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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Dynamical Implications for Stars, Star Formation, and Dark Matter Cores in Dwarf Galaxies

Maxwell, Aaron J. 06 1900 (has links)
I investigate the observational signatures of the formation of dark matter cores in dwarf galaxies. I adopt the paradigm where the energy from star formation feedback is injected into the orbits of dark matter particles, forming a constant density core consistent with observations of dwarf galaxies. Using physically motivated constraints I show there is ample feedback energy available given the average stellar mass of dwarf galaxies to form cores in $10^{8}$--$10^{11}$\thinspace M$_{\odot}$ halos, and predict the maximum core size as a function of stellar mass. I describe how observational features of the old stellar content of dwarf galaxies are due to this core formation paradigm. As both dark matter and stars are collisionless fluids, the stars responsible for the feedback form in the centres of dwarf galaxies and have their orbits grown by subsequent star formation. This will naturally lead to age and metallicity gradients, with the younger and more metal rich stellar population near the dwarf centres. This process also prevents the destruction of globular clusters by driving them out of the dwarf nucleus --- the decrease in central dark matter density reduces the strength of dynamical friction --- and increases the likelihood of being stripped onto the stellar halos of larger galaxies. It also offers a model for forming multiple populations in globular clusters, with the only assumption being that the source of the polluted gas resides within the dwarf progenitor. As the orbit of a globular cluster grows, it will experience multiple accretion events with each pass through the gas-rich galaxy centre. The simple accretion model exhibits two traits revealed from observations --- a short accretion timescale and a sensitive dependence on mass --- without requiring an exotic initial stellar mass function or the initial globular cluster mass function to be 10--25 times larger than at present. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The onset and regulation of star formation in the lowest mass dark matter halos

Pereira-Wilson, Matthew 02 September 2022 (has links)
We use the APOSTLE suite of cosmological simulations to examine the role of the cosmic ionizing background in regulating star formation (SF) in low-mass LCDM halos. In agreement with earlier work, we find that, after reionization, SF can only proceed in halos whose mass exceeds a redshift-dependent ``critical'' virial mass determined by the structure of LCDM halos and the thermal pressure of UV-heated gas. This critical mass increases from Mcrit~10^8 Msun at z~11$ to ~10^9.7 Msun at z=0, roughly following the average mass growth history of halos in that mass range. This implies that most halos above or below critical at present have remained so since early times. In particular, the halos of most galaxies today were already above-critical (and thus forming stars) at high redshift, providing a simple explanation for the ubiquitous presence of ancient stellar populations in dwarfs, regardless of luminosity. It also implies that Mcrit today represents a ``threshold'' mass below which the fraction of ``dark'' halos increases steeply. Sub-critical halos may still host luminous galaxies if they were above-critical at some point in the past. SF ceases if a halo falls into the sub-critical regime; depending on each halo's accretion history this can occur over a wide range of times, explaining why SF in many dwarfs seems to continue well past the reionization epoch. It also suggests a tantalizing explanation for the episodic nature of SF in some dwarfs, which, in this interpretation, would be linked to temporary halo excursions above and below the critical boundary. In the simulations, Mcrit(z) cleanly separates star-forming from non-star-forming systems at all redshifts, indicating that the ionizing UV background, and not stellar feedback, is what regulates the beginning and the end of SF in the faintest dwarfs. Galaxies in sub-critical halos should make up a sizable population of faint field dwarfs, distinct from those in more massive halos because of their lack of ongoing star formation. Although few such galaxies are known at present, the discovery of this population would provide strong support for our results. / Graduate

