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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empirical studies on economics of suicides and divorces

Huikari, S. (Sanna) 04 September 2018 (has links)
Abstract This thesis includes three separate empirical studies on economic demography and health economics. The first study explores the effect of alcohol consumption on divorce across 23 OECD countries during the period 1960–2010. We find strong evidence that alcohol consumption is a major socioeconomic factor which influences divorces in these countries. We find robust evidence on the relationship between alcohol consumption and divorce rates both in the short and long run. In addition, using worldwide survey data on values we explore whether the change in values with respect to marriage, and moral values can explain our findings. It is noteworthy, that alcohol consumption has a significant effect on divorces even after controlling for moral values. The second and third studies concentrate on the economics of suicide. In the second study, we explore the effects of unemployment on the well-being of the regional population with disaggregated suicide data across gender and age in Finland during 1991–2011. Our findings suggest that the increased job insecurity is associated with higher number of suicides than what is expected in good economic times. The effect is significant especially for the prime working-age (35–64 years old) male suicides. The second main contribution of this study is to relate the concept of social norm to unemployment. We show that in high unemployment areas the association between job loss and suicide mortality is not as severe as in low unemployment areas. An implication is that the burden of unemployment is reduced when it becomes socially more common and acceptable. The goal of the third study is to provide evidence on the effects of economic crises on suicides in 21 OECD countries over the period between 1970 and 2011. In conclusion, this study shows that over 60 000 suicides are attributable to the economic/financial crises since 1970. Two main findings emerged from the data. First, the impact of the most recent global financial crisis (2008) on suicides was not particularly stronger than that of the previous major economic/financial crises. Second, stock market crashes and banking crises are the most severe economic crises in terms of excess suicides when calculated on population-level data. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja koostuu kolmesta empiirisestä tutkimuksesta. Tutkimukset keskittyvät väestötason kysymyksiin avioerojen määrään vaikuttavien sosioekonomisten tekijöiden, sekä makrotaloudellisten tekijöiden ja itsemurhien välisen yhteyden näkökulmasta. Ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan alkoholin kulutuksen vaikutusta avioerojen määrään 23 OECD-maassa vuosina 1960–2010. Tutkimuksessa havaitaan alkoholin kulutuksen olevan yksi merkittävimmistä avioeroihin vaikuttavista sosioekonomisista tekijöistä sekä lyhyellä että pitkällä aikavälillä tarkasteltuna. Tutkimuksen mukaan alkoholin kulutuksella näyttäisi olevan vaikutusta avioerojen lukumäärään myös silloin, kun moraaliarvoissa tapahtuneet muutokset on huomioitu. Toinen ja kolmas tutkimus keskittyvät itsemurhien taloustieteeseen. Toisessa tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan työttömyyden vaikutuksia hyvinvointiin. Aineistona käytetään maakuntatason sukupuoli- ja ikäryhmäjaoteltua aineistoa itsemurhakuolleisuudesta Suomessa vuosina 1991–2011. Tutkimuksen mukaan kasvava epävarmuus työpaikan pysyvyydestä voi johtaa korkeampiin itsemurhalukuihin kuin mitä olisi odotettavissa parempina taloudellisina aikoina. Tämä tulos näyttäytyy erityisesti työikäisten miesten keskuudessa. Toinen tutkimuksen päätuloksista liittyy sosiaalisten normien näkymiseen siinä, miten työttömyys vaikuttaa itsemurhakuolleisuuteen. Tulokset osoittavat, että korkeamman työttömyyden alueilla työn menettämisen ja itsemurhakuolleisuuden välinen yhteys ei ole niin voimakas kuin matalamman työttömyyden alueilla. Sosiaalisten normien vaikutus näyttäisi suojaavan ihmisiä itsemurhakuolleisuudelta niissä tapauksissa, jolloin työttömyys on yleisempää. Kolmas tutkimus tarjoaa tietoa talouskriisien vaikutuksista itsemurhiin 21 OECD-maassa vuosina 1970–2011. Tutkimuksen mukaan yli 60 tuhannen itsemurhan voidaan katsoa olevan yhteydessä talouskriiseihin vuodesta 1970 lähtien. Löydökset osoittavat, etteivät viimeisimmän globaalin finassikriisin vaikutukset itsemurhakuolleisuuteen poikenneet merkittävästi aikaisempiin laajoihin kriiseihin verrattuna. Lisäksi pankki- ja osakemarkkinakriiseillä näyttäisi olevan muita talouskriisejä vakavammat vaikutukset itsemurhakuolleisuuteen väestötasolla tarkasteltuna.

