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Students' Engagement and Staying in School: A Case Study of a Secondary School in NigeriaEnyinnia, CHARLES 01 August 2012 (has links)
Most of the research on students’ school engagement is based on Western society (Maslak, Kim, & Mcloughlin, 2010) and most was conducted on students in tertiary institutions (Kuh et al., 2005). This study pertains to the students’ school engagement factors in a non-Western one.
Students’ school engagement continues to be an issue that attracts special attention. In this study, I review the existing literature relating to students’ school engagement while examining whether the success of a school as a learning environment is based on students’ interest in schooling or the fact that the school environment is crucial to students’ success (Bempechat, Beth, Piergross, & Wenk, 2008; Bong & Mimi, 2005; Deci & Ryan, 1992; Harris, 2008; Leithwood, Seashore-Louis, Anderson, & Wahlstrom, 2004; Newell, 2003; Satchwell, 2004; Spillane, Halverson, & Diamond, 2001). In this study, I carry out a qualitative investigation through observations and interviews, of the factors present in school that influence students’ school engagement.
The themes emerging from the data from the school observations and the interviews of the participants were colored by the unique school context, which inordinately did affect students' interest and school participation. Their analysis reveals the interplay of factors like the approach adopted in leadership, the teachers’ approach to pedagogy, and peer socialization towards students’ engagement. In my discussion, I provide suggestions derived from this study on how school administrators, educators and policy makers alike may indeed create, enhance, influence and sustain students’ school engagement in the context such as the one in my study. / Thesis (Master, Education) -- Queen's University, 2012-07-30 13:43:39.521
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Going Public, Staying Private, and Everything in BetweenHarper, Tiffany January 2010 (has links)
In this dissertation, I develop and empirically test a comparison of the private versus public strategies presidents use to gain support and passage of their policy agendas. By focusing on presidential influence on policy outcomes in Congress, I can determine which form of presidential leadership - going public or using private bargaining or both - may prove most effective in shaping policies to suit the administration's political interests, given the context in Congress. This allows for an assessment of Neustadt's (1990) classic private bargaining presidency and Kernell's (1997) public presidency to show that both may be compatible and may even work in combination in order for presidents to pass their policy agendas under varying political circumstances in Congress.Original data is collected from Statements of Administration Policy to examine private presidential rhetoric, and additional data is collected from the yearly editions of Congressional Quarterly Almanac to assess the effects of public presidential rhetoric. I test my hypotheses with this new collection of data using logistic regressions, as well as complimentary case studies of No Child Left Behind, immigration reform, and the Andean Trade Preference Act. The broader implications of this study include: systematic assessments of presidential influence on Congress; indentifying a broader view of presidential leadership to better fit empirical observations; and incorporating inter-branch influences in Congressional behavior.
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Staying in Niue? : Students' spatial plans related to value systems and climate changeGustafsson, Astrid January 2019 (has links)
The Niuean population has been in decline since the airport opened on the island. This thesis investigates a specific aspect of the migration from the island: what final year high school students in Niue plans to do after graduation in relation to leaving or staying in Niue. The study relates this decision to place attachment, values and climate change.The study indicates that Niuean youth doesn’t want to study on the island but instead move to New Zealand to pursue their academic ambitions. The students exhibit a strong sense of place attachment that is based in their identification with the island culture and nature. They want to return to the island after getting their university degree, making them attached stayers. The risk of cyclones does not affect the students wishes to live on the island. Decisions are in large motivated by caring for family, the students want to get a degree and then return to be able to take care and give back to their parents, grandparents and other people that have cared for them during their childhood.
