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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zabezpečení žen v těhotenství a mateřství / Welfare of women during pregnancy and maternity

Konejlová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis I processed the options of support for women during pregnancy and maternity which could be offered by the legislation of the Czech Republic and also the possibilities which were connected with their accession to the European Union. I also mentioned planned law changes which the new government of the Czech Republic wants to get through in their election period of 2013-2017. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part, "The Social Security of Women During Pregnancy and Maternity According to Czech Legislation" consists of four chapters: 'The Evolution of Social Security', 'The Social Security and Its Systems', 'The Social Security Within the Sickness Insurance' and 'The Social Security of Women Within the National Social Support'. In these individual chapters there are processed historical context of social security law evolution and then individual institutes serving for securing woman during pregnancy and maternity. The institutes consist of benefits in maternity and equalized contribution within the sickness insurance and also of child benefit, maternity grant and parental allowance within the national social support. The second part, 'The Social Security of Women During Pregnancy and Maternity According to European Union Legislation', consists of the following chapters:...

O direito à educação de crianças e adolescentes: análise da atuação do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo (1991-2008) / The right to education of the childrens and adolescents: analysis of São Paulo Justice Court performance (1991-2008).

Silveira, Adriana Aparecida Dragone 13 December 2010 (has links)
Na Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF/88) o direito à educação é declarado como um direito fundamental, de caráter social, configurando-se um direito de todos e dever do Estado. Todavia, há um longo caminho a ser percorrido para que todos, sem distinção, tenham acesso à educação, e que esta seja de qualidade. Recorrer ao Poder Judiciário pode ser uma das possibilidades de efetivá-lo. Esta tese analisa como os desembargadores têm apreciado e julgado as demandas envolvendo os direitos de crianças e adolescentes à educação, no âmbito do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo (TJ-SP), instância de recurso do Poder Judiciário, no período após a implantação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Objetivou-se identificar em quais litígios consolidou-se uma jurisprudência favorável à exigibilidade judicial, e localizar os possíveis entraves quanto à interpretação do direito à educação, procurando compreender se a intervenção judicial possibilita uma ampliação da efetivação dos direitos educacionais e, consequentemente, o fortalecimento da democracia. Nas referências teóricas buscou-se discutir a efetividade e a interpretação das normas relacionadas ao direito à educação, como um direito social, no contexto do Estado democrático de direito adotado pela CF/88, o processo de expansão do Poder Judiciário para a proteção dos direitos sociais e as características institucionais do Judiciário brasileiro e do TJ-SP. Tendo em vista os objetivos, realizou-se uma pesquisa documental, com a coleta de 483 decisões proferidas pelo TJ-SP, no período de 1991 a 2008. Esses documentos, com base nas principais demandas e questionamentos discutidos nos processos, foram organizados e analisados em amplas categorias: acesso à educação básica; permanência; responsabilidade estatal; poder de regulação estatal; decisões administrativas e políticas; gestão dos recursos públicos e deveres dos pais. A partir da análise geral das decisões, denota-se que os principais obstáculos para a exigibilidade judicial do direito à educação estão relacionados, sobretudo, às questões sobre o orçamento público, aos limites da discricionariedade do administrador e do campo decisório do