Srovnání vývoje národních identit ve Finsku a Českých zemích v průběhu 19. století / A Comparison of the Processes of Creating National Identities in Finland and the Czech Lands in the 19th Century

Masař, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with mutual reflection and perception of national movements in Finland and Czech lands during the years 1789-1914. On the background of newly shaped Finnish or Czech nations, it compares, in which way the perception of Finns respectively Czechs changed and evolved from the point of view of other nation that was in analogical situation in its national emancipation. The major role was played by mutual contacts between prominent figures of both national revivals, who delivered their perception and experience to broader audience not only via articles in newspaper, but also in magazines, popular as well as scientific, and also books. This thesis is based on assumption, that the leading persons of both nations were aware of mutual similarities as well as differences between both national movements, at the same time it also sets up a hypothesis, that knowledge of the other national movement, its advantages and disadvantages could be used in a progress of own nation. The first chapter outlines bilateral contacts between Czech and Finnish ethnics from the High Middle Ages until the birth of the national revival movements. Following chapter is describing the first mutual relations between the first generations of Czech and Finnish revivalists at the end of the 18th century,...

Využití volnočasových aktivit u dětí na 2. stupni ZŠ během školních přestávek / Use of freetime activities for the secondary school children during school breaks

Koníčková, Hana January 2018 (has links)
Title: The use of free time activities for the pupils of secondary schools within the school breaks. Intention:. The aim of this research is to find out whether the observed pupils spend less time on their mobile phones when there are provided sport or other kind of activities which are carried out by school for this particular reason within the school breaks. Methodology: This was a quantitative analysis a comparison of the time spent on a mobile phone in older school age pupils during a twenty-minute school break with time spent on a mobile phone in the event of the same break but with sport and leisure activities. By random selection, one class was selected from the 6th, 7th and 8th class. The research was attended by children of the upper school age (11-15 years). A total of 77 pupils from 6, 7, 8. classes and 40 pupils of the 9th class. This research included a vulnerable group of minors. The 9th year was used in the research to implement the activities themselves and to assist in systematic structured observation. Results: The complete analysis shows higher percentage of mobile phone use in two classes with the emphasis on the days with activities rather than without. The approximate time that the pupils spent on their mobile phones was shorter when there were school activities carried out in...

Swedish Finnish Naval Task Group : fallstudie i samarbetets innebörd

Törner, Carl January 2018 (has links)
In recent decades, Sweden's and most of Europe's defense budgets have fallen. It has created a greater need between countries for the cost-effective maintenance of defense capabilities. The Swedish Finnish Naval Task Group (SFNTG) is a part of this trend. It will be operational in 2023 and aims to jointly use the marine forces of the countries in a cost-effective way. In this case study, the cooperation in SFNTG between Swedish and Finnish combat boats is investigated. Based on the increased need for defense cooperation, different concepts for describing and applying collaborations in the short and long term have been created. In this work the term Joint Force Generation was used to analyze the different systems of the Swedish and Finnish combat boats. The term Pooling & Sharing was used to analyze cooperation in the longer term. The purpose is to explore how the political and strategic plans will work on the tactical level of cooperation. Empiricism has been gathered through interviews by officers from both countries. Literature study of reports on the meaning of cooperation have been made. The work was limited to research & development, maintenance, management and material purchases. The interviews showed that the different communicationsystems in the combat boats required extra human resources and a common communicationsystem was desirable. Conclusions are that there are shortcomings of a functioning relationship for the combat boats to meet the requirements of the year 2023. The use of each other's bases as another goal must coordinate logistics, training and warehousing to create better impact. In the longer perspective a greater political understanding must be for the importance of the joint material purchases. The major gain is in cost savings through various forms of collective research development.

