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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Otimização na alocação dinâmica de veículos no transporte rodoviário de cargas completas entre terminais

Vasco, Rejane Arinos 01 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:50:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4516.pdf: 2685213 bytes, checksum: 549d36e8c309231a3650ebff250bb1af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-01 / The domain of logistics is concerned with providing customers with the right product in the right place at the right time. In our modern economy, the faster pace and wider scope of logistic operations has led to complex management problems that have drawn the attention of both industry and the academic world Optimizing the number of vehicles for a determined transport system requires a trade-off between the cost of vehicle acquisition and maintenance and the penalties involved in not meeting the requirements of the system. This thesis proposes to contribute to decision making in the operational management of those companies working in the transportation of goods by road, particularly as regards the optimization of vehicle use in freight transfer between terminals. Various operational problems, especially management of the transfer fleet, involves the dynamic allocation of limited resources to meet demand. Specifically, this paper deals with the dynamic (multi-period) vehicle allocation problem (DVAP) in the road transportation of full loads between terminals. The DVAP belongs to that class of problems dealing with dynamic resource allocation and consists of defining the movements of a fleet of vehicles that transport goods between terminals with a wide geographical distribution and which interact among themselves. These movements may be of fully-laden vehicles, unladen vehicles for repositioning or vehicles held at a terminal to meet future demands. Emphasis is given to the characterization of the problem in real situations, mathematical modeling of the problem and the use of operational research techniques in solving the problem. Also, heuristics and metaheuristics such as GRASP, simulated annealing and ant colony optimization are used in the solution. The objective is to determine dynamic allocation and fleet needs in order to minimize operational costs in meeting the demand for services. The main reason for undertaking this work was the possibility of practical application, the development of integer linear programming models and both exact and heuristic methods for solutions, aiming at the practical validation of the approaches in the real operational environment of a Brazilian transport company. / O domínio das atividades logísticas é fornecer aos clientes de um sistema o produto certo, no local certo e no tempo certo. Na economia moderna, o passo acelerado e o grande escopo das operações logísticas tem fomentado problemas gerenciais complexos, atraindo a atenção da indústria e da academia. Otimizar a quantidade de veículos para um determinado sistema de transporte requer a avaliação do tradeoff entre o custo de aquisição e manutenção de veículos e penalidades associadas com o não atendimento de demandas neste sistema. Esta tese se propõe a contribuir para apoiar decisões na gestão operacional de frotas de empresas prestadoras de serviços de transporte rodoviário de cargas. Em particular, na otimização do uso de veículos nos transportes de transferências de cargas entre terminais, tendo como fator crítico e determinante a maximização da utilização dos recursos nas operações. Vários problemas operacionais, em especial o gerenciamento da frota de transferência, consistem em dinamicamente alocar recursos limitados às requisições de tarefas. Especificamente, este trabalho trata do problema da alocação dinâmica (multi-períodos) de veículos (PADV) no transporte rodoviário de cargas completas entre terminais. O PADV pertence a classe de problemas de alocação dinâmica de recursos e consiste em definir movimentos de uma frota de veículos que realiza viagens entre terminais geograficamente dispersos que interagem entre si. Estes movimentos podem ser: veículos carregados com carga completa, veículos vazios para reposicionamento, ou veículos mantidos em um terminal de um período para outro como provisão para o atendimento de demandas futuras. A ênfase é dada na caracterização do problema em situações reais, na modelagem matemática do problema e na solução do mesmo utilizando técnicas de pesquisa operacional, envolvendo ainda a utilização de heurísticas e metaheurísticas para solução, como o GRASP, o simulated annealing e a colônia de formigas. O objetivo é definir a alocação dinâmica e necessidades de frota que minimizem o custo operacional no atendimento a demandas por serviços. A principal motivação para o desenvolvimento do trabalho é a possibilidade de aplicação prática, no desenvolvimento de modelos de programação linear inteira e métodos exatos e heurísticos para as suas soluções, visando a validação prática das abordagens em um ambiente real de operação de uma empresa transportadora no Brasil.

