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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation de la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques près du sol : application aux réseaux sans fil / Near ground wave propagation in the context of Mobile Radio and Sensor Network

Bezerra Cardoso, Maurício Henrique 25 September 2017 (has links)
Motivée par le développement de diverses applications déployant des antennes près d'une interface, comme les systèmes militaires UGS, les réseaux corporels sans fil BAN et la surveillance environnementale impliquant des capteurs au sol, cette thèse porte sur la modélisation de la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques près d'une interface. Tout d'abord, la méthode classique de l'optique géométrique est confrontée à des formules approchées fournies par Norton et par Bannister. Cette étude met en évidence les cas où l'optique géométrique ne décrit pas correctement la propagation près de la surface. Pour une compréhension plus exhaustive, les fonctions de Green de ce type de propagation, présentées sous forme d'intégrales de Sommerfeld, sont évaluées à la lumière de la méthode de la plus grande pente. Cette évaluation permet d'extraire trois équations importantes pour la propagation près d'une interface. La première est la condition essentielle pour que la proximité au sol puisse profiter au bilan de liaison grâce à l'excitation d'une composante de l'onde diffractée qui se propage près de l'interface. Les deux autres identifient des distances critiques qui bornent le début et la fin de la zone présentant un affaiblissement de trajet amélioré. L'ensemble de ces trois équations permet d'évaluer le rôle de certains paramètres physiques, notamment les propriétés électromagnétiques du sol, la fréquence de travail et la hauteur des antennes. Cette thèse inclut également les pistes pratiques envisagées pour une démonstration de faisabilité de l'amélioration d'une liaison sans fil par la proximité des antennes à l'interface. La couverture du sol ayant une importance prépondérante, nous présentons des recherches préliminaires sur la réalisation et la caractérisation d'un matériau approprié pour ce type de propagation. Dans un axe de recherche parallèle, cette thèse évalue également l'exactitude et la pertinence d'une nouvelle formulation théorique pour la propagation près du sol. Cette formulation dite « de Schelkunoff » suscite des controverses dans la communauté scientifique / Motivated by the development of various applications deploying antennas near an interface, such as military systems (UGS), wireless body area networks (BAN) and environmental monitoring involving ground sensors, this thesis deals with the near-ground wave propagation modelling. First, the results of the geometrical optics are confronted with the approximations provided by Norton and Bannister. This study reveals the cases where geometrical optics does not correctly describe the wave propagation near the surface. For a more comprehensive understanding, Green's functions of this type of propagation, presented as Sommerfeld integrals, are evaluated using the steepest descent technique. This evaluation offers the possibility to extract three important equations for near-ground wave propagation. The first one presents the essential condition under which the link budget can benefit from the ground proximity through the excitation of a diffracted wave component propagating near the interface. The other two equations identify critical distances indicating the beginning and the end of the zone with an improved path loss. All these three equations highlight the role of certain physical parameters, in particular the electromagnetic properties of the ground, the working frequency and the heights of the antennas. This thesis also includes the practical solutions that can be considered to demonstrate the feasibility of improving a wireless link by the proximity of the antennas to the interface. Since floor coating is of major importance, we present preliminary research on the realisation and characterisation of a suitable material for this type of propagation. In a parallel research axis, this thesis also evaluates the accuracy and relevance of a new theoretical formulation for near-ground propagation. The "so-called Schelkunoff" formulation has become a controversial issue in the scientific community

Prédiction des mouvements du sol dus à un séisme : différences de décroissance entre petits et gros séismes et simulations large bande par fonctions de Green empiriques / Prediction of ground motion generated by an earthquake : differences of decay between small and large earthquakes and broadband simulations using empirical Green’s functions