The Canadian image of Finland, 1919–1948:Canadian government perceptions and foreign policy

Ratz, D. (David) 28 September 2018 (has links)
Abstract Perceptions of Finland and Finns held by Canadian government decision-makers underscore the relations between the two countries. The individuals involved had definite views of what Finland and Finns were like and these images were at times openly expressed or inferred from the archived government departmental files. Using an analysis of images, the evolving bilateral relations between Canada and Finland from the recognition of Finnish independence in 1919 until the early Cold War in 1948 can be understood from the Canadian perspective. The images are analyzed on a scale in terms of their positive or negative connotations. Positive images regarded Finland as a friendly, Northern, country, a borderland, cultured, Western, modern, progressive, liberal, and democratic. When these images were applied to Finns they were seen as honest, hardworking, reliable and the payers of debts. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Finland was an enemy and a trade competitor. The Finnish people could also be seen with negative images as dangerous and radical. These images existed before the establishment of diplomatic relations and carried over to interactions involving immigration, the League of Nations, trade, and scientific exchanges. They are also evident in relations between the two countries during the Winter War, in the decision to declare war against Finland during the Continuation War, during the armistice period, the peace process, and the during the early Cold War when normalized relations were established. The findings suggest that relations between Canada and Finland were most often impacted by events in Europe. The images of Finland and Finns did not directly impact relations as such, since the policies and actions taken were based on what decision-makers considered realistic assessments of the situation, as well as Canada’s national interests and capabilities. However, the images appear frequently as a means to narrow the range of acceptable options, rationalizations for specific polices, and justification for particular actions. / Tiivistelmä Kanadan hallituksen päätöksentekijöiden näkemykset Suomesta ja suomalaisista korostavat maiden välisiä suhteita. Hallituksen arkistot paljastavat, että päättäjillä oli selvä näkökuva Suomesta ja suomalaisista, ja siihen viitattiin joko avoimesti tai peitetysti. Kanadan ja Suomen suhteet Suomen itsenäisyyden tunnustamisesta vuonna 1919 aina kylmän sodan alkuun saakka vuonna 1948 ovat ymmärrettävissä Kanadan näkökulmasta käyttämällä näkökuva-analyysia. Näkökuvat analysoidaan joko positiivisella tai negatiivisella asteikolla. Positiiviset näkökuvat Suomesta kuvaavat sitä ystävällisenä, pohjoisena rajamaana, joka oli sivistynyt, länsimainen, nykyaikainen, edistynyt, suvaitsevainen ja demokraattinen. Suomalaiset nähtiin rehellisinä, ahkerina, luotettavina ja velkansa maksajina. Asteikon toisessa päässä Suomi nähtiin vihollisena ja kauppakilpailijana. Suomalaiset voitiin myös nähdä negatiivisesti vaarallisina ja radikaaleina. Nämä näkökuvat olivat läsnä ennen maitten välisten diplomaattisuhteiden perustamista, ja jatkuivat vuorovaikutuksissa koskien siirtolaisuutta, Kansojen liittoa, kauppaa ja tieteellistä vaihtoa. Ne ovat myös nähtävissä suhteissa talvisodan aikana, päätöksessä julistaa sota Suomea vastaan jatkosodan aikana, aserauhan aikana, rauhanteon aikana sekä paluussa normaaleihin suhteisiin kylmän sodan alussa. Euroopan tapahtumilla näytti olevan myös suuri vaikutus Suomen ja Kanadan suhteisiin. Näkökuvat Suomesta ja suomalaisista eivät suoranaisesti vaikuttaneet maitten suhteisiin, koska käytännöt ja toiminnat perustuivat päättäjien mielestä realistiseen arvioon tilanteista sekä Kanadan kansallisista eduista ja kyvyistä. Tästä huolimatta näitä näkökuvia käytettiin usein rajoittamaan hyväksyttävien vaihtoehtojen valikoimaa, järkeistämään tiettyjä käytäntöjä sekä oikeuttamaan joitakin toimintoja.

