Spelling suggestions: "subject:"freedom."" "subject:"reedom.""
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Test Immersion in DomeTheater using Tracking deviceLiang, Liu January 2011 (has links)
Head tracking is an important way to interact with virtual objects in virtual world. The viewercan move or rotate his head to observe the 3D scene in dierent view. Normally head tracking isused in a cave or just on a at screen.Dome theater has a half sphere screen with multiple projectors together for showing the wholescene onto the big screen. The dome screen could give the viewer a very strong immersion feelingwhen head tracking inside dome theater and that is why we want to implement head tracking indome theater. The half sphere dome screen is so big that multiple projectors should be used forshooting the whole scene onto the big screen. Hence a cluster system is used for manipulating allthe projectors working smoothly. The display system of dome theater has no place for the headtracking part.This thesis tries to introduce a method to do head tracking in dome theater. The mainproblem is how to add head tracking in the display system in dome theater. Frame buer object(FBO) is used as the solution for this problem. The viewer's viewing frustum is created in framebuer object in order to render the 3D scene depending on the viewer's head position. The FBOtexture will then be attached onto a 3D sphere which simulates the dome sphere in virtual world.Since the viewing frustum is always created depending on the viewer's head position, the FBOtextures on the 3D sphere always can represent the 3D scene rendered depending on the viewer'shead position. Using the projectors to shoot the 3D scenes which is the 3D sphere attached by theFBO textures onto the dome screen. That is the main part of how to implement head tracking indome theater.This thesis forcus on rendering the 3D scene onto the dome screen depending on the viewer'shead position. The tracking device controlling part is out of this thesis's scope. VR Juggler (VRJ) is used as the framework in this project. Viewer's position setting and cluster setting are allsetted in the conguration file.
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Valfrihetssystem i äldreomsorgen : Äldre personers erfarenheter av att välja hemtjänst. / Older people's experience of the system of choice in home care : A thesis on older people's experiences to choose home careÖrberg, Elin January 2012 (has links)
Utvecklingen inom äldreomsorgen har under de senaste decennierna lett till en mer marknadsanpassad äldreomsorg. Den äldre ska efter att ha fått sitt biståndsbeslut välja vilken utförare som ska tillhandahålla den beviljade insatsen. Valfrihetssystem blir allt vanligare i samhället och valfrihet i sig har länge varit ett politiskt mål. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka äldre personers erfarenheter av att välja hemtjänst. Frågor som har tagits upp är hur man väljer, vad som påverkar hur man väljer, om valet anses vara lätt och om man generellt är nöjd med det system som finns. Metoden som har använts är strukturerade intervjuer där respondenternas svar har kodats i SPSS. Åtta av intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades. Uppsatsen har ett brukarfokus och utgår från de äldres perspektiv och syftar till att lyfta fram deras åsikter och erfarenheter om valfrihetssystemet inom hemtjänsten. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av Hirschmans teori om exit, voice och loyalty samt med en deskriptiv beslutsteori, prospektteori. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att systemet idag inte är verksamt i den mening det var tänkt. Alla äldre väljer inte hemtjänst, fysiska och psykiska hinder står i vägen och få väljer att utnyttja sin rätt att byta utförare. Generellt är de äldre nöjda med den hjälp de får och valet av hemtjänstutförare är inte det primära för de äldre. / Elin Örberg
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All Roads Lead to Rome: Canada, the Freedom From Hunger Campaign, and the Rise of NGOs, 1960-1980Bunch, Matthew James 20 June 2007 (has links)
The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization’s Freedom From Hunger Campaign was a world wide campaign to raise awareness of the problem of hunger and malnutrition and possible solutions to that problem. The Campaign was launched in 1960, and brought UN Agencies, governments, NGOs, private industry, and a variety of groups and individuals together in cooperation and common cause. FAO Director- General B.R. Sen used FFHC to modernize the work of international development and to help transform FAO from a technical organization into a development agency. FFHC pioneered the kinds of relationships among governments, governmental organizations, NGOs, and other organizations and agencies taken for granted today. Canada was one of more than 100 countries to form a national FFH committee, and support for the Campaign in Canada was strong. Conditions in Canada in the 1960s favoured the kind of Campaign Sen envisioned, and the ideas underpinning FFHC resonated with an emerging Canadian nationalism in that period. The impact of FFHC can be identified in the development efforts of government, Canadian NGOs, private industries, and a variety of organizations. Significantly, the reorganization of Canada’s aid program and institutions reflected closely developments at FAO and FFHC. Participation in FFHC had important, lasting effects in Canada, and Canada made one of the strongest contributions to the Campaign.
