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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribución al estudio de la aplicación de ultrasonidos de alta intensidad en procesos de secado a baja temperatura

Santacatalina Bonet, Juan Vicente 07 March 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Dehydration is one of the most commonly used operations in the food industry, and although its aim is to extend the shelf life of foods by reducing their water activity, it could also involve quality degradation. Vacuum freeze-drying may be considered one of the best drying methods for the purposes of preserving the organoleptic and nutritional properties of the fresh product, but its high processing cost limits its use to high value-added products. Convective drying at low temperatures could be considered an alternative means of obtaining high quality products at lower cost. However, the low drying rates at low temperatures (T<20ºC) and atmospheric pressure makes its industrial application difficult. In this sense, high intensity ultrasound (US) has been used to intensify mass transfer phenomena in food processing. It could be of great interest to apply US in low temperature drying because the ultrasonic effects are mainly mechanical (non-thermal). In this context, the main aim of this thesis was to determine the feasibility of US application in low temperature drying, addressing the effect on both the drying kinetics and the quality of the obtained products. For this purpose, apple, eggplant and cod samples were dried at different temperatures (-10, -5, 0, 5 and 10ºC), air velocities (1, 2, 4 and 6 m/s) and applying different ultrasonic powers (0, 25, 50 and 75 W). Diffusion models were used to describe the drying kinetics and to quantify the influence of the process variables. Moreover, different quality parameters (rehydration capacity, texture, antioxidant capacity...) of the dried products were determined. The application of US significantly (p<0.05) shortened the drying time under every drying condition and with each product tested, reducing the drying time by up to 80, 87 and 60% in apple, eggplant and cod samples, respectively. Thus, the greater the ultrasonic power applied, the shorter the drying time. The drying temperature and air velocity influenced the US efficiency and the best performance was achieved at the lowest drying temperatures and air velocities. In general terms, the diffusion model adequately fitted the drying kinetics of the three products tested. Although, in the case of US assisted drying, a better fit of the experimental data was obtained when the external resistance to water transfer was considered. The URIF (Uniformly Retreating Ice Front) model successfully fitted the atmospheric freeze drying kinetics. This model was validated under different experimental conditions. As regards the effect of the process variables on the quality parameters, in overall terms, it was observed that neither the US application nor the air velocity greatly influenced the quality of the obtained products. However, the temperature affected some quality parameters, such as rehydration capacity and color, especially at temperatures below the samples' freezing point. Finally, as a technology employed for the purposes of obtaining porous food matrices to be used further in the development of functional foods, US-assisted low temperature drying could be considered of great potential. Thus, from dried apple samples impregnated with olive leaf extract, it was observed that US application during drying did not significantly (p<0.05) influence the infusion capacity but did increase the antioxidant capacity of the final product. Therefore, high intensity ultrasound could be considered an interesting technology with which to speed-up the low temperature drying processes without greatly affecting the quality of the dried product. / [ES] La deshidratación, una de las operaciones más utilizadas en la industria agroalimentaria, mejora la estabilidad de los alimentos al reducir su actividad de agua, aunque puede afectar a su calidad. Entre las diferentes técnicas de secado existentes, destaca la liofilización a vacío por ser una de las que mejor conservan las propiedades organolépticas y nutricionales de los productos. Sin embargo, esta operación resulta muy cara y sólo se utiliza en productos de alto valor añadido. El secado convectivo a baja temperatura (T<20ºC) representa una alternativa para obtener productos de alta calidad a menor coste aunque su baja velocidad de proceso dificulta su implementación a nivel industrial. En este sentido, los ultrasonidos de alta intensidad (US) se han aplicado para intensificar operaciones de transferencia de materia en diferentes procesos agroalimentarios. Sus efectos son principalmente mecánicos (no térmicos), por lo que su uso en el secado a baja temperatura resulta altamente interesante. En este contexto, el objetivo general de la presente tesis doctoral fue determinar la viabilidad de la aplicación de US en procesos de secado a baja temperatura, abordando tanto su efecto en la cinética como en la calidad de los productos obtenidos. Para ello, se deshidrataron muestras de manzana, berenjena y bacalao a diferentes temperaturas (-10, -5, 0, 5 y 10ºC) y velocidades de aire (1, 2, 4 y 6 m/s) y aplicando diferentes niveles de potencia acústica (0, 25, 50 y 75 W). Se utilizaron modelos difusivos para describir las cinéticas de secado y cuantificar la influencia de las variables de proceso. Además, se determinaron diferentes parámetros de calidad (capacidad de rehidratación, textura, capacidad antioxidante,¿) de los productos deshidratados. La aplicación de US permitió reducir significativamente (p<0.05) el tiempo de secado en todas las condiciones experimentales y productos analizados, obteniendo reducciones de tiempo de secado de hasta el 80, 87 y 60% en manzana, berenjena y bacalao, respectivamente. La reducción del tiempo de secado fue mayor cuanto mayor fue la potencia acústica aplicada. La temperatura y la velocidad del aire de secado influyeron en la efectividad de la aplicación de US, siendo mayor el efecto de los US a las temperaturas y velocidades más bajas. En general, la teoría difusional describió adecuadamente la cinética de secado de los tres productos estudiados. En las experiencias con aplicación de US se obtuvo un mejor ajuste a los datos experimentales cuando se consideró la resistencia externa en el modelo. Asimismo, en condiciones de liofilización a presión atmosférica, el modelo URIF (Uniformly Retreating Ice Front) se ajustó adecuadamente a los datos experimentales. Además, este modelo se validó en diferentes condiciones experimentales. Respecto al efecto de las variables de proceso en los parámetros de calidad, en general, se observó que ni la aplicación de US ni la velocidad de aire influyeron de manera importante en la calidad de los productos obtenidos. En cambio, la temperatura afectó de manera relevante a parámetros como la capacidad de rehidratación y el color, especialmente a temperaturas por debajo del punto de congelación de las muestras. Por otro lado, el secado a baja temperatura asistido con US tiene un alto potencial para la obtención de matrices porosas alimentarias para su posterior utilización en el desarrollo de alimentos funcionales. Así, en muestras de manzana deshidratada e impregnada con extracto de hoja de olivo, se observó que la aplicación de US durante el secado no afectó significativamente (p<0.05) a la capacidad de impregnación, pero sí incrementó la capacidad antioxidante del producto obtenido. Por lo tanto, los ultrasonidos de alta intensidad se pueden considerar como una tecnología interesante para acelerar los procesos de secado a baja temperatura sin afectar en gran medida a la calidad del producto obtenido. / [CA] La deshidratació, una de les operacions més utilitzades en la indústria agroalimentària, millora l'estabilitat dels aliments en reduir la seua activitat d'aigua, encara que pot afectar-ne la qualitat. Entre les diferents tècniques d'assecatge que hi ha, destaca la liofilització al buit per ser una de les que millor conserven les propietats organolèptiques i nutricionals dels productes, però resulta molt cara i només s'utilitza en productes d'alt valor afegit. L'assecatge convectiu a baixa temperatura (T<20ºC) representa una alternativa per a obtenir productes d'alta qualitat a menor cost. No obstant això, la baixa velocitat d'assecatge dificulta la seua implementació a nivell industrial. En aquest sentit, els ultrasons d'alta intensitat (US) s'han aplicat per a intensificar operacions de transferència de matèria en diferents processos agroalimentaris. El seu ús en l'assecatge a baixa temperatura resulta altament interessant pel fet que els seus efectes són principalment mecànics (no tèrmics). En aquest context, l'objectiu general de la present tesi doctoral va ser determinar la viabilitat de l'aplicació d'US en processos d'assecatge a baixa temperatura, abordant tant l'efecte en la cinètica del procés com en la qualitat dels productes obtinguts. Amb aquesta finalitat, es van deshidratar mostres de poma, albergínia i bacallà a diferents temperatures (-10, -5, 0, 5 i 10ºC) i velocitats d'aire (1, 2, 4 i 6 m/s) i aplicant diferents nivells de potència acústica (0, 25, 50 i 75 W). Es van utilitzar models difusius per a descriure les cinètiques de l'assecatge i quantificar la influència de les variables del procés. A més, es van determinar diferents paràmetres de qualitat (capacitat de rehidratació, textura, capacitat antioxidant...) dels productes deshidratats. L'aplicació d'US va permetre reduir significativament (p<0.05) el temps d'assecatge en totes les condicions experimentals i tots els productes analitzats; es van obtenir reduccions de temps de fins al 80%, 87% i 60% en pomes, albergínies i bacallà, respectivament. La reducció del temps d'assecatge va ser més alta com més alta va ser la potència acústica aplicada. La temperatura i la velocitat de l'aire de l'assecatge van influir en l'efectivitat de l'aplicació d'US, sent major l'efecte dels US a les temperatures i velocitats més baixes. En general, la teoria difusional va descriure adequadament la cinètica de l'assecatge dels tres productes estudiats. En les experiències amb aplicació d'US es va obtenir un millor ajust a les dades experimentals quan es va considerar la resistència externa en el model. Així mateix, en condicions de liofilització a pressió atmosfèrica, el model URIF (Uniformly Retreating Ice Front) es va ajustar correctament a les dades experimentals. A més, aquest model es va validar en diferents condicions experimentals. Respecte a l'efecte de les variables del procés en els paràmetres de qualitat, en general, es va observar que ni l'aplicació d'US ni la velocitat de l'aire van influir de manera important en la qualitat dels productes obtinguts. En canvi, la temperatura va afectar de manera rellevant a paràmetres com la capacitat de rehidratació i el color, especialment a temperatures per davall del punt de congelació de les mostres. D'altra banda, l'assecatge a baixa temperatura assistit amb US presenta un alt potencial per a obtenir matrius poroses alimentàries per a la posterior utilització en el desenvolupament d'aliments funcionals. Així, en mostres de poma deshidratada i impregnada amb extracte de fulles d'olivera, es va observar que l'aplicació d'US durant l'assecatge no va afectar significativament (p<0.05) la capacitat d'impregnació, però sí que va incrementar la capacitat antioxidant del producte obtingut. Per tant, els ultrasons d'alta intensitat es poden considerar com una tecnologia interessant per a accelerar els processos d'assecatge a baixa temperatura sense afectar de manera re / Santacatalina Bonet, JV. (2016). Contribución al estudio de la aplicación de ultrasonidos de alta intensidad en procesos de secado a baja temperatura [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61484 / Compendio