La formation du canon de la nouvelle en Finlande et en Estonie / The formation of the short story canon in Finland and Estonia

Carayol, Martin 05 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail vise à observer les mécanismes à l'œuvre dans la canonisation des nouvelles finlandaises et estoniennes. L’auteur présente d’abord les travaux théoriques qui concernent le canon littéraire et les fréquents débats entourant cette notion. Il étudie ensuite le rôle des plus importantes instances canonisatrices (recensions, travaux critiques, prix littéraires, anthologies, traductions, institution scolaire et universitaire) en Finlande et en Estonie. Une attention particulière est accordée à la réception critique dans les revues littéraires des deux pays, et à la présentation qui est faite des classiques de la nouvelle dans les manuels de littérature.Des études de cas sont ensuite présentées : à partir d’exemples tirés d’écrivains ou de thèmes précis, l’auteur y met en lumière certains phénomènes caractéristiques de la canonisation, et diverses circonstances susceptibles de faciliter la canonisation des textes, ou au contraire d’y faire obstacle. Ces analyses débouchent sur des propositions de nouveaux outils théoriques pour l'étude diachronique des canons. / This study aims to analyze the mechanisms of canonization, based upon Finnish and Estonian short stories. The author first presents the theoretical works about literary canons and the frequent debates that surround that notion. He then studies the respective roles of the most important canonizing instances (critical articles, critical works, literary prizes, anthologies, translations, educational system) in Finland and Estonia. Attention is particularly drawn toward critical reception in literary journals, and the way classical short stories are evocated in literary handbooks. Case studies dealing with precise authors and themes lead to several proposals of new theoretical tools for the diachronic study of canons and the description of canonization-related phenomena and the different circumstances which can help or hinder the canonization of short stories.

Alone is strong? : A study of the parliamentary foreign policy and defence debates in Sweden and Finland following the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014

Ek, Paulina January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamisk massbalansmodellering av fosfor i Östersjön / Dynamic Mass-balance Modelling of Phosphorus in the Baltic Sea

Karlsson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
During the past few years a vast amount of research has been done to increase the understanding of the complex ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. Modelling and simulations are important tools to increase knowledge of the system. A suitable model must be simple to use and the parameters and variables needed in the model must be easy to access. In this paper a dynamical mass-balance model, CoastMab, which is validated for smaller coastal areas, has been used to predict concentrations and transports of phosphorus in three large coastal areas - the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Gdansk and the Gulf of Riga. CoastMab uses ordinary differential equations to regulate inflow, outflow and internal flows. To reflect seasonal variations in temperature and different types of flows the model has a temporal resolution of a month. The main purposes of this paper have been to evaluate CoastMab, predict the concentrations and the transports of phosphorus in each coastal area and to analyse how much and why the results differ from empirical data. The performed simulations show the importance of a correct calculation of the wave base. This is due to its influence on the division between surface and deep water as well as the division of areas of accumulation and areas of erosion and transport. The retention times of surface and deep water calculated by the model also is of great importance because of their direct influence on the flow of water between the study area and the sea outside the area. This together with the concentration of phosphorus determines the flow of phosphorus in and out of the study area. The dynamical mass-balance model is considered to work well in the three studied areas even though the areas are outside the model domain in several respects. Even if the predictions of the phosphorus concentration in the gulf of Riga was less accurate than in the other study areas, the prediction was inside the interval of standard deviation that has been calculated from empirical data. The major flow of phosphorus in the model was in the cross section between the Baltic proper and the modelled coastal area. Since the model is easy to use and requires only a small number of obligatory input variables it would be appealing to continue development of the model to handle coastal areas of the same size and larger than the study areas in this paper. / Under senare år har mycket forskning utförts för att öka förståelsen av det komplexa ekosystem Östersjön utgör. Viktiga redskap för att öka förståelsen för systemet är modellering och simulering. För att en modell ska vara lämplig att använda är det viktigt att den inte är för komplicerad och att de parametrar och variabler som används i modellen är lättillgängliga. I detta arbete har en dynamisk massbalansmodell, CoastMab, som är validerad för mindre kustområden använts för att modellera fosforkoncentrationer och fosforflöden i tre större kustområden - Finska viken, Gdanskbukten och Rigabukten. CoastMab reglerar genom ordinära differentialekvationer inflöden, utflöden och interna flöden. För att kunna hantera säsongsvariationer i temperatur och olika typer av flöden har modellen en temporär upplösning på en månad. Syftet med arbetet har främst varit att se hur väl CoastMab predikterar fosforkoncentrationen och fosforflöden inom respektive område, samt att analysera hur mycket och varför prediktionerna skiljer sig från empiriska data. De simuleringar som utfördes visade att djupet på den teoretiska vågbasen, som modellen beräknar, är av stor betydelse eftersom den i sin tur bestämmer fördelningen yt- och djupvatten samt fördelningen av ackumulationsbottnar och erosions- och transportbottnar. De utbytestider för yt- och djupvatten som modellen beräknar är också av största vikt eftersom de har en direkt inverkan på vattenflödet mellan studerat område och havet utanför, vilket i sin tur tillsammans med fosforkoncentrationen bestämmer fosforflöden in och ut ur det studerade området. Den dynamiska massbalansmodellen kan anses fungera väl för samtliga tre studerade områden, trots att de ligger utanför modellens domän i flera avseenden. Även om prediktionen av fosforkoncentrationen i Rigabukten blev sämre än för de två övriga områdena, låg prediktionen inom det intervall för standardavvikelsen som beräknats utifrån empiriska data. De största fosforflödena i modellen förekom för samtliga områden i gränssnittet mellan egentliga Östersjön och det modellerade kustområdet. Enkelheten i att använda modellen och det låga antalet obligatoriska drivvariabler gör att den är väl värd att utveckla för att hantera områden av samma eller större storlek än de nu studerade områdena.