Judiciário e ao atendimento às demandas difusas e coletivas envolvendo a formulação e a implementação de políticas públicas. Observa-se que há uma tendência majoritária entre os membros do TJ-SP a aceitar com mais facilidade as demandas que requisitavam, individualmente ou para um número definido de interessados, o acesso à educação, consolidando uma jurisprudência favorável ao longo dos anos, principalmente com relação à educação infantil e à educação especial. Todavia, os desembargadores foram mais resistentes em acatar os pedidos relacionados às questões técnicas ou políticas, considerando o argumento da separação dos poderes. Por fim, constata-se que o Judiciário constitui importante instrumento para a consolidação da democracia ao possibilitar reivindicar a efetivação do direito à educação, no entanto torna-se fundamental a mudança de concepção de parcela dos seus membros, no que se refere à interferência desta instituição no controle da ação da administração pública, quando esta deixa de cumprir com os direitos declarados. / In the Federal Constitution of 1988 (CF/88) the right to education is declared as a fundamental right, social character, configuring a everyone right and duty of the State. However, there is a long way to be crawled so that everyone, without distinction, has access to education, and that this is quality. Recourse to the Judiciary can be one of the possibilities to make permanent. This thesis examines how the magistrates have esteemed and judged demands involving the rights of children and adolescents to education, in the context of the São Paulo Justice Court (TJ-SP), the judiciary instance appeal, in the period after the implantation of the Children and Adolescents Statute. The target is identify in which litigations consolidated a favorable jurisprudence to judicial enforceability and find potential barriers as to the interpretation of the right to education, trying to understand if judicial intervention enables extension of effective educational rights and consequently, the strengthening of the democracy. In the theoretical references attempted discuss the effectiveness and interpretation of standards related to the right to education, as a social law, in the Democratic State context adopted by CF/88, the process of Judiciary expansion to the protection of social rights and institutional characteristics of the Brazilian Judiciary, and judicial and the São Paulo Justice Court (TJ-SP). According the objectives, achieved the research with 483 decisions given by the TJ-SP, during the period 1991 to 2008. These documents, on the basis of the main demands and questions discussed in the processes, were organized and analyzed in wide categories: access to basic education; permanence; State responsibility; State regulatory power; policies and administrative decisions; management of public resources and parents obligations. From the general analysis of the decisions, denotes that the main obstacles to judicial enforceability of the right to education are related, primarily, to questions about the public budget, to the administrator discretionary limits and the Judiciary decisive area, and the attendance to the diffuse and collective demands involving the formulation and implementation of public policies. Noted that there is a tendency majority among of the TJ-SP members to accept more easily demands that required, individually or to a defined number of interested parties, the access to education, consolidating a favorable jurisprudence over the years, mainly with respect to early childhood education and special education. However, the magistrates were more resistant to accept requests related to policy or technical issues, whereas the argument of the separation of powers. Finally, the Judiciary constitutes an important instrument for consolidating to democracy, enabled identifiable claim the right to education, however it, becomes crucial to changing the conception of its members, regarding the interference of this institution in control of the action of public administration, when this not comply with the rights declared.

