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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Editorial Framing. Critical Discourse Analysis of Swedish Editorials

Lemoine, Hannah January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis I have conducted a critical discourse analysis of foureditorial texts, published in the newspapers Aftonbladet, DagensNyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet. Drawing on theoriesabout media discourses (Fairclough 1995), agenda-setting(McCombs & Shaw 1972) and framing (Goffman 1974), I haveexamined how the findings of Bolin et al (2016) correlate with discursivelyframed representations in these texts, in regards to negative,positive or neutral framing of border controls, immigrationand the connection made to political parties during the first weekof January 2016, when the Swedish temporary border controlswere introduced.The results showed both consistencies and inconsistencies in regardsto framing, where the liberal newspapers Dagens Nyheterand Expressen’s editorials were less negative towards the bordercontrols and expressed more negative and stereotypical framingson refugees and migration than expected, whereas the independentsocial democratic Aftonbladet expressed the assumed negativeframing on border controls and the Social Democrates, and positiveframing on migration. The most unexpected findings wasSvenska Dagbladet that contrary to the previous findings in Bolinet al’s study framed migration positively and took the most explicitstand against the border controls. The findings may indicate a politicaland cultural change due to the change in directions in theSocial Democrats migration politics.

Sundsvall staden med gröna visioner : Upplevelser och attityder gentemot hållbar stadsutveckling

Brunnström, Frida January 2024 (has links)
För att hantera klimatförändring och växande städer måste samhällen utvecklas för att vara hållbara. Dessutom måste mänskligt beteende förändras för att stadsutvecklingen ska uppnå hållbarhetsmålen. En stad som har integrerat hållbarhetsaspekter i sin stadsutveckling är Sundsvall. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka upplevelser och åsikter om hållbar stadsutveckling i Sundsvalls innerstad. För att studera detta på djupet har en kvalitativ intervjustudie med 6 respondenter genomförts. I intervjuerna framkommer en positiv uppfattning om hållbarhet och hållbar stadsplanering bland samtliga respondenter. Attityderna som respondenterna uttrycker är däremot negativ gentemot Sundsvalls hållbara stadsutveckling. Majoriteten av deltagarna upplever inte att stadsutvecklingen har påverkat deras val av hållbara alternativ i vardagen, medan en respondent anser att den har gjort det. Respondenterna menar att de har skapat nya strategier för att röra sig i staden som följd av stadsutvecklingen. Resultatet indikerar att invånarnas behov inte beaktats i planeringsprocessen, en aspekt som tidigare forskning menar är väsentlig för att lyckas med hållbar stadsutveckling. Respondenterna menar att det finns kontextuella omständigheter som påverkar möjligheten att göra hållbara val. Tidigare forskningsresultat menar att det finns en tidsaspekt och att individers upplevelser och attityder kan förändras efter tid. Respondenternas beteende indikerar att de inte har acklimatiserat sig till förändringarna.

Foreign News Coverage in Conservative and Liberal U.S. Newspapers: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia from 1932 to 2023

Huraysi, Mohammed 05 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the historical coverage of foreign issues in U.S. newspapers. The study mainly focused on four primary areas: coverage of wars, leaders, human rights, and economic issues in foreign countries. I qualitatively analyzed data to find if there are any other common topics discussed during the time frame. Then, these topics were analyzed by applying the framing theory to news stories about Saudi Arabia, used as a case study from September 1923 to December 2023. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and the New York Times (NYT) were investigated and representative of two distinct newspaper orientations, which are conservative and liberal ideological orientations. Finally, sentiment analysis was used to find the dominant tone for each frame. This study found that the topics discussed were leaders, wars, human rights, economics, sports, Islamic culture, terrorism, education, and natural phenomena. In the NYT, the focus of topics was on leaders, economics, and wars; in the WSJ, the focus was on leaders, economics, and Islamic culture. In terms of applied frames, NYT mostly applied responsibility, cooperation, and consequences frames, while WSJ mostly applied consequences and cooperation frames. The sentiment analysis of data showed that NYT mostly used negative tones, while WSJ mostly used positive tones. This study provided a comprehensive view of the coverage of U.S. newspapers from past to present, leading to predicting a model for each newspaper to understand how these newspapers were covering Saudi issues in the past, explaining the present, and formulating future expectations.

Vilka motivationsmål är viktiga vid socialt hållbara produktköp? : En studie om socialt hållbart konsumentbeteende. / Which motivational goals are important when purchasing socially sustainable products? : A study on socially sustainable consumer behavior.

