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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Värdet av Personligheter i Front-End Innovation / The Utility of Personalities in Front-End Innovation

Ramoser, Hannes, Hygerth, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Denna rapport söker att utforska ett nytt sätt att organisera front-end innovation. Därmed förbättra modeller av aktuell forskning som ger belägg för framgångsrika sociala nätstrukturer eller heterogenitetförhållanden, målet med denna studie är att hitta idealiska personlighetskonstellationer inom projektteam - för att göra dem kraftfulla och användbara. Det finns begränsad forskning som beskriver hur individers personlighetsdrag i team påverkar förmågan att innovera, dock vet man att personligheten är en absolut nödvändigt för att matcha ihop rätt personer för att skapa rätt resultat. Inledande research påvisade fyra idénytto- dimensioner som gör en idé värdefull; kundorientering, genomförbarhet, marknadsmöjligheter och strategisk passform. Den teoretiska referensramen tyder på att var och en av de fyra personlighetsarketyperna (rationals, guardians, idealists och artisans) är naturligt benägna för att producera idéer inom dessa dimensioner. Att känna till den dominerande typen av idéer som enskilda personer producerar möjliggör organisering för att  förbättra flödet av idéer. En noggrann metodik har genomfördes där ett initialt personlighetstest med 96 deltagare genomfördes, följt av en idégenereringssession i skräddarsydda personlighets-team med de nämnda deltagarna, det medförde att 179 idéer producerades. Samarbeten med externa yrkesmän underlättade kategorisering av idéerna enligt de fyra idé-nytto-dimensionerna. Vid korrelation- och regressionsanalys av datan påvisades att personligheter har en prediktiv effekt, som kan utnyttjas. Arketypen rationals, var benägna att producera genomförbara och kundorienterade idéer. Fortsättningsvis kan idealister och artisanier porträtteras som motsatser, eftersom deras idéer var mindre genomförbara men rik på möjligheter på marknaden. Ett företag kan därför vertikalt översätta en kortsiktig lågrisk innovationsstrategi genom att sysselsätta rationella arketyper lämpligt. Likaså idealister och artisanier spelar in för att passa en långsiktig framtidsorienterad innovationsstrategi. / This report embarks to explore a new way to organise front-end innovation. Enhancing the models of current research that conclude to beneficial social network structures or heterogeneity ratios, this study aim to find ideal personality constellations within project teams - to make them powerful and useful. There is limited research given to how an individual’s personality traits in the context of a team impacts the potential of that team to innovate, yet it is vital to match up the right individuals in order to create desirable outcomes. Initial exploration provided insights to the key dimensions that makes an idea valuable; customer orientation, feasibility, market opportunity and strategic fit. The theoretical framework suggests that each of four personality archetypes (rationals, guardians, idealist and artisans) is naturally prone to produce ideas within one or more of those specific dimensions. Knowing the predominant type of ideas, which teams produce will allow for a better organisational structure to improve the flow of ideas. A meticulous methodology was designed to supply the quantitative and qualitative data needed for such conclusions. A personality test with 96 participants, followed by an ideation session granted for a sample of 179 ideas to be produced. Collaborations with external industry professionals facilitated for the categorisation of ideas according to the four idea utility dimensions. The empirical data was analysed within correlations and regressions to show that personalities have, in fact, a predictive impact that can be exploited. The archetype of rationals, on the one hand, was prone to produce feasible and customer orientated ideas. Alternatively, the idealist and artisan archetypes portrayed to opposite as their ideas were less feasible but rich in market opportunities. A firm can therefore vertically translate a short-term, low risk innovation strategy into tasking rationals appropriately. Likewise, idealists and artisans come into play to suit a long-term and future oriented innovation strategy.

