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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fair and Efficient Federated Learning for Network Optimization with Heteroscedastic Data

Welander, Andreas January 2024 (has links)
The distributed and privacy sensitive nature of cellular networks make them strong candidates for optimization using Federated Learning, but this exposes them to a problem inherent to the learning paradigm: performance inequality due to heterogeneous client data distributions. The prevailing approach of enforcing uniform client performance ignores client-specific performance limitations due to different levels of irreducible uncertainty present in their data, resulting in deteriorated network performance. To address this issue, this thesis introduces two novel federated algorithms designed to enhance learning efficiency and ensure fairness in the presence of heteroscedastic noise, reflecting the distributive justice principles of utilitarianism and equality. Under these circumstances, the proposed algorithms are shown to significantly improve overall performance and performance fairness. The deployment of these algorithms promises a dual benefit: enhancement in network performance and a fairer distribution of service quality for end users.

Comparing decentralized learning to Federated Learning when training Deep Neural Networks under churn

Vikström, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Decentralized Machine Learning could address some problematic facets with Federated Learning. There is no central server acting as an arbiter of whom or what may benefit from Machine Learning models created by the vast amount of data becoming available in recent years. It could also increase the reliability and scalability of Machine Learning systems thereby drawing the benefit of having more data accessible. Gossip Learning is such a protocol, but has primarily been designed with linear models in mind. How does Gossip Learning perform when training Deep Neural Networks? Could it be a viable alternative to Federated Learning? In this thesis, we implement Gossip Learning using two different model merging strategies. We also design and implement two extensions to this protocol with the goal of achieving higher performance when training under churn. The training methods are compared on two tasks: image classification on the Federated Extended MNIST dataset and time- series forecasting on the NN5 dataset. Additionally, we also run an experiment where learners churn, alternating between being available and unavailable. We find that Gossip Learning performs slightly better in settings where learners do not churn but is vastly outperformed in the setting where they do. / Decentraliserad Maskinginlärning kan lösa några problematiska aspekter med Federated Learning. Det finns ingen central server som agerar som domare för vilka som får gagna av Maskininlärningsmodellerna skapad av den stora mäng data som blivit tillgänglig på senare år. Det skulle också kunna öka pålitligheten och skalbarheten av Maskininlärningssystem och därav dra nytta av att mer data är tillgänglig. Gossip Learning är ett sånt protokoll, men det är primärt designat med linjära modeller i åtanke. Hur presterar Gossip Learning när man tränar Djupa Neurala Nätverk? Kan det vara ett möjligt alternativ till Federated Learning? I det här exjobbet implementerar vi Gossip Learning med två olika modelsammanslagningstekniker. Vi designar och implementerar även två tillägg till protokollet med målet att uppnå bättre prestanda när man tränar i system där noder går ner och kommer up. Träningsmetoderna jämförs på två uppgifter: bildklassificering på Federated Extended MNIST datauppsättningen och tidsserieprognostisering på NN5 datauppsättningen. Dessutom har vi även experiment då noder alternerar mellan att vara tillgängliga och otillgängliga. Vi finner att Gossip Learning presterar marginellt bättre i miljöer då noder alltid är tillgängliga men är kraftigt överträffade i miljöer då noder alternerar mellan att vara tillgängliga och otillgängliga.

Federated Learning in Large Scale Networks : Exploring Hierarchical Federated Learning / Federerad Inlärning i Storskaliga Nätverk : Utforskande av Hierarkisk Federerad Inlärning

