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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isomorphic chain complexes of Hamiltonian dynamics on tori

Hecht, Michael 02 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we construct for a given smooth, generic Hamiltonian H on the 2n dimensional torus a chain-isomorphism between the Morse complex of the Hamiltonian action on the free loop space of the torus and the Floer-complex. Though both complexes are generated by the critical points of the Hamiltonian action, their boundary operators differ. Therefore the construction of the isomorphism is based on counting the moduli spaces of hybrid-type solutions which involves stating a new non-Lagrangian boundary value problem for Cauchy-Riemann type operators not yet studied in Floer theory. It is crucial for the statement that the torus is compact, possesses trivial tangent bundle and an additive structure. We finally want to note that the problem is completely symmetric.

The Leray-Serre spectral sequence in Morse homology on Hilbert manifolds and in Floer homology on cotangent bundles

Schneider, Matti 04 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The Leray-Serre spectral sequence is a fundamental tool for studying singular homology of a fibration E->B with typical fiber F. It expresses H (E) in terms of H (B) and H (F). One of the classic examples of a fibration is given by the free loop space fibration, where the typical fiber is given by the based loop space . The first part of this thesis constructs the Leray-Serre spectral sequence in Morse homology on Hilbert manifolds under certain natural conditions, valid for instance for the free loop space fibration if the base is a closed manifold. We extend the approach of Hutchings which is restricted to closed manifolds. The spectral sequence might provide answers to questions involving closed geodesics, in particular to spectral invariants for the geodesic energy functional. Furthermore we discuss another example, the free loop space of a compact G-principal bundle, where G is a connected compact Lie group. Here we encounter an additional difficulty, namely the base manifold of the fiber bundle is infinite-dimensional. Furthermore, as H ( P) = HF (T P) and H ( Q) =HF (T Q), where HF denotes Floer homology for periodic orbits, the spectral sequence for P -> Q might provide a stepping stone towards a similar spectral sequence defined in purely Floer-theoretic terms, possibly even for more general symplectic quotients. Hutchings’ approach to the Leray-Serre spectral sequence in Morse homology couples a fiberwise negative gradient flow with a lifted negative gradient flow on the base. We study the Morse homology of a vector field that is not of gradient type. The central issue in the Hilbert manifold setting to be resolved is compactness of the involved moduli spaces. We overcome this difficulty by utilizing the special structure of the vector field. Compactness up to breaking of the corresponding moduli spaces is proved with the help of Gronwall-type estimates. Furthermore we point out and close gaps in the standard literature, see Section 1.4 for an overview. In the second part of this thesis we introduce a Lagrangian Floer homology on cotangent bundles with varying Lagrangian boundary condition. The corresponding complex allows us to obtain the Leray-Serre spectral sequence in Floer homology on the cotangent bundle of a closed manifold Q for Hamiltonians quadratic in the fiber directions. This corresponds to the free loop space fibration of a closed manifold of the first part. We expect applications to spectral invariants for the Hamiltonian action functional. The main idea is to study pairs of Morse trajectories on Q and Floer strips on T Q which are non-trivially coupled by moving Lagrangian boundary conditions. Again, compactness of the moduli spaces involved forms the central issue. A modification of the compactness proof of Abbondandolo-Schwarz along the lines of the Morse theory argument from the first part of the thesis can be utilized.

Isomorphic chain complexes of Hamiltonian dynamics on tori

Hecht, Michael 17 July 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we construct for a given smooth, generic Hamiltonian H on the 2n dimensional torus a chain-isomorphism between the Morse complex of the Hamiltonian action on the free loop space of the torus and the Floer-complex. Though both complexes are generated by the critical points of the Hamiltonian action, their boundary operators differ. Therefore the construction of the isomorphism is based on counting the moduli spaces of hybrid-type solutions which involves stating a new non-Lagrangian boundary value problem for Cauchy-Riemann type operators not yet studied in Floer theory. It is crucial for the statement that the torus is compact, possesses trivial tangent bundle and an additive structure. We finally want to note that the problem is completely symmetric.

