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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validação do sistema de análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle em um serviço de comissaria aérea / Validation of the system of analysis of hazards and critical control points in a flight attendant service

Ligia Hiromi Uegama Ferreira 04 April 2007 (has links)
A indústria de comissaria aérea é uma atividade com grandes riscos que afetam diretamente a saúde do consumidor, sendo um desses o tempo, entre 150 horas e 200 horas, decorrido entre o preparo das refeições e o seu consumo. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi validar o sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle (HACCP) implementado em uma indústria de comissaria aérea com a finalidade de prover melhorias na inocuidade das refeições servidas a bordo. A presente pesquisa foi composta pela análise de 4.899 laudos de refeições, 1.920 laudos de mãos de manipuladores e 1.200 laudos de superfícies que apresentaram resultados de ensaios microbiológicos realizados durante o período de 1998 a 2005. Os ensaios microbiológicos realizados foram a determinação da população de microrganismos aeróbios mesófilos, de membros da família Enterobacteriaceae, de Staphylococcus aureus, de Bacillus cereus além da pesquisa de Salmonella spp. Observou-se que após a implantação das medidas de controle, houve uma significativa melhora na evolução da porcentagem das refeições classificadas como \"Seguro\" (Classe A), de 45% no ano de 1998 para cerca de 85% no ano de 2005. O maior número de alimentos em não conformidade com os parâmetros internos da comissaria aérea em estudo foram os pratos frios que, por sua vez, foram os principais responsáveis pelos resultados insatisfatórios para o período em questão. Tal fato pode ser justificado pelo maior número de manipulações a que esses pratos são expostos e ao uso de ingredientes crus e pré-cozidos. O aumento significativo no número de refeições consideradas \"Seguro\" para todos os tipos de pratos mostra que quando as medidas implantadas são efetivas e devidamente fiscalizadas, o sistema HACCP mostra-se útil no controle da disseminação de microrganismos patogênicos veiculados por alimentos. / Airline catering is an activity with high risks that directly affects the health of consumers. A cause of concern in this activity, among opthers, is the time elapsed between the preparation of meals and consumption 150 to 200 hours. - which may allow the growth of undesirable microorganisms. The Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a system that, when properly implemented, provides conditions for the control of pathogenic microorganisms. The purpose of the present study was to validate the HACCP implemented in an airline catering industry in order to improve the safety of the meals served on board. This study consisted of the analysis of microbiological reports (4,899 reports on meals, 1,920 on handlers\' hands and 1,200 on surfaces) from 1998 to 2005 comprising pre-and post-HACCP implementation periods. The microbiological assays determined the population of mesophile aerobic microorganisms, Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus aureusand Bacillus cereus. Salmonella spp. analysis were also carried out. After control measures were implemented, a significant increase was observed in the percentage of meals classified as \"Safe\" (Class A) -from 45% in 1998 to about 85% in 2005. The highest number of meals not satisfying the standards was found among the cold dishes. This was accounted for by the fact that they need more manipulation and they are prepared with raw ingredients or cold pre-cooked ingredients. The meaningful increase in the number of meals classified as \"Safe\" for all kind of dishes showed that when the measures implemented are effective and properly inspected, the HACCP system is useful to control the dissemination of pathogenic microorganisms transmitted by foods.

Relações sobre usinas hidrelétricas e alterações nos modos de produção agrícola / Relations between hydroelectric plants and changes in agricultural production methods