Efeito da liofilização sobre a estrutura e a atividade enzimática da L-asparaginase de Escherichia coli / Effect of freeze-drying on the structure and the enzymatic activity of the L-asparaginase de Escherichia coli

Silva, Regiane da 15 August 2002 (has links)
As L-asparaginases bacterianas (L-asparaginase amidohidrolase, E.C.3.S.1.1) são enzimas de alto valor terapêutico devido ao seu uso no tratamento de leucemia linfocítica aguda. A L-asparaginase da Escherichia coli por ser uma enzima periplásmica com alta afinidade, é particularmente efetiva em certas terapias de câncer infantil. Muitos agentes terapêuticos recentes são proteínas e peptídeos que surgiram do design molecular de drogas e tecnologia de DNA recombinante. Numerosos estudos têm demonstrado que aditivos preservam a estrutura e a atividade biológica de cada molécula destas proteínas. Entretanto, o mecanismo de proteção, pelo qual estes aditivos funcionam, não tem sido totalmente elucidado. O objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar detalhadamente o efeito da liofilização sobre a estrutura e a atividade enzimática da L-asparaginase, tanto em células íntegras de Escherichia coli, como na enzima purificada. Até recentemente a maneira para se avaliar o comportamento de um aditivo e o comportamento da água na estabilização de uma proteína durante a liofilização consistia na medida dos parâmetros de atividade após a reidratação, porém atualmente modernas técnicas de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) de baixa resolução são utilizadas para se entender o comportamento da água nas interações com proteínas. E a Espectroscopia de Infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier apresenta grande potencial no estudo de estabilização de proteínas durante a liofilização. Utilizou-se o cálculo de porcentagem de retenção de atividade para expressar os valores de atividade enzimática estudados. Estes cálculos foram realizados para os sistemas congelados e para os sistemas congelados e liofilizados. Os sistemas foram tratados em velocidades de congelamento diferentes (20°C/min, SOC/min e 2°C/min), sendo em seguida liofilizados por 24 horas. São apresentados resultados sobre o efeito das diferentes velocidades de congelamento e o efeito da liofilização nos diferentes sistemas aditivo-enzima e aditivo-célula. Utilizaram-se os aditivos: sacarose, maltose, lactose, inositol, manitol e trealose testados em diferentes concentrações (30, 90 e 150mM). Para identificar quais as condições e os aditivos que apresentaram uma crioproteção satisfatória. Nos sistemas maltose-enzima e trealose-enzima observou-se um aumento da crioproteção com o aumento da concentração de aditivo. Para os sistemas maltose-enzima, congelados lentamente, os resultados de retenção de atividade foram: 8,67%, 14,02% e 30,80% respectivamente para 30, 90 e 150mM. O sistema enzima-maltose (150mM) congelado rapidamente e liofilizado apresentou a maior retenção de atividade (111,11 %) e também o maior valor de T2 (81&#181;s) nos resultados referentes a RMN. Nos sistemas trealose-enzima nas concentrações de 90 e 150mM apresentaram retenção de atividade 89,93% e 79,74%, respectivamente. / Bacterial L-asparaginase (L-asparaginase amidohydrolase, E.C. are enzymes of high therapeutic value due to their use in the treatment of lymphocytic acute leukemia. Escherichia coli L-asparaginase is a periplasmic enzyme of high affinity, particularly effective in some kinds of childhood cancer therapies. Several studies have showed that there are specific stabilizing additives preserve the structure and the biological activity of protein molecules (lyoprotectant). However, the protection mechanism for these excipients has not been totally elucidated yet. The aim of this work was investigate the effect of freeze-drying on the enzymatic activity of L-asparaginase using both the purified enzyme as well as intact cells of Escherichia coli. Until recently the way to evaluate the behavior of an addictive one and the behavior of the water in the stabilization of a protein during the freeze-drying consisted of the measure of the activity parameters after the reidratação, even so now modem techniques of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of low resolution have been used to understand the behavior of the water in the interactions with proteins. It is Infrared Spectroscopy for Fourier Transformed it presents a great potential in the study of stabilization of proteins during the freeze-drying. The calculation of percentage of activity retention was used to express the studied values of enzymatic activity. These calculations were accomplished for the frozen systems and for the frozen systems and freeze-dryied. The systems were treated in three speeds of different freezing (20°C/min, 5°C/min and 2°C/min), being the freeze-drying for 24 hours. Results are presented on the effect of the freeze-drying in the different systems addictive-enzyme and addictive-cell. The addictive ones were used: sucrose, maltose, lactose, inositol, manitol and trehalose tested in different concentrations (30, 90 and 150mM), to identify which the conditions and the addictive ones that presented a satisfactory cryoprotection. For the systems enzyme-maltose, frozen slowly, the results of activity retention were: 8,67%, 14,02% e 30,80% to 30,90 e 150mM,respectively . The system enzyme-maltose (150mM) frozen quickly and freeze-dryied presented the largest activity retention (111,11 %) and also the largest value of T2 (81 &#181;s) in the referring results NMR. The systems enzyme-trealose in the concentrations of 90 and 150mM they presented retention of activity 89,93% and 79,74%, respectively.