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Electromagnetic Dimensionality of Deterministic Multi-Polarization MIMO SystemsElnaggar, Michel January 2007 (has links)
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems are viewed as the last available supply for the ever-growing demand on higher data rates in modern wireless communication systems. Smart exploitation of the traditional wireless resources (time-slots or bandwidth under the same transmit power level) has reached its saturation point. By making better use of the free space between the radio links, based on the multipath radio wave propagation, MIMO systems have shown significant capacity improvement with the same traditional wireless resources.
In this multi-disciplinary research, we are exploring the link between the electromagnetic propagation and the information theory. Unlike the majority of recent research work, we model the propagation channel matrix between the transmit/receive elements in a deterministic manner under the Maxwellian framework. Having included the environment properties and the characteristics of the radiating elements, the deterministic approach provides a realistic assessment of the MIMO system performance in specific scenarios. The problem addressed in this research is the evaluation of the multi-antenna systems degrees of freedom (DOF) by employing all the available electromagnetic diversity resources (spatial, pattern and polarization).
Based on a developed well-defined power independent dimensionality (PID) metric, we start by investigating the information-bearing potential of the collocated multi-polarization MIMO system. We study the hexapole system (exploiting both electric and magnetic fields in conveying independent information) and compare it to the tripole systems (exploiting the vectorial polarization diversity of one field only). We present numerical results for 3 deterministic scenarios: a canonical free-space (near and far field exact solution), a canonical perfect electric conductor (PEC) corridor using rigorous modal analysis, and a lossy-wall corridor using image ray tracing (IRT).
Next, we provide deterministic results for the more interesting sampling problem of the electromagnetic vector fields: given a specific MIMO array size, what is the optimum number of packed multi-polarization antennas (i.e. multi-polarization 1D, 2D or 3D sampling) that yields the largest PID for a given environment and what is the estimate of this PID? Using a canonical case of multi-polarized arrays inside a multipath-rich PEC corridor, we show that the spatial frequency spectrum of the electromagnetic field governs the optimum PID of the site-specific scenario. The problem is analogous to the DOF determination of an essentially time-limited-band-limited 1D scalar function using the framework of the prolate spheroidal wave functions. We also present simulation results for the same sampling problem in a lossy-wall indoor environment using IRT.
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Modeling, Analysis and Experimental Validation of a Three Degree of Freedom Electromagnetic Energy HarvesterChen, Yan January 2012 (has links)
Vibration energy harvesting devices have been widely used to power many electronic self-sustainable devices. The aim of this study is to introduce an alternative design to an existing electromagnetic energy harvesting devices to improve the power production of the unit. This thesis presents a multiple degree of freedom compared design and it has demonstrated higher power efficiency over a wider range of frequencies. The power outputs for both the previous single degree of freedom and the current designs are compared and the developed models are validated against their experimental values. Finally, the numerical model is used to find an optimal arrangement to produce the maximum power for the unit.
