Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fjärrvärme"" "subject:"fjärrrvärme""
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Jämförelse av värmeförluster i andra och tredje generationens fjärvvärme : Genom simuleringarHansen, Victor January 2019 (has links)
Fjärrvärme är den vanligaste uppvärmningsformen i Sverige. Mer är 50 % av alla lokaler och bostäder använder fjärrvärme som värmekälla. Fjärrvärmens grundtanke är att centralisera värmeproduktionen och producera värme storskaligt vid ett eller flera värmeverk. Värmen från värmeverken distribueras till lokaler och bostäder med värmebehov via fjärrvärmeledningar som ligger nedgrävda i marken. Hos varje kund som är ansluten till fjärrvärmenätet finns en fjärrvärmecentral med en värmeväxlare. I värmeväxlaren överför fjärrvärmevattnet värme till fastighetens interna värmesystem. Det avkylda fjärrvärmevattnet pumpas tillbaka i en returledning till värmeverket för att värmas upp igen. Fjärrvärmens distributionssystem utvecklats genom åren. I Sverige är systemen förlagda med andra och tredje generationens fjärrvärme. Tredje generationen fjärrvärme som är den metod som används idag. För att sänka utsläpp från produktionsanläggningar och uppnå nationella och globala miljömål jobbar energibolagen för att uppnå effektivare energianvändning. Ett sätt att effektivisera energianvändningen är att minimera värmeförlusterna i fjärrvärmens distributionssystem. Det här examensarbetet har för avsikt att undersöka skillnader i värmeförluster hos fjärrvärmesystem av andra generationen och fjärrvärmesystem av tredje generationen. Arbetet undersöker om det lönar sig ekonomiskt att byta ut de äldre ledningarna mot nyare med avseende på värmeförlusterna. Simuleringar av de olika systemen redovisar energiförlusterna i framledningen i systemet i watt per meter. Återbetalningstid och miljöpåverkan beräknas med hjälp av indata från energibolagen. Energibolagen har bistått med indata genom en strukturerad intervju. Resultatet visar sig att värmeförlusterna inte kan motivera utbyte av ledningarna på egen hand. Tillsammans med andra faktorer så som vattenläckage och reparationskostnader kan värmeförlusterna vara en viktig faktor att ta hänsyn till i en reinvesteringskalkyl. Med tanke på fjärrvärmeproduktionens främst använder förnybara bränslen går det inte heller att se några positiva miljöeffekter genom att byta ut ledningarna. / District heating is the most common type of heating in Sweden. More than 50% of all premises and homes use district heating as a heat source. The concept of District heating is to centralize heat production and produce heat on a large scale at one or more heating plants. The heat from the heating plants is distributed to premises and houses with heat demand via district heating pipes that are buried in the ground. At each customer who is connected to the district heating network, there is a district heating center with a heat exchanger. In the heat exchanger, the district heating water exchange heat to the property's internal heating system. The cooled district heating water is pumped back into a return line to the heating plant to be reheated. The district heating distribution system has developed over the years. In Sweden, the sytems in use is second-generation district heating and third-generation district heating, which is the method used today. In order to reduce emissions from production facilities and achieve national and global environmental goals, the energy companies work to achieve more efficient energy use. One way of making energy use more efficient is to minimize the heat losses in the district heating distribution system. This thesis aims to investigate differences in heat losses of second-generation district heating systems and third-generation district heating systems. The work investigates whether it is economically feasible to replace the older lines with regard to heat losses. Simulations of the various systems calculates the energy losses in the supply system in watts per meter. Repayment time and environmental impact are calculated using input data from the energy companies. The energy companies have assisted with input through a structured interview. The result shows that the heat losses cannot justify the exchange of the pipes on their own. Along with other factors such as water leakage and repair costs, heat losses can be an important factor to consider in a reinvestment calculation. Considering district heat production mainly using renewable fuels, it is not possible to see any positive environmental effects either by replacing the pipes.
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Jämförelse av uppvärmningssystem för småhus : Undersökning av fjärrvärme och värmepumpar på ett hus med egenskaper och prestanda baserade på svenska genomsnittliga värdenHenningsson, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
This report was written as an examination thesis at Mälardalen University in Västerås, Sweden. The subject of the report is to research whether a theoretical single-family home with already installed district heating system for heating and hot water supply should keep it, replace it with a geothermal heat pump or keep it and use it in combination with a smaller air to water heat pump. The report is uses data from the Swedish government institute of Boverket (Literally: Living institute), along with other sources, to construct a model of an average Swedish house and simulate it in the energy simulation program IDA-ICE. This simulation yielded the data needed to conclude which system would be the cheapest in the long run. Thereafter LCC calculations on said data was used to the determine the cost over a 20-year period for the given systems. The report concludes that the model corresponds with the results from Boverket and is therefore an accurate representation of an average single-family home and that the district heating should be replaced with a geothermal heat pump.
