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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autour de la connexité dans les graphes avec conflits / On the Connectivity of Graphs with Conflicts

Momège, Benjamin 09 July 2015 (has links)
Nous nous intéresserons aux graphes avec conflits (un conflit est une paire d’arêtes ne pouvant pas simultanément faire partie d’un même sous-graphe), dans lesquels nous étudierons différents types de problèmes liés à l’existence de sous-graphes sans conflit, de nature aussi bien algorithmique que combinatoire, notre ligne directrice étant la notion de connectivité. Nous verrons que plusieurs résultats, simples sans conflit, ne le sont plus lors de l’ajout de conflits. Nous présenterons : des algorithmes exacts (non polynomiaux), des résultats de \mathcal{N P}-complétude, et des conditions suffisantes assurant l’existence de certains objets (arbre couvrant, chemin et cycle hamiltonien) sans conflits. / We will look at graphs with conflicts (conflict is a pair of edges can not simultaneously be part of the same subgraph), in which we will study different types of problems related to the existence of subgraphs without conflict. The nature of the problems is both combinatorial and algorithmic. Our guideline is the notion of connectivity. We will see several results, simple without conflict, are no longer when adding conflicts. We will present exact algorithms (not polynomial), \mathcal{N P}-completeness results and sufficient conditions ensuring the existence of certain objects (spanning tree, path and Hamiltonian cycle) without conflict.

Exploiter terres et populations conquises au nom du national-socialisme : l'Ostland dans les Ardennes pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale / Ostland in the Ardennes (World War II)

Francois, Anne 07 November 2019 (has links)
En mai 1940, la population ardennaise fuit devant l’arrivée des troupes allemandes. Les ressources économiques et agricoles du département, qui faisaient pourtant l’objet de plans d’évacuation préparés dès les années 1930, sont abandonnées à l’occupant. Quelques semaines plus tard, une vaste zone du nord-est de la France, dont les Ardennes font partie, est déclarée « zone interdite ». Les terres cultivables sont confisquées à leurs propriétaires et prises en charge au profit du Reich par une entreprise appelée Ostland, qui a déjà orchestré un semblable mouvement de spoliation en Pologne depuis son invasion. L’une de ses filiales régionales, la WOL III, met en place dans les Ardennes un vaste projet d’implantation des méthodes agricoles nationales-socialistes qui nécessite une abondante main-d’œuvre. Des agriculteurs allemands, appelés « chefs de culture » sont diligentés sur place et gèrent de grandes exploitations dans lesquelles travaillent plusieurs milliers de prisonniers français et coloniaux ainsi que 5 000 agriculteurs ardennais contraints à se mettre à leur service. Des ouvriers juifs sont également recrutés et des milliers de Polonais, expulsés de leurs villages, sont déportés pour travailler dans ces fermes qui exercent une agriculture intensive. Cette situation engendre des tensions sociales qui s’expriment particulièrement lors de la Libération et lors de procès d’épuration qui visent certains employés de l’Ostland. Les autorités françaises tentent de gérer au mieux la liquidation de l’entreprise allemande et l’organisation du rapatriement des Polonais dans leur pays, deux opérations difficiles qui nécessitent de longs mois. La reconnaissance des victimes de l’Ostland est inégale et tardive puisqu’elle n’intervient qu’à partir des années 1990. Des mémoires distinctes et spécifiques aux différents groupes de travailleurs émergent aussi à cette époque et s’expriment lors de commémorations. / In May 1940, the population of the Ardennes fled from the arrival of the German troops. The economic and agricultural ressources of the department, which yet had been subject to evacuation plans since the thirties, were given up to the occupying forces. A few weeks later, a large area of the North-East of France including the Ardennes was declared « forbidden zone ». The cultivable land was confiscated from its owners and taken over for the benefit of the Reich by a company named Ostland, which had already orchestrated a similar spoliation movement in Poland since its invasion. One of its local subsidiaries, WOL III , set up in the Ardennes a vast project to implement the National Socialist agricultural methods which required an abundant workforce. Some German farmers, called crop managers, were sent out there to run large farms on which several thousands of French and colonial prisoners as well as 5000 Ardennes farmers were working under duress. Jewish labourers were also recruited and thousands of Poles, expelled from their villages, were deported to work on these farms with intensive agriculture. This situation caused social tensions that were particuliarly evident during the Liberation and during the « purification » trials involving some WOL employees. French authorities tried to manage the liquidation of the German company and the organisation of the repatriation of the Poles, two difficult operations that took many months to complete. Recognition of Ostland victims was uneven and late since it occurred only from the 1990s onwards. Distinct memories specific to the different groups of workers also emerged at that time and were expressed during commemorations.

