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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How a Learning Orientation, Modern Portfolio Theory and Absorptive Capacity Contribute to University Endowment Performance

Lord, Mary E. 26 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Land-use impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of complex multitrophic communities

Barnes, Andrew D. 19 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Ant diversity, function and services across tropical land-use systems in Indonesia

Denmead, Lisa Helen 17 March 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution de la faune du sol au fonctionnement et à l'évolution des Technosols / Contribution of soil fauna to the functioning and the evolution of Technosols

Pey, Benjamin 17 December 2010 (has links)
Les Technosols ont des propriétés et une pédogenèse influencées par des matériaux technogéniques qui les constituent. Le modèle expérimental de Technosol construit a été choisi et résulte de l’utilisation délibérée de matériaux technogéniques au sein d’un profil. L’objectif scientifique est d’évaluer la contribution de la faune du sol aux processus impliqués dans le fonctionnement et l’évolution des Technosols. Des expérimentations en laboratoire (cosmes) et en conditions climatiques réelles (lysimètres, parcelles) ont été menées de l’échelle ultrastructurale à celle du pédon. Les résultats indiquent que (i) le Technosol construit est un support de vie de la faune, (ii) le modèle d’ingénieur de l’écosystème : Lumbricus terrestris, par la création de macroporosité et par ses structures biogéniques contribue à sa structuration, son agrégation et à la décomposition de sa matière organique, (iii) lorsque plusieurs groupes d’organismes assurant des fonctions différentes sont associés, des effets sont mesurés majoritairement sur la décomposition de la matière organique. La forte disponibilité des ressources du Technosol autorise la présence de la faune mais masquent en partie ses effets et inhibent les interactions faunistiques qui auront un effet sur les fonctions des sols. Un modèle d’évaluation de l’effet de Lumbricus terrestris sur la macroporosité est proposé. En termes de génie pédologique, un projet de modèle d’aide à la décision résulte des acquis scientifiques. L’inoculation de la faune contribuerait ainsi à initier des mécanismes d’évolution des sols et à les accélérer / Technosols are soils whose properties and pedogenesis are influenced by technical materials which take part in their constitution. The experimental model used here is a constructed Technosol which is deliberately composed of technical materials in a soil profile. The scientific objective is to evaluate the contribution of soil fauna to processes implied in soil functioning and evolution. Experiments in laboratory (cosms) and in climatic conditions (lysimeters, field) are conducted from ultrastructural scale to soil profile scale. Results indicate that (i) constructed Technosol can support soil fauna, (ii) the model of ecosystem engineer: Lumbricus terrestris, by macroporosity and by stables biogenic structures, contribute to the structuration, the aggregation and the decomposition of organic matter of the Technosol, (iii) when several groups of organisms implied in differents soil functions are used, effects are observed on organic matter decomposition. The huge availability of resources in the Technosol allow the presence of soil fauna but its effects and reduce soil fauna interactions which can have effects on soil functioning. A model whose objective is to evaluate effect of Lumbricus terrestris on macroporosity is proposed. In terms of soil engineering, a project of decision support model results of scientific experiences. Soil fauna inoculation in soil engineering could contribute to initiate and accelerate mechanisms of Technosol evolution

Structure et assemblage des communautés végétales de parcours des Grands Causses : approche fonctionnelle, phénologique et phylogénétique / Assembly and structure of Mediterranean rangeland plant communities : a functional, phenological and phylogenetic approach

