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A Survey of the Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites and Associated Risk Factors in Children in a Rural City of the Dominican RepublicChilders, Kristin Anne Geers 22 August 2014 (has links)
Gastrointestinal parasites impose a great and often silent burden of morbidity and mortality on poor populations in developing countries. Veron, Dominican Republic (DR), is a rural city in the southeastern corner of the country where many Dominicans and Haitians migrate to for work in support and expansion of the tourist industry of Punta Cana. Few studies of the prevalence of gastrointestinal (GI) parasitic infections have been published in the DR. Presently, there is a high prevalence of gastrointestinal parasitic infections throughout the poorest areas of the DR and Haiti. This study investigated the prevalence of GI protozoan and helminth parasites from children at the Rural Clinic of Veron during 2008. Participants provided a fecal sample that was examined microscopically for protozoan and helminth parasites using the fecal flotation technique to concentrate and isolate helminth ova and protozoan cysts. Of 108 fecal samples examined, 107 were positive for one or more parasites. Participant ages ranged from 2 to 15 years; 52 were males and 56 were females. Percent infection rates were 48.2% for Ascaris lumbricoides, 13.9% for Enterobius vermicularis, 24.1% for Entamoeba histolytica, and 22.2% for Giardia intestinalis. 9.3% had double infections. A survey of subject characteristics and risk factors was completed by each parent/guardian. Any plan to reduce GI parasites in children of this region will require a determined effort between international, national, and local health authorities combined with improved education of schools, child care providers, food handlers, and agricultural workers. A special effort must be made to reach out to immigrants and those not part of the public education system and to address microbial water quality. / Ph. D.
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Group 3 innate lymphoid cells in mucosal homeostasis, infection, and metabolic diseaseEdwards, Madeline Elizabeth January 2024 (has links)
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a crucial interface for the host, food derived antigens, the commensal microbiota and invasive pathogens. Here, the immune system must simultaneously protect against harmful pathogens and remain tolerogenic to commensal bacteria and nutrients. The intestinal mucosa of adult humans and mice is enriched for innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) that express the transcription factor RORγt (ILC3s). These cells are crucial for maintaining the delicate balance of tolerance and immunity in the GI tract. They serve protective roles in immune responses to infectious organisms, are essential for the formation of lymphoid tissues, and help maintain gut homeostasis via signaling to epithelial cells through interleukin 22 (IL-22).
ILC3s in the GI tract can be further categorized into three main subsets with distinct and overlapping functional roles. These subsets can be identified by either the expression of CCR6, Nkp46, or by lacking both markers- double negative (DN), some of which also make IL-17A. Signals that mediate the development and function of the various ILC3 subsets are still an area of active investigation. Notch signaling is a highly conserved pathway that contributes to the development and function of many types of immune cells. There has been some investigation into the role Notch signaling plays in the development of ILC3, particularly in the transition from DN to Nkp46 ILC3.
However, all three subsets of ILC3s express two Notch receptor isoforms (Notch1 and Notch2) the individual roles of these two receptors have not been dissected. We show signaling through Notch1 and Notch2 individually contribute to Nkp46 ILC3 development in a cell intrinsic manner. We also show Notch signaling, primarily through Notch2, reinforces the ILC3 program and suppresses the ILC1-like program in Nkp46 ILC3 by promoting the expression of RORγt, c-Maf, and IL-22, and suppressing the expression of T-bet and IFNγ. Notch signaling also supports ILC3-identity genes in CCR6 ILC3, promoting RORγt, IL-17A, and IL-22. We, therefore, identify a novel role for Notch signaling in ILC3 function. As such, Notch-deficient ILC3 fail to initiate proper immune response to enteric pathogen Citrobacter rodentium, leading to more severe infection. Our results show how a highly conserved signaling pathway contributes to ILC3 development, identity, and function.
The GI tract is also enriched with helper CD4 T cells that express RORγt, IL-17A, and IL-22 (Th17), which share many phenotypic and functional features with ILC3. The relative contribution of ILC3 and Th17 cells to immune phenotypes remains poorly understood. Moreover, due to the lack of ILC3-specific depletion models, how ILC3 regulate mucosal protection in the presence of Th17 cells is not clear. Here, we examined non-redundant functions of ILC3 in intestinal immunity using novel ILC3-deficient mice that maintain endogenous T cells, Th17 cells, and secondary lymphoid organs. ILC3 depletion did not affect IL-22-production by CD4 T cells during homeostasis.