Optimální dispozice pracovišť bezpečnostní kontroly cestujících / Optimum layout of workplaces security checks of passengers

Bordovský, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The final master’s thesis analyzes the individual elements of Security control workplace and solves their optimization with respect to the rulemaking side of things, and integration into the existing space layout with a vision of the increasing demand for transport. Solves the issue of electromagnetic interference elimination in the detection equipment and suggests possible solutions to overcome them. The work is primarily related to the Prague - Ruzyne airport.

Applications of resonant hard x-ray diffraction for characterization of structural modifications in crystals

Richter, Carsten 04 December 2017 (has links)
Die Arbeit behandelt die vielseitigen Möglichkeiten im Bereich der Kristallstrukturanalyse mit Röntgenstrahlung, welche sich zusätzlich bei resonanter Anregung von Elektronenübergängen ergeben. Existierende resonante Methoden aus diesem Bereich werden im materialwissenschaftlichen Kontext neu dargelegt und ausgebaut. Zudem werden neue Methoden zur Strukturverfeinerung vorgestellt, welche darauf zielen, mithilfe resonanter Anregung kleine Abweichungen von der Idealstruktur oder aber Phasenumwandlungen zu beschreiben. Im Vordergrund steht dabei die hier erstmals ausgearbeitete Methode der Unterdrückung von Beugungsintensität durch Variation der atomaren Streufaktoren über gezieltes Einstellen der Röntgenenergie. Dies ist stark abhängig von internen Strukturparametern und ermöglichte so eine pikometergenaue Bestimmung von Atompositionen in einer neuen, polaren Oberflächenschicht des Strontiumtitanats. Weitere Anwendungen auf verschiedene Klassen kristalliner Materialien werden vorgestellt und basieren auf unterschiedlichen Aspekten resonanter Beugung wie zum Beispiel verbotenen Reflexen.

Entre archives et archive : l’espace inarchivé et inarchivable du cinéma de réemploi

Winand, Annaëlle 09 1900 (has links)
Entre les archives, telles que définies par l’archivistique, et l’archive comme concept, tel qu’utilisé en dehors de la discipline, il existe un écart sémantique, conceptuel et théorique. D’un côté, les archives représentent des rassemblements documentaires issus des activités d’une personne ou d’un organisme ; de l’autre, il est question d’un outil conceptuel permettant d’exprimer une variété d’idées liées à l’histoire ou à la mémoire. Toutefois, cet intervalle entre archives et archive est particulièrement fertile. C’est dans cet espace que les utilisateurs non traditionnels des archives, comme les cinéastes de réemploi (dont les œuvres sont constituées d’images en mouvement préexistantes), trouvent leur inspiration. À travers leurs mises en récit, ces derniers montrent ce qui n’est pas visible dans les archives. De la décomposition des matières filmiques, aux dynamiques de pouvoir derrière le geste d’archivage et leurs récits tacites, en passant par les émotions et l’affect véhiculés par les documents, les œuvres nous confrontent à une double dimension inarchivée (ce qui n’est pas archivé) et inarchivable (ce qui ne peut pas être archivé), qui est constitutive de ce que sont les archives et de comment elles se construisent. En étudiant les archives qui constituent les œuvres de réemploi à partir de leur exploitation, c’est-à-dire leurs diverses utilisations et l’ensemble de leurs utilisations potentielles, il est possible de catégoriser ce qui se trouve dans l’inarchivé et l’inarchivable. Ainsi, trois principales modalités émergent des analyses : l’absence, qui relève de la lacune, du fragment et de l’incomplétude ; l’interdit qui se manifeste dans les archives comme traces matérielles ; et l’invisible qui participe de ce qui ne se montre pas. Ces trois catégories relèvent d’un impensé archivistique, c’est-à-dire d’un état de la discipline qui reflète l’inconcevabilité ou l’omission, volontaire ou non, de certains de ses aspects théoriques ou pratiques. C’est en investissant l’impensé, en étudiant l’archivistique à partir des pratiques en marges, qu’il est possible renouveler les discours sur la discipline. / Between archives, as defined by archival science, and the archive as a concept used outside of the discipline, there is a semantic, conceptual and theoretical gap. On one side archives represent the documentary by-product of human activity retained for their long-term value. On the other the archive has become a conceptual and critical tool to address a variety of ideas linked to memory and history. However, this interval between archives and archive is particularly fertile. In this space, nontraditional archives users, such as found footage filmmakers (whose works consist in reusing pre-existing footage) find inspiration. Through the narratives of their work, they show what is not always visible in archives. From the decomposition of film stock to the power dynamics behind archiving and its tacit narratives, through emotions and affect conveyed by records, the artworks confront us with a double unarchived and unarchivable dimension (what is not archived and what cannot be archived), constituent of how archives are created. Studying the archives that are part of found footage works through their usage (exploitation), namely their uses and potentials uses, it is possible to categorize the composition of the unarchived and the unarchivable. Three main divisions emerge from this analysis: the absence, linked to gaps, fragments and incompleteness; the forbidden that manifests in archives as material traces; the invisible that takes part in what is not shown. These three categories have to do with an unconceived (impensé): a state of the archival field reflecting the intentional or unintentional inconceivability or omission of some of its theoretical or practical aspects. In investing in the unconceived, in other words studying archival science from practices on the margins, it is possible to renew ideas and discourses inside the discipline.

