Spelling suggestions: "subject:"freedom."" "subject:"reedom.""
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Talking liberties : the rhetoric of freedom in post-War British politicsFreeman, James George January 2014 (has links)
This thesis places pressure on common distinctions between rhetoric and ideology, ideas and arguments, semantics and form, by examining the use of freedom rhetoric in political speech and propaganda in post-war Britain. To do so it combines a sophisticated statistical analysis of large volumes of text with the qualitative methodologies of rhetorical analysts and political historians. In particular, it uses custom software written by the author to apply the techniques of corpus linguists, content analysts, and political scientists to a corpus of every speech made in the House of Commons between 1936 and 1990. By integrating data sources, the thesis recovers a partisan variable unrecorded in Hansard that enables the systematic detection of differences between Labour and Conservative MPs' speech for the first time. Chapter one both describes the novel techniques deployed and identifies changes in the use of freedom rhetoric over time as well as partisan sub-languages of debate. This quantitative analysis provides the context for a detailed qualitative analysis of Conservative party rhetoric between 1945 and 1970 over three further chapters. Combining archival research with theoretical insights from rhetoric and framing scholars, it proposes a series of corrections to the party's post-war historiography, which has often wrongly equated freedom rhetoric with 'neoliberalism' or proto-Thatcherism and therefore misunderstood the complex beliefs and contexts generating this rhetoric. Moreover, because the continued use and adaptation of freedom rhetoric between 1951 and 1970 has been neglected, the thesis argues that historians have mischaracterised post-war Conservative politics as materialistic, underplayed freedom's role in Harold Macmillan's oratory, missed an important moment of transition under Alec Douglas-Home, and falsely charged Edward Heath with either betrayal or insincerity. These narrower debates provide a new perspective on the bigger question of why freedom persisted as a major concept in political discourse. Over its chapters, the thesis develops the notion of a 'rhetorical culture', which challenges the binary between rhetoric and ideology and can explain Conservative politicians' use of similar rhetoric to articulate dissimilar beliefs.
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Racionalidade e efetividade do direito em Hegel: normatividade e historicidade da liberdade / Rationality and actuality of the right in Hegel: normativity and historicity of libertyAquino, John Karley de Sousa January 2017 (has links)
AQUINO, John Karley de Sousa. Racionalidade e efetividade do direito em Hegel: normatividade e historicidade da liberdade. 2017. 123f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, Fortaleza (CE), 2017. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-03-14T13:29:09Z
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Previous issue date: 2017 / In the philosophical tradition, the philosophy of right is the discipline that thematizes the right as such, not this or that specific right of one or other State, not interested in detail by the right’s reality, but of the right’s concept. For Hegel the right is the objective realization of freedom, but not every law or positive institution is indeed a law of freedom, criteria is necessary to determine when a law or positive institution is justifiable or not, that is, satisfies the demands of reason for freedom. This dissertation aims to determine the criteria for the evaluation and correction of positive law in Hegel and the relation between the concept of right and the actuality of right. The present dissertation will have as main bibliographical reference the work of G.W.F. Hegel, Elements of the Philosophy of Right, as well as complementary works by the author himself (Phenomenology of Mind, Philosophy of History, etc.) and other authors and commentators who contribute to our objective. We will conclude that Hegel conciliates in his Philosophy right the historicity and normativity of freedom, that is, for Hegel, freedom would presuppose norms and would be historically effective, and that the criteria for evaluating and correcting positive law would be historical and normative. / Na tradição filosófica, a filosofia do direito é a disciplina que tematiza o direito enquanto tal, não este ou aquele direito específico de um ou outro Estado, não se interessa detalhadamente pela realidade do direito, mas pelo conceito do direito. Para Hegel o direito é a realização objetiva da liberdade, porém nem toda lei ou instituição positiva é de fato uma lei da liberdade, são necessários critérios para determinar quando uma lei ou instituição positiva é ou não justificável, isto é, satisfaz as exigências da razão pela liberdade. Essa dissertação tem como objetivo determinar quais os critérios de avaliação e correção do direito positivo em Hegel e a relação entre o conceito do direito e a efetividade do direito. A presente dissertação terá como principal referência bibliográfica a obra de G.W.F. Hegel, Linhas Fundamentais da Filosofia do Direito, assim como obras complementares do próprio autor (Fenomenologia do Espírito, Filosofia da História etc) e de demais autores e comentadores que contribuam com o nosso objetivo. Concluiremos que Hegel concilia em sua Filosofia do Direito a historicidade e normatividade da liberdade, isto é, para Hegel a liberdade pressuporia normas e seria historicamente efetivada e que os critérios para avaliar e corrigir o direito positivo seriam históricos e normativos.