However, despite the presence of IL-22-producing T cells, ILC3 and ILC3- derived IL-22 were required for maintaining homeostatic functions of the intestinal epithelium. ILC3 were dispensable for generation of Th17 and Th22 cell responses to pathogenic bacteria, though Th17 and Th22 responses were delayed in the absence of ILC3. ILC3- deficient mice were capable of pathogen clearance and survived infection with low dose Citrobacter rodentium in the presence of antigen-specific Th17 cells. However, ILC3 increased pathogen tolerance at early timepoints of infection by activating tissue-protective immune pathways. Consequently, ILC3 were indispensable for survival of high dose infection.
We also assess the role of ILC3 and Th17 cell in metabolic syndrome, using our novel model. Our lab demonstrated commensal-specific Th17 cells are protective against metabolic syndrome and lost under high-fat, high-sugar diet. ILC3s drive the expansion of a commensal member, Faecalibaculum rodentium (F. rod), which displaces the Th17 cell-inducing commensal, segemented filamentous bacteria (SFB). Without ILC3s, SFB is not lost from the microbiota, commensal- specific Th17 cells are maintained and there is, therefore, no development of metabolic syndrome. Our results demonstrate crucial context- dependent roles for ILC3 in immune-sufficient animals during homeostasis, infection, and metabolic disease.
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Distribution and Relative Abundance of Nutrient Transporter mRNA in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Black BearsGilbert, Elizabeth R. 18 August 2005 (has links)
Black bears are omnivorous, and tend to be opportunistic feeders, in that they will eat what is readily abundant or available. The end-products of intestinal digestion are absorbed by the body through the action of transporter proteins expressed on the brushborder membrane of small intestinal epithelial cells. The goal of this study was to increase the understanding of the physiological processes associated with nutrient assimilation by black bears. Distribution and relative abundance of mRNA of a peptide transporter (PepT1), a glucose transporter (SGLT1), two AA transporters (NBAT, bo,+AT), and a digestive enzyme, aminopeptidase N (APN), in the intestinal tract of black bears were investigated. Ten bears were used for this study. For tissue collection, the intestine was removed from the animal and divided into five sections. Each collected section was opened longitudinally, rinsed in ice-cold PBS, and the mucosal scrapings were stored at -80C. Total RNA was extracted and quantified by spectrophotometry. Abundance of PepT1, SGLT1, NBAT, bo,+AT, and APN mRNA was determined by performing Northern blots, using bear cDNA probes. Northern blot data were quantified by densitometric analysis, with the abundance of each gene expressed relative to GAPDH. Abundance of PepT1 (P < 0.05), APN (P < 0.05), and SGLT1 (P < 0.0001) changed quadratically from the proximal to the distal intestine with abundance being greatest in the midregion. Abundance of bo,+AT mRNA increased linearly (P < 0.05) from the proximal to distal intestine. Abundance of NBAT mRNA did not change among intestinal segments.The absolute number of molecules of mRNA/ng of total RNA for each gene was determined using Real-Time PCR. Similar to the Northern results, abundance of PepT1 (P < 0.0003), SGLT1 (P < 0.0003), and APN (P < 0.02) changed quadratically from the proximal to distal intestine with abundance being greatest in the mid-region, and bo,+AT mRNA increased linearly (P < 0.0001) from the proximal to distal intestine. NBAT mRNA abundance also increased linearly (P < 0.0001) from proximal to distal intestine. PepT1 mRNA was present at tenfold or greater levels than AA transporter mRNA in all segments of the intestine, suggesting that di- and tripeptides constitute the major form in which AAs are absorbed. NBAT and bo,+AT mRNA abundance was greater towards the distal portion of the intestine, suggesting their importance in salvaging remaining unabsorbed AAs.These results indicate that the mRNA of nutrient transporters examined and APN are differentially expressed throughout the gastrointestinal tract of black bears, suggesting their involvement in nutrient assimilation. / Master of Science
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Background: Nutritional deficiencies are frequent in celiac disease (CeD), and one of the most common is zinc (Zn) deficiency. Supplements are often prescribed to treat Zn deficiency; however, they have been associated with adverse events and reduced absorption of other minerals. Data collected in our clinic showed that 38% of CeD patients would opt for a diet to improve Zn, however, such a diet may be challenging due to food interactions with phytic acid, which blocks Zn absorption. Therefore, the feasibility and efficacy of a Zn-optimized diet compared to supplementation is unknown.