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Solvärme som energieffektiviseringsmetod för badhusanläggningar : Solar heating as an energy efficiency method for bathing facilitiesSandberg, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Swe: Uppvärmning med hjälp av solvärme är ett alternativ som är värt att starkt överväga. Badhus och simhallar som kräver stora mängder energi under sommartid har mycket att hämta från en solvärmeanläggning. Bättre kan det bli om investeringen läggs på ett hybridsolfångarsystem. Rapporten jämför fyra olika typer av solfångare i kombination med tre systemförslag. Systemutformningarna är baserade på en anslutning till befintligt fjärrvärmesystem. En ekonomisk analys jämförs mellan hybridsolfångarsystem och nollalternativ. Resultatet visar att hybridsolfångarna i kombination med ackumulatortank kan ge en besparing på 170 MWh värmeenergi samt 30 MWh elenergi per år. Vidare utredningar bör göras innan investeringsbeslut tas. Eng: Solar heating is an option worth considering for bathhouses/swimming pools that require large amounts of energy during summertime. The investment might be yielding higher benefits if it is placed on a hybrid solar collector system. The report compares three different types of solar collectors in combination with three system proposals. The system designs are based on a connection to the existing district heating system. An economic analysis is compared between the hybrid solar collector system and the current state alternative. The result shows that a hybrid solar collector system in combination with a storage tank can provide a saving of 170 MWh of heat energy and 30 MWh of electricity per year. Further investigations should be made before making any final decisions.
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Hållbar uppvärmning : Vilket är det mest hållbara alternativet för uppvärmning av en nybyggd villa i Östersunds tätort?Turunen, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Rapporten jämför frånluftsvärmepump, luft-vattenvärmepump, bergvärmepump, frånluftsvärmepump med fjärrvärmespets och pelletspanna för en nybyggd villa i Östersund. Det finns fem olika framtidsscenarier med varierande utfall av elmix samt elpris och är en känslighetsanalys för elprisets påverkan och miljöbelastning för respektive uppvärmningsalternativ. För att kunna jämföra de olika uppvärmningsalternativen så används ett referenshus som är baserat på tillverkarens uppgifter och fyra modellfamiljer som använder olika mycket energi. De olika familjerna används för att undersöka om utfallet för det mest hållbara uppvärmningsalternativet varierar för de olika livsstilarna. Resultatet baseras på de tre delarna inom hållbarhet nämligen ekonomisk, ekologisk och social hållbarhet. Den ekonomiska delen innefattar installationskostnader, inköpspris, ränta, driftskostnader och för pelletspannan ingår även kostnaden för byggnation av pelletsförråd och för bergvärmepumpen är även kostnaden för borrning av energibrunn inräknad. Den ekologiska hållbarheten bygger på att använda miljöbelastning som instrument och den baseras på vilken mängd energi som behövs för att säkerställa uppvärmning utav huset och presenteras som koldioxidekvivalenter, CO2eq, och det innebär att alla utsläpp relaterade till energins ursprung har omvandlats till likvärdig mängd koldioxid. Den sociala hållbarheten är beroende av de andra två delarna tillsammans då låg miljöbelastning innebär att fysiska och psykiska behov kan tillgodoses genom god inomhusmiljö med bra ventilation och behaglig värme samt att det finns en utemiljö som tillgodoser behovet av bland annat frisk luft och en levande natur och med en låg ekonomisk kostnad så har individen möjlighet att uppfylla sina drömmar. Det rapporten har kommit fram till är att bergvärmepumpen har den lägsta miljöbelastningen, den lägsta driftskostnaden oavsett scenario och livsstil samt den näst lägsta totalkostnaden vilket gör att den uppfyller rapportens kriterier för hållbarhet / The purpose of this report is to compare different types of heatingsystems for newly built houses in Östersund. The heatingsystems of the report is exhuast air heatpump, air/water heatpump, ground source heatpump, exhaust air heatpump in combination with district heating and pellet boiler. The comparison is based upon sustainibility and its three dimensions, economy, ecological and social sustanibility. The foundation that the comparison rely on is five different future scenarios with varying mixes of sources for electricity and includes electricity prices as well. The enviromental impact is based on the different sources of energy that is used in each scenario and is measured in carbondioxide equivalents CO2eq. The results are based on the three components of sustainability, economic, ecological and social sustainability. The economic part includes installation costs, purchase price, interest, operation costs and for the pellet boiler it includes the cost of building a pellet storage and for the ground source heat pump the cost of drilling is included. The conclusion of this report is that the ground source heat pump has the lowest environmental impact, the lowest operating cost regardless of the scenario and lifestyle and the second lowest total cost, which means that it meets the criteria for sustainability of the report