Amanda Salles Praia 23 October 2017 (has links)
A instalação de empreendimentos hidrelétricos ocorreu de forma crescente no Brasil na última década. De igual modo, a importância da produção agrícola na economia nacional também cresceu. A supressão de terras e a alteração do fluxo da água causada pelo alagamento necessário à implantação de usinas hidrelétricas alteram a estrutura e a dinâmica das regiões diretamente afetadas em função de aspectos ambientais e sociais como reassentamentos, migrações, especulação imobiliária, êxodo rural etc. Estes impactos das hidrelétricas têm sido amplamente descritos pela literatura. O presente trabalho buscou analisar de forma especifica os impactos ocasionados pelos alagamentos sofridos pelos municípios brasileiros afetados por usinas hidrelétricas e seu reflexo nos modos de produção agrícola dos municípios afetados. Para tanto, realizou-se uma análise exploratória com indicadores na esfera nacional e um estudo de caso com as hidrelétricas de Jirau e Santo Antônio em Porto Velho (RO) baseado em entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados na fase exploratória as correlações indicaram que quanto maior tamanho da área alagada maior é a variação de áreas plantadas e PIB agrícola dos municípios afetados. Com o estudo de caso foi possível identificar que há impactos significativos sobre os modos de produção agrícola, essa mudança pode ser explicada pela diferença entre a qualidade do solo de regiões ribeirinhas e a qualidade do solo nos reassentamentos. Tais impactos podem influenciar os indicadores que refletem a quantidade de áreas plantadas destes municípios. Identificou-se também que os impactos sobre a agricultura não são previstos nos estudos de impacto ambiental das hidrelétricas de Jirau e Santo Antônio. / The installation of hydroelectric projects has increased in Brazil in the last decade. Likewise, the importance of agricultural production in the national economy has also grown. The land suppression and the alteration of the water flow caused by the flooding necessary to the implantation of hydroelectric plants alter the structure and dynamics of the regions directly affected by environmental and social processes such as resettlement, migration, real estate speculation, rural exodus, etc. These impacts of hydroelectric plants have been widely described in the literature. The present study sought to analyze in a specific way the impacts caused by the floods suffered by the Brazilian municipalities affected by hydroelectric plants and their reflection in the modes of agricultural production of the affected municipalities. The study included an exploratory analysis of the impacts of hydroelectric dams on agriculture using selected indicators from the national scale, complemented by a case-study at the local scale, focusing on the Jirau and Santo Antônio power plants in Porto Velho, Rondônia, through semi-structured interviews.The results from correlations obtained in the exploratory phase showed that the larger the size of the flooded area, the greater the variation of planted areas and the agricultural GDP of the affected municipalities. From the case study it was possible to identify that there are significant impacts on the agricultural production methods, and that this change can be explained by the difference between the quality of the soil of riverside regions and the quality of the soil in the resettlements. Such impacts may influence the indicators that reflect the amount of planted areas of these municipalities. The study also revealed that the impacts on agriculture were not predicted in the environmental impact studies of the Jirau and Santo Antônio hydropower plants.

Disponibilidade de energia e nutrientes nos domicílios: o contraste entre Regiões Norte e Sul do Brasil / Energy and nutrients disposal in residences: the contrast between North and South Regions of Brazil

