Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1amily conflict"" "subject:"1amily konflict""
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The Role of Self-Efficacy, Family Support, Family Affection, and Family Conflict on Adolescent Academic Performance.Pearson, Christine L. 19 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The Department of Education funded this study as a part of a larger longitudinal study to examine the relationship between the role of family environment factors and academic performance among adolescents. The participants included 685 middle school adolescents from rural and semirural public schools. Family environment factors were gathered using the Family Environment Scale (Moos & Moos, 1981) and included family conflict, family support, and showing affection. Standardized test scores across 4 domains and final course grades across 4 domains were collapsed and used as measures of academic performance. The moderating relationship between support, conflict, and academic performance was examined. The mediating relationships between self-efficacy, parent involvement, family environment factors, and academic performance were examined. Results indicated that significant relationships existed and underscore the importance of bolstering resiliency in adolescents as mechanisms for ameliorating risk factors associated with academic failure.
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Normbrytande kvinnor : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga familjeförsörjares upplevelse av det betalda och obetalda arbetetBrebäck, Ida, Karlsson, Juliana January 2023 (has links)
For decades, the man has been seen as the ideal of the role of the main breadwinner and the woman as the nurturing carer. As women become more educated, this leads to more females becoming breadwinners. Thus, being the main breadwinner as a woman is still a norm-breaking role today, but one that is likely to become increasingly common in the future. The aim of the study is thus to gain an understanding of the division of unpaid labour as these women may be considered norm-breakers. Furthermore, we want to reach an understanding of how/ if these women experience conflict when it comes to the role of primary breadwinner and her role as a mother. This qualitative study is based on interviews with female breadwinners who work full-time and are mothers. The theoretical framework of the study consists of Berger and Luckmann's theory of socialization, West and Zimmerman's theory of Doing Gender, the Doing Family theory by David Morgan, and the work-family conflict by Greenhaus and Beutell. The results of the study suggest that the women experience a conflict between their roles as mothers as well as working women. It also shows that women have different perceptions of equality in the home and the distribution of unpaid work. / Mannen har länge ansetts vara idealet för rollen som den huvudsakliga familjeförsörjaren och kvinnan som den omhändertagande omsorgstagaren. I takt med att kvinnor utbildar sig i allt högre utsträckning leder det till att allt fler kvinnor blir familjeförsörjare. Att vara den huvudsakliga familjeförsörjaren som kvinna är således än idag en normbrytande roll men som förmodligen kommer att bli allt mer vanligt förekommande i framtiden. Syftet med studien är således att nå en förståelse för hur uppdelningen av det obetalda arbetet ser ut då dessa kvinnor kan anses vara normbrytande. Vi söker dessutom att nå en förståelse för hur/om dessa kvinnor upplever en konflikt när det kommer till rollen som huvudsaklig familjeförsörjare och hennes roll som mamma. Denna kvalitativa studie baserar sitt resultat utifrån intervjuer med kvinnliga familjeförsörjare som är heltidsarbetande och mammor. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består Berger och Luckmanns teori om socialisation, West och Zimmermans teori Doing Gender, teorin Doing Family av David Morgan samt Work- family conflict av Greenhaus och Beutell. Studiens resultat tyder på att kvinnorna upplever en konflikt mellan sin roll som mamma såväl som huvudsaklig familjeförsörjare. Det framkommer även att upplevelsen av uppdelningen av hushållsarbetet anses vara ojämnt fördelat i olika mån.