Proper connection number of graphs

Doan, Trung Duy 16 August 2018 (has links)
The concept of \emph{proper connection number} of graphs is an extension of proper colouring and is motivated by rainbow connection number of graphs. Let $G$ be an edge-coloured graph. Andrews et al.\cite{Andrews2016} and, independently, Borozan et al.\cite{Borozan2012} introduced the concept of proper connection number as follows: A coloured path $P$ in an edge-coloured graph $G$ is called a \emph{properly coloured path} or more simple \emph{proper path} if two any consecutive edges receive different colours. An edge-coloured graph $G$ is called a \emph{properly connected graph} if every pair of vertices is connected by a proper path. The \emph{proper connection number}, denoted by $pc(G)$, of a connected graph $G$ is the smallest number of colours that are needed in order to make $G$ properly connected. Let $k\geq2$ be an integer. If every two vertices of an edge-coloured graph $G$ are connected by at least $k$ proper paths, then $G$ is said to be a \emph{properly $k$-connected graph}. The \emph{proper $k$-connection number} $pc_k(G)$, introduced by Borozan et al. \cite{Borozan2012}, is the smallest number of colours that are needed in order to make $G$ a properly $k$-connected graph. The aims of this dissertation are to study the proper connection number and the proper 2-connection number of several classes of connected graphs. All the main results are contained in Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. Since every 2-connected graph has proper connection number at most 3 by Borozan et al. \cite{Borozan2012} and the proper connection number of a connected graph $G$ equals 1 if and only if $G$ is a complete graph by the authors in \cite{Andrews2016, Borozan2012}, our motivation is to characterize 2-connected graphs which have proper connection number 2. First of all, we disprove Conjecture 3 in \cite{Borozan2012} by constructing classes of 2-connected graphs with minimum degree $\delta(G)\geq3$ that have proper connection number 3. Furthermore, we study sufficient conditions in terms of the ratio between the minimum degree and the order of a 2-connected graph $G$ implying that $G$ has proper connection number 2. These results are presented in Chapter 4 of the dissertation. In Chapter 5, we study proper connection number at most 2 of connected graphs in the terms of connectivity and forbidden induced subgraphs $S_{i,j,k}$, where $i,j,k$ are three integers and $0\leq i\leq j\leq k$ (where $S_{i,j,k}$ is the graph consisting of three paths with $i,j$ and $k$ edges having an end-vertex in common). Recently, there are not so many results on the proper $k$-connection number $pc_k(G)$, where $k\geq2$ is an integer. Hence, in Chapter 6, we consider the proper 2-connection number of several classes of connected graphs. We prove a new upper bound for $pc_2(G)$ and determine several classes of connected graphs satisfying $pc_2(G)=2$. Among these are all graphs satisfying the Chv\'tal and Erd\'{o}s condition ($\alpha({G})\leq\kappa(G)$ with two exceptions). We also study the relationship between proper 2-connection number $pc_2(G)$ and proper connection number $pc(G)$ of the Cartesian product of two nontrivial connected graphs. In the last chapter of the dissertation, we propose some open problems of the proper connection number and the proper 2-connection number.