Carla Cristina Enes 08 February 2006 (has links)
O consumo de alimentos é influenciado por inúmeros fatores, entre os quais podem ser destacados os culturais, nutricionais, socioeconômicos e demográficos. Reconhece-se que, na medida em que esses aspectos favorecem a adoção de novos padrões alimentares, também poderão causar repercussões distintas sobre os níveis de atendimento das demandas nutricionais da população. Neste trabalho foi utilizada como base de dados parcela das informações (referentes à população das Regiões Norte e Sul), obtidas por meio da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF 2002-2003), realizada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE. Dentre os objetivos da presente pesquisa destacam-se a análise da disponibilidade de energia e nutrientes, no âmbito dos domicílios. Visou-se também avaliar a participação dos grupos de alimentos e dos macronutrientes no Valor Energético Total - VET, bem como a variação dos mesmos segundo o rendimento mensal per capita e a localização do domicílio (rural e urbano). Para a elaboração das cálculos referentes ao conteúdo de energia e nutrientes, utilizou-se o software Virtual Nutri. Adotou-se como parâmetro para a avaliação da disponibilidade de vitaminas, minerais e fibras, os valores preconizados pelo Institute of Medicine (1997,1998, 2000, 2001, 2002). Quanto à avaliação do conteúdo de colesterol, adotou-se a recomendação da Organização Mundial da Saúde - OMS (2003). As análises estatísticas foram viabilizadas por meio do software SAS (1999). Para a avaliação da disponibilidade de energia e nutrientes conforme o rendimento mensal per capita, foi adotado o modelo de regressão múltipla. Dentre os resultados, destaca-se a reduzida disponibilidade (média) de energia para as famílias moradoras nas áreas urbanas de ambas as regiões e um incremento do conteúdo energético à medida que crescem os rendimentos. Quanto aos macronutrientes, verificou-se uma relação inversa entre a participação dos carboidratos no VET e os rendimentos familiares. A contribuição dos lipídios para o VET apresentou tendência de crescimento, de acordo com o aumento da renda. Com relação aos micronutrientes, os resultados revelaram reduzida disponibilidade, nos domicílios, das vitaminas C, B6, B12, D, E, folacina, ácido pantotênico e dos minerais cálcio, zinco, cobre, manganês e iodo para a totalidade das famílias integrantes da pesquisa. Salienta-se que o conteúdo dos minerais ferro, selênio e fósforo se aproximou do valor (médio) preconizado, apenas para as famílias das áreas rurais. A disponibilidade de fibras se revelou muito inferior ao valor mínimo recomendado para as famílias de ambas as regiões analisadas. A disponibilidade de colesterol revelou forte associação com os rendimentos familiares. Destaca-se a expressiva presença desse elemento, notadamente, nos domicílios das famílias da Região Sul. Quanto à participação dos distintos grupos de alimentos no VET, destaca-se a reduzida contribuição energética das frutas, verduras e legumes para praticamente a totalidade dos grupamentos familiares. Foi identificada a indesejável contribuição – considerada excessiva – dos doces, açúcares e refrigerantes para o VET disponível para as famílias. / Food consumption is influenced by countless factors, among which can be emphasized the cultural, nutritional, socioeconomic and demografic ones. One acknowledges that, as these aspects benefit the adoption of new nutritional patterns, it will also be possible to distinguish the level of fulfillment of nutritional demands of the population. Information obtained through the Family Budget Survey (POF 2002-2003), accomplished by Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE, concerning the population of the North and South Regions of Brazil was utilized as database in this work. An analysis of energy and nutrients disposal, at domiciliary extent, outstands among this researches’s main goals. It was also intended to assess the relative participation of groups of food and macronutrients in the Total Energetic Value – VET, as well as their variation according to the per capita monthly income and the situation of the place of residence (rural and urban). The Software Virtual Nutri was utilized for the elaboration of the analysis related to the energy and nutrients disposal. As a parameter for the assessment of vitamins, minerals and fibers disposal, it was adopted the recommendations prescribed by the Institute of Medicine (1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002). Concerning the assessment of cholesterol content, the recommendation of the World Health Organization – (2003) was adopted. The statistical analysis were accomplished through the SAS (1999) Software. The multiple regression pattern was adopted in order to assess the energy and nutrients disposal, according to the per capita monthly income. Among the results, it outstands the low energy disposal for the families living in urban areas of both regions and an increase of energetic content while monthly income grows. Regarding macronutrients, it was verified a reversed relation between the participation of carbohydrates in VET and the family monthly income. The relative participation of fats presented a growth tendency proportional to an increase of income. In relation to micronutrients, the results showed a low disposal of vitamins C, B6. B12, D, E, folacin, pantotenic acid and mineral such as calcium, zinc, copper, manganese and iodin in residences for the families of North and South Regions in both geographic stratum. One emphasizes that the iron, selenium and phosphor contents approached the average forecast value only to the families of rural areas. The fiber disposal revealed to be much lower in relation to the minimum recommended value in both of the analyzed regions. The disposable content of cholesterol showed a strong association with the family incomes, with a notorious and expressive presence in residences of the South Region families. Regarding the participation of distinctive groups of food in VET, it outstands the reduced energetic contribution of fruits, vegetables and legumes for virtually all the familiary groupings. It was identified the undesirable contribution of sweets, sugars and soft drinks to the disposable VET for the families that participated in the research.

Avaliação microbiológica de alfaces (Lactuca sativa) em restaurantes self-service no Município de Limeira - SP / Microbiological analysis of lettuces (Lactuca sativa) at self-service restaurants in the city of Limeira – SP