Analyse socioéconomique du «phénomène de don en retour» : les footballeurs africains en Europe et l'aide à leurs communautés d'origine / Socioeconomic analysis of the 'Give Back Phenomenon' : african footballers in Europe and their assistance to the communities of origin.

Acheampong, Ernest Yeboah 02 June 2017 (has links)
L’accroissement du déplacement des footballeurs professionnels de l’Afrique vers les ligues européennes, observé dès les années 1990, a transformé la migration du travail du football. En retour, cela a aussi eu un impact sur les revenus des footballeurs africains, leur statut social, et leur relation avec leurs communautés d’origine en termes de soutien socioéconomique. Cette recherche se focalise sur ce sujet en s’appuyant sur la compréhension de l’évolution du football professionnel africain, des itinéraires de migration des joueurs, afin d’expliquer le « phénomène de don en retour » (PDR) lié à la relation entretenue avec leurs communautés d’origine. Elle examine le rôle des facteurs économiques et non économiques qui orientent la manière dont les footballeurs africains donnent en retour à leurs familles, leurs proches, leurs communautés. Celui-ci peut être déterminé dans le but d’un retour sur investissement, par l’influence des valeurs communautaires, des normes, par l’intégration à des réseaux sociaux ou des réseaux institutionnalisés relatifs à l’émigration des footballeurs. En d’autres termes, l’analyse de leur don en retour doit être basée sur la combinaison de facteurs sociaux, culturels et économiques. Aussi, cette recherche mobilise une approche interdisciplinaire à partir du modèle théorique d’analyse de la socio-économie. La méthodologie de Weber contribue à le faire, par l’analyse de l’action de don en retour des footballeurs. Celui-ci est généralement considéré comme la contribution sociale des joueurs, et leurs communautés attendent de recevoir quelque chose de la part des joueurs professionnels africains émigrés ayant réussi financièrement. L’étude est basée sur une enquête qualitative auprès de trente-deux footballeurs professionnels africains incluant aussi des biographies et autobiographies d’autres footballeurs africains. Les résultats montrent que les comportements des footballeurs africains migrants, en termes de don en retour, dépendant de leurs justifications qui sont basées sur des logiques d’intérêt économique, social et culturel.La recherche révèle trois résultats majeurs :1) Une évolution spécifique du football africain et de la perception du football professionnel par les communautés. On identifie une périodisation en trois phases, montrant l’évolution des familles, des structures du football et des stratégies de migration : a) une vision controversée du football (années 1980) : football vs scolarisation ; b) une vision partagée du football (années 1990) : passage progressif d’une activité sociale à une activité professionnelle ; et 3) le football professionnel comme opportunité (années 2000).2) Trois types d’itinéraires migratoires de joueurs qui sont liés à leurs stratégies, aux réseaux mobilisés, et aux ressources disponibles : a) ressources collectives, b) réseaux formels, et c) les ressources individuelles.3) Une typologie du « phénomène de don en retour » (PDR) du footballeur africain migrant concernant les comportements socio-économiques : a) familial hybride, b) familial croisé proche, c) familial partagé, d) familial de l’ombre, qui influencent leurs types d’investissements dans les communautés. D’autre part, certains projets de joueurs tendent à soutenir le développement régional et national de leurs communautés. Toutefois, les joueurs migrants africains doivent gérer et protéger leur réputation et leurs ressources sportives en les utilisant intelligemment et en effectuant de bonnes actions pour leurs communautés, amis et autres au-delà du continent. / The increase in movement of professional footballers from Africa to the European leagues as observed since the 1990’, has transformed the labour football migration. In return, this also impacted African footballers’ incomes, social status, and their relation to the communities of origin in terms of socio-economic support. This research focuses on this subject by drawing on the understanding of the evolution of African professional football, players migration itineraries, as to explain the ‘give back phenomenon’ (GBP) related to their relationship with the communities of origin. It examines the role of the economic and non-economic factors that orient African footballers’ ways of giving back to their families, relatives, and the communities. Their give back may be determined by the aim of return on investments, by the influence of communities’ values, norms, or by embeddedness in social networks or by the institutionalised networks related to footballers’ migration. In other words, the analysis of their giving back may be based on the combination of social, cultural and economic factors. Thus, this research mobilised multidisciplinary approach through the socio-economic theoretical model of analysis. Weber methodology helps to do so, in the analysis of footballers’ 'give back' action. This is generally considered as the players’ social contribution and their communities expect to receive something from financially successful professional African migrant players. The study’s qualitative survey was based on thirty-two interviews of professional players from Africa including, biographies and autobiographies. The results show that African migrant players’ behaviours in term of giving back depend on their justifications, which are based on economic interest, social or cultural logics.The research revealed three major outcomes:1) specific evolution of African football and communities’ perception of professional football. This identified one periodization, with three phases, showing families, football structures and migration strategies evolution: a) the controversial vision of football (the 1980s): football vs. school b) the shared vision of football (the 1990s): gradual shift from social activity to a professional activity, and c) football professionalism as an opportunity (the 2000s) 2) three types of players’ migration itineraries which are linked to their strategies, networks mobilised, and the resources available to them: a) collective resource-based, b) formal networks-based, and c) individual resource-based. 3) typology of 'GBP' based on African migrant players’ socio-economic behaviours was a) hybrid family, b) cross-closed family, c) shared family, and d) shadow family that influenced their type of investments in the communities. On another hand, some projects of players tend to support regional and national development in the communities. However, African player migrants have to manage and protect the fame, and sporting resources by using them intelligently to do good things for their communities, friends and others beyond the continent. In conclusion, the itineraries of players’ show the role of the communities in their migration projects. On another hand, the evolution of African football displays how players’ strategies changed with the structuration of African football and the attractiveness of the European football market. The co-determining of economic and non-economic factors relating to the ‘GBP’, justify the use of economic sociology theories. This research demonstrates that ‘GBP’ is not only based on the players’ economic interest but also the combination of social, cultural and economic elements.