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Spousal Problems and Family-To-Work Conflict; Mediating Effects of Time, Relationship, and Financial StrainFettro, Marshal Neal 09 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Work-Family Conflict and the Perception of Departmental and Institutional Work-Family Policies in Collegiate Athletic TrainersGodek, Michelle M. 25 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Lösa livspusslet? : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnor och mäns inställning till fyra dagars arbetsveckaBjuvéus, Moa, Blomdahl, Ebba January 2022 (has links)
The question of working hours, their length and allocation engages workers around the world. Today we see an increasing flexibility in the working life and an increasing interest regarding the question of working hours. Being able to balance work-family life is universally accepted to be a challenge for living a sustainable life. Previous research regarding a shortened working week indicates that shorter working hours increase well-being and reduce stress. The aim of this study is to create an understanding for the puzzling everyday life of families and for the extent to which men and women believe that a four-day work week could ease their everyday challenges. The aim of the investigation is to focus on the allocation of household work between men and women, thus if these opinions and experiences differ between men and women. The purpose is to create an understanding of how the individual demands and expectations within family-life differ depending on gender. In this study, twelve qualitative interviews with six women and six men were carried out to compare their feelings, opinions, and reflections regarding a four-day work week. The result shows that most men and women are positive to the idea of a four-day work week: women to a somewhat greater extent than men. It also shows that women would use their free day to do household chores to a greater extent than men, who would to a greater degree prioritize their own activities for free time and hobbies. The results raise important questions regarding the allocation of household chores in families. / Diskussionerna om arbetstiden, dess längd och förläggning engagerar medarbetare världen över. Idag ser vi en ökad flexibilisering i arbetslivet och ett växande intresse kring frågan om arbetstid. Att kunna balansera familje-och arbetsliv är en universell utmaning för att kunna leva ett hållbart liv. Tidigare forskning om förkortad arbetsvecka visar att minskad arbetstid leder till ökat välmående och minskad stress. I denna studie undersöks hur livspusslet ter sig för familjer och i vilken utsträckning män och kvinnor tror att en fyra dagars arbetsvecka skulle förändra vardagslivet. Undersökningen ämnar fokusera på fördelning av hushållsarbete mellan könen genom att undersöka hur åsikter och erfarenheter skiljer sig åt mellan kvinnor och män. Syftet är att skapa en förståelse för hur individuella krav och förväntningar i familjelivet skiljer sig åt beroende på kön. I studien genomförs tolv kvalitativa intervjuer med sex kvinnor och sex män där fokus ligger på att jämföra deras känslor, åsikter och reflektioner kring en fyra dagars arbetsvecka. Resultaten visar att majoriteten av män och kvinnor är positiva till idén om genomförandet av en fyra dagars arbetsvecka, kvinnor i något större omfattning än män. Det visar även att kvinnor skulle använda sin lediga dag till att göra hushållsarbete i högre utsträckning än män, som till större grad skulle prioritera egna aktiviteter och hobbys. Resultaten lyfter viktiga frågor om upplevelser av fördelningen av hushållsarbete inom familjer.
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Évaluation de l'efficacité du soutien social dans un contexte de conflit travail-familleRhnima, Abdelaziz 08 1900 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal. / De nos jours, l'emploi et la famille renferment la majorité des rôles qu'un travailleur est amené à jouer au cours de sa vie. Par conséquent, les hommes et les femmes employés éprouvent de plus en plus un conflit dans leur tentative quotidienne à gérer la dualité de ces rôles. Toutefois, si la prise en conscience du conflit travail-famille date du 19e, l'émergence de l'intérêt pratique et académique que ce conflit a suscité demeure lié à un flot de changements et de mutations survenus dans le marché du travail et dans la famille depuis la mondialisation. Ces changements et ces mutations font que l'interface travail-famille cristallise de plus en plus un ensemble de défis pour le travailleur, pour l'organisation et pour la société. Dans ce contexte, l'on reconnaît toute l'importance du soutien social pour les travailleurs afin de concilier vie professionnelle et vie de famille. L'objet de notre recherche porte sur l'examen de l'efficacité du soutien du conjoint, de l'organisation et du supérieur