Maria Teresa Trovó de Almeida 30 August 2006 (has links)
Amostras da hortaliça alface, pronta para consumo e sem adição de temperos, foram obtidas de sete restaurantes de padrão self-service, que servem refeição por quilograma. O total de 35 amostras foi coletado em dias alternados e diretamente do balcão de distribuição desses restaurantes na cidade de Limeira-SP. As amostras foram analisadas com o objetivo de conhecer as condições microbiológicas de hortaliças folhosas cruas servidas em locais de mesmo padrão. Para a realização das análises foram estabelecidos parâmetros microbiológicos, considerando a pesquisa das seguintes bactérias: coliformes totais, coliformes a 45°C, Salmonella spp, contagem total de aeróbios mesófilos e Staphylococcus coagulase positiva. Os resultados foram bastante heterogêneos, com grande variação nas contagens para coliformes totais, coliformes a 45°C, e números elevados nas contagens de aeróbios mesófilos. Os dados obtidos mostraram que 31 (88,6%) amostras analisadas apresentaram níveis elevados de coliformes totais, com variação entre 102NMPg-1 e 105 NMPg-1 e apenas 4 (11,4%) das amostras apresentaram níveis reduzidos, entre <2 e 8,0 x 101 NMPg-1. 1. Em relação às bactérias coliformes a 45°C, 14 (40%) das amostras apresentaram contaminação, consideradas em desacordo com a legislação vigente da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA (BRASIL, 2001) que estabelece limites de até 102 NMPg-1. Nenhuma amostra revelou-se positiva para Salmonella spp, atendendo aos parâmetros estabelecidos pela ANVISA (BRASIL, 2001) de ausência em 25g de produto. Foi detectado Staphylococcus coagulase positiva em 21 (60%) das amostras considerando contagens superiores a 103 UFCg-1, que é o limite máximo tolerado pela ANVISA (BRASIL, 2001) para outros alimentos, já que para hortaliças in natura não há menção de padrões. Deste total de 21 amostras, 2 (9,5%) apresentaram contagens de 104 UFCg-1. Os 7 locais tiveram amostras com contagens totais de aeróbios mesófilos elevadas, entre 105 e 107 UFCg-1: em 6 (17,1%) das amostras as contagens ficaram entre 105 e 106 UFCg-1 e 29 (82,8%) apresentaram resultados superiores a 106 UFCg-1. Destas 29 amostras, 11 (37,9%) estiveram acima da 107 UFCg-1. Amostras da hortaliça de mesmo lote foram submetidas a procedimentos higiênicos, utilizando solução clorada e solução de vinagre e posterior análise. Os resultados apresentaram reduções entre 98% e 99% nas contagens das bactérias. Pelos dados obtidos, considera-se que há falhas decorrentes de práticas inadequadas de manipulação com ausência ou deficiência de sanificação, sendo necessário treinamento de funcionários e proprietários dos locais, visando correção dos problemas, para que se obtenha a qualidade microbiológica adequada do produto e assegure a saúde do consumidor. / Lettuce samples, ready for consumption and without addition of seasoning, were obtained from seven self-service restaurants which serve food per kilogram. The total of 35 samples was collected on alternate days and directly from food counters at those restaurants in the city of Limeira/SP. Samples were analyzed with the objective to find out the microbiological conditions of the raw leafy vegetables served in self-service restaurants. To carry out the analysis, microbiological standards were set considering the research on the following bacteria: total coliforms, coliforms at 45°C, Salmonella ssp, total counting of aerobic mesophiles and Staphylococcus coagulase positive. The results were very heterogeneous due to the great variation on counting for total coliforms, coliforms at 45°C, as well as the high level of the numbers of aerobic mesophiles. The data obtained showed that 31 (88.6%) samples presented high level of total coliforms, varying between 102 NMPg-1 and 105 NMPg-1 and only 4 (11.4%) samples presented reduced level, between < 2 and 8.0 x 101 NMPg-1. Considering the coliform bacteria at 45°C, 14 (40%) samples presented fecal contamination and this is at variance with the current legislation of the National Agency of Sanitary Vigilance – ANVISA (BRAZIL, 2001), which establishes limits up to 102 NMPg-1. No samples showed to be positive for Salmonella spp, following the ANVISA (BRAZIL, 2001) standards which establish absence in 25g of product. Staphylococcus coagulase positive was detected in 21 (60%) samples considering counting superior to 103 UFCg-1, which is the maximum limit tolerated by ANVISA (BRAZIL, 2001) for other foods, as for leafy vegetable in natura there are no standards. From this total of 21 samples, 2 (9.5%) showed 104 UFCg-1. The seven self-service restaurants showed high level for total counting of aerobic mesophiles, between 105 and 107 UFCg-1: 6 samples (17.1%) showed counting between 105 and 106 UFCg-1 and 29 (82.8%) presented results above 106 UFCg-1. From these 29 samples, 11 (37.9%) were above 107 UFCg-1. Leafy vegetables samples from the same batch underwent to hygienic procedures using a chlorine solution and a vinegar solution for posterior analysis. The results showed reduction of the bacteria counting between 98% and 99%. The data obtained show that there is inappropriate food handling with absence of or deficiency of sanitation, indicating a training need for the staff and shop owners, so that problems can be corrected to obtain products with appropriate microbiological quality and to assure consumer’s health.