Innovation culture in small and medium-sized enterprises: the importance of soft factors in early stages of the innovation process / Innovation Culture in small and medium-sized Enterprises: the Importance of Soft Factors in early Stages of the Innovation Process

Kociánová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The study at hand investigates innovation systems at small and medium enterprises (SMEs) focusing on innovation culture, organization and company goals at the early stages of innovation process. Past research studies suggest the early stages of innovation process are critical for the overall innovation ability, however, there is a lack of literature on the specifics of innovation systems at SMEs. Case studies of 3 companies provide an overview of characteristics of innovation systems at a typical SME as well as a solid basis for drawing business implications relevant for establishing or improving its innovation system. Furthermore, the findings reveal that people management at the early stages of innovation process is missing, and that a foreign subsidiary of an international SME is relevant for an effective corporate innovation process. Implications for further research on the topic are also discussed.

創新開端理論建立的軌跡與樣式 / Trajectories and patterns of research towards theory-building in the early stage of front-end innovation

劉世偉, Liu, Shi Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過瞭解理論發展的過程, 辨識學術文獻在創新開端發展的樣式與軌跡, 並以之為基礎, 分析該學術領域之研究概況與趨勢. 分析之單元為理論建立之過程以及學術文獻; 本研究之文獻資料主要來自於Journal of Product Innovation Management, Management Science, Journal of Marketing, R&D Management, Technovation, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Research Policy…等24份國際期刊, 共167篇文獻. 透過對於這些文獻的分析, 本研究辨識出三種類別, 14種研究的樣式與其相對應於理論建立過程的軌跡, 為理論建立過程提供了分類的依據, 同時也為”理論建立的理論(theory of theory-building)”提供了實徵研究的確認結果; 並以此樣式和軌跡為基礎, 分析創新開端目前研究的趨勢與概況, 提供創新開端領域目前學術研究概況的實徵數據; 本文最後將對本研究的限制提出說明, 以及對於未來可能的發展提出建議. / This study identifies trajectories and patterns of research towards theory-building in the early stage of front-end innovation. The trajectories and patterns serve as a tool to explore and analyze the trends and the landscape of current research situation in the domain of interest. The units of analysis are individual research project and the process of theory-building. The source of data come from 24 peer-review academic journals, including Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Marketing, R&D Management, Technovation, Management Science, Research Policy…and so on. In total, 167 academic articles are collected for further analysis. The result demonstrates that 14 patterns and corresponding trajectories along the theory-building process are identified. This study also discusses the possibilities of a research pattern that could be followed by these patterns and trajectories. In the end of the study, specific contributions to the knowledge of the early stage of front-end innovation are listed and future research opportunities are also suggested.

Facilitating Innovation of a LargeScale Company with External Startups / Underlätta Innovation av Stora Företag med Externa Startups

Hajzeri, Tesi January 2020 (has links)
Along with an increased environmental awareness, companies are encouraged to go through big, internal transformations and look outside of their core businesses. For them to remain competitive, they need to show an urge for external innovation and collaboration with startups. Front end innovation (FEI) plays a crucial role in the success of ideas, yet the process for it is scattered and unorganised. The purpose of this thesis is to provide structure to external FEI and ensure success to further stages such as commercialization. The thesis was conducted at a large, sustainable materials company, by performing a literature study and qualitative interviews. The results were divided in two parts: (1). Identification of tools and success factors within FEI and (2). Construction of a relevant business model at this phase based on previous findings. The discussion of the results has been derived by performing deep analysis of the data and benchmarking it to previous findings. The thesis resulted in concrete suggestions and improvements of FEI management processes. A business model framework applicable for FEI processes is suggested based on recommendations and findings. Concluding, I argue that the result can be considered as a bridge between large scale companies and external startups, as well as between FEI and commercialization, however, it needs to be validated on other environments than the subject company. / Företag utför stora, interna omvandlingar och tittar utanför sina kärnverksamheter på grund av en ökad miljömedvetenhet. För att de ska förbli konkurrenskraftiga måste de utöka sina processer för extern innovation och samarbete med startups. Front end innovation (FEI) spelar en avgörande roll för framgångsrik innovation, men denna process är utspridd och osystematisk. Syftet med projektet är att införa struktur av externa innovationsprocesser och säkerställa framgång för framtida steg såsom kommersialisering.  Projektet genomfördes vid ett stort företag som fokuserar på hållbara material, genom att utföra en litteraturstrudie och kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultatet delas upp i två delar: (1).  Identifiering av verktyg och framgångsfaktorer inom FEI och (2). Konstruktion av en relevant affärsmodell i denna fas baserad på tidigare litteratur. Diskussionen av resultatet består av en djup analys av samlade data och jämförelse av detta med tidigare resultat.  Projektet resulterade i konkreta förslag och förbättringar av innovations processer. En affärsmodells ram föreslås som är tillämpad för FEI baserad på rekommendationer och litteratur. Avslutningsvis hävdar jag att resultatet kan betraktas som en bro mellan storskaliga företag och externa startups, liksom mellan FEI och kommersialisering men den måste valideras genom testing i andra miljöer och företag.