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Incidência de úlceras por pressão e fatores de risco em idosos institucionalizados / Ulcer incidence by pressure and risk factors in institutionalized eldersDiba Maria Sebba Tosta de Souza 08 July 2005 (has links)
A ocorrência de úlceras por pressão (UP) é realidade em vários locais de assistência à saúde e caracterizam-se por serem lesões freqüentemente encontradas em pacientes graves hospitalizados ou em locais de institucionalização por longos períodos. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi: analisar a incidência de úlceras por pressão e os fatores de risco para o seu desenvolvimento em pessoas idosas residentes em Instituições de Longa Permanência (ILPI). Trata-se de estudo quantitativo de coorte, prospectivo. Inicialmente o projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí e aprovação dos responsáveis em quatro Instituições de Longa Permanência para os idosos (ILPI), em 3 cidades do Sul de Minas Gerais, que constituíram os locais para a coleta de dados. A amostra constou de 94 idosos que atenderam os seguintes requisitos: ter idade igual ou superior a 60 anos; apresentar escore = 18 (em aplicação da Escala de Braden) e aceitar participar do estudo. Os dados foram obtidos através de exame físico, entrevista e análise dos prontuários, pela pesquisadora além de 9 colaboradores, enfermeiros e alunos de graduação, previamente treinados. Os idosos, que se enquadraram nos critérios de inclusão, foram avaliados 3 vezes na semana, durante 90 dias consecutivos ou até que desenvolvessem UP ou tivessem alta, transferência ou óbito. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análises descritivas e inferencial através de teste Qui-Quadrado de Pearson, Exato de Fisher, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t-Student, e o não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. Os resultados mostraram incidência cumulativa global de 39,4% e taxa de incidência (ou incidência por densidade) de 0,57 UP por 100 paciente-dias. Verifica-se que 37 (77,08%) idosos desenvolveram úlcera única; as localizações preferenciais foram o maléolo (27,08%) e o ísquio (25,00%) e as UP em estágio I foram as mais freqüentes (66,67%). Quanto às características demográficas dos idosos, houve predomínio do sexo feminino (62,80%) e da raça branca (68,19%), com idade média de 79,06 ± 9,59. Clinicamente, apresentaram IMC médio de 20,93 ± 4,95, predominando as doenças urinárias (58,50%), uso de neurolépticos /psicotrópicos (52,10%), não tabagismo (80,90%). Úlcera prévia esteve presente em 28,70% dos idosos estudados. Tanto na 1ª como na segunda avaliação de risco, a sub escala mobilidade apresentou os maiores valores de alfa de a-Cronbach (0,6591 e 0,6631) mostrando-se a mais relevante para a avaliação do risco. As seguintes variáveis mostraram-se associadas à presença de UP, na análise univariada: sexo feminino (p= 0,012); uso de medicamentos neurolépticos /psicotrópicos (p=0,016); presença de úlcera prévia (p=0,041); sub escala umidade (p=0,021), na primeira avaliação e sub escalas nutrição (p=0,013), fricção e cisalhamento (p=0,036) e umidade (p=0,034), na última avaliação. Sexo feminino e presença de úlcera prévia foram confirmados como preditivos para o desenvolvimento de UP, segundo a regressão logística (r2=0,311), mostrando 3,46 e 2,76 vezes mais chances de desenvolverem UP comparativamente aos homens e aos idosos sem UP, respectivamente. Além desses resultados, os escores totais da Escala de Braden diferiram entre os grupos com e sem UP, entre a 1ª (p=0,030) e última avaliações (p=0,001), sendo sempre menores para os idosos com UP. Em conclusão, este estudo contribui não somente para a informação acerca da incidência de UP e os principais fatores de risco para o seu desenvolvimento, em idosos institucionalizados, escassa em nosso meio, como para a sistematização de métodos que possam ser reaplicados em outros centros e em investigações futuras / The occurrence of ulcers by pressure (UP) is a reality in many places of health assistance and they are characterized for being frequent lesions found in serious hospitalized patients or in institutionalization places for long periods. The general aim of this study was analyzing the incidence of ulcers by pressure and the risk factors for their development in elderly people living in Long Staying Institutions (LSI). It is a prospective, cohort quantitative study. At first, the project was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí and approved by the people in charge of four Long Staying Institutions (LSI) for elderly people in three cities in the south of Minas Gerais State which served as the place for the data collect. 