt otrygga anställningsvillkor. Uppsatsens datamaterial kommer från en tvärsnittsundersökning från den svenska studien inom det internationella forskningsprojektet ISSP från 2015 vilken undersöker åsikter om jobbet och arbetslivet via enkäter. Det obundna slumpmässiga urvalet har begränsats i uppsatsen och består av totalt 596 respondenter som alla vid tillfälle för besvarad enkät förvärvsarbetar. För att undersöka sambandet och testa hypotesen används linjär regressionsmodell som analysmetod. Resultaten visade på ett positivt samband mellan oro för jobbförlust och work-life conflict vilket förstärker tidigare forskningsresultat på området. I den multivariata regressionsanalysen inkluderas kontroll för demografiska, samt arbetslivsrelaterade variabler och sambandet blir något starkare. Sammanfattningsvis går det positiva sambandet mellan oro för jobbförlust och work-life conflict att generalisera till hela populationen, det vill säga Sveriges arbetande befolkning då resultatet i den multivariata regressionsanalysen är av statistisk signifikans. Dessa resultat bidrar med en ny kontext på forskningsfrågan i och med det bredare urvalet och intressanta samhällsläget.

A Methodological Study of Family and Personality Variables Associated with Discrimination and Bullying

Hoover, Ronald Lee January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Investigating the Antecedents and Consequences of Boundary Permeability at Work and Home

Kim, Sung Doo 10 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence of Religious and Political Discrepancies on Parent-Adolescent Social Cohesion

Taylor, Emily de Schweinitz 18 April 2024 (has links) (PDF)
American youth are leaving organized religion at historical levels. Given that religious and political similarity (consensual solidarity) tends to strengthen affectual solidarity (emotional connection) in parent-adolescent dyads, decreasing adolescent religiousness and increasing political disagreements may threaten family social cohesion. However, during adolescence, youth empathy skills tend to increase and adolescents’ conflict with their parents tends to eventually subside. Based on principles outlined in intergenerational family solidarity theory, I hypothesized that adolescent empathy skills and authoritative parenting style would buffer the negative relational effects of religious and political discrepancies within the parent-adolescent relationship. I used Waves 2-4 (referred to as Times 1-3) of parent-adolescent data drawn from the Family Foundations of Youth Development study (Time 2 N = 1764 families) to understand patterns of discrepancy using a person-centered analysis. As a first step in latent profile analysis, I enumerated five distinct classes in Time 2 using the indicators of religious and political identities and social cohesion at both Times 2 and 3, alongside the covariates of adolescent empathy, parenting styles, and demographic controls. Next, I labeled the five classes as follows: Class 1 – Less Religious Parents Politically Mixed (26% of the sample, n = 665); Class 2 – More Religious Parents Moderate Conservative (26% of the sample, n = 399); Class 3 – Both Somewhat Religious Conservative (20% of the sample, n = 254); Class 4 – Least Religious Adolescents Politically Mixed (14% of the sample, n = 236); and Class 5 – More Religious Adolescents Very Conservative (14% of the sample, n = 210). Finally, I compared the five classes on the longitudinal distal outcome of social cohesion at Time 3. The Less Religious Parents Politically Mixed families predicted significantly less social cohesion while the Both Somewhat Religious Conservative families predicted significantly higher social cohesion from Time 2 to 3.

Darbuotojų vertybinių orientacijų, darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveikos bei pasitenkinimo darbu sąsajos / Relations of emploees‘value orientations, work and family interaction and job satisfaction

Žilinskaitė, Dovilė 19 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti pozityvią ir negatyvią darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveiką bei jos ryšius su pasitenkinimu darbu ir vertybinėmis orientacijomis. Tyrime dalyvavo 208 tiriamieji iš Kauno, Vilniaus ir Prienų miestų bei rajonų organizacijų. Visi tiriamieji turėjo sutuoktinį/-ę (partnerį/-ę) ir/arba vaikų. Darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveika buvo tiriama „Darbo-namų sąveikos klausimynu“ (SWING), pasitenkinimas darbu vertintas P.E. Spector „Pasitenkinimo darbu klausimynu“ (JSS), o vertybinės orientacijos - Rokičiaus „Vertybinių orientacijų tyrimo“ metodika. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveika yra susijusi su pasitenkinimu darbu. Kuo dažniau patiriamas darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų konfliktas, tuo mažesnis darbuotojų pasitenkinimas darbu. Pozityvi darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveika yra teigiamai susijusi tik su tam tikrais pasitenkinimo darbu aspektais: bendradarbiais, paaukštinimo galimybėmis, vadovavimu ir darbo pobūdžiu. Darbo ir šeimos vertybinės orientacijos taip pat yra susijusios su darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveika. Kuo individui svarbesnė šeimos vertybinė orientacija, tuo rečiau jis patiria darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų konfliktą. Kuo jam svarbesnė darbo vertybinė orientacija, tuo dažniau jis patiria pozityvią darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveiką. Taip pat buvo analizuojama galima vertybinių orientacijų kaip moderatoriaus įtakata darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų konflikto bei pasitenkinimo darbu ryšiui, tačiau tyrimo rezultatai šios galimybės nepatvirtino. / The aim of the study was to evaluate positive and negative interaction of work and family domains and its’ relations with job satisfaction and value orientations. The subjects of the study were 208 men and women from Kaunas, Vilnius and Prienai towns and districts. All participants were currently working and had a spouse/partner and/or children. Work anf family interaction was measured by „Survey Work-Home Interaction“ (SWING), job satisfaction was evaluated according to Spector‘s „Job Satisfaction Survey“ (JSS) and value orientations were measured using Rokeach‘s „Value Orientations Survey“. Results of the study showed that work and family interaction is related to job satisfaction. The more often work and family conflict is experienced, the lower is emploees’ job satisfaction. Work and family facilitation is related to some aspects of job satisfaction aswell. The more often work and family facilitation is experienced, the higher is satisfaction of coworkers, management, nature of work and promotion possibilities. Value orientations are also related to work and family interaction. The more important is family value orientation to individual, the less work and family conflict is experienced. And the more important is work value orientation, the more work and family facilitation is experienced. Potential moderating effect of value orientatios on relation between work and family interaction and job satisfaction was also investigated but moderating effect was not comfirmed by... [to full text]