Towards a front end innovation process for digital innovation : Managing the uncertainty of digitalization in incumbent manufacturers / Mot en process för att hantera digital innovation i tidiga skeden : Hantera osäkerheten kring digitalisering hos etablerade tillverkare

Olofsson, Hanna, Frisk, Olle January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: Currently, there is no outlined process for the front end of innovation suited for digital innovation. Thus, incumbent manufacturers face challenges when striving to execute their digital innovation initiatives and tend to invest in unfeasible initiatives. Therefore, the purpose of this master thesis is to bridge identified research gaps in order to enhance digital innovation through creating a front-end innovation process. Method: In order to fulfill the purpose of this master thesis, an abductive, qualitative research approach has been adopted. We build on a case study of an incumbent manufacturer within the aerospace industry. Specifically, we leverage 20 explorative and semi-structured interviews with various roles involved in digital innovation initiatives. To derive findings through the interviews in combination with previous research, a thematic analysis was conducted. Findings: Through this master thesis, three key barriers to digital innovation in incumbent manufacturers were identified; difficulties in securing appropriate data, constrained digital development resources, and uncertainties in the value digital innovation may generate. Furthermore, a front-end innovation process with three phases has been constructed in order for firms to better handle the early phases of digital innovation. The phases included in the process are; digital idea generation, digital feasibility recognition, and evaluation. Theoretical contributions: This study extends the current research within front end innovation and digital innovation and thus bridges the gap among these research fields. Specifically, we add to the literature by illustrating principles and key activities for a revised front end process for digital innovation and provide novel decision criteria and principles for evaluating and prioritizing digital innovation initiatives. Managerial implications: The managerial implication of this study is that we provide practical guidelines for leveraging digital innovations in early stages of development. Firms tend to invest in ideas with low feasibility, however, our process framework enables decision–makers to minimize uncertainty and streamline their front-end innovation process for digital innovation. The framework further forces decision-makers to understand the foremost determinants of feasibility and further embrace decreased investment costs in failing innovation. Limitations and future research: To make the process framework as intuitive and easy-to-follow as possible, we sought to simplify the process by reducing the number of steps required. Furthermore, we sought to simplify any technical aspects that have been brought up during interviews with certain respondents, to further make the process framework easy to follow for any manager working within innovation. For the future, we hope other researchers further validate our process framework within other industries, especially within industries driven by digitalization. Moreover, future research pinpointing who is responsible for making decisions throughout the process framework would be of relevance to further extend the knowledge regarding front end innovation for digital innovation. / Syfte: För närvarande finns det ingen process för att hantera de tidiga stadierna av digital innovation. Följaktligen uppstår utmaningar då bolag ska exekvera digital innovation vilket ofta leder till att bolag investerar resurser i digitala initiativ som inte är genomförbara. Därav ämnar denna studie överbrygga gapet mellan digital innovation och innovation i tidiga skeden i syfte att förbättra digital innovation. Metod: För att uppfylla syftet med studien har en abduktiv och kvalitativ forskningsansats använts. Mer specifikt bygger studien på 20 explorativa och semi-strukturerade intervjuer med respondenter som har erfarenhet inom digital innovation. Vidare analyserades insamlad data genom en tematisk analys och genom det kunde slutsatser dras. Resultat: Studien resulterade i tre barriärer för digital innovation; svårigheter i att anskaffa lämplig data, begränsade resurser för digital innovation och svårigheter i att fastställa värdet av digital innovation. Vidare skapades ett processramverk innehållande tre faser som ska möjliggöra att bolag på ett mer adekvat sätt kan hantera digital innovation. De tre faserna är digital idégenerering, digital genomförbarhet och utvärdering. Teoretiskt bidrag: Studien adderar till nuvarande forskning inom digital innovation och innovation i tidiga faser genom att överbrygga gapet mellan de olika områdena. Mer specifikt bidrar vi genom att illustrera principer och nyckelaktiviteter för digital innovation i tidiga skeden och genom att fastställa beslutskriterier och principer för att prioritera och utvärdera digital innovation. Praktiskt bidrag: Studiens praktiska bidrag är vägledning för att utveckla digital innovation i tidiga skeden. Bolag tenderar att investera i digital innovation som inte är möjlig att genomföra och därav möjliggör vårt processramverk att beslutsfattare kan minska osäkerheten och effektivisera deras process för digital innovation. Vidare skapar ramverket en förståelse för de viktigaste aspekterna av genomförbarhet kopplat till digital innovation, vilket möjliggör att bolag inte behöver investera resurser i digital innovation som inte är genomförbar. Begränsningar och vidare forskning: För att öka användbarheten av vårt processramverk, förenklade och reducerade vi antalet steg i ramverket. I syfte att öka läsbarheten av rapporten har vi även förenklat tekniska aspekter, då rapporten ska kunna förstås av alla anställda som arbetar med digital innovation, utan krav på teknisk kunnighet. För att vidareutveckla vårt ramverk och den teori vi skapat inom FEI, önskar vi som ett nästa steg att ramverket kan valideras i andra industrier och kontexter, särskilt i de industrier som huvudsakligen är drivna av digitalisering. Bortsett från det önskar vi att framtida forskning kommer utreda vidare kring ansvarighet inom beslutsfattande om digital innovation, exempelvis vem som bör ansvara för att gå igenom ramverket, för att ytterligare skapa förståelse över hur bolag bör arbeta med tidiga skeden av digital innovation.