Approche critique des archétypes de pôles logistiques intermodaux en Amérique du Nord et de la rhétorique de leur promotion dans la région métropolitaine de Montréal

Lambert, Alexandre 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Off-hour Deliveries as a Sustainable Alternative : A case study of a Swedish recycling company / Off-hour leveranser som ett hållbart alternativ : En utforskande studie av ett återvinningsföretag

Hassas, Mursal, Liu, Signy Yu January 2021 (has links)
Global climate change is already having a noticeable impact on the environment that threatens the future of all species including humans. Unfortunately, it is currently accelerating and global temperatures will continue to rise in the coming decades mainly due to greenhouse gases produced by human activities in daily life. One of the biggest contributors is emissions from the transport sector which accounts for 32% of Swedish total CO2 emissions. Within the transport sector, freight transportation is more disruptive to traffic flow than personal vehicles because they take up more space on the road and their speed cannot be controlled as nimble as personal vehicles which causes congestion, waste of fuel and greater emissions. Based on the forecast that freight transportation will grow at a faster rate in the next few years, there is a need to manage them more intelligently while keeping up the demand for daily transport. The concept of OHD with the purpose of traffic distribution has recently been proposed and discussed in some academic and pilot projects. By shifting freight transportation from peak hours to off-peak hours, traffic can be alleviated, thus reducing emission from fuel consumption and reducing the timethey and that parts of traffic operate during the day spent on the road.This thesis presents a more comprehensive assessment of the impact of sustainability on theconcept from multiple perspectives and applies the results to the external logistics of Swedish recycling companies. An empirical study was conducted through fourteen semi-structured interviews with researchers, experts within relevant fields and companies with OHD experience. The combination of the empirical and theoretical study concludes that the opportunities and challenges coexist when the industrial companies implement OHD. The most noticeable opportunity provided by the transition is to get rid of congestion which leads to efficiency improvements, fuel savings and reductions in emissions. However, the concept also has a damaging impact as it exposes residents in the surrounding to noise pollution at the time when they need quiet rest. In addition, another challenge in implementing OHD is getting customers’ cooperation which involves the issue of access. / Klimatförändringar har en märkbar inverkan på miljön och hotar framtiden av alla jordens arter. Dessvärre ökar klimatförändringar och de globala temperaturerna kommer att fortsätta stiga under de kommande decennierna, främst på grund av växthusgaser som produceras av dagliga mänskliga aktiviteter. Transportsektorn ansvarar för 32% av den totala svenskakoldioxid utsläppen och är därav den sektorn med mest utsläpp. Inom transportsektorn orsakar godstransporterna fler hinder i trafikflödet än personbilar eftersom de tar mer plats på vägen och har inte den tekniska möjligheten att accelerera, bromsa eller bibehålla hastigheter i samma mån som personbilar. Därav orsakar de trängsel, slöseri av bränsle samt bidrar till ökat utsläpp av koldioxid. Trafikprognoser förutspår att godstransporter kommer att växa i snabbare mån än andra transportmedel under de kommande åren. Därav finns det ett behov av att hantera godstransporten mer effektivt. Konceptet OHD vars syfte är trafikfördelning av trafiken har nyligen erhållit mycket uppmärksamhet både akademiskt i forskning samt praktiskt i pilotprojekt. Genom att flytta godstransporter från högtrafikerade tider till lågtrafikerade tider kan trafiken fördelas, vilket minskar utsläppen, bränsleförbrukning samt ökar trafik effektivitet.Denna avhandling presenterar en omfattande bedömning av hållbarhetens inverkan av OHDkonceptet från flera perspektiv. Det tillämpar resultaten på externa logistikavdelningen av ett återvinningsföretag. En empirisk fallstudie innehållande fjorton semistrukturerade intervjuer med forskare, experter inom relevanta områden samt företag med erfarenhet av konceptet har genomförts. Studien erhöll slutsatserna att återvinningsindustrin kan erhålla flerfaldiga möjligheter och utmaningar orsakad av implementeringen av OHD i deras verksamhet. Där möjligheterna kan sammanställas till effektivitetsförbättringar, bränslebesparingar och minskade utsläpp, utmaningarna kommer vara ljudföroreningar samt övertygande av alla berörande nödvändiga för dess implementering.