94 elders who attended the following profile formed the sample: age was equal or superior to 60 years old; to show a score = 18 (in applying the Braden scale) and to accept in taking part in the study. The data were acquired through a physical examination, interview and the handbook analysis by the researcher and other nine collaborators, nurses and graduation students, previously trained for that. The elderly, who fitted into the inclusion criteria, were assessed three times a week for 90 days, with no interruption, or until they developed an ulcer or until they were send out of the hospital, were transferred or died. The data acquired were submitted to descriptive and inferential analyses through the Pearson Qui-Square test, Fisher Exact, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t-student and the non-parametric of Mann-Whitney. The results showed a global cumulative incidence of 39,4% and incidence rate (or density by incidence) of 0,57 UP by a 100 patients-day. It is possible to verify that 37 (77,08%) elders developed single ulcer; the preferential location were the malleolus (27,08%) and the ischium (25,00%) and the UP in first stage were the most frequent ones (66,67%). In relation to the demographic features of the elders, there was a preponderance of the female sex (62,80%) and the white race (68,19%), with an age average ranging from 79,06 ± 9,59. Clinically, they presented an average CMI ranging from 20,93 ± 4,95, with a predominance of urinary diseases (58,50%), use of neuroepileptics/psycothropics (52,10%), non smoking (80,90%). The previous ulcer was present in 28,70% of the elderly studied. In the first as well as in the second risk assessment, the sub-scale mobility presented the higher values of alpha of ? -Cronbach (0,6591 and 0,6631) showing itself as the most relevant for the risk assessment. The following variables showed themselves associated to the presence of UP, in a single varied analysis: female sex (p=0,012); use of neuroepileptics/psycothropics medicines (p=0,016%); presence of previous ulcer (p=0,041%); humidity sub-scale (p=0,021), in the first assessment and the nutrition sub-scales (p=0,013), rubbing and and shearing stress (p=0,036) and humidity (p=0,034), in the last assessment. Female sex and previous ulcer presence were confirmed as predictive for the development of UP, according to the logistic regression (r2=0,311), showing 3,46 and 2,76 times more chances of developing UP comparatively to men and elderly without UP, respectively. Besides these results, the total scores of the Braden Scale were different between the groups with and without UP, between the first (p=0,030) and the last assessment, being always the smallest ones for the elderly with UP. As we can conclude, this study contributes not only for the information about the incidence of the UP and the main risk factors for its development, in institutionalized elderly, very rare in our context, as for the systematization of methods that can be reapplied in other centers and in future investigations
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Incidência de úlceras por pressão e fatores de risco em idosos institucionalizados / Ulcer incidence by pressure and risk factors in institutionalized eldersSouza, Diba Maria Sebba Tosta de 08 July 2005 (has links)
A ocorrência de úlceras por pressão (UP) é realidade em vários locais de assistência à saúde e caracterizam-se por serem lesões freqüentemente encontradas em pacientes graves hospitalizados ou em locais de institucionalização por longos períodos. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi: analisar a incidência de úlceras por pressão e os fatores de risco para o seu desenvolvimento em pessoas idosas residentes em Instituições de Longa Permanência (ILPI). Trata-se de estudo quantitativo de coorte, prospectivo. Inicialmente o projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí e aprovação dos responsáveis em quatro Instituições de Longa Permanência para os idosos (ILPI), em 3 cidades do Sul de Minas Gerais, que constituíram os locais para a coleta de dados. A amostra constou de 94 idosos que atenderam os seguintes requisitos: ter idade igual ou superior a 60 anos; apresentar escore = 18 (em aplicação da Escala de Braden) e aceitar participar do estudo. Os dados foram obtidos através de exame físico, entrevista e análise dos prontuários, pela pesquisadora além de 9 colaboradores, enfermeiros e alunos de graduação, previamente treinados. Os idosos, que se enquadraram nos critérios de inclusão, foram avaliados 3 vezes na semana, durante 90 dias consecutivos ou até que desenvolvessem UP ou tivessem alta, transferência ou óbito. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análises descritivas e inferencial através de teste Qui-Quadrado de Pearson, Exato de Fisher, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t-Student, e o não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. Os resultados mostraram incidência cumulativa global de 39,4% e taxa de incidência (ou incidência por densidade) de 0,57 UP por 100 paciente-dias. Verifica-se que 37 (77,08%) idosos desenvolveram úlcera única; as localizações preferenciais foram o maléolo (27,08%) e o ísquio (25,00%) e as UP em estágio I foram as mais freqüentes (66,67%). Quanto às características demográficas dos idosos, houve predomínio do sexo feminino (62,80%) e da raça branca (68,19%), com idade média de 79,06 ± 9,59. Clinicamente, apresentaram IMC médio de 20,93 ± 4,95, predominando as doenças urinárias (58,50%), uso de neurolépticos /psicotrópicos (52,10%), não tabagismo (80,90%). Úlcera prévia esteve presente em 28,70% dos idosos estudados. Tanto na 1ª como na segunda avaliação de risco, a sub escala mobilidade apresentou os maiores valores de alfa de a-Cronbach (0,6591 e 0,6631) mostrando-se a mais relevante para a avaliação do risco. As seguintes variáveis mostraram-se associadas à presença de UP, na análise univariada: sexo feminino (p= 0,012); uso de medicamentos neurolépticos /psicotrópicos (p=0,016); presença de úlcera prévia (p=0,041); sub escala umidade (p=0,021), na primeira avaliação e sub escalas nutrição (p=0,013), fricção e cisalhamento (p=0,036) e umidade (p=0,034), na última avaliação. Sexo feminino e presença de úlcera prévia foram confirmados como preditivos para o desenvolvimento de UP, segundo a regressão logística (r2=0,311), mostrando 3,46 e 2,76 vezes mais chances de desenvolverem UP comparativamente aos homens e aos idosos sem UP, respectivamente. Além desses resultados, os escores totais da Escala de Braden diferiram entre os grupos com e sem UP, entre a 1ª (p=0,030) e última avaliações (p=0,001), sendo sempre menores para os idosos com UP. Em conclusão, este estudo contribui não somente para a informação acerca da incidência de UP e os principais fatores de risco para o seu desenvolvimento, em idosos institucionalizados, escassa em nosso meio, como para a sistematização de métodos que possam ser reaplicados em outros centros e em investigações futuras / The occurrence of ulcers by pressure (UP) is a reality in many places of health assistance and they are characterized for being frequent lesions found in serious hospitalized patients or in institutionalization places for long periods. The general aim of this study was analyzing the incidence of ulcers by pressure and the risk factors for their development in elderly people living in Long Staying Institutions (LSI). It is a prospective, cohort quantitative study. At first, the project was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí and approved by the people in charge of four Long Staying Institutions (LSI) for elderly people in three cities in the south of Minas Gerais State which served as the place for the data collect. 94 elders who attended the following profile formed the sample: age was equal or superior to 60 years old; to show a score = 18 (in applying the Braden scale) and to accept in taking part in the study. The data were acquired through a physical examination, interview and the handbook analysis by the researcher and other nine collaborators, nurses and graduation students, previously trained for that. The elderly, who fitted into the inclusion criteria, were assessed three times a week for 90 days, with no interruption, or until they developed an ulcer or until they were send out of the hospital, were transferred or died. The data acquired were submitted to descriptive and inferential analyses through the Pearson Qui-Square test, Fisher Exact, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t-student and the non-parametric of Mann-Whitney. The results showed a global cumulative incidence of 39,4% and incidence rate (or density by incidence) of 0,57 UP by a 100 patients-day. It is possible to verify that 37 (77,08%) elders developed single ulcer; the preferential location were the malleolus (27,08%) and the ischium (25,00%) and the UP in first stage were the most frequent ones (66,67%). In relation to the demographic features of the elders, there was a preponderance of the female sex (62,80%) and the white race (68,19%), with an age average ranging from 79,06 ± 9,59. Clinically, they presented an average CMI ranging from 20,93 ± 4,95, with a predominance of urinary diseases (58,50%), use of neuroepileptics/psycothropics (52,10%), non smoking (80,90%). The previous ulcer was present in 28,70% of the elderly studied. In the first as well as in the second risk assessment, the sub-scale mobility presented the higher values of alpha of ? -Cronbach (0,6591 and 0,6631) showing itself as the most relevant for the risk assessment. The following variables showed themselves associated to the presence of UP, in a single varied analysis: female sex (p=0,012); use of neuroepileptics/psycothropics medicines (p=0,016%); presence of previous ulcer (p=0,041%); humidity sub-scale (p=0,021), in the first assessment and the nutrition sub-scales (p=0,013), rubbing and and shearing stress (p=0,036) and