Protein stability : impact of formulation excipients and manufacturing processes in protein-based pharmaceuticals

Darkwah, Joseph January 2017 (has links)
Presently, over 300 proteins or peptide based therapeutic medicines have been approved by the FDA owing to advances in protein engineering and technology. However, majority of these protein-based medications are unstable or have limited shelf life when in aqueous form. During pre-formulation and manufacturing, various technological processes including mixing, dissolving, filling (through pipes) can produce strong mechanical stresses on proteins. These stresses may cause the protein molecule to unfold, denature or aggregate. To improve stability upon formulation, they may be manufactured as freeze dried cakes that requires reconstitution with a buffer or water prior to administration. Although it has been successful in improving the stability of protein-based formulations, the freeze drying process itself also contributes to protein aggregation. This process introduces other stresses such as freezing, thawing and drying. In addition to these stresses, the agitation processes used during reconstitution may also destabilize the protein’s native structure. Two key processes used in preparation of protein based formulations were studied in this work; mechanical agitation and freeze drying. The aim of this project was to explore the aggregation of proteins that occur due to the various technological processes typical in the production of protein based formulations. The project has two parts that relates to liquid and solid formulations. In the first part, the effect of different methods of mechanical agitations on BSA protein was investigated. In the second part, the focus was on the effect of formulation (i.e. the application of amino acids) on aggregation of protein (BSA) in freeze dried formulations. Arginine and lysine were added individually into protein-based freeze-dried formulation to study their potential of improving the stability of the proteins during manufacturing, storage and reconstitution. In the formulation development, additional excipients were added to prevent moisture uptake due to the hygroscopic properties of the amino acids and to provide lyo- and cryo- protection for the protein molecule during freeze drying. Without further purification, BSA solutions prepared by using sonication, low shear rotor mixer or high shear tube/pipe mixing were studied using dynamic light scattering (DLS). Thioflavin T assay and turbidimetry analysis were used as complementary studies. In protein-based freeze dried formulations, at accelerated storage conditions, the presence of aggregates were studied in samples containing arginine or lysine using ThT assay and turbidimetry analysis. Characterisation of the freeze dried cakes was performed relative to their moisture sorption, cake shrinkage, mechanical properties and morphology using various analytical techniques. iv In the BSA solution studies, particle size analysis indicated two distributions for non-agitated BSA solution that corresponds to the average particle sizes of BSA molecules and their aggregates. Under mechanical stresses (all types), the intensity of distribution centered ≈ 7.8 nm reduces and broadens as the agitation time increases, indicating a reduction in the amount of “free” BSA macromolecules. The second distribution, as a result of increasing agitation time or shear intensity, reveals a significant shift towards larger sizes, or even splits into two particle size populations. These particle size growths reflect the formation of aggregates due to intensive collisions and, as a result, partial unfolding followed by hydrophobic interactions of exposed non-polar amino acids. UV spectra showed that aggregation in both low shear and mechanical vibration agitations were lower compared to the high shear stress. When compared to non-agitated BSA solution, ThT assay recorded ≈15 times higher fluorescence emission from the high shear samples, ≈2 times fluorescence emission from low shear and ≈6 times fluorescence emission from mechanical vibrations. Thus all the three agitation methods showed a good correlation between the results. The second part of this project was performed in three stages. In the initial 2 stages, 2- and 3-excipients component system were investigated to develop an optimal preliminary formulations which will be used in the final protein based 4-components formulations. From the 1st stage (ArgHCl/LysHCl + sugar/polyol), among 4 tested excipients (polyol and sugar), mannitol was observed to have resisted moisture uptake by the highly hygroscopic ArgHCl/LysHCl amino acids. However, mannitol is considered a good cryoprotector but has poor lyoprotection properties. Therefore, in the following stage, a 3rd excipient (in a 3-excipients component system) sucrose or trehalose, was introduced into the formulation. The formulation was made up of 20% ArgHCl (LysHCl), and various ratios of mannitol and sugar were explored. The criteria for selecting the best systems were based on ideal physicochemical properties i.e. moisture uptake, shrinkage, mechanical properties, matrix structure and appearance, and thermal properties. The final stage was the formulation of a 4-components system comprising the three excipients and combinations selected from the stage 2 studies, and the addition of BSA as the model protein. To study aggregation in this system, a freeze dried 4-components excipient/protein system was reconstituted and incubated at accelerated storage conditions over time. Fluorescence spectroscopy and turbidimetry were used to study aggregation of proteins, moisture uptake kinetics with gravimetric balance, and thermal analytical techniques were used to characterise the freeze dried cakes with and without BSA protein. This study represented a systematic analysis of aggregation of proteins in both liquid and solid formulations. Some of the novel aspects of this study include: v 1. The new experimental results obtained for aggregation of proteins in solution subjected to mechanical agitations. The high shear stress created by syringe agitation, simulated the real situation in post manufacturing process during filling through narrow pipes, and has been shown here to strongly affect the aggregation of protein macromolecules. 2. The development of a methodical approach for optimization of multi component (up to 4 excipients) protein based formulations. 3. The unexpected non-linear behavior of the physicochemical properties of the 3-excipients component system as a function of composition. To the best of my knowledge, this novel aspect has not been previously reported in literature. 4. Application of amino acid in protein based formulations has shown the inhibition of aggregation of BSA, with the highest effect observed with ArgHCl. The results of this study coincide with the conclusions published previously for aggregation of proteins in solution.