Mannila, Ylva, Blomqvist, Ebba, Bragsjö, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka konsumentbeteende för att skapa större förståelse för konsumenters motivation till socialt hållbara produktköp. Vilka motivationsmål är viktiga för konsumenter vid köp av en socialt hållbar produkt? Det ökade intresset inom området social hållbarhet hos allmänheten (Eweje 2020) samt de motsägelser som finns i tidigare forskning (Antonetti & Maklan 2014; Shao & Ünal 2019; Veleva 2020) gör det här till ett intressant och aktuellt ämne. Genom ett bekvämlighetsurval väljs respondenter med tidigare erfarenhet av socialt hållbara produktköp ut för strukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuschemat utformas delvis efter Consumer Motivation Scale (CMS) modellen. Med utgångspunkt i CMS-modellen (Barbopoulos & Johansson 2017) och goal-framing theory (GFT) (Lindenberg & Steg 2007) undersöks vilka motivationsmål (huvudmål och delmål) som är viktiga för konsumenten. Resultaten kan endast svara för vilka motivationsmål som är viktigast vid socialt hållbara produktköp för respondenterna i den här studien. Resultaten av den här studien visar att det tillförskaffande huvudmålet och delmålet etik är viktigast. Sambandsanalyserna visade vidare att beroende på hur ofta och för hur mycket respondenterna handlade socialt hållbara produkter så påverkades vilka påståenden som var viktiga för dem. Då den här studien inte har möjlighet att presentera ett generaliserbart resultat, utan snarare kan visa en indikation på vilka mål som kan vara viktiga för konsumenter vid socialt hållbara produktköp, kan framtida studier fortsätta att utveckla kunskapen inom området. Området skulle gynnas av både mer omfattande kvantitativa studier som kan producera ett generaliserbart resultat gällande konsumenter i Sverige, samt kvalitativa studier som kan erbjuda en djupare förståelse för området. Rekommendationer till framtida studier diskuteras i studiens slutsatser. Studien är skriven på svenska. / This study aims to investigate consumer behaviour to create a greater understanding of consumers' motivation towards purchasing socially sustainable products. What motivational goals are important for consumers when buying a socially sustainable product? The increased interest in the field of social sustainability among the general public (Eweje 2020), as well as the contradictions that exist in previous research (Antonetti & Maklan 2014; Shao & Ünal 2019; Veleva 2020) makes this an interesting and current topic to research further. Through a convenience sample, respondents with previous experience of socially sustainable product purchases are selected for structured interviews. The interview schedule is partially designed after the Consumer Motivation Scale model (CMS). Based on the CMS-model (Barbopoulos & Johansson 2017) and goal-framing theory (GFT) (Lindenberg & Steg 2007), the study investigates which motivational goals (main goals and subgoals) that are important for the consumer. The results can only answer which motivational goals that were most important in socially sustainable product purchases for the respondents in this study. The results show that the main goal gain and the subgoal ethics are the most important. The correlation analyzes further showed that depending on how often and for how much the respondents purchased socially sustainable products, the importance of the statements varied. As this study can not present a generalizable result, but rather an indication of which goals that may be important for consumers when purchasing socially sustainable products, future studies could continue to research within this subject. The research area would benefit from both more comprehensive quantitative studies that can produce a generalizable result for consumers in Sweden, and qualitative studies that can offer a deeper understanding of the subject. Recommendations for future studies are further discussed in the conclusions of this study. The study is written in Swedish.

Disease Representations in Late Modernity: Lung Cancer Stories in the Canadian Print Media

Berger, Jessica 24 September 2012 (has links)
The following thesis describes and analyses the representation of lung cancer in the Canadian print media. The thesis employs a theoretical framework comprised of Giddens’ theory of reflexivity and Goffman’s theory of framing, to understand the social dynamics of negotiation behind the disease’s portrayal in the media, in a late modern context. Late modernity was defined by institutional reflexivity and a focus on understanding and mitigating risk. The research was conducted through a content analysis and examined quantitative trends that contributed to a subsequent qualitative interpretation. The results show that the coverage of lung cancer decreased over time. The analysis shows a discourse of a biomedical institution that has unsuccessfully controlled the disease, a lack of patient advocacy, particularly among celebrities, and a continued conflation of smoking behaviour and lung cancer, all of which contributed to the decreasing coverage. The framing processes point to a society focused on understanding risk through studying the disease’s causes, as well as one concerned with legislative debate and behavioural prevention. The emergence of a frame focused on the patient’s lived experience might contribute to an improved representation of the disease.