Aims: To assess the feasibility of the protocol and collect data on estimated effect sizes for secondary outcomes to plan a properly powered randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Methods: We conducted an open-label, pilot RCT. CeD patients were randomized to Zn supplementation (Zn gluconate 25mg) or a Zn-optimized diet for 3 months and followed up with a 3-month pragmatic approach. We evaluated enrollment rates and adherence to both interventions. Plasma and urine Zn, stool samples, and questionnaires were collected pre- and post-intervention.
Results: We enrolled 28 participants and 16 of them have completed the study. Interim analysis shows an enrollment fraction of 26% (i.e. 28/108 eligible participants), and a dropout rate of 17.9%. Eighty-two % of participants allocated to the Zn-supplement intervention and 50% in the dietary intervention were compliant at 3 months. Based on the effect size for normalization of plasma Zn at 3 months, 142 participants are required for an adequately powered RCT in the future. There were no significant differences in gastrointestinal or extra-intestinal symptoms, quality of life, anxiety and depression or adverse events between interventions.
Conclusion: Based on this preliminary analysis, recruitment of participants will take 6 months longer than expected. Assessment of reasons for diet non-adherence will allow implementation of strategies to improve feasibility. / Thesis / Master of Science in Medical Sciences (MSMS)
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Microbial Derived Modulators of Host Health and BehaviorMavros, Chrystal Felicia January 2024 (has links)
The human body is home to complex microbial communities that are fundamental to our physiology. Utilizing mouse models, behavior assays, gene expression analyses, and probiotic interventions, this research explores the intricate relationship between the gut microbiome, the central nervous system, and the immune system.
I discuss a strain of Escherichia coli Nissle engineered to produce serotonin, revealing its impact on gut function and immune response. I also evaluate butyrate’s potential to alleviate symptoms of Fragile X Syndrome, highlighting the gut-brain axis. Additionally, I study a strain of Bifidobacterium adolescentis and its role in metabolizing bile acids and modulating host immune cells and stress.
Collectively, these studies address the complex interplay between the gut microbiome and host health and behavior, illuminating the therapeutic potential of microbiome manipulation and setting the stage for novel interventions in neurodevelopmental disorders and immune function regulation.
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Hipomotilidade da vesícula biliar em pacientes colectomizados por retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica / Hipomotilidade da vesícula biliar em pacientes colectomizados por retocolite ulcerativa inespecíficaDamião, Aderson Omar Mourão Cintra 10 November 1995 (has links)
Pacientes com retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica,quando submetidos à colectomia, apresentam aumento na freqüência de cálculos vesiculares de colesterol. A hipomotilidade da vesícula biliar tem sido apontada como um importante fator na formação dos cálculos vesiculares de colesterol, ao lado da supersaturação biliar de colesterol e da nucleação dos cristais de colesterol (fatores nucleantes e antinucleantes). A estase vesicular aumenta o tempo de reabsorção de água pela mucosa da vesícula biliar com conseqüente superconcentração dos solutos, além de gerar o tempo necessário para a nucleação do colesterol, retenção e fusão dos cristais e,finalmente,formação dos cálculos. Embora a composição biliar já tenha sido estudada em pacientes colectornizados, não há informações sobre o comportamento da motilidade da vesícula biliar em pacientes com retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica com e sem colectomia. No presente trabalho,o esvaziamento vesicular foi estudado através do método ultra-sonográfico e após ingestão de dieta líqüida gordurosa em indivíduos controles (n=40), pacientes com retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica sem (n=30) e com colectomia (n =20). Como o esvaziamento gástrico pode interferir no vesicular, o tempo de esvaziamento gástrico, medido por método ultra-sonográfico, foi calculado nos três grupos. O esvaziamento vesicular foi significantemente diminuído nos pacientes com retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica com colectomia e após estímulo alimentar: esta alteração não foi conseqüência de esvaziamento gástrico retardado pois o tempo de esvaziamento gástrico foi semelhante nos três grupos. Ademais, a redução da motilidade vesicular nos pacientes colectomizados relacionou-se com a colectomia propriamente dita, uma vez que indivíduos controles e pacientes com retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica sem colectomia apresentaram esvaziamentos vesiculares semelhantes. Além disso,os resultados desta investigação reforçam a relevância do papel da motilidade vesicular na colelitíase e sua participação, juntamente com a diminuição do \"pool\" de ácidos biliares,na patogênese da calculo se vesicular de colesterol em pacientes com retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica submetidos à colectomia. / Patients with ulcerative colitis, who have their colon removed, are at increased risk of developing cholesterol gallstones. Gallbladder hypomotility has been quoted as being an important factor for cholesterol gallstone formation, together with biliary supersaturation of cholesterol and nucleation of cholesterol crystals (nucleating and antinucleating factors). Gallbladder stasis increases the time for water reabsorption by the gallbladder mucosa with ensuing solute superconcentration; moreover, gallbladder stasis renders enough time for cholesterol nucleation. crystal retention and fusion, and finally, stone formation. Although bile composition, in these patients, has already been studied, there is no information concerning the nature of gallbladder motility in patients with ulcerative colitis with or without colectomy. ln the present work, gallbladder emptying was studied by means of ultrasound examination, and after ingestion of a standard liquid fatty meal in controls (n=40), ulcerative colitis patients without colectomy (n=30) and with colectomy (n=20). Also, in order to rule out the influence of gastric emptying on gallbladder motility, the gastric emptying time was calculated, in the three groups, using the ultrasound method. Gallbladder emptying was significantly impaired in patients with ulcerative colitis with colectomy after a fatty-meal stimulus. and this abnormality was not a consequence of delayed gastric ernptying. since gastric emptying time was similar in the three groups. Furthermore. impaired gallbladder motility in ulcerative colitis patients with colectomy was related to the colectorny itself, since controls and ulcerative colitis
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AGUIA: um gerador semântico de interface gráfica do usuário para ensaios clínicos / AGUIA: a generator semantics for graphical user interface for clinical trialsCorrêa, Miriã da Silveira Coelho 04 March 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-04 / Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior / AGUIA is a web application front-end originally developed to manage clinical, demographic and biomolecular patient data collected during gastrointestinal clinical trials at MD Anderson Cancer Center. The diversity of methodologies involved in patient screening and sample processing, brings corresponding heterogeneity of data types. Thus, this data must be based on a Resource Oriented Architecture that transforms heterogeneous data in semantic data, most specifically in RDF (Resource Description Framework). The database chosen was a S3DB, because it met the necessary requirements of transforming heterogeneous data from different sources in RDF, explicitly distinguishing the description of the domain from its instantiation, while allowing for continuous editing of both. Furthermore, it uses a REST protocol, and is open source and in the public domain which facilitates development and dissemination. Nevertheless, comprehensive and flexible a semantic web format may be, it does not by itself address the issue of representing content in a form that makes sense for domain experts. Accordingly, the goal of the work described here was to identify an additional set of descriptors that provide specifications for the graphic user interface. That goal was pursued by identifying a formalism that makes use of the RDF schema to enable automatic assembly of graphic user interfaces in a meaningful manner. A generalized RDF model was therefore defined such that changes in the graphic descriptors are automatically and immediately reflected into the configuration of the client web browser interface application, which is also made available with this report. Although the