Spelling suggestions: "subject:"flux chamber"" "subject:"lux chamber""
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Measurement and control of greenhouse gas emissions from beef cattle feedlotsAguilar Gallardo, Orlando Alexis January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering / Ronaldo Maghirang / Emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs), including nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2), from open beef cattle feedlots is becoming an environmental concern; however, scientific information on emissions and abatement measures for feedlots is limited. This research was conducted to quantify GHG emissions from feedlots and evaluate abatement measures for mitigating emissions. Specific objectives were to: (1) measure N2O emissions from the pens in a commercial cattle feedlot; (2) evaluate the effectiveness of surface amendments in mitigating GHG emissions from feedlot manure; (3) evaluate the effects of water application on GHG emissions from feedlot manure; and (4) compare the photo-acoustic infrared multi-gas analyzer (PIMA) and gas chromatograph (GC) in measuring concentrations of N2O and CO2 emitted from feedlot manure.
Field measurements on a commercial beef cattle feedlot using static flux chambers combined with GC indicated that N2O emission fluxes varied significantly with pen surface condition. The moist/muddy surface had the largest median emission flux; the dry and compacted, dry and loose, and flooded surfaces had significantly lower median emission fluxes.
Pen surface amendments (i.e., organic residues, biochar, and activated carbon) were applied on feedlot manure samples in glass containers and evaluated for their effectiveness in mitigating GHG emissions. Emission fluxes were measured with the PIMA. For dry manure, all amendments showed significant reduction in N2O and CO2 emission fluxes compared with the control (i.e., no amendment). For moist manure, biochar significantly reduced GHG emissions at days 10 and 15 after application; the other amendments had limited effects on GHG emissions.
The effect of water application on GHG emissions from feedlot manure was evaluated. Manure samples (with and without water application) were placed in glass containers and analyzed for GHG emission using a PIMA. For the dry manure, GHG emissions were negligible. Application of water on the manure samples resulted in short-term peaks of GHG emissions a few minutes after water application.
Comparison of the GC and PIMA showed that they were significantly correlated but differed in measured concentrations of N2O and CO2. The PIMA showed generally lower N2O concentrations and higher CO2 concentrations than the GC.
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Variability of summer CH4 and CO2 flux rates in and between three large Swedish lakes : A spatio-temporal field study / Sommarvariation i CH4- och CO2-flöden i och mellan tre stora svenska sjöar : En rumslig och tidsmässig fältstudieNilsson, Isak, Seifarth, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Understanding of natural greenhouse gas (GHG) cycles is crucial for making GHG budgets, which work as basis in climate change and global warming policy programs. Lakes as a source for GHG activity have only recently been included in global GHG budgets, and most studies of lake GHG flux rates are conducted on lakes <10 km2, which only comprise roughly half of the global lake area—making data of large lake flux rates scarce. CO2 and CH4 are the primary contributors of GHGs, and lakes house production processes and receive these gasses via lateral transport. This study utilized a floating chamber method with CO2 sensors to study CH4 and CO2 flux rates from three large Swedish lakes. To do this, chambers were anchored at shallow depth, as well as passively drifted on open water. Sampling was conducted during two periods in the summer 2019, late June–early July and August. For CH4, spatial difference was found between deep and shallow transects within lakes, no temporal difference was found between study periods. Difference between lakes within the deep and shallow chamber groups was found. One possible instance of deep-water ebullition was recorded, and a correlation between CH4 flux rate and water temperature was observed. For CO2, no difference between deep and shallow chambers or measurement periods was found. One instance within the deeper chamber group was found to be different between two of the lakes, despite all three lakes being of different size, depth and trophic state. The study results indicate CO2 water