humidity (p=0,034), in the last assessment. Female sex and previous ulcer presence were confirmed as predictive for the development of UP, according to the logistic regression (r2=0,311), showing 3,46 and 2,76 times more chances of developing UP comparatively to men and elderly without UP, respectively. Besides these results, the total scores of the Braden Scale were different between the groups with and without UP, between the first (p=0,030) and the last assessment, being always the smallest ones for the elderly with UP. As we can conclude, this study contributes not only for the information about the incidence of the UP and the main risk factors for its development, in institutionalized elderly, very rare in our context, as for the systematization of methods that can be reapplied in other centers and in future investigations
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Det osynliga våldet : En kvalitativ studie om psykiskt våld i heterosexuellaparrelationerBroberg, Elisabeth, Horn, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Although intimate partner violence is an established societal problem, psychological violence often falls in the shadow of physical violence. Studies have shown that both men and women are exposed to psychological violence to an equal extent, but despite this, men's exposure is not noticed to the same extent as women's. This study investigates the expression of psychological violence, which characteristics of individuals that are exploited by perpetrators and why individuals choose to remain in relationships where they are exposed to psychological violence, and whether the reasons differ between men and women. The results of this qualitative study are based on semi-structured interviews with six individuals, three men and three women who had previously been in a relationship characterized by psychological violence. The study's theoretical framework consists of Hearns view of intimate partner violence and concept of a distant intimacy, Connell and Pearse’s gender theory, Beauvoir's concepts of the other, immanence and transcendence, and Connell's concept of hegemonic masculinity. The results of the study indicate that the expression of psychological violence in heterosexual relationships was quiet the same for both our male and females respondents. The difference was that the female respondents felt criticized and derided by their partner. The male and female respondents also attributed themselves with similar characteristics, such as caring, accommodating and emotional. Yet it was only the female respondents who felt like their characteristics were exploited. The reason why the female respondents chose to remain in the destructive relationship was because they got broken down by the violence and formed a position of dependence on the their partners. The male respondents, on the other hand, remained in the relationship due to its difficulties in identifying their partner's destructive behavior as problematic. / Trots att våld i nära relationer är ett etablerat samhällsproblem hamnar psykiskt våld ofta i skuggan av fysiskt. Mätningar tyder på att kvinnor och män utsätts för psykiskt våld i en lika stor omfattning, men trots det så uppmärksammas inte männens utsatthet i samma utsträckning som kvinnornas. I detta självständiga arbete undersöks det psykiska våldets uttryck, vilka egenskaper som utnyttjas och varför individer väljer att stanna kvar i parrelationer där de utsätts för psykiskt våld, samt om anledningarna skiljer sig mellan män och kvinnor. Datainsamlingen utgjordes av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter, tre kvinnor och tre män, som tidigare varit i en relation präglad av psykiskt våld. Studiens teoretiska referensram består av Hearns (2012) teoretisering av våld i nära relationer och begrepp avlägsen intimitet, Isdal (2001) sju undergrupper av psykiskt våld, Connell och Pearse genusteori, Beauvoirs begrepp den andre, immanens och transcendens, samt Connells begrepp hegemonisk maskulinitet. Studiens resultat tyder på att det psykiska våldets uttryck i heterosexuella relationer var nästintill detsamma för våra manliga och kvinnliga respondenter. Det som skildes var det kvinnliga respondenterna upplevelse av degradering och förlöjligande av sin manliga partner. De kvinnliga och manliga respondenterna tillskrev sig även med liknande egenskaper, som omhändertagande, tillmötesgående och känslosamma. Men det var endast det kvinnliga respondenterna som upplevde att dessa egenskaper utnyttjades. Det som gjorde att de kvinnliga respondenterna valde att stanna kvar i den destruktiva relationen var att de hade blivit nedbruten av våldet och bildat sig en beroendeställning till deras manliga partner. De manliga respondenterna stannade däremot kvar i relationen på grund av dess svårigheter att identifiera problematiken med deras partners destruktiva beteende.