Eriksson, Henrik January 2020 (has links)
Federated learning faces a challenge when dealing with highly heterogeneous data and it can sometimes be inadequate to adopt an approach where a single model is trained for usage at all nodes in the network. Different approaches have been investigated to succumb this issue such as adapting the trained model to each node and clustering the nodes in the network and train a different model for each cluster where the data is less heterogeneous. In this work we study the possibilities to improve the local model performance utilizing the hierarchical setup that comes with clustering the participating clients in the network. Experiments are carried out featuring a Long Short-Term Memory network to perform time series forecasting to evaluate different approaches utilizing the hierarchical setup and comparing them to standard federated learning approaches. The experiments are done using a dataset collected by Ericsson AB consisting of handovers recorded at base stations in an European city. The hierarchical approaches didn’t show any benefit over common two-level approaches. / Federated Learning står inför en utmaning när det gäller att hantera data med en hög grad av heterogenitet och det kan i vissa fall vara olämpligt att använda sig av en approach där en och samma modell är tränad för att användas av alla noder i nätverket. Olika approacher för att hantera detta problem har undersökts som att anpassa den tränade modellen till varje nod och att klustra noderna i nätverket och träna en egen modell för varje kluster inom vilket datan är mindre heterogen. I detta arbete studeras möjligheterna att förbättra prestandan hos de lokala modellerna genom att dra nytta av den hierarkiska anordning som uppstår när de deltagande noderna i nätverket grupperas i kluster. Experiment är utförda med ett Long Short-Term Memory-nätverk för att utföra tidsserieprognoser för att utvärdera olika approacher som drar nytta av den hierarkiska anordningen och jämför dem med vanliga federated learning-approacher. Experimenten är utförda med ett dataset insamlat av Ericsson AB. Det består av "handoversfrån basstationer i en europeisk stad. De hierarkiska approacherna visade inga fördelar jämfört med de vanliga två-nivåapproacherna.

Wireless Network Intrusion Detection and Analysis using Federated Learning

Cetin, Burak 12 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Federated DeepONet for Electricity Demand Forecasting: A Decentralized Privacy-preserving Approach

Zilin Xu (11819582) 02 May 2023 (has links)
<p>Electric load forecasting is a critical tool for power system planning and the creation of sustainable energy systems. Precise and reliable load forecasting enables power system operators to make informed decisions regarding power generation and transmission, optimize energy efficiency, and reduce operational costs and extra power generation costs, to further reduce environment-related issues. However, achieving desirable forecasting performance remains challenging due to the irregular, nonstationary, nonlinear, and noisy nature of the observed data under unprecedented events. In recent years, deep learning and other artificial intelligence techniques have emerged as promising approaches for load forecasting. These techniques have the ability to capture complex patterns and relationships in the data and adapt to changing conditions, thereby enhancing forecasting accuracy. As such, the use of deep learning and other artificial intelligence techniques in load forecasting has become an increasingly popular research topic in the field of power systems. </p> <p>Although deep learning techniques have advanced load forecasting, the field still requires more accurate and efficient models. One promising approach is federated learning, which allows for distributed data analysis without exchanging data among multiple devices or cen- ters. This method is particularly relevant for load forecasting, where each power station’s data is sensitive and must be protected. In this study, a proposed approach utilizing Federated Deeponet for seven different power stations is introduced, which proposes a Federated Deep Operator Networks and a Lagevin Dynamics-based Federated Deep Operator Networks using Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics as the optimizer for training the data daily for one-day and predicting for one-day frequencies by frequencies. The data evaluation methods include mean absolute percentage error and the percentage coverage under confidence interval. The findings demonstrate the potential of federated learning for secure and precise load forecasting, while also highlighting the challenges and opportunities of implementing this approach in real-world scenarios. </p>

Enhancing Efficiency and Trustworthiness of Deep Learning Algorithms

Isha Garg (15341896) 24 April 2023 (has links)
<p>This dissertation explore two major goals in Deep Learning algorithm design: efficiency and trustworthiness. We motivate these concerns in Chapter 1 and give relevant background in Chapter 2. We then discuss six works to target these two goals. </p> <p>The first of these discusses how to make the model compression methodology more efficient, so it can be done in a single shot. This allows us to create models with reduced size and layers, so we can have faster and more efficient inference, and is covered in Chapter 3. We then extend this to target efficiency in continual learning in Chapter 4, while mitigating the problem of catastrophic forgetting. The method discussed also allows us to circumvent the potential for data leakage by avoiding the need to store any data from the past tasks. Next, we consider brain-inspired computing as an alternative to traditional neural networks to improve compute efficiency of networks. The spiking neural networks discussed however have large inference latency due to the need for accumulating spikes over many timesteps. We tackle this by introducing a new scheme that distributes an image over time by breaking it down into a sum of its ranked sinusoidal bases in Chapter 5. This results in networks that are faster and more efficient to deploy. Chapter 6 targets mitigating both the communication expense and potential for data leakage in federated learning, by distilling the gradients to be communicated in a small number of images that resemble noise. Communicating these images is more efficient, and circumvents the potential for data leakage as they resemble noise. We then explore the applications of studying curvature of loss with respect to input data points in the last two chapters. We first utilize curvature to create performant coresets to reduce the size of datasets, to make training more efficient in Chapter 7. In Chapter 8, we use curvature as a metric for overfitting and use it to expose dataset integrity issues arising from memorization.</p>