Istraživanja kompleksnih oblika spektralnih linija berilijuma u prisustvu berilijumske prašine / Investigation of complex shapes of beryllium spectral lines in the presence of beryllium dust

Stankov Biljana 03 August 2020 (has links)
<p>Opisani&nbsp; su&nbsp; detalji&nbsp; konstrukcije&nbsp; novog&nbsp; izvora&nbsp; plazme, u impulsnom režimu, konstruisanog za&nbsp; potrebe ekscitacija linija berilijuma u&nbsp; prisustvu berilijumske&nbsp; pra&scaron;ine.&nbsp; Konstrukcija&nbsp; izvora&nbsp; je ostvarena&nbsp; na&nbsp; takav&nbsp; način&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; sprečeno prodiranje&nbsp; čestica&nbsp; pra&scaron;ine&nbsp; u&nbsp; atmosferu&nbsp; laboratorije.&nbsp; Opisane&nbsp; su&nbsp; dodatne&nbsp; 2&nbsp; cevi&nbsp; za pražnjenje&nbsp; konstruisane&nbsp; od&nbsp; Al2O3 i&nbsp; SiO 2 . Pronađeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; i&nbsp; opisani&nbsp; optimalni&nbsp; uslovi&nbsp; za&nbsp; rad<br />izvora&nbsp; plazme.&nbsp; Vrednosti&nbsp; elektronske&nbsp; koncentracije,&nbsp; određene&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; maksimuma<br />struje,&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; vodonikove&nbsp; balmer&nbsp; beta linije,&nbsp; kreću&nbsp; se&nbsp; u&nbsp; opsegu&nbsp; 1,16-9,2&nbsp; ∙10<br />22&nbsp; m -3 . Elektronska temperatura je određena&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu relativnih&nbsp; intenziteta&nbsp; linija&nbsp; dva&nbsp; uzastopna jonizaciona&nbsp; stanja&nbsp; istog&nbsp; elementa&nbsp; i&nbsp; kreće&nbsp; se&nbsp; u opsegu&nbsp; 10&nbsp; 500-15&nbsp; 500&nbsp; K.&nbsp; Prikazane&nbsp; su snimljene&nbsp; linije&nbsp; berilijuma,&nbsp; osim&nbsp; rezonantnih. Dato&nbsp; je&nbsp; poređenje&nbsp; snimljenih&nbsp; linija&nbsp; sa postojećim&nbsp; teorisjkim&nbsp; podacima.&nbsp; Dve&nbsp; linije berilijuma&nbsp; koje&nbsp; se&nbsp; pojavljuju&nbsp; sa&nbsp; zabranjenom komponentom su prikazane prvi put. Pokazano je&nbsp; da&nbsp; postoji&nbsp; tipičan&nbsp; trend&nbsp; zavisnosti&nbsp; odnosa dozvoljene&nbsp; i&nbsp; zabranjene&nbsp; komponente,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i rastojanja&nbsp; između&nbsp; položaja&nbsp; maksimuma intenziteta ove dve komponente, od elektronske koncentracije,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; se&nbsp; javlja&nbsp; kod&nbsp; linija&nbsp; sa zabranjenim&nbsp; komponentama,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; govori&nbsp; o<br />mogućnosti ove linije za primenu u dijagnostici plazme.</p> / <p>Construction&nbsp; details&nbsp; of&nbsp; new&nbsp; plasma&nbsp; source,&nbsp; running in pulsed regime,&nbsp; for beryllium spectral line&nbsp; studies,&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; presence&nbsp; of&nbsp; beryllium&nbsp; dust particles are presented.&nbsp; The construction of the source&nbsp; was&nbsp; realised&nbsp; in&nbsp; such&nbsp; a&nbsp; way&nbsp; that&nbsp; it prevented&nbsp; the&nbsp; ingress&nbsp; of&nbsp; dust&nbsp; particles&nbsp; into&nbsp; the laboratory&nbsp; atmospher.&nbsp; Construction&nbsp; details&nbsp; and<br />testing&nbsp; of&nbsp; BeO&nbsp; discharge&nbsp; tube&nbsp; in&nbsp; comparison with&nbsp; SiO2 and&nbsp; Al2O3 discharge&nbsp; tubes&nbsp; are&nbsp; presented,&nbsp; also.&nbsp; Optimal&nbsp; conditions&nbsp; for&nbsp; plasma source operation&nbsp; and beryllium line studies are found.&nbsp; The&nbsp; electron&nbsp; density&nbsp; measured&nbsp; after discharge current maximum is determined from&nbsp; the peak separation of the hydrogen Balmer beta<br />spectral&nbsp; line,&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; electron&nbsp; temperature&nbsp; is&nbsp; determined&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; ratios&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; relative&nbsp; intensities&nbsp; of&nbsp; Be&nbsp; spectral&nbsp; lines&nbsp; emitted&nbsp; from successive&nbsp; ionized&nbsp; stages&nbsp; of&nbsp; atoms.&nbsp; Maximum values&nbsp; of&nbsp; electron&nbsp; density&nbsp; and&nbsp; temperature&nbsp; are measured&nbsp; to&nbsp; be&nbsp; 9.3∙1022 m -3 and&nbsp; 16&nbsp; 800&nbsp; K, respectively.&nbsp; The&nbsp; recorded&nbsp; spectral&nbsp; lines&nbsp; of beryllium,&nbsp; other&nbsp; then&nbsp; resonant&nbsp; lines,&nbsp; are&nbsp; presented. The lines&nbsp; with forbidden component are&nbsp; described&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; first&nbsp; time.&nbsp; The&nbsp; functional dependence of the wavelength separation range and&nbsp; peak&nbsp; intensity&nbsp; ratio&nbsp; of&nbsp; these&nbsp; lines&nbsp; upon<br />electron&nbsp; number&nbsp; density&nbsp; suggests&nbsp; the&nbsp; complex profile of the forbidden and allowed line, which can be used for diagnostics of low-temperature beryllium containing plasmas.</p>