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Motivações de permanência no trabalho voluntário: um estudo na fundação cidade viva João Pessoa-PBAgeu, Joseilma Dantas 20 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-03-01T14:05:44Z
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arquivototal.pdf: 1015641 bytes, checksum: 08084c295c0f087cc1249b2fe3c98966 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Clebson Anjos (clebson.leandro54@gmail.com) on 2016-03-09T22:25:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
arquivototal.pdf: 1015641 bytes, checksum: 08084c295c0f087cc1249b2fe3c98966 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Clebson Anjos (clebson.leandro54@gmail.com) on 2016-03-09T22:26:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The subjects of the present research were active volunteers at Cidade Viva Foundation for over one year. This non-governmental organization is located in João Pessoa and it has over 350 volunteers; from where 122 subjects collaborated with this research, which aimed to reveal the motivations for staying or leaving the volunteer work. The adopted theoretical model was proposed by Cavalcante (2012), which allows tracing the volunteers’ motivational profile in certain given situations, such as staying or leaving the volunteer work. Data were obtained by questionnaire, during meetings that took place at the Foundation from July to August 2014. For data analysis, descriptive statistics (frequency, means, standard deviations, and coefficient of variation) and interferential statistics (Student t test for independent sampling and Bonferroni tests – ANOVA for multiple comparison/correlation sampling) were utilized. Thus, the research pointed that main motivations for staying at volunteer work at Cidade Viva Foundation are mainly settled in altruistic and learning profiles, which forward to the same conclusion from other studies in this area. Regarding the leaving process, it was noticed that questions related to religious nature are the ones that could lead them to withdraw this activity. As contribution, it is expected that such outcomes can help the Foundation to plan strategies that reduce/avoid members’ turnover, once each dropout represents loss for both the Foundation, which invests in the training of volunteers in their entry, and those ones who are taken care by actions from volunteering. / A presente pesquisa teve como sujeitos de estudo os voluntários atuantes na Fundação Cidade Viva há mais de um ano. Essa organização não governamental situa-se na Cidade de João Pessoa, Paraíba, e possui mais de 350 voluntários; destes, 122 sujeitos colaboraram com o estudo, que teve como objetivo revelar as motivações de permanência e/ou possível saída do trabalho voluntário. O modelo teórico adotado foi o proposto por Cavalcante (2012), o qual permite traçar o perfil motivacional dos voluntários em momentos distintos, tanto para a permanência quanto para a saída. Os dados foram obtidos mediante questionários aplicados, durante as reuniões ocorridas na Fundação no período de julho a agosto de 2014. Na análise dos dados, foram utilizadas estatísticas descritivas (frequências, porcentagens, médias, desvios-padrão e coeficiente de variação) e estatísticas inferenciais (teste t de Student para amostras independentes e comparações/correlações múltiplas por meio dos testes de Bonferroni - ANOVA). Assim, o estudo apontou que as principais motivações para a permanência no trabalho voluntário na Fundação Cidade Viva estão assentadas, principalmente, nos perfis altruísta e aprendizado, que os remetem à mesma constatação de outros estudos da área. Quanto ao momento saída, as questões de cunho religioso são as que mais poderiam levá-los à desistência dessa atividade. Como contribuição espera-se que, mediante tais resultados, a Fundação possa planejar estratégias que reduzam ou mesmo possam evitar a rotatividade dos membros, uma vez que cada desistência representa prejuízos tanto para a Fundação, que investe no treinamento dos voluntários no momento em que ingressam, quanto para aqueles que são atendidos pelas ações oriundas do voluntariado.