concentrations near saturation with atmosphere during the sampling periods. No correlation between CO2 flux rate and water temperature was observed. Unexpected small-scale variability patterns in CO2 flux was observed while chambers were passively drifting. While some observed patterns for the two gases could be explained by previous findings, some of our observations could not be explained on the basis of previous literature, highlighting the need for further study of GHG flux rates from large lakes. / Förståelsen av naturliga växthuscykler är avgörande för att göra budgetar för växthusgaser, eftersom dessa uppskattningar och budgetar agerar som grund i policyprogram för arbete med klimatförändringar och global uppvärmning. Sjöar har endast nyligen inkluderats i globala växthusgodsbudgetar som en källa för växthusgasutsläpp, och de flesta studier av flödeshastigheter genomförs på sjöar <10 km2, vilka endast utgör ungefär hälften av den globala sjöarealen –vilket leder till att data om växthusgasflöden från stora sjöar saknas. CO2och CH4 är de mest potenta växthusgaserna, och sjöar hyser produktionsprocesser samt tar emot dessa gaser från kringliggande miljöer. Denna studie nyttjade en kammarmetod med CO2-sensorer för att studera CH4och CO2-flödeshastigheter från tre stora svenska sjöar. Detta gjordes dels genom att ankra kammare på grunt djup, och dels genom att låta kammare driva passivt på öppet vatten. Provtagningen genomfördes under två perioder sommaren 2019, slutet av juni-början av juli och augusti. För CH4 hittades rumslig skillnad mellan djupa och grunda transekter i sjöar, men ingen tidsmässig skillnad hittades mellan studieperioder. Skillnader mellan sjöar i de djupa och grunda kammargrupperna hittades. Ett möjligt fall av metanbubblor från djupt vatten registrerades, liksom en korrelation mellan CH4-flödeshastighet och vattentemperatur. För CO2 hittades ingen skillnad mellan djupa och grunda kammare eller mätperioder. En skillnad i den djupa kammargruppen hittades mellan två av sjöarna, trots att alla tre var av olika storlek, djup och trofiklass. Studiens resultat indikerar att koncentrationer av CO2 i vatten var nära mättnad med atmosfären under studieperioderna. Ingen korrelation mellan CO2-flödeshastighet och vattentemperatur observerades. Oväntade småskaliga variabilitetsmönster i CO2-flöde observerades medan kamrar drev passivt. Medan vissa observerade mönster för de två gaserna kan förklaras av tidigare kunskap, kan andra av våra observationer inte förklaras av tidigare litteratur, och detta tydliggör behovet av fortsatt forskning på växthusgasflöden från stora sjöar. / <p>We also thank the METLAKE project funded by the European Research Council (ERC; grant agreement No 725546).</p> / METLAKE (ERC; grant agreement No 725546)
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Greenhouse gas emissions from three large lakes during the autumn 2020 / Växthusgasutsläpp från tre stora sjöar under hösten 2020Bohlin, Veronica, Anderö Nordqvist, Anja January 2021 (has links)
Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are two greenhouse gases and main drivers of global climate change. Lakes are known to be a source of CH4 and CO2 to the atmosphere. While the importance of these emissions is clear, their magnitudes and regulation are still uncertain due to the scarcity of flux measurement data from lakes. Most previous flux measurements have been carried out on lakes <10 km2 and the extrapolations are not representative of large lakes directly. Recent research has led to a growing recognition of the great importance of lakes as a source of emissions. Still, the relationship between environmental variables, lake properties and seasonal changes and the variability between and within lakes raises several question marks. Larger scale studies of greenhouse gases are needed to determine the spatial and temporal dynamics that exist. In this study, a floating chamber method and manual sampling was used to investigate the spatiotemporal variability and influencing variables of CH4 flux and concentration, as well as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and pCO2aq (partial pressure of CO2 in the water). The sampling was conducted during five weeks in September and October 2020 in three large Swedish lakes. Our results generally showed varying CH4 values between the three lakes, indicating that nutrients affect the amount and emission of CH4. A pattern was found where the CH4 was higher near the shore and at a shallower depth. There was a correlation between CH4 concentration and the environmental variables wind speed