Spelling suggestions: "subject:"frontend"" "subject:"frontend""
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Ingénierie de substrat par micro-usinage laser pour l’amélioration des performances de composants et fonctions RF intégrées en technologie SOI-CMOS / Substrate engineering using laser micromachining for improvement of RF devices and systems integrated in SOI-CMOS technologyBhaskar, Arun 07 October 2019 (has links)
Dans l'industrie des semi-conducteurs, l'approche More-than-Moore constitue un facteur clé pour améliorer les performances du système, l'intégration et la diversification des applications. Dans le domaine des systèmes RF/hyperfréquences, il est essentiel de développer des fonctionnalités optimisées pour diverses exigences comme la linéarité, les pertes, la sensibilité, etc. Bien que la technologie silicium-sur-isolant (SOI) offre des solutions concurrentielles pour le marché des radiofréquences et des hyperfréquences, il a été démontré dans des études antérieures que l'ingénierie des substrats SOI permet d'améliorer encore les performances. Dans ce contexte, l'objet spécifique de ce travail de thèse a été d'étudier le traitement des substrats porteurs de tranches SOI (Silicium-sur-Isolant). L'objectif a consisté à enlever le substrat de silicium sous la zone active des fonctions RF pour obtenir des membranes SOI menant à des pertes RF réduites et une amélioration de la linéarité. Nous avons donc développé le procédé de micro-usinage et de gravure assistée par laser femtoseconde FLAME (Femtosecond Laser Assisted Micromachining and Etch) pour suspendre en membrane les fonctions RF intégrées sur un substrat SOI. Un taux d'ablation spécifique élevé de 8,5 x 106 µm3 s-1 a été obtenu pour produire des membranes dont la surface varie de quelques centaines de µm2 à plusieurs mm2. La caractérisation RF a été réalisée sur différentes fonctions RF suspendues : commutateurs, inductances et amplificateurs à faible bruit (LNA). Une comparaison avec des substrats SOI à haute résistivité montre des performances supérieures pour les fonctions RF intégrées en membranes. Pour le commutateur, les mesures de distorsion harmonique ont montré une amélioration de 23 dB et 6 dB des secondes et troisièmes harmoniques, respectivement. Des mesures en régime petit signal d'inductance sur membranes ont révélé un quasi-doublement du facteur de qualité Q jusqu'à 3,2 nH. L'élimination du substrat de l'inductance d'adaptation d'entrée des LNA entraine une réduction du facteur de bruit de ~0,1 dB. Ces résultats mettent en évidence le potentiel important que constitue l’ingénierie des substrats pour l'amélioration des performances RF des technologies CMOS. De plus, pour les besoins d'analyse en boucle courte, la méthode FLAME permet de quantifier très rapidement l'influence du substrat sur les pertes et la linéarité sans avoir recours à des techniques d’élimination complète. Un autre avantage distinctif de cette méthode est la possibilité de quantifier l'effet du substrat sur un circuit complet en suspendant un composant spécifique sans affecter les autres. Les méthodes de fabrication développées sont également applicables aux capteurs en technologie SOI, ce qui apporte une valeur ajoutée globale en ligne avec le paradigme More-than-Moore. / In semiconductor industry, the More-than-Moore approach is a key enabler for enhanced system performance, better integration and improved diversity of applications. Within the focus area of RF/microwave systems, it is essential to develop different functionalities which are optimized for various requirements like linearity, losses, sensitivity etc. While Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) technology offers competitive solutions for RF/microwave market, it has been demonstrated in previous studies that SOI substrate engineering results in further performance gains. In this context, the specific goal of our work is the investigation of substrate processing of SOI RF functions using femtosecond laser ablation. The objective is to remove silicon handler substrate under the active area of the RF functions to obtain SOI membranes which have reduced RF losses and improved linearity. In this work, we have developed the Femtosecond Laser Assisted Micromachining and Etch (FLAME) process to suspend RF functions integrated on a SOI substrate. A high specific ablation rate of 8.5 x 106 µm3 s-1 has been achieved to produce membranes with a surface area ranging from few hundreds µm2 to several mm2. RF characterization has been performed on different suspended RF functions: switches, inductors and low noise amplifiers (LNA). A comparison with high-resistivity SOI substrates shows superior performance of RF functions integrated in suspended membranes. For the SP9T switch, harmonic distortion measurements showed an improvement of 23 dB and 6 dB of the second and third harmonic, respectively. Small signal measurements of inductors on membranes revealed a near doubling of the quality factor of inductors up to 3.2 nH. Substrate removal of input matching inductor on LNA resulted in reduction of noise figure by ~0.1 dB. These results highlight the great potential for use of substrate processing for improvement of RF performance in CMOS technology. In addition, for short loop analysis needs, the FLAME method allows to quantify the influence of the substrate on losses and linearity very quickly without the need for total substrate removal. Another distinctive advantage of this methodology is the ability to quantify the substrate effect on a full circuit by suspending a specific component while keeping other components unaffected. The developed fabrication methods are equally usable for sensor applications on SOI technology, which provides an overall added value in line with the More-than-Moore paradigm.