Ideação à inovação disruptiva: um estudo de caso sobre seus condicionantes

Cardoso, Marcos Milani 18 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:52:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5741.pdf: 3756867 bytes, checksum: d75ae6844f86f78217fb963284442b22 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-18 / This present work represents a case study conducted with different business units and corporate areas in a Brazilian branch of a multinational company (acknowledged by its innovative strength in multiple sectors: auto parts, consumer goods and industrial goods), aiming to understand what inhibits or enables a more venturesome innovative approach towards more disruptive products (understood as those genuinely new, designed after actual demands and unmet needs, avoiding limitations of technological paradigms and the erroneous inertial persecution of the same competitive attributes). For doing so, the following main objectives are established: 1. Understand how selected determinants (environment, human resources, financial resources, processes, culture and strategy) impact the product innovation portfolio composition in the units selected; 2. Therefore, identify ideas sources that are most frequently used and those considered most effective in each unit studied. As the background for this analysis, the literature review outlined starts discussing some concepts (disruptive innovation and value co-creation particularly) which exhort to the importance of a broader innovative orientation, dribbling an inertial conservative behavior that seems quite deleterious. After that, an approach on the main drivers that mold the innovation orientation is outlined (covering the lockin risks and opportunities brought by open innovation amidst the innovation strategy perspectives). Finally, the bottlenecks in the idea generation phase (which has been reported by some recent studies as the major cause for an alleged gap in disruptive innovations) are explored, some multidisciplinary contributions on innovation applied creativity (ideation concepts from cognitive and social sciences) are brought and the most effective and commonly used sources of ideas according to recent researches are covered. The analysis identifies three main innovation orientations in the studied areas (tech drivers with offensive strategies; need seekers with opportunist strategies; and market readers with more dependent strategies), what seems to be determined by deliberate corporate definitions molded by a more conservative and centralizing cultural and strategic approach of the company, dedicating limited innovation scope and resources for the branch. The idea sources follows this three main innovation orientations, also being close to those traditionally used internationally: technologically oriented areas with more innovative capabilities (offensive innovation strategy) tend to find more efficient and popular the technological prospection sources; dependent innovation approaches tend to rely on a more basic usage of voice of customer sources; and the opportunist orientation is the only approach more focused on open innovation methods (which generally have limited adoption). Besides and in general, internal and voice of customer sources tend to be disseminated and effectively used independently of the orientation. / O presente trabalho constitui um estudo de caso delineado em distintas unidades de negócios