Journalistikens professionalisering och mediernas demokratiska roll? : En studie av journalistyrket som profession

Jansson, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
The modern environment regarding the media and its scenery has changed. Throughout time, in terms of political standpoint, the press seems to have become homogenous regarding both ownership and divergence; and while the link between politics and the press are seemingly decreasing, larger companies and corporate groups focusing primarily on economy and profit has conceivably taken over. Centrally located, enclosed by this phenomenon remain the journalists. An occupational group which in the name of democracy seems to have taken the initiative to survey and inspect society as a whole. This study aim to conceptualize how parts of this group are reflecting on their occupation, how they reflect on the media regarding its democratic value and foremost how journalists reflect on professionalized journalism in which they sustain to be working by. By examining articles of The Swedish Union of Journalist’s Journal Journalisten, which is examined using a content analysis, specifically Framing Theory and The Swedish Union of Journalist’s outset of 1972, findings suggest that the environment by which journalists are working in and their commitment to professionalized journalism appear to clash, which in terms of media as a whole make its democratic role rather uncertain.

Årets julklapp ”INGENTING” : En fallstudie i hur svenska hjälporganisationer jobbar med gestaltning och katalysatorer för Consumer Brand Identification i sin marknadsföring. / This year's Christmas gift ”NOTHING” : A case study on how swedish humanitarian organizations are working whit framing and drivers of Consumer Brand Identification in there marketing.

Andersson, Gustaf January 2016 (has links)
När en individ identifierar sig med ett varumärke har det visat sig att hen är mer benägen att utföra positiva gärningar gentemot varumärket. Det kan innefatta positive word of mouth, att försvara varumärket vid smutskastning eller intention att köpa produkter från varumärket. För att en identifikation ska uppstå krävs det att en individ kan se delar av sig själv i varumärket eller se en vinning i att identifiera sig med det. En viktig del för varumärket är att visa detta i sin marknadsföring. Till hjälp finns det fem centrala katalysatorer som hjälper till med denna process på olika nivåer. Jag har i denna undersökning isolerat och analyserat dessa i hjälporganisationers marknadsföring för att kunna se hur de används. Vidare används nästan alltid någon form av gestaltning i marknadsföring för att få konsumenten att i större utsträckning förstå budskapet och se det ur berättarens ögon. På det sättet så kan konsumenten lättare ta till sig vad varumärket vill säga och, om kommunikationen är utförd rätt, ges större chans till identifikation. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om 1) hjälporganisationer använder sig av gestaltning i sin marknadsföring, 2)om de använder sig olika katalysatorer för Consumer Brand Identification och 3) om dessa varumärken är lätta att identifiera sig med enligt dessa teorier. Till hjälp för att ta reda på detta så har studien använt sig utav teorierna kring Consumer Brand Identification, gestaltningsteorin och delar av The prospect theory. Studien har analyserat reklamfilmer från två olika hjälporganisationer: Rädda barnen och Unicef. I studien användes en kvalitativ retorisk analys för att tolka reklamfilmernas manifesta och latenta budskap samt två sammanställningar av strategisk gestaltning och olika katalysatorer för Consumer Brand Identification. Resultatet visade att reklamfilmerna tillsammans innehöll alla de olika katalysatorerna och strategiska gestaltningarna. Det intressanta och anmärkningsvärda var att reklamfilmerna ibland inte använde den strategiska gestaltningen på det sätt som forskningen visat skulle vara det bästa sättet att använda dem på. Vad detta kan bero på kan man bara spekulera om och det gör jag också i slutdelen av denna uppsats. / When an individual identifies with a brand, it has been proved that he or she does to some extent perform positive actions toward the brand. It can include positive word of mouth, defending the brand in mudslinging, or intent to purchase products from the brand. For an identification to occur, the individual has to see parts of her or his soul in the brand. An important part of the marketing strategy is to show the brands values in their marketing. To facilitate this there are five key drivers that help with this process at different levels. I have in this study isolated and analyzed them in humanitarian organizations marketing. Furthermore, there is almost always some kind of strategic framing in marketing, to get consumers to increasingly understand the message and see it from the narrator's eyes. In this way, the consumer can more easily absorb what the brand is trying to say, and if the communication is performed properly, greater the chance of identification. The aim of this study is to investigate whether humanitarian organizations 1) make use of strategic framing in their marketing, 2) make use of driver for Consumer Brand Identification and 3) if those brands are easy to identify with according to these theories. To help determine this, the study used the theories of Consumer Brand Identification, strategic framing theory and parts of The prospect theory. The study has analyzed commercials from two different aid organizations: Save the Children and UNICEF. The study used a qualitative rhetorical analysis to interpret the advertisings manifest and latent messages and two compilations of strategic design and various driver for Consumer Brand Identification. The result showed that the commercials together contained all the various drivers and strategic framing elements. The interesting and noteworthy part was that the commercials did not, in some cases, use the strategic portrayal in the way that research has shown would be the best way to use them. Why this is we can only speculate about, and so I do in the final section of this paper.