Bernard-Verdier, Maud 06 July 2012 (has links)
Comprendre l'influence de l'environnement sur la distribution des espèces végétales est une préoccupation à la base même de l'écologie végétale. L'objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre comment les communautés végétales de parcours des Grands Causses s'assemblent en fonction de la disponibilité en ressources édaphiques. Pour cela, la structure de niche des communautés a été caractérisée en termes de gestion des ressources, de stratégie de régénération, de niche temporelle et d'histoire évolutive des espèces le long d'un gradient édaphique. Par une approche basée sur les traits fonctionnels, nous avons mis en évidence (i) des processus de filtres, d'origine abiotique et biotique, qui restreignent localement la gamme de variation des traits et trient les espèces le long du gradient, ainsi que (ii) des patrons de divergence ou de convergence des traits au sein des communautés qui révèlent les conditions locales de coexistence des espèces. En milieux peu contraints et productifs, nous observons une convergence des stratégies d'utilisation des ressources, probablement en réponse à une forte compétition aérienne, qui est associée à une divergence des stratégies de reproduction et de régénération. A l'inverse, vers les milieux plus contraignants, une diversité de stratégies de gestion de la ressource coexiste, entrainant un maximum de diversité fonctionnelle en conditions de contraintes intermédiaires. Nous montrons par ailleurs une forte convergence phylogénétique dans ces parcours, associée à la dominance des espèces graminoïdes, qui s'atténue dans les milieux les plus contraints, où une diversité de lignées évolutives adaptées à la sécheresse coexiste. De plus, nous avons pu mettre en évidence que la dominance dans ces parcours est associée à des caractères fonctionnels généraux – tels qu'une teneur en matière sèche élevées, de grosses graines et une hauteur reproductive élevée – mais que celle-ci est ensuite modulée par les conditions édaphiques à une échelle plus fine via d'autres traits tels que la surface spécifique foliaire. Enfin, nous montrons que la phénologie des communautés joue un rôle essentiel dans l'assemblage de ces communautés le long du gradient, à la fois en réponse aux contraintes abiotiques saisonnières, particulièrement la précocité de la sécheresse édaphique, mais également aux interactions biotiques qui limitent le chevauchement des floraisons dans les milieux productifs. La combinaison des différentes approches fonctionnelle, phénologique et phylogénétique de la structure des communautés nous permet ainsi de proposer une vision intégrative des processus complexes d'assemblage des communautés dans ces parcours. / Understanding how the environment influences plant species distribution is a fundamental question in plant ecology. This work aims at understanding how soil resource availability influences plant community assembly and structure in Mediterranean rangelands of Southern France. To do this, the niche structure of plant communities has been described in terms resource use, regeneration strategy, phenology and evolutionary history along a soil resource gradient. Using a trait-based approach, we show that (1) filtering processes, both abiotic and biotic, may restrain trait ranges within communities and sort species along a gradient of soil resource availability, and (2) patterns of functional convergence and divergence among species within communities may reveal different processes of local species coexistence under different soil conditions. Within productive habitats, we found a strong convergence in resource use strategies, possibly resulting from strong aboveground competition, which was accompanied by a divergence in reproductive and regenerative strategies. By contrast, towards more constrained habitats, and despite a strong abiotic filter, a diversity of resource use strategies coexisted, creating a maximum of functional diversity at intermediate levels of constraints. Moreover, the strong phylogenetic convergence in these rangeland communities, mainly related to the dominance of graminoid species, diminished towards the more constrained soils where a diversity of drought-adapted lineages coexisted. In addition, we were able to relate dominance in these rangelands to a few general characters – namely high leaf dry matter content, large seeds and high reproductive heights – which were modulated at a finer spatial scale by local soil conditions influencing different criteria such as specific leaf area. Finally, we highlight the strong phenological response of communities to soil resource availability and the timing of summer drought. However, results also suggest a role of biotic factors, such as competition, in limiting flowering overlap among coexisting species in productive habitats. Combining functional, phenological and phylogenetic approaches allowed us to provide an integrative understanding of the complex processes driving community assembly in these rangelands.