e áreas corporativas de filial brasileira de empresa multinacional (reconhecida por seu desempenho inovador em diversos mercados: autopeças, bens de consumo e bens industriais), buscando entender o que inibe ou viabiliza a busca por inovações mais disruptivas em produtos (concebidas como aquelas que buscam criar propostas genuinamente novas e vinculadas a reais demandas, às limitações dos paradigmas tecnológicos e ao aprisionamento na perseguição dos atributos competitivos estabelecidos). Pra tanto, são traçados dois objetivos principais: 1. Entender quão determinantes são algumas variáveis selecionadas (ambiente, recursos humanos, recursos financeiros, processos, cultura e estratégia) na orientação à composição do portfólio de inovação em produto das unidades estudadas; 2. Por conseguinte, identificar quais fontes de ideias são utilizadas com mais frequência e aquelas consideradas de maior efetividade em cada unidade estudada. Conformando uma base para essa análise, a revisão bibliográfica aqui delineada se inicia com uma abordagem sobre concepções (em especial a perspectiva da inovação disruptiva e da cocriação de valor) que exortam quanto à importância de se manter uma orientação à inovação atenta a mais amplas oportunidades, driblando um comportamento inercial que parece bastante deletério. Na sequencia, faz-se uma abordagem acerca de como a inovação é apreendida como estratégia nas empresas dentro de múltiplos determinantes, sendo também trabalhados os riscos de lockin e as oportunidades trazidas com a inovação aberta. Por fim, mostra-se que gargalos na etapa da geração de ideias vêm sendo apontados mais recentemente como a maior causa para esse lapso de inovação, sendo resgatadas contribuições multidisciplinares sobre a criatividade aplicada à inovação (conceitos de ideação desprendidos a partir de conceitos das ciências cognitivas e sociais e sendo trazidas as principais fontes de ideias atualmente empregadas) e apresentadas as fontes de ideias mais comumente utilizadas e aquelas consideradas mais populares segundo pesquisas recentes. Como resultado, a análise, à semelhança de estudos internacionais, identificou três principais orientações à inovação nas unidades estudadas (tech drivers com estratégias mais ofensivas; need seekers com estratégias mais oportunistas; e market readers com estratégias mais dependentes), o que parece estar determinado por definições deliberadas da corporação, moldadas por um embasamento estratégico e cultural mais tradicional e centralizador da empresa, sendo dedicados pela matriz poucos recursos e um limitado escopo à inovação à filial. As fontes de ideias empregadas, por sua vez, seguem essas três orientações principais, estando ainda bastante próximas daquelas mais tradicionalmente empregadas internacionalmente: a área com maior orientação e capacitação tecnológica (tech driver) apresentou uso mais eficaz e frequente de fontes de prospecção tecnológica; as áreas de orientação dependente à inovação (market readers) mostraram mais ampla adoção de fontes de clientes; a área com abordagem oportunista (need seeker) sobressaiu como a única a conferir certa ênfase na inovação aberta (o que tem comumente aplicação bastante limitada nas demais unidades). Ademais, as fontes de ideias internas, bem como aquelas de clientes são, em geral, disseminadas e efetivamente usadas independentemente da orientação.

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