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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Correlation between flood frequency and geomorphologic complexity of river network -A case study of Hangzhou China

Guo, Yakun, Zhang, S., Wang, Z. 04 1900 (has links)
Yes / Urban flooding is a combined product of the climate and watershed geomorphology. River system is one of the vital components of watershed geomorphology. The geomorphic characteristics of rivers have important effect on the formation of flooding. However, there have been few attempts so far to investigate the relationship between flooding frequency, the probability of flooding, and the geomorphological complexity of river system. Such relationship is essential in order to predict likely responses of flooding frequency to the large-scale changes in the complexity of the river networks induced by accelerating urbanization around river. In this study we investigate the correlation between geomorphological characteristics of river system and the probability of flooding. Hangzhou city in China, which has suffered severe flooding, is chosen as a case study to evaluate this correlation and to investigate the impact of changes of drainage networks morphology on the local flooding. The fractal dimension, which is used to quantitatively assess geomorphological complexity of river network, is calculated by using box-counting method based on fractal geometry for eight sub river networks in Hangzhou. A model based on the correlation of flooding frequency and fractal dimension is established. The model is applied to investigate the effect of the rapid urbanization induced changes of river geomorphology on the local flood frequency in two typical regions in Hangzhou. The results show that the flood frequency/events increases with the decrease of fractal dimension of the river network, indicating that the geomorphologic complexity of river network has an important effect on flooding. This research has great referential value for future flood quantitative investigation and provides new method for urban flood control and river system protection. / Key Scientific and Technical Project of Water Conservancy of Zhejiang Province (Grant No: RB1401)

Studie návrhu přírodě blízkých protierozních a protipovodňových opatření v povodí Jičínky / The design study of biotechnical erosion and flood control measures in the catchment of Jičínka river

Škrabal, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The main subject of this diploma thesis is a study of a suggestion of environmentally friendly adjustments in the basin of Jičínka, working as preventive protection against floods. The study contains a research of the stated area using the method of CN-curves in the hydrological model DesQ-MaxQ and the principle of Wischmeier-Smith's equation, in modicication of ArcGIS programme. Based on the analysis, the work suggests an improvement of erosive and drain ratios and then an assessment of effectiveness of the protection. We get the assessment of the effectiveness by comparing the condition of the erosive wash and the surface drain before and after implementation of our measures. The work also sets its goal in calculating the financial returnability of the investition indicatively.

Avaliação de performance computacional de simplificações da Equação de Saint-Venant aplicadas na operação da UHE Três Marias, MG / CPU performance evaluation of Saint-Venant Equations simplifications applied to the Três Marias dam operation