Indice di sostenibilità e resilienza dei sistemi agroalimentari; Paese di analisi: Libano / Sustainability and Resilience Index of Agro-Food Systems; Country of Analysis: Lebanon / Sustainability and Resilience Index of Agro-Food Systems; Country of Analysis: Lebanon

EL ZMETER, MIRIAM 24 March 2021 (has links)
La resilienza alimentare, definizione approvata in tutto il mondo a seguito di molti studi che analizzano questo argomento, è la "capacità nel tempo di un sistema alimentare e delle sue unità a più livelli, di fornire cibo sufficiente, appropriato e accessibile a tutti, a fronte di diverse e disturbi anche imprevisti ”1; In Libano, la resilienza e la sostenibilità del sistema agricolo e alimentare sono sempre state discutibili. In una regione instabile con politiche e istituzioni di governance fragili, distorsione del commercio e bassa qualità del cibo, tra molti altri fattori, meritano attenzione la resilienza e la sostenibilità del sistema agricolo e alimentare. Questo studio analizzerà l'impatto di questi sistemi sulla resilienza e sostenibilità alimentare, concentrandosi su 7 sotto-pilastri del sistema agricolo e alimentare in Libano: (1) Economico, (2) Sociale, (3) Governance, (4) Istituzioni, (5) pratiche ambientali, (6) sicurezza alimentare e nutrizione e (7) risorse naturali; fusa in tre capitali: (1) Capitale socioeconomico, (2) Capitale di governance e istituzioni e (3) Pratiche ambientali, Sicurezza alimentare e nutrizione e Capitale delle risorse naturali. Per ogni pilastro verrà analizzata una serie di indicatori e di conseguenza verrà presentato ai ministeri un elenco di raccomandazioni e pianificazione. Le interconnessioni tra tutti questi pilastri / capitali rappresenteranno l'ultimo legame tra tutte le componenti del sistema agricolo e alimentare e come una performance ideale richieda attenzione a molti indicatori. Molti aspetti trascurati dagli indici internazionali, come il GFSI (Global Food Security Index) e il Food Sustainability Index, si aggiungeranno all'indice che andremo a disegnare. Inoltre, verrà effettuata un'analisi comparativa utilizzando l'indice prima e dopo la crisi siriana al fine di testare la capacità di questo indice di anticipare i meccanismi di coping e di capire come funziona il sistema quando è colpito da uno shock. L'indice creato verrà utilizzato per monitorare lo stato ogni anno e non è utilizzabile una tantum. L'indice per il Libano, dopo aver applicato il quadro di analisi, è compreso tra 0,25 e 0,5, indicando che il Paese sta funzionando in modo inadeguato ed è altamente a rischio se non vengono effettuati interventi, e continuerà a comportarsi in questo modo di fronte a un nuovo shock . Ciò supporta la conclusione che il sistema alimentare in Libano non è resiliente e che la sicurezza alimentare e la sicurezza delle persone in Libano sono a rischio, il che potrebbe portare alla conseguenza finale: la fame. Parole chiave: crisi, sostenibilità, resilienza, indice, indicatori, sicurezza alimentare, sicurezza alimentare, politiche, correlazione. / Food resilience, definition approved worldwide as a result of many studies analyzing this topic, is the “capacity over time of a food system and its units at multiple levels, to provide sufficient, appropriate and accessible food to all, in the face of various and even unforeseen disturbances”1; In Lebanon, the resilience and sustainability of the agricultural and food system have always been questionable. In a volatile region with fragile governance policies and institutions, trade distortion, and low food quality, among many other factors, the resilience and the sustainability of the agricultural and food system are worth the attention. This study will analyze the impact of these systems on food resilience and sustainability, focusing on 7 sub-pillars of the agricultural and food system in Lebanon: (1) Economic, (2) Social, (3) Governance, (4) Institutions, (5) Environmental Practices, (6) Food Safety and Nutrition and (7) Natural resources; merged under three capitals: (1) Socio- Economic Capital, (2) Governance and Institutions Capital and (3) Environmental Practices, Food Safety and Nutrition and Natural Resources Capital. For each pillar, a set of indicators will be analyzed and a list of recommendations and planning will be presented to the ministries accordingly. The interlinks between all these pillars/capitals will portray the ultimate link between all components of the agricultural and food system, and how an ideal performance requires attention to many indicators. Many aspects missed from international indexes, such as the GFSI (Global Food Security Index) and the Food Sustainability Index, will be added to the index we will be designing. In addition, a comparative analysis will be done using the index before and after the Syrian crisis in order to test the capacity of this index to anticipate coping mechanisms and to understand how the system works when affected by a shock. The index created will be used to track the status each year and is not of a one-off use. The index for Lebanon, after applying the framework of analysis, is between 0.25 and 0.5, indicating that the country is performing inadequately and is highly at risk if no interventions take place, and will continue to perform this way in the face of a new shock. This supports the conclusion that the food system in Lebanon is not resilient, and that the food security and safety of people in Lebanon is at risk, which overtime might lead to the ultimate consequence – hunger.