à travers quatre types de soutien susceptibles d'être prodigués par chacune de ces sources : émotionnel, évaluatif/approbatif, informatif et instrumental. Deux modes d'influence dudit soutien sont examinés dans cette recherche : le modèle de l'effet additif (« Main Effect Model ») et celui de l'effet interactif (« Buffer Effect Model »). Notre question de recherche est la suivante : le soutien social, agit-il plus efficacement à l'égard du conflit travail-famille de manière additive ou interactive ? Deux hypothèses de recherche sont testées dans cette étude : a) le soutien social aura des effets réducteurs sur l'intensité du conflit travail-famille comme le précise le modèle de l'effet additif (« Main Effect AIodel ») et b) le soutien social aura des effets modérateurs sur la relation entre les stresseurs (inhérents à la vie professionnelle et à celle de famille) et le conflit travail-famille, conformément au modèle de l'effet interactif (« Buffer Effect Model »). Le modèle de recherche testé s'articule sur une batterie de variables qu'on peut préfigurer comme suit : l) les variables indépendantes représentées par les stresseurs inhérents aussi bien à la vie professionnelle qu'à la vie de famille; 2) la variable dépendante concrétisée par le conflit travail-famille; 3) les types de soutien social tantôt utilisés comme des variables indépendantes, tantôt, comme des variables modératrices. Enfin, un ensemble de variables psychodémographiques ont été considérées ici, à titre de variables de contrôle, afin de bien vérifier la validité interne de notre modèle de recherche. Notre méthode de recherche repose sur une stratégie non-expérimentale avec un devis transversal (« cross-sectional design »). Les données ont été collectées par voie d'un questionnaire écrit et auto-administré, auprès d'un échantillon d'individus susceptibles de vivre le conflit travail-famille : les professionnels et les cadres. L'échantillon définitif de cette étude est constitué de 490 enquêtes sur une population cible de 3713 (soit un taux de réponse de 13.2 %). La majorité des enquêtes est constituée de femmes (62.4%). L'âge moyen des répondants est de 39.1 ans. De même, 87.4 % des répondants dispose au moins d'un premier cycle universitaire. Parmi nos répondants, 57.1 % ont au moins un enfant de 6 ans et moins. Enfin, l'écrasante majorité de enquêtes est constituée de cadre (51.2 %) et de professionnels (33.1 %). Au ternie des différents tests (corrélation simple et partielle) et analyses (factorielles et de régression hiérarchique multivariée), ayant été effectués sur nos données, nous avons fait les constats généraux suivants : l) s'agissant de l'hypothèse de l'effet additif (« Main Effect Model »), force est de constater l'effet du soutien s'avère un mécanisme beaucoup moins lié audit conflit (une fois contrôlé l'effet des variables psychodémographiques et des stresseurs familiaux et professionnels). En témoigne aussi bien le nombre limité des effets additifs significativement lié au conflit travail-famille après lesdits contrôles (9 effets sur 32 testés, soit 29 %) que le fait que parmi ces 9 effets additifs significatifs enregistrés, 3 sont dans un sens contre-intuitif aux hypothèses. 2) les mêmes remarques sont réitérées à l'endroit de l'hypothèse de l'effet interactif («Buffer Effect Model ») : l'effet interactif du soutien du conjoint, de l'organisation et du supérieur s'avère peu efficace à l'égard du conflit travail-famille et ce, une fois les variables psychodémographiques et les stresseurs contrôlés. Ce fait a été relevé aussi bien au niveau du modèle général de nos répondants, des enquêtes ayant un conjoint qu'à celui des répondants dont le conjoint travaille. Témoigne de ce constat, la quantité faible des termes interactifs (14 seulement sur les 432 testés) qui sont demeurés d'un effet significatif sur l'intensité dudit conflit (soit 3.2 %) que celle, encore plus faible (0.46 %), des termes interactifs qui se sont avérés efficacement modérateurs de ce conflit (2 seulement et à 5 % sur les 432 testés). Cela dit, plusieurs perspectives demeurent à emprunter par la recherche future afin d'éviter les sentiers battus et partant pouvoir cerner davantage la problématique des modes d'influence du soutien social dans un contexte de conflit travail-famille (ex. le modèle antécédent et le modèle intermédiaire). ' En conclusion, et bien que les résultats de la présente recherche, ne confirment que partiellement les hypothèses de départ, il n'en est pas moins vrai qu'ils constituent d'abord, une contribution aux champs de connaissances respectives au modèle des déterminants du conflit travail-famille et à l'étude des modes d'influence du soutien social; ensuite, ces résultats cristallisent une portée pratique car plusieurs implications managériales peuvent en être déduites afin d'aider le milieu organisationnel à ajuster ses stratégies d'équilibre travail-famille.