The Leray-Serre spectral sequence in Morse homology on Hilbert manifolds and in Floer homology on cotangent bundles

Schneider, Matti 30 January 2013 (has links)
The Leray-Serre spectral sequence is a fundamental tool for studying singular homology of a fibration E->B with typical fiber F. It expresses H (E) in terms of H (B) and H (F). One of the classic examples of a fibration is given by the free loop space fibration, where the typical fiber is given by the based loop space . The first part of this thesis constructs the Leray-Serre spectral sequence in Morse homology on Hilbert manifolds under certain natural conditions, valid for instance for the free loop space fibration if the base is a closed manifold. We extend the approach of Hutchings which is restricted to closed manifolds. The spectral sequence might provide answers to questions involving closed geodesics, in particular to spectral invariants for the geodesic energy functional. Furthermore we discuss another example, the free loop space of a compact G-principal bundle, where G is a connected compact Lie group. Here we encounter an additional difficulty, namely the base manifold of the fiber bundle is infinite-dimensional. Furthermore, as H ( P) = HF (T P) and H ( Q) =HF (T Q), where HF denotes Floer homology for periodic orbits, the spectral sequence for P -> Q might provide a stepping stone towards a similar spectral sequence defined in purely Floer-theoretic terms, possibly even for more general symplectic quotients. Hutchings’ approach to the Leray-Serre spectral sequence in Morse homology couples a fiberwise negative gradient flow with a lifted negative gradient flow on the base. We study the Morse homology of a vector field that is not of gradient type. The central issue in the Hilbert manifold setting to be resolved is compactness of the involved moduli spaces. We overcome this difficulty by utilizing the special structure of the vector field. Compactness up to breaking of the corresponding moduli spaces is proved with the help of Gronwall-type estimates. Furthermore we point out and close gaps in the standard literature, see Section 1.4 for an overview. In the second part of this thesis we introduce a Lagrangian Floer homology on cotangent bundles with varying Lagrangian boundary condition. The corresponding complex allows us to obtain the Leray-Serre spectral sequence in Floer homology on the cotangent bundle of a closed manifold Q for Hamiltonians quadratic in the fiber directions. This corresponds to the free loop space fibration of a closed manifold of the first part. We expect applications to spectral invariants for the Hamiltonian action functional. The main idea is to study pairs of Morse trajectories on Q and Floer strips on T Q which are non-trivially coupled by moving Lagrangian boundary conditions. Again, compactness of the moduli spaces involved forms the central issue. A modification of the compactness proof of Abbondandolo-Schwarz along the lines of the Morse theory argument from the first part of the thesis can be utilized.

Rabinowitz-Floer homology on Brieskorn manifolds

Fauck, Alexander 19 May 2016 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation werden Kontaktstrukturen auf beliebigen differenzierbaren Mannigfaltigkeiten ungerader Dimension untersucht. Dies geschiet vermöge der Rabinowitz-Floer-Homologie (RFH), welche 2009 von Cieliebak und Frauenfelder eingeführt wurde. Ein großer Teil der Arbeit widmet sich den technischen Problemen bei der Definition von RFH. Insbesondere wird die Transversalität für die benötigten Modulräume gezeigt. In einem weiteren Abschnitt wird bewiesen, dass RFH im wesentlichen invariant unter subkrittischer Henkelanklebung ist. Schließlich enthält die Arbeit die Berechnung von RFH für einige Brieskorn-Mannigfaltigkeiten. Die dabei gewonnenen Resultate werden dazu verwendet zu zeigen, dass es auf jeder Mannigfaltigkeit, welche füllbare Kontaktstukturen zulässt, entweder unendlich viele verschiedene füllbare Kontaktstrukturen gibt, oder eine Kontaktstruktur mit unendlich vielen verschiedenen Füllungen oder das für alle füllbaren Kontaktstrukturen die RFH von unendlicher Dimension ist für alle Grade. / This thesis considers fillable contact structures on odd-dimensional manifolds. For that purpose, Rabinowitz-Floer homology (RFH) is used which was introduced by Cieliebak and Frauenfelder in 2009. A major part of the thesis is devoted to technical problems in the definition of RFH. In particular, it is shown that the moduli spaces involved are cut out transversally. Moreover, it is proved that RFH is essentially invariant under subcritical handle attachment. Finally, RFH is calculated for some Brieskorn manifolds. The obtained results are then used to show for every manifold, which supports fillable contact structures, that there exist either infinitely many different fillable contact structures, or one contact structure with infinitely many different fillings or for every fillable contact structure holds that RFH is infinite dimensional in every degree.