Tabitha C Nindi (8975894) 17 December 2020 (has links)
<p>This dissertation has three essays that are focused on understanding smallholder farmers’ choices in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly, Malawi. The first essay uses a clustered randomized control trial (RCT) to evaluate the impact of storage and commitment constraints on farmers’ legume storage bevavior. The second essay is motivated by the incomplete quality information problem within informal markets that undermines consumers’ demand for quality and lead to lemons market. In this essay, we use a clustered RCT along with the Becker DeGroote Marshack auctions amongst 1,098 farm households to evaluate whether providing food safety (aflatoxins) information increases consumers’ demand for grain quality and whether that demand for quality varies depending on food availability. The third essay uses stochastic dynamic programming to explore the role of market risk and expenditure shocks on smallholder farmers’ storage and marketing behavior.</p>

Essays on Health Economics Using Big Data

Zarebanadkoki, Samane 01 January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays addressing different topics in health economics. In the first essay, we perform a systematic review of peer-reviewed articles examining consumer preference for the main electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) attributes namely flavor, nicotine strength, and type. The search resulted in a pool of 12,933 articles; 66 articles met the inclusion criteria for this review. Current literature suggests consumers preferred flavored e-cigarettes, and such preference varies with age groups and smoking status. Consumer preference for nicotine strength and types depend on smoking status, e-cigarette use history, and gender. Adolescents consider flavor the most important factor trying e-cigarettes and were more likely to initiate vaping through flavored e-cigarettes. Young adults prefer sweet, menthol, and cherry flavors, while non-smokers, in particular, prefer coffee and menthol flavors. Adults in general also prefer sweet flavors (though smokers like tobacco flavor the most) and dislike flavors that elicit bitterness or harshness. Non-smokers and inexperienced e-cigarettes users tend to prefer no nicotine or low nicotine e-cigarettes while smokers and experienced e-cigarettes users prefer medium and high nicotine e-cigarettes. Weak evidence exists regarding a positive interaction between menthol flavor and nicotine strength. In the second essay, we investigate U.S. adult consumer preference for three key e-cigarette attributes––flavor, nicotine strength, and type––by applying a discrete choice model to the Nielsen scanner data (Consumer Panel data combined with retail data) for 2013 through 2017, generating novel findings as well as complementing the large literature on the topic using focus groups, surveys, and experiments. We found that (adult) vapers prefer tobacco flavor, medium nicotine strength, and disposables, and such preference can vary over cigarette smoking status, purchase frequency, gender, race, and age. In particular, smokers prefer tobacco flavor, non-smokers or female vapers prefer medium strength, and infrequent vapers prefer disposables. Vapers also display loyalty (inertia) to e-cigarette brands, flavor, and nicotine strength. One key policy implication is that a flavor ban will likely have a relatively larger impact on adolescents and young adults than adults. The third essay employs a machine learning algorithm, particularly a random forest, to identify the importance of BMI information during kindergarten on predicting children most likely to be obese by the 4th grade. We use the Arkansas BMI screening program dataset. The potential value of BMI information during early childhood to predict the likelihood of obesity later in life is one of the main benefits of a BMI screening program. This study identifies the value of this information by comparing the results of two random forests trained with and without kindergarten BMI information to assess the ability of BMI screening to improve a predictive model beyond personal, demographic, and socioeconomic measures that are typically used to identify children at high risk of excess weight gain. The BMI z-score from kindergarten is the most important variable and increases the accuracy of the prediction by 14%. The ability of BMI screening programs to identify children at greatest risk of becoming obese is an important but neglected dimension that should be used in evaluating the overall utility. In the last essay, we use Nielson retail scanner dataset and apply a difference-in-differences (DID) approach and synthetic control method, and we test whether consumers in Utah reduced beef purchases after the 2009 Salmonella outbreak of ground beef products. The result of DID approach indicates that the Salmonella event reduced ground beef purchases in Utah by 17% in four weeks after the recall. Price elasticity of demand is also estimated to be -2.04; therefore, the reduction in ground beef purchases as a result of recall is comparable to almost 8.3% increase in the price of this product. Using the synthetic control method that allows us to use all of the control states to produce synthetic Utah, we found the effect of this event minimal compared to the DID effect.