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This thesis elaborates a notion of Bergsonian personhood that is particularly well suited for understanding the corporate person. Personalists have contributed much to the study of personhood, but they also fail to fully embrace the image of the embodied person offered by Bergson, from which their work appears to emerge. My concern for freedom is part of what animates this study, but I am not framing a new theory of freedom. Rather, I am trying to bring a broader conception of what freedom means to bear on the subject of personhood. To this end, I present the work of Bergson. I distinguish the terms ‘self’ and ‘person,’ defending self as being more properly outlined by the subjective and fleeting nature of the individual. Then, I discuss Bergson’s connections to personalism, with particular attention to the tradition that grew out of Boston University at the turn of the 20th century. Finally, I give a Bergsonian account of personhood that emphasizes the self’s freedom of creative expression, richly connected to its environment, which is elaborated over time in a movement of becoming personal. I make the case that Bergson’s treatments of self and person greatly aid our investigations into personhood socially, legally, and philosophically.
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Freedom of Conscience v. Required Taxation: Exploring the Conflict Transformation Agency of the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund ActRobertson, Caitlin, Robertson, Caitlin January 2012 (has links)
Refusing to participate in war does not only mean refusing to serve in the military. For many conscientious objectors, it means refusing to pay taxes that directly support the military industrial complex. Conscientious tax objectors risk many punishments by withholding tax money that supports war. Politico-social conflicts exist between a citizen's legal obligation to pay taxes and the personal obligation to her/his moral beliefs. My research suggests that the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Act (RFPTFA) may be one transformative agent for this conflict.
Through examination of relevant case law, statutes, conflict transformation literature, and interviews with conscientious tax objectors, my investigation concludes that members of the conscientious tax objector movement disagree on the merits of RFPTFA. My research suggests that until these various intermovement factions enter into consensus-building dialogue, conscientious tax objection will remain a mere symbolic method of pacifism rather than a powerful tool in the art of peacebuilding.
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A Derridean-Kierkgegaardian Interpretation of Writing: Imprisonment and FreedomMahan, William 03 October 2013 (has links)
My thesis is an argument that writing is a struggle of imprisonment and freedom. I argue that a text gains a certain level of power, such that it controls the writer, reader, and critic alike. Yet at the same time, the work presents all of these people with a possibility of freedom, seducing them in with the task of sharing the text's `secret' or deeper meaning via indirect communication. This `imprisonment' is voluntary if the reader wishes to engage with the text in a way that opens the text for a revelation of a deeper meaning, unique to each reader. The writer offers his text as a `gift', an idea heavily influenced by Jacques Derrida's writings in The Gift of Death. I argue that that the presence and absence of the secret is one element of the author's work, which creates the relationship of confinement and freedom identified with writing.
