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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Development and Validation of the College Student Attitude Toward Female Victims of Domestic Violence (CSAVDV) Scale

Wilson, Leanne S. (Leanne Sue) 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the College Student Attitude Toward Female Victims of Domestic Violence Scale. Procedures used were a 12-day test-retest for reliability, experts assessment for face validity, and a principal component factor analysis for construct validity. Cronbach's alpha for test-retest reliability was .86.

Det osynliga våldet : En kvalitativ studie om psykiskt våld i heterosexuellaparrelationer

Broberg, Elisabeth, Horn, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Although intimate partner violence is an established societal problem, psychological violence often falls in the shadow of physical violence. Studies have shown that both men and women are exposed to psychological violence to an equal extent, but despite this, men's exposure is not noticed to the same extent as women's. This study investigates the expression of psychological violence, which characteristics of individuals that are exploited by perpetrators and why individuals choose to remain in relationships where they are exposed to psychological violence, and whether the reasons differ between men and women. The results of this qualitative study are based on semi-structured interviews with six individuals, three men and three women who had previously been in a relationship characterized by psychological violence. The study's theoretical framework consists of Hearns view of intimate partner violence and concept of a distant intimacy, Connell and Pearse’s gender theory, Beauvoir's concepts of the other, immanence and transcendence, and Connell's concept of hegemonic masculinity. The results of the study indicate that the expression of psychological violence in heterosexual relationships was quiet the same for both our male and females respondents. The difference was that the female respondents felt criticized and derided by their partner. The male and female respondents also attributed themselves with similar characteristics, such as caring, accommodating and emotional. Yet it was only the female respondents who felt like their characteristics were exploited. The reason why the female respondents chose to remain in the destructive relationship was because they got broken down by the violence and formed a position of dependence on the their partners. The male respondents, on the other hand, remained in the relationship due to its difficulties in identifying their partner's destructive behavior as problematic. / Trots att våld i nära relationer är ett etablerat samhällsproblem hamnar psykiskt våld ofta i skuggan av fysiskt. Mätningar tyder på att kvinnor och män utsätts för psykiskt våld i en lika stor omfattning, men trots det så uppmärksammas inte männens utsatthet i samma utsträckning som kvinnornas. I detta självständiga arbete undersöks det psykiska våldets uttryck, vilka egenskaper som utnyttjas och varför individer väljer att stanna kvar i parrelationer där de utsätts för psykiskt våld, samt om anledningarna skiljer sig mellan män och kvinnor. Datainsamlingen utgjordes av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter, tre kvinnor och tre män, som tidigare varit i en relation präglad av psykiskt våld. Studiens teoretiska referensram består av Hearns (2012) teoretisering av våld i nära relationer och begrepp avlägsen intimitet, Isdal (2001) sju undergrupper av psykiskt våld, Connell och Pearse genusteori, Beauvoirs begrepp den andre, immanens och transcendens, samt Connells begrepp hegemonisk maskulinitet. Studiens resultat tyder på att det psykiska våldets uttryck i heterosexuella relationer var nästintill detsamma för våra manliga och kvinnliga respondenter. Det som skildes var det kvinnliga respondenterna upplevelse av degradering och förlöjligande av sin manliga partner. De kvinnliga och manliga respondenterna tillskrev sig även med liknande egenskaper, som omhändertagande, tillmötesgående och känslosamma. Men det var endast det kvinnliga respondenterna som upplevde att dessa egenskaper utnyttjades. Det som gjorde att de kvinnliga respondenterna valde att stanna kvar i den destruktiva relationen var att de hade blivit nedbruten av våldet och bildat sig en beroendeställning till deras manliga partner. De manliga respondenterna stannade däremot kvar i relationen på grund av dess svårigheter att identifiera problematiken med deras partners destruktiva beteende.

Women of Intimate Partner Abuse: Traumatic Bonding Phenomenon

Koch, Meghan 01 January 2018 (has links)
Researchers indicate women succumb to relational abuse as seen with maladaptive attachment, identity enmeshment, and implicit maltreatment. Implicit violence and nonviolence, bonding victims to victimizers remains unstudied, although the domestic abuse phenomenon continues. Intimate partner abuse was examined through qualitative inquiry. There is much to learn about female victim perspectives describing attachment bonds, identity conflicts, and implicit maltreatment experiences. Traumatic bonding theory served as the lens through which female participant responses were examined in this study. Research questions were developed to focus on female attachment bond perceptions, views concerning self-esteem, self-identity, or self-reference, and implicit aggression, coercive control, or manipulation experiences. The foundation for the qualitative research design was phenomenological constructivism. The Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory served as the standardized assessment instrument for data collection. Participant responses from the questionnaire and semistructured interview questions were organized through analytic coding, resulting in meaningful, composite categories for thematic conclusions. Data from 10 female participants who previously experienced intimate abuse were collected and analyzed. Thematic coding resulted in survivor experiences categorized by caustic, deceptive, emotional, implicit, and oppressive traumatization. Themes involved psychological entanglement with the abuser due to humiliation, or physical entrapment by the abuser due to opposition. Victim perspective and experience can potentially improve how the law, law enforcement, or health care professionals, view, treat, and protect abuse victims.