design patterns identified reflect, and benefit, from the specific requirements of interacting with data generated by clinical trials, the expectation is that they contain clues for a general purpose solution. In particular, it is suggested that the most useful patterns identified by the users of this system are susceptible to being reusable for other data sources, or at least for other clinical trial semantic web data stores. / AGUIA é uma aplicação web front-end, desenvolvida para gerenciar dados clínicos, demográficos e biomoleculares de pacientes coletados durante os ensaios clínicos gastrointestinais no MD Anderson Cancer Center. A diversidade de metodologias envolvidas na triagem de pacientes e no processamento da amostra traz uma heterogeneidade dos tipos de dados correspondentes. Sendo assim, estes devem ser baseados em uma arquitetura orientada a recurso que transforma dados heterogêneos em dados semânticos, mais especificamente em RDF (Resource Description Framework - Estrutura para a descrição de recursos). O banco de dados escolhido foi o S3DB, por este ter cumprido os requisitos necessários de transformação dos dados heterogêneos de diferentes fontes em RDF, distinguindo explicitamente a descrição do domínio e sua instanciação, permitindo simultaneamente a contínua edição de ambos. Além disso, ele usa um protocolo REST, e é de código aberto e domínio público o que facilita o desenvolvimento e divulgação. Contudo, por mais abrangente e flexível, um formato de web semântica pode por si só, não abordar a questão de representar o conteúdo de uma forma que faça sentido para especialistas do domínio. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho aqui descrito foi identificar um conjunto adicional de descritores que forneceu as especificações para a interface gráfica do usuário. Esse objetivo foi perseguido através da identificação de um formalismo que faz uso do esquema RDF para permitir a montagem automática de interfaces gráficas de uma forma significativa. Um modelo RDF generalizado foi, portanto, definido de tal forma que as mudanças nos descritores gráficos sejam automaticamente e imediatamente refletidas na configuração da aplicação web do cliente, que também está disponível neste trabalho. Embora os padrões de design identificados reflitam e beneficiem os requisitos específicos de interagir com os dados gerados pelos ensaios clínicos, a expectativa é que eles contenham pistas para uma solução de propósito geral. Em particular, sugere-se que os padrões mais úteis identificados pelos utilizadores deste sistema sejam suscetíveis de serem reutilizáveis para outras fontes de dados, ou pelo menos para outros bancos de dados semânticos de ensaios clínicos.
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Medida da pressão e tensão da parede de varizes esofagianas em pacientes com esquistossomose mansônica hepato-esplênica com e sem antecedente de hemorragia digestiva / -Kassab, Fabio 14 April 2005 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar a pressão das varizes (PV), a tensão da parede (TP) e parâmetros endoscópicos, ultra-sonográficos e de Doppler em esquistossomóticos com (grupo I, n=7) e sem (grupo II, n=12) antecedente de sangramento. A PV and a TP no grupo I foi 14,7±3,0 mm Hg e 526,1±234,4, em contraste com 11,0±2,0 and 340,8±103,8 no grupo II (p=0,0053). PV acima de 12 mmHg foi observada em 71% dos casos com sangramento prévio e em 8% daqueles que nunca sangraram (0,0095). A PV correlacionou-se significantemente com a TP (p=0,0022). Nenhum parâmetro endoscópico, ultra-sonográfico ou de Doppler foi capaz de diferenciar os grupos I e II / This study was undertaken to compare variceal pressures (VP), wall tensions (WT), and endoscopic, ultrasound and Doppler parameters in schistosomiasis patients with (group I, n=7) and without (group II, n=12) previous bleeding. The VP and the WT in group I were 14.7±3.0 mm Hg and 526.1±234.4 respectively, in contrast to 11.0±2.0 and 340.8±103.8 in the group II (p=0,0053). VP over 12 mmHg was found in 71% of the patients with previous hemorrhage, compared with 8% of patients who had never bled (0,0095). VP significantly correlated with WT (p=0,0022). No endoscopic, ultrasound or Doppler parameters were shown to be different in patients with and without previous bleeding