Dujardin, Alain 16 October 2015 (has links)
La prédiction des mouvements du sol générés par un séisme est un enjeu majeur pour la prise en compte du risque sismique. C’est l’un des objectifs du projet SIGMA dans le cadre duquel j’ai réalisé ma thèse. Celle-ci se compose de deux parties. La première se concentre sur la dépendance à la magnitude de la décroissance des paramètres des mouvements du sol avec la distance. Celle-ci est un sujet de préoccupation aussi bien pour l’utilisation des relations d’atténuation (GMPEs), que pour les méthodes basées sur l’utilisation de petits évènements en tant que fonctions de Green empiriques. Nous avons démontré qu’aux distances les plus faibles (inférieures à la longueur de la faille), l'effet de saturation dû aux dimensions de la faille est prépondérant. Aux distances plus importantes, l'effet de l’atténuation anélastique devient prépondérant. Nous avons donc montré qu’il pouvait être délicat de mélanger des données de différentes régions dans les GMPEs, et validé l’utilisation des fonctions de Green empiriques à toutes les distances. Dans la deuxième partie sont testées 3 différentes méthodes de simulations dans un contexte complexe : un code combinant une source étendue en k2 et des EGFs, un code point-source EGFs et un code stochastique. Nous avons choisi de travailler sur le séisme de magnitude Mw 5.9 (29 mai 2012) situé dans un bassin sédimentaire profond (la plaine du Po), et qui a engendré des sismogrammes souvent dominés par les ondes de surface. On y démontre que sans connaissance à priori du milieu de propagation, les méthodes basées sur des EGF permettent de reproduire les ondes de surface, les valeurs de PGA, de PGV, ainsi que les durées des signaux générés. / The prediction of ground motion generated by an earthquake is a major issue for the consideration of seismic risk. This is one of the objectives of SIGMA project in which I realized my thesis. It consists of two parts. The first focuses on the magnitude dependence of the ground motion parameters decay with distance. This is a concern both for the use of relation of attenuation (GMPEs) than methods based on the use of small events as empirical Green functions. We have shown that as the shorter distances (less than the length of the fault), the saturation effect due to the fault size is preponderant. For larger distances, it’s the eanelastic attenuation effect which becomes predominant. So we have shown that it can be tricky to mix data from different regions in GMPEs and we validated the use of empirical Green functions at every distance. In the second part are tested three different simulation methods in a complex context: a code combining finite fault source in k2 and EGFs, a point-source code with EGFs and a stochastic code. We chose to work on the Mw 5.9 earthquake (May 29, 2012) which occurs in a deep sedimentary basin (the Po plain), and which has generated seismograms often dominated by surface waves. We show that without a priori knowledge of the propagation medium, methods based on EGFs can reproduce surface waves, the values of PGA, PGV, and the durations of the signals generated.

Implementation and Test of a 2D-integral-equation MoM-algorithm for the Analysis of Power-Bus Structures on Printed Circuit Boards / Implementation and Test of a 2D-integral-equation MoM-algorithm for the Analysis of Power-Bus Structures on Printed Circuit Boards

Štumpf, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá analýzou power-bus struktur využitím metody založené na formulaci problému 2D hraniční integrální rovnicí ve frekvenční oblasti. Uvedená metoda byla implementována v Matlabu. Program umožňuje analyzovat obecné polygonální power-bus struktury s možností nastavení parametrů substrátu a libovolného počtu a umístění budících portů. Výstupem programu je frekvenční závislost rozložení elektrického pole mezi deskami struktury, vztahy mezi porty struktury vyjádřené např. impedanční maticí a vyzařovací diagram. Dále byla implementována možnost převodu výsledné impedanční matice do tzv. Touchstone formátu, pomocí něhož je možné modelovat analyzované struktury jako obecné N-porty (např. v ANSOFT Designeru), což umožňuje analýzu power-bus struktur s dalšími obvodovými prvky. Výsledky byly ověřeny pomocí existujících analytických vztahů pro jednoduché obdélníkové struktury, využitím komerčního simulačního programu a praktickým experimentem.