Decentralizing Large-Scale Natural Language Processing with Federated Learning / Decentralisering av storskalig naturlig språkbearbetning med förenat lärande

Garcia Bernal, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the most popular and visible forms of Artificial Intelligence in recent years. This is partly because it has to do with a common characteristic of human beings: language. NLP applications allow to create new services in the industrial sector in order to offer new solutions and provide significant productivity gains. All of this has happened thanks to the rapid progression of Deep Learning models. Large scale contextual representation models, such asWord2Vec, ELMo and BERT, have significantly advanced NLP in recently years. With these latest NLP models, it is possible to understand the semantics of text to a degree never seen before. However, they require large amounts of text data to process to achieve high-quality results. This data can be gathered from different sources, but one of the main collection points are devices such as smartphones, smart appliances and smart sensors. Lamentably, joining and accessing all this data from multiple sources is extremely challenging due to privacy and regulatory reasons. New protocols and techniques have been developed to solve this limitation by training models in a massively distributed manner taking advantage of the powerful characteristic of the devices that generates the data. Particularly, this research aims to test the viability of training NLP models, in specific Word2Vec, with a massively distributed protocol like Federated Learning. The results show that FederatedWord2Vecworks as good as Word2Vec is most of the scenarios, even surpassing it in some semantics benchmark tasks. It is a novel area of research, where few studies have been conducted, with a large knowledge gap to fill in future researches. / Naturlig språkbehandling är en av de mest populära och synliga formerna av artificiell intelligens under de senaste åren. Det beror delvis på att det har att göra med en gemensam egenskap hos människor: språk. Naturlig språkbehandling applikationer gör det möjligt att skapa nya tjänster inom industrisektorn för att erbjuda nya lösningar och ge betydande produktivitetsvinster. Allt detta har hänt tack vare den snabba utvecklingen av modeller för djup inlärning. Modeller i storskaligt sammanhang, som Word2Vec, ELMo och BERT har väsentligt avancerat naturligt språkbehandling på senare tid år. Med dessa senaste naturliga språkbearbetningsmo modeller är det möjligt att förstå textens semantik i en grad som aldrig sett förut. De kräver dock stora mängder textdata för att bearbeta för att uppnå högkvalitativa resultat. Denna information kan samlas in från olika källor, men ett av de viktigaste insamlingsställena är enheter som smartphones, smarta apparater och smarta sensorer. Beklagligtvis är det extremt utmanande att gå med och komma åt alla dessa uppgifter från flera källor på grund av integritetsskäl och regleringsskäl. Nya protokoll och tekniker har utvecklats för att lösa denna begränsning genom att träna modeller på ett massivt distribuerat sätt med fördel av de kraftfulla egenskaperna hos enheterna som genererar data. Särskilt syftar denna forskning till att testa livskraften för att utbilda naturligt språkbehandling modeller, i specifika Word2Vec, med ett massivt distribuerat protokoll som Förenat Lärande. Resultaten visar att det Förenade Word2Vec fungerar lika bra som Word2Vec är de flesta av scenarierna, till och med överträffar det i vissa semantiska riktmärken. Det är ett nytt forskningsområde, där få studier har genomförts, med ett stort kunskapsgap för att fylla i framtida forskningar.

Effects of Local Data Distortion in Federated Learning

Peteri Harr, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
This study explored how clients with distorted data affected the Federated Learning process using the FedAvg and FedProx algorithms. Different amounts of the three distortions, Translation, Rotation, and Blur, were tested using three different Machine Learning models. The models were a Dense network, the well-known convolutional network LeNet-5, and a smaller version of the ResNet architecture. The results of the study successfully showcases how different distortions affect the three models. Therefore, they also show that the risk of local data distortion is important to factor in when picking a Machine Learning model for Federated Learning.