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[pt] Esta tese teve como objetivo compreender, por meio de uma análise de
narrativa temática interseccional, as experiências de conciliação trabalho-família
das diferentes mulheres que compõem circuitos de cuidado infantil. Para atingir
esse objetivo, foram realizadas entrevistas com quatro mulheres que realizam a
atividade de cuidado em domicílio, de forma remunerada ou não, a crianças de 0 a
6 anos de idade e que fazem parte dos diferentes elos de um circuito de cuidado.
Para análise dos depoimentos recolhidos, foi utilizado o método análise de narrativa
temática reflexiva, proposto por Braun e Clarke (2022), junto a um modelo analítico
de narrativa interseccional, sugerido pela autora deste estudo. Os resultados
encontrados foram apresentados em três grandes temas: 1) Peculiaridades
Individuais Inseridas em Conjunturas Sociais de Opressão; 2) Configurações e
Estratégias em um Circuito de Cuidado; e 3) Conflito Trabalho-Família e
Interseccionalidade no Trabalho de Cuidado. Diante da análise de um perfil de
entrevistadas heterogêneo, inicialmente, as peculiaridades individuais de cada uma
foram apresentadas, e colaboraram para dar visibilidade ao contexto social, que foi
pano de fundo para a análise dos outros grandes temas. Em seguida, a análise das
configurações do circuito de cuidado (Guimarães, 2020) pesquisado demonstrou o
entrelaçamento das diferentes interações que constituem a estrutura de cuidado
infantil - destacando quem realiza a atividade de cuidado, qual significado atribui
ao trabalho, qual o tipo de relação social é estipulado para realização do trabalho
(mercantil ou não mercantil) e qual o modo de retribuição (monetária ou não) está
envolvida nessa relação. Foi identificado que as diferentes relações sociais que são
tecidas na organização do cuidado infantil garantem que mulheres que são mães e
que trabalham fora conciliem as suas demandas de cuidado e profissionais. Nesse
sentido, constatou-se que dependente do trabalho de cuidado não é só a criança que
é cuidada, mas também quem depende do trabalho de cuidado executado por outras
pessoas para trabalhar. Além disso, este estudo ratifica que são as mulheres negras
e pobres que realizam a maior parte do trabalho de cuidado no Brasil. Em relação
aos resultados do terceiro grande tema, Conflito Trabalho-Família e
Interseccionalidade no Trabalho de Cuidado, foram demonstrados os motivos
individuais que levam as entrevistadas a vivenciar o conflito trabalho-família, que
foram agrupados em três temas: 1) O Acúmulo de Atividades e o Sentimento de
Culpa; 2) Barreiras da Vida Familiar; e 3) Obstáculos Ligados ao Trabalho
Remunerado. Esses temas surgiram com base na leitura prévia sobre o assunto, mas
dois subtemas foram desvelados à posteriori. São eles: 1) Afetos e Desafetos com
a Trabalhadora de Cuidado Remunerado, que destacou os conflitos vivenciados
pela patroa em relação a trabalhadora de cuidado profissional, que impactam a sua
vida profissional; e 2) Os des(Acordos) e os Efeitos do Trabalho Informal,
referindo-se aos conflitos experimentados pela trabalhadora doméstica que afetam
a sua vida familiar e demonstram a falta de valorização e reconhecimento desse
ofício. A análise de narrativas temática interseccional permitiu identificar, de forma
relacional, as diferentes relações de poder que estão presentes em um circuito de
cuidado, que moldam a forma como as mulheres diversas que o compõem
equilibram as demandas do trabalho e da família. Desta maneira, constatou-se que
o patriarcado, o racismo e a desigualdade econômica são fatores interligados que
privilegiam determinados grupos em detrimento de outros e mantém viva a
exploração das trabalhadoras de cuidado (remuneradas ou não). Desvelar esta
complexa relação que se estabelece de forma invisível aos que olham, mas é
presente aos que a experimentam, as possíveis causas da criação e manutenção das
desigualdades sociais são destacadas e se torna possível iniciar um processo de
justiça social. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo buscou contribuir : 1) para as
organizações, relações de trabalho e estudos de gênero, ao analisar as experiências
das diferentes mulheres que realizam atividades de cuidado no seu cotidiano, as
relações sociais as quais se envolvem e que as permitem se engajar no mercado de
trabalho, os fatores geradores do conflito trabalho-família vivenciado por elas e que
impactam o bom desempenho organizacional e, diante disso, criticar a lógica
patriarcal dominante responsável pela manutenção da divisão sexual do trabalho; e
2) para a sociedade, com um maior entendimento acerca das experiências desiguais
vivenciadas por essas mulheres, provocando uma conscientização acerca do papel
das relações individuais, organizacionais e do Estado na organização do cuidado e
sua incidência na apropriação do tempo de trabalho e energia das mulheres. Por
fim, o estudo buscou explicitar a necessária disponibilização de serviços públicos,
