Spelling suggestions: "subject:"maia"" "subject:"aia""
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Payload data handling, telemetry and data compression systems for Gaia.Portell i de Mora, Jordi 26 September 2005 (has links)
Gaia, la nova missió astromètrica de la ESA amb un llançament previst pel 2011, observarà més de mil milions d'estels i altres objectes amb una exactitud sense precedents. Els seus ambiciosos objectius desbanquen completament les missions rivals d'altres agències. Al final de la seva vida útil es generarà el major i més complert mapa tridimensional de la nostra Galàxia.Una missió com aquesta suposa grans esforços tecnològics i de disseny ja que caldrà detectar, seleccionar i mesurar centenars d'estels cada segon, per enviar-ne posteriorment les dades cap a la Terra -a més d'un milió i mig de quilòmetres. Hem centrat el treball d'aquesta tesi en aquesta vessant de la missió, proposant dissenys pels sistemes de gestió de dades, de telemetria científica, i de compressió de dades. El nostre objectiu final és fer possible la transmissió a l'estació terrestre d'aquesta immensa quantitat de dades generades pels instruments, tenint en compte la limitada capacitat del canal de comunicacions. Això requereix el disseny d'un sistema de compressió de dades sense pèrdues que ofereixi les millors relacions de compressió i garanteixi la integritat de les dades transmeses. Tot plegat suposa un gran repte pels mètodes de la teoria de la informació i pel disseny de sistemes de compressió de dades.Aquests aspectes tecnològics encara estaven per estudiar o bé només es disposava d'esborranys preliminars -ja que la missió mateixa estava en una etapa preliminar en quan varem començar aquesta tesi. Per tant, el nostre treball ha estat rebut amb entusiasme per part de científics i enginyers del projecte.En primer lloc hem revisat l'entorn operacional del nostre estudi, descrit a la primera part de la tesi. Això inclou els diversos sistemes de referència i les convencions que hem proposat per tal d'unificar les mesures, referències a dades i dissenys. Aquesta proposta s'ha utilitzat com a referència inicial en la missió i actualment altres científics l'estan ampliant i millorant. També hem recopilat les principals característiques de l'instrument astromètric (en el qual hem centrat el nostre estudi) i revisat les seves directrius operacionals, la qual cosa també s'ha tingut en compte en altres equips.A la segona part de la tesi descrivim la nostra proposta pel sistema de gestió de dades de la càrrega útil de Gaia, la qual ha estat utilitzada per presentar els requeriments científics als equips industrials i representa en sí mateixa una opció d'implementació viable (tot i que simplificada). En la següent part estudiem la telemetria científica, recopilant els camps de dades a generar pels instruments i proposant un esquema optimitzat de codificació i transmissió, el qual redueix la ocupació del canal de comunicacions i està preparat per incloure un sistema optimitzat de compressió de dades. Aquest darrer serà descrit a la quarta i última part de la tesi, on veurem com la nostra proposta compleix gairebé totalment els requeriments de compressió, arribant a duplicar les relacions de compressió ofertes pels millors sistemes estàndard. El nostre disseny representa la millor solució actualment disponible per Gaia i el seu rendiment ha estat assumit com a disseny base per altres equips.Cal dir que els resultats del nostre treball van més enllà de la publicació d'una memòria de tesi, complementant-la amb aplicacions de software que hem desenvolupat per ajudar-nos a dissenyar, optimitzar i verificar la operació dels sistemes aquí proposats. També cal indicar que la complexitat del nostre treball ha estat augmentada degut a la necessitat d'actualitzar-lo contínuament als canvis que la missió ha sofert en el seu disseny durant els cinc anys del doctorat. Per acabar, podem dir que estem satisfets amb els resultats del nostre treball, ja que la majoria han estat (o estan essent) tinguts en compte per molts equips involucrats en la missió i per la mateixa Agència Espacial Europea en el disseny final.