Abelianization and Floer homology of Lagrangians in clean intersection

Schmäschke, Felix 10 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is split up into two parts each revolving around Floer homology and quantum cohomology of closed monotone symplectic manifolds. In the first part we consider symplectic manifolds obtained by symplectic reduction. Our main result is that a quantum version of an abelianization formula of Martin holds, which relates the quantum cohomologies of symplectic quotients by a group and by its maximal torus. Also we show a quantum version of the Leray-Hirsch theorem for Floer homology of Lagrangian intersections in the quotient. The second part is devoted to Floer homology of a pair of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds in clean intersection. Under these assumptions the symplectic action functional is degenerated. Nevertheless Frauenfelder defines a version of Floer homology, which is in a certain sense an infinite dimensional analogon of Morse-Bott homology. Via natural filtrations on the chain level we were able to define two spectral sequences which serve as a tool to compute Floer homology. We show how these are used to obtain new intersection results for simply connected Lagrangians in the product of two complex projective spaces. The link between both parts is that in the background the same technical methods are applied; namely the theory of holomorphic strips with boundary on Lagrangians in clean intersection. Since all our constructions rely heavily on these methods we also give a detailed account of this theory although in principle many results are not new or require only straight forward generalizations.

Abelianization and Floer homology of Lagrangians in clean intersection

Schmäschke, Felix 14 December 2016 (has links)
This thesis is split up into two parts each revolving around Floer homology and quantum cohomology of closed monotone symplectic manifolds. In the first part we consider symplectic manifolds obtained by symplectic reduction. Our main result is that a quantum version of an abelianization formula of Martin holds, which relates the quantum cohomologies of symplectic quotients by a group and by its maximal torus. Also we show a quantum version of the Leray-Hirsch theorem for Floer homology of Lagrangian intersections in the quotient. The second part is devoted to Floer homology of a pair of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds in clean intersection. Under these assumptions the symplectic action functional is degenerated. Nevertheless Frauenfelder defines a version of Floer homology, which is in a certain sense an infinite dimensional analogon of Morse-Bott homology. Via natural filtrations on the chain level we were able to define two spectral sequences which serve as a tool to compute Floer homology. We show how these are used to obtain new intersection results for simply connected Lagrangians in the product of two complex projective spaces. The link between both parts is that in the background the same technical methods are applied; namely the theory of holomorphic strips with boundary on Lagrangians in clean intersection. Since all our constructions rely heavily on these methods we also give a detailed account of this theory although in principle many results are not new or require only straight forward generalizations.:1. Introduction 2. Overview of the main results 2.1. Abelianization . 2.2. Quantum Leray-Hirsch theorem 2.3. Floer homology of Lagrangians in clean intersection 3. Background 3.1. Symplectic geometry . 3.2. Hamiltonian action functional 3.3. Morse homology . 3.4. Floer homology 4. Asymptotic analysis 4.1. Main statement . 4.2. Mean-value inequality . 4.3. Isoperimetric inequality 4.4. Linear theory 4.5. Proofs 5. Compactness 5.1. Cauchy-Riemann-Floer equation . 5.2. Local convergence . 5.3. Convergence on the ends 5.4. Minimal energy . 5.5. Action, energy and index estimates 6. Fredholm Theory 6.1. Banach manifold . 6.2. Linear theory 7. Transversality 7.1. Setup 7.2. R-dependent structures 7.3. R-invariant structures . 7.4. Regular points . 7.5. Floer’s ε-norm . 8. Gluing 8.1. Setup and main statement 8.2. Pregluing . 8.3. A uniform bounded right inverse 8.4. Quadratic estimate 8.5. Continuity of the gluing map 8.6. Surjectivity of the gluing map 8.7. Degree of the gluing map 8.8. Morse gluing . 9. Orientations 9.1. Preliminaries and notation 9.2. Spin structures and relative spin structures 9.3. Orientation of caps 9.4. Linear theory . 10.Pearl homology 10.1. Overview . 10.2. Pearl trajectories . 10.3. Invariance . 10.4. Spectral sequences 11.Proofs of the main results 11.1. Abelianization Theorem 11.2. Quantum Leray-Hirsch Theorem . 12.Applications 12.1. Quantum cohomology of the complex Grassmannian 12.2. Lagrangian spheres in symplectic quotients A. Estimates A.1. Derivative of the exponential map A.2. Parallel Transport A.3. Estimates for strips B. Operators on Hilbert spaces B.1. Spectral gap B.2. Flow operator C. Viterbo index D. Quotients of principal bundles by maximal tori D.1. Compact Lie groups D.2. The cohomology of the quotient of principle bundles by maximal tori

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