Kuwajima, Julio Issao 09 December 2016 (has links)
O gerenciamento integrado de recursos hídricos envolve partes com usos conflitantes entre si. Portanto o gerenciamento eficiente dos reservatórios é importante para atender múltiplos objetivos operacionais: abastecimento hídrico, navegação, geração hidroelétrica, requisitos ambientais e controle de cheias. Recentemente desenvolvimentos na previsão numérica climática, dados de radares meteorológicos e aquisição de dados hidrológicos e meteorológicos on-line resultaram em um crescente interesse em processamento de importação de dados. Implementando controle preditivo com horizonte de previsão de curto prazo, é possível prever condições de estresse ou de pico de vazão, que auxilia os tomadores de decisão a agir antecipadamente, assim minimizando os impactos negativos destes eventos. Para eventos de cheia, os operadores podem verter previamente água do reservatório alocando volume de reservação adicional para mitigar os danos de inundação nas margens à jusante do corpo d\'água. Neste cenário, para obter estimativas do escoamento a jusante referentes às mudanças de vertimento do reservatório, é necessário um modelo de escoamento robusto e rápido. Avaliou-se neste contexto cinco modelos diferentes quanto suas potencialidades de implementação em um modelo de controle preditivo para o reservatório de Três Marias, localizado na bacia do Alto São Francisco, Brasil. Estes modelos são: i) SOBEK que utiliza a equação hidrodinâmica de Saint-Venant; ii) SPRNT que utiliza a equação hidrodinâmica de Saint-Venant utilizando técnicas de aceleração para cálculo; iii) MGB-IPH (Modelo Hidrológico de Grandes Bacias - Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas), modelo chuva-vazão semi-distribuído que utiliza o método de Muskingum-Cunge para determinar o escoamento nos canais de interesse; iv) um modelo de onda difusiva; e v) um modelo simplificado de propagação de ondas em reservatório, equivalente à onda cinemática. Os dois últimos modelos estão implementados no pacote de ferramentas do RTC-Tools, a ferramenta de cálculo de controle em tempo real. Em geral os resultados entre os modelos simplificados do RTC-Tools e o modelo mais sofisticado SOBEK são comparáveis, no entanto os dois métodos com abordagem hidráulica, SOBEK e o modelo difusivo do RTC-Tools, apresentam difusão numérica por causa da baixa resolução espacial. No modelo de propagação de vazão por reservatórios simples a adoção de advecção pura através de um retardamento temporal mostrou-se uma correção eficiente para a difusão numérica excessiva apesar da baixa resolução espacial. Do ponto de vista de controle preditivo, esta abordagem possui melhor \"custo-benefício\" entre robustez, eficiência computacional e precisão. / Integrated Water Resources Management involves parties with conflicting interests. Therefore an effective reservoir management is important to meet multiple operating objectives such as water supply, navigation, hydroelectricity generation, environmental obligations and flood protection. Recent upcomings in numerical weather forecast, radar data and online data acquisition resulted in an interest for data import processes. By implementing a predictive control approach over a short-term forecast horizon, it is possible to foresee stress conditions or peak flow events and support decision-makers to take actions before these events happen to minimize their negative impacts. In the case of flood events, this technique enables the operators to pre-release water from a reservoir for allocating additional storage before the flood event occurs in order to mitigate flood damage along downstream river reaches. In this scenario, a robust and fast routing model is required to obtain quick and reliable estimates of downstream flow conditions related to release changes of the reservoir. In this context, five different models are assessed concerning their implementation in a predictive control of the Três Marias reservoir located at the Upper River São Francisco in Brazil: i) a fully dynamic model using the software package SOBEK; ii)SPRNT a fully dynamic model using acceleration calculation techniques; iii) a semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model with Muskingum-Cunge routing for the flow reaches of interest, known as MGB-IPH (Modelo Hidrológico de Grandes Bacias - Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas); iv) a diffusive wave model and v) Kinematic Wave equivalent simplified reservoir routing. The last two models are implemented in the RTC-Tool toolbox, a software for real-time control applications. In general, we find comparable results between the simplified models in RTC-Tools and the more sophisticated SOBEK model and a lower performance of the MGB model. However, both hydraulic modelling approaches, i.e. the SOBEK model as well as the diffusive wave model in RTC-Tools, suffer from too much numerical diffusion in case of course grids. In the reservoir routing approach, the introduction of pure advection by time lags offers an efficient solution for excessive numerical diffusion even on courser grids. From the predictive control point of view, this approach shows the best compromise in terms of robustness, computational efficiency and accuracy.

Estudo da fauna de mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) em reservatórios de contenção de cheias em área metropolina da cidade de São Paulo, SP / Study of mosquitoes fauna (Diptera: Culicidae) in the reservoirs for the contention of food waters in São Paulo city metropolitan area, SP