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Para al?m da ci?ncia: por uma gaia ci?nciaGalv?o, T?lio Madson de Oliveira 19 December 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-12-19 / Em A gaia ci?ncia Nietzsche ir? abordar a ci?ncia, especificamente a sua finalidade, sob uma perspectiva cr?tica, apontando a necessidade de um conhecimento cient?fico mais humano e menos mecanicista, uma ci?ncia mais pr?xima ? arte, que ao inv?s de descobrir verdades, se ocupe em criar novos valores, vis?es e perspectivas.
Ao longo da obra fica evidente a inten??o do fil?sofo em n?o apenas criticar a ci?ncia, mas tamb?m, conceber um novo m?todo, uma nova ci?ncia, uma gaya scienza, em alus?o ? arte dos trovadores medievais. Objetiva-se, com isso, unir vida e conhecimento como partes constituintes de um mesmo processo, fazendo da busca pelo conhecimento, n?o apenas um ?cio ou profiss?o, mas, sobretudo, um meio de vida. Nietzsche anseia por uma ci?ncia que n?o se enquadra nas categorias de verdadeiro ou falso, pois o seu valor ? diferente do valor da verdade, seu valor maior ? a m?xima potencialidade da vida em todos os seus aspectos
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Sales Information Provider / FörsäljningsdatahämtningKarlsson, Mathias January 2005 (has links)
Sammanfattning, max 25 rader. : Denna rapport utreder möjligheten till att ta in stora mängder data in i en databas och göra sammanslagningar. Detta för att sedan skicka en mängd data på ett smidigt sätt till en klient som ska bearbeta datat. Arbetet sträcker sig från databas till ett API möjligt att implementera i en applikation som önskar hämta informationen. Arbetet innebär en intelligent hämtning av data för visualisering. Det är ett av två examensarbeten som ligger till grund för en visualisering av försäljningsdata för sportbutikskedjan Stadium AB. Stadium AB har idag ca 80 butiker, vilket innebär en stor försäljning per vecka. Tanken är att detta ex-jobb tillsammans med det parallellt gående ex-jobbet ska vara till hjälp för Stadium AB vid inköp av produkter till nästkommande säsonger. Det ex-jobb som löpte parallellt med detta visualiserar mängden av produkter som säljs för en viss tidpunkt vilket ger Stadium möjlighet att se vilka tidpunkter de har för lite produkter i butiken samt när de har för mycket produkter. Detta ex-jobb ska förse visualiseringsapplikationen med den information som krävs. Sales Data Provider, som applikationen heter, bygger på en datalager lösning som grund. Den innehåller beräknade försäljningsdata på olika nivåer för att lätt kunna gräva sig ner i hierarkin och se information om hur olika produkter säljer. Som transportmedel från datalager till klient använder den Web Services med XML som media, för att möjliggöra en distans mellan datalager och klient. Dessutom innehåller den en logisk klient som tar hand om alla anrop mot Web Servicen och exponerar ett API som visualiseringsapplikationen kan använda sig av. Klienten innehåller både logik för att hämta data från Web Servicen och att exponera data genom en objektmodell.
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Nietzsche e o riso / Nietzsche and laughterThiago Ribeiro de Magalhães Leite 15 February 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo compreender o sentido que Nietzsche confere ao riso no interior de seu pensamento. Para tanto, foi preciso considerar o riso à luz do conceito de vontade de potência, de modo a determinar o aspecto sob o qual Nietzsche o interpreta e o motivo pelo qual esse riso é digno de seus investimentos filosóficos. Deste modo, partimos com a noção de que o riso se exprime como um juízo avaliativo: atitude valorativa que, no caso da valoração nobre, manifesta (e quer) aumento de forças. A partir desse primeiro tópico, analisamos o conceito de gaia ciência [alegre saber], apresentado em livro homônimo, com o qual o riso se irradia pelo pensamento e se torna um fator imprescindível diante das questões e tarefas a que Nietzsche se coloca. Aqui, o riso atua como páthos afirmativo e efeito da elevação de potência; os pensamentos a ele correspondentes são igualmente afirmativos, o que, por sua vez, permite um vigor filosófico para a crítica radical dos valores. A idiossincrasia desse riso de Nietzsche, se vê, pois, realçada quando o cotejamos com temas tais como a linguagem, o estilo, a crítica e o conceito de tartufesco. Com efeito, a partir de tais considerações procuramos esboçar algumas linhas acerca da relação do riso com a ideia do além-do-homem, bem como compreender a inovação que Nietzsche promove na história do pensamento filosófico sobre o riso. / The present dissertation aims to comprehend the meaning that Nietzsche gives to laughter within his thought. Therefore, it was necessary to accept laughter under the concept of will to power in order to precise the aspect in witch Nietzsche interprets it and the motive that makes laughter worthy of his philosophical investments. Thus, we start with the notion of laughter as an evaluative judgment, an evaluative attitude, which in the case of noble valuation, manifests (and wants) increase of forces. From this topic, we analyzed the concept of a gay science(presented in the eponymous book); in witch, laughter became an important factor regarding the issues that Nietzsche arise. Here, laughter works as an affirmative páthos and effect of an elevation of power, the thoughts related to laughter are correspondingly affirmative, which in turns allows a philosophical strength towards the radical critics of values. The idiosyncrasy of Nietzsches laughter highlights when collated with themes as language, style, critics and the concept of tarffufe. Indeed, from these considerations we may be able to outline a conclusion on laughters relation with the idea of overman, and understand the innovation that Nietzsche promotes on the history of philosophical thought about laughter.