Podnikatelský záměr ubytovacího zařízení pro rodiny s dětmi / The business plan of the accomodation facitity for families with children

PEŠKOVÁ, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The main intention of this thesis is to make a complete documentation of a business plan for the accommodation facility focused on segment of the families with children. The secondary objectives include analysing market conditions in selected area, finding the needs and requirements of potential customers, finding possible support suitable for the accommodation facility and determine whether the proposed accommodation facility is able to succeed on present tourism market. The thesis has two parts. The theoretic part includes literate review focused on tourism, accommodation services, accommodation facilities, families with children, business plan and its parts. The practical part is made up by a proposal for a particular business plan for families with children.

Finanční podpory rozvoje Českobudějovicka / Financial support for the development of The Region of South Bohemia

PÁNKOVÁ, Pavla January 2007 (has links)
This work aims at introducing and analyzing financing development possibilities of The Region of South Bohemia, namely the evaluation of drawing financial resources from the Programme of renewal of rural areas and the Programme of the development of economically weak and structurally disabled regions of South Bohemia. The priority of the development, investment projects fixed on them and quantity of financial resources were to be submitted, expressed in numbers and described their development in time. The contribution of this work consists especially in the contribution of absorbed financial resources from those given to the Programmes of The Region of South Bohemia. The resources from the Programme of rural areas and the Programme of the development of economically weak and structurally disabled regions that The Region of South Bohemia is gong to absorb in terms of single endowment titles of these programmes, is gong to significantly make for achievement aims given by the development plan. The essential characteristics of realized projects should include: creating new jobs, support of entrepreneurial activities, improving the quality of local roads, improving travelling for inhabitants of south bohemian villages and attaching to these communication on main regional highways, improvement of offers and services in the field of tourism.

Systém sociálního zabezpečení v ČR / The social security system in the Czech Republic

ROUBALOVÁ, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
Thesis focuses on social security system at Czech Republic, mainly on health insurance area. The aim of the thesis is to analyze healt insurance development, which projects itself into calculations of healt insurance allowances (sickness compensation, motherhood financial support and nursing compensation) and to evaluate influence of legislative changes during observed period of time (2005 {--} 2010) at these calculations. Thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical one, which describes all social security system areas as they were at year 2005 from the employee point of view and from the accounting viewpoint as well. Second part consists from five chaptures, where is gradually described choosen company {--} Southbohemian regional veterinary administration {--} profile, it´s social security obligations as an employer, calculations of healt insurance allowances and in conclusion results evaluation and legislative changes influence assesment.

O direito à educação de crianças e adolescentes: análise da atuação do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo (1991-2008) / The right to education of the childrens and adolescents: analysis of São Paulo Justice Court performance (1991-2008).