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O papel da Pró-Reitoria de Assistência Estudantil e educação inclusiva no processo de inclusão da Universidade Federal de Juiz de ForaTrindade, Franciele de Souza 20 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-09-22T18:16:36Z
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francieledesouzatrindade.pdf: 986074 bytes, checksum: 30d1f1884f4b846e59108e8db467c7c5 (MD5) / Rejected by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br), reason: Favor corrigir - nome próprio: Pró-Reitoria de Assistência Estudantil on 2017-09-27T13:41:01Z (GMT) / Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-09-27T13:53:43Z
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francieledesouzatrindade.pdf: 986074 bytes, checksum: 30d1f1884f4b846e59108e8db467c7c5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-09-27T15:48:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
francieledesouzatrindade.pdf: 986074 bytes, checksum: 30d1f1884f4b846e59108e8db467c7c5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-27T15:48:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
francieledesouzatrindade.pdf: 986074 bytes, checksum: 30d1f1884f4b846e59108e8db467c7c5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-12-20 / A presente dissertação é desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação (PPGP) do Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). O caso de gestão a ser estudado irá discutir sobre as possibilidades de atuação da Pró-Reitoria de Assistência Estudantil e Educação Inclusiva (PROAE) da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF) a partir de uma visão mais ampla da política de assistência ao estudante frente à redução das diferentes formas de desigualdade social, visto que os gestores que assumiram o setor em agosto de 2014 se propuseram a ressignificar o apoio estudantil para uma relação com os alunos que vá além do suporte financeiro, simplesmente. O objetivo definido para este estudo foi o de conhecer a percepção dos alunos em relação à Política de Assistência Estudantil na UFJF. Assumimos como hipótese que existe uma cultura na UFJF em que a assistência estudantil vem, há muito tempo, mantendo seu foco principal de atividade em ações que visam o suporte material por meio de bolsas e auxílios financeiros em detrimento das demais ações desenvolvidas pela equipe, também previstas no Decreto 7.234/2010. Foram utilizadas como metodologias a pesquisa qualitativa e o estudo de caso e como instrumento entrevista semiestruturada. Foi possível confirmar que, realmente, existe um equívoco, tanto por parte da instituição quanto por parte dos alunos, em relação ao conceito de Assistência Estudantil. Portanto, foram propostas ações com intuito de ressignificá-la e torna-la mais proativa em situações de evasão e retenção. / The present dissertation is developed under the Professional Master in Management and Evaluation of Education (PPGP) of the Center for Public Policies and Education Evaluation of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (CAEd / UFJF). The management case to be studied will discuss the possibilities of the Pro-Rectory of Student Assistance and Inclusive Education (PROAE) of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) from a broader view of the student assistance policy In view of the reduction of the different forms of social inequality, since the managers who took over the sector in August 2014 proposed to re-signify student support for a relationship with students that goes beyond financial support, simply. The objective defined for this study was to know the students perception regarding the Student Assistance Policy at UFJF. We assume as a hypothesis that there is a culture in the UFJF in which student assistance has long maintained its main focus of activity in actions that aim at material support through grants and financial aid in detriment of other actions developed by the team, Provided for in Decree 7.234 / 2010. The qualitative research and the case study were used as methodologies and as a semistructured interview instrument. It was possible to confirm that, in fact, there is a misunderstanding, both on the part of the institution and on the part of the students, regarding the concept and purpose of the Student Assistance. Therefore, actions were proposed in order to re-signify it and make it more proactive in situations of evasion and retention.
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Hungary: Temporary Home or Final Destination? : International Students’ Post-graduation PlansNsiri, Katarína January 2022 (has links)
This thesis studies the factors that make international students from non-EU countries move to Hungary for their studies, what their experience in the host society was and how this experience affected their decisions about their post-graduation plans. Using qualitative methodology and semi-structured interviews, this research seeks to analyze the different factors that either pull these students to stay in Hungary or relocate to a different country or factors that push these students to return home. These factors are divided into three main groups: professional, personal and social factors. Overall, the results reveal that professional factors play the biggest role in either pulling students to stay in the host country or relocate onwards, while these factors were never mentioned as an incentive to return home. Personal and social factors, on the other hand, affected people differently, as some of the personal or social factors made one stay, while the same factors made others leave.
