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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právo na respektování soukromého a rodinného života / The right to respect for private and family life

Fremrová, Jolana January 2012 (has links)
The right to respect for private and family life Abstract The diploma thesis focuses on the notion of the right to respect for private and family life in the light of the Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Its aim is to compile a specification of the notion, while using the significant relevant judgments of the European Court of Human Rights or the former European Commission of Human Rights. Despite the fact, that the Convention is perceived as a "living instrument" and the exhaustive definition of the rights and freedoms included is not fixed and not even possible to set, the thesis targets to assemble the mosaic of individual partial aspects, which may, under certain conditions, enjoy the protection under Article 8 of the Convention. The protection of the privacy of an individual is a topic, which is extremely actual and it is probable that its importance is going to even more rapidly increase in the next years. Since the notion of the right to respect for private and family life is a very broad concept and the extent of the diploma thesis is not capable to deal it in a whole range, I have chosen its environmental aspects as a major interest of the thesis. In spite of the fact that the Convention includes no right to a decent environment, the Court has...

Zákaz rasové diskriminace v mezinárodním právu a jeho aplikace v právním řádu České republiky / Ban on racial discrimination in international law and its application in the legal order of the Czech Republic

Pačesová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the ban on racial discrimination and protection against it in international law and its application in the legal order of the Czech Republic. The aim of this study was to examine the provisions prohibiting racial discrimination and mechanisms of protection against racial discrimination established by various conventions on the international and European level and the status of implementation of these commitments in the legal order of the Czech Republic and their implementation. The work is divided into six chapters; the issue itself is divided into four. In the second chapter thesis provides a definition of basic terms such as equality and its subdivisions, equal treatment, discrimination, its forms and discriminatory law and how the very nature of this work is apparent as well as the terms of race, racial discrimination, racial segregation and violence. In third and fourth part are introduced systems of protection against racial discrimination in the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. The fifth chapter is concerned with Czech legislation, the process of application of the ban on racial discrimination into the Czech legal order, on the constitutional level as well as on the level of laws, which also outlines the procedural particularities of the...

Judikatura Evropského soudu pro lidská práva ve vztahu k sociálním právům / Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights in Relation to Social Rights.

Rudolfová, Iveta January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyses the status of social rights in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. It aims to show, particularly through the analysis of selected court decisions, how the European Court of Human Rights, as a control mechanism established by the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms seeking to provide recognised rights and freedoms with practical and effective protection, deals with the absence of social rights in the Convention's catalogue. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is dedicated to the brief description of the Convention, its control mechanism and the catalogue of declared fundamental rights and freedoms. In this section the thesis also deals with the question, what were the reasons that lead to the absence of social rights in the Convention's catalogue and what consequences can be draw from this fact for the status of social rights. In this context the thesis discusses the principle of indivisibility of human rights, according to which all human rights hold an equal status and which requires that human rights of all categories are protected and promoted with the same emphasis. The second chapter deals with the way the Court includes social aspects of guaranteed civil and political rights in its...

Begränsningsreglerna avseenderiktade ränteavdrag : En analys av regelverkets förenlighet med EU-rättens fördragsfrihet avseende fria kapitalrörelser / The Swedish targeted interest deduction limitation rules : An analysis of the compatibility of the regulatory framework and the free movement of capital