Silverio, Edna de Cassia 04 September 2008 (has links)
Introdução. A cidade de São Paulo vem adotando medidas no enfrentamento das inundações, como a implantação dos Reservatórios de Contenção de Cheias \"Piscinões\", que no período de estiagem, após as precipitações, propiciam a formação de criadouros de culicídeos, especialmente nos componentes hidráulicos. Objetivos. Avaliar os aspectos ecológicos da fauna de culicídeos nos Reservatórios de Contenção de Cheias Caguaçu e Inhumas, verificando a diversidade, dominância, similaridade e riqueza de espécies. Correlacionar fatores abióticos com a abundância numérica de mosquitos. Materiais e Métodos: Coletas mensais de culicídeos, no período de março de 2006 a fevereiro de 2007, empregando-se os métodos de conchas e aspirador à bateria. Em laboratório, após o desenvolvimento das larvas, os adultos foram identificados até a categoria de espécie. Resultados. Foram coletados 8.917 espécimes de culicídeos, dos quais 7.750 larvas e pupas e 1.167 adultos. Os espécimes identificados foram distribuídos em 4 gêneros e 13 espécies. Observou-se a dominância de Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus, que representou 98% dos espécimes coletados no Inhumas e 92% no Caguaçu. A maior freqüência de mosquitos foi registrada no Piscinão Inhumas (6.378 larvas e 930 adultos) e maior riqueza de espécies no Caguaçu (11 espécies). Verificou-se correlação positiva entre a temperatura a e abundância numérica de imaturos nas duas áreas, correlação positiva no Piscinão Caguaçu e correlação negativa no Inhumas entre a precipitação e a abundância numérica de imaturos. As análises estatísticas demonstraram que os fatores abióticos analisados exercem pouca influência na população de adultos. Conclusões. A espécie Culex quinquefasciatus mostrou-se dominante e mais freqüente nos dois ambientes. Medidas de controle da espécie nos piscinções estudados se fazem necessárias tendo em vista seu potencial epidemiológico na transmissão de agentes patogênicos. / Introduction. The City of São Paulo has been adopting highly measures to enable it to face up to the problem of flooding, among them being the construction of Reservoirs for the Containment of Flood Waters, known as \"piscinões\". In the dry season, after the occasional rains, these reservoirs, especially their hydraulic machinery, serve as breeding places for the Culicidae. Objectives. The assessment of the ecological aspects of the Culicidae fauna in the Reservoirs for the Containment of Flood Waters at Caguaçu and Inhumas to establish their diversity, dominance, similarity and species richness and, further, to correlate a-biotic factors with the numerical abundance of the mosquitoes. Materials and Methods: Monthly collections of Culicidae were undertaken during the period from March 2006 to February 2007, using the shell and battery aspirator methods. Results. A total of 8,917 Culicidae specimens were collected, 7,750 of which were larvae and pupae and 1,167 adults. The specimens were identified as belonging to 4 genera and 13 species. Culex quinquefasciatus, accounting for 98% of the specimens collected in the Inhumas Reservoir and 92% of those collected in Caguaçu, was the dominant species. The greatest frequency of mosquitoes was registered in the Inhumas Reservoir (6,378 larvae and 930 adults) and the greatest species richness in the Caguaçu Reservoir (11 species). A positive correlation was found as between the temperature and the numerical abundance of immature forms of the two areas and a positive correlation in Caguaçu and a negative correlation in Inhumas between the rainfall the and numerical abundance of immature forms. The analyses demonstrated that the a-biotic factors analyzed exercised little influence on the adult population. Conclusions. The species Culex quinquefasciatus was the dominant and most frequent species in both environments. Methods for the control of the species in the Reservoirs studied are necessary in view of their epidemiological potential in terms of the transmission of pathogenic agents.


Mingda Lu (5930987) 16 January 2019 (has links)
<div>In this study, the performance of a flood control reservoir called Brookville Reservoir located in the East fork of the Whitewater River Basin, was analyzed using historic and futuristic data. For that purpose, USEPA HSPF software was used to develop the rainfall runoff modelling of the entire Whitewater River Basin up to Brookville, Indiana. Using uncontrolled flow data, the model was calibrated using 35 years of data and validated using 5 years by evaluating the goodness-offit with R2, RMSE, and NSE. Using historic data, the historic performances were accessed initially.</div><div>Using downscaled daily precipitation data obtained from. GCM for the considered region, flows were generated using the calibrated HSPF model. A reservoir operation model was built using the present operating policies. By appending the reservoir simulation model with HSPF model results, performance of the reservoir was assessed for the future conditions.</div>

Avaliação de performance computacional de simplificações da Equação de Saint-Venant aplicadas na operação da UHE Três Marias, MG / CPU performance evaluation of Saint-Venant Equations simplifications applied to the Três Marias dam operation