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Finansiärer ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv : En aktörsstudie av Europeiska Investeringsbanken, Nordiska Investeringsbanken och Svensk ExportkreditAndersson, Jessica January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Today a major part of the energy produced steams from fossil fuels, finite resources, and a change towards an energy sector based on renewable energy is necessary. Sweden is one of the leading countries with regards to investments in renewable energy but most other countries have a long way to go. This makes it interesting in developing renewable energy projects in new markets in countries like Poland where still a lot of fossil fuel is used. Large infrastructure development projects are very costly and therefore external investors needs to be involved. The investors play an important role in changing the usage of fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources. This thesis includes a study of three investment companies, the European Investment Bank, the Nordic Investment Bank and Swedish Export Credit and their motives to finance district heating based on renewable energy. How do the investors value environmental and sustainability aspects in a project and how do the values differ? We made qualitative interviews and then we analyzed our material out of theoretical framework based on institutional theory. The material was also analyzed through an ecological economics perspective, which is the author's academic background. The result of the study shows that the investors interest in a project depend on political, economical and environmental aspects.</p><p>Sustainability aspects proved to be of major importance for the potential investors since the usage of renewable energy fast is becoming a global priority.</p>
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Fjärrvärme, vad annars? : Fjärrvärme och dess alternativNilsson, Olof, Andersson, Carl-David January 2010 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Background</p><p>The Swedish district heat market of today is a subject being discussed regarding the reasonableness of the heat district supplier’s price settings. The issue is currently on a government level where a new investigation is being executed at the time of writing. Many real estate owners are growing tired of the situation where the heat district suppliers are taking advantage of their monopoly position, thus feeling that the price of district heating has been increasing far too much for many years. The market can be described as a natural monopoly because the real estate owner has no possibility to choose another supplier if they are unsatisfied with the present. Consequently, the real estate owner is in a weak situation with little prospect for negotiating regarding the price settings. The real estate owner cannot really do anything but to accept if the heat district supplier decides to accomplish a price rising. The consequences are huge in terms of economics.Since district heat is by far the dominating heating technique used in Sweden today, this is something that affects many people in the end. Despite being an extensive problem, there are surprisingly few people taking active part in the discussion, perhaps because the problem is so complex and complicated. This is a reason for us to shed light upon the district heat market and what real alternatives to district heat a real estate owner actually has.</p><p>Purpose</p><p>The purpose is to describe and analyze the district heat market out of a real estate owner’s perspective. By examining the real estate owner’s situation we will describe which incentives that exist for a heating technique exchange, in those cases district heat is being used.</p><p>Research Method</p><p>To reach this purpose we have chosen to work with a qualitative method of examining. We have made interviews with those responsible of energy systems for the biggest real estate owners in Sweden. These respondents have been well familiar with the district heat issue and we will describe their current situation and views of this matter.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Despite being unsatisfied with today’s district heat situation, big real estate owners in Sweden do not see a possibility to replace district heat as the primary heat technique. Heat pumps and pellets are considered as being complements to district heat, and are as such installed where conditions are favorable. The incentives to replace district heat are solely economic. Though, many times practical issues are in the way, such as no physical space for bigger installations. District heat also required less maintenance. Bedrock heat pumps are especially interesting in situations with properties that require comfort cold (offices and stores), since bedrock heat pumps can offer this cold for free.</p>
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Samkörning mellan värmepumpar och fjärrvärme : Bostadsrättsföreningen BogårdenSadik, Zidar January 2008 (has links)
<p>This diploma work covers an investigation over the heat - and hot water systems of the</p><p>tenant-owner's association, Bogården. The heat - and hot water needs of Bogården are</p><p>satisfied by both district heating as well as three heat pumps. Implemented investigation</p><p>shows that the heat pumps are not used in a profitable way. Apart from that, the reserve</p><p>possibilities are small. There is also a risk of the growth of Legionella bacterium in the</p><p>hot water system.</p><p>Since the heat pumps are already installed, HSB-Gävleborg (responsible for Bogården)</p><p>has a wish to investigate possible proposed actions for optimization of existing plant.</p><p>After completed investigation, a new proposed action is presented. The new proposed</p><p>action goes on intercepting the hot water production and using the heat pumps to only</p><p>heat production during the heating season. Why the hot water production should be</p><p>intercepted, is just in order to eliminate the risk of Legionella. Besides, the new proposal</p><p>is going to bring about a reserve of 1,534,000 SEK during a twenty-year period. This is</p><p>approximately twice as much as what the existing plant may bring during the same</p><p>period.</p><p>During the work's review, it also has been established that heat - and hot water systems</p><p>are error regulated. Since the diploma work does not cover that piece it is instead</p><p>informed as proposals subject to further investigation.</p>
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Fjärrvärme, vad annars? : Fjärrvärme och dess alternativNilsson, Olof, Andersson, Carl-David January 2010 (has links)