Woode, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the paper is to contribute to the scientific research field by explaining whether, and if so on what grounds, the Swedish targeted interest deduction limitation legislation can be tested in the European Court of Justice against the free movement of capital. In addition, the study examines whether there can be considered a mutual priority regarding the free movement of capital and the freedom of establishment. The study conducted in the paper is based on the Swedish law, the preparatory work and doctrine, which is combined with case law. Initially, the meaning of the targeted interest deduction limitation rules is presented as well as the theoretical scope of the legislation in relation to its scope in practice. The targeted interest deduction limitation rules are specific provisions addressing the deductibility of interest incurred by certain companies as a result of intra-group financing. The theoretical scope differs from the practical scope due to the vague conceptual definitions in both the legislative text and the preparatory works. Furthermore, it is analysed which determines when the free movement of capital and the freedom of establishment should be applied, based on the EU case law. The study indicates that the controlling interest must be given a significant weight when considering the purpose of the national legislation, but it is difficult to interpret exactly when such an interest occurs in practice. Lastly, it is studied whether it might be possible to review the targeted interest deduction limitation rules against the free movement of capital, and if so, on which grounds. The study shows that there are possibilities to review the targeted interest deduction limitation rules against the free movement of capital. There are incentives that indicate that such a review is possible if both Swedish and EU law practice is interpreted in a fairly narrow way. / Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till det vetenskapliga forskningsfältet genom att redogöra för huruvida, och i så fall på vilka grunder, de svenska riktade ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna kan prövas gentemot den grundläggande EU-rättsliga fördragsfriheten beträffande fri rörlighet för kapitalrörelser. Därutöver undersöks om det kan anses föreligga en inbördes prioritet beträffande den fria rörligheten för kapital och etableringsfriheten. Den utredning som genomförs i uppsatsen tar avstamp i lagtext, förarbeten och doktrin, vilket kombineras med rättspraxis. Inledningsvis presenteras innebörden av de riktade ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna och hur lagreglernas teoretiska tillämpningsområde förhåller sig till dess tillämpningsområde i realiteten. De riktade ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna utgörs av särskilda bestämmelser vilka behandlar vissa företags avdragsmöjligheter beträffande räntor uppkomna till följd av, inom en intressegemenskap, intern finansiering. Det teoretiska tillämpningsområdet skiljer sig från tillämpningsområdet i realiteten till följd av vaga begreppsdefinitioner i såväl lagtext som i förarbeten. Vidare analyseras vad det är som avgör när fördragsfriheten den fria rörligheten för kapital respektive etableringsfriheten skall tillämpas, vilket tar avstamp i EU-rättslig praxis. Av utredningen framgår att det bestämmande inflytandet skall tillerkännas stor vikt vid beaktandet av de nationella lagreglernas ändamål, exakt när ett sådant inflytande föreligger är dock svårt att tyda i praxis. Avslutningsvis undersöks om det bör vara möjligt att göra en prövning av de riktade ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna gentemot den fria rörligheten för kapital, och i så fall på vilka grunder. Studien visar att det finns möjligheter att för att pröva de riktade ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna gentemot fördragsfriheten om fria kapitalrörelser. Det finns incitament som tyder på att en sådan prövning är möjlig under förutsättning att såväl svensk som EU-rättslig praxis tolkas på ett tämligen snävt sätt.

Overlapping human rights jurisdictions in Europe: an application of constructivism to regional studies

Yon, William Thompson 30 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

L'interprétation du contrat au regard des droits fondamentaux / The interpretation of the contract towards the fundamental rights

Caumes, Clémentine 25 November 2010 (has links)
Le droit des contrats subit depuis quelques années des mutations importantes, au premier rang desquelles figure l’émergence de sources nouvelles, à l’instar des droits fondamentaux issus de la Convention européenne de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales (Convention EDH). Leur application classique dans les relations verticales unissant l’État à l’individu a connu un prolongement évident par la reconnaissance de l’effet horizontal du texte en droit interne, impliquant leur respect jusque dans les relations privées.L’interprétation du contrat, consistant à en révéler le sens et les obligations qui en découlent, constitue l’objet de l’étude menée. La lecture de l’acte contractuel doit se faire en conformité avec l’interprétation opérée par le juge européen de la Convention EDH. De ce constat émerge tout l’intérêt de la recherche, consistant à mettre en avant la confrontation évidente pouvant naître entre d’une part le contrat - porteur de principes forts (particulièrement l’autonomie de la volonté, et ses corollaires telles la liberté contractuelle et la force obligatoire du contrat) - et d’autre part le respect des droits fondamentaux. Dans quelles mesures ces derniers peuvent-ils influer sur l’interprétation d’un contrat privé ?Le travail de recherches entrepris révèle un rôle sensible des droits fondamentaux sur l’interprétation du contrat - le respect des droits fondamentaux prime de manière générale la force obligatoire - et constate que cette influence est le fruit d’une démarche complémentaire du juge européen, lequel dicte, et du juge interne, lequel réceptionne les droits fondamentaux dans l’interprétation.Cette étude - bien que certains de ses aspects paraissent encore empiriques - témoigne d’une influence perfectible des droits fondamentaux sur l’interprétation du contrat. En ce sens, des pistes d’améliorations, tant au niveau européen qu’interne, ont pu être envisagées / The law of contracts has known for some years important changes, particularly the emergence of new sources like the fundamental rights of the European Convention on Human Rights. Their classic application in the vertical relations uniting the State to the individual knew an obvious continuation by the recognition of the horizontal effect of the text in internal law, implying their respect to the private relations.The interpretation of the contract, to determine the sense and the obligations which it contains, is the object of this thesis. The reading of the contractual act has to be done in accordance with the interpretation operated by the european judge of the European Convention. The interest of the thesis consists in advancing the evident confrontation which can appear between the contract (the autonomy of the will, the contractual freedom and the binding effect) and the protection of the fundamental rights. To which extent can these last ones influence the interpretation of a private contract?The study reveals the important role of the fundamental rights, and their respect dominate mostly. This influence is the fruit of a complementary approach of the european judge, who dictates, and of the internal judge, who receives the fundamental rights in the interpretation.This study - although some of its aspects seem still empirical - testifies of a perfectible influence of the fundamental rights, and improvements were envisaged at the internal and european level