The Assembly of Galaxies Over Cosmic Time

Guo, Yicheng 01 September 2012 (has links)
To Understand how galaxies were assembled across the cosmic time remains one of the most outstanding questions in astronomy. The core of this question is how today's Hubble Sequence, namely the differentiation of galaxy morphology and its correlation to galaxy physical properties, is formed. In this thesis, we investigate the origin of the Hubble Sequence through galaxies at z~2, an epoch when the cosmic star formation activity reaches its peak and the properties of galaxies undergo dramatic transitions. Galaxies at z~2 have two important features that are distinct from nearby galaxies: much higher frequency of clumpy morphology in star-forming systems, and much compacter size. To understand the nature of the two features requires investigations on the sub-structure of galaxies in a multi-wavelength way. In this thesis, we study samples of galaxies that are selected from GOODS and HUDF, where ultra-deep and high-resolution optical and near-infrared images allow us to study the stellar populations of the sub-structures of galaxies at the rest-frame optical bands for the first time, to answer two questions: (1) the nature of kiloparsec-scale clumps in star-forming galaxies at z$\sim$2 and (2) the existence of color gradient and stellar population gradient in passively evolving galaxies at z~2, which may provide clues to the mechanisms of dramatic size evolution of this type of galaxies. We further design a set of color selection criteria to search for dusty star-forming galaxies and passively evolving galaxies at z~3 to explore the question: when today's Hubble Sequence has begun to appear.

Linking the Power Sources of Emission-Line Galaxy Nuclei from the Highest to the Lowest Redshifts

Constantin, Anca 24 November 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Supermassive black holes : the local supermassive black hole mass function

Vika, Marina January 2012 (has links)
Over recent years there has been an increase of the number of secure supermassive black hole (SMBH) detections. These SMBH measurements have lead astronomers to establish well defined empirical relationships between the SMBH mass and some of the properties of the host galaxy. The number of galaxies with SMBH mass measurements is currently limited to about 100. One approach of expanding the study of the SMBH is to use the empirical relations for estimating M[subscript(bh)] for larger samples of galaxies. The investigation of the SMBH population (or SMBH mass function) for large sample of galaxies in the nearby universe has helped to constrain the SMBH and the galaxy evolution. Previous estimates of the SMBH mass function at low redshift were produced mainly by combining the measurements of the galaxy luminosity or velocity function with one of the SMBH scaling relations. In the first part of the thesis I will present an independent construction of the nearby supermassive black hole mass function by applying the optical M[subscript(bh)]–L relation onto the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue (MGC). Additionally, in the second part I will provide photometric analysis of all UKIDSS galaxies for which SMBH masses have been measured. I will derive composite profiles of brightness, ellipticity and position angles of each galaxy. I will show that the Sérsic function fits the brightness profile of the majority of the elliptical galaxies and the bulge of disk galaxies and I will provide alternative multi-component fits when necessary. Then these photometric parameters will be used for constructing the M[subscript(bh)]–L relation in the near-IR and to investigate the M[subscript(bh)]–n relation. In the third part I will construct the near-IR SMBH mass function for the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey. For this purpose I will apply the newly derived M[subscript(bh)]–L relation onto an elliptical subsample of K-band images. The advantage of this SMBH mass function is that during the M[subscript(bh)]–L construction I used the same quality images and techniques used on the GAMA survey. Apart from the M[subscript(bh)]–L relation, the M[subscript(bh)]–sigma relation was used as an alternative approach for a subsample of galaxies for which the velocity dispersions were available. Furthermore, I employed both local SMBH mass functions (MGC & GAMA) for estimating the SMBH mass density at redshift zero and accounted for the dependence of the total SMBH density on the look-back time by comparing with semi-analytic SMBH mass functions. Finally, from the SMBH mass density I estimated the baryon fraction that is locked into SMBHs.