Cluster selection for Clustered Federated Learning using Min-wise Independent Permutations and Word Embeddings / Kluster selektion för Klustrad Federerad Inlärning med användning av “Min-wise” Oberoende Permutations och Ordinbäddningar

Raveen Bandara Harasgama, Pulasthi January 2022 (has links)
Federated learning is a widely established modern machine learning methodology where training is done directly on the client device with local client data and the local training results are shared to compute a global model. Federated learning emerged as a result of data ownership and the privacy concerns of traditional machine learning methodologies where data is collected and trained at a central location. However, in a distributed data environment, the training suffers significantly when the client data is not identically distributed. Hence, clustered federated learning was proposed where similar clients are clustered and trained independently to form specialized cluster models which are then used to compute a global model. In this approach, the cluster selection for clustered federated learning is a major factor that affects the effectiveness of the global model. This research presents two approaches for client clustering using local client data for clustered federated learning while preserving data privacy. The two proposed approaches use min-wise independent permutations to compute client signatures using text and word embeddings. These client signatures are then used as a representation of client data to cluster clients using agglomerative hierarchical clustering. Unlike previously proposed clustering methods, the two presented approaches do not use model updates, provide a better privacy-preserving mechanism and have a lower communication overhead. With extensive experimentation, we show that the proposed approaches outperform the random clustering approach. Finally, we present a client clustering methodology that can be utilized in a practical clustered federated learning environment. / Federerad inlärning är en etablerad och modern maskininlärnings metod. Träningen är utförd direkt på klientenheten med lokal klient data. Sen är dem lokala träningsresultat delad för att beräkna en global modell. Federerad inlärning har utvecklats på grund av dataägarskap- och dataintegritetsproblem vid traditionella maskininlärnings metoder. Dessa metoder samlar och tränar data på en central enhet. I den här metoden är kluster selektionen en viktig faktor som påverkar effektiviteten av den globala modellen. Detta forskningsarbete presenterar två metoder för klient klustring med hjälp av lokala klientdata för federerad inlärning samtidigt tar metoderna hänsyn på dataintegritet. Metoderna använder “min-wise” oberoende permutations och förtränade (“text och word”) inbäddningar. Dessa klientsignaturer används som en klientdata representation för att klustrar klienter med hjälp av agglomerativ hierarkisk klustring. Till skillnad från tidigare klustringsmetoder använder de två presenterade metoderna inte modelluppdateringar. Detta ger en bättre sekretessbevarande mekanism och har lägre kommunikationskostnader. De två presenterade metoderna överträffar den slumpmässiga klustringsmetoden genom omfattande experiment och analys. Till slut presenterar vi en klientklustermetodik som kan användas i en praktisk klustrad federerad inlärningsmiljö.

A Comprehensive study on Federated Learning frameworks : Assessing Performance, Scalability, and Benchmarking with Deep Learning Model

Hamsath Mohammed Khan, Riyas January 2023 (has links)
Federated Learning now a days has emerged as a promising standard for machine learning model training, which can be executed collaboratively on decentralized data sources. As the adoption of Federated Learning grows, the selection of the apt frame work for our use case has become more important. This study mainly concentrates on a comprehensive overview of three prominent Federated Learning frameworks Flower, FedN, and FedML. The performance, scalability, and utilization these frame works is assessed on the basis of an NLP use case. The study commences with an overview of Federated Learning and its significance in distributed learning scenarios. Later on, we explore into the examination of the Flower framework in-depth covering its structure, communication methods and interaction with deep learning libraries. The performance of Flower is evaluated by conducting experiments on a standard benchmark dataset. Metrics provide measurements for accuracy, speed and scalability. Tests are also conducted to assess Flower's ability to handle large-scale Federated Learning setups. The same is carried out with the other two frameworks FedN and FedML also. To gain better insight into the strengths, limitations, and suitability of Flower, FedN, and FedML for different Federated Learning scenarios, the study utilizes the above stated comparative analysis on a real time use case. The possibilities for integrating these frameworks with current machine learning workflows are discussed. Furthermore, the final results and conclusions may help researchers and practitioners to make conversant decisions regarding framework selection for their Federated Learning applications. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p><p>There are other digital material (eg film, image or audio files) or models/artifacts that belongs to the thesis and need to be archived.</p>

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