Harmonization of takeovers in the internal market : an analysis in the light of EU law

Papadopoulos, Thomas January 2010 (has links)
This DPhil thesis analyses the Takeover Bid Directive in the light of EU Law and examines the extent to which this Directive facilitates the exercise of the fundamental freedom of establishment and the free movement of capital in the internal market. Since the Directive is based on the EC Treaty chapter on freedom of establishment (Articles 43 and 44(2)(g) EC Treaty), it should in principle contribute to cross frontier corporate mobility in the internal market through takeover bids; this was the aim of the Commission in its various proposals. Takeover bids and the EC Treaty provisions on freedom of establishment are closely related. The Directive forms part of the EU company law harmonization programme whose weaknesses and limits are also explored. However, the Takeover Bid Directive is an EU company law instrument with strong links to EU capital market law. The initial aims of the EU legislature were to establish an internal market for companies and to achieve market integration in the field of EU company law. However, the Takeover Bid Directive is a compromise and watered down version of a proposal which the Commission envisaged would lead to a more effective pan-European takeover regime than that which actually proved possible. The need for compromise was the result of the very different legal and policy approaches of the Member States in the field of takeover regulation. Some provisions of the Directive are obligatory for all Member States. These provisions include the mandatory bid rule, the squeeze-out right, and the sell-out right. All these obligatory provisions of the Directive are in their present form open to criticism. The two key provisions of the Directive have been made optional for Member States. These are the non-frustration rule, requiring the board to obtain the prior authorization of the general meeting of shareholders before taking any action which could result in the frustration of the bid; and the breakthrough rule, requiring that any restrictions on the transfer of securities or voting rights provided for in the articles of association of the offeree company or in contractual agreements between the offeree company and the holders of its securities or in contractual agreements between holders of the offeree company’s securities shall not apply vis-à-vis the offeror during the time allowed for acceptance of the bid. Nevertheless, Member States, which opt out, are obliged to allow individual companies to opt in. Moreover, a reciprocity rule was also adopted, which allows Member States to permit those companies, which apply these provisions, to opt out again if they are the target of a bidder, which does not itself apply the same takeover provisions. Additionally, the non-frustration and the breakthrough rule are not fully comprehensive and even when a company applies them, it might still be able to evade their application since some corporate and financial structures remain outside the Directive’s scope. Finally, this thesis discusses the extent to which obstacles to cross border takeovers addressed by the Directive, or indeed left intact by the Directive, are to be regarded as restrictions on the right of establishment stricto sensu, or simply as obstacles in practice to making a successful takeover bid. More specifically, it scrutinizes the horizontal direct effect of the EC fundamental freedoms and seeks to analyze the extent to which conduct of the board and articles in the corporate constitution might be said to constitute restrictions on the freedom of establishment and on the free movement of capital.

Ochrana svobody slova Evropským soudem pro lidská práva / Protection of the freedom of speech by the European Court of Human Rights

Wasilewski, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
in English Protection of the freedom of speech by the European Court of Human Rights The purpose of my thesis is to analyze multiple aspects of freedom of speech as protected by European Court of Human Rights. The reason for my research is to follow the development in this particular area and to produce basic reference material for students and other human rights enthusiasts concerning freedom of speech and its extensive case law. Firstly, there is brief introduction to this thesis, followed by two logically divided chapter. Chapter one is divided into 2 logical clusters, first covering quick introduction into history of European Court of Human Rights, second mainly focused on development of doctrines concerning freedom of speech case law. There are specifically covered doctrines of evolutive interpretation, limitation clause and proportionality test, margin of appreciation. Chapter two is divided into five subsection, covering general and specific aspects of freedom of speech. Subsection one is focused on history of freedom of speech and it`s common background with other freedoms protected under European Convention on Human Rights. Subsection two function as introduction of freedom of speech and its general influence on European Court of Human Rights. Three following subsection are logically...

