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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

[C ii] emission in z  ∼ 6 strongly lensed, star-forming galaxies

Knudsen, Kirsten K., Richard, Johan, Kneib, Jean-Paul, Jauzac, Mathilde, Clément, Benjamin, Drouart, Guillaume, Egami, Eiichi, Lindroos, Lukas 11 October 2016 (has links)
The far-infrared fine-structure line [C II] at 1900.5 GHz is known to be one of the brightest cooling lines in local galaxies, and therefore it has been suggested to be an efficient tracer for star formation in very high redshift galaxies. However, recent results for galaxies at z > 6 have yielded numerous non-detections in star-forming galaxies, except for quasars and submillimetre galaxies. We report the results of ALMA observations of two lensed, star-forming galaxies at z = 6.029 and z = 6.703. The galaxy A383-5.1 (star formation rate [SFR] of 3.2 M-circle dot yr(-1) and magnification of mu = 11.4 +/- 1.9) shows a line detection with L-[C II] = 8.9 x 10(6) L-circle dot, making it the lowest L-[C II] detection at z > 6. For MS0451-H (SFR = 0.4 M-circle dot yr(-1) and mu = 100 +/- 20) we provide an upper limit of L-[C II] < 3 x 10(5) L-circle dot, which is 1 dex below the local SFR-L-[C II] relations. The results are consistent with predictions for low-metallicity galaxies at z > 6; however, other effects could also play a role in terms of decreasing L-[CII]. The detection of A383-5.1 is encouraging and suggests that detections are possible, but much fainter than initially predicted.


Alberts, Stacey, Pope, Alexandra, Brodwin, Mark, Chung, Sun Mi, Cybulski, Ryan, Dey, Arjun, Eisenhardt, Peter R. M., Galametz, Audrey, Gonzalez, Anthony H., Jannuzi, Buell T., Stanford, S. Adam, Snyder, Gregory F., Stern, Daniel, Zeimann, Gregory R. 30 June 2016 (has links)
We present a detailed, multi-wavelength study of star formation (SF) and active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity in 11 near-infrared (IR) selected, spectroscopically confirmed massive (greater than or similar to 10(14)M(circle dot)) galaxy clusters at 1 < z < 1.75. Using new deep Herschel/PACS imaging, we characterize the optical to far-IR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for IR-luminous cluster galaxies, finding that they can, on average, be well described by field galaxy templates. Identification and decomposition of AGNs through SED fittings allows us to include the contribution to cluster SF from AGN host galaxies. We quantify the star-forming fraction, dust-obscured SF rates (SFRs) and specific SFRs for cluster galaxies as a function of cluster-centric radius and redshift. In good agreement with previous studies, we find that SF in cluster galaxies at z greater than or similar to 1.4 is largely consistent with field galaxies at similar epochs, indicating an era before significant quenching in the cluster cores (r < 0.5 Mpc). This is followed by a transition to lower SF activity as environmental quenching dominates by z similar to 1. Enhanced SFRs are found in lower mass (10.1< logM(kappa)/M-circle dot < 10.8) cluster galaxies. We find significant variation in SF from cluster to cluster within our uniformly selected sample, indicating that caution should be taken when evaluating individual clusters. We examine AGNs in clusters from z = 0.5-2, finding an excess AGN fraction at z greater than or similar to 1, suggesting environmental triggering of AGNs during this epoch. We argue that our results-a transition from field-like to quenched SF, enhanced SF in lower mass galaxies in the cluster cores, and excess AGNs-are consistent with a co-evolution between SF and AGNs in clusters and an increased merger rate in massive halos at high redshift.

Gravitational torque-driven black hole growth and feedback in cosmological simulations

