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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Filmové festivaly ve vztahu k okrajovým částem kinematografie. / Film festivals in relation to the margins of cinema

Slováková, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
Disertační práce Filmové festivaly ve vztahu k okrajovým částem kinematografie 2016 PhDr. Andrea Slováková Abstrakt Disertační práce Filmové festivaly ve vztahu k okrajovým částem kinematografie se soustředí na prezentaci především experimentálních filmů na filmových festivalech. Práce analyzuje především specializované přehlídky experimentálního filmu, uvádí historický exkurz do prezentace filmové avantgardy ve vztahu k fenoménu filmových festivalů. Metodologicky však vychází z přístupu interdisciplinárně propůjčeného z politických věd, diskurzivního nového institucionalismu, který adaptuje do pole festivalových studií. Zkoumá, jak se diskurzivní moc uvnitř festivalové organizace utváří a posiluje, a také k čemu slouží. Zavádí koncepty zastřené a průzračné diskurzivní vrstvy, mezi nimiž je argumentační vrstva, která mnohdy obsahuje i argumentační fikce. Část diskurzivního působení, resp. moci festivalové organizace slouží k jejímu ovlivňování kulturního pole, značná část však slouží zachování samotné organizace. Zkoumá, které části organizace jsou klíčovými uzly ve smyslu produkce diskurzivní moci. Na diskurzivní moc festivalů prezentujících experimentální film se dívá z hlediska procesů a struktury uvnitř organizace.

What are you looking at? : representations of disability in documentary films

Tsakiri, Maria January 2015 (has links)
This study sets out to explore the representations of disability in documentary films. Its starting point is that when such representations of disability films are under examination, one needs to take into consideration a level of complexities that come with disability, the construction and functionalities of representations, and more particularly the impact of documentary films on understanding disability. In order to address this issue, I draw upon disability theory and disability aesthetics, crip theory and crip willfulness, as well as practices of good looking, synthesising in this way a theoretical framework that responds to matters of intersectionality and criticality in relation to the analysis of representations of disability. To this end, I employ a mixed method design, which is based on participant observation, the methods of the written festival and a critical disability studies (crip) analysis for examining selected documentary films alongside a thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews that were conducted with disabled viewers who attended the Emotion Pictures – Documentary and Disability Film Festival in Athens, Greece. Its findings indicate that representations of documentary films familiarise viewers with disability. This familiarisation and the development of political engagement by depicting crip killjoys are the key elements that create representations of a different context and meaning in comparison to those produced by media and fiction films. My analysis reveals that depictions of crip killjoys who are conscious of their political identity, speak out and take action are depictions that ask for political engagement. As such, they can produce good staring. Visibility and social dialogue are two of the benefits of disability film festivals that are highlighted by disabled viewers.

"Turismo de galpão" : uma etnografia sobre o acolhimento do fenômeno do turismo, nos festejos/festivais tradicionalistas, em Porto Alegre e Santa Cruz do Sul, no Rio Grande do Sul