Determining the characteristic mass of DLA host haloes from 21cm fluctuations

Petrie, Stephen January 2010 (has links)
Absorption profiles are found in the observed spectra from quasars, and the most prominent of these are the Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers (DLAs). They are caused by large collections of neutral hydrogen (HI) gas, which are thought to be housed in galaxies that lie along the line-of-sight to quasars. HI gas associated with DLAs contains most of the HI gas in the Universe during 2 < z < 5, and hence details about DLAs are important for understanding the history of star formation, as well as the formation and evolution of galaxies. Wyithe (2008) proposed a method of determining the characteristic mass of dark matter haloes that host DLAs. This involves generating an analytic power spectrum of the fluctuations in 21cm brightness temperature caused by the HI gas in the Universe. Calculating this analytic 21cm power spectrum requires a formalism for the HI mass weighted clustering bias of DLAs on both large and small scales. We include this DLA clustering bias by firstly generating an analytic galaxy power spectrum using the halo model of Peacock & Smith (2000), as well as including the occupation of haloes by galaxies -- using the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) weighting of Peacock (2003). This weighting is then adapted to account for the occupation of haloes by HI gas. / We then fit the analytic 21cm power spectrum generated using this formalism to a simulated 21cm power spectrum, with the characteristic mass of DLA host haloes being used as a fitting parameter. The DLA host halo mass is in turn dependent upon two parameters in our model: the minimum mass of haloes M_{min} included in our formalism, and the HI weighting index alpha_{HI}. The neutral hydrogen fraction is another parameter, which we can choose to be the same as that from our simulation volume. If we also choose a value for alpha_{HI} that is motivated by analysis of the dark matter and HI gas content of the haloes in the simulation, then we are able to fit the 21cm power spectrum at both large and small scales, with an M_{min} that is the same or similar to the lowest mass in the simulation's halo catalogue. This in turn gives a similar value for the DLA host halo mass that is known to be the case in the simulation. This demonstrates the viability of the Wyithe (2008) method for determining the DLA host halo mass using observations of 21cm fluctuations. However, degeneracies in the free parameters of our analytic formalism would hinder an accurate determination of the DLA host halo mass from actual future observations. This is due to the fact that the real space, spherically averaged 21cm power spectrum is used throughout this thesis. However, extending our analytic formalism to the redshift space, angular-dependent 21cm power spectrum should be capable of breaking the degeneracy between DLA host halo mass and neutral hydrogen fraction.

Évolution chimique du Grand Nuage de Magellan / Chemical evolution of the Large Magellanic Cloud

Van der Swaelmen, Mathieu 12 April 2013 (has links)
Malgré des années de travaux théoriques et observationnels intensifs, nous sommes toujours loin d’une complète compréhension de l’univers proche, la Voie Lactée (MW) et ses galaxies voisines. Parmi les satellites de la MW, le Petit et le Grand Nuage de Magellan (LMC) sont particulièrement intéressants puisqu’ils forment le plus proche exemple de galaxies en interaction gravitationnelle et hydrodynamique, et partant, constituent un laboratoire unique pour étudier les effets des marées et l’échange de matière sur l’évolution chimique et l’histoire de la formation stellaire d’une galaxie. Le LMC est une galaxie de petite masse barrée à disque, prototype des galaxies riches en gaz que l’on pense jouer un rôle important dans la construction des grandes galaxies dans le cadre du ΛCDM. De plus, avec sa métallicité actuelle d’environ le tiers de la métallicité solaire, le chemin d’enrichissement chimique suivi par le LMC donne un grand poids aux yields des générations stellaires pauvres en métaux, ce qui fait du LMC un environnement idéal pour étudier la nucléosynthèse aux basses métallicités. Ce travail de doctorat vise à: 1) caractériser chimiquement la population de la barre du LMC, 2) comparer les tendances des éléments de la MW et du LMC et interpréter les différences ou ressemblance en termes d’évolution chimique et/ou de processus nucléosynthétiques (contraintes sur les sites et les processus nucléosynthétiques), 3) comparer l’évolution chimique de la barre et du disque interne du LMC et interpréter les différence ou ressemblance dans le contexte de la formation de la barre. Nos résultats montrent que l’histoire chimique du LMC a connu un forte contribution des supernovae de type I ainsi qu’un fort enrichissement en éléments s par les vents d’étoiles AGB pauvres en métaux. Par rapport à la MW, les étoiles massives ont eu une contribution plus petite à l’enrichissement chimique du LMC. Les différences observées entre la barre et le disque parlent en faveur d’un épisode de formation stellaire accrue il y a quelques Gyr, ayant lieu dans les zones centrales du LMC et conduisant à la formation de la barre. Ceci est en accord avec les histoires de la formation stellaire récemment dérivées. / Despite decades of intensive observational and theoretical work, we are still far from a complete and clear understanding of the nearby universe, the Milky Way (MW) and its neighbours. Among the satellites of the MW, the Small and Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are of particular interest since they form the closest example of galaxies in gravitational and hydrodynamical interaction, and therefore constitute a unique laboratory to study the effect of tides and matter exchange on the chemical evolution and star formation history of a galaxy. The LMC is a low-mass barred disc galaxy, prototypical of gas-rich galaxies that are thought to play an important role in the build-up of large galaxies in the ΛCDM framework. Furthermore, with its present day metallicity of only third of solar, the chemical enrichment path followed by the LMC gives a heavy weight to the yields of metal-poor stellar generations, which makes the LMC an ideal environment to study nucleosynthesis at low metallicities. This thesis work aims at: 1) chemically characterizing the LMC bar population, 2) comparing the elemental trends of the MW and the LMC and interpreting the differences or similarities in terms of chemical evolution and/or nucleosynthesis processes (constraints on the nucleosynthetic sites and processes), 3) comparing the chemical evolution of the LMC bar and inner disc and interpreting the differences or similarities between the LMC bar and inner disc in the context of the bar formation. Our results show that the chemical history of the LMC experienced a strong contribution from type Ia supernovae as well as a strong s-process enrichment from metal-poor AGB winds. Massive stars made a smaller contribution to the chemical enrichment compared to the MW. The observed differences between the bar and the disc speak in favour of an episode of enhanced star formation a few Gyr ago, occurring in the central parts of the LMC and leading to the formation of the bar. This is in agreement with recently derived star formation histories.