Efeito da liofilização sobre a estrutura e a atividade enzimática da L-asparaginase de Escherichia coli / Effect of freeze-drying on the structure and the enzymatic activity of the L-asparaginase de Escherichia coli

Regiane da Silva 15 August 2002 (has links)
As L-asparaginases bacterianas (L-asparaginase amidohidrolase, E.C.3.S.1.1) são enzimas de alto valor terapêutico devido ao seu uso no tratamento de leucemia linfocítica aguda. A L-asparaginase da Escherichia coli por ser uma enzima periplásmica com alta afinidade, é particularmente efetiva em certas terapias de câncer infantil. Muitos agentes terapêuticos recentes são proteínas e peptídeos que surgiram do design molecular de drogas e tecnologia de DNA recombinante. Numerosos estudos têm demonstrado que aditivos preservam a estrutura e a atividade biológica de cada molécula destas proteínas. Entretanto, o mecanismo de proteção, pelo qual estes aditivos funcionam, não tem sido totalmente elucidado. O objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar detalhadamente o efeito da liofilização sobre a estrutura e a atividade enzimática da L-asparaginase, tanto em células íntegras de Escherichia coli, como na enzima purificada. Até recentemente a maneira para se avaliar o comportamento de um aditivo e o comportamento da água na estabilização de uma proteína durante a liofilização consistia na medida dos parâmetros de atividade após a reidratação, porém atualmente modernas técnicas de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) de baixa resolução são utilizadas para se entender o comportamento da água nas interações com proteínas. E a Espectroscopia de Infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier apresenta grande potencial no estudo de estabilização de proteínas durante a liofilização. Utilizou-se o cálculo de porcentagem de retenção de atividade para expressar os valores de atividade enzimática estudados. Estes cálculos foram realizados para os sistemas congelados e para os sistemas congelados e liofilizados. Os sistemas foram tratados em velocidades de congelamento diferentes (20°C/min, SOC/min e 2°C/min), sendo em seguida liofilizados por 24 horas. São apresentados resultados sobre o efeito das diferentes velocidades de congelamento e o efeito da liofilização nos diferentes sistemas aditivo-enzima e aditivo-célula. Utilizaram-se os aditivos: sacarose, maltose, lactose, inositol, manitol e trealose testados em diferentes concentrações (30, 90 e 150mM). Para identificar quais as condições e os aditivos que apresentaram uma crioproteção satisfatória. Nos sistemas maltose-enzima e trealose-enzima observou-se um aumento da crioproteção com o aumento da concentração de aditivo. Para os sistemas maltose-enzima, congelados lentamente, os resultados de retenção de atividade foram: 8,67%, 14,02% e 30,80% respectivamente para 30, 90 e 150mM. O sistema enzima-maltose (150mM) congelado rapidamente e liofilizado apresentou a maior retenção de atividade (111,11 %) e também o maior valor de T2 (81&#181;s) nos resultados referentes a RMN. Nos sistemas trealose-enzima nas concentrações de 90 e 150mM apresentaram retenção de atividade 89,93% e 79,74%, respectivamente. / Bacterial L-asparaginase (L-asparaginase amidohydrolase, E.C. are enzymes of high therapeutic value due to their use in the treatment of lymphocytic acute leukemia. Escherichia coli L-asparaginase is a periplasmic enzyme of high affinity, particularly effective in some kinds of childhood cancer therapies. Several studies have showed that there are specific stabilizing additives preserve the structure and the biological activity of protein molecules (lyoprotectant). However, the protection mechanism for these excipients has not been totally elucidated yet. The aim of this work was investigate the effect of freeze-drying on the enzymatic activity of L-asparaginase using both the purified enzyme as well as intact cells of Escherichia coli. Until recently the way to evaluate the behavior of an addictive one and the behavior of the water in the stabilization of a protein during the freeze-drying consisted of the measure of the activity parameters after the reidratação, even so now modem techniques of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of low resolution have been used to understand the behavior of the water in the interactions with proteins. It is Infrared Spectroscopy for Fourier Transformed it presents a great potential in the study of stabilization of proteins during the freeze-drying. The calculation of percentage of activity retention was used to express the studied values of enzymatic activity. These calculations were accomplished for the frozen systems and for the frozen systems and freeze-dryied. The systems were treated in three speeds of different freezing (20°C/min, 5°C/min and 2°C/min), being the freeze-drying for 24 hours. Results are presented on the effect of the freeze-drying in the different systems addictive-enzyme and addictive-cell. The addictive ones were used: sucrose, maltose, lactose, inositol, manitol and trehalose tested in different concentrations (30, 90 and 150mM), to identify which the conditions and the addictive ones that presented a satisfactory cryoprotection. For the systems enzyme-maltose, frozen slowly, the results of activity retention were: 8,67%, 14,02% e 30,80% to 30,90 e 150mM,respectively . The system enzyme-maltose (150mM) frozen quickly and freeze-dryied presented the largest activity retention (111,11 %) and also the largest value of T2 (81 &#181;s) in the referring results NMR. The systems enzyme-trealose in the concentrations of 90 and 150mM they presented retention of activity 89,93% and 79,74%, respectively.