Soares, Laís Góis January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca compreender as múltiplas percepções dos atores sociais em face à implementação da prática turística em três dos principais eventos tradicionalistas: O Acampamento Farroupilha, o Desfile Temático e o Encontro de Artes e Tradição Gaúcha (ENART). O trabalho analisa o Encontro de Artes e Tradição na cidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, buscando expor os processos de atualização sob os quais o mesmo vem se submetendo, bem como, seu diálogo com o fenômeno do turismo. Destaco o caráter polissêmico do turismo, ou seja, procuro correlacioná-lo às tendências contemporâneas demonstrando como localmente os debates sobre o acolhimento a ideias (propostas) advindas dos agentes do turismo contemplam uma ordem complexa e imprevisível e percorrem diversos processos que ora favorecem a prática turística, ora reinterpretam seus sentidos. Este estudo busca estabelecer um diálogo interdisciplinar entre antropologia e turismo. A pesquisa é fruto de reflexões geradas após a inserção da empresa Office Marketing na organização e planejamento dos três principais eventos do universo tradicionalista. A partir dessa inserção em campo, vislumbra-se descrever, mediante a prática etnográfica, as transformações nas comemorações festivas do feriado estadual do Vinte de setembro (em alusão à Revolução Farroupilha, também conhecida como Guerra dos Farrapos) – percorro o Acampamento Farroupilha e os debates sobre a produção do desfile que o encerra em um período singular permeado pelos debates sobre a realização da Copa de 2014. Entende-se que as ações permeadas pelas ações e propostas advindas do turismo precipitam algumas das reconfigurações das práticas culturais, propiciadas pelos contínuos diálogos entre grupos distintos, como, por exemplo, tradicionalistas e carnavalescos, além de sublinhar a relação entre tradicionalismo e modernidade. / The present paper aims to generate understanding of multiple perceptions of social actors in relation to implementation of the tourist practice in three of the main traditionalist events: the Acampamento Farroupilha (Farroupilha Camping), the Desfile Temático (Thematic Parade) and the Encontro de Artes e Tradição Gaúcha (The Meeting on Arts and Tradition of Rio Grande do Sul, or ENART). This work also will examine of the Encontro de Artes e Tradição (Meeting on Arts and Tradition) state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the city of the of Santa Cruz do Sul, seeking to expose upgrade, above which it is has been undergoing, as well as its interaction with the phenomenon of tourism. Emphasize the polysemic nature of tourism, i.e., i seek to correlate it to contemporary trends demonstrating how locally discussions about hosting the ideas (proposals) arising from tourism players contemplate a complex and unpredictable order and rum through various processes that on the one hand favor the practice tourist, and on the other hand reinterpret their senses. This study searchs establish an interdisciplinary between Anthropology and Tourism This research is the result of a thorough reasoning after insertion of company Office Marketing in organizing and planning of the three major events of tradicionalist universe. From this insertion in the field, it is my purpose to describe, through ethnographic practice, the transformation of September 20th festive commemorations (a reference to Farroupilha Revolution, also known as Ragamuffin War) – I walk Farroupilha Camping and the debates about the production of the parade that ends at a unique period permeated the debates on the implementation of the 2014 World Cup. It is understood that the actions permeated by the actions and proposals coming from the tourism precipitate some of the reconfigurations of cultural practices afforded by continuous dialogues among distinct groups (e.g., traditionalists and carnival groups) while stressing the relationship between traditionalism and modernity.

Expressões de religiosidade na festa de Santa Luzia na cidade de Mossoró (RN)

José Carlos de Lima Filho 03 April 2012 (has links)
O estudo da religiosidade e da religião na festa é fundamental para a compreensão do mito, rito e os símbolos inseridos na devoção e na promessa ao santo, tendo como inspiração pontual o foco dos rituais, especialmente o rito processional, ou seja, o itinerante que ainda perpassa o século XXI, mesmo diante de tanta dessacralização. O propósito desta pesquisa é refletir no ritual itinerante, diferentes expressões como gestos, silêncio, vestimentas caracterizadas, objetos, bandeiras e sons que se encontram movimentando as relações de proximidade entre o romeiro (devoto e/ou curioso) e o santo. Para tornar esta reflexão fundamentada, decidimos partir de uma pesquisa de campo, durante cinco dias, junto aos frequentadores, devotos promesseiros, tentando coletar informações livres e espontâneas, agregando-a ao material bibliográfico que trata do mito, rito e símbolos utilizados pelo caminheiro na procissão de Santa Luzia. O nosso objetivo é apontar as diversas expressões de religiosidade na festa da Santa Padroeira; pontuar a importância dos ritos itinerantes como fenômeno religioso numa sociedade secularizada; refletir o rito ao ar livre a partir de uma relação próxima entre o fiel e o divino; entender o sincretismo e a noção de sagrado, usando a metodologia da observação-participante, na tentativa de garantir a identidade e práticas sociorreligiosas na festa de Santa Luzia em Mossoró (RN) / The study of religiosity and of religion in the feast is crucial to the understanding of myth,ritual and symbols inserted in devotion and promise to the saint, taking as inspiration the focus point of the rituals, especially the ritual procession, or even touring runs through the twenty-first century, even at such desecration. The purpose of this research is to reflect on the shifting ritual, different expressions such as gestures, silence, clothing characterized, objects, banners and sounds that are moving the close relations between the pilgrim (devout and/or curious) and the saint. To make this reflection based we decided to depart from a field research for five days, along with visitors, devotees promisers, trying to gather free and spontaneous information, adding to the bibliography, dealing with myth, ritual and symbols used by the walker in the procession of St. Lucy. The objective is to point the name of the various expressions of religious feast of the Patron Saint; to emphasize the importance of the rites as itinerant religious phenomenon in a secularizing society, reflecting the open air rite from a close relationship between the believer and the divine; to understand syncretism and the notion of sacred, using the methodology of participant observation on the feast of St. Lucy in Mossoró (RN)