Anglés-Alcázar, Daniel, Davé, Romeel, Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André, Özel, Feryal, Hopkins, Philip F. 21 January 2017 (has links)
We investigate black hole-host galaxy scaling relations in cosmological simulations with a self-consistent black hole growth and feedback model. Our sub-grid accretion model captures the key scalings governing angular momentum transport by gravitational torques from galactic scales down to parsec scales, while our kinetic feedback implementation enables the injection of outflows with properties chosen to match observed nuclear outflows (star formation-driven winds are not included to isolate the effects of black hole feedback). We show that 'quasar mode' feedback can have a large impact on the thermal properties of the intergalactic medium and the growth of galaxies and massive black holes for kinetic feedback efficiencies as low as 0.1 per cent relative to the bolometric luminosity. None the less, our simulations indicate that the black hole-host scaling relations are only weakly dependent on the effects of black hole feedback on galactic scales, since black hole feedback suppresses the growth of galaxies and massive black holes by a similar amount. In contrast, the rate at which gravitational torques feed the central black hole relative to the host galaxy star formation rate governs the slope and normalization of the black hole-host correlations. Our results suggest that a common gas supply regulated by gravitational torques is the primary driver of the observed co-evolution of black holes and galaxies.

Planck's dusty GEMS III. A massive lensing galaxy with a bottom-heavy stellar initial mass function at z=1.5

Canameras, R., Nesvadba, N. P. H., Kneissl, R., Limousin, M., Gavazzi, R., Scott, D., Dole, H., Frye, B., Koenig, S., Le Floc'h, E., Oteo, I. 24 March 2017 (has links)
We study the properties of the foreground galaxy of the Ruby, the brightest gravitationally lensed high-redshift galaxy on the sub-millimeter sky as probed by the Planck satellite, and part of our sample of Planck's dusty GEMS. The Ruby consists of an Einstein ring of 1.4" diameter at z = 3.005 observed with ALMA at 0.1" resolution, centered on a faint, red, massive lensing galaxy seen with HST/WFC3, which itself has an exceptionally high redshift, z = 1.525 +/- 0.001, as confirmed with VLT/X-shooter spectroscopy. Here we focus on the properties of the lens and the lensing model obtained with LENSTOOL. The rest-frame optical morphology of this system is strongly dominated by the lens, while the Ruby itself is highly obscured, and contributes less than 10% to the photometry out to the K band. The foreground galaxy has a lensing mass of (3.70 +/- 0.35) x 10(11) M-Theta Magnification factors are between 7 and 38 for individual clumps forming two image families along the Einstein ring. We present a decomposition of the foreground and background sources in the WFC3 images, and stellar population synthesis modeling with a range of star-formation histories for Chabrier and Salpeter initial mass functions (IMFs). Only the stellar mass range obtained with the latter agrees well with the lensing mass. This is consistent with the bottom-heavy IMFs of massive high-redshift galaxies expected from detailed studies of the stellar masses and mass profiles of their low-redshift descendants, and from models of turbulent gas fragmentation. This may be the first direct constraint on the IMF in a lens at z = 1.5, which is not a cluster central galaxy.

Impact of a Locally Measured H-0 on the Interpretation of Cosmic-chronometer Data

Wei, Jun-Jie, Melia, Fulvio, Wu, Xue-Feng 01 February 2017 (has links)
Many measurements in cosmology depend on the use of integrated distances or time, but. galaxies evolving passively on a timescale much longer than their age difference allow us to determine the expansion rate H(z) solely as a function of the redshift-time derivative dz/dt. These model-independent "cosmic chronometers" can therefore be powerful discriminators for testing different cosmologies. In previous applications, the available sources strongly disfavored models (such as Lambda CDM) predicting a variable acceleration, preferring instead a steady expansion rate over the redshift range 0 less than or similar to z less than or similar to 2. A more recent catalog of 30 objects appears to suggest non-steady expansion. In this paper, we show that such a result is entirely due to the inclusion of a high, locally inferred value of the Hubble constant H-0 as an additional datum in a set of otherwise pure cosmic-chronometer measurements. This H-0, however, is not the same as the background Hubble constant if the local expansion rate is influenced by a Hubble Bubble. Used on their own, the cosmic chronometers completely reverse this conclusion, favoring instead a constant expansion rate out to z similar to 2.