Développement de biomatériaux poreux pour la régénération osseuse : Biomatériaux biphasiques à base de phosphate tricalcique béta (β-TCP) / Development of porous biomaterials for bone regeneration

Arbez, Baptiste 17 December 2018 (has links)
Avec plus de 2 millions d’interventions chirurgicales par an dans le monde, les actes de chirurgie osseuse sont les plus fréquents, ce qui pousse les entreprises du secteur des biomatériaux pour la régénération osseuse à investir massivement pour sans cesse améliorer leurs produits. Cette thèse est issue d’un contrat CIFRE effectué avec l’entreprise Kasios afin de l’aider dans le développement de céramiques et polymères poreux principalement pour des applications en chirurgie maxillo-faciale. Les travaux réalisés s’articulent autour du développement de biomatériaux biphasiques à base de phosphate tricalcique béta (β-TCP). En premier lieu, des microfibres de polycaprolactone (PCL) incorporant des particules élémentaires de β-TCP ont été fabriquées par électrospinning. Les principales applications des fibres concernent la régénération osseuse guidée pour la préservation alvéolaire ou les opérations de relevés de sinus. L’électrospinning des fibres a utilisé des solvants ne présentant pas de toxicité aiguë. Les fibres ont formé des membranes manipulables qui peuvent être facilement découpées et suturées même en environnement humide. Les études in vitro n’ont révélé aucune cytotoxicité et les membranes ont permis la prolifération de cellules ostéoblastiques. La seconde étude a permis la fabrication d’éponges de gélatine et d’acide hyaluronique saturées ou recouvertes en surface de granules de β-TCP pour le comblement alvéolaire. Les éponges étaient facilement façonnables pour correspondre à l’alvéole du patient. Le chirurgien pourrait alors bénéficier de la nature biphasique du dispositif médical afin de faciliter l’implantation et éviter la manipulation séparée des éponges et des granules. L’utilisation des éponges permettrait par ailleurs d’assurer un positionnement idéal des granules pour la cicatrisation alvéolaire. La troisième étude, plus fondamentale, porte sur l’interaction des cellules osseuses avec le β-TCP et sa résorption. Des études de biomécanique et de biodégradation ainsi que de biodissolution ont également été réalisées sur des biomatériaux produits par l’entreprise. / With more than 2 million surgeries per year, bone tissue is one of the most concerned tissues and biomaterial companies have developed massive investments to continually improve bone regeneration.This thesis was conducted during a CIFRE contract (a tripartite contract linking a student, a university and acompany) and was done in association with the company Kasios for the development of new porous polymers and ceramics. This thesis was specifically centered in the development of biphasic biomaterials based upon beta tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). First, polycaprolacton (PCL) microfibers incorporating β-TCP elementary particles were produced using electrospinning. These fibers were developed to provide membranes for guided bone regeneration usable in alveolar preservation and sinus lifting. Electrospinning of the fibers did not require any high toxicity solvent. Our fibers formed membranes that could easily be handled, cut and sutured in dry and wet environment. In vitrocytotoxicity studies confirmed the non-toxic nature of the material and showed the ability of the membranes to encourage survival and proliferation of osteoblastic cells. Secondly, freeze-dried gelatin and hyaluronicacid sponges saturated or embedded with β-TCP granules were developed for alveolar filling. Theses ponges could easily be shaped to fit the patient’s dental socket. The biphasic nature of the sponges could make the implantation easier and faster by avoiding surgeons to handle separately the granules and the sponges. This medical device could also insure a correct and optimal positioning of the granules for the patient healing. Lastly, a fundamental study was conducted on resorption of β-TCP and the interaction between bone cells and the biomaterial. Biomechanical and biodegradation/biodissolution studies were also done on different types of biomaterials produced by the company.

Contribution à l'étude de la résistance au séchage des bactéries lactiques (lyophilisation)/Contribution to the study of resistance to drying of lactic acid bacteria (lyophilization)

Coulibaly, Ibourahema 08 October 2010 (has links)
Ibourahema COULIBALY (2010). Contribution à létude de la résistance au séchage des bactéries lactiques (thèse de doctorat en français) ; Université de Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, (Belgique), 260 p., 22 tableaux, 39 figures. Résumé Lutilisation de souches lactiques, à léchelle industrielle, nécessite une sélection sur base des propriétés technologiques, physiologiques et biochimiques, ainsi que la mise en oeuvre de procédés biotechnologiques bien maîtrisés pour leur production et leur conservation. A cet effet, le séchage est une étape importante. Sous forme sèche, le produit est plus facilement manipulable. Cependant au cours du séchage, les microorganismes subissent un stress thermique et/ou osmotique qui se traduit par une perte de viabilité pendant le stockage. Lutilisation dagents protecteurs au cours du stockage a permis dobtenir une bonne viabilité. En effet, les bactéries sont soumises pendant la lyophilisation et au cours du stockage à une mortalité liée en grande partie à loxydation des acides gras membranaires. Lanalyse de ces acides au cours des différents procédés de fabrication et de stockage permet de noter la présence des hydroperoxydes. Cette oxydation est engendrée par laction de loxygène sur les acides gras polyinsaturés principalement lacide linoléique (C18:2) et linolénique (C18:3) ce qui engendre la formation des hydroperoxydes : acide hydroperoxyoctadecadienoique (HPOD) et acide hydroperoxyoctadecatrienoique (HPOT) méthylés ou non en position 13- et 9-. Une analyse des composés secondaires émanant des poudres de bactéries lactiques indique la présence de composés volatils. Parmi ceux-ci, apparaissent des molécules volatiles (principalement des aldéhydes), qui modifient la flaveur dorigine des corps gras. Les études menées au niveau des constituants phospholipidiques de la membrane montrent un lien entre le degré doxydation et la mortalité cellulaire au cours du stockage. Les différents phospholipides déterminés au nombre de sept (7) subissent tous cette oxydation à des degrés divers. Lutilisation dantioxydant au cours du stockage permet dinhiber les phénomènes de peroxydation des lipides et permet également de maintenir la valeur nutritionnelle (teneur en AGPI, réduction des dérivés peroxydés nocifs) du produit. Ibourahema COULIBALY (2010). Contribution to the study of resistance of lactic acid bacteria subject to drying. (Dissertation in French) ; University of Liège, Gembloux Agro- Bio Tech , (Belgium), p. 260 p., 22 tables, 39 figures. Summary The use of lactic strains in industrial scale requires selection on the basis of technological, physiological and biochemical properties, as the implementation of biotechnological processes under control for their production and conservation. At this effect drying process is an important step. In dry form, the product is more easily manipulated. However during the drying process, microorganisms undergo heat stress and/or osmotic resulting in a loss of viability during storage. The use of protective agents during storage has resulted in a good viability. In fact, the bacteria are subjected during lyophilization and during storage to a mortality largely oxidation the membrane fatty acids. The analysis of these acids during the process helps to note the presence of hydroperoxydes which are the cause of this mortality. This oxidation is caused by the action of oxygen on polyunsaturated acids linoleic acid (C18:2) and linolenic (C18:3) mostly, causing the formation of hydroperoxydes: hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid (HPOD) and hydroperoxyoctadeca-trienoic acid (HPOT) at position 13 - and 9 - methyl or not. An analysis of secondary compounds from the powders indicates the presence of birds. These products appear volatile compounds (mainly aldehydes), hydrocarbons, alcohols, acids etc., which altered the original flavour of fat. Studies in phospholipids constituents of the membrane show a link between the degree of oxidation and cell death during storage. The various phospholipids determined, seven (7) are all undergo this oxidation to various degrees. The use of antioxidants during storage can inhibit the process of lipid peroxydation and helps also to maintain the nutritional value (PUFA content, reduction of harmful peroxide-derived) product.