Uma replicação da escala de Gursoy, Kim e Uysal para mensurar os impactos de eventos especiais

Trott, Serguem January 2007 (has links)
Eventos especiais têm um papel importante dentro da administração e do marketing de lugares, mas para obter o máximo retorno de tais festividades, seja em termos econômicos ou sociais, é preciso gerenciá-las com o conhecimento de seus impactos. O presente trabalho replica, com algumas modificações, o estudo de Gursoy, Kim e Uysal (2004), adaptando para o cenário brasileiro a escala para medir os impactos causados na comunidade, por festas populares, de acordo com a opinião dos envolvidos. A pesquisa aqui descrita, realizada em quatro eventos distintos no Rio Grande do Sul, envolveu um total de 1093 respondentes e seus resultados permitiram validar a escala adaptada para o Brasil, ao mesmo tempo que foram identificados três tipos de impactos gerados pelas festas populares: os Benefícios Socioeconômicos, os Benefícios Socioculturais e os Custos Sociais. / Festivals and special events have an important role in the segments of marketing and management of locals. However, to achieve the maximal economical and social return from such events, it is necessary to manage them taking in consideration their impacts on society. This study is a replication, with some changes, about the study carried out by Gursoy, Kim and Uysal (2004), bringing into Brazilian reality the scale to measure the perceived impacts of special events on community, according to the stakeholders. The survey was realized in four different events in Rio Grande do Sul, with a total of 1093 interviewed people and the results allowed the validation of the adapted scale for Brazil. The study could also identify three groups of different impacts of festivals on communities: socialeconomical benefits, social-cultural benefits and social costs.

A variável ambiental no planejamento de eventos turísticos : estudo de caso da Festa Nacional da Uva - RS