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Computing global configuration-space maps using multidimensional set-theoretic modellingWise, Kevin D. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Liberdade assistida: pressupostos da legislação brasileira e a prática dos orientadores de medida socioeducativaBombarda, Fernanda [UNESP] 29 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
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bombarda_f_me_rcla.pdf: 334012 bytes, checksum: b55fd3a99b3fce7772c75da506233eb3 (MD5) / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral analisar os fundamentos e pressupostos presentes na legislação a respeito de adolescentes autores de ato infracional e suas implicações na atuação dos profissionais que trabalham com adolescentes em cumprimento da medida socioeducativa de Liberdade Assistida. Para a concretização do objetivo proposto, inicialmente, fez-se levantamento das leis e políticas públicas que preveem a aplicação e execução da medida socioeducativa de Liberdade Assistida de 1927 até 2010. A partir desse levantamento, foram analisados os pressupostos que fundamentam a legislação sobre adolescentes autores de ato infracional, os significados e a importância atribuídos à escolarização e profissionalização nesse processo. Após análises legais e bibliográficas, realizamos o estudo em Projeto cujo objetivo é a execução da medida socioeducativa de Liberdade Assistida. Iniciamos com a análise dos Relatórios Demonstrativos do ano de 2010, os quais foram subdivididos nas seguintes categorias: número de adolescentes atendidos ao mês durante o ano de 2010; o nível de escolaridade dos adolescentes; a frequência escolar nas escolas regulares; a frequência a cursos profissionalizantes; o número de adolescentes empregados com ou sem vínculo empregatício. Em seguida, realizamos a entrevista semiestruturada com 3 (três) Orientadoras e a Coordenadora do Projeto em questão. Os dados foram analisados de acordo com as seguintes categorias: a atuação das Orientadoras de medida socioeducativa; a custódia do adolescente e as medidas socioeducativas; os adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa e as explicações para cometer o ato infracional; a escolarização e profissionalização na fala das entrevistadas; as limitações e as propostas”. Os estudos revelaram que... / This research aims at analyzing the fundamentals and assumptions contained in the law of teenagers who have an infraction and its implications in the actions of professionals who work with adolescents in compliance by social-educational Freedom Assisted step. To achieve the proposed objective, initially, was made a survey of laws and public policies that foresee the implementation and enforcement of the socio-educational Assisted Freedom step from 1927 to 2010. From this survey, we analyzed the assumptions that substantiate the legislation about teenagers who have an offense, the meanings and importance attributed to education and vocational training in this process. After legal and literary analysis, we conducted the study in project whose goal is the implementation of the social-educational Freedom Assisted step. We began with analysis of demonstrative reports of 2010, which were subdivided into the following categories: number of adolescents treated each months during 2010; the level of education of these teenagers; school attendance in regular schools; the professionals courses attendence; the number of teenagers employed with or without employment link. Then, we performed semi-structured interviews with 3 (three) Advisors and Project Coordinator in question. The data were analyzed according to the following categories: the performance of Advisors of the social-educational step; custody of the teenager and socio-educational step; teenagers under the socio-educational fulfillment and the explanations about the offense; the education and vocational training in speech of the interviewees; the limitations and the proposals. Studies have shown that the laws have become over the years, as well as institutions for the care of children and teenagers. Based on these changes, we realized... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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The clouded face of truth : a review of the South African newspaper press approaching UnionBarlow, M. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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A critique of Hans Urs von Balthasar's theological dramatic theory : with special reference to the thought of HegelQuash, Jonathan Ben January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Assessing apostasy, blasphemy and excommunication (takfir) in Islam and their modern application by states and non-state actorsNagata, Masaki January 2016 (has links)
In certain contemporary Muslim majority states apostasy and blasphemy are not merely religious sins; they are acts which potentially have legal, or extra-legal, consequences. Although apostasy has not been criminalised in many such states, extrajudicial killings of apostates are carried out by some extremist groups and individuals. Such groups always justify these murders of fellow Muslims and non-Muslims on the grounds of apostasy and blasphemy. The concept and use of takfir (excommunication) is also a serious issue in Muslim majority states. Groups such as Daesh (also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) rely on takfir to attack fellow Muslims, despite there being no legal basis in Shari’a for the use of takfir or for criminalising apostasy. Although the concept was developed by people, not God, takfir are now being used to bypass rational human judgement. Their use plays a major role in many of the religious issues confronting Muslim majority states, such as the criminalisation of apostasy and blasphemy. This thesis analyses the central issues of apostasy, blasphemy and takfir collectively, as their history and their contemporary use and misuse by extremist groups are inextricably entwined. The key finding is that the right to punish apostasy and blasphemy and to issue declarations of excommunication (takfir), all originally reserved in Islam for God only, have been appropriated by man. Through developments in the understandings of these concepts, all three have come to be seen by some scholars and ordinary believers as a ‘right of man’. This evolution in interpretation and in application is inconsistent with Shari’a law.
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