Análisis estático y frecuencial en el chasis de un camión de 8T utilizando PRFV para reducir el consumo de combustible

Cosmopolis Pol, Grecia January 2023 (has links)
Es muy probable que hoy en día cualquier objeto que esté a nuestro alrededor haya estado en algún momento de su vida en el interior de un camión de carga, ya que estos son indispensables para el transporte de cualquier tipo de elemento. Desde alimentos, prendas de vestir, muebles, materiales de construcción, hasta maquinaria pesada es transportada por estos vehículos pesados. Por este motivo son considerados parte esencial de la economía mundial, pero al ser sometidos a grandes cargas, estos producen una gran contaminación ambiental, debido al combustible que utilizan. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo disminuir el consumo de combustible del camión mediante la implementación del material compuesto PRFV (Plástico Reforzado con Fibra de Vidrio) como material principal en el chasis en vez de los aceros comúnmente utilizados en su manufactura. La metodología utilizada inició con el dimensionamiento del chasis y se evaluó las propiedades mecánicas del PRFV, para después proceder a la simulación estáticofrecuencial del chasis; los resultados de la simulación fueron comparados con respecto al acero AISI 4135 para finalmente proceder con el cálculo del consumo de combustible del camión con el nuevo material. Con el cambio de material se logró disminuir el peso del camión en 536 Kg, generando así un ahorro de 438.4 L en el uso de combustible, lo cual da un ahorro económico de S/1995.31. / Its most likely nowadays that any object around us has been at some moment in its life inside a cargo truck, since these are indispensable for the transportation of any type of element. From food, clothing, furniture, construction materials, to heavy machinery is transported by these heavy vehicles. For this reason, they are considered an essential part of the world economy, but when subjected to heavy loads, they produce a great amount of environmental pollution, due to the fuel they use. The objective of this research is to reduce the fuel consumption of the truck by implementing GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic) as the main material in the chassisinstead of the Steel commo nly used in its manufacture. The methodology used started with the sizing of the chassis and the mechanical properties of the GFRP were evaluated and then proceeded to the static-frequency simulation of the chassis, the results of the simulations were compared with the Steel alloy AISI 4135, to finally proceed to calculate the fuel consumption of the truck with the new material. By changing the material, the weight of the truck was reduced by 536Kg, which generate a saving of 438.4 L in fuel consumption, resulting in a economic saving of S/.1995,31.

Solution Methods for Service Network Design with Resource Management Consideration