Pereira, Gisele Silva 05 April 2007 (has links)
Para que um evento assuma sua responsabilidade ambiental, é preciso que o mesmo contabilize a variável ambiental em todas as fases de seu planejamento. A presente investigação propõe-se a examinar as relações estabelecidas entre a variável ambiental e um evento turístico. Assim, o problema de pesquisa decorre da seguinte indagação: a variável ambiental é considerada no planejamento da Festa Nacional da Uva 2006? Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo é identificar a consideração da variável ambiental no planejamento da Festa Nacional da Uva 2006, realizada na cidade de Caxias do Sul, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Aliados ao objetivo geral, destacam-se os seguintes objetivos específicos: a) verificar as relações estabelecidas entre a informação ambiental e o planejamento da Festa da Uva; b) identificar as condições de manejo dos resíduos sólidos gerados na Festa da Uva; c) examinar o princípio da prevenção da geração de resíduos sólidos no planejamento da Festa da Uva; d) identificar ações de educação ambiental no planejamento da Festa da Uva; e) examinar as variáveis água, energia elétrica e água residuária no planejamento da Festa da Uva; f) verificar a consideração do critério ambiental na escolha dos patrocinadores e expositores da Festa da Uva. Para atender aos objetivos propostos, foram realizadas observações diretas no âmbito da Festa da Uva, em dois momentos distintos. Também foram entrevistados 19 sujeitos, os quais correspondem ao presidente, aos vicespresidentes e aos diretores das comissões organizadoras da Festa da Uva. As perguntas que compõem o roteiro de entrevista relacionam-se: a) às práticas ambientais; b) a resíduos sólidos; c) à divulgação da Festa; d) aos expositores e patrocinadores; e) aos desfiles; f) às olimpíadas coloniais; g) à água; h) à energia; i) à água residuária (esgoto). Os resultados obtidos com a pesquisa permitem concluir que existem ações ambientais implantadas de forma isolada na Festa da Uva. Entretanto, é importante construir um novo conceito de planejamento para a Festa da Uva, em que se contemple efetivamente a variável ambiental. Nesse sentido, cabe aos cursos de graduação em turismo e hotelaria e aos cursos stricto sensu em turismo desenvolverem estudos que contemplem a variável ambiental. Como foi possível constatar com a realização da pesquisa, ainda há relações que precisam ser estabelecidas entre a variável ambiental e o planejamento de eventos turísticos. Cabe, portanto, um novo olhar aos eventos turísticos, planejando-os sob a ótica ambiental. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2015-10-08T11:36:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Gisele Silva Pereira.pdf: 943157 bytes, checksum: f57d2cbb91a2b9c7b76bf14e14707417 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-08T11:36:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Gisele Silva Pereira.pdf: 943157 bytes, checksum: f57d2cbb91a2b9c7b76bf14e14707417 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / An event needs to work out the environmental variable during all planning’s phases in order to accept its environmental responsibility. This present research plans to examine the established relationships between the environmental variable and a tourist event. Therefore, the subject of research originated from the following question: is the environmental variable considered when planning the National Grape Festival 2006? With this in mind, the objective of this study is to identify the consideration given to the environmental variable when planning the National Grape Festival 2006, which happened in Caxias do Sul – RS – Brazil. Along with the general objective, the following specific objectives are pointed out: a) to check the established relationships between environmental information and the Festival’s planning; b) to identify how solid waste produced at the Festival is handled; c) to examine the solid waste prevention principle at the Festival’s planning; d) to identify environmental education actions at the Festival’s planning; e) to examine water, eletric power and residuary water’s variables at the Festival’s planning; f) to check environmental criterion consideration when choosing the Festival’s sponsors and exhbitors. In an effort to meet the objectives suggested, direct observation was carried out regarding the Grape Festival at two different periods of time. On top of that, 19 people were interviewed, including the chairman, vice-chairman and the directors of the Festival’s organizing commitee. The interview script consisted of questions concerning: a) environmental practices; b) solid waste; c) Festival’s advertising; d) sponsors and exhbitors; e) parades; f) local Olympic Games; g) water; h) power; i) residuary water (sewage). Through the results obtained in the research, we are able to conclude that there are many environmental actions introduced in an isolated manner at the Festival. However it is important to build a new planning concept for it, which might effectively include the environmental variable. With regards to it, undergraduate courses such as tourism, hotel management and stricto sensu tourism have responsibility for developing studies which consider the environmental variable. As it was possible to conclude through the research, there are many relationships yet to be established between the environmental variable and tourist events’ planning. Therefore, a new look at tourist events, planning them under an environmental view, is essencial.

Stakeholders’ perceptions of the impacts of an outdoor and wine festival in the Breede Valley of the Western Cape Province

Ismail, Shameelah January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Tourism and Hospitality Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015. / The Breede Valley region is located in the Cape Winelands District near Cape Town and has been identified as a wine region with vast diversity and distinctiveness. The lack of research in the field of wine and events in the area gave rise to this study. The event industry in this region is relatively unexploited but in recent years has been revealed to be a major catalyst for tourism and economic development. However, for events to act as a catalyst for tourism and economic development, it is important to have an understanding of stakeholders‟ perceptions of the impacts of these events. The research therefore focuses on stakeholders‟ perceptions of the impacts of the Breedekloof Outdoor and Wine Festival (BOWF) hosted in the Breedekloof region in the Breede Valley of the Western Cape Province. Underpinning this study was the understanding that the perceived impacts of the event are pivotal for the future planning, management and sustainability of the event as well as to minimise negative and maximise positive impacts of the BOWF. The study applied a mixed-methods approach, compiling data through survey questionnaires targeting 341 event attendees, 374 residents, 28 established businesses, 8 sponsors and 15 venue owners. Key informant interviews with the event organiser and direct observations with event attendees and residents were used as methods to collect data, using several sampling methods. A spatially based systematic sampling approach was used for the event attendees and residents‟ surveys, purposive sampling for the event organiser, venue owners and sponsors, while census sampling was used for the established businesses. For the purpose of the study, 767 respondents were targeted; only 730 responded. The results demonstrate support of the event among residents from Rawsonville as they perceive the event as beneficial to local businesses in the region. It displays the town and its beauty and does not cause any inconvenience to local lifestyles. However, there were mixed views on inequalities relating to employment opportunities and involvement in the planning and management of the event. Most established businesses, on the other hand, were also not directly involved in the Festival; even though there were opportunities for businesses to optimise profits and engender publicity, most did not use this opportunity to their advantage. The event attendees at the Festival were mostly from the Western Cape, attending the Festival in groups of friends with the large majority spending/planning to spend money at the Festival. / South African Department of Tourism