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Market entry strategy : Four case studies of Swedish IT-businesses entering in NorwayKarlsson, Pernilla, Sarac, Edip, Mohsen, Zaid January 2012 (has links)
The trade today consist of global trade. Businesses are exercising cross-border activities and businesses tend to establish themselves in foreign markets. Many choices and factors affect a business choice of country to enter, and its choice of form of establishment in the new market. Therefore the thesis will examine the market entry strategy of the four Swedish businesses Lundalogik AB, Infobric AB, Funded-by-me AB, and PayEx AB in the information technology (IT) industry that have established their businesses in Norway. The authors believe that Norway is an interesting country to study as it is one of Sweden's most important ex-port markets and the IT-sector stands for approximately 13% of all Swedish exports towards the whole world. The purpose with the thesis is to explore and understand the market entry strategy used by the above mentioned four Swedish IT-businesses when entering the Norwegian market. With help of the purpose of the thesis the authors intend to answer what the underlying reasons for the four businesses were when entering the Norwegian market and its choice of form of establishment. As this is an explorative study the research method applied is an inductive approach with influences from the grounded theory. An inductive approach is when observations help to formulate a theory whereas the grounded theory is when a theory is discovered from social research. The reason why an inductive approach is better suited for the thesis is due to the flexibility in deciding which theory to choose after analyzing the primary data. After analyzing the four case studies it can be concluded that no pure internationalization strategy exists among the companies, instead a variety of customer follower and market seeker strategies are common. Moreover, the choice of form of establishment has many factors. Credibility, market knowledge, design of business and existing business relationships were the four most common factors identified by the authors affecting the case studies‟ choice of form of establishment.
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Den svenska uttagsbeskattningen : Hur förhåller den sig till EU-rättens etableringsfrihet?Wyrén, Malin January 2012 (has links)
Inom EU upprätthålls en inre marknad där fri rörlighet för varor, personer, tjänster och kapital säkerställs. Friheterna innebär att all diskriminering på grund av nationalitet i med-lemsstaternas nationella lagstiftning ska avskaffas, vilket följer av EU-rättens företräde framför nationell lagstiftning när regelverken kolliderar. Om en lagstiftning verkar begränsande för någon av dessa friheter måste reglerna rättfärdi-gas eller ändras. Rättfärdigande kan ske genom de fördragsstadgade undantagen eller ge-nom ett undantag som accepterats i EU-domstolens rule of reason-doktrin. De svenska reglerna för uttagsbeskattning har under de senaste åren utvecklats efter EU-rättens praxis. Senast i november i fjol meddelade EU-domstolen ett avgörande som änd-rade förutsättningarna för rättfärdigandet av begränsningar av etableringsfriheten. Den 1 januari i år uppdaterades anståndsreglerna för inbetalningen av uttagsskatten. Frågan är nu huruvida den svenska uttagsbeskattningen är förenlig med etableringsfriheten. Enligt min bedömning verkar den svenska uttagsbeskattningen begränsande för utövandet av etableringsfriheten. Det beror på att det finns en diskrepans för hur bolag beskattas be-roende på om de flyttar eller behåller sin hemvist inom Sverige. Begränsningen kan dock motiveras enligt rule of reason-doktrinens rättfärdigandegrund om fördelningen av be-skattningsrätten mellan medlemsstaterna i enlighet med territorialitetsprincipen. I stort kan jag inte anse annat än att lagstiftningen även är proportionerlig mot detta syfte, men det finns situationer som aktualiserar ett krav på att den skattskyldige ska ställa säkerhet för in-betalningen av skatten, vilket jag anser är ett strängare krav på den skattskyldige än vad som kan anses vara motiverat. / Within EU an internal market is maintained where free movement of goods, people, ser-vices and capital are ensured. These freedoms mean that all discrimination on grounds of nationality in domestic laws should be abolished, which is a result of EU’s superiority which cannot be overridden by domestic law. If a law seems limiting of any of these freedoms, the rules must be justified or changed. The limitation can be justified by either the exceptions enacted in the Treaty or by the prin-ciple of rule of reason. The Swedish rules of exit-taxation have during the last years been developed after EU law practice. In November last year the Court of Justice of the European Union announced a preliminary ruling which changed the conditions for justifications of restrictions on the freedom of establishment. On January first this year, the domestic rules of granting of de-ferment of the payment of the exit-tax were renewed. The question now is whether the Swedish exit-taxation is compatible with the freedom of establishment. In my opinion the Swedish exit-taxation can have a restricting effect for the use of the freedom of establishment. This is because there is an inconsistency on how companies are taxed, depending on whether they move or keep their habitual residence in Sweden. The restriction may however be justified by the principle rule of reason by the purpose of en-suring the balanced allocation of powers of taxation between the Member States, in accor-dance with the principle of fiscal territoriality. Generally I cannot consider otherwise than that the legislation also is proportionate to that purpose, but there are situations when the taxpayer is required to provide a bank guarantee to secure the payment of the tax, which I think is a more stringent requirement on the taxpayer than can be justified.