Vu, Duc Minh 06 1900 (has links)
La gestion des ressources, équipements, équipes de travail, et autres, devrait être prise en compte lors de la conception de tout plan réalisable pour le problème de conception de réseaux de services. Cependant, les travaux de recherche portant sur la gestion des ressources et la conception de réseaux de services restent limités. La présente thèse a pour objectif de combler cette lacune en faisant l’examen de problèmes de conception de réseaux de services prenant en compte la gestion des ressources. Pour ce faire, cette thèse se décline en trois études portant sur la conception de réseaux. La première étude considère le problème de capacitated multi-commodity fixed cost network design with design-balance constraints(DBCMND). La structure multi-produits avec capacité sur les arcs du DBCMND, de même que ses contraintes design-balance, font qu’il apparaît comme sous-problème dans de nombreux problèmes reliés à la conception de réseaux de services, d’où l’intérêt d’étudier le DBCMND dans le contexte de cette thèse. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour résoudre ce problème combinant la recherche tabou, la recomposition de chemin, et une procédure d’intensification de la recherche dans une région particulière de l’espace de solutions. Dans un premier temps la recherche tabou identifie de bonnes solutions réalisables. Ensuite la recomposition de chemin est utilisée pour augmenter le nombre de solutions réalisables. Les solutions trouvées par ces deux méta-heuristiques permettent d’identifier un sous-ensemble d’arcs qui ont de bonnes chances d’avoir un statut ouvert ou fermé dans une solution optimale. Le statut de ces arcs est alors fixé selon la valeur qui prédomine dans les solutions trouvées préalablement. Enfin, nous utilisons la puissance d’un solveur de programmation mixte en nombres entiers pour intensifier la recherche sur le problème restreint par le statut fixé ouvert/fermé de certains arcs. Les tests montrent que cette approche est capable de trouver de bonnes solutions aux problèmes de grandes tailles dans des temps raisonnables. Cette recherche est publiée dans la revue scientifique Journal of heuristics. La deuxième étude introduit la gestion des ressources au niveau de la conception de réseaux de services en prenant en compte explicitement le nombre fini de véhicules utilisés à chaque terminal pour le transport de produits. Une approche de solution faisant appel au slope-scaling, la génération de colonnes et des heuristiques basées sur une formulation en cycles est ainsi proposée. La génération de colonnes résout une relaxation linéaire du problème de conception de réseaux, générant des colonnes qui sont ensuite utilisées par le slope-scaling. Le slope-scaling résout une approximation linéaire du problème de conception de réseaux, d’où l’utilisation d’une heuristique pour convertir les solutions obtenues par le slope-scaling en solutions réalisables pour le problème original. L’algorithme se termine avec une procédure de perturbation qui améliore les solutions réalisables. Les tests montrent que l’algorithme proposé est capable de trouver de bonnes solutions au problème de conception de réseaux de services avec un nombre fixe des ressources à chaque terminal. Les résultats de cette recherche seront publiés dans la revue scientifique Transportation Science. La troisième étude élargie nos considérations sur la gestion des ressources en prenant en compte l’achat ou la location de nouvelles ressources de même que le repositionnement de ressources existantes. Nous faisons les hypothèses suivantes: une unité de ressource est nécessaire pour faire fonctionner un service, chaque ressource doit retourner à son terminal d’origine, il existe un nombre fixe de ressources à chaque terminal, et la longueur du circuit des ressources est limitée. Nous considérons les alternatives suivantes dans la gestion des ressources: 1) repositionnement de ressources entre les terminaux pour tenir compte des changements de la demande, 2) achat et/ou location de nouvelles ressources et leur distribution à différents terminaux, 3) externalisation de certains services. Nous présentons une formulation intégrée combinant les décisions reliées à la gestion des ressources avec les décisions reliées à la conception des réseaux de services. Nous présentons également une méthode de résolution matheuristique combinant le slope-scaling et la génération de colonnes. Nous discutons des performances de cette méthode de résolution, et nous faisons une analyse de l’impact de différentes décisions de gestion des ressources dans le contexte de la conception de réseaux de services. Cette étude sera présentée au XII International Symposium On Locational Decision, en conjonction avec XXI Meeting of EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis, Naples/Capri (Italy), 2014. En résumé, trois études différentes sont considérées dans la présente thèse. La première porte sur une nouvelle méthode de solution pour le "capacitated multi-commodity fixed cost network design with design-balance constraints". Nous y proposons une matheuristique comprenant la recherche tabou, la recomposition de chemin, et l’optimisation exacte. Dans la deuxième étude, nous présentons un nouveau modèle de conception de réseaux de services prenant en compte un nombre fini de ressources à chaque terminal. Nous y proposons une matheuristique avancée basée sur la formulation en cycles comprenant le slope-scaling, la génération de colonnes, des heuristiques et l’optimisation exacte. Enfin, nous étudions l’allocation des ressources dans la conception