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Návrh, tvorba a implementace softwarové aplikace ve firemním prostředí / Design, Creation and Implementation of Software Applications in the Corporate EnvironmentZsiga, Juraj January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design, creation and implementation of a software application in the corporate environment of Velká Pecka s.r.o., better known as Rohlík. The first goal is to analyze the given company and find its shortcomings. The second, the main one, is to create and implement a software, which would eliminate them. The resulting solution is a mobile application, which improves issue reporting in their warehouses, thus saving resources overall.
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ANVÄNDUPPLEVELSE MELLAN BOOTSTRAP & FOUNDATION SOM RAMVERK : Jämförelse av Bootstrap & Foundation ramverk med avseende på användarupplevelse inom e-handel fokus på tillit / USER EXPERIENCE BETWEEN BOOTSTRAP & FOUNDATION AS FRAMEWORK : Comparison of Bootstrap & Foundation framework with regard to user experience within e-commerce focus on trustAndersen, Veronica January 2021 (has links)
<p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet somska skickas till arkivet.</p>
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Creating custom APIs to solve shortcomings in existing JavaScript Front-End FrameworksMarosan, Ivan, Namazi, Yousef January 2020 (has links)
The technology of creating web-based applications has been expanding and making better user interfaces that can support many different focus groups, such as building a website that is flexible and easy-to-use for children and/or the elderly. Another expansion has been in the field of storages of data and connectivity. These technologies, however, have a steep learning curve for new developers. With the rise of these new techniques, a unique contemporary set of skills have been introduced, the Front-End, which is a layer that involves the presentation aspect of an application. React.js is a popular JavaScript framework for front-end development. It has become the most framework for user interface design. In today’s market there are several other frameworks that one can utilize for front-end solutions such as Angular v2 and Vue.js. The results of this thesis is the improvement on creating a developer friendly custom creation of unique elements. By following proper processes when using the API, one can learn and create their own custom API to their own liking. The API created is a basic GUI addition to React, which enables a Log-In interface that can be easily manipulated by following the thesis, and/or by tracing the steps in the code. This is useful for those that want to have a template GUI API.
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Knowledge Base : Back-end interface and possible usesLiliequist, Erik, Jonsson, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This paper addresses two different aspects of the subject known as knowledge bases, or knowledge graphs. A knowledge base is defined as a comprehensive semantically organized machine-readable collection of universally relevant or domain-specific entities, classes, and facts. The objective of this paper is to explore how a knowledge base can be used to gain information about an entity. First we present one way to access information from the knowledge base using a back-end interface. This back-end interface takes simple parameters as input which are used to query the knowledge base. The main objective here is to be able to access the right entity, to be able to answers the questions correctly. After that follows a discussion about the need for knowledge bases and possible uses. The discussions will partly be based on results from our implementation, but also consider other similar implementation, and interviews with possible users in the business and society. We conclude that the back-end interface developed performs well enough, with a high precision, to be ran in an unsupervised system. Furthermore we realise that the interface can be improved in several ways by focusing on smaller domains of information. Several different possible uses have been identified. From these uses a market analysis has been done from which we conclude good market possibilities. Some of the key problems with implementing the interface regards the credibility of the information in the knowledge base. This is one of the main problems that needs to be solved to fully implement knowledge bases in business and society. / Den här rapporten tar upp två olika områden som berör knowledge bases. En knowledge base definieras som en omfattande semantiskt organiserad maskinläslig samling av universellt relevanta eller domän-specifika entiteter, klasser, och fakta. Målet med rapporten är att undersöka hur en knowledge base kan användas för att få fram information om en entitet. Först presenteras ett tillvägagångsätt för kommunikation mot en knowledge base med hjälp av ett back-end gränssnitt. Back-end gränssnittet tar enkla parametrar som input och använder dessa för att köra en query mot en knowledge base. Huvudfokus i denna del kommer ligga i att få rätt svar på frågorna och kommer därmed att utvärderas utifrån det. Det andra området som arbetet berör är en diskussion kring hur knowledge bases kan integreras i samhället och näringslivet för att få ut en ökad nytta. Diskussionerna kommer att baseras på resultaten från den första delen av arbetet till viss del, men även andra liknande studier kommer vägas in för att ge ett bredare diskussionsunderlag. Utöver detta baseras också diskussionen på intervjuer med möjliga intressenter inom näringsliv och samhälle. Det utvecklade gränssnittet presterar på en nivå, med hög precision, som vi bedömer tillräcklig för implementering i oövervakade system. Dessutom har flertalet förbättringsområden identifierats. Huvudsakligen berör dessa att mer specifika implementationer kan få högre precision då specifikare kontroller kan genomföras. Flertal möjliga användningsområden har identifierats. Med dessa som grund har en marknadsanalys genomförts som pekar på goda förutsättningar för tekniken. Ett av det största problemen berör trovärdigheten i informationen i knowledge basen. Det är ett problem som måste lösas innan tekniken kan implementeras fullt ut i näringsliv och samhälle.