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Comparação entre a colonoscopia com cromoscopia e com o NBI para detecção de displasia e neoplasias colônicas em pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal de longa data: estudo randomizado e controlado / Comparison between colonoscopy with chromoendoscopy and NBI for the detection of colonic neoplasia and dysplasia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease of long standing: a randomized controlled trialFeitosa, Flávio de Castro 14 May 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal (DII) tem risco aumentado de desenvolvimento de displasias e neoplasias colônicas, a partir de 8 anos de diagnóstico da doença. O desenvolvimento de técnicas que melhorem a acurácia diagnostica destas displasias tem impacto científico, econômico e na prática clínica. Materiais and Métodos: O NBI (narrow band image) tem sido descrito como um método comparável à cromoscopia para a detecção de diversos tipos de cânceres do trato gastrointestinal superior e do sistema respiratório. Neste estudo, as duas técnicas foram comparadas em pacientes com DII de longa data. Resultados: 34 pacientes foram randomizados (18 para a cromoscopia e 16 para o NBI). 66,7% e 68,8% dos pacientes eram do gênero feminino, com média de idade de 48,5 e 49,6 anos, nos grupos cromoscopia e NBI, respectivamente. 61,1% dos pacientes do grupo cromoscopia e 56,2% do grupo NBI tinham doença de Crohn (DC). Nenhuma destas variáveis alcançou diferença estatísticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos: comportamento da DC, localização da retocolite ulcerativa, presença de atividade inflamatória endoscópica e sintomas no momento do exame. O tempo médio gasto para a realização do exame foi de 45,8 minutos no grupo cromoscopia e de 34,1 minutos no grupo NBI. Sobre a presença de displasias, 22,2% dos pacientes no grupo cromoscopia apresentaram lesões displásicas no exame histológico (todas as biopsias foram direcionadas pela presença de lesões), enquanto que, no grupo NBI, nenhuma lesão displásica foi encontrada (qui-quadrado= 4,477; ∑crítico> 3,841, considerando um erro a de 5%). Foram encontrados três lesões adenomatosas e uma lesão displásica tipo DALM (dysplasia-associated lesion or mass), típica da DII. Quando realizada a correção de Yattes, ara amostras pequenas, foi observado ∑ = 2,180 (∑crítico> 3,841, considerando um erro a de 5%). Conclusões: Esses dados mostram diferença estatística entre as técnicas endoscópicas (NBI e cromoscopia). Eles revelam uma forte tendência estatística de superioridade da cromoscopia, comparada ao NBI. / Introduction: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are under increased risk of colonic dysplasia and neoplasia, approximately, 8 years after diagnosis. The development of techniques that improve the diagnostic ability to detect those dysplasias has scientific, economic and practical impact. Materials and Methods: The NBI (narrow band image) has been described as a valuable method comparable to chromoendoscopy for the detection of many cancers of the upper digestive and respiratory systems. The two techniques were compared in this study in patients with IBD after at least 8 years from diagnosis. Results: 34 patients were randomized (18 for chromoendoscopy and 16 for NBI). 66.7% and 68.8% were female, mean age of 48.5 and 49.6 years, in chromoendoscopy and NBI groups, respectively. The mean disease duration was 14.7 (DP 6.5 years 2) and 15.6 years (DP 9.0 years 2) for chromoendoscopy and NBI, respectively. 61.1% of patients in the chromoendoscopy group and 56.2% in the NBI had Crohn\'s disease (CD). None of those epidemiological data, extension and behavior of CD and Ulcerative Colitis, use of medications, endoscopic grade of disease activity and symptoms at the time of the exam disclosed statistical significance. The average time of examination was 45.8 minutes for the chromoendoscopy group, versus 34.1 minutes for the NBI group. Regarding the presence of dysplasia, 22,2% of patients in the chromoendoscopy group showed some dysplastic lesions on histological examination (all biopsies directed to mucosal lesions), while no patients in the NBI group had such lesions (chi-square = 4.477; ∑critical> 3.841, considering an error of 5%). We found three adenomas and one dysplastic lesions of the type DALM (dysplasia-associated lesion or mass), typical of IBD. When we look at correcting by means of the Yates correction test for small samples, we observed ∑ = 2,180 (∑critical > 3.841, considering an error of 5%). Conclusion: Those data have shown statistical difference between the endoscopic techniques (NBI and chromoendoscopy). They revealed a strong statistical tendency of superiority of chromoendoscopy compared to NBI.