Julio Issao Kuwajima 09 December 2016 (has links)
O gerenciamento integrado de recursos hídricos envolve partes com usos conflitantes entre si. Portanto o gerenciamento eficiente dos reservatórios é importante para atender múltiplos objetivos operacionais: abastecimento hídrico, navegação, geração hidroelétrica, requisitos ambientais e controle de cheias. Recentemente desenvolvimentos na previsão numérica climática, dados de radares meteorológicos e aquisição de dados hidrológicos e meteorológicos on-line resultaram em um crescente interesse em processamento de importação de dados. Implementando controle preditivo com horizonte de previsão de curto prazo, é possível prever condições de estresse ou de pico de vazão, que auxilia os tomadores de decisão a agir antecipadamente, assim minimizando os impactos negativos destes eventos. Para eventos de cheia, os operadores podem verter previamente água do reservatório alocando volume de reservação adicional para mitigar os danos de inundação nas margens à jusante do corpo d\'água. Neste cenário, para obter estimativas do escoamento a jusante referentes às mudanças de vertimento do reservatório, é necessário um modelo de escoamento robusto e rápido. Avaliou-se neste contexto cinco modelos diferentes quanto suas potencialidades de implementação em um modelo de controle preditivo para o reservatório de Três Marias, localizado na bacia do Alto São Francisco, Brasil. Estes modelos são: i) SOBEK que utiliza a equação hidrodinâmica de Saint-Venant; ii) SPRNT que utiliza a equação hidrodinâmica de Saint-Venant utilizando técnicas de aceleração para cálculo; iii) MGB-IPH (Modelo Hidrológico de Grandes Bacias - Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas), modelo chuva-vazão semi-distribuído que utiliza o método de Muskingum-Cunge para determinar o escoamento nos canais de interesse; iv) um modelo de onda difusiva; e v) um modelo simplificado de propagação de ondas em reservatório, equivalente à onda cinemática. Os dois últimos modelos estão implementados no pacote de ferramentas do RTC-Tools, a ferramenta de cálculo de controle em tempo real. Em geral os resultados entre os modelos simplificados do RTC-Tools e o modelo mais sofisticado SOBEK são comparáveis, no entanto os dois métodos com abordagem hidráulica, SOBEK e o modelo difusivo do RTC-Tools, apresentam difusão numérica por causa da baixa resolução espacial. No modelo de propagação de vazão por reservatórios simples a adoção de advecção pura através de um retardamento temporal mostrou-se uma correção eficiente para a difusão numérica excessiva apesar da baixa resolução espacial. Do ponto de vista de controle preditivo, esta abordagem possui melhor \"custo-benefício\" entre robustez, eficiência computacional e precisão. / Integrated Water Resources Management involves parties with conflicting interests. Therefore an effective reservoir management is important to meet multiple operating objectives such as water supply, navigation, hydroelectricity generation, environmental obligations and flood protection. Recent upcomings in numerical weather forecast, radar data and online data acquisition resulted in an interest for data import processes. By implementing a predictive control approach over a short-term forecast horizon, it is possible to foresee stress conditions or peak flow events and support decision-makers to take actions before these events happen to minimize their negative impacts. In the case of flood events, this technique enables the operators to pre-release water from a reservoir for allocating additional storage before the flood event occurs in order to mitigate flood damage along downstream river reaches. In this scenario, a robust and fast routing model is required to obtain quick and reliable estimates of downstream flow conditions related to release changes of the reservoir. In this context, five different models are assessed concerning their implementation in a predictive control of the Três Marias reservoir located at the Upper River São Francisco in Brazil: i) a fully dynamic model using the software package SOBEK; ii)SPRNT a fully dynamic model using acceleration calculation techniques; iii) a semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model with Muskingum-Cunge routing for the flow reaches of interest, known as MGB-IPH (Modelo Hidrológico de Grandes Bacias - Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas); iv) a diffusive wave model and v) Kinematic Wave equivalent simplified reservoir routing. The last two models are implemented in the RTC-Tool toolbox, a software for real-time control applications. In general, we find comparable results between the simplified models in RTC-Tools and the more sophisticated SOBEK model and a lower performance of the MGB model. However, both hydraulic modelling approaches, i.e. the SOBEK model as well as the diffusive wave model in RTC-Tools, suffer from too much numerical diffusion in case of course grids. In the reservoir routing approach, the introduction of pure advection by time lags offers an efficient solution for excessive numerical diffusion even on courser grids. From the predictive control point of view, this approach shows the best compromise in terms of robustness, computational efficiency and accuracy.