"Turismo de galpão" : uma etnografia sobre o acolhimento do fenômeno do turismo, nos festejos/festivais tradicionalistas, em Porto Alegre e Santa Cruz do Sul, no Rio Grande do Sul

Soares, Laís Góis January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca compreender as múltiplas percepções dos atores sociais em face à implementação da prática turística em três dos principais eventos tradicionalistas: O Acampamento Farroupilha, o Desfile Temático e o Encontro de Artes e Tradição Gaúcha (ENART). O trabalho analisa o Encontro de Artes e Tradição na cidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, buscando expor os processos de atualização sob os quais o mesmo vem se submetendo, bem como, seu diálogo com o fenômeno do turismo. Destaco o caráter polissêmico do turismo, ou seja, procuro correlacioná-lo às tendências contemporâneas demonstrando como localmente os debates sobre o acolhimento a ideias (propostas) advindas dos agentes do turismo contemplam uma ordem complexa e imprevisível e percorrem diversos processos que ora favorecem a prática turística, ora reinterpretam seus sentidos. Este estudo busca estabelecer um diálogo interdisciplinar entre antropologia e turismo. A pesquisa é fruto de reflexões geradas após a inserção da empresa Office Marketing na organização e planejamento dos três principais eventos do universo tradicionalista. A partir dessa inserção em campo, vislumbra-se descrever, mediante a prática etnográfica, as transformações nas comemorações festivas do feriado estadual do Vinte de setembro (em alusão à Revolução Farroupilha, também conhecida como Guerra dos Farrapos) – percorro o Acampamento Farroupilha e os debates sobre a produção do desfile que o encerra em um período singular permeado pelos debates sobre a realização da Copa de 2014. Entende-se que as ações permeadas pelas ações e propostas advindas do turismo precipitam algumas das reconfigurações das práticas culturais, propiciadas pelos contínuos diálogos entre grupos distintos, como, por exemplo, tradicionalistas e carnavalescos, além de sublinhar a relação entre tradicionalismo e modernidade. / The present paper aims to generate understanding of multiple perceptions of social actors in relation to implementation of the tourist practice in three of the main traditionalist events: the Acampamento Farroupilha (Farroupilha Camping), the Desfile Temático (Thematic Parade) and the Encontro de Artes e Tradição Gaúcha (The Meeting on Arts and Tradition of Rio Grande do Sul, or ENART). This work also will examine of the Encontro de Artes e Tradição (Meeting on Arts and Tradition) state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the city of the of Santa Cruz do Sul, seeking to expose upgrade, above which it is has been undergoing, as well as its interaction with the phenomenon of tourism. Emphasize the polysemic nature of tourism, i.e., i seek to correlate it to contemporary trends demonstrating how locally discussions about hosting the ideas (proposals) arising from tourism players contemplate a complex and unpredictable order and rum through various processes that on the one hand favor the practice tourist, and on the other hand reinterpret their senses. This study searchs establish an interdisciplinary between Anthropology and Tourism This research is the result of a thorough reasoning after insertion of company Office Marketing in organizing and planning of the three major events of tradicionalist universe. From this insertion in the field, it is my purpose to describe, through ethnographic practice, the transformation of September 20th festive commemorations (a reference to Farroupilha Revolution, also known as Ragamuffin War) – I walk Farroupilha Camping and the debates about the production of the parade that ends at a unique period permeated the debates on the implementation of the 2014 World Cup. It is understood that the actions permeated by the actions and proposals coming from the tourism precipitate some of the reconfigurations of cultural practices afforded by continuous dialogues among distinct groups (e.g., traditionalists and carnival groups) while stressing the relationship between traditionalism and modernity.