Aislamiento, identificación y conservación de cultivos de bacterias lácticas antagonistas de microbiota contaminante de sangre de matadero

Zamora Rodríguez, Lucero M. 20 November 2003 (has links)
La sangre obtenida en el matadero es un producto altamente contaminado que requiere un procesamiento inmediato si se pretende utilizarla como insumo alimentario en la fabricación de productos destinados al consumo humano. Si bien es cierto que los sistemas de higienización podrían ser muy eficientes desde el punto de vista de calidad microbiológica, su instalación en la línea de sacrificio comportaría muchas dificultades desde el punto de vista técnico y en algún caso sería muy costoso. La bioconservación podría ser una alternativa para mejorar la calidad microbiológica de la sangre, alargar su vida útil y reducir las posibilidades de procesamiento inmediato. El presente estudio nos permitiría formular la posibilidad de aplicar la bioconservación en sangre de cerdo procedente de matadero industrial, utilizando bacterias ácido lácticas (BAL) como cultivo bioprotector, para lo cual se aislaron cepas de BAL autóctonas y se confeccionaron dos colecciones una de BAL mesófilas y otra de psicrótrofas.Se evaluó el potencial antagonista de la colección de BAL mesófilas y psicrótrofas a 30ºC y a 15ºC respectivamente frente a bacterias contaminantes habituales de este subproducto. Las BAL que demostraron antagonismo en placa (7,1% a 30ºC y 11% a 15ºC) fueron seleccionadas para evaluar el potencial antagonista en sangre, donde el efecto inhibitorio se vio favorecido por la adición de un 2% glucosa. S.aureus y P. fluorescens fueron los indicadores más inhibidos por las cepas mesófilas, en algunos casos con reducciones superiores a 7 unidades logarítmicas. En condiciones psicrótrofas la bacteria más sensible a la presencia de BAL fue Bacillus sp., donde 8 de las 11 BAL ensayadas permitieron reducciones superiores a 4 logs y 1cepa incluso superiores a 7 logs; se obtuvieron reducciones máximas de 3 logs de E.coli y Pseudomonas fue inhibida por todas las BAL ensayadas, en algún caso con reducciones superiores a 5 logs.Las 5 que cepas que presentaron el espectro de inhibición más amplio en condiciones mesófilas y 7 en condiciones psicrótrofas frente a los microorganismos indicadores contaminantes de sangre de matadero se identificaron mediante técnicas moleculares por comparación de la secuencias correspondientes al gen que codifica la síntesis de 16S ARNr (16S ADNr) con las secuencias publicadas en las bases de datos. De las 7 cepas antagonistas en condiciones psicrótrofas 5 se identificaron como Lactococcus garvieae y 2 como Enterococcus malodoratus/gilvius raffinosus. Todas las BAL con potencial antagonista en condiciones mesófilas pertenecían al género Lactobacillus, 3 de elllas se identificaron como Lactobacillus murinus/animalis y una se identificó como Lactobacillus reuteri. TA20 que tuvo un gran espectro de inhibición a ambas temperaturas se identificó como Lactococcus garvieae.En este estudio se evaluaron tres métodos de conservación a largo plazo de las cepas que mostraron potencial antagonista. Se comparó la liofilización, la atomización frente a la congelación a -80ºC que era método que se había utilizado hasta el momento para conservar ambas colecciones de BAL. En general, los métodos de deshidratación (atomización y liofilización) y mantenimiento en refrigeración a 5ºC de los cultivos deshidratados se han mostrado más eficaces que la congelación. / Blood from slaughtered animals is a product with a high contamination level that requires an immediately processing after collection if the object is to use it as a food ingredient destined to human consumption. Nevertheless, even if hygienic collection systems used in abattoirs were be efficient enough to control the microbiological quality, their installation in the slaughtered line would be technically complicate and in some case would be so expensive.Bioconservation is an alternative to improve microbiological quality, to extend its shelf life and reducing the possibility of immediate processing after collection.The present study would permit us to formulate the possibility to applicate bioconservation in porcine blood from industrial abattoirs, using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains as biopreservative cultures. So a mesophylic and a psicrotrophyc LAB strains collections were confectioned.The antagonistic capacity toward usual contaminant bacteria in blood of the mesophylic and psicrotrophyc collections at 30ºC and 15ºC respectively were investigated. The LAB that demonstrated the widest inhibitory spectrum in agar plate evaluation (7,1% at 30ºC and 11% at 15ºC) were screened in order to evaluate their inhibitory activity in blood, where was observed that the addition of glucose at 2% had a positive effect in the inhibitory levels. The most sensible indicators to the mesophylic LAB were S. aureus and P. fluorescens. In some cases it was obtained reductions of 7 logarithmic units. In psicotrophic conditions the most sensible bacteria to LAB presence was Bacillus spp. where 8 of the 11 strains assayed inhibited in more than 4 logarithmic units and 1 of them inhibited this indicator in 7 logarithmic units..It was obtained maxim reductions of 3 logs versus E. coli. P. fluorescens was inhibited by all the assayed strains and in some case it was obtained reductions superior to 5 logs.The 5 mesophylic and 7 psictrophyc strains that demonstrated the widest inhibitory spectrum toward the indicators microorganisms from abattoir blood were identified using molecular techniques though comparison of the gene sequences that codify the synthesis of 16S RNAr (16S DNAr) with the sequences in the data base.5 from the 7 strains with antagonistic capacity in psicotrophyc conditions were identified like Lactococcus garvieae and the other two strains were identified like Enterococcus malodoratus/gilvius/raffinosus. All the antagonistic LAB in mesophylic conditions belonged to genus Lactobacillus, 3 of them were identified like Lactobacillus murinus/animalis and one of them as Lactobacillus reuteri. TA20 that had a widest spectrum at both assay temperatures was identified as Lactococcus garvieae.In this study there were evaluated three methods of conservation of cultures belonged to those LAB that demonstrated antagonistic capacity. It was compared freeze-drying, spray drying against freezing at -80ºC, that is the method used to conserve both LAB collections. Generally, the dehydration methods (freeze-drying and spray drying) and maintaining in refrigeration at 5ºC of dehydrated cultures showed to be better than freezing at -80ºC.