tais como: creches públicas, proteção social e acesso à previdência às donas de casa,
e garantia de direitos que impeçam a exploração do trabalho doméstico e de
cuidado. / [en] This thesis aimed to understand, through an intersectional thematic narrative analysis, the experiences of work-family reconciliation of the different women who make up child care circuits. To achieve this objective, interviews were carried out with four women who provide home care, paid or unpaid, to children aged 0 to 6 years old and who are part of the different links of a care circuit. To analyze the statements collected, the reflective thematic narrative analysis method, proposed by Braun and Clarke (2022), was used, along with an analytical model of intersectional narrative, suggested by the author of this study. The results found were presented in three major themes: 1) Individual Peculiarities Inserted in Social Conjunctures of Oppression; 2) Configurations and Strategies in a Care Circuit; and 3) Work-Family Conflict and Intersectionality in Care Work. Faced with the analysis of a heterogeneous profile of interviewees, initially, the individual peculiarities of each one were presented, and they collaborated to give visibility to the social context, which was the backdrop for the analysis of the other major themes. Next, the analysis of the configurations of the care circuit (Guimarães, 2020) researched demonstrated the intertwining of the different interactions that constitute the child care structure - highlighting who carries out the care activity, what meaning they attribute to work, what type of relationship social is stipulated for carrying out the work (commercial or non-commercial) and what form of retribution (monetary or not) is involved in this relationship. It was identified that the different social relationships that are woven into the organization of child care ensure that women who are mothers and who work outside the home can reconcile their care and professional demands. In this sense, it was found that dependent on care work is not only the child who is cared for, but also those who depend on care work carried out by other people to work. Furthermore, this study confirms that it is poor black women who carry out the majority of care work in Brazil. In relation to the results of the third major theme, Work-Family Conflict and Intersectionality in Care Work, the individual reasons that lead interviewees to experience work-family conflict were demonstrated, which were grouped into three themes: 1) The Accumulation of Activities and the Feeling of Guilt; 2) Barriers to Family Life; and 3) Obstacles Linked to Paid Work. These themes emerged based on previous reading on the subject, but two subthemes were revealed afterwards. They are: 1) Affections and Disaffections with the Paid Care Worker, which highlighted the conflicts experienced by the employer in relation to the professional care worker, which impact her professional life; and 2) Disagreements and the Effects of Informal Work, referring to the conflicts experienced by domestic workers that affect their family life and demonstrate the lack of appreciation and recognition of this job. The analysis of intersectional thematic narratives allowed us to identify, in a relational way, the different power relations that are present in a care circuit, which shape the way in which the diverse women who make up it balance the demands of work and family. In this way, it was found that patriarchy, racism and economic inequality are interconnected factors that privilege certain groups to the detriment of others and keep the exploitation of care workers (paid or unpaid) alive. By unveiling this complex relationship that is established invisibly to those who look, but is present to those who experience it, the possible causes of the creation and maintenance of social inequalities are highlighted and it becomes possible to initiate a process of social justice. In this sense, the present study sought to contribute: 1) to organizations, work relations and gender studies, by analyzing the experiences of different women who carry out care activities in their daily lives, the social relationships in which they engage and that allow them to engage in the labor market, the factors that generate the work-family conflict experienced by them and that impact good organizational performance and, in light of this, criticize the dominant patriarchal logic responsible for maintaining the sexual division of labor; and 2) for society, with a greater understanding of the unequal experiences lived by these women, raising awareness about the role of individual, organizational and State relationships in the organization of care and their impact on the appropriation of work time and energy of women. women. Finally, the study sought to clarify the necessary provision of public services, such as: public daycare centers, social protection and access to social security for housewives, and guaranteeing rights that prevent the exploitation of domestic and care work.