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Space astrometry of unresolved binaries: from Hipparcos to Gaia / Astrométrie spatiale des binaires non-resolues: d'Hipparcos à GaiaPourbaix, Dimitri 13 September 2007 (has links)
Building upon its success with the Hipparcos space astrometry mission launched in 1989, the European Space Agency has agreed to fund the construction of its successor, Gaia, and its launch in 2011. Despite the similarities between the two missions, Gaia will be orders of magnitude more powerful, more sensitive, but also more complex in terms of data processing. Growing from 120,000 stars with Hipparcos to about 120,000E4 stars with Gaia does not simply mean pushing the computing resources to their limits (1 second of processing per star yields 38 years for the whole Gaia-sky). It also means facing situations that did not occur with Hipparcos either by luck or because those cases were carefully removed from the Hipparcos Input Catalogue.<p><p>This manuscript illustrates how some chunks of the foreseen Gaia data reduction pipeline can be trained and assessed using the Hipparcos observations. This is especially true for unresolved binaries because they pop up so far down in the Gaia pipeline that, by the time they get there, there is essentially no difference between Hipparcos and Gaia data. Only the number of such binaries is different, going from two thousand to ten million.<p><p>Although the computing time clearly becomes an issue, one cannot sacrifice the robustness and correctness of the reduction pipeline for the sake of speed. However, owing to the requirement that everything must be Gaia-based (no help from ground-based results), the very robustness of the reduction has to be assessed as well. For instance, the underlying assumptions of some statistical tests used to assess the quality of the fits used in the Hipparcos pipeline might no longer hold with Gaia. That may not affect the fit itself but rather the quality indicators usually accompanying those fits. For the final catalogue to be a success, these issues must be addressed as soon as possible.<p> / Agrégation de l'enseignement supérieur, Orientation sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Ekologická etika / Ecological ethicsValentová, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
The issue of ecological ethics has often been discussed because it is important for the development of further generations. Nature and culture are not at the same level, yet culture is subordinate to nature. Because of human influence, the harmony of nature is endangered and we live in an ecological crisis. This master's thesis compares the opinions of experts in Czech environment who perceive the ecological ethics, collisions of nature and culture and environmental sphere from the point of philosophy. In the first part, there is a theoretical basis of ecological ethics and the elementary classification. Further, the development of ecological ethics in the Czech phylosophical thinking is presented. In the main part, the author always explores two selected ideas of Czech professionals - Erazim Kohák, Josef Šmajs, Hana Librová, Petr Jemelka and Jan Patočka. The conclusion of the thesis is that although all the authors come from various conceptions, their results are more or less corresponding. It is fundamental to accept a personal responsibility and not to long for power and profit. It is imporant to indicate and become aware of ecological crisis and start to solve it on our own at first (e. g. by voluntary modesty and awareness that we leave a legacy for further generations). We do not need to live...