De l'étude du fonctionnement des réseaux trophiques planctoniques des marais de Charente Maritime vers la recherche d'indicateurs / From study of planktonic trophic networks of Charente Maritime marshes to indicators

Tortajada, Sébastien 09 December 2011 (has links)
Les marais littoraux de Charente Maritime représentent des systèmes hydrauliques sur lesquels les données existantes sur la qualité de l’eau sont limitées. Ce déficit d’information représente un frein à la bonne gestion de ces écosystèmes. Leur situation intermédiaire entre continent et océan leur confère un rôle prépondérant au sein de ces entités. Par ailleurs, les marais représentent un patrimoine écologique majeur où le suivi du compartiment aquatique est indispensable en vue d’améliorer la connaissance et d’apprécier l’évolution de ces milieux.Dans ce cadre, un réseau de suivi de la qualité des eaux des marais a été mis en place sur la base du SEQ-Eau (système d’évaluation de la qualité des cours d’eaux) en 2003 par l’UNIMA (Union des Marais de Charente-Maritime) dans le but de créer un référentiel « marais »répondant aux exigences de la DCE (Directive Cadre sur l’Eau européenne). Mais avant d’apprécier la qualité des eaux des marais, il est nécessaire de comprendre leur fonctionnement. Les objectifs de la thèse sont de trois ordres. Le premier était de dégager une typologie de nature d’eau des marais en valorisant les données issues du suivi patrimonial de l’UNIMA. Dans un deuxième temps, le suivi analytique des eaux et du fonctionnement a été approfondi (ajout de paramètre chimique, biologique et géographique) sur un nombre restreint de stations.Une typologie, basée sur une méthode statistique permettant d’appréhender à la fois les variabilités spatiale et temporelle dans le classement des stations en groupes, est composé de 7 groupes en marais doux et de 5 en marais salés. Le suivi des marais pendant prés de 1,5ans par les paramètres de la matière organique, de l’ensemble des compartiments planctoniques constituant les réseaux trophiques planctoniques et la diversité fonctionnelle du phyto- et du méso-zooplancton, ont permis de confirmer un certain nombre d’hypothèses sur le fonctionnement des marais et sur la typologie de nature d’eau, concernant notamment : (i)le rôle écologique des marais, (ii) l’influence des écosystèmes adjacents du méta-écosystème Pertuis-charentais et (iii) leur capacité de résilience.Le fonctionnement des marais salés semble contrôlé par un double mécanisme : la marée et le type d’activité anthropique dans les bassins déterminant le taux de renouvellement des eaux qui conditionne le type de réseaux trophiques en place et leur succession. Dans les marais doux, un schéma ‘classique’ de la succession des réseaux trophiques planctoniques aété dégagé. La dominance du phytoplancton et des réseaux trophiques herbivores et multivores, semblerait cohérent avec les fonctions écologiques d’épuration et d’habitat/nourricerie caractéristiques des zones humides. Ce fonctionnement classique peut être altéré par différents mécanismes : le renouvellement de l’eau ou le développement des macrophytes. D’une part, le faible renouvellement d’eau de certains marais peut conduire à l’’emballement’ du système et provoquer des phénomènes d’eutrophisation, altérant les propriétés de l’écosystème (injection d’azote atmosphérique ou efficacité écotrophique). Enfin, les macrophytes sont plus compétitrices que le phytoplancton dans les milieux peu profond tel que les canaux de marais. Leur capacité a utilisé les nutriments des sédiments permette leur développement et empêche celui du phytoplancton (limitation par la lumière). La dégradation importante de la biomasse macrophytique par les bactéries en période estivale peut engendrer de fortes hypoxies.Quelques indicateurs basés sur des paramètres simples sont proposés pour suivre l’état trophique du système (chlorophylle par classe de taille, biomasse bactérienne), ou bien de repérer un état susceptible de virer sur une eutrophisation (espèces de rotifère spécifiques des périodes pré-eutrophisation). / Charente-Maritime marshes represent hydraulic systems on which available data on thewater quality are limited, preventing a good management of these ecosystems. As transitionalzones between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, marshes play a major role in ‘metaecosystems’.Furthermore, marshes represent a major ecological patrimony, thus the samplingof the aquatic compartment seems essential to improve their knowledge. A water qualitymonitoring program has been in place since spring 2003, developed by UNIMA (Union desMarais de Charente-Maritime) in order to create a “marshes standard” conform to the WFDprerogatives. A good understanding of the marshes functioning appears as necessary todevelop this standard. In this context, 3 main objectives rose for this thesis. The first one wasto realize a water body typology presenting different functioning on Charente-Maritimemarshes. The second one was to improve the understanding of marshes functioning throughthe study of the spatio-temporal variation of planktonic food webs. The last one was toevaluate the impact of a storm (Xynthia) on the planktonic resilience of the marshes.The statistical approach applied here had allowed us to define 7 fresh marshes typesand 5 salt marshes types. The sampling of the organic matter, the functional diversity ofplanktons and the food webs succession had confirmed hypothesis on marsh functioningrelated to the typology, particularly: (i) their ecological role, (ii) their influence on ecosystemscomposing the meta-ecosystem of Charente, (iii) their resilience capacity.Salt marshes planktonic food web functioning is controlled by a double mechanism:the tide and the anthropogenic activities in ponds determining the water renewal rate. In freshmarshes, a ‘classical’ pattern of the food web succession had been found. The dominance ofthe phytoplanktonic community and of the herbivorous and multivorous food webs seemed tobe in concordance with the classical ecological functions of wetlands such as their purificationcapacity and their habitat and nursery function. This classical succession can be altered bytwo mechanisms: the renewal rate inside the marsh and the macrophytes development. In onehand, the highly water stagnation of some marshes types can provoke eutrophicationphenomena destabilizing the ecosystem properties. In the other hand, macrophytes are morecompetitive than phytoplankton in shallow marsh channels, because of their capacity to usenutrient of the sediment. The important degradation of the macrophytes’ biomass duringsummer period by bacteria can generate strong hypoxia phenomena.Some indicators based on simple parameters had been proposed to follow the trophicstate of these systems (three-size classes of chlorophyll, bacteria biomass).