Právo na osobní svobodu v kontextu azylového práva Evropské unie / Right to Personal Liberty in the Context of the Asylum Law of the European Union

Kulda, Miloš January 2019 (has links)
Right to Personal Liberty in the Context of the Asylum Law of the European Union Mgr. Miloš Kulda Abstract: Right to personal liberty is considered to be one of the most important fundamental rights of a person. Unfortunately, the interferences to this right also constitute one of the aspects that generally accompanies asylum and forced migration. Europe is no exception in this respect. The topic of this theses is as follows: Right to Personal Liberty in the Context of the Asylum Law of the European Union. The objective of the theses is particularly to assess the level of protection which is provided within the European Union to asylum seekers and other forced migrant - i.e. refused asylum seekers and so called irregular migrants - against unauthorised deprivation of their liberty. The research is performed in the light of both the European Union law and European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The focus of the thesis stands on two main pillars. The first one are the rules concerning the deprivation of liberty of asylum seekers and other forced migrants according to Art. 5 of the Convention and related case-law of the European Court of Justice. The second pillar are then the rules concerning the deprivation of liberty of the above mentioned groups of persons according...

Les voies de recours dans le droit de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme / Remedies in the European Convention on Human Rights law

Mardon, Delphine 28 October 2013 (has links)
L’influence du droit issu de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme sur le droit interne n’est plus à démontrer. Ce texte offre aux justiciables une protection accentuée de leurs droits fondamentaux. Cette affirmation ne doit pas être limitée aux droits que la Convention EDH contient expressément ou encore à ceux que la Cour de Strasbourg a elle-même dégagés grâce à son interprétation dynamique et évolutive. Entendues comme les moyens permettant de contester un acte juridictionnel, les voies de recours ne correspondent pas, en tant que telles, à un droit protégé par le système européen des droits de l’homme. Ce n’est pas pour autant qu’elles sont ignorées de ce dernier. Au contraire, elles bénéficient de toute l’attention des juges européens. Construite à partir des décisions et arrêts rendus par les organes de contrôle européens, la thèse met en évidence les relations entretenues entre la Convention EDH et les voies de recours. Il est alors indispensable d’identifier précisément le type de relations dont il s’agit. Si ces deux mécanismes ont en point commun l’idée de contrôle, les juges européens n’interviennent qu’à l’issue de la procédure interne à laquelle participent les voies de recours. Cette organisation permet de mettre pleinement en lumière le regard que la Cour de Strasbourg porte sur les voies de recours au moment de réaliser son propre contrôle. Il faut alors observer que son appréhension des voies de recours n’est pas univoque. La Cour ne fait pas que contrôler la mise en œuvre par les voies de recours des garanties procédurales contenues dans la Convention. Ces dernières sont également un moyen utilisé par la Cour européenne afin de s’assurer du respect de l’ensemble des droits conventionnels. La découverte de ces dimensions pose la question d’une qualification globale des relations entre la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme et les voies de recours. L’utilisation des voies de recours au cœur du contrôle de conventionnalité, en qualité d’instrument ou d’objet, montre que ces relations favorisent un renforcement mutuel des voies de recours comme du système de protection des droits conventionnels. / The influence of the law stemming from the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms no longer need to be demonstrated. This text provides people with an increased protection of their fundamental rights. This assertion can not be restricted to the rights that are clearly stated in the Convention or those that are drawn by the European Court of Human Rights thanks to its dynamic and evolutional interpretation. Remedies constitute a way to contest a judicial decision. On account of this definition, they do not correspond to a right directly protected by the European human rights system. That does not mean they are ignored by this system. On the contrary, European judges give their full attention to them. This thesis built up from the European decisions and judgments underscores the relations between the European Convention and remedies. It is therefore necessary to determine what kind of relations. If those two mechanisms have the idea of control in common, the European judges intervene only when the domestic proceedings in which remedies are brought is ended. This organization allows to highlight the way the European Court looks upon remedies when it carries out its own control. The way it grasps remedies is then not univocal. The European Court does not only control the enforcement of procedural guarantees of the Convention by remedies. These guarantees also are a means used by the European Court to ascertain the respect of all Convention rights. The discovery of these two aspects asks for a global qualification of the relations between the European Convention and remedies. Remedies’ use in the heart of the review of conventionality, as an instrument or an object, shows that these relations favour a mutual strengthening of remedies as well as the Convention rights system of protection.

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