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Prescrição intercorrente e o responsável tributário / Interimstatute of limitations and the tax liableCarvalho, Daniel Freire 08 May 2013 (has links)
O objeto do presente trabalho cinge-se à investigação da contraposição da prescrição intercorrente com a responsabilidade tributária, duas temáticas completamente distintas uma da outra e que, por si só e isoladamente, despertam importantes discussões no campo do Direito Tributário. Jungidas, então, representam enorme problemática, amplificada em razão da negligência de nossos legisladores, da insuficiente manifestação doutrinária e, com o devido respeito, da generalidade de alguns precedentes jurisprudenciais, incapazes de alcançar a singularidade de cada uma das situações possíveis. Em meio ao caos da cobrança judicial dos créditos tributários, uma das crescentes e atuais preocupações diz respeito à demora com que as execuções fiscais são movimentadas (quer seja em razão da ineficiência das Fazendas Públicas, quer seja em razão da má-fé de alguns contribuintes/devedores, quer seja em razão da morosidade imputável exclusivamente aos mecanismos inerentes ao Poder Judiciário) e sua influência na fulminação do direito creditório das Fazendas Públicas em decorrência do reconhecimento da prescrição, mais precisamente da prescrição intercorrente, aquela que se percebe no curso do processo judicial e atualmente não se duvida de sua aplicação. Perquiriu-se, então, como esta espécie de prescrição se aplicaria aos responsáveis tributários, analisando-se a questão, sob o ponto de vista das espécies de responsabilização tributária, se solidária ou subsidiária, ou ainda, de suas principais e mais problemáticas subespécies, sendo tais, aquela dos terceiros, dos sucessores ou daquela decorrente de dissolução irregular da sociedade. Além disso, e, obrigatoriamente, foram analisadas questões intrínsecas ao assunto, tais como, a validade da aplicação de regras suspensivas e interruptivas do prazo prescricional e a definição do dies a quo da contagem prescricional para cada espécie de responsabilidade tributária. Enfim, discutiu-se a melhor forma de aplicação da prescrição intercorrente em casos de redirecionamento da cobrança judicial de dívidas tributárias por responsabilização, verificando-se, dentre outras coisas, sobre a melhor utilização de protestos interruptivos, ou ainda, sobre a obrigatoriedade da deflagração de hipóteses de incidência de responsabilidade tributária, as quais captassem os respectivos fatos geradores de responsabilização, mecanismo este eficientemente utilizado em ordenamentos jurídicos alienígenas, mas que, contudo, nos remete à verificação da decadência, previamente à prescrição e/ou à prescrição intercorrente. / The purpose of this work is restrained to the investigation of the antithesis between the interim statute of limitations and tax liability, two themes completely distinct from each other, and which, per se and on an individually basis, give rise to important discussions in the Tax Law field. However, when united, they reflect an enormous debate, which is amplified in reason of our lawmakers negligence, the lack of doctrinal pronouncement thereon, and, with the due respect, the generality of some case law precedents, incapable of reaching the singularity of each of the possible situations. In the middle of the tax credit court enforcement chaos, one of the growing and current concerns refer to the delay by which tax collections are transited (whether in reason of the inefficiency of Public Treasury Departments, for the bad faith of some taxpayers / debtors, or in reason of the slowness solely imputable to the mechanisms inherent to the Judicial Branch) and their influence on the fulmination of the Public Treasury Departments right to credit as a consequence of the acknowledgement of the statute of limitations, more precisely the interim statute of limitations, which is that realized in the course of the legal proceeding, and the application of which cannot be currently doubted. Then, it has been scrutinized how such sort of statute of limitations would be applicable to taxpayers, by analyzing the issue under the point of view of the taxpaying types, whether a co-liability or subsidiary liability, or even of the subspecies thereof, such as that of third parties, successors, or that arising out of the companys irregular dissolution. In addition to that, and, compulsorily, intrinsic matters to the subject have been analyzed, such as the proper application of staying and interrupting rules for the statute of limitations, and the determination of the dies a quo for counting the lapse of time for each type of tax liability. All in all, the best way to apply the interim statute of limitations to cases of redirecting the court collection of tax debts for liability was discussed, ascertaining, among others, the best use for interrupting objections, or even the obligation to deflagrate hypotheses for the tax liability, which would catch the respective tax liability triggering events, which mechanism is efficiently used in foreign legal systems, but which, however, lead us to ascertain the lapse of right, before the statute of limitations and/or the interim statute of limitations.
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