Brendle, Martina Gehrke 30 October 2013 (has links)
Idebenone is an antioxidant, a synthetic derivative of coenzyme Q10, with several applications, such as neuroprotection. However, this drug has low solubility in water, besides is irritant substance and has chemical instability. Hence, idebenone-loaded nano-organized systems have been developed, such as polymeric nanocapsules (NC). Vegetable oils containing antioxidants such as coconut oil and palm oil can be interesting for the composition of these particles. In this way, the aim of this work was to develop NC suspensions containing different oils as core (palm, coconut or medium chain triglycerides) for delivery of neuroprotective agent idebenone in order to compare the behavior of these systems concerning physico-chemical stability, photostability, controlled release, and conversion to redispersible solid dosage forms (lyophilized products). The nanocapsules were prepared by interfacial deposition of preformed polymer. As the results, it was possible to prepare poly(Ɛ-caprolactone) NC suspensions and palm oil (PO/PCL) or Eudragit® RS100 and coconut oil (OC/EUD) containing idebenone (1.0 mg/mL) with appropriate physico-chemical characteristics. Parameters such as the proportion of aqueous phase/organic phase, type of both surfactant (low HLB) and polymer influenced the optimization of these systems. For comparison, corresponding formulations were prepared with medium chain triglycerides (TCM/PCL or TCM/EUD), using the same conditions. The suspensions had an average diameter between 166 and 216nm, low polydispersity index (0.085 to 0.142), positive or negative zeta potential, depending on the characteristics of the polymer, and high encapsulation efficiency. The maintenance of average particle diameter and low polydispersity index have be verified during stability study (room temperature and exposed or not to light) for 75 days. However, the idebenone content significantly decreased in this period, with influence on the type of polymer. Thereafter, photostability study has shown that the suspensions NC OP/PCL (UVC/UVA) and TCM/PCL (UVA) were able to significantly reduce the degradation of idebenone (content: 53,7-76,1%) compared to an aqueous micellar (content: 31,2-63,1%) dispersion containing the drug. In addition, these systems were able to promoting drug controlled release (t1/2 26 h), without burst effect, showing monoexponential profile (t1/2< 3.0 h for free drug). The lyophilization of suspensions, employing trehalose as soluble carbohydrate, resulted in suitable and redispersible products (content of 96-100%, less than 3.6% moisture; 0.8-1.2 index), presenting several spherical structures, including in colloidal range, featuring the presence of NC in these dried products. In the stability study (room temperature/protection from light and moisture), it was observed that the lyophilized products were able to delay or decrease the degradation of idebenone compared to suspensions of origin, regardless of the both type of polymer (PCL/EUD) and oil (OP/OC/TCM). In conclusion, the developed systems are promising for the controlled release of neuroprotective drug idebenone. / A idebenona é um antioxidante, derivado sintético da coenzima Q10, com várias aplicações, como em neuroproteção. No entanto, este fármaco possui baixa solubilidade em água, potencial irritativo e instabilidade química, fato que tem despertado o interesse em sua associação a sistemas nano-organizados. Dentre estes, destacam-se as nanocápsulas poliméricas (NC). Óleos vegetais, contendo compostos antioxidantes, como óleo de coco e de palma, podem ser interessantes para a composição destas partículas. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver suspensões de NC contendo diferentes óleos como núcleo (palma, coco ou triglicerídeos de cadeia média), almejando à veiculação do neuroprotetor idebenona, de forma a comparar o comportamento dos sistemas quanto à estabilidade físico-química, fotoestabilidade, controle de liberação, além da conversão em formas farmacêuticas sólidas redispersíveis (liofilizados). As NC foram preparadas pelo método de deposição interfacial de polímero pré-formado. Conforme os resultados, foi possível preparar suspensões de NC de poli(ε-caprolactona) e óleo de palma (OP/PCL) ou de Eudragit® RS100 e óleo de coco (OC/EUD), contendo idebenona (1,0 mg/mL), com características físico-químicas adequadas, sendo que fatores como proporção das fases aquosa/orgânica, tipo de tensoativo de baixo EHL e de polímero influenciaram a otimização dos sistemas. Para fins comparativos, formulações correspondentes foram preparadas com triglicerídeos de cadeia média (TCM/PCL ou TCM/EUD), empregando as mesmas condições. As suspensões apresentaram diâmetros médios entre 166 e 216 nm, baixos índices de polidispersão (0,085-0,142), potencial zeta positivo ou negativo, dependendo das características do polímero e elevada eficiência de encapsulamento. Quando estas suspensões foram submetidas a estudo de estabilidade, à temperatura ambiente e expostas ou não à luz, durante 75 dias, verificou-se manutenção dos diâmetros médios de partículas e baixos índices de polidispersão. Entretanto, o teor de idebenona decaiu significativamente neste período, com influência significativa do tipo de polímero. Após, estudo de fotoestabilidade demonstrou que as suspensões de NC OP/PCL (UVC/UVA) e TCM/PCL (UVA) foram capazes de reduzir significativamente a degradação da idebenona (teor remanescente: 53,7-76,1%) em comparação a uma dispersão micelar aquosa contendo o fármaco (teor remanescente: 31,2-63,1%), além de promoverem liberação controlada da mesma (t1/2 26 h), sem efeito burst, com perfil ajustado ao modelo monoexponencial (t1/2<3,0 h para fármaco livre). A liofilização das suspensões, empregando trealose, um carboidrato solúvel, resultou em produtos adequados (teor entre 96-100 %; umidade inferior a 3,6 %), redispersíveis (índice de ressuspensão entre 0,8-1,2) e com a presença de inúmeras estruturas esféricas, inclusive na faixa coloidal, caracterizando a presença das NC nestes produtos secos. No estudo de estabilidade (temperatura ambiente/proteção da luz e da umidade), observou-se que os produtos liofilizados foram capazes de retardar ou diminuir significativamente a degradação da idebenona em comparação às suspensões de origem, independentemente do tipo de polímero (PCL/EUD) e de óleo (OP/OC/TCM). Sendo assim, os sistemas desenvolvidos são promissores para a liberação controlada do neuroprotetor idebenona.