Reflexão de Andreev cruzada via dubleto de Autler-Townes em uma junção ponto quântico - supercondutor / Crossed Andreev reflection via Autler-Townes doublet in a quantum dot - superconductor junction

Assunção, Maryzaura de Oliveira 07 July 2017 (has links)
FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / O conhecimento teórico e experimental acumulado nas últimas décadas sobre pontos quânticos semicondutores (PQs) impulsiona o surgimento de um grande número de propostas atuais de utilizá-los em sistemas híbridos. A habilidade de controlar suas propriedades optoeletrônicas, bem como o domínio de sofisticadas técnicas de fabricação, tornaram-os candidatos ideais para formar junções com supercondutores (SCs), cujas características individuais são também notáveis. Essas junções podem ser simples, com um único PQ acoplado a um SC, ou múltiplas: a conexão de dois terminais SCs através de um PQ (junção tipo Josephson) e a junção de dois PQs através de um SC. Esta última forma um separador de pares de Cooper, dispositivo sugerido como fonte de partículas emaranhadas, que depende fundamentalmente da ocorrência de reflexão de Andreev cruzada (CAR) nas interfaces da junção. Junções de PQs com SCs e com supercondutores topológicos também tem sido propostas em sistemas de dois níveis formando qubits para a computação quântica trivial e topológica. Embora o estudo das junções PQ-SC esteja em evidência atualmente, a revisão da literatura mostra que a análise do regime transiente foi pouco explorada. Por isso, abordamos neste trabalho o transporte de cargas em uma junção PQ-SC-PQ com resolução temporal. Utilizando técnicas de função de Green de não-equilíbrio, particularmente, o formalismo de Kadanoff-Baym, escrevemos um conjunto de equações diferenciais acopladas, solucionado numericamente. Analisando as oscilações de Rabi que surgem na evolução temporal da corrente elétrica e das ocupações dos PQs, fomos capazes de identificar assinaturas de mecanismos de espalhamento através da junção, isto é, o tunelamento direto e a CAR. Adicionalmente, propusemos a expansão deste sistema pela sua inserção na estrutura de um fotodiodo, aplicando luz laser sobre um dos PQs. Os resultados mostram que ocorre a separação dos níveis opticamente excitados em dubletos de Autler-Townes, para acoplamentos fracos entre os PQs. Consequentemente, é observada a ocorrência de CAR, mediada pelo laser aplicado, através dos níveis que compõe o dubleto. Os resultados tem dependência também com a tensão fonte-dreno aplicada ao dispositivo, que pode estar no limite de bias alta (HB) ou zero (ZB). Este é o primeiro trabalho a analisar a separação de pares de Cooper assistida por fótons em uma junção PQ-SC-PQ, em regime de não-equilíbrio. Embora os resultados experimentais ainda sejam escassos, a inclusão de um SC em um fotodiodo de PQs híbrido permite novos mecanismos de formação de fotocorrente, abrindo novas possibilidades de aplicações desse sistema. / The theoretical and experimental knowledge accumulated in the last decades on semiconductors quantum dots (QDs) impulses the emergence of many current proposals for using them in hybrid systems. The ability to control their optoelectronic properties, as well as the control of fabrication techniques, made them the perfect candidates to compose junctions with superconductors (SCs), whose individual characteristics are also remarkable. These junctions can be simple, with a single QD coupled to a SC, or multiple: a connection of two superconducting terminals through a QD (a Josephson-like junction) and the junction of two QDs through a SC. The latter is known as a Cooper-pairs splitter, a device suggested as a source of entangled particles, for which is required the occurrence of crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) on the interfaces of the junction. Junctions of QDs with SCs and with topological SCs have also been proposed in two-level systems as qubits for both trivial and topological quantum computation. Despite the study of QD-SC junctions being currently in evidence, the literature review shows that the analysis of transient regime was little explored. Therefore, we address in this work the topic of time-dependent charge transport in a QD-SC-QD junction. By using non-equilibrium Green functions techniques, particularly, the Kadanoff-Baym formalism, we write down a set of coupled differential equations, which is numerically solved. Examining the Rabi oscillations that appears on the time evolution of electric current and QDs occupations, we were able to identify signatures of the scattering mechanisms through out the junction, i. e., direct tunnelling and CAR. Additionally, we propose to use this system as a photodiode, with the aid of a laser beam over one of the QDs. The results show the splitting of the optically excited states in Autler- Townes doublets, for a weak coupling between the QDs. Hence, CAR mediated by the applied laser was observed through the energy levels that compose the doublet. The results depend also with the source-drain potential applied to the device, which can be high bias (HB) or zero bias (ZB). The present work is the first to analyse the splitting of Cooper pairs assisted by photons in a QD-SC-QD junction, in nonequilibrium regime. Although the experimental results are still sparse, the inclusion of a SC in a QD hybrid photodiode allows new mechanisms of photocurrent formation, creating possibilities in future applications. / Tese (Doutorado)