Är hon verkligen helt oskyldig? : En ideologkritisk granskning av brottsjournalistiska nyhetsrubriker i svenska kvällstidningar, ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. / Is she truly innocent?

Colliander, Hedda, Weintraub, Ella January 2023 (has links)
Studien är ämnad att kritiskt granska nyhetsrubriker i kvällstidningar i Sverige, ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. Rubrikerna som granskas i studien har publicerats digitalt i Aftonbladet och Expressen, med anledningen av att det är Sveriges två största kvällstidningar i tabloidformat (Via TT, 2021). Syftet med den kritiska granskningen är att identifiera om, och i så fall hur, patriarkala maktstrukturer tar sig uttryck i rubrikerna. De patriarkala maktstrukturer som kommer granskas i studien är rollfördelning, ideal brottsofferstatus och skuldbeläggning av offer. Rubrikerna jämförs i sin tur med ingressen, för att kunna säkerställa vilken typ av information kring brottet som har inkluderats, eller exkluderats i rubriken. Det teoretiska ramverket, som kommer användas för att diskutera analysresultatet, består av Hirdmans (1988) definition av könsmaktsordningen samt relevansteorin enligt Sperber och Wilson (2012). Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ textanalys i kombination med en ideologkritisk analysmetod. Analysmallen bygger på van Dijks (1990) definition av en rubriks idealfunktion samt det teoretiska begreppet rollfördelning (van Leeuwen, 1996), kriterierna för ideal brottsofferstatus enligt Christies (1986) och skuldbeläggning av offer (Fisher & Lab, 2010). Baserat på det teoretiska ramverket, som också ligger till grund för analysmallen, har analysfrågor konstruerats och delats upp i tre kategorier. Kategorierna är följande: ”Rubrikens funktion och innehåll”, ”Brottshändelsen” och ”Brottsoffret”. Analysresultatet visar att de patriarkala maktstrukturerna: rollfördelning, ideal brottsofferstatus och skuldbeläggning av brottsoffer återkommer i flera av de nyhetsrubriker som analyserats, om än i olika utsträckning. En majoritet av rubrikerna som granskats beskrev endast delar av brottet, i stället för att ge läsaren en helhetsbild av det som inträffat. Dessutom, angavs det kvinnliga brottsoffret som aktivt i stället för passivt i flertalet av rubrikerna och det förekom även en indirekt skuldbeläggning av det kvinnliga brottsoffret eftersom brottsrubricering saknades, eller den misstänkte manliga förövaren inte nämndes. Resultatet från den här studien, visar att Aftonbladet och Expressen har en bit kvar till en helt jämställd brottsjournalistisk nyhetsrapportering. / The study is intended to critically examine news headlines in evening newspapers in Sweden, from a gender perspective. The headlines examined in the study were published digitally in Aftonbladet and Expressen, since they are Sweden's two largest evening tabloid newspapers (Via TT, 2021). The aim of the critical review is to identify whether, and if so how, patriarchal power structures are expressed in the headlines. The patriarchal power structures that will be examined in the study are role assignment, ideal victim status and victim blaming. The headings will in turn be compared to the preamble, to ascertain what kind of information about the crime has been included or excluded in the heading. The theoretical framework, which will be used to discuss the results of the analysis, consists of Hirdman's (1988) definition of the gender power order and the theory of relevance according to Sperber and Wilson (2012). The method used is a qualitative text analysis combined with an ideology-critical analysis method. The analysis template is based on van Dijk's (1990) definition of the ideal function of a headline as well as the theoretical concept of role division (van Leeuwen, 1996), the criteria of ideal victim status according to Christie's (1986) and victim blaming (Fisher & Lab, 2010). Based on the theoretical framework, which also forms the basis of the analysis template, analysis questions were constructed and divided into three categories. The categories are “Function and content of the rubric”, “The crime event” and “The crime victim”. The results of the analysis show that the patriarchal power structures of role distribution, ideal victim status and victim blaming are reflected in several of the news headlines analysed, albeit to varying degrees. Most of the headlines examined described only parts of the crime, rather than giving the reader a full picture of what happened. In addition, the female victim was referred to as active rather than passive in most of the headlines and there was also an indirect blaming of the female victim as the crime description was missing, or the suspected male perpetrator was not mentioned. The results of this study show that Aftonbladet and Expressen still have some way to go to achieve fully equal crime reporting.