Microbioma da bacia do rio Tietê: diversidade funcional e taxonômica. / Microbiome of the Tietê River basin: functional and taxonomic diversity.

Martinez, Lina Rocio Del Pilar Rada 04 September 2017 (has links)
O Rio Tietê e o rio mais importante do Estado de São Paulo e um dois mais poluídos do Brasil. No seu percurso ele recebe altas concentrações de poluentes orgânicos e industriais que podem alterar as comunidades microbianas autóctones. Uma análise dos perfis metagenômicos realizada em pontos do Rio Tietê com diferentes qualidades de água, permitiu observar a influencia dos parâmetros ambientais na composição e funcionamento das comunidades microbianas presentes no rio. Locais eutróficos mostraram prevalência de micro-organismos e funções associadas à heterotrofia. Em contrapartida, nos locais oligotróficos foram detectadas comunidades microbianas e funções relacionadas a metabolismos autótrofos e litótrofos. Foi visto também que as pressões ambientais podem promover a aquisição, por parte dos micro-organimos, de características que lhes permitam sobreviver às condições ambientais adversas, como a tolerância a metais tóxicos. / The Tietê River is the most important river of the State of São Paulo, in the southeastern of Brazil; it is also one of the most contaminated rivers of the country. On its watercourse, the river receives large amounts of anthropogenic and industrial pollutants that can alter the environmental conditions of the water, leading to possible shifts in the microbial diversity. Metagenomic profiles of river locations with different water qualities showed taxonomic and functional differences related to the sampling site and water quality. Eutrophic sites showed prevalence of microorganisms and functions associated with heterotrophy, in contrast, in oligotrophic sites were detected microbial communities and functions related to autotrophic and litotrophic metabolisms. Also was observed, that environmental pressures can promote the acquisition of characteristics that allow the local microorganism to survive to adverse environmental conditions, such as tolerance to toxic metals.