de réseaux de services en introduisant des formulations qui modèlent le repositionnement, l’acquisition et la location de ressources, et l’externalisation de certains services. À cet égard, un cadre de solution slope-scaling développé à partir d’une formulation en cycles est proposé. Ce dernier comporte la génération de colonnes et une heuristique. Les méthodes proposées dans ces trois études ont montré leur capacité à trouver de bonnes solutions. / Resource management in freight transportation service network design is an important issue that has been studied extensively in recent years. Resources such as vehicles, crews, etc. are factors that can not be ignored when designing a feasible plan for any service network design problem. However, contributions related to resource management issues and service network design are still limited. The goal of the thesis is to fill this gap by taking into account service network design problems with resource management issues. In this thesis, we propose and address three service network design problems that consider resource management. In the first study, we consider the capacitated multi-commodity fixed cost network design with design-balance constraints which is a basic sub-problem for many service design problems because of the capacitated multi-commodity structure as well as its design-balance property. We propose a three-phase matheuristic that combines tabu-search, path-relinking and an exactbased intensification procedure to find high quality solutions. Tabu-search identifies feasible solutions while path-relinking extends the set of feasible solutions. The solutions found by these two meta-heuristics are used to fix arcs as open or close. An exact solver intensifies the search on a restricted problem derived from fixing arcs. The experiments on benchmark instances show that the solution approach finds good solutions to large-scale problems in a reasonable amount of time. The contribution with regard to this study has been accepted in the Journal of Heuristics. In the second study, together with the consideration of the design of routes to transport a set of commodities by vehicles, we extend resources management by explicitly taking account of the number of available vehicles at each terminal. We introduce a matheuristic solution framework based on a cycle-based formulation that includes column generation, slope-scaling, heuristic and exact optimization techniques. As far as we know, this is the first matheuristic procedure developed for a cycle-based formulation. The column generation solves the linear relaxation model and provides a set of cycles to define the approximation model used in slopescaling loop. A heuristic is used to convert each solution to the approximation problem into a feasible solution. Memory-based perturbation procedure is used to enhance the performance of the algorithm. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm is able to find good feasible solutions for the problem. The contribution with regard to this study has been accepted for publication in Transportation Science. In the third study, we examine resources allocation issues in service network design. We aim to address a number of fleet utilization issues which usually appear at the beginning of the season because of the change of demand patterns: 1) reposition resources among terminals to account for shifts in demand patterns; 2) acquire (buy or long-term rent) new resources and as sign them to terminals; 3) outsource particular services. We present an integrated formulation combining these selection-location and scheduled service design decisions. The mixed-integer formulation is defined over a time-space network, the initial period modeling the location de cisions on resource acquisition and positioning, while the decisions on service selection and scheduling, resource assignment and cycling routing, and demand satisfaction being modeled on the rest of the network. We also present a matheuristic solution method combining slope scaling and column generation, discuss its algorithmic performance, and explore the impact of combining the location and design decisions in the context of consolidation carrier service design. This study will be presented at XII International Symposium On Locational Deci sion, in conjunction with the XXI Meeting of EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis, Naples/Capri (Italy), 2014. In summary, three studies are considered in this thesis. The first one considers the capaciated multi-commodity fixed cost network design with design-balance constraints, a basic problem in many service network design problems with design-balance constraints. We propose an ef ficient three-phase matheuristic solution method that includes tabu search, path relinking and exact optimization. In the second study, we propose a new service network design model that takes into account resources limitations at each terminal. We also propose an advanced matheuristic framework solution method based on a cycle-based formulation which includes slope-scaling, column generation, heuristics and exact optimization for this problem. The last study addresses resources allocation issues in service network design. We introduce formula tions that model the reposition, acquisition/renting of resources and outsourcing of services. A solution framework based on the slope-scaling approach on cycle-based formulations is pro posed. Tests indicate that these proposed algorithms are able to find good feasible solutions for each of threse problems.

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