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La conciliation travail-famille pour les professionnels de la réadaptation : un défi d'une participation sociale optimale au quotidien?Braga, Luciana 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction: La participation sociale "optimale" peut se définir comme une congruence parfaite entre les attentes de l'individu et sa réalité. La conciliation travail-famille fait appel à l'équilibre des différentes sphéres de vie du travailler. On peut alors s'interroger sur la perception de l'optimalité qu'ont les professionnels de la réadaptation quant à leur propre niveau de participation, conciliant plusieurs sphéres de vie et les facteurs qui influencent cette participation. But: Explorer la perception de l'optimalité de la participation sociale chez des professionnels de la réadaptation et les facteurs identifiés par ces derniers comme l'influençant. Méthode: Étude qualitative d'orientation phénoménologique auprés de treize professionnels de la réadaptation à l'aide d'un guide d'entrevue composé de questions ouvertes. Les données recueillies ont été enregistrées sur bande audio et transcrites intégralement (verbatim) suivi d'une analyse de contenu. Résultats: Les participants, majoritairement des femmes (12/13) étaient âgés de 31 à 44 ans et avaient entre un et trois enfants dont l'âge variait de 7 mois à 12 ans. L'optimalité de la participation est perçue comme: la possibilité (ou non) d'accomplir ses activités significatives tout en prenant en charge ses différentes responsabilités. Parmi les cinq facteurs environnementaux perçus comme ayant une influence (l'aspect financier, le soutien du conjoint, le temps, la flexibilité des horaires au travail et la structure familiale) la structure familiale apparait comme déterminante du possible et influence ainsi grandement les attentes individuelles.Conclusion: La conciliation travail-famille est un phénomène complexe qui gagne à être étudié dans sa globalité plutôt qu'en silo. / Introduction: Optimal social participation, which is the ultimate goal targeted by rehabilitation professionals for their clients, can be defined as perfect congruence between an individual's expectations and reality. Work-family dynamic requires balance between the different spheres of a worker's life. This raises questions about the perception that rehabilitation professionals have regarding their own optimal social participation, reconciling various life spheres, and the factors influence this participation. Purpose: To explore the perception of rehabilitation professionals regarding their optimal social participation, and the factors they identify as influencing this participation. Method: Qualitative study with a phenomenological orientation among 13 rehabilitation professionals using an interview guide consisting of open questions. The data was audio-recorded and transcribed in full (verbatim) followed by content analysis. Results: Participation were mostly women (12/13) aged 31 to 44 years having one to three children aged from 7 months to 12 years old. Optimality of participation is perceived as the ability (or not) to carry out important activities while fulfilling one's various responsibilities. Of the five environmental factors perceived to have an influence (financial aspects, spousal support, time, flexible work schedule, and family organization), family organization appears to be a determinant of possibility and thus greatly influences individual expectations. Conclusion: Work-life balance is a complex phenomenon that should be studied holistically rather in a siloed mode.
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Une étude sur l’effet médiateur du conflit travail-famille entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et les symptômes dépressifsMartin, William 04 1900 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est d’approfondir l’état des connaissances au niveau des explications sociales des problèmes de santé mentale au sein de la main-d’œuvre. Il porte plus particulièrement sur le rôle médiateur du conflit travail-famille dans la séquence causale entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et le développement des symptômes dépressifs. Les analyses nécessaires pour cette étude ont été effectuées à partir de données issues de l’enquête SALVEO qui portait sur les déterminants de la santé mentale au travail dans la population canadienne.