Festivais de coros do Rio Grande do Sul (1963-1978) : práticas músico-educativas de coros, regentes e plateia

Teixeira, Lúcia Helena Pereira January 2015 (has links)
A investigação, de caráter qualitativo (PIRES, 2010; GONZÁLEZ REY, 2005; MELUCCI, 2005), teve por objetivo geral compreender as práticas músico-educativas engendradas nos Festivais de Coros do Rio Grande do Sul, que foram realizados durante o período 1963-1978, na cidade de Porto Alegre, capital do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Como objetivos específicos a pesquisa buscou: 1) analisar a constituição e a organização dos Festivais de Coros; 2) examinar como eram mobilizados os atores sociais para os/dos Festivais de Coros, as estratégias de envolvimento utilizadas, as redes de cooperação e interdependência que permitiam a realização dos eventos e as tramas que envolveram os atores sociais naquele contexto específico; 3) interpretar a participação de coros, regentes e plateia e as exigências colocadas para os participantes dos Festivais; 4) analisar quais eram as concepções sobre cantar em coro, que aprendizagens e que formações musicais ocorreram nos/a partir da participação nos eventos e quais foram as contribuições dos Festivais de Coros. Como procedimento investigativo trabalhei a partir da história oral, com a qual pude combinar fontes escritas (artigos de jornais da época, programas musicais, cartas) com fontes orais (pré-entrevistas e entrevistas). Para a compreensão das redes estabelecidas pelos participantes dos Festivais de Coros, empreguei o conceito de configurações ou figurações de Norbert Elias (1997; 2008). Pelo conteúdo dos Festivais analisados, foram úteis as visões teóricas que focam o canto coral como movimento sociopolítico ou nacionalista (CHINALI, 2009; GILIOLI, 2008; SILVA, 2001, 2012; SANTOS, 2012; SOUZA 1991, 1999, 2007). Estudos sobre festivais de arte também ajudaram a iluminar o campo empírico (FLÉCHET, 2011, 2013; GOETSCHEL; HIDIROGLOU, 2013). Práticas músico-educativas foram se constituindo e sendo propaladas a partir da ação dos agentes participantes dos Festivais. A partir de uma comissão organizadora foi institucionalizada a Associação dos Festivais de Coros do Rio Grande do Sul, que passou a mobilizar atores internos (coros, regentes, imprensa e público) e externos (autoridades, governos, patrocinadores e apoiadores). Examinar o que era exigido e que dinâmica movia regentes, coros e público a participar dos Festivais de Coros, ajuda a compreender as aprendizagens geradas e impulsionadas pelo contexto. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram as formações musicais de cantores, regentes e público ocorridas a partir de concepções sobre cantar em coro e do habitus (ELIAS, 1997) gerado na e pela participação nos Festivais, além de outras contribuições impulsionadas por aqueles eventos. / This research, of qualitative frame (PIRES, 2010; GONZÁLEZ REY, 2005; MELUCCI, 2005), had as objective to understand the music-educational practices taken place in the Rio Grande do Sul Choir Festivals, held during the period 1963-1978 in the city of Porto Alegre, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Specific objectives of this research were: 1) To analyze the constitution of the Choir Festivals; 2) To exam how social actors were mobilized for the/from the Choir Festivals, as well as the engagement strategies used in it, the cooperation networks and interdependence which allowed the events to take place and the wefts which involved social actors in that specific context; 3) To interpret the participation of choirs, conductors and public, as well as the demands requested to the participants of the Festivals; 4) To analyze which were the conceptions about choral singing, which apprenticeships and musical formations occurred in the/from the participation in the events, and which were the contributions left by the Choir Festivals. As a research procedure I worked with oral history, with which I could combine written resources (newspaper articles of that period, musical programs and letters) with oral resources (pre-interviews and interviews). To understand the networks established by the participants of the Choir Festivals I used the concept of configuration or figuration by Norbert Elias (1997; 2008). Through the content of the analyzed Festivals, it were useful the theoretical visions that focus choral singing as a sociopolitical or nationalistic movement (CHINALI, 2009; GILIOLI, 2008; SILVA, 2001, 2012; SANTOS, 2012; SOUZA 1991, 1999, 2007). Studies about art festivals also helped to throw light over the empirical field (FLÉCHET, 2011, 2013; GOETSCHEL; HIDIROGLOU, 2013). Musiceducational practices were constituted and propelled from the action of the participants agents of the Festivals. An organized committee was the start to institutionalize the Rio Grande do Sul Choir Association, which began to mobilize internal actors (choirs, conductor, press and public), and external actors (authorities, governments, sponsors and supporters). To examine what was requested and what dynamics moved conductors, choirs and public to participate in the Choir Festivals, helped to understand the apprenticeships generated and driven by the context. The results of the research show the music formation of singers, conductors and public generated from conceptions of choral singing and the habitus (ELIAS, 1997) generated in the/by the participation in the Festivals, as well as other contributions driven by those events.