Atomistic simulations of competing influences on electron transport across metal nanocontacts

Dednam, Wynand 14 June 2019 (has links)
In our pursuit of ever smaller transistors, with greater computational throughput, many questions arise about how material properties change with size, and how these properties may be modelled more accurately. Metallic nanocontacts, especially those for which magnetic properties are important, are of great interest due to their potential spintronic applications. Yet, serious challenges remain from the standpoint of theoretical and computational modelling, particularly with respect to the coupling of the spin and lattice degrees of freedom in ferromagnetic nanocontacts in emerging spintronic technologies. In this thesis, an extended method is developed, and applied for the first time, to model the interplay between magnetism and atomic structure in transition metal nanocontacts. The dynamic evolution of the model contacts emulates the experimental approaches used in scanning tunnelling microscopy and mechanically controllable break junctions, and is realised in this work by classical molecular dynamics and, for the first time, spin-lattice dynamics. The electronic structure of the model contacts is calculated via plane-wave and local-atomic orbital density functional theory, at the scalar- and vector-relativistic level of sophistication. The effects of scalar-relativistic and/or spin-orbit coupling on a number of emergent properties exhibited by transition metal nanocontacts, in experimental measurements of conductance, are elucidated by non-equilibrium Green’s Function quantum transport calculations. The impact of relativistic effects during contact formation in non-magnetic gold is quantified, and it is found that scalar-relativistic effects enhance the force of attraction between gold atoms much more than between between atoms which do not have significant relativistic effects, such as silver atoms. The role of non-collinear magnetism in the electronic transport of iron and nickel nanocontacts is clarified, and it is found that the most-likely conductance values reported for these metals, at first- and lastcontact, are determined by geometrical factors, such as the degree of covalent bonding in iron, and the preference of a certain crystallographic orientation in nickel. / Physics / Ph. D. (Physics)

Моделирование и анализ свойств антенны-аппликатора для исследования излучения головного мозга в микроволновом диапазоне : магистерская диссертация / Modeling and analysis of the properties of the applicator antenna for brain radiation investigation in the microwave frequency band

Шабашов, Е. П., Shabashov, E. P. January 2020 (has links)
Исследовано поглощение мощности электромагнитного поля тканями головы человека в микроволновом диапазоне. Расчет электрического поля в тканях головы, индуцированного элементарной антенной, основано на применении функций Грина слоистых сред. Два вида излучателей, таких как полуволновый диполь и петлевая антенна сравниваются с точки зрения глубины проникновения электромагнитной энергии. Рассчитана мощность, поглощаемая в различных слоях модели головы человека. В заключении сделан вывод о преимуществе применения криволинейных токов, таких, как формируемых плоской спиралью. Рассмотрено влияние проводящего экрана на эффективность излучения антенны. Полученные результаты предполагается использовать при разработке эффективных сенсоров для микроволновой радиометрии мозга. / The power absorbed by human head tissues in the microwave range is investigated. Calculation of the electric field induced in the head tissues by antenna probe is based on the use of the Green’s functions of the stratified media. Two types of emitters such as a half-wave dipole and a loop antenna are compared in terms of the depth of electromagnetic energy penetration. The power absorbed by different layers of the human head model is calculated. The conclusion is made on the best efficiency of antenna with an annular current, such as a flat helix. The effect of the conducting screen on the efficiency of the antenna is studied. The data were obtained for designing effective field sensors for the microwave radiometry of the brain.

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