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Estudo do receptor P2X7 nas classes neuronais do íleo de ratos submetidos à isquemia intestinal com reperfusão. / Study of the P2X7 receptor in neurons of the ileum of rats subjected to intestinal ischemia with reperfusion.Palombit, Kelly 28 June 2010 (has links)
Dor abdominal pode ser consequente a inúmeras causas, entre as várias possibilidades precisamos ficar atentos aos quadros de isquemia intestinal. No trato digestório a isquemia/reperfusão intestinal (I/R-i) acarreta alterações morfológicas nos neurônios entéricos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento das diferentes classes neuronais e do receptor P2X7 no plexo mioentérico do íleo de ratos Wistar submetidos à I/R-i. A isquemia intestinal foi obtida pela obstrução do fluxo sanguíneo das artérias ileais no período de 35 minutos, seguida pelos períodos de reperfusão de 6, 24, 72 horas e 1 semana. No grupo sham não houve a oclusão das artérias ileais. Os tecidos foram preparados por métodos imunohistoquímicos de duplas marcações do receptor P2X7 com a Óxido Nítrico Sintase neuronal (NOSn), calbindina (Calb), calretinina (Calr) e Acetilcolina Transferase (ChAT) e do receptor P2X7, da NOSn e da ChAT com o pan-neuronal anti-HuC/D. As análises qualitativas e quantitativas das contagens das duplas marcações, das densidades neuronais e da área dos perfis foram obtidas dos microscópios de fluorescência e de Confocal de Varredura à Laser. Os resultados qualitativos demonstraram diminuição da expressão do receptor P2X7 no grupo I/R-i de 24 horas e retorno da expressão nos grupos I/R-i de 72 horas e 1 semana. Os dados quantitativos demonstraram: a) os neurônios do plexo mioentérico foram imunorreativos ao receptor P2X7; b) não houve alterações significativas nas duplas marcações do receptor P2X7 com os neurônios NOSn-ir, Calr-ir, Calb-ir e ChAT-ir nos grupos sham e I/R-i; c) não houve alterações significativas nas duplas marcações do receptor P2X7, e dos neurônios NOSn-ir e ChAT-ir com o pan-neuronal anti-HuC/D nos grupos sham e I/R-i; d) houve diminuição nas densidades nos grupos I/R-i com 6, 24, 72 horas e 1 semana dos neurônios P2X7-ir, NOSn-ir, Calr-ir, Calb-ir, ChAT-ir e anti-HuC/D-ir quando comparados aos grupos sham; e) houve um aumento na área do perfil dos neurônios NOSn-ir nos grupos I/R-i de 6 e 24 horas, nos neurônios ChAT-ir houve um aumento no grupo I/R-i de 1 semana e nos neurônios Calr-ir houve uma diminuição no grupo I/R-i de 6 horas e um aumento no grupo I/R-i de 24 horas quando comparados aos grupos sham. O presente estudo demonstrou que a I/R-i está associada com a perda significativa de diferentes subpopulações de neurônios do plexo mioentérico acompanhada por diversas alterações morfológicas, o que pode acarretar problemas na motilidade intestinal. / Abdominal pain may be consequent to numerous causes, among the various possibilities need to be attentive to intestinal ischemia. In the digestive tract the intestinal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R-i) causes morphological changes in enteric neurons. The aim of the work was to analyze the behavior of different neurons and P2X7 receptor in the myenteric plexus of the ileum of rats subjected to I/R-i. Intestinal ischemia was obtained by the obstruction of blood flow in the ileal arteries period of 35 minutes followed by reperfusion periods of 6, 24, 72 hours and 1 week. In the sham group there was no occlusion of the ileal arteries. The tissues were prepared by immunohistochemical methods for double staining of P2X7 receptor with neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), calbindin, calretinin and acetylcholine transferase (ChAT) and P2X7 receptor, the nNOS and ChAT with pan-neuronal marker anti-HuC/D The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the counting of double staining, the neuronal density and the area of the cell body profile were obtained from fluorescence microscopy and confocal scanning laser. The qualitative results showed decreased expression of the P2X7 receptor in I/R-i for 24 hours group and return the expression in I/R-i for 72 hours and 1 week groups. The quantitative data showed: a) neurons in the myenteric plexus were immunoreactive for P2X7 receptor; b) no significant changes in the double staining of P2X7 receptor with nNOS, calretinin, calbindin and ChAT neurons in the sham and I/R-i groups; c) does not significant changes in the double staining of the P2X7 receptor, the nNOS and ChAT neurons with the pan-neuronal marker anti-HuC/D in sham and I/R-i groups; d) the densities of the P2X7 receptor, nNOS-IR, calretinin-IR, calbindin-IR, ChAT-IR and anti-HuC/D-IR neurons were decreased in I/R-i 6, 24, 72 hours and 1 week groups, when compared to sham group; e) the profile area was increased in nNOS-IR neurons in the I/R-i for 6 and 24 hours groups, ChAT-IR neurons in I/R-i 1 week group and in the calretinin-IR neurons there was a decrease in I/R-i 6 hours group and an increase in I/R-i for 24 hours group when compared to sham group. The present study demonstrated that I/R-i is associated with significant loss of different subpopulations of neurons in the myenteric plexus accompanied by several morphological changes, which can cause intestinal motility disorder.
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