La lyre et le masque : la poésie des fêtes du manièrisme à l'âge baroque (1549-1583) / The Lyre and the Masque : Festive poetry in France from Mannerism to Baroque (1549-1538)

Lionetto, Adeline 05 April 2014 (has links)
Vestiges de magnificences réputées diaprées, les vers produits à l'occasion des fêtes de cour de la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle ont longtemps été considérés comme des objets littéraires dépourvus de tout intérêt. Et pourtant la génération de la Pléiade, bien plus connue aujourd’hui pour ses recueils poétiques devenus classiques, a aussi été à l’origine d’une poésie impromptue qui a donné au poète un rôle fondamental de maître des plaisirs de la cour. Non content de rester à son pupitre ou dans sa « librairie », le poète devait prendre en charge la mise en scène de ses compositions, jouer parfois le rôle de l’un des personnages et travailler en collaboration avec d’autres artistes, d’une manière non plus solitaire mais tout à fait collégiale. Sa poésie non seulement agrémente la fête mais la colore, la suscite et la structure : des vers chantés aux vers gravés dans les décors ou encore sur des petits billets tombant en cascade sur le monarque au moment de son arrivée, la poésie est omniprésente dans la fête dont elle se fait, à divers niveaux, la « légende. Contribuant à dramatiser et à sacraliser l'histoire de France, cette poésie se développe en outre sur l'esthétique des merveilles qui caractérise les fêtes de cette époque. Enfin les genres poétiques qui y apparaissent (mascarades, momeries, cartels, etc.) s'influencent alors les uns les autres et se développent au carrefour de multiples pratiques poétiques. / The poems written for court festivals in the second half of the Sixteenth century have long been considered unworthy of the attention of scholars of French literature. However, these colourful traces of famously splendid court festivities involved many of the poets of the generation of the “Pléiade”, remembered today mostly for its classic collections of poetry. Nonetheless, these poets also participated in the practice of composing impromptu poetical pieces, which effectively made them the masters of court entertainment. These poets did not restrict their activities to their study or their “librarie”, but designed the sets and organised the saging of their masques – sometimes even playing some of the parts – and collaborating with other artists. The part played by the poet in these festivals is far from being solitary: it is essentially collaborative. His verses are not a mere ornament of the festivities, but are their very life, giving them shape and colour. Poetry plays a part in all aspects of the festivals at court: it is sung, but also inscribed on elements of the décor and showered down on the monarch when he arrives. In this sense, poetry is the “légende” of the celebrations, serving as a caption and as a way creating a legendary, sacred and dramatic representation of power. This poetry also participates in the aesthetic of the maraviglia characteristic of manneristic and baroque festivals. The poetic genres that they involve (masques, mummeries, cartels etc.) mutually influenced each other and developed as hybrid forms which were grew out of the intertwining of many different poetic traditions.

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