Female Sexual Victimization: Psychosocial Consequences

O'Shea, Sharon 12 1900 (has links)
This archival and qualitative research adds insight into the psychosocial consequences females of sexual victimization incur. Sexual abuse is a pervasive, complex societal problem experienced by 30%-46% of American females. The psychosocial consequences are numerous, often severe, and can result in death. They include: anxiety, BPD, denial, dependence, despair, eating disorders, destructive relationships, fear, guilt, hallucinations, helplessness, hopelessness, hysteria, insecurity, isolation, MPD, nightmares, numbness, passivity, pessimism, phobias, PTSD, rage, self-loathing, sexual dysfunctions, shame, shock, sleeping disorders, stigmatization, stress-related disorders, substance abuse, and suicide. The severity of psychosocial consequences to female victims varies greatly depending upon the degree, duration, and emotion surrounding the abuse, the victim's health, and the health of the victim's social network. In conclusion, strategies suggested in the literature to combat female sexual victimization are outlined.

Socialtjänstens roll i arbetet med brottsoffer : En studie ur socialsekreterares perspektiv

Häggbring, Sanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att utforska socialtjänstens arbete med brottsoffer i Sverige enligt 5 kapitlet 11 § i socialtjänstlagen. I studien undersöktes hur socialsekreterare definierar brottsoffer samt hur de bedömer och prioriterar offrens behov. Det har också varit centralt att studera hur socialsekreterare tolkar och förstår regleringen av socialtjänstens ansvar för brottsoffer. Kvalitativa intervjuer med 18 socialarbetare är grunden för studien. Analysen av socialtjänstens arbete med brottsoffer baseras på ovan nämnda intervjuer. Intervjuerna analyseras med hjälp av rättssociologiska teorier. För att illustrera hur socialsekreterare definierar brottsoffer har teorier om brottsoffer använts i analysen. Studien visar att ett brottsoffer måste vara oskyldig, svag och lida av brottet för att personen skall definieras som brottsoffer av socialsekreterarna. Socialsekreterarna har dock olika prioriteringar. Vissa socialsekreterare baserar sin bedömning efter varje enskilt fall, medan andra socialsekreterare anser att det är specifika målgrupper som ska få hjälp av socialtjänsten. Undersökningen visar också att de brottsoffergrupper som främst får hjälp inom socialtjänsten kvinnor och barn som fallit offer för våld i nära relationer. Stöd till brottsoffer som ges genom socialtjänstens arbete är ofta i syfte för att anpassa de kvinnor och barn som utsätts för våld, såsom kvinnojourer, rådgivning och ekonomiskt stöd.</p> / <p>The purpose of this essay is to explore the social services work with crime victims in Sweden, according to Chapter 5, § 11 of the Social Services Act. The study examined how social workers define the victim and assessing and prioritizing victims' needs. It has also been central to study how social workers interpret and understand the regulation of social services responsible for crime victims. Qualitative interviews with 18 social workers is the basis for the study. The analysis of the social services work with victims based in the above-mentioned interviews. The interviews analyzed using the sociology of law theory. To illustrate how social workers define victims of crime have theories of crime victims been used in the analysis.</p><p>The study shows that a crime victim must be innocent, weak and suffering from the crime to be defined as crime victims by social secretaries. Social workers do, however, different priorities. Some are based on an assessment of each individual victims need help, while others believe that the specific target groups will be using social services. The study also indicates that the groups which mainly receive help in the social services are victims of violence women and children. Assistance to victims in the social services designed to adapt the groups exposed to violence against women and children, such as women’s shelters, counseling and financial help.</p>

An investigation into the expriences [sic] of female victims of trafficking in Ethiopia

Asefach Haileselassie Reda 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to tell the story of female victims of human trafficking from Ethiopia. It pertains to the cause of trafficking and how it affects their social and emotional wellbeing. The study is conducted in light of constructivist framework and involves in-depth interviews with five returnees whose experiences as victims are explored. This is done to get insight into the challenges faced by the wider population. Themes evident in the stories are discussed in line with relevant literature. The study shows lack of job opportunities, limited income and false promises made by brokers as the major factors drawing women into human trafficking. The findings also show that even after return, the victims experience further difficulties due to post-traumatic psychological factors. Looking at the significance of the research outcome, the gleaned information could be of value for organizations working on migration and countering human trafficking. / Investigation into the experiences of female victims of trafficking in Ethiopia / Experiences of female victims of trafficking in Ethiopia / Female victims of trafficking in Ethiopia / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

An investigation into the expriences [sic] of female victims of trafficking in Ethiopia / An investigation into the experiences of female victims of trafficking in Ethiopia

Asefach Haileselassie Reda 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to tell the story of female victims of human trafficking from Ethiopia. It pertains to the cause of trafficking and how it affects their social and emotional wellbeing. The study is conducted in light of constructivist framework and involves in-depth interviews with five returnees whose experiences as victims are explored. This is done to get insight into the challenges faced by the wider population. Themes evident in the stories are discussed in line with relevant literature. The study shows lack of job opportunities, limited income and false promises made by brokers as the major factors drawing women into human trafficking. The findings also show that even after return, the victims experience further difficulties due to post-traumatic psychological factors. Looking at the significance of the research outcome, the gleaned information could be of value for organizations working on migration and countering human trafficking. / Investigation into the experiences of female victims of trafficking in Ethiopia / Experiences of female victims of trafficking in Ethiopia / Female victims of trafficking in Ethiopia / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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