Etudes des propriétés physiques des galaxies par Herschel

Ciesla, Laure 29 November 2012 (has links)
Le Herschel Reference Survey (Boselli et al. 2010) est un programme clé à temps garanti conçu pour étudier les propriétés physiques du milieu interstellaire (MIS) de 323 galaxies proches, dotées de données multi-fréquences. Cet échantillon sélectionné en bande K et limité en volume est composé de galaxies couvrant tous les types de morphologies (des elliptiques aux galaxies spirales) et tous les types d'environnement (des galaxies de champs aux galaxies du centre de l'amas de la Vierge). Mon travail de thèse consiste à effectuer une photométrie submillimétrique précise de ces 323 galaxies, et de conduire une analyse statistique des propriétés du MIS de ces galaxies proches basée sur leur distribution spectrale d'énergie. Dans ce but, j'ai utilisé les modèles de Draine & Li (2007) que j'ai ajusté aux données. Les paramètres de sorties de ces modèles sont l'intensité du champ de radiation, l'abondance des PAH, la contribution des régions de photo-dissociation dans le chauffage de la poussière, et la masse de poussière. J'étudie les relations entre ces paramètres de sorties et les propriétés physiques telles que la masse stellaire, le taux de formation stellaire spécifique, la métallicité ou encore le type morphologique.Je vais présenter les études préliminaires liées à ces relations, entrainant une meilleur compréhension des processus en jeu dans le MIS, et procurer de nouveaux modèles infrarouges et submillimétriques paramétrés par les quantités physiques que je viens de citer. Ces modèles, calibrés sur les galaxies proches, seront déterminant pour l'étude des propriétés du MIS des galaxies à haut redshifts. / The Herschel Reference Survey (Boselli et al. 2010) is a guaranteed time key project aimed at studying the physical properties of the interstellar medium (ISM) of 323 nearby galaxies, covered by multi-wavelength data. This volume limited, K-band selected sample is composed of galaxies spanning the whole range of morphological types (from ellipticals to late-type spirals) and environments (from the field to the centre of the Virgo Cluster). My PhD work consists in performing a precise submillimeter photometry of every galaxies of the survey, and conducting a statistical study on the ISM properties of nearby galaxies based on the analysis of their spectral energy distributions. To achieve this goal I fit the data with the models of Draine & Li 2007. The output of Draine & Li (2007) models are the intensity of the interstellar radiation field, the PAH abundance, the contribution of photodissociation regions, the total mass of dust. I study the relations between these outputs and the physical properties such as the stellar mass, the specific star formation rate, the metallicity or the morphological type. I will present a preliminary analysis of these relations leading to a better understanding of the processes at play in the ISM and provide new infrared sets of templates from 8 to 500 microns parameterized by all the physical parameters just cited. These templates calibrated on nearby galaxies will be a benchmark for the study of the ISM properties of high redshift galaxies.

The fundamental plane of EDisCS galaxies (Corrigendum)

Saglia, R. P., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Bender, R., Simard, L., Desai, V., Aragón-Salamanca, A., Milvang-Jensen, B., Halliday, C., Jablonka, P., Noll, S., Poggianti, B., Clowe, D. I., De Lucia, G., Pelló, R., Rudnick, G., Valentinuzzi, T., White, S. D. M., Zaritsky, D. 19 December 2016 (has links)
We discovered a mistake in Eqs. (7) and (10) of Saglia et al. (2010, A&A, 524, A6), which propagates to Tables 8 and 9 and Fig. 25. We revise the tables, the figure and the affected statements in the paper. As a result, the reduction in the luminosity evolution due to the effects of the size and velocity dispersion evolution is smaller than claimed in Saglia et al. (2010).

Understanding the early stage of cluster formation

Ke Shi (6623981) 11 June 2019 (has links)
Understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies is a crucially important task in modern astronomy. It is well known that galaxy formation is strongly affected by the environments they reside in. Galaxy clusters, as the densest large-scale structures in the Universe, thus serve as ideal laboratories to study how galaxy formation proceeds in dense environments. Clusters already began to form at $z>2$, therefore to directly witness the early stage of galaxy formation in dense environments, it is necessary to identify progenitors of clusters (`protoclusters') and study their galaxy constituents within. In this thesis, I present two observational studies on high-redshift protoclusters at $z>3$. Utilizing multiwavelength data and different galaxy selection techniques, significant galaxy overdensities are found in the two protoclusters, which are predicted to evolve into Coma-like clusters by present day. Various types of galaxies are identified in the protocluster, such as normal star-forming galaxies, massive quiescent galaxies and post-starburst galaxies. Together with extreme and rare sources such as giant Lyman-alpha nebulae and brighest cluster galaxy, they paint a picture of how different galaxy populations trace the underlying dark matter halos. Finally, the environmental impact on galaxy properties appears to be a subtle one for these protoclusters, which might depend on the galaxy population one chooses to study.