Abstract Background The Swedish district heat market of today is a subject being discussed regarding the reasonableness of the heat district supplier’s price settings. The issue is currently on a government level where a new investigation is being executed at the time of writing. Many real estate owners are growing tired of the situation where the heat district suppliers are taking advantage of their monopoly position, thus feeling that the price of district heating has been increasing far too much for many years. The market can be described as a natural monopoly because the real estate owner has no possibility to choose another supplier if they are unsatisfied with the present. Consequently, the real estate owner is in a weak situation with little prospect for negotiating regarding the price settings. The real estate owner cannot really do anything but to accept if the heat district supplier decides to accomplish a price rising. The consequences are huge in terms of economics.Since district heat is by far the dominating heating technique used in Sweden today, this is something that affects many people in the end. Despite being an extensive problem, there are surprisingly few people taking active part in the discussion, perhaps because the problem is so complex and complicated. This is a reason for us to shed light upon the district heat market and what real alternatives to district heat a real estate owner actually has. Purpose The purpose is to describe and analyze the district heat market out of a real estate owner’s perspective. By examining the real estate owner’s situation we will describe which incentives that exist for a heating technique exchange, in those cases district heat is being used. Research Method To reach this purpose we have chosen to work with a qualitative method of examining. We have made interviews with those responsible of energy systems for the biggest real estate owners in Sweden. These respondents have been well familiar with the district heat issue and we will describe their current situation and views of this matter. Conclusion Despite being unsatisfied with today’s district heat situation, big real estate owners in Sweden do not see a possibility to replace district heat as the primary heat technique. Heat pumps and pellets are considered as being complements to district heat, and are as such installed where conditions are favorable. The incentives to replace district heat are solely economic. Though, many times practical issues are in the way, such as no physical space for bigger installations. District heat also required less maintenance. Bedrock heat pumps are especially interesting in situations with properties that require comfort cold (offices and stores), since bedrock heat pumps can offer this cold for free.
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Finansiärer ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv : En aktörsstudie av Europeiska Investeringsbanken, Nordiska Investeringsbanken och Svensk ExportkreditAndersson, Jessica January 2009 (has links)
Today a major part of the energy produced steams from fossil fuels, finite resources, and a change towards an energy sector based on renewable energy is necessary. Sweden is one of the leading countries with regards to investments in renewable energy but most other countries have a long way to go. This makes it interesting in developing renewable energy projects in new markets in countries like Poland where still a lot of fossil fuel is used. Large infrastructure development projects are very costly and therefore external investors needs to be involved. The investors play an important role in changing the usage of fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources. This thesis includes a study of three investment companies, the European Investment Bank, the Nordic Investment Bank and Swedish Export Credit and their motives to finance district heating based on renewable energy. How do the investors value environmental and sustainability aspects in a project and how do the values differ? We made qualitative interviews and then we analyzed our material out of theoretical framework based on institutional theory. The material was also analyzed through an ecological economics perspective, which is the author's academic background. The result of the study shows that the investors interest in a project depend on political, economical and environmental aspects. Sustainability aspects proved to be of major importance for the potential investors since the usage of renewable energy fast is becoming a global priority.
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Uppvärmning och miljöpåverkan : -en jämförelse mellan fjärrvärme och bergvärme i villaAhlgren, Josef, Andersson, Stefan, Klintenheim, Johannes January 2008 (has links)
Many of todays studies show that district heating is one of the betteralternatives as heating source because of its low environmental load. The energy source is often leftovers from other processes producing energy or waste, like garbage or chips. Electricity in combination with geothermal heating is another heating system that has increased sharply during the last years, and also this system decreases the discharges that have negative affects on the environment compared to several other heating methods. This report aims to, concentrated towards these two different heating systems, estimate the amounts of discharges they indirect cause and how the environment is affected. We have calculated the mean value for discharges of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide and dust generated from electrical power used in Sweden. Through interviews and research we have gained data for the same substances that district heating based on combustion of garbage and biofuel generates. We have also in cooperation with a housing company chosen a building we see representative for many of the new single-family houses built in Sweden today. Based on its shape and appearance we theoretically created three alternatives of the same house, each of them with climate screens different from each other. Together with the amounts of discharged environmental affecting substances, these houses were the base for our calculations and studies when investigating the different heating sources environmental effect. The results have thereafter been analyzed and discussed from different angles.
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