Diversidade e riqueza funcional de assembleias de aves na Mata Atlântica / Functional richness and diversity of bird assemblages in the Atlantic Forest

Bovo, Alex Augusto de Abreu 02 February 2016 (has links)
A composição das assembleias de aves sofre mudanças de acordo com alterações na paisagem em que ocorrem. A transição de florestas para outros usos do solo pode modificar também o conjunto de funções e, consequentemente, impactar os processos ecológicos desempenhados pelas aves. Desse modo, a presente dissertação teve como objetivos principais: 1) identificar características da estrutura da paisagem que apresentem relação com a diversidade e riqueza funcional de assembleias de aves; e 2) identificar alterações morfológicas na assembleia de aves consumidoras de frutos e discutir seus possíveis impactos no processo de dispersão de sementes. Para isso, um levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado resultando em um banco de dados com 48 assembleias de fragmentos florestais da Mata Atlântica oriundas de 33 estudos. Para cada fragmento foi utilizado um buffer de 2000 m de raio para criar uma paisagem focal, o uso do solo foi classificado em \'floresta\' ou \'não-floresta\', e métricas foram calculadas. As assembleias de aves foram caracterizadas a partir de índices de composição de diversidade e riqueza funcional, usando diversas características morfológicas e de habitat. Regressões lineares e modelos mistos foram usadas para investigar a relação entre características da estrutura da paisagem e i) diversidade e riqueza funcional de aves florestais (obj. 1) e ii) riqueza de espécies, diversidade funcional e características morfológicas para aves consumidoras de frutos (obj. 2). Os resultados mostraram que a área do fragmento, juntamente com área nuclear foram as características mais importantes em relação à manutenção das funções na assembleia de aves florestais, demonstrando a importância de grandes áreas florestais. Para as alterações morfológicas, a diminuição na quantidade de cobertura florestal foi relacionada à diminuição de valores de massa corpórea, índice de asa e largura de bico. A redução desses valores pode implicar na dispersão de sementes menores, na redução de dispersão de espécies com sementes grandes e na redução da área abrangida pela chuva de sementes. / Bird assemblages composition suffer alteration according to landscape changes. The substitution of forest by others land uses can affect the group of functions, and consequently, the ecological process played by birds. This dissertation had two main goals: 1) to identify landscape metrics which has relation with functional diversity and richness of bird assemblages; and 2) to identify morphological changes in fruit-eater bird assemblage and discuss the potentials impacts on the seed dispersal process. To reach this, a database was created using literature data, with 48 bird assemblages of Atlantic Forest remnants from 33 studies. From the most central point of each fragment, was created a focal landscape of 2000 meters buffer, the land use was classified in \'forest\' or \'non-forest\' and metrics was calculated. The index of bird assemblages used were composition and functional diversity and richness, calculated using morphological and habitat traits. Linear regression and mixed models were used to investigate relationships between landscape metrics and i) functional diversity and richness of forest birds (obj. 1) and ii) functional diversity, species richness and morphological traits of fruit-eater birds (obj. 2). The results showed that fragment area and core area were the most important traits to preserve the functions in bird assemblage, demonstrating the importance of big blocks of forest. To morphological changes, the decreasing on forest over was related to decreases on values of: body mass, hand-wing index and bill width. The reduction of these values can promote the dispersal of smaller seeds, reduction on dispersal of plants with big seed and decreases of area cover by seed rain.

Funcionamento dos ecossistemas e conservação biológica: poluição por luz artificial, oferecimento de serviços ecossistêmicos e diversidade funcional / Ecosystem functioning and biological conservation: light pollution, ecosystem services provisioning and functional diversity.