Formação e evolução de galáxias: populações estelares na Via Láctea, galáxias elípticas e propriedades de galáxias em grupos / Galaxy Formation and Evolution: From the Milky Way to Galaxies in Groups

Trevisan, Marina 13 March 2012 (has links)
Entender como as galáxias se formam e evoluem ao longo do tempo é um dos maiores desafio da cosmologia moderna. Vários processos estão presentes na formação de galáxias, tais como o feedback de supernovas e núcleos galácticos ativos, evolução química e dinâmica, e também efeitos ambientais. Esta tese abrange estes processos, a partir de um ponto de vista observacional. A Via Láctea tem um papel fundamental na compreensão dos vários processos envolvidos na formação de uma galáxia, e começamos nosso projeto estudando nossa própria galáxia. Diferentes processos deixam assinaturas típicas na distribuição de velocidades e metalicidades das estrelas. Por esta razão, combinando cinemática e abundâncias químicas, foi possível determinar a origem de uma amostra de estrelas velhas e ricas em metais. Compreender como e onde essas estrelas se formaram está intimamente relacionado com mecanismos presentes na evolução do disco Galáctico. Apesar de não podermos observar estrelas individuais em galáxias distantes, somos capazes de inferir a história de formação destas galáxias combinando modelos de população estelar simples, de forma a reproduzir o espectro observado. Usando esta metodologia, foi possível traçar a história de formação estelar de galáxias elípticas, e dessa forma restringir os mecanismos de feedback que regulam a formação de estrelas em halos. No cenário Lambda-CDM, as estruturas menores são formadas primeiro, e então elas se agrupam, formando assim estruturas cada vez maiores. As galáxias, ao serem incorporadas à sistemas maiores, sofrem os efeitos de diversos processos que atuam em ambientes de alta densidade, mudando assim suas propriedades. Desta forma, a evolução das galáxias e a formação de estruturas em grande escala andam lado a lado, como mostramos em nosso estudo de propriedades de galáxias em grupos. Exploramos a distribuição espacial das galáxias na vizinhança de grupos, e também usamos a distribuição de velocidades das galáxias para determinar o estágio evolutivo do grupo. Foram encontradas correlações importantes entre o estágio evolutivo do grupo e as populações de galáxias que nestes residem. / Understanding the way galaxies form and evolve throughout the cosmic time remains one of the greatest challenges of modern cosmology. Several processes are known to play a role in the formation of galaxies, such as feedback from supernovae and active galactic nuclei, chemical and dynamical evolution and environmental effects. This thesis encompasses these processes, from an observational point of view. The Milky Way plays a pivotal role in understanding the various processes involved in the formation of a galaxy, and we start our understanding program by studying our own Galaxy. Different formation processes leave typical signatures in the velocity and metallicity distribution of stars. For this reason, we were able to trace the origin of old and metal-rich stars by combining their kinematics and chemical abundances. Understanding how and where these stars were formed is closely related to mechanisms driving the evolution of the Galactic disk. Although we cannot observe individual stars in distant galaxies, only the integrated spectra, we are able to infer the mass assembly history of galaxies by combining single stellar population (SSP) models that reproduce the observed spectrum. Using this methodology, we traced the star formation history of elliptical galaxies and, by studying the signatures left in the star formation history, we were able to constrain the feedback mechanisms regulating the star formation within halos. In the LCDM scenario, small scale structures are formed first, and then they merge forming larger and larger structures. Therefore, galaxies grow into more and more massive systems, and processes operating in these high-density environments change their properties. For this reason, galaxy evolution and formation of large-scale structures go hand in hand, as we show in our study of properties of galaxies in groups. We explored the spatial distribution of galaxies within and in the surrounding of groups, and we also used the velocity distribution of galaxies as a probe of the evolutionary stage of the group. We found important correlations between the evolutionary stage of the group and the population of galaxies residing within it.

Determining the characteristic mass of DLA host haloes from 21cm fluctuations /

Petrie, Stephen. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MPh)--University of Melbourne, Dept. of Physics, 2010. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-83)

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