En het potatis : En kvalitativ fallstudie om journalistikens gestaltning av mediedebatten kring fallet Mr Cool / A hot potato : A qualitative case study on the journalistic representation of the debate about Mr Cool

Ådemo, Julia, Blixt, Moa January 2019 (has links)
This paper aims to examine the different portrayals in Swedish journalism about a case with a controversial topic. The analyzed case in this study focuses on the provocative rapper Mr Cool and his song about sexual intercourse with a child and the following mediated debate about freedom of speech and morality. The research questions examined were: How does the media frame the meta-debate about Mr Cool? We picked 16 articles and analyzed them with a qualitative content analysis method using framing theory and argumentation techniques in order to be able to examine how the debate were portrayed by the media. We also used the moral panic concept to get a deeper understanding of the mechanics of topics the society is concerned with. We have found that the participants of the debate handled the subject differently and with different strategies, depending on which side they would support. The central discussion was about personal taste, boundary making and the consequences of silencing what is thought to be offensive. The results of the analysis agrees with previous studies and theories in the field when it comes to moral panics and fear as a natural part of our society. History is likely to repeat itself but with other motives and other fears.

Political Campaign Strategies of the party Alternative for Germany : A qualitative Study of Posters for the 2017 Federal Election

Reitz, Annika January 2019 (has links)
During the past ten years, European politics experienced a rise of far right-wing parties because of intensified levels of insecurity among the public (Falasca & Grandien, 2017). These parties organize their political discourse around topics of nationalism and a strong opinion against immigration, the Euro and the European Union (Breeze, 2019; Häusler, 2018). One of these parties is the Alternative for Germany (AfD) which celebrated a major success in the federal elections in 2017 where it became the third largest party in the German Bundestag.   The present study aims to analyze the campaign posters of the AfD as one element of their strategic political communication for the 2017 election period in the context of the party’s growing popularity among German society. To accomplish that goal, the qualitative method of multimodal critical discourse analysis (MCDA) is applied. The MCDA analyzes written and visual content. The study seeks to identify the narratives implemented by the party and analyze them by drawing on the concept of nationalism. Furthermore, the analysis aims to identify the frames created around the main issues addressed in the party’s political agenda by discussing them in relation to the concepts of ontological security and existential anxiety by Giddens (1991) and the framing theory by Goffman (1974).   The study reveals that the AfD highlights in its political communication one main conflict: The German public versus the immigrants. The immigrants are framed as the threatening strange other whose cultural values, and religious beliefs contradict with those of the Germans who are depicted as the victims. This is achieved through the posters which seek to elicit fear and hatred towards the strange new to increase the insecurities perceived by the public. The party, on the contrary, represents itself as the savior of the German nation, its traditions, and values which they aim to maintain and protect from Muslim influence.

Tjuv, polis och bortglömda offer : En innehållsanalys av Helikopterrånet i svensk kvällspress mellan 2009 och 2010 / Thieves, cops and forgotten victims : A content analysis of the helicopter robbery in Swedish tabloids between 2009 and 2010

Björe, Rasmus, Backlund, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine how Sweden’s two biggest tabloids, Aftonbladet and Expressen, frame spectacular crime and specifically how they covered the Helicopter robbery that occurred in 2009. We identified three main participants in the story, the police, the culprits and the victims. We examined how much and what kind of space the identified participants were given and how the two newspapers constructed the participants in a dramaturgic sense.   Using a quantitative content analysis method we found that the time period included 433 articles in both newspapers. From the original articles, we picked and examined 19 articles with a qualitative content analysis method and also used framing theory in order to be able to examine how the participants were portrayed in Aftonbladet and Expressen.   The culprits were given far most space in both Aftonbladet and Expressen. The study show that the police was given second most space and that the victims were hardly ever written about at all, in contrast to recent studies showing that victims of crime often are depicted as the main character in articles regarding crime. The results also show that the story as a whole carried a lot of resemblance to the classic Hollywood movie plot. The police were portrayed as incompetent, creating a conflict within the justice system community. The culprits were portrayed as the protagonist of the story with highly competent features, whilst the victims were portrayed as scared and helpless.

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