Adriana Aparecida Dragone Silveira 13 December 2010 (has links)
Na Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF/88) o direito à educação é declarado como um direito fundamental, de caráter social, configurando-se um direito de todos e dever do Estado. Todavia, há um longo caminho a ser percorrido para que todos, sem distinção, tenham acesso à educação, e que esta seja de qualidade. Recorrer ao Poder Judiciário pode ser uma das possibilidades de efetivá-lo. Esta tese analisa como os desembargadores têm apreciado e julgado as demandas envolvendo os direitos de crianças e adolescentes à educação, no âmbito do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo (TJ-SP), instância de recurso do Poder Judiciário, no período após a implantação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Objetivou-se identificar em quais litígios consolidou-se uma jurisprudência favorável à exigibilidade judicial, e localizar os possíveis entraves quanto à interpretação do direito à educação, procurando compreender se a intervenção judicial possibilita uma ampliação da efetivação dos direitos educacionais e, consequentemente, o fortalecimento da democracia. Nas referências teóricas buscou-se discutir a efetividade e a interpretação das normas relacionadas ao direito à educação, como um direito social, no contexto do Estado democrático de direito adotado pela CF/88, o processo de expansão do Poder Judiciário para a proteção dos direitos sociais e as características institucionais do Judiciário brasileiro e do TJ-SP. Tendo em vista os objetivos, realizou-se uma pesquisa documental, com a coleta de 483 decisões proferidas pelo TJ-SP, no período de 1991 a 2008. Esses documentos, com base nas principais demandas e questionamentos discutidos nos processos, foram organizados e analisados em amplas categorias: acesso à educação básica; permanência; responsabilidade estatal; poder de regulação estatal; decisões administrativas e políticas; gestão dos recursos públicos e deveres dos pais. A partir da análise geral das decisões, denota-se que os principais obstáculos para a exigibilidade judicial do direito à educação estão relacionados, sobretudo, às questões sobre o orçamento público, aos limites da discricionariedade do administrador e do campo decisório do Judiciário e ao atendimento às demandas difusas e coletivas envolvendo a formulação e a implementação de políticas públicas. Observa-se que há uma tendência majoritária entre os membros do TJ-SP a aceitar com mais facilidade as demandas que requisitavam, individualmente ou para um número definido de interessados, o acesso à educação, consolidando uma jurisprudência favorável ao longo dos anos, principalmente com relação à educação infantil e à educação especial. Todavia, os desembargadores foram mais resistentes em acatar os pedidos relacionados às questões técnicas ou políticas, considerando o argumento da separação dos poderes. Por fim, constata-se que o Judiciário constitui importante instrumento para a consolidação da democracia ao possibilitar reivindicar a efetivação do direito à educação, no entanto torna-se fundamental a mudança de concepção de parcela dos seus membros, no que se refere à interferência desta instituição no controle da ação da administração pública, quando esta deixa de cumprir com os direitos declarados. / In the Federal Constitution of 1988 (CF/88) the right to education is declared as a fundamental right, social character, configuring a everyone right and duty of the State. However, there is a long way to be crawled so that everyone, without distinction, has access to education, and that this is quality. Recourse to the Judiciary can be one of the possibilities to make permanent. This thesis examines how the magistrates have esteemed and judged demands involving the rights of children and adolescents to education, in the context of the São Paulo Justice Court (TJ-SP), the judiciary instance appeal, in the period after the implantation of the Children and Adolescents Statute. The target is identify in which litigations consolidated a favorable jurisprudence to judicial enforceability and find potential barriers as to the interpretation of the right to education, trying to understand if judicial intervention enables extension of effective educational rights and consequently, the strengthening of the democracy. In the theoretical references attempted discuss the effectiveness and interpretation of standards related to the right to education, as a social law, in the Democratic State context adopted by CF/88, the process of Judiciary expansion to the protection of social rights and institutional characteristics of the Brazilian Judiciary, and judicial and the São Paulo Justice Court (TJ-SP). According the objectives, achieved the research with 483 decisions given by the TJ-SP, during the period 1991 to 2008. These documents, on the basis of the main demands and questions discussed in the processes, were organized and analyzed in wide categories: access to basic education; permanence; State responsibility; State regulatory power; policies and administrative decisions; management of public resources and parents obligations. From the general analysis of the decisions, denotes that the main obstacles to judicial enforceability of the right to education are related, primarily, to questions about the public budget, to the administrator discretionary limits and the Judiciary decisive area, and the attendance to the diffuse and collective demands involving the formulation and implementation of public policies. Noted that there is a tendency majority among of the TJ-SP members to accept more easily demands that required, individually or to a defined number of interested parties, the access to education, consolidating a favorable jurisprudence over the years, mainly with respect to early childhood education and special education. However, the magistrates were more resistant to accept requests related to policy or technical issues, whereas the argument of the separation of powers. Finally, the Judiciary constitutes an important instrument for consolidating to democracy, enabled identifiable claim the right to education, however it, becomes crucial to changing the conception of its members, regarding the interference of this institution in control of the action of public administration, when this not comply with the rights declared.

Příležitosti pro rozvoj malých podniků / Oportunities for Development of Small Enterprises

Polok, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
The (Master) thesis deals with a part of a project application for financial resources from the European union using the Operational Programme „Lidské zdroje a zaměstnanost“. This programme represents one of the possible way, how to obtain funding of the educational activities for public. The aim of this thesis is to provide a complex summary about the application process and to point how difficult it is to get this kind of financial support. Despite this uneasy process it tries to obtain the financial resources for the activities of EDLiT Ltd., which would enable to extend the portfolio of its services.