and air- and water temperatures. Our DIC values were high in two of the lakes and low in one, all lakes’ DIC differed significantly from each other. The pCO2 did not have any difference within the lakes, and there was no difference between the lakes except in one case. Both DIC and pCO2 correlated with air- and water temperature. This study displays the large spatiotemporal variability within and between large lakes and that representative values for large lakes require more measurements under different conditions to distinguish how greenhouse gases emit and flux between lakes and atmosphere. / Metan (CH4) och koldioxid (CO2) är två växthusgaser och stora drivkrafter för globala klimatförändringar. Sjöar är kända för att vara en källa för CH4 och CO2 till atmosfären. Trots att betydelsen av dessa utsläpp är tydlig är deras storlek och reglering fortfarande osäker på grund av brist på flödesmätdata från sjöar. De flesta tidigare flödesmätningarna har utförts på sjöar <10 km2 och det har påvisats att extrapoleringar inte är direkt representativa för stora sjöar. Ny forskning har lett till ett mer allmänt erkännande av sjöars stora betydelse som källa till utsläpp. Trots detta väcker förhållandet mellan miljövariabler, sjöegenskaper, säsongsförändringar och variationen mellan och inom sjöar flera frågetecken. Storskaliga studier om växthusgaser behövs för att bestämma den rumsliga och tidsmässiga dynamiken som finns. I denna studie användes en kammarmetod och manuell provtagning för att undersöka spatiotemporal variabilitet och miljövariabler som kan påverka CH4 flöde och koncentration, samt upplöst oorganiskt kol (DIC) och pCO2aq (partial trycket av CO2 i vattnet). Provtagningen genomfördes under fem veckor i september och oktober 2020 i tre stora svenska sjöar. Våra resultat visade generellt varierande CH4 värden mellan de tre sjöarna, vilket indikerade att näringsämnen påverkar mängd och utsläpp av CH4. Ett mönster noterades där CH4 var högre nära stranden och på ett grundare djup. Det fanns ett samband mellan CH4 koncentration och miljövariablerna vindhastighet och luft- och vattentemperatur. DIC-värdena var höga i två av sjöarna och låga i en, alla sjöarnas DIC skiljde sig signifikant från varandra. pCO2 hade ingen skillnad inom sjöarna, och det fanns ingen skillnad mellan sjöarna utom i ett fall. Både DIC och pCO2 korrelerade med luft- och vattentemperatur. Studien visar den stora spatiotemporala variationen inom och mellan stora sjöar och att representativa värden för stora sjöar kräver fler mätningar under olika förhållanden för att urskilja hur växthusgaser emitterar och flödar mellan sjöar och atmosfär.
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Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Three Smallscale Hydropower Stations in South of Sweden / Metan- och Koldioxidutsläpp Från Tre Småskaliga Vattenkraftverk i Södra SverigeDanielsen, Edevardt Johan, Jonsson Valderrama, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Over the past decades, evidence show that the anthropogenetic greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and methane (CH₄) are the main drivers behind global warming and are becoming stronger. Globally, hydropower is among the main sources of renewable energy and the popular notion that hydropower electricity is carbon neutral has been under debate as evidence from measurements in different regions of the globe show significant and highly variable carbon emissions from hydropower reservoirs. But these global estimates are still highly uncertain since they are restricted to a few locations in the south of Europe, North America, and South America, and lack both the temporal and spatial variability in addition to some of the flux pathways (often downstream emission and degassing). This study assesses the CH4 and CO₂ emissions from reservoirs associated to three small hydropower stations in the south of Sweden and aims to understand potential spatial and temporal variability in the temperate region. The study performed flux measurements of CH4 and CO₂, an analysis of CH4 and DIC concentration in the water, and a depth profile of temperature, DO, CH4 and DIC at the hydropower station’s reservoirs. In summation this study finds significant CH4 and DIC concentrations, as well as CH4 and CO₂emissions from the studied reservoirs. The findings of this study underline the notion that hydropower might be a `blind spot` in the Swedish GHG budget report, and if so, the carbon emissions from hydropower electricity need to be re-evaluated.
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