Galaxie se slupkami: kinematika slupek, rozpad satelitní galaxie a dynamické tření / Shell galaxies: kinematical signature of shells, satellite galaxy disruption and dynamical friction

Ebrová, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
Title: Shell galaxies: kinematical signature of shells, satellite galaxy disruption and dynamical friction Author: Ivana Ebrová Department / Institute: Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: RNDr. Bruno Jungwiert, Ph.D., Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Abstract: Stellar shells observed in many giant elliptical and lenticular as well as a few spiral and dwarf galaxies presumably result from radial minor mergers of galaxies. We show that the line-of-sight velocity distribution of the shells has a quadruple-peaked shape. We found simple analytical expressions that connect the positions of the four peaks of the line profile with the mass distribution of the galaxy, namely, the circular velocity at the given shell radius and the propagation velocity of the shell. The analytical expressions were applied to a test-particle simulation of a radial minor merger, and the potential of the simulated host galaxy was successfully recovered. Shell kinematics can thus become an independent tool to determine the content and distribution of dark matter in shell galaxies up to ~100 kpc from the center of the host galaxy. Moreover we investigate the dynamical friction and gradual disruption of the cannibalized galaxy...

The cosmic web unravelled : a study of filamentary structure in the Galaxy and Mass Assembly survey

Alpaslan, Mehmet January 2014 (has links)
I have investigated the properties of the large scale structure of the nearby Universe using data from the Galaxy and Mass Assembly survey (GAMA). I generated complementary halo mass estimates for all groups in the GAMA Galaxy Group Catalogue (G³C) using a modified caustic mass estimation algorithm. On average, the caustic mass estimates agree with dynamical mass estimates within a factor of 2 in 90% of groups. A volume limited sample of these groups and galaxies are used to generate the large scale structure catalogue. An adapted minimal spanning tree algorithm is used to identify and classify structures, detecting 643 filaments that measure up to 200 Mpc/h, each containing 8 groups on average. A secondary population of smaller coherent structures, dubbed `tendrils,' that link filaments together or penetrate into voids are also detected. On average, tendrils measure around 10 Mpc/h and contain 6 galaxies. The so-called line correlation function is used to prove that tendrils are real structures rather than accidental alignments. A population of isolated void galaxies are also identified. The properties of filaments and tendrils in observed and mock GAMA galaxy catalogues agree well. I go on to show that voids from other surveys that overlap with GAMA regions contain a large number of galaxies, primarily belonging to tendrils. This implies that void sizes are strongly dependent on the number density and sensitivity limits of the galaxies observed by a survey. Finally, I examine the properties of galaxies in different environments, finding that galaxies in filaments tend to be early-type, bright, spheroidal, and red whilst those in voids are typically the opposite: blue, late-type, and more faint. I show that group mass does not correlate with the brightness and morphologies of galaxies and that the primary driver of galaxy evolution is stellar mass.