Design, posse e uso compartilhado: reflexões e práticas / Design, possession and share usage: reflections and pratices

Rosana Aparecida Vasques 26 October 2015 (has links)
Esta tese propõe analisar os desafios e oportunidades inerentes ao fenômeno recente e em expansão da Economia do Compartilhamento (Sharing Economy), que coloca em questionamento as práticas de consumo e posse dos objetos, assim como o papel do design em fomentar tais práticas. A pesquisa fundamenta-se sob o paradigma interpretativo, com abordagem predominantemente qualitativa e estudo fenomenológico enquanto método. A narrativa construída neste trabalho inicia-se com a exploração de possibilidades de leitura do objeto de estudo a partir de referências teóricas que apontam a necessidade de mudanças na forma de produção e consumo, assim como no papel do design frente à questão da sustentabilidade como ponto de partida, passando pela descrição do fenômeno emergente da Economia do Compartilhamento, que surge como uma das possíveis respostas para tal necessidade, culminando na reflexão sobre os aspectos do materialismo e do altruísmo no consumo, com apoio de autores que tratam do apego e da construção do self por meio das posses à luz da Teoria da Cultura do Consumidor (CCT). O caminho inverso é proposto na descrição e análise dos dados coletados na pesquisa de campo como forma de explorar motivações, barreiras e oportunidades para adoção de práticas de uso compartilhado a partir de três óticas principais, que ajudam a construir uma fotografia panorâmica da investigação: parte-se da relação entre pessoas e objetos em práticas espontâneas de compartilhamento e de posse que sugerem motivações para adotar ou rejeitar tais práticas, fundamentadas no apego, na construção do self e do pertencimento. Em seguida, são analisadas práticas de compartilhamento de produtos mediadas por serviços no Brasil e na Finlândia, descrevendo-se as barreiras e oportunidades para essas ofertas, sob a perspectiva de gestores desses serviços e o aprofundamento de um desses casos baseado na percepção das usuárias. Por fim, traz-se a reflexão crítica sobre o design para o compartilhamento, a partir de entrevistas com teóricos e praticantes em áreas correlatas ao tema desta investigação. A trajetória percorrida revela inconsistências, ambivalências e contradições teóricas e práticas que se inter-relacionam com desafios e oportunidades para a promoção do uso compartilhado, delineando-se, assim, contribuições para o campo teórico e prático do design a partir das três óticas propostas para observação do fenômeno investigado. / This dissertation proposes the analysis of the challenges and opportunities inherent to the recent and growing phenomenon of Sharing Economy, which raises questions concerning the practices of consumption and usage of objects, as well as the role of design regarding the promotion of such practices. This research bases itself on the interpretative paradigm, using a predominantly qualitative approach and a phenomenological study as method. The narrative which was built in this work starts with the exploration of possibilities of reading the object of study through theoretical background, which indicated the need of changes in the manner of production and consumption, as well as the role of design regarding the sustainability issue, as a starting point, then going through the description of the emerging phenomenon of Sharing Economy, which arises as one of the possible answers to such need, culminating on the reflection about the aspects of materialism and altruism on consumption, supported by authors which discuss attachment and the development of self through possession in light of the Consumer Culture Theory (CCT). The opposite way is proposed on the description and analysis of the data collected on the field research as a way of exploring motivation, barriers and opportunities for the adoption of practices of shared usage through three main point of views, which helps building a panoramic picture of the investigation: it starts with the relations between people and objects on spontaneous practices of sharing and possession, which suggests motivation to adopt or reject such practices based on attachment, development of self and sense of belonging. After that, product sharing practices mediated by services in Brazil and Finland were analyzed, describing the barriers and opportunities for theses offers, using the perspective of managers of these services and the deepening of one of those cases based on the perception of the users. Lastly, a critical reflection is proposed about design for sharing, through interviews with theorists and practitioners of areas of knowledge correlated to the subject of this investigation. The path taken shows inconsistencies, dubious interpretations and theoretical and practical contradictions which are interrelated with challenges and opportunities for the promotion of shared usage thus outlining contributions for the theoretical and practical fields of design through the three points of view proposed for the observation of the investigated phenomenon.