Freitas, Juliana Ribeirão de 02 September 2016 (has links)
O funcionamento dos ecossistemas é o fluxo de matéria e de energia ao longo dos seus componentes bióticos e abióticos. A manutenção de tal funcionamento é crucial para promover os serviços ecossistêmicos dos quais a humanidade depende. Atividades antrópicas, como a agricultura e a urbanização podem alterá-los significativamente e, por isso, o entendimento dos impactos positivos e negativos de tais alterações bem como o desenvolvimento de ferramentas de avaliação da biodiversidade são importantes para a conservação. A diversidade funcional é um componente da diversidade biológica que leva em conta o papel que cada espécie desempenha no ecossistema e, portanto, deve refletir o funcionamento do ecossistema de forma mais acurada. Esta tese teve por objetivos relacionar o funcionamento do ecossistema e os seus serviços a ações antrópicas, bem como propor a abordagem funcional como indicadora da biodiversidade de áreas naturais. No primeiro capítulo, avalio padrões espaciais e temporais da exposição dos tipos de vegetação que ocorrem no Brasil à luz artificial, um dos principais símbolos da urbanização e da vida moderna. Os resultados mostram que a maioria deles apresenta alguma porcentagem de sua área expostos à luz artificial. Em alguns deles, porém, ainda é possível encontrar o brilho natural do céu noturno, o que nos permite sugerir a elaboração de políticas de desenvolvimento de distribuição de luz com foco no mínimo impacto, ao contrário das políticas de mitigação adotadas por países onde a iluminação é excessivamente difundida. No segundo capítulo mapeio padrões espaciais e temporais da provisão de dois serviços ecossistêmicos (polinização e estoque de carbono) e um serviço ambiental (espaço para viver) e avalio os impactos da agricultura sobre estes serviços, na área coberta pelo cerrado, na região central do Brasil. Os serviços ecossistêmicos avaliados descaíram significativamente ao longo do tempo e a região conhecida como MATOPIBA (entre os estados do Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí e Bahia) foi identificada como um importante remanescente. Por isso, recomendo a criação de unidades de conservação de proteção integral na área. Identifiquei também sobreposição da disponibilidade destes serviços com áreas indígenas, o que ressalta a importância da manutenção destas áreas para a disponibilidade dos serviços. No terceiro capítulo exploro, por meio de revisão bibliográfica, o status da diversidade funcional na literatura científica no campo da Conservação Biológica. Os resultados permitiram visualizar o paradigma da transferência de conhecimento e identificar o potencial desta abordagem para elaboração de indicadores da biodiversidade. Por fim, no quarto capítulo, estabeleço uma lista de espécies de plantas que podem ser indicadoras da diversidade funcional em áreas cobertas por cerradão no estado de São Paulo. Tais indicadores devem ser usados em conjunto para monitoramento e diagnóstico da biodiversidade quando o objetivo é manter o funcionamento do ecossistema. As conclusões do estudo contribuem para elucidar a interferência das atividades antrópicas nos ecossistemas naturais, para levantar formas de minimizá-los e para aprimorar as formas de avaliação da biodiversidade. / Ecosystem functioning is the flow of energy and matter through the biotic and abiotic ecosystems components. The maintenance of this functioning is essential to the ecosystem services provisioning upon which humans depend. Anthropogenic activities such as agriculture and urbanisation may change it. Thus, conservation strategies rely on the understanding of the positives and negatives impacts from this changes and on the development of measurements of biodiversity. Functional diversity is a biodiversity component which considers the role of each species in the ecosystem, and, as a consequence, may reflect the ecosystem functioning more accurately. This thesis aims the establishment of the relationships between ecosystem functioning, ecosystem services and anthrogenic activities as well as purpose functional approach as biodiversity indicator of natural areas. In the first chapter, I assessed spatial and temporal patterns of exposition of the Brazilian vegetation types to the artificial light which is one of the urbanisation symbols. The results show that most of them are affected by artificial light. However, in some of them it is still possible to find a natural sky background, which allow suggesting the formulation of light distribution policies focused on minimal impact instead of mitigation, as adopted by countries where light is excessively widespread. In the second chapter, I mapped spatial and temporal patterns of two ecosystem services provisioning (pollination and carbon stocks) and one environmental service (living space) and assessed the impacts of agriculture in these services in Cerrado area, in the central region of Brazil. The ecosystem services I assessed declined significatively over time and the MATOPIBA region (around Maranhão, Tocantins, Piaui, and Bahia States) was identified as an important remint. Thus I recommended the creation of strictly protected areas in that region. I also identify overlap of these services with indigenous land, highlighting its importance for the ecosystem services provisioning. In the third chapter I explored through literature survey, the status of functional diversity in the scientific literature related to the Biological Conservation field. The results allow visualise the paradigm of knowledge transfer and identify the potential use of this approach for developing indicators of biodiversity. Finally, in the fourth chapter, we established a list of plant species that are functional diversity indicators in cerradão areas in São Paulo State. These indicators should be use as a set for the monitoring and diagnosis of biodiversity when the goal is to maintaining ecosystem functioning. The conclusions of the study contribute to clarify some lack of knowledge concerned to the impacts of human activities on ecosystem functioning, to raise means to minimise them, and to improve means of ecological integrity assessment.