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Building a Greener Future: Reconstructing the Discourse on Sustainability in the German Construction Sector : How do stakeholders within the German construction sector translate sustainability in their daily practices and to what extent do these practices align with the principles of the Gaia hypothesis?Meesenburg, David January 2024 (has links)
Sustainability is viewed as a solution to climate change and social unrest, yet the systems we use to understand and implement it often contribute to the very problems they aim to solve. This thesis investigates how stakeholders in the German construction sector integrate sustainability into their daily practices. Using James Lovelock’s concept of Earth as a self- regulating system, the study explores stakeholders’ perceptions of sustainability. Based on qualitative interviews, the research identifies three main themes: certification systems, economic pressures, and the intrinsic connection of stakeholders to Gaia. Findings suggest that while certification systems guide sustainable practices, they are often used due to other motivations than for genuine environmental efforts. Economic pressures further hinder the adoption of sustainable practices, as stakeholders prioritize short-term gains over long-term ecological benefits. However, a strong connection to Gaia and could inspire deeper engagement with sustainability. The thesis concludes that adopting the interconnectedness emphasized by the Gaia hypothesis could lead to more effective and authentic sustainability practices in the construction sector.
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Herwinning as 'n kunsvorm : 'n ekofeministiese perspektiefBlok, Maria Magdalena 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This research deals with the artist's contribution towards the current
process of ecological purification through which mankind's attention
are brought to the destructive maintenance of the planet. The
alchemical artist uses purification as a means to make social
comments on the lifestyle of the contemporary person, through the
aestheticism of objects.
The different manifestations of ceo-feministic thought within
environmental activism are explored to make the reader aware of the
diversity of ceo-feministic thought. Eco-feminism in general, tries to
promote the importance of the earth as a life supporting system by
respecting her needs, cycles, energies and eco-systems. As a result of
this process, the public are invited to take part in recycle-art through
which a change in attitude towards purification and the survival of the
planet, are being accomplished / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)
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Different natures: an ecocritical analysis of selected films by Terrence Malick, Werner Herzog and Sean PennVan Wyk, Karl 31 July 2012 (has links)
M.A. University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities, 2012. / Humanity’s relationship with nature has, in recent years, undoubtedly been one of contention
and turmoil, an issue whose drama is gaining popularity in popular culture and,
especially, film. In this dissertation I examine how these challenging human-nature relationships
play out in Terrence Malick’s The New World, Werner Herzog’s Grizzly Man
and Encounters at the End of the World, Sean Penn’s Into the Wild, and the Jon Krakauer
book, of the same title, upon which Penn’s film is based. As one’s views on
nature (like all else) are mediated through language, using ecocritical principles slanted
towards filmic, as opposed to written, texts, I provide a close examination of the ways in
which these artists portray the relationship between language and nature, and the impact
this has on our cultural and individual identities. I will also show how these primary
texts make use of centuries-old Romantic aesthetics in order to humanise nature for
moral ends. The primary texts agree that a large part of the problem in the poor relationship
between humanity and nature is due to inadequate metaphors with which humanity
views the earth. Thus, each artist promotes a certain kind of anthropomorphic understanding
of nature which he believes is pivotal in encouraging better interconnections
between humanity and nature. As a result, I provide a critique of the kinds of metaphors
used by each respective artist, where some metaphors of nature may support or contradict
a certain artist’s aims in his portrayal of human-nature relationships.
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Herwinning as 'n kunsvorm : 'n ekofeministiese perspektiefBlok, Maria Magdalena 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This research deals with the artist's contribution towards the current
process of ecological purification through which mankind's attention
are brought to the destructive maintenance of the planet. The
alchemical artist uses purification as a means to make social
comments on the lifestyle of the contemporary person, through the
aestheticism of objects.
The different manifestations of ceo-feministic thought within
environmental activism are explored to make the reader aware of the
diversity of ceo-feministic thought. Eco-feminism in general, tries to
promote the importance of the earth as a life supporting system by
respecting her needs, cycles, energies and eco-systems. As a result of
this process, the public are invited to take part in recycle-art through
which a change in attitude towards purification and the survival of the
planet, are being accomplished / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)
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