Střídavá péče o dítě po rozvodu rodičů / Shared Custody

Hejtmánková, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a theoretical study that characterizes shared childcare after divorce as the most suitable post-divorce arrangement. This assumption is based on developmental changes in the European family from the time of the French Revolution, the development of family law and important aspects of family law, as well as on the needs of children, and definitions of maternal and paternal love. This hypothesis is also supported by the results of foreign research, which compares the lives of children in different post-divorce arrangements. The following paper discusses mediation as an appropriate way of helping parents achieve a solution that is suitable for all participants in the dispute. In the conclusion some case studies are presented.

Work-family balance satisfaction of racially and ethnically underrepresented minority postdoctoral scholars in the STEM fields

Cristina Marie Soto Sullivan (6680363) 16 August 2019 (has links)
<p>Postdoctoral scholars encounter various challenges as they navigate the gap between graduate school and faculty or industry positions, one of which includes the challenge of work-family conflict and balance. The science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields represent one sector of the workforce where a closer examination of work-family conflict and balance is important due to the rise in prominence of these fields and the unique populations of people who are underrepresented within these fields. Scholars have identified various experiences or constructs (e.g., bias) that suggest that STEM environments may not be particularly welcoming or supportive for racially and ethnically underrepresented minorities (URMs). The transitional stage of being a postdoctoral scholar in combination with high work demands and a “chilly” or unsupportive work environment may contribute to work-family conflict among racially and ethnically URM postdoctoral scholars in STEM, which could contribute to the underrepresentation of racially and ethnically URMs in the STEM fields and/or the premature exit of these postdoctoral scholars from STEM fields. </p><p>Using role congruity perspective (Diekman & Eagly, 2008), I examined the function of goal endorsement (communal or agentic) as a possible cultural moderator in the indirect relationship between work demand and work-family conflict. This study formulated and empirically tested the relationships between work demand, perceived work environment, goal endorsement (communal or agentic), work-family conflict, and satisfaction with work-family balance. Two models were examined to differentiate two different aspects perceived work environment: (a) one using a supportive work environment variable as a mediator of the relationship between perceived work demand and work-family conflict, and (b) one using a hostile work environment variable as a mediator of the relationship between perceived work demand and work-family conflict. Hypotheses regarding the moderating role of a communal goal orientation and an agentic goal orientation in the indirect relationship between work demand and work-family conflict across the two models (supportive work environment and hostile work environment) were assessed. </p><p>Data was collected from 282 racially and ethnically underrepresented minority postdoctoral scholars in the STEM fields enrolled in postdoctoral positions at universities through an online survey. Using structural equation modeling, results revealed that the indirect effect between work demand and work-family conflict was significant and strongest at low levels of a communal goal endorsement and the indirect effect gradually became weaker until it was nonsignificant as racially and ethnically URM postdoctoral scholars’ communal goal endorsement increased. The results suggest that in the face of microaggressions in the workplace, racially and ethnically URM postdoctoral scholars’ high value of communion serves as a protective factor, which reduces the indirect effect of work demand on work-family conflict.Limitations of the study and recommendations for future research are presented alongside implications for counseling practice.</p>

The Quest for Work and Family Balance Using Flexible Work Arrangements

Forris, Sandra Ellen 01 January 2015 (has links)
Abstract Employees experience challenges managing home and work. The increase of women in the workforce, single-parents, childcare, elder care responsibilities, and men in nontraditional roles warrant changes in traditional working hours and flexibility in work schedules. Through the theoretical frameworks of work-family conflict, spillover, border, and boundary theories, the purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore how flexible work arrangements (FWAs) assisted employees in meeting work and family obligations. Minimal research is available in the defense industry and the use of FWAs. A nonprobability, convenience sample was used to explore how management and nonmanagement participants from a Midwest defense contractor used FWAs. An online questionnaire consisting of 59 questions and 14 face-to-face (FTF) interviews were used to collect data. There were 27 participants that responded to all online questions. FTF interviews were audio recorded and member-checked. The research questions were focused on how employees used FWAs and whether work-family balance (WFB) was achieved. Both data collection media were transcribed and inductively coded tracking emerging themes and patterns. Dominant themes showed that FWA increased WFB, employees worked longer hours, employees were loyal to the organization, and telecommuting was the ideal FWA. The implications for social change are providing a realistic view to employers on the importance of balancing work and family. FWAs are also shown to contribute to employee satisfaction and attract and retain highly-skilled workers.

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