Étude de quelques modèles cinétiques décrivant le phénomène d'évaporation en gravitation / Study of several kinetic models describing the evaporation phenomenon in gravitation

Carcaud, Pierre 02 June 2014 (has links)
L'étude de l'évolution de galaxies, et tout particulièrement du phénomène d'évaporation, a été pour la première fois menée à l'aide de modèles physiques, par Chandrasekhar notamment, dans les années 40. Depuis, de nouveaux modèles plus sophistiqués ont été introduits par les physiciens. Ces modèles d'évolution des galaxies sont des modèles cinétiques; bien connus et bien étudiés par les mathématiciens. Cependant, l'aspect évaporation (le fait que des étoiles sortent du système étudié) n'avait pas encore été étudié mathématiquement, à ma connaissance. La galaxie est vue comme un gaz constitué d'étoiles et le modèle consiste en une équation de Vlasov-Poisson, l'interaction étant la gravitation universelle, couplée avec au second membre un terme de collision de type Landau. On rajoute à ce modèle une condition d'évaporation qui consiste à dire que les étoiles dont l'énergie cinétique est suffisamment élevée pour quitter le système sont exclues. Ce modèle étant trop compliqué à étudier tel quel, je propose dans cette thèse plusieurs modèles simplifiés qui sont des premières étapes nécessaires à l'étude du modèle général et qui permettent de mieux comprendre les difficultés à surmonter. Dans une première partie, je m'intéresse au cas homogène en espace, pour lequel le terme de Vlasov-Poisson est remplacé par une simple dérivée en temps. Je fais une étude précise du cas à symétrie radiale en vitesse avec un potentiel Maxwellien, le terme de Landau étant alors remplacé par un terme de type Fokker-Planck, et je montre dans ce cas l'existence et l'unicité d'une solution régulière et l'existence d'un profil asymptotique des solutions. Dans le cas homogène général, je montre l'existence et l'unicité d'une solution régulière tout pendant que la masse ne s'est pas totalement évaporée. J'illustre ces résultats théoriques par des simulations numériques réalisés à l'aide de schéma numériques conservateurs. Dans une seconde partie, je m'intéresse au cas non homogène en espace en dérivant un modèle hydrodynamique pour un modèle de type Vlasov-BGK (plus simple que le modèle Vlasov-Poisson-Landau) avec évaporation. / The study of the evolution of the galaxies, and more specially of the evaporation phenomenon, was for the first time carried out, by Chandrasekhar in particular, in the 40s. Since then, more sophisticated models have been introduced by physicists. These models are kinetics models; well-known and well-studied by mathematicians. However, the evaporation (the fact that stars leave the galaxy) has never been studied before, to my knowledge. The galaxy is seen as a gaz of stars and the model is formed by a Vlasov-Poisson equation, with the gravitational interaction, coupled with Kernel of collision of Landau. A condition of evaporation is added to this model, saying the stars with a large enough kinetic energy are excluded. As this model is too complicated to be studied, I propose in this thesis several simpler models which constitute first steps toward the study of the general model and which inform us about the difficulties implied. In the first part, I am interested in the space-homogeneous model, for which the Vlasov-Poisson term is replaced by a simple time derivative. I make a precise study of the spherically symmetric case with a Maxwellian potential for which the the Landau term is replaced by a Fokker-Planck typed term, and I show the existence of a unique regular solution and the fact that this solution admits an asymptotical profile. In the general homogeneous case, I show the existence of a unique regular solution as long as the mass has not totally disappeared. Theses theoretical results are illustrated with numerical simulations obtained with conservative schemes. In the second part, I am interested in the inhomogeneous case and I derive an hydro-dynamical model for a Vlasov-BGK model (a simpler model than Vlasov-Poisson-Landau) with evaporation.

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