Isothermal Inactivation of Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and Enterococcus faecium NRRL-B 2354 in Peanut Butter, Powder Infant Formula, and Wheat Flour

Quinn, Adam Robert 04 June 2020 (has links)
Pathogens in low-moisture foods are an emerging food safety concern due to increased survival and thermotolerance in matrices with low water activity. However, limited data is publicly available for the thermotolerance of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 (a Salmonella surrogate). The aims of this study were to identify differences in thermal inactivation rates between these organisms in three different low-moisture foods. Three model low-moisture foods (peanut butter, powder infant formula, and wheat flour) were inoculated with either E. faecium, a Salmonella spp. cocktail, or a L. monocytogenes cocktail using a dry inoculation method for a total of 9 treatments. Samples were heat treated in a hot water bath at predetermined temperatures, and bacterial survival was detected via direct plating on tryptic soy agar with 0.6% yeast extract. In peanut butter and most of the powder infant formula treatments, Salmonella spp. had significantly higher D-values than L. monocytogenes using comparable temperatures (p < 0.05). However, D-values between Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes were comparable in wheat flour and one of the treatment temperatures in powder infant formula (p > 0.05). For all but one of the treatments at the same temperature, E. faecium had significantly higher D-values than L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. in each food matrix (p < 0.05). The observed matrix effect on thermotolerance for each of the bacteria was reported in descending order as powder infant formula > peanut butter > wheat flour in the majority of the comparable D-values. While Salmonella continues to be the pathogen of concern in low-moisture foods due to survival and outbreaks, these results indicate L. monocytogenes can exhibit similar thermotolerances in relevant model low-moisture foods matrices.

Isothermal Inactivation Studies of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, and Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 in Almond, Peanut, and Sunflower Butters

Liao, Ruo Fen 09 June 2022 (has links)
Vegetative, non-sporeforming foodborne pathogens show notable survival and uncanny thermotolerance in low water activity (aw) foods. Controlled studies on Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 (a Salmonella surrogate) in a variety of food matrices support thermal process validation studies required to achieve global food safety objectives. In this study, we determined and compared thermal inactivation rates using independent six-strain cocktails of pathogens in three plant-based butters. Direct determinations of decimal reduction times (D-values) for L. monocytogenes, Salmonella, and E. faecium, in corresponding butters were inoculated using peanut oil, almond oil, or sunflower oil. Thermal Death Time (TDT) studies for the organisms were conducted in triplicate. Uniform bagged plant- based butter samples of Salmonella spp. or L. monocytogenes, or E. faecium alone were sandwiched in copper plates immobilized with recessed magnets. Samples underwent rapid heat treatments via water immersion under isothermal conditions ranging from 70°C to 85°C. Bacterial destruction in peanut butter (46% fat, 0.20 aw @ 25°C), almond butter, (50% fat, 0.32 aw @ 25°C), or sunflower butter (56% fat, 0.15 aw @ 25°C) was determined by direct plating. The TDT studies showed Salmonella spp. had consistently higher D-values than L. monocytogenes in all treatments, but pair-wise comparisons found no statistical difference when assessing the thermotolerance of the two pathogens in the individual plant-based butters tested (p > 0.005). These data support Salmonella as the primary pathogen of concern in low water activity foods and show the heat resistance of L. monocytogenes can approximate destruction kinetics observed for Salmonella spp. in low aw matrices. E. faecium exhibited the highest thermotolerance. This further supports the utility of this surrogate for Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes in high fat, low-moisture foods similar to the plant-based butters tested. Thermotolerance differences between a dry talc vs. peanut oil-based inoculation procedures in peanut butter were also evaluated. Surprisingly, the oil-based inoculations resulted in lower D- values (p > 0.01) for Salmonella spp. and the surrogate when compared to the dry inoculum.

The prevalence and characterization of Salmonella contamination in commercial livestock feed mills.

Parker, Elizabeth Mary January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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