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Flow induce vibration of a circular cylinder with different mass ratio in shear flowWu, Yi-Hsin 09 February 2010 (has links)
This thesis is an experimental study of shear effect of a two-degree-of-freedom cylinder in fluid flow in terms of different mass ratio. This study is done using an elastic cylinder of high natural frequency, and the free stream velocity is 0.2m/s to 1.5m/s. The results show that as mass ratio increases, the motion of cylinder becomes more stable and small, and the frequency response of cylinder self-excited is bigger than vortex-shedding response when spring constant is bigger enough. Thus it is not easy to observe the vortex-shedding frequency variation with respect to various velocities by dint of cylinder vibration. When it come to the shear effect, the effect of shear flow could decreases the drag force, and increases the lift force. Orbits of cylinder vibration is not symmetric; the displacement is more significant on low velocity side.
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Freedom, Creativity, and Institutional Selection via Migration in the 50 United States of AmericaHoeltschi, Kevin 09 January 2012 (has links)
This is a quantitative study aimed at analyzing the migration patterns across the fifty United States of America and the determinants thereof. This research is founded upon the theories and study of agglomeration economies and institutional factors to evaluate each state in terms of creativity and freedom. Values for creativity and institutional freedom serve as the independent variables. The dependent variable is actual state to state migration data during the 2004-2008 period from the Internal Revenue Service. Measures for education, climate, population, distance, and crime rates serve as control variables in this study.
All 34 models of this study were analyzed via multivariate linear regression using the SPSS 17.0 software package. All models were highly significant with high coefficients of determination. The results show that creativity is highly significantly and positively correlated with circulatory migration flows. Economic, personal, and overall freedom were very significant predictors of migration in terms of attraction and circulation. Apart from education, all the control variables examined were significant predictors of migration flows. This study also creates a new measure of overall freedom: the FRASERMPFI, which outperformed all other independent variables.
The results of this study have several implications for workers, businesses, and policy makers. It is hoped that the results of this study can serve as a reference for future economic growth and promotion of freedom in the U.S.
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The Weakest Failure Detector for Solving Wait-Free, Eventually Bounded-Fair Dining PhilosophersSong, Yantao 14 January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation explores the necessary and sufficient conditions to solve a variant
of the dining philosophers problem. This dining variant is defined by three properties:
wait-freedom, eventual weak exclusion, and eventual bounded fairness. Wait-freedom
guarantees that every correct hungry process eventually enters its critical
section, regardless of process crashes. Eventual weak exclusion guarantees that every
execution has an infinite suffix during which no two live neighbors execute overlapping
critical sections. Eventual bounded fairness guarantees that there exists a
fairness bound k such that every execution has an infinite suffix during which no
correct hungry process is overtaken more than k times by any neighbor. This dining
variant (WF-EBF dining for short) is important for synchronization tasks where eventual
safety (i.e., eventual weak exclusion) is sufficient for correctness (e.g., duty-cycle
scheduling, self-stabilizing daemons, and contention managers).
Unfortunately, it is known that wait-free dining is unsolvable in asynchronous
message-passing systems subject to crash faults. To circumvent this impossibility
result, it is necessary to assume the existence of bounds on timing properties, such
as relative process speeds and message delivery time. As such, it is of interest to
characterize the necessary and sufficient timing assumptions to solve WF-EBF dining.
We focus on implicit timing assumptions, which can be encapsulated by failure detectors. Failure detectors can be viewed as distributed oracles that can be queried
for potentially unreliable information about crash faults. The weakest detector D for
WF-EBF dining means that D is both necessary and sufficient. Necessity means that
every failure detector that solves WF-EBF dining is at least as strong as D. Sufficiency
means that there exists at least one algorithm that solves WF-EBF dining using D.
As such, our research goal is to characterize the weakest failure detector to solve
WF-EBF dining.
We prove that the eventually perfect failure detector 3P is the weakest failure
detector for solving WF-EBF dining. 3P eventually suspects crashed processes permanently,
but may make mistakes by wrongfully suspecting correct processes finitely
many times during any execution. As such, 3P eventually stops suspecting correct
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