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Researching the conflicts between user experience, front-end and back-end in software development processPavicevic, Tea, Tomasevic, Dejana January 2021 (has links)
User experience design is the process of improving the accessibility and use of a product during user’s interaction with it. This study investigates the issues that occur in the coordination of UX design and software development. Furthermore, it examines diverse types of conflicts between UX designers, front-end and back-end developers, factors contributing to these conflicts and their influence on the software development process. The method used in this study is a survey conducted in an online form with a target group of practitioners. The data show that task conflicts are the most common type of conflicts in teams, that gender of a person can influence its awareness of the project status and that age and geographical location do not affect the occurrence of the identified conflicts.
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Methodology of Construction Compiler Front-End and Its Integration into the GNU Compiler Collection / Methodology of Construction Compiler Front-End and Its Integration into the GNU Compiler CollectionMachata, Petr Unknown Date (has links)
Tato diplomová práce vznikla za podpory ANF DATA s.r.o., Brno. Diplomová práce je vypracována v angličtině. Vstupní bariéra pro vývoj uvnitř GCC se během posledních let znatelně snížila. Na konferencích, v časopisech a na webu se objevují články s architektonickými přehledy a návody. Věci se nadále zjednodušují použitím oficiálního vnitřního jazyka GENERIC: Pro komunikaci mezi přední částí a zbytkem překladače již není nutné zabývat se obtížným a nepřehledným RTL. Přesto je práce se souborem zdrojových kódů velikosti GCC nutně složitá. Je třeba napsat určité soubory a provést určitá nastavení, oboje jen s poměrně malým množstvím dokumentace. Cílem této práce je pomoci s posledním zmíněným bodem. Práce popisuje ukázkovou přední část: Vše od vytvoření zdrojových souborů, přes různé konstrukce jazyka GENERIC, až k problémům s kompilací běhové podpory nebo používání nativního preprocesoru.
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Exploring Idea Selection in Innovative Early- Stage Startups : A Framework for Analyzing Ideas in a Lean Development Context / Granskning av Idéurval i Innovativa Startups : Ett Ramverk för att Analysera Idéer i en Lean Development KontextFRÖBERG, EMIL January 2020 (has links)
Innovation is a key factor for companies in order to survive in the long-term and to stay competitive. However, it can be challenging to know what ideas (or innovations) to pursue. Large incumbent companies can be slow to innovate, but startups on the other hand, are a great source of innovation. However, many startups fail. Starting a new company is risky, but a countervailing force has emerged called Lean Development. There is a strong need for research and studies on the subject of product development in a Lean Development context and the process of Idea Selection has been somewhat ignored in research. Idea Selection is a part of the Front End of Innovation and is often mentioned as an important factor for success in the innovation process. This study was aimed at creating a framework for Idea Selection, building on the intersection between the Front End of Innovation and the New Product and Process Development in a Lean Development context. The findings are based on current theory on Innovation, Idea Selection and Lean Development as well as a case study conducted at a Swedish insurance startup. The main conclusion of this study is a framework containing four themes: Reach, Impact, Confidence and Effort. By using this framework, startups can more easily decide on what ideas to pursue and thereby move quicker and achieve more success in the innovation process. / För ett företag är innovation en nyckelfaktor för långsiktig överlevnad och för att vara konkurrenskraftig. Det kan emellertid vara utmanande att veta vilka idéer (eller innovationer) som bör utforskas vidare och implementeras. Stora etablerade företag kan vara långsamma att innovera, men nystartade företag, startups, kännetecknas å andra sidan ofta av att ha stor innovationsförmåga. Men många startups misslyckas. Att starta ett nytt företag är riskabelt. För att minska den risken har något som kallas Lean Development växt fram. Det finns ett starkt behov av forskning och studier om produktutveckling i Lean Development-sammanhang och processen att välja ut idéer har ignorerats i forskning. Idéval är en del av Front End of Innovation och nämns ofta som en viktig faktor för framgång i innovationsprocessen. Denna studie syftar till att skapa ett ramverk för Idéval, som bygger på skärningspunkten mellan Front End of Innovation och New Product and Process Development ett Lean Development-sammanhang. Resultat är baserade på aktuell teori om Innovation, Idéval och Lean Development samt en fallstudie genomförd vid en svensk startup inom försäkringsbranschen. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen i denna studie är ett ramverk som innehåller fyra teman: Reach, Impact, Confidence and Effort. Genom att använda detta ramverk kan nystartade företag lättare bestämma vilka idéer de ska gå vidare med och därmed bli mer snabbrörliga och uppnå mer framgång i innovationsprocessen.