Gold and copper deposits in Central Lapland, Northern Finland, with special reference to their exploration and exploitation

Korkalo, T. (Tuomo) 16 May 2006 (has links)
Abstract At least 30 gold deposits verified by means of one or more notable diamond drill hole results have been discovered in Central Lapland in the last 20 years, and these can be divided spatially into groups, between which the metal composition varies. The deposits contain varying amounts of sulphides and sulpharsenides as well as gold. Pyrite is the most common sulphide mineral in the gold deposits associated with volcanic rocks, and usually pyrrhotite in those associated with sedimentary rocks. The principal sulphide minerals in those connected with banded iron formations are pyrite and arsenopyrite. A separate group of formations consists of the palaeoplacer gold deposits associated with the molasse-like quartzites and conglomerates of Central Lapland. The iron oxide-copper-gold deposits of Central Lapland, which are a significant potential source of copper and gold, are mostly associated with skarn rocks at the eastern contact of the acidic intrusive rocks of Western Lapland and with skarn rocks occurring as interlayers in metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks. The gold deposits that have led to actual mining activities in Central Lapland are Saattopora in Kittilä and Pahtavaara in Sodankylä. Apart from the Laurinoja iron oxide-copper-gold ore body in Kolari, copper concentrate has been produced from the Saattopora gold ore deposit and the Pahtavuoma copper ore deposit. Only one gold ore in Central Lapland is being actively exploited at present, that of the Pahtavaara mine, which was worked in 1995–2000 and reopened in 2003. The best starting point for successful gold ore exploration in Central Lapland can be achieved through a thorough knowledge of the deformation zones and their structures and alteration processes and the application of geochemical methods. Magnetic surveys can be of help in identifying and locating deformation zones of interest for exploration purposes and the majority of the associated shear zones and faults. Ore-critical zones usually feature graphite-bearing schists and iron sulphide-bearing sequences that can be traced by electrical methods and used as marker zones to verify the results of geological mapping. Geological, geophysical and geochemical techniques have been used in great diversity, and in particular till geochemistry and bedrock drilling have been methods by which the gold and copper deposits in Central Lapland have been discovered. A total of 7.6 million tonnes of gold and copper ores, including the Laurinoja iron oxide-copper-gold ore, were extracted in Central Lapland over the period 1982–2000. The resulting production of gold during this period was 10 800 kg, together with 21 000 tonnes of copper in concentrates and 4500 kg of silver. The gold and copper ores have been concentrated by gravity separation and/or flotation, since the ores so far taken into production has been of the free milling type. However, a substantial proportion of the deposits in the area contain copper, nickel, cobalt and arsenic as well, in the form of sulphides or sulpharsenides, so that the achievement of commercially saleable products calls for the use of different leaching processes. Deposits have also been found in Central Lapland that have consisted partly or entirely of refractory gold ore in which gold is lying in the crystal lattice of pyrite and/or arsenopyrite, the processing of which by the above-mentioned methods is not economic, as it requires pre-treatment by bio-oxidation or pressure oxidation in order to convert the gold to a cyanide-soluble form.

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