Secagem do res?duo de acerola (Malphigia emarginata D.C.): estudo do processo e avalia??o do impacto sobre o produto final / Secagem do res?duo de acerola (Malphigia emarginata D.C.): estudo do processo e avalia??o do impacto sobre o produto final

N?brega, Erly Maria Medeiros de Ara?jo 30 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ErlyMMAN_DISSERT.pdf: 2763165 bytes, checksum: 02d0a064f93f95db42ddc7fc2c52410e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-30 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Brazil, one of the largest agricultural producers in the world, has managed in recent years to significantly improve its production. However, in response to this advance in the agro-industrial sector, the generation of agro-industrial residues has also increased. New technological alternatives have to be implemented in order to bring economic and rational use of this material and drying is one of the possible choices. Considering the great importance that bioactive compounds present for food science and technology, this research aims to evaluate the air-drying process of acerola residue in a tray convective drier under controlled temperature (60, 70 e 80?C), air velocity (4.0, 5.0 e 6.0 m/s) and material width (0.5, 0.62 e 0.75 cm) by applying an experimental planning 23 + 3. Based on that, the impact on physical-chemical characteristics, color, bioactive compounds concentration and antioxidant activity of dried acerola waste was evaluated, having the in natura and freeze dried waste as control groups. Dried acerola residue presented natural pigments, mainly carotenoids (143.68 - 68.29 mg/g) and anthocyanins (290.92 - 90.11 mg/100 g), which explain the red and yellow instrumental color parameters observed. The acerola residue powder is also rich in phenolic compounds (3261.11 -2692.60 mgGAEeq/100g), proanthocyanidins (61.33-58.46 eq/100g), ascorbic acid (389.44 739.29 mg/100 g) and DPPH antioxidant activity (20.91 24.72 ?g Trolox eq/g). Results show decreased concentration of phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, carotenoids, proanthocyanidins and ascorbic acid caused by the air-drying process. However, even after the observed drying losses, the acerola residue powder can be considered a high value food ingredient, considering the high bioactive compounds concentration found in the final product, as well as the colorimetric characterization and microbiological stability of the dried powder / O Brasil, um dos maiores produtores agr?colas atuais, tem conseguido aumentar sua produ??o agroindustrial nos ?ltimos anos. Em conseq??ncia a isso a gera??o de res?duos tamb?m aumentou. Dessa forma, torna-se relevante a pesquisa de alternativas de uso racional e econ?mico para esse tipo de mat?ria prima, incluindo opera??es unit?rias de transforma??o como a secagem. Diante da import?ncia que os compostos bioativos apresentam para a ?rea de ci?ncia e tecnologia de alimentos, esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar a secagem do res?duo agroindustrial da acerola em secador convectivo de bandejas sob condi??es controladas de temperatura de trabalho (60; 70 e 80?C), velocidade do ar (4,0; 5,0 e 6,0 m/s) e espessura do material (0,5; 0,62 e 0,75 cm), mediante aplica??o de planejamento experimental do tipo fatorial 23 + 3 pontos centrais. A partir disso, o impacto da secagem sobre as caracter?sticas f?sico-qu?micas, cor, concentra??o de compostos bioativos selecionados e atividade antioxidante do res?duo da acerola s?o abordados, tomando os res?duos in natura e liofilizado como grupos-controle. Os p?s do res?duo desidratado de acerola apresentaram presen?a de pigmentos naturais, com colora??o vermelha e amarela, sobretudo caroten?ides (143,68 a 68,29 mg/g), antocianinas (290,92 a 90,11 mg/100 g), al?m de elevado teor de compostos fen?licos (3261,11 a 2692,60 mg GAE eq/100 g amostra), proantocianidinas (61,33 a 58,46 eq/100 g amostra) e ?cido asc?rbico (389,44 a 739,29 mg/100 g), bem como expressiva atividade antioxidante obtida pelo m?todo DPPH (20,91 a 24,72 ?g Trolox eq/g amostra). Os dados experimentais mostraram diminui??o da concentra??o de compostos fen?licos, antocianinas, caroten?ides, proantocianidinas e ?cido asc?rbico ocasionada pela secagem nas condi??es estudadas. No entanto, a concentra??o final desses compostos detectada no produto desidratado, bem como a caracteriza??o colorim?trica e a estabilidade microbiol?gica alcan?ada, caracteriza o p? do res?duo de acerola como ingrediente com elevado potencial bioativo

Élaboration d'un biomatériau poreux à base d'une matrice vitreuse induisant un phénomène d'ostéoconduction / Elaboration of a porous biomaterial based on glass matrix inducing a phenomenon of osteoconduction

Wers, Éric 24 October 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse concerne les verres bioactifs purs et dopés pour des applications en tant que biomatériaux en site osseux. Ils sont synthétisés par fusion dans le système SiO₂-CaO-Na₂O-P₂O₅. Quatre éléments métalliques (Zn, Ti, Cu et Ag), présentant des caractéristiques chimiques et physiologiques intéressantes, ont été introduits dans la matrice vitreuse. Leur réactivité chimique et leur cytotoxicité ont été évalués lors de tests in vitro. L'introduction de ces éléments métalliques influe sur les caractéristiques thermiques des verres ainsi que sur la dissolution de la matrice vitreuse, la cinétique et la cristallisation de la couche d'hydroxyapatite. Une bonne prolifération cellulaire a été mise en évidence. En parallèle, une méthode de synthèse d'une vitrocéramique, présentant une microporosité, a été développée par réaction entre TiN et ZnO. Des essais in vitro ont montré un caractère bioactif après 60 jours d'immersion et une absence de cytotoxicité. Ce biomatériau a ensuite été implanté au niveau de la diaphyse fémorale de lapins. Différentes études structurales ont montré la résorption progressive du biomatériau jusqu'à 6 mois d'implantation. Des scaffolds chitosan / verre bioactif ont également été synthétisés et obtenus par lyophilisation. Ils ont été étudiés lors d'essais in vitro. Ils ont servi de support pour la vectorisation de gentamicine. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les teneurs en chitosan et en verre bioactif ont une influence sur la cristallisation de l'hydroxyapatite et le relargage du médicament. Les modèles mathématiques établis montrent que le temps de relaxation des scaffolds dépend de la concentration de départ en gentamicine. / This research work focuses on the pure and doped bioactive glasses for use as bone biomaterial. They are synthesized by the melting method in the system SiO₂-CaO-Na₂O-P₂O₅. Four metallic elements, presenting interesting chemical and physiological properties, have been introduced in the amorphous matrix. Their chemical reactivity and their cytotoxicity have been evaluated during in vitro assays in simulated body fluid and cell culture media. The introduction of these metallic elements influences their thermal characteristics, the glass matrix dissolution, the kinetic and the crystallization of the hydroxyapatite layer. A good cells proliferation have been showed. In parallel, a method of synthesis of a glass-ceramic, having a microporosity, have been developed by reaction between TiN and ZnO. In vitro assays have showed a bioactive character after 60 days of immersion and a non-cytotoxicity. This biomaterial was implanted in the femoral dyaphisis of rabbits. Different structural studies have showed the gradual resorption of the biomaterial up to 6 months of implantation. Finally, scaffolds chitosan/bioactive glass, obtained by freeze-drying, have also been studied during in vitro assays. They were used as support for the vectorization of gentamicin. The obtained results show that the content of chitosan and bioactive glass have an impact on the crystallization of hydroxyapatite et the release of drug. Mathematic models show that the relaxation time depend on the starting concentration of gentamicin.

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