Study of optical and magneto processes in Rb atomic vapor layer of nanometric thickness

Hakhumyan, Hrant 18 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Using a narrow-band resonant fluorescence spectra from a nano-cell with a thickness of L= [lambda]/2, and VSOP resonances formed at a thickness L =[lambda] ([lambda] is the wavelength of the resonant radiation), for the first time it was experimentally investigated the behaviour of the frequency and intensity (transition probabilities) of the atomic hyperfine structure transitions between the 85Rb, 87Rb, D1 and D2 lines Zeeman sublevels in external magnetic fields in range 5 - 7000G. The behaviour of tens of previously unstudied atomic transitions was analyzed and it is demonstrated that the intensities of these lines can both greatly increase, and decrease (tenfold). For the first time it is demonstrated that, in the case of partial pressure of neon buffer gas up to 6~torr into the nano-cell of thickness L = [lambda] filled with Rb, VSOP resonances are recorded confidently, while the addition of 0.1~torr neon buffer gas in a cell of a centimeter thickness leads to the complete disappearance of VSOP resonances formed with the help of the widely used technique of saturated absorption. It is demonstrated for the first time that the spectral width of the resonant fluorescence spectra of the rubidium nano-cell with thickness L= [lambda]/2, for all values of the neon buffer gas pressures is much narrower (6-8 times) compared with the resonant fluorescence spectra of an ordinary centimeter cell containing rubidium with the same pressures of neon

Study of optical and magneto processes in Rb atomic vapor layer of nanometric thickness / Etude des processus optiques et magnéto-optiques dans une couche de vapeur de rubidium atomique d'épaisseur nanométrique