Les analyses de cheminement de causalité multiniveaux ont révélé que le conflit travail-famille était significativement associé aux symptômes dépressifs. Cependant, les résultats ne permettaient pas de conclure que l’effet de toutes les conditions de l’organisation du travail était totalement médiatisé par le conflit travail-famille. Les résultats issus d’une démarche exploratoire indiquent néanmoins que certaines associations entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et les symptômes dépressifs sont complètement médiatisées, que certaines sont partiellement médiatisées et que certaines sont associées directement avec les symptômes dépressifs.
L’effet des demandes psychologiques, des heures de travail, de l’horaire de travail, du soutien des collègues et du revenu professionnel est complètement capturé par le conflit travail-famille. L’association entre l’insécurité d’emploi et les symptômes dépressifs est plutôt médiatisée partiellement. C'est-à-dire qu’une partie de l’effet de cette condition de travail agit directement sur les symptômes dépressifs, tandis qu’une partie de l’effet est indirect et passe par le conflit travail-famille. Par conséquent, ces résultats invitent les recherches futures ainsi que les interventions en entreprise à considérer le rôle central et complexe du conflit travail-famille dans la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et les symptômes dépressifs. / The main objective of this master’s thesis is to advance the state of knowledge in social explanations of mental health problems in the workforce. It focuses on the mediating effect of work-family conflict in a causal sequence between the conditions of work organization and the development of depressive symptoms. The statistical analyses required for this study were performed using data from the SALVEO’s survey on determinants of mental health in the Canadian population.
Multilevel path analysis supported that work-family conflict relate significantly with more depressive symptoms. However, the results did not suggest that work-family conflict fully mediated the relation between work organization conditions and depressive symptoms. Nevertheless, in an exploratory approach, some associations between the work organization conditions and depressive symptoms were completely mediated, some were partially mediated and some were only associated with depressive symptoms.
Psychological demands, hours worked, work schedule, coworkers support and professional income were fully mediated by work-family conflict. Furthermore, work-family conflict partially mediated the relationship between job insecurity and depressive symptoms. Part of the effect of job insecurity was direct, while part of the effect was indirect through work-family conflicts. Therefore, these findings suggest that future researches and organizational interventions need a more complete understanding of the relationship between work organization and depressive symptoms, which can be achieved if work-family conflict is considered as a mediator in this dynamic.
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Job insecurity climate : The nature of the construct, its associations with outcomes, and its relation to individual job insecurityLåstad, Lena January 2015 (has links)
Work is an essential part of most people’s lives. With increasing flexibility in work life, many employees experience job insecurity – they perceive that the future of their jobs is uncertain. However, job insecurity is not just an individual experience; employees can perceive that there is a climate of job insecurity at their workplace as well, as people collectively worry about their jobs. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the job insecurity climate construct and how it relates to work- and health-related outcomes and to individual job insecurity. Three empirical studies were conducted to investigate this aim. Study I investigated the dimensionality of the job insecurity construct by developing and testing a measure of job insecurity climate − conceptualized as the individual’s perception of the job insecurity climate at work − in a sample of employees working in Sweden. The results indicated that individual job insecurity and job insecurity climate are separate but related constructs and that job insecurity climate was related to work- and health-related outcomes. Study II examined the effects of individual job insecurity and job insecurity climate on work- and health-related outcomes in a sample of employees working in a private sector company in Sweden. The results showed that perceiving higher levels of job insecurity climate than others in the workgroup was associated with poorer self-rated health and higher levels of burnout. Study III tested the relationship between individual job insecurity and job insecurity climate in a sample of Flemish employees. The results indicated that individual job insecurity is contagious, as individual job insecurity predicted perceptions of job insecurity climate six months later. In conclusion, by focusing on perceptions of the job insecurity climate, the present thesis introduces a new approach to job insecurity climate research, showing that employees can perceive a climate of job insecurity in addition to their own individual job insecurity and, also, that this perception of the job insecurity climate at work has negative consequences for individuals and organizations. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>
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