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Transitioning towards a Single Page Application for a fashion e-commerce : Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the transition's impact on business performance / Övergången till en Single Page Application för en elektronisk modehandelChen, Céline January 2017 (has links)
Over the course of the last few years, the fashion industry hasbegun to focus more resources on their digital transition. For afashion e-commerce business, it is essential to know whether ornot to invest money and time in building a modern webapplication. This master's thesis aims at finding practical resultson how transitioning from a multi-page website towards a SinglePage Application can have an impact on the businessperformances of the company, as measured by ConversionRate, Page Views and Gross Sales. In collaboration with thedevelopment and product team of a fashion company, thismaster's thesis is based on the six-months development of a newSingle Page Application using the Javascript framework React.js,building on known User-Experience Design principles andHuman-Computer Interface heuristics. The live data collectionfrom the website's audience allowed a quantitative analysis ofthe transition's effect on business performance, which showedpositive impact on business performance. A qualitative usersurvey was then conducted in order to further elaborate on thecauses of the aforementioned impact: all respondents praisedthe Single Page Application as compared to the multi-pagewebsite, and noted lower Response Time, efficient filter-andsearchsystem and high user interaction as advantages thatplayed in favour of their browsing experience and their will-tobuya product. The impact of lowering Response Time evenmore was discussed, as well as the different limitations due tothe scope of this thesis. A list of user suggestions for furtherimprovements was also compiled. / Under de senaste åren har modebranschen lagt mer resurser på digital omställning. För en modebutik inom e-handeln är det viktigt attveta om det är värt att investera pengar och tid i en modern webbapplikation. Detta examensarbete syftar till att söka praktiska resultatom hur övergången från en flersidig webbplats till en Single Page Application kan ha betydande inverkan på en modebutik inom ehandelnsekonomiska resultat. Detta examensarbete grundar sig i sex månader av utveckling av en Single Page application för ettfranskt startup-företag inom modebranschen. Applikationen byggdes med Javascript-ramverket React.js. Designen grundas på kändaprinciper inom användarupplevelsedesign och människa-datorinteraktionsheuristik. Den dynamiska datainsamlingen från webbplatsensbesökare användes till en detaljerad kvantitativ analys av övergångens inverkan på de ekonomiska resultaten: Det fanns en signifikantökning på 284% för Conversion Rate. En kvalitativ användarundersökning genomfördes i syfte att undersöka orsakerna bakom dennaeffekt. Alla respondenter svarade att Single Page Application var bättre än den flersidiga webbplatsen. De noterade att lägre svarstid,effektiva filter och söksystem och hög användarupplevelse var viktiga aspekter för deras vilja att köpa en produkt. Effekten av att minskasvarstiden ytterligare diskuterades, så även de begränsningar som finns inom ramarna för det här examensarbetet. En lista medanvändarförslag för fortsatta förbättringar sattes också samman.
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Industry-specific Fuzzy Front End : A multiple case study in the Swedish medical device industryJohansson, Jesper, Rosendal, David January 2022 (has links)
Background: Medical device companies must consider different laws and regulations when developing new products. Not just laws and regulations put on themselves, but also laws and regulations put on the market, including the public sector. New product development consists of what is known as the fuzzy front end (FFE) of innovation, where companies must make ill-defined decisions with limited information. Problem formulation: There is a vast number of studies within the FFE of innovation, many of which focus on what causes the fuzziness, namely uncertainty, complexity and equivocality. There are, however, limited studies focusing on the FFE within the medical device industry, emphasising the public sector. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the FFE of innovation within the Swedish medical device industry, where the public sector is prominent. The aim is also to highlight industry-specific aspects of the whole FFE for medical device companies to consider when commercialising their products to the public sector, which is arguably an even fuzzier market. Method: To be able to answer the research question, this thesis is built upon a qualitative, multiple case study with an abductive approach to theory development. Five interviews were conducted with four different companies within the medical device industry in Sweden., and two interviews were conducted with two different county councils in Sweden. Findings: The main findings of this thesis are that the public sector creates higher amounts of uncertainty and complexity within the medical device industry. Thus, the FFE of innovation is industry-specific and also depends on what type of product is being developed. Equivocality as well is found to have other dimensions within FFE in the Swedish medical device industry. Conclusion: Many aspects of the FFE of innovation from previous studies exist in the medical device industry in Sweden, but the FFE seem to contain higher amounts of each cause of fuzziness.
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