Estrutura taxonômica e funcional da assembleia de peixes no Rio Tocantins, antes e após a formação do reservatório de Peixe Angical, região do Alto Rio Tocantins, TO

Perônico, Phamela Bernardes 07 March 2017 (has links)
Análises baseadas em traços funcionais descrevem as espécies em relação às suas características biológicas e assim complementam as informações taxonômicas. Ainda que diversos trabalhos sejam realizados visando descobrir impactos ambientais após a criação de usinas hidrelétricas, poucos são voltados para investigar padrões de estabilização da estrutura da ictiofauna em termos taxonômicos e funcionais; a resposta funcional em longo prazo, em particular, é totalmente desconhecida. Neste estudo buscamos investigar padrões de reestruturação da assembléia de peixes em termos taxonômicos e funcionais nas zonas de transição, fluvial e lacustre, ao longo de dez anos, englobando momentos anteriores e posteriores à construção da UHE Peixe Angical, rio Tocantins. Nossos resultados revelaram indícios de estabilização taxonômica e funcional dentro da primeira década do reservatório, nas diferentes zonas. Tanto a riqueza taxonômica quanto a riqueza funcional apresentaram declínio progressivo após a instalação da barragem, atingindo níveis mais estáveis após seis anos. Conforme esperado, o aumento na abundância registrado no primeiro ano do reservatório não se manteve ao longo do tempo e foi possível notar um decréscimo acentuado em todos os pontos amostrais. Houve evidente alteração na composição taxonômica e funcional ao longo dos anos, com menor taxa de mudança a partir do 6º ano. Espécies registradas na fase Rio com maiores abundâncias praticamente deixaram de ser registradas após a criação da barragem, enquanto outras espécies com características que lhes permitiram resistir aos filtros ambientais do reservatório se destacaram em número de indivíduos. Espacialmente, foi possível notar diferentes padrões de composição tanto para a estrutura taxonômica quanto para a estrutura funcional da assembléia. Além disso, nossos resultados apontam que a perda de diversidade funcional se dá por fatores estocásticos; e que, apesar de haverem perdas de perfis funcionais através da perda de espécies, ainda não foi possível constatar uma convergência funcional. Portanto, dez anos de represamento foi suficiente para observarmos fortes padrões de alteração sobre a ictiofauna afetada pelo represamento da UHE Peixe Angical, além da eminente estabilização dos atributos taxonômicos e funcionais nas diferentes zonas do reservatório ao longo do tempo. / Functional traits describe species in respect to functional characteristics and therefore complement taxonomic information. Although several studies investigate environmental impacts caused by hydropower dams, few have focused on long-term patterns of functional and taxonomic fish diversity; changes in functional structure, in particular, are largely unknown. In this study, we investigated long-term changes (10 years) in taxonomic and functional diversity across environmental gradients created by the construction of Peixe Angical hydropower dam, Tocantins River, Amazon Basin. Our results revealed trends of functional and taxonomic stabilization 10 years after river regulation, in the different zones of the reservoir. Both the functional and taxonomic diversity showed progressive decrease over time, reaching more stable levels after 6 years. As expected, the increase in fish abundance registered soon after damming was followed by a marked decrease in all sites. We observed strong alteration in functional and taxonomic composition over the years, with more stable values after the sixth year. The most abundant species in the river period virtually disappeared after river damming, replaced by species with adaptations to cope with the environmental filters created by the impoundment. In addition, our results showed that the loss of functional diversity occurred stochastically; despite the loss of functional profiles with the loss of species, it was not possible to determine functional convergence. In conclusion, Peixe Angical hydropower dam induced strong changes in the taxonomic and functional structure of fish assemblages, with trends of stabilization ten years after river impoundment, in the different zones of the reservoir.

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