Värde av solel i Sverige : En faktor att ta med i ekonomin för en solcellsanläggning

Safari, Bahar January 2019 (has links)
The Swedish government has set a target of achieving 100% renewable electricity production by 2040, and this target is reflected in the solar strategy of the Swedish Energy Agency that states it’s possible that solar electricity may represent 5-10% of the Swedish electricity mix by 2040. It’s not easy for different participants such as individuals, companies, farmers and housing associations to find out the value of solar self-consumption and the value of surplus solar electricity that is fed into the power grid, because there are about 120 electricity trading companies and about 170 electricity grid companies in Sweden. The electricity companies have different tariffs. The purpose of this degree project is to investigate how the value of solar electricity varies depending on which electricity trading company and electricity grid company that different participants such as individuals and companies have, and also to make profitability calculations for different cases concerning five of the major electricity trading companies and electricity grid companies, respectively. Data needed for calculating the value of solar self-consumption and sold surplus electricity are collected from the electricity trading companies and electricity grid companies. Profitability is calculated by using an Excel template from the project ”Capital budget for solar cells”. This degree project shows that the value of solar self-consumption is worth more than the value of sold surplus electricity in all cases, both for individuals and for companies. For the companies, the difference in value between solar self-consumption and sold surplus electricity is much greater than for individuals, because the companies studied in this degree project don’t receive any tax reduction for the surplus electricty that is fed into the power grid. The higher the value of solar self-consumption and sold surplus electricity, the more profitable the solar cell investment becomes. The lower the value of solar self-consumption and sold surplus electricity, the less profitable the solar cell investment becomes. The prerequisites needed to achieve 5-10% of solar electricity in Sweden are strengthening or renewal of the electricity grid, budget support for solar cells, financial support systems, education about the potential for solar electricity and how it works and the willpower among various participants to invest in solar cells.

Utbetalningsrutiners påverkan på jämställdhet och våld : En jämförande studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av olika utbetalningsrutiner / Payment routines impact on equality and violence

Strömberg, Linnéa, Ali Farah, Fahima January 2021 (has links)
Kommuner kan ha olika rutiner vad gäller utbetalning av ekonomiskt bistånd som på olika vis kan påverka jämställdhet och våld i nära relationer. Det råder även ett begränsat forskningsläge kring utbetalningsrutiners påverkan på dessa faktorer. Därför ville vi med hjälp av denna studie undersöka vilka erfarenheter socialsekreterare besitter av och hur de resonerar kring att utbetalningsrutiner kan påverka jämställdhet och våld i nära relationer. Utöver det ville vi även undersöka socialsekreterarnas handlingsutrymme gentemot dessa rutiner. Även om socialsekreterare i vissa situationer vill handla i enlighet med klientens bästa kan de nämligen hindras av olika rutiner och riktlinjer. I denna kvalitativa studie har vi intervjuat sex socialsekreterare från tre olika kommuner och data har bearbetats genom en tematisk analys. Resultaten visade att samtliga socialsekreterare hade svårt att se hur eller om deras utbetalningsrutiner kunde påverka våld i nära relationer samt att handlingsutrymmet varierade beroende på vilken utbetalningsrutin som tillämpades. / Municipalities have different routines regarding payments of financial support which in different ways can affect equality and intimate partner violence. There are also limited studies about payment routines effects on these factors. Therefore, we wanted to investigate social workers experiences and reasonings regarding the effects payments routines can have on equality and intimate partner violence. We also wanted to investigate social workers discretion to these routines. Although social workers in certain situations want to act in the clients best interests, they can be limited by different routines and guidelines. In this qualitative study we have interviewed six social workers from three municipalities and the data has been processed through thematic analysis. The results showed that all social workers had difficulties seeing how or if their payment routines could affect intimate partner violence. It also showed that the discretion varied depending on what payment routine they were using.

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