Public priorities and public goods : the drivers and responses to transitions in flood risk management

Geaves, Linda Helen January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of the public in Flood Risk Management (FRM) service provision at a time when the perceptions of the distribution of benefits provided by FRM interventions are in flux, and the role the public should play in FRM highly contested among stakeholders. Two schemes have marked the revised role of the public in FRM - Partnership Funding and Flood Re - both of which challenge existing judgments of the excludability and rivalry of benefits delivered by FRM interventions. The Partnership Funding scheme allocates capital for FRM projects proportionately to the public benefits they provide, allowing communities to top-up grants through local contributions. In comparison, by increasing accessibility to affordable insurance through cross-subsidies and pricing signals, Flood Re highlights a growing recognition that the distribution of gains as a result of widespread insurance uptake is greater than the benefits received by the policyholder alone. Following the identification of these schemes, we tested their social feasibility, examining both the scale and distribution of benefits. Due to the different stages of implementation of each scheme at the time of writing this thesis, two distinct methods were developed. The Partnership Funding Chapter used field data to examine how public-private funding of flood defences has changed service provision and the public acceptance of this transition. Whereas the Flood Re chapter used computer-based experiments to hypothesize how Flood Re may make the purchase of insurance a more or less attractive investment for different types of consumer. We found that Partnership Funding enabled more FRM projects to go ahead, raised public awareness of flood risk, and improved collaboration between stakeholders, but encouraged lower-cost projects, which, in the longer term, could transfer the expense of managing residual risk to the householder. In comparison, Flood Re provided peace of mind to householders struggling to afford rises in insurance premiums, but disproportionately benefited those who annually purchased insurance. Combining this proposed inequity in Flood Re with increasing residual risks, we identify a gap in service provision for the public who cannot afford household mitigation measures. We propose that loss mitigation and flood defence should become increasingly collaborative in line with the complexities of flooding within a community. We seek a move away from the information asymmetry which currently exists between insurance providers and policyholders, and yet simultaneously call for local authorities to recognise the capacity of the public to participate in FRM, and sustain resilience in the face of rising flood risk.

An improved engineering design flood estimation technique: removing the need to estimate initial loss

Heneker, Theresa Michelle. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
"May 2002" Includes list of papers published during this study Errata slip inserted inside back cover of v. 1 Includes bibliographical references (leaves 331-357) V. 1. [Text} -- v. 2. Appendices Develops an alternative design flood estimation methodology. Establishing a relationship between catchment characteristics and the rainfall excess frequency duration proportions enables the definition of these proportions for generic catchment types, increasing the potential for translation to catchments with limited data but similar hydrographic properties, thereby improving design process.

An improved engineering design flood estimation technique: removing the need to estimate initial loss / by Theresa Michelle Heneker.

Heneker, Theresa Michelle January 2002 (has links)
"May 2002" / Includes list of papers published during this study / Errata slip inserted inside back cover of v. 1 / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 331-357) / 2 v. : ill. (some col.), col. maps ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Develops an alternative design flood estimation methodology. Establishing a relationship between catchment characteristics and the rainfall excess frequency duration proportions enables the definition of these proportions for generic catchment types, increasing the potential for translation to catchments with limited data but similar hydrographic properties, thereby improving design process. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2002

Operation Of The Water Control Structures

Bozkurt, Okan Cagri 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Floods are one of the most important natural disasters regarding damages caused by them. Major reasons of huge damages of floods are unplanned urbanization, narrowing of river beds and incorrect operation of water control structures. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can provide important tools to be used in flood modeling studies. In this study, Lake Mogan, Lake Eymir and Incesu Detention Pond subbasins are studied for flooding events within GIS framework. These subbasins are important catchment areas of city of Ankara with total drainage area of 1070 km2. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method is used to obtain flood hydrographs for 12 hour duration and 50, 100 and 500 year return periods. Flood routing procedure is applied to obtain discharges at the outlet of the Mogan and Eymir Lakes and Incesu Detention Pond. Operation performance of water control structures are tried to be estimated by using hydrographs which are obtained for different scenarios. Results show that elements of Lake Mogan Water Control Structure do not have capability to discharge 500 year storm safely to the downstream of the lake. However, 100 year storm can be routed without creating problem if necessary small precautions are taken. On the other hand, water control elements of Lake Eymir and Incesu Detention Pond can transmit obtained flood volumes to the downstream parts by assuming that closed conduit at the exit of Incesu Detention Pond can safely convey resultant flood discharges.

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