Hakhumyan, Hrant 18 May 2012 (has links)
A l'aide d'un spectre de fluorescence de résonance à bande étroite obtenu avec une nano-cellule d'épaisseur L= [lambda]/2 et des résonances VSOP formées pour une épaisseur L =[lambda] ([lambda] est la longueur d'onde de la radiation résonnante), cette thèse présente pour la première fois une étude expérimentale du comportement en fréquence et en intensité (probabilités de transition) des transitions atomiques de la structure hyperfine entre sous-niveaux Zeeman des raies D1 and D2 pour le 85Rb et le 87Rb en présence de champs magnétiques extérieurs compris entre 5 et 7000 G. Le comportement d'une dizaine de transitions atomiques inétudiées à ce jour a été analysé et nous avons démontré que l'intensité de ces raies peut montrer alternativement de grandes variations : jusqu'à un facteur 10 de taux de croissance ou de décroissance. Pour la première fois, nous avons parfaitement enregistré des résonances VSOP dans le cas où un gaz tampon (néon de pression partielle 6 torr) est introduit dans la nano-cellule d'épaisseur L =[lambda], alors que l'addition d'un gaz tampon (néon) même à une pression partielle de 0,1 torr, dans une cellule d'épaisseur centimétrique conduit à une complète disparition de ces résonances VSOP obtenues par la méthode usuelle d'absorption saturée. Enfin, nous avons montré pour la première fois que la largeur spectrale d'un spectre de fluorescence de résonance d'une nano-cellule de rubidium d'épaisseur L= [lambda]/2, quelques soient les pressions du gaz tampon (néon), est beaucoup plus étroite (6 à 8 fois) que celle obtenue avec une cellule centimétrique de rubidium pour les mêmes valeurs de pressions / Using a narrow-band resonant fluorescence spectra from a nano-cell with a thickness of L= [lambda]/2, and VSOP resonances formed at a thickness L =[lambda] ([lambda] is the wavelength of the resonant radiation), for the first time it was experimentally investigated the behaviour of the frequency and intensity (transition probabilities) of the atomic hyperfine structure transitions between the 85Rb, 87Rb, D1 and D2 lines Zeeman sublevels in external magnetic fields in range 5 - 7000G. The behaviour of tens of previously unstudied atomic transitions was analyzed and it is demonstrated that the intensities of these lines can both greatly increase, and decrease (tenfold). For the first time it is demonstrated that, in the case of partial pressure of neon buffer gas up to 6~torr into the nano-cell of thickness L = [lambda] filled with Rb, VSOP resonances are recorded confidently, while the addition of 0.1~torr neon buffer gas in a cell of a centimeter thickness leads to the complete disappearance of VSOP resonances formed with the help of the widely used technique of saturated absorption. It is demonstrated for the first time that the spectral width of the resonant fluorescence spectra of the rubidium nano-cell with thickness L= [lambda]/2, for all values of the neon buffer gas pressures is much narrower (6-8 times) compared with the resonant fluorescence spectra of an ordinary centimeter cell containing rubidium with the same pressures of neon

President of Crimea. Constitution : Author(s) Autonomous Republic of Xena-Maria

Kulykivska, Mariia January 2020 (has links)
In this essay, two voices are heared, from two women: a certain artist Xena, who talks about her life and its dramas, interwoven with her own experiences from her diaries; and the voice of Maria, who analyzes Xena's life story and her art, diffracted through the prim of the history of 21stC art.  Art the outset, "President of Crimea. Constitution", announces its author as Xena-Maria; but it is not yet clear whether the author is one person or two, nor who they are. Is it Maria who writes here, or Xena, or both? Or are they one and the same person? But at the end of the story, which is told rather in a form of certain legends and fairy tales, Maria and Xena turn into one whole, and meaningfully put an ellipsis after the words "to be continued". This reception was specially intended by the artist Maria Kulikovska, author of this essay, in order to protect both herself and the reader from possible persecutions by migration services and goverment officials of various countries, especially Russia. Also, for her it is an opportunity to step aside and analyze her own life and art form a third person, about which, perhaps, a fictional character from her childhood talks - a sensible step for Maria Kulikovska. The step that her creative language conceptually continues is to replicate casts of her own body and establish them in different spaces and contexts. So she fairly confuses the viewer as to where is the truth, and where is fiction; where is herself, and where is her clone - only now, here, she has applied the same trick in her text. This essay tells a very personal story of the life of a human body, a migrant woman in forced relocation, displacements, alienation and persecutions for her views on life and the conduct of society, and for her moral values expressed throught architecture, sculpture, drawings, performances, actions and public statements. Through the prism of geopolitical upheavals, it tells the artist's own story: How her analysis of own body position and boundaries helped her overcome stigma regarding the body of